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Chapter Five: actual kinda okay
Chapter 5: What's Worth Remembering

The first of roughly eleven or so irradiated dogs chasing after the pickup truck, struck by Murakumo's bullet directly in the head, lets out a pitiful yelp in response to the pain of the fatal attack, and its knees buckle inward and cause the limp body to tumble messily across the parking lot. Murakumo sustains her semi-automatic fire, her AK-47 spitting out more 7.62x39mm cartridges downrange. Some of the bullets are fatal, and more of them score hits on various limbs and the body, and the others begin to open fire as well. A half a minute of revolver and rifle fire produces eleven dead bodies of irradiated dogs, a bloodied parking lot, and a small pool of empty cartridges rolling across the parking lot across from the dogs as Murakumo lowers her nearly empty assault rifle.

That was a disgusting waste of munitions. Especially considering Damon and Mura could break their necks with one hand tied behind their backs. Now you could say they want to keep a low profile, but Damon knows that the leader guy who's name I've forgotten (Fuck it, Calling him The Governor) knows about the secret project that gave him powers.

Leaving that aside, it's rifle bullets on some fucking wild dogs! Use something else you wasteful bastards!

So The Governor goes over to congratulate them on helping fight off the attacking beasts.

"Her name's Murakumo. She's kept me company during my travels for a bit," Damon says.

"Oh! So she's your girl? She's mighty pretty; you're a lucky boy, I'll tell ya."

One moment.


Feh, okay so he tells him they don't have that kind of relationship (Yet, I'm sure. *Rolls eyes*) and that she's a "Friend I've know know or some time."

We all know by now he treats his friends, enemies, and anyone he meets. Douchey, Murdery, or both.

Then, The Governor stops chuckling. "Mura...kumo...? And those things above your head there, can't be...?"

Oh For fu- Is everyone with a name in this story going to know what the shipgirls are? Seriously what the fuck doesn't this guy know!

"But why do you want to talk to that guy in private?" Murakumo asks as she sets her assault rifle in the back behind her seat before climbing in her usual seat. "And it seemed like he had an idea about what I am..."

"Which worries me," Damon narrows his eyes as he pulls the truck away from its parking lot space into the garage that leads underneath the lot. "Why does he aware of your existence? I need to know."

Well since he already knew about you're shitty upbringing, he probably used to be part o the Federal Goverme-........oh FOR FUCKS SAKE!

"Why does he aware of your existence?"



When Mura asks if Damon plans on killing The Governor, he assures her he won't be killing this guy.

"No, I'm not, don't worry. Even if I wanted to assassinate him, the repercussions of killing him would be too annoying to have to deal with. I'd basically turn the entire South against me, and I've got my hands full planning to make enemies out of every other faction down South in a month or two's time anyway."

......the fuckin cahones on this guy!

"What should we take to our room?" Murakumo asks once the truck is properly parked and Damon shuts off the engine.

"Anything you wanna carry back, I guess. I'm just taking my backpack and my guns. The rest can stay here since the guards'll make sure no one touches any of the cars down what I'm hoping, anyway."

"That last part you just said doesn't seem too convincing."

"Well...I guess sometimes you just gotta cross your fingers and put your trust into the competence of other people."

"You make that sound like it's difficult to do."

"Personally, I find it really hard to do out of habit. Maybe you find it easy to pull off."

This is the behavior I'd expect from Mr-knife-to-the-head really.

The share more banter, nothing too bad honestly. When the incompetent setting and plot and EDGE aren't acting up I can almost say reading this is a tolerable experience. They reach their hotel room and Damon orders Murakumo to not join him at the metting with The Governor, for some reason.

"So do you just want me to stay here?"

"Do whatever. Hang out in town if you want."


Murakumo returns to snuggling up with her captured pillow as Damon goes to the bathroom to wash his face quickly and comb his slightly messy hair.

.......okay I admit, that bit was pretty adorable. Which just makes me sad, because this thing could be so much better if it were a half thought out, consistent setting he used.

He then immediately ruins it.

I'm off. Try not to cause trouble, 'k?" Damon calls as he opens the door to leave.

"What am I, your dog?"

"Hmm...close enough, I guess?"

CUT TO: Damon in The Governor's office.

"Tell me how much you know about the F.L.E.E.T. Project, and how you came to know about it exactly. The project was supposed to be top secret and known to nobody outside of the developers of the project and those employed within the field."

I mean if some smuckelfuck like you heard about it through rumor and heresay It's
probably not as secret as you think.

Long and short is, he had a friend who was a scientist on the project. That's about all he knows. Well this was a pointless venture that taught us nothing new.

"But another thing I do know is that they never got a chance to activate 'em properly...them...'ship girls' as Ken called 'em. And yet, here you are, a young 'un sittin' in front of me, with a girl with 'em weird ear thingies over her head, listenin' to your commands. Where'd you find her, anyway?"

"Back in Texas, that's where we came from. I was tipped off that might find something good there, and I chanced upon her."


Damon inches forward in his chair. "Also, if you don't mind, tell me how you know about the Genesis Thesis Project."

Bullshit name aside, ooooooh~ Information!

So The Governors son was part of the project, would have been Damon's age had
something not happened. His daughter and her unborn son didn't survive whatever procedure they went through, and now The Giver nor want's the G.T.P's heads on a platter.

"Promise me that you'll kill 'em lot for me in case I don't make it that far, eh?"

"I can't promise you anything, sir, but I'll damn well try."

Mr. Harrison laughs boomingly. "I'll take it, sonny! That's a better answer than I expected!" Mr. Harrison stoops a bit to reach the lowest drawer of his desk, and Damon hears the drawer open and some clunking of boxes. Finally, the old man shuts the drawer and places a simple silver-lined white box on his desk and pushes it towards Damon.

"What's this, sir?" Damon asks, looking at the box curiously.

"This, son," Mr. Harrison begins, "was given to me on my fortieth birthday. That was twenty years ago...and I've never opened it for a whole plethora 'a reasons. I've always kept it, but it's never seen the light 'a day, and whenever I'm reminded of it, I get kinda sad inside, knowin' that it's never been able to do what it's meant to do. You, son...I have a feelin' you'll make this baby proud. Go ahead 'n open it."

....I actually like this scene so far, names are stupid as sin of course, but I feel that these two are being a little
interesting. Had this been anyone else as our protagonist I'd actually stat to feel some investment.

Damon unlocks the latches on the side of the box and lifts the cover. Inside the box lies a single handgun: the I.M.I. Desert Eagle. Its slide has been painted a sleek navy blue, and the body is chromed to perfection with the outline of a bald eagle to give a perfect and sharp, crisp contrast to the human eye. The grip is a matted black, and underneath the slide on both sides of the handgun are written the words, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

.....Okay I'm a sucker for a good revenge gun.

Damon places the Desert Eagle back in its case and shuts the lid. "I'll do my best, sir."

Mr. Harrison beams fiercely at Damon.

"Damn straight you will."

Damon closes the lid, and Mr. Harrison leans back in his chair.

That was a good fucking scene! best one in the fic so fa-

"So allow me to ask you this, son. What do you plan on doin' with that ship girl, exactly?"

"I'm an ambitious guy, Mr. Harrison. I have plans...but I'm afraid I have to be unwilling to reveal them so soon."

-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright this is Ambiance what the fuck did I expect. *Sigh*

Mr. Harrison laughs again. "I see, I see! A secretive hero, using an unknown technology to save the world! No, jokes aside, I understand. You are the one who found her, after all, so who am I to ask what you will and won't do with her."


The Boss stabs his cigar at Damon. "One final word, son: head to the U.S.S. Alabama that's docked nearby and check it out. You might find somethin' useful for that ship girl of yours. That ship's been sittin' out there docked since '64 when they turned it into a museum ship, and the hilarious thing is, those guns that she has? They all still work, 'cause the museum employees maintained them throughout the years. You might get lucky...hell, there's a reason why they called her Lucky A."

Apologies in advance to @Breakaway25 , I have only poor tidings for how 'Bama is going to be written.

He returns to his hotel room, and give Mura the D'eagle that was gifted to him. Actually a little smart considering she's probably programmed to fight in a similar way with her cannons.

"For all your boasts and pride of being a ship girl, I guess you still have a human body," Damon smirks lightly.

"Sh-Sh-Shut up! We haven't eaten since lunch, a-and that was, like, seven hours ago! ! !" Murakumo shrieks, slapping him on the back with another pillow from the bed.

"Well...for the time being, stop hitting me with the pillow and put it back. Let's go eat, and we'll look around for things to shop. For one, you need a pair of pajamas."

Murakumo looks down at her clothes. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothing, but don't you think it's uncomfortable sleeping in your daily clothes?"

"But that's what we've been doing for the last day or two."

"That's because we were sleeping in a damn truck. Sleeping in a nice bed like this is kinda different...but then again, you wouldn't know."
Pajamas in the.....whatever. Pick your battles D.

Thirty minutes later, Murakumo cannot help but gape in awe at her giant plate that holds wood-fired slabs of hickory ham, fried chicken, sweet potatoes, cornbread, and biscuits dripping with rich honey. The two of them are sitting inside a crowded family restaurant, where many important-looking people in business suits and semi-casual attire sit around and drink and socialize.

I guess food isn't an issue in-PICK YOUR FUCKING BATTLES D.

"...this right here is one of the reasons why I want to fight to rebuild the world that everyone used to live in before the bombs dropped. So that everyone has a chance to taste and enjoy good food like this and not have to pay one fucking hundred bucks for it. Eat up, and you'll see what I mean."

......I'm pretty sure that kind of meal for two would still cost a bit off money. Especially since you went to the fancier dining place.

Murakumo swallows another mouthful of chicken. "I suppose if this is what you're trying to take over the world for, I guess I can understand," she says quickly before ripping another chunk out of her chicken.

"What, do you see me as someone who would destroy the world over a single piece of fried chicken?"

Murakumo nods emphatically with the chicken still in her mouth.

"Oh image that I never cared about is starting to crumble apart..." Damon snorts sarcastically as he returns to consuming his baby back ribs. may be that I've gone through all of My Immortal that makes me say of this Fic are starting to endear itself to me in these small snippets of character dialogue.

How's he gonna fuck it up. Two strikes already, where's #3.

"Let me put it this way. Food is one of the best ways to leave an impression on a human being, since it's an essential part of human life, or just life in general. You have to have food to live. It doesn't have to be great food - as long as you acquire the necessary nutrients to sustain your body, the kind of food shouldn't matter. But for us humans, it does. Nobody wants to be stuck eating shit out of a can for the rest of their lives. For a lot of people, food is what defines them - either as individuals or as their cultural identities. Obviously the importance of food differs from person to person, but it's always a core element of what it means to be human. You're not an exception either, Murakumo. You might have a mechanical interior and have a more durable body than normal humans, but in the end you still have human tendencies and characteristics. You've enjoyed this food as much as I have. Maybe one day in the future you'll think back to this night and remember the first time you've had food like this. That's what I'm trying to go for - to allow people the ability to think reminisce and replicate the good times of the past, a past that was denied to them all because a handful of retarded fuckers decided it was time to push a big red motherfucking button on the control panel."

Long story Short: Damon likes food. `:p

......this was a alright chapter, can't be awful 100% of the time I suppose. Now if only the past four chapters were this okay.
"Guns still work."

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, no. I've been to that ship, many times. Those guns are nowhere close to working condition. Hell in the case of the number two turret, they took a pretty big chunk out of the barbette so you can go inside it. That turret will never move again. None of the optics are in working condition, and the firing components are so shot, you would have to tear everything out and replace it all wholesale.
Warning: Warning
I'm almost tempted to link this thread to him in a review....
warning Alternatively, you could remember that using this forum as a platform to direct targeted harassment at another person online is against the site rules and will get you infracted.

That goes for anyone else thinking in a similar direction.
The author already knows about this, he referenced it in the last chapter author's note
Chapter Six: Unexplained powers and double the sodomy!
Ayyyy lmaaaao

How the fuck is this gonna-Hey SV! Ambiance again, but this time I have a little…...Nickel is here and this is gonna get really, really weird to make. But I'm doing it anyway, because De3ta.

Hey, I'm Oscar. And welcome to jackass-wait, we're reading things?

Oh goddamnit, Cullus, I was told we were going on a manhunt.

I promised nothing! And Space ya shit right, we gotta look pretty!

Don't edit out my Nothin's!

*Insert Civil War Poster here*


' is a valid way to shorten words bub! Ya feelin' me!

Ya, I feel ya brudda!


I will spell check all the things!

*spell check.

We're gonna be here awhile…... (Editor' Note: We in fact were there for awhile)

Anyway! We're here for edge, and that's what you're gonna get, folks!

Chapter 6: A Care Package?


Damon slowly opens his eyes, finding himself staring up at the ceiling of his hotel room. Having slept in his boxers and a fresh, clean t-shirt provided by the hotel at his request, he rubs his eyes and tries to sit up, but something holds him down. He looks to his right, and Murakumo, in the black pajamas and a long-sleeved nightshirt, is sleeping soundly next to him to his right. Her head is situated on top of his right shoulder so that the top of her diluted pale blue hair just barely tickles Damon's nose, and Murakumo's right arm is lying across his belly. Damon looks over to the right side of the bed, where Murakumo had gone to sleep the prior night, her back turned to him and lying on her side as closely as possible to the edge of the bed, away from Damon.

Tsundere girl hugs the guy she's being tsundere towards in her sleep cliche. *Ding*.

Hey! I try and be subtle about my shameless rip-off!......I mean-uh….SHIT I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT!

She probably acts a lot different while she's asleep, Damon thinks to himself. But he doesn't know how he'll get up from bed without waking Murakumo up. As he inhales, Damon can pick up the pleasant smell of Murakumo's hair, having been freshly washed and shampooed from the shower she had taken before going to bed. He takes a lock of Murakumo's hair with his unoccupied left hand and brings it to his nose, sniffing lightly.


He then sniffs her hair like a total creep.

Like, grabs it and sniffs it. Not just accidentally inhales the scent, he actually….is he edgy or perverted? Pick one, damnit!

A good whiff of the stuff.

"...reminds me of Mom..." he mutters quietly.

Hey! An Oedipus complex is my thing! (Don't ask, blame @AWACS Sky Eye)

His mom sleeps on him? Wow. Damon's MILF game be strong. (I'm so sorry)

That explains so much and….so little at the same time.

I thought he barely knew his mom?

She died when he was like two, yes.

Then how does he remember all of that?! How does he remember what his mother smells like when he was two?!

No idea, but if we stick with this and try to Psychoanalyze Damon we'll be here all day.

Damon doesn't know why Murakumo's hair reminds him of his late mother. He spends the next ten minutes or so continuing to lie in bed, trying to figure out why just the scent of the hair of a ship girl he is now in direct command of reminds him of his own mother. Maybe it's because his mother's hair had a similar scent to it, but how he would remember that after fifteen years, especially when the last time he could have possibly seen her, let alone get close enough to smell her hair, is a mystery to him. Her words would always stay with him, as he deemed them significant. But everything else...

…….and he brings that up to….the dangers of doing this paragraph by paragraph.

Well, what other ways are there? Sentence by sentence....?


*Wink point*

Damon's mind wanders, as it tends to do when his mind is hazy when waking from an unconscious state. He recalls a past memory of himself talking with other boys his age at the CCPL Post in Chicago that he had lived in for a time when he was around late middle school age. One of the kids had talked about the concept of destiny - how he thought it was their "destiny" to live in a barren world where they were surrounded by radiation that trapped them in these ghetto-like compounds called CCPL's because of what their parents did before them. None of the boys really took him seriously, but Damon kept that notion to himself. Was that what destiny was? How could he tell for sure? He figured that he couldn't argue against it, if he were to hold the definition of the word "destiny" to be true. But at the same time, following that logic, because you couldn't prove or disprove destiny, he could either choose to abandon it and its meaning or accept it and forge a destiny for himself. The latter sounded much more appealing.

Well first off, Shout Out to @Skywalker_T-65 and his kancolle fic "Destiny," go and read that you fools, don't waste away like we are.

No, really. Anything would be better than reading this. What we did last night was better than this.

And we spent four hours binge-watching some fuckers read My Immortal. All of it. Until like 2 am.

ALL 11 EPISODES. *Sobs incoherently*

I was trippin' balls on sleep-deprivation after that. Only reason why we didn't do this then was because I couldn't stomach to read what turned out to be the best chapter so far. The timing on that shit.

So then, by this reasoning, was it "destiny" that he would come to uncover the Fifth Fubuki Class Destroyer of the F.L.E.E.T. Project, Murakumo? Was his "destiny" only confined to finding this girl, or would it extend to the vision and goals that he had set for himself? You're not reminded of someone very important to you, like your mother or sibling, by someone totally random for no apparent reason - that kind of coincidence would be devastating enough to skew the world's sense of reason altogether. While Damon wasn't particularly religious or base his beliefs in a higher power, the fact that Murakumo apparently resembled his dead mother in the hair scent department didn't make much sense out of the whole "destiny" thing.

Oh my god he's still going on about this.

This isn't a tangent, this is a fucking derailed train slamming into a nuclear reactor.

I thought we we're the train?

…..Oh shit, you're right.

We are the train crashing into the Nuclear meltdown that is this fic!

To re-rail ourselves, where did this come from? I admit I've gotten weirdly introspective at like 6 am when i'm half asleep, but this is a story. Shit like this need a point!

Oh shit, you're turning into Damon!

Time to Reset my brain again! *Chuggs*


Damon was "destined" to meet this girl named Murakumo, who had been brought into existence, born a machine in a human's body.

That sounds very strange to Damon. He's not sure if he really likes it or not. It sounds corny, to begin with.

"Damon is very confused by these thoughts he's having, Damon want's to go back to a simpler time where Damon could kill dogs. Damon doesn't like dogs."


I make him out to be an imbecile, he's more a wannabe Victor Von Doom.

….Oh shit, you're right.

"Damon will not be held back by such things as morality or logic! Damon shall be the one to bring this country back to the way it was"

In essence, Damon will make America Great again.

He's gonna wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN.

I think we're mixing up Donald Trump and Senator Armstrong again.

I fucking hope this asshole doesn't get nanomachines.

He already has, that knife. The one that hacks shipgirls via stab wound.

Well, I mean. Actual nanomachines. But I guess he has those too up his magic asshole of tricks.

Damon looks down at Murakumo. Her face exhibits a peaceful, worry-free, ignorant facade that is painlessly unaware of the hardships that they would inevitably have to face once they leave the friendly faction of Mobile. It is very different from the glares, the indifference, or the embarrassed hisses that he would normally get out of her, depending on the situation. Neither gleeful nor frustrated, neither scowling nor crying. Only a mask of peace that, to Damon, who is unaccustomed to seeing her wear any other kind of facade, finds uncomfortably unsettling.

I'm 99% sure rabbit want's to tear Damon's arm off right now. I mean more than we do.

He's staring at her. He's not getting up, getting clean, or dressing himself right for the day. Just….staring at her while she sleeps.

This would make sense only if…..oh god no.

*Insert Lenny here*

No you pervert! (I wanted to make that joke!) I meant they might have a romance subplot being made! Which is, granted, a better thing that that. But will no doubt be as painful to read if for different reasons.

"He stuck his thingie in her you-know-what."

OhGodFuckingDammitJustSayTheWordPenisYouWhineyGothFuckta-*INHALE* Sorry, sorry. Wrong Fic.

But the more Damon gazes at her sleeping face, the more he realizes what it means to him. This, too, was what he is fighting for. Just like how he had explained why he would fight for the food that he and Murakumo had eaten for dinner the prior night, this, too, was what he is trying to protect - a peaceful, worryless environment in which a couple, a family could enjoy their night without having to worry about the cold freezing them in their sleep, about bandits and other rogues who might find them while they are sleeping and kill them in their sleep and make off with their possessions, about the radiation warnings that, if they slept through, would tell of radiation waves that would sweep over them and smother them.


Lemmie get that scene from that Mega Man X game with the VO….

He's ticking the boxes. Slowly, ever so slowly, he's becoming Shirou Emiya.

Still of higher quality that this fic…..also I think the lady who Voices Sera Victoria in hellsing Ultimate does Iris's voice. Sounds like it.

Really? Huh. Small world.

The innocence from sin.

Yeah, that's it.

The innocence from sin...

...that's what he was fighting for, among many other things.


*Insert persona joke here*

Damon's mind continues to wander. Could he possibly fulfill his goals of creating a better world starting with only on ship girl who now slept in his arms in a set of pajamas that he had bought for her while their clothes were being laundered? Was this all just going to be one giant mistake, and they would become more of an obligation than a resource? What if they were going to turn against him? Were there even more out there? Would he manage to get them properly armed to begin with, as they were intended? So many problems and pitfalls, ready to open up at any potential opportunity to make him earn a one way trip straight to hell.

Fuck yeah i hope they turn against him! Throw that fucker overboard, make him walk the plank! You can bend his spine like a fucking straw if you can lift and use those naval guns!

But muh nanoknife!


Nah, let Mura do that. Make sure the knife is rusty first.

Question: does she wear those head-antenna-things on her head while she sleeps?

I hope so. So she can beat him with them RIGHT NOW.

Maybe they're like headlights, set that shit to full brightness!

That's what he feared most: the very real possibility that he could die before accomplishing what he wants to accomplish





That's what he feared most: the very real possibility that he could die before accomplishing what he wants to accomplish. At the very least, he wants to be able to do just enough so that his plans would be able to set themselves into motion so that the world he envisions himself rebuilding can rebuild itself even after his death. Even though it would basically be a me-versus-world fight, Damon felt that he could do this. He wouldn't accept anything less than absolute success, no matter what it took. He had lost his mother, who meant the world - no, the whole goddamn universe - to him at an age too early to experience a loss like that. Knowing what that was like, every other loss would seem insignificant and petty by comparison, so long as it wasn't his own life.




…..If this fucker puts Mura into a Nightwing costume, SO HELP ME GOD, I WILL-

Hmm, Mura nightwing no. A Robin costume is more likely…….AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-

Enough with the bullshit. Enough with the suffering. Enough with the chaos. Enough with the misery.

Anything to get the job done. Anything at all...

If i wanted that I'D BE ANYWHERE BUT HERE.

He's….he's lampshading the fic. He's breaking the fourth wall.

With all these Lampshades, he's gonna hang himself one of these days!

Well, here's hoping Mura shoves a bulb up his ass….

I smell shenanigans!

I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL PISTOL WHIP THE NEXT GUY WHO SAYS--....Wait, no one gets the reference? No one?....Dammit.

What are you on about? Shenanigans?

Movie. A scene in it involving the word Shenanigans. Nevermind. *Pout*

Murakumo's sleepy whimpering drags Damon's mind back to reality out of his self-contemplation, and he watches as Murakumo wake up, lifting her heavy head off his shoulder and drowsily gaze at him.

"Fueehhh...? Da...mon...?" the ship girl mumbles, her main processing unit in her head still struggling to match itself with its human bodily functions after just having been activated after many years of inactivity.

Considering when she was made, these Shipgirls would probably run off dial-up.

….My god how horrifying.

But yeah, you have a point.

"Mornin'," Damon says in a clear voice. "You seem awfully clingy today."

"Cling...y...?" Murakumo blinks a few times before realizing just how close she is to her Admiral.

"...huh? Wa, wa - "



Murakumo immediately backs up away from him, almost jumping out of the covers and toppling backwards off the right side of the bed, crashing against the ground with a loud and painful thump. Damon can hear her whimper "Ow, ow, ow..." as she sits up, rubbing her head.

We have lift off…….

T-Minus 5 Seconds to impact…..

…'s fun to bully the Mura.

"Well, I guess that's one way to wake yourself up. I never thought of that before, thanks, Murakumo," Damon says unamusedly as he, too, sits up and throws the covers off himself.



"Y-Y-You - ! ! !" Murakumo shrieks, wagging her finger at Damon. "W-W-What'd you do to me last night?!"

Damon frowns at her. "Do to you? I bought you a pair of pajamas so you'd have something more comfortable to wear. What's with that?"

I don't think he meant to imply that he undressed her while she was asleep…..But It feels that way.

I think she was implying….a bit more than that. *Reaches for his whistle slowly*

Don't bother, I have the MPs on speed-dial.

"Th-That's n-not what I mean, you big idiot! ! ! Why was I sleeping right next to y-you?!"

"You did that."

Wrong move.


"N-NO I DIDN'T! ! ! !" Murakumo is positively screaming at Damon now, on top of being on the verge of tears in her excessive anger and embarrassment. "I WAS SLEEPING RIGHT HERE - " she slams her fist emphatically on her side of the bed - "LAST NIGHT WHEN I WENT TO SLEEP! WHY WOULD I ALL OF A SUDDEN JUST WAKE UP RIGHT NEXT TO YOU?! THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! ! ! !"

Okay, is it me, or does she seem like she's overreacting a tad bit?

………..Well you see Oscar, this is actually a Harem Comedy. So she's got to react to the eleventh degree.

Harem...oh god. Oh god no. Not Amatsukaze.

Look on the bright side! You don't know that she's a character in this. Suffer like the old boar! SUFFER!

*Cries into ice cream tub*

Damon sighs loudly. "First off, keep your voice down, because I really don't need someone screaming in my fucking ear first thing in the morning. Second off, you're basically a computer. See if you have any sensors that recorded the events of last night that might indicate what happened during the night. That way we'll know if it was you or me. It could've been me, for all we know."

…..this is how he's gonna justifiy how he treats the girls for awhile isn't it?

Wait, you mean he hasn't been using everything else for that?


Also why would she have a recording device, how would it record more than audio if she shuts her eyes when she sleeps?

Maybe….maybe it's the little things on her head? I mean, they do have something like lights on them...maybe they're cameras?



Point taken.

Murakumo readjusts her mechanical ears so that they float properly above her head. "That's not going to prove anything. Besides, how would someone like you know if I even have any equipment like that built in alread - " But before she can finish her sentence, she stops talking. Damon watches with growing amusement as Murakumo's face turns from its usual color to a light red, then a bright red, then a dark red that covers her entire face.

…...I know Murakumo is described as a "Tsundere," and all. This feels a tad…..Not out of character, but….off for her.

Yeah, this is a wee bit toward left field. Not a foul ball like the rest of this fic, but it's leaning.

"You seem to be shaking a bit, Murakumo," Damon says, unable to hide a smirk of his own while watching the emotional roller coaster that is apparent on his ship girl's face. "Are you cold? Maybe you need a bit of a hug from your Admiral?"



Murakumo, instigated by his teasing words, stands up suddenly and whips her right arm out to her side. On the center of her right palm opens a small panel that ejects a cube the size of a large icecube, and it expands itself almost instantly into a four-foot polearm, which she grabs and whacks Damon over the head with before running away into the bathroom, slamming the door shut, and locking it.


Nanomachines, son.

" it was her..." Damon mutters, rubbing the top of his head and grunting with pain. "And I guess that's what the polearm that she mentioned earlier looks like..."

Damon walks to the kitchen to fix up a small breakfast of cold hard-boiled eggs that he had bought in town after dinner the evening before, with a side of some hashbrowns to wait until Murakumo calms down.

Wait, they're in a hotel! WHAT POST-APOCOL-*Slaps self* It's no one of those stories D, move on!





*Sobs incoherently*


Well one of us is….*Looks at Oscar*

*Curls up on the floor*

What does it meaaaaannnnnn

Damon calls as he hears the bathroom door open again some ten minutes later. "Breakfast's ready. It's not much, but it'll get us going."

Murakumo slumps in her chair at the table as Damon passes her a small plate with freshly cooked hashbrowns and a single heated hard-boiled egg.

"I can't believe I did that..." she mumbles pathetically as she lethargically directs the hashbrowns into her mouth with a wooden fork.

"For a second, I thought it might've been me," Damon said, also sitting at the table with his own breakfast. "I don't blame you for thinking I dragged you to my side of the bed.

Holy shit, is he actually trying to not be a total ass in this scene?

I don't think he knows how.


Murakumo glares at him. "Just so you know, we're never sleeping in the same bed again. I don't care if I have to take the floor."

"Alright, I'll remember that. The bed is reserved for the Admiral at all times. Ship girls restricted. Got it." Damon nods as he forks hashbrowns into his mouth.


"I want to hit you."




"You already did."

"Then don't mind if I do it again."

"Then I'll be inclined to defend myself. Why tell me about it?"

Oh god they're flirting again! *Ding*

It's like they're a married couple. Get a room, you tw-oh wait.

Damon is NTRing rabbit before our very eyes!

Oh sweet Jesus, you're right.

….he is gonna kick our asses for this later.

Murakumo leans over the table to bop Damon on the head again, but he catches her arm this time and keeps a firm grip - so firm, in fact, that Murakumo's body sensors alert her that blood flow is being cut off to her left hand.


More super strength. *Ding*

"L-Let go," she says. "I get it, I get it." Damon does so. "So? What're we doing today? Just traveling more again?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. But first, we have somewhere to visit."


"Yeah. Old man Harrison gave me the slip about a special place I think you ought to go to before we move on to Charleston when I went to talk to him yesterday."

"So what is this place?"

Damon peels the shell off his hard boiled egg.

"The U.S.S. Alabama."

I've been aboard the USS Alabama. I have the distinct feeling this next bit will make me regret living.



Two guardsmen on watch duty that morning, sitting at the foot of the bridge leading onto the main deck of the U.S.S. Alabama, look up from their newspapers and morning coffee to find Murakumo and Damon approaching them from the hotel. When they come close, one of the guards, holding an MP5-A4 submachine gun, stops them.

A little bit of gun porn. Did he have to identify the exact weapon? Is Damon just so obsessed with weapons that he can tell what they are at first glance?


It's the only way he can get an erection. His Playboy was a copy of Guns and Bullets.


"You Damon Polchow?" he asks Damon, to which Damon nods. "Okay. Harrison told us to be expecting you sometime, but we'll only give you an hour to snoop around in there. We don't want other people to get the wrong idea when they see you on board that ship - they'll start thinkin' it's okay to start living in the ship like they always do, and we can't allow that. Sorry if this's inconvenient, but we're not trying to make our own jobs any harder."

Why is the ship guarded like this again? Did he just not wanna get accused of ripping off Rivet City?

Well, Rivet City was a Carrier.

BB's are still pretty big!


And without the munitions you have some interior space to-goddammit.

Damon nods. "Sure, that's fine. C'mon, Murakumo."

They begin crossing the metal bridge over to the ship, but Murakumo simply stands and stares at

the massive battleship before walking onto the bridge. Damon turns around at her.

"Like they said, we only got an hour, and I don't wanna waste it."

Murakumo shakes her head back to focus. "'s just..."

"Find it hard to believe that you're modeled after ships like this?" Damon finishes for her. "So do I, but I'd much rather have you than this big-ass, hulking thing in a world like this. It's economical..."

They go inside 'Bama….*Looks at Oscar*

Hey, at least it ain't Wisconsin. I actually slept inside her for three days.

*Lenny again*


They reach the main deck of the U.S.S. Alabama. Damon hops off the bridge onto the deck first, then Murakumo. But as soon as Murakumo sets her feet onto the deck, a pulse of very pale light blue energy momentarily and fleetingly beats from her feet onto the deck. Damon, catching this phenomenon out of the corner of his eye, swings immediately to her with his hand on his Glock 37.

"Murakumo!" he says in a tense voice. "What was that?"

Murakumo does not answer him right away. Instead, she blinks slowly, looking and gazing up and down the battleship as if she is trying to search for something.

"Murakumo, answer me, I need an answer here," Damon presses on.

"Hold on," she replies hesitantly. " Alabama..."

"What about it? What's going on with the ship?"

"''s trying to...I think it's trying to talk to me..."



Damon finds his mouth slightly ajar in confusion. "...what? It's talking to you?"

Murakumo nods slowly.

"What the fuck? That's not possible. Battleships like this aren't sentient beings like you, even if your natures are similar," Damon mutters. "Then assuming you're not intentionally trying to scare the shit outta me, what's it saying to you right now?"

" don't...I don't know..." Murakumo slowly starts walking towards main deck. "I'm trying to decode it as best I can..."

"Decode it? What the fuck's going on..." Damon decides that it is best for Murakumo to take the lead and follows her closely with his Glock 37 out and ready, in case of an emergency. "Murakumo, can you at least carry your rifle in case anything happens?"

Damon, you are talking to an android/cyborg of a WW II Warship. You have BLUE FUCKING HAIR! How is this outside the realm of possibility!

*Facepalm* I do not fear senseless idiots, I fear idiots with enough sense to make their thoughts coherent….

Murakumo slowly pulls her strapped AK-47 off her back and continues walking slowly across the side decks.

They inch along like this until they are standing directly in the center of the main deck of the U.S.S. Alabama.

"...I...I don't understand what it's trying to say..." Murakumo whispers, almost in a terrified tone of voice. "All I know is that it told me to come here...I don't know what else..."

Damon looks around the main deck for anything suspicious, in case someone is trying to hack Murakumo electronically. Finding nothing, he faces his ship girl again.

"Murakumo, what are the signals that you're receiving like?"

Murakumo frowns urgently. "It's...they're all coming in like these weird dots and dashes...for some reason, I understand a few of them, but nothing else more than that..."

"Dots and dashes...?" Damon also furrows his eyebrows, scratching his head in thought. Then, it hits him.

"It's Morse code," he concludes. "Murakumo, switch your incoming signal receptors to Morse code. Do you have it?"

"Morse?" She closes her eyes, her processing units working hard to search her entire database for knowledge of Morse code. Damon notices that her mechanical ears floating above her head are glowing apple green as she processes his order.

….does this mean we can use Murakumo as a Wi-Fi hotspot?

*Whips out his phone*


"Found it," she says with a noticeable tone of relief. "Switching receptors to Morse code now."

"Shouldn't you ship girls already have multiple language interfaces already set up?" Damon sighs as Murakumo now deciphers the logs of Morse code that she was receiving from the Alabama."I don't know if that's a problem on your end or your programmers..."

"Hey, don't look at me, I wasn't programmed to receive incoming transmissions in Morse!"

"Then what were you programmed to understand?"

"Natural language interfaces, what else? Do you still see me as a ship? This is a human body that I have, you know! I'm still limited by the physical restraints of the human brain!"

B-but you are a computer tho. You literally brought up her processors in this chapter! She should be able to understand more, if not for that, then for the fact SHE'S A FUCKING WARSHIP FROM WW II! PRETTY SURE THEY STILL USED THAT SHIT THEN AND NOW.

The only thing this fic has going for it is the micrometer of consistency, and it looks like it wants to throw that away too.

Whatever, just tell me what this ship's been saying to you."

Murakumo quickly compiles a complete log of translated Morse code. "This is what it said: 'Greetings, Fifth Fubuki-Class Destroyer Murakumo, and welcome aboard the U.S.S. Alabama. Currently, I am decommissioned and am serving as a museum ship to the people of the state of Alabama, after which I was named. However, my caretakers have maintained my condition as an operable battleship, so all equipment that is present on me at the moment is operable and available. Please come to the main decks - you will find something of value there."


No. Like Break said, the guns are nowhere near operable condition right now, much less through nuclear war.

Besides that, what use would they be to them!

Damon and Murakumo look at each other at the same time.

"...something of value?" Damon asks. "Like what?"

"How should I know?"

"Hmm...I wanna know how an authentic World War II-era battleship is somehow communicating with you, I'll ask questions later. Look around for this...valuable something, I guess."

They spend a few minutes searching for anything that might be of value. Murakumo walks around, staring intently at the pair of 16-inch Mark VI guns facing silently forward towards the field along the Polecat Bay. Every step that she takes, more of the same pale light blue energy pulses like a heartbeat from underneath her shoes. She reaches out to touch the rear of one of the Mark VI turrets, and as soon as her palm presses against the cold steel, the same energy etches itself onto the turret, and Murakumo suddenly begins receiving a hyper-influx of ballistics data.

"Admiral? Admiral!" she calls out loudly. "I...I think I found something!" Damon, hearing her, swiftly runs over to her right away to investigate.

"What'd you find? What'd you do?"

"I, uh, just put my hand on the turret here, and now I'm receiving all this ballistics data." Murakumo's eyes widen as she analyzes the data and begins to comprehend what they actually are.

"Oh my God...Admiral, these...this data contains information on every single projectile that this turret had fired during active duty. It includes time and date of each trajectory fired, its ballistics information, its accuracy, its damage's giving me everything."




"Save that information," Damon orders. "Even though you're not built to use the American Mark VI cannon, that information might still come in handy in case you need it. Speaking of which, did they pre-program you with ballistics charts at all, or no?"

Murakumo shakes her head.

"Then you'll definitely need that ballistics info. I don't know jack shit about artillery or how to fire them accurately, since my specialties are vehicle maintenance and small arms."

The ship girl's mechanical ears flash bright green, signaling that the information she had received is now saved.

"Do you think that's what this ship meant by 'something of value'?" Damon asks Murakumo.

"Maybe. This info, like you said, is particularly important to me, since I needed to engage in battle once to accumulate this kind of data. I'm already armed with ballistic theory, but obviously theory is less useful than recorded knowledge."

"How about this," Damon suggests. "Can you attempt to open communications with the Alabama?"

"Standby," Murakumo mutters, closing her eyes and opening her own communications channels. Damon notices that her mechanical ears change color to slowly blink a dull orange, and the upper halves of those ears actually extend upwards a few inches and begin rotating in place instead of being fixed in their positions. After a minute, the mechanical ears return to normal, and Murakumo shakes her head.

"Attempts to hail the Alabama have failed," she reports. "It seems that diagnostics point to the Alabama's lack of response to my calls as the main problem."

"Well, naturally. There shouldn't be anyone on board who would answer back," Damon points out.

"I wanted to know if somehow this ship was also operating with a sentient model like you, which, clearly, it isn't."

"Then how did it know who I am?" Murakumo wonders aloud. "Didn't this very ship attack my comrade ships back in World War II? Why did it not receive me in a more hostile manner? Why is it trying to help me?"


Maybe she is a Shipgirl AI as well! I dun fuckinknow!

They search through the ship's control room, finding nothing of value.

Murakumo turns around to scan the room again for anything else that might seem intriguing. She notices a telephone-like receiver, used for troop communication throughout the ship and for telecommunications with other friendly ships. She walks to it and picks up the receiver as Damon looks on.

"What, are you going to make fun of me for doing this?" Murakumo glares at Damon, expecting some kind of witty or sarcastic remark out of him.

"No, actually, I was thinking of doing that myself, but I feel like it wouldn't really accomplish much..."

Murakumo puts it to her ear. Then, the receiver pulses the same hue of light pale blue, and Murakumo begins hearing a female voice, a gruff, stern female voice as though a tough war veteran in her late fifties speaking to her.

"Go to the lower decks and find the captain's quarters. You'll find what you need there."

Two options: I was right in my prediction, or they're a haunting going on.

I'm not sure which would be worse.


The Catholic Church.


*Calls*.....Mhmm,Mhmm...SEVEN THOUSAND!?!? *Hangs up*....I wonder if that dancing Priest is available?

"H-Hello? Excuse me, what do you mean, 'what we'll need'? Hello? Hello!" Murakumo tries to converse with the voice, but no response comes. Confounded, she hangs up the receiver.

"...what did the ship say?" Damon asks.

"Captain's quarters, lower decks. We can find what we're looking for there...whatever that means."

"Then let's burn some rubber and get down there."

No one has ever used that to refer to running, or to boats, that's a car thing. *swig*

*Chug* This is bad enough without the incorrect terminology, but I'm not surprised.

They exit the control room and make their way down the superstructure of the battleship.

"She sounded like a really old woman," Murakumo murmurs as she watches her footsteps emit small pulses of the light pale blue energy.

"Who, the ship?"


Damon pops a smirk in amusement. "Wouldn't surprise me. If she were to be a personification like you, a ship with a human body, she'd be in her seventies or eighties. I wonder if I can talk Mr. Harrison into allowing me to take the Alabama out for a sail?"

Considering when the project started, I'd be surprised if half these girls were older than you are.

I hope he doesn't get to sail Bama. He'll run the poor girl aground, light her on fire, and then sink her. Somehow.

I don't think she'd even have an operable engine by now! Hell i'm half surprised she's still floating after the whole nuclear war thing!

He'd find away. BY THE POWER OF EDGE.

….on further thought, it seems he enjoys the idea she's in her seventies eighties….oh god Damon is cougar hunting!


"But why would you want to do that?"

"Mr. Harrison told me that the ship's still in working order. Museum crews have been maintaining all the guns on this ship all the years that she's been sittin' here in this museum dock, for what reason we'll probably never know. But this ship can still fight, that's for sure."



Museum crews have been maintaining all the guns on this ship all the years that she's been sittin' here in this museum dock, for what reason we'll probably never know. But this ship can still fight, that's for sure."




Crazy Steve, Hackyuu, You do not have the RIGHT to do this right now! You have not earned the right to do the ironically pointing out flaws in logic thing! Even if you did…..IT"S STILL BE STUPID!

"Then do you know how to operate a ship like this?"

"No, but don't worry, I'm a fast learner."

"That worries me. Like, a lot."

"Yeah, it should..."

They find the captain's quarters, but when Damon puts his hand on the door handle and tries to push it open, it refuses to budge.

"...seriously? It's locked?" Damon tries again, but nothing happens. "Now why...would this ship tell us to go to someplace that's locked...stand back, Murakumo, I'm gonna just kick the door down..."

Damon backs up against the narrow corridor of the lower deck and puts as much strength into his kick as possible, and when his kick lands, he can feel some of the hinges on the reinforced door groan with the pressure, but the door remains steadfast.

"...well, if that don't work, dunno really what I can do without like a welding tool or somethin'," he sighs, turning to Murakumo. "Any ideas?"

She walks up to the door and puts her own hand on the door handle. Again, the light pale blue energy pulses out from her hand and spreads throughout the door, and they both hear a very loud click!and Murakumo is able to push the door open without any exertion at all. She turns around and snickers at her Admiral.

Bullshit door-opening magic. *Ding*

"Mura. Get over here and hack the door pad."....No one gets that one either?

Ahhhh, shit.

GET OFF THE STAGE! *Throws popcorn*

"Murakumo, the painting," he points out as he approaches it. "There's something behind it..."

At Damon's order, Murakumo helps him gently lift the painting off the wall and set it on the ground at their feet. Sure enough, there is a small and flat rectangular locker revealed to them with a code knob.

"You don't happen to know the code to this thing, do you?" Damon asks Murakumo, and she shakes her head.

"I didn't get any hint of numbers, so I can't help this time."

Damon puts his hand on the knob. "Then we'll just have to force our way in. Fuck locks." He tugs mightily on it a couple times before finally ripping the lock off by hand and opening the locker door to see what is inside.

… didn't need to do this. All you had to do was say "Mura got the codes brain-beemed to her," or "her weird blue door unlocking aura did it again"

But no. More bullshit super strength.


Inside the locker are only two items: a large Rubik's cube and a simple pair of headphones with a flip-down microphone. Damon takes them out and nudges the locker door shut with his elbow to set the items on the desk.

"Er...what're those?" Murakumo asks, looking at the cube and headphones oddly, as she was expecting something more grandiose.

"I'm not sure..." Damon mutters. "I mean, these've got to be what we were 'looking for', but..." he scratches his head, "but I guess you could say this is a lot different than what I had in mind."

"I know, right? Like seriously, what's with that multi-colored cube..."

Hackyuu no…..we don't need to hear about a god damn-

"It's called a Rubik's Cube. These were pretty popular before the war. It's like an intelligence game, you have to make it so that all the individual square colors all match up to one side."


He goes on about this shit like Enoby on clothes.

I swear to god I'm dropping this if the word "Gothic," can even be used!

"So like, one color per side?"

"Yeah. You're a computer - you can probably solve this in seconds."

Damon hands it to Murakumo, who holds it in her own hands for a few moments, analyzing it. Her processors make some quick calculations, and Murakumo soon starts twisting the cube's plates and solves it handily.

"Nice," Damon nods. "But I'm not too sure if that was supposed to do much..."

Murakumo frowns at it. " seems like an object of this size can fit in my storage compartment. I don't know what it'll do, though."

"You have a storage compartment?" Damon narrows his eyes at Murakumo in a bit of awe. "Where is it even at?"

"My - " Murakumo stops, and Damon notices her cheeks flushing. "M-My...just u-underneath chest..."

…...I can't say i'm surprised…...

At this point? Mate, I'm expecting it.

"...with that kind of a tone, I thought it'd be someplace a more inappropriate."

"Shut your mouth, you freakin' pervert!"

"What the hell're you getting mad at me for, I didn't design you. Put it in and see what happens then..."

Her cheeks still bright red, Murakumo quickly lifts up her shirts and presses the Rubik's Cube against her belly just above her belly button. The skin gives way, and Damon watches the Cube disappear inside Murakumo's abdomen.

"...wonder how they made your skin all biomechanical like that," Damon observes.

"It says I'm made of Smartsteel," Murakumo murmurs as her sensors analyze the Rubik's Cube. "I don't know the specifics, but it's what all ship girls are made of."

"A metal that feels like human skin, huh...that makes me wonder exactly what kinna technologies we had before the war - "

Spoiler Alert Damon, NOT FUCKING THAT.

Suddenly, a light pale blue sphere of energy expands from inside the ship girl's abdomen and engulfs Murakumo. Small, individual hexagonal panels parade from top to down and solidify, creating a transparent spherical shield around Murakumo.

"What's going on?" Damon says urgently, his hand again instinctively going to his sidearm. "Murakumo, assessment report!"

"H-Hold on - !" she stammers, looking around at the shield that is surrounding her. "Gathering data...compiling feedback..."

Damon slowly presses the back of his hand against the shield, and he backs off as soon as his skin touches the hexagons, an extremely cold sensation repelling his physical contact.

"It's freezing," he notes, rubbing his hand. "That's...that's like...dry ice cold, from the looks of things."

"Assessment completed," Murakumo reports.

"Show me whatcha got."

"An unknown compound within the Rubik's Cube is providing a special kind of energy-based resonance," she says, continuing to gaze at the shield that she is surrounded by. "It appears that the Rubik's Cube is simply a placeholder, or perhaps a container vessel, for this compound..."




…….that'd be so much better a story that this…..get on it internet!

She frowns, then gasps.

"No, wait...wait! This isn't...wait, I know this! This is...this is bauxite!"


DDs don't use bauxite in game. Only carriers do.


Damon scratches his head. "What the hell...? This is some kind of futuristic technology right here. Why would something as ordinary as bauxite be able to do something like this?"

*Shakes uncontrollably*

I am going to MURD-*Static*


*Cut's back to De3ta, struggling with an unseen individual*



*Cut to security restraining him*



*Stands over Cullus, tied down to a chair*

That man will never shit again. You shoved the whole hive up his ass. The whole hive.

*Is foaming at mouth from elephant tranquilizers*

*Grabs De's Collar*


*Comes down from high*

-UP RICHARD GEARS ASS!.......*Looks around*......what did I miss?

Murakumo puts her own hand on her shield. "...I don't know, don't look at says right here that the compound readings confirm it to be bauxite that's providing this energy...or rather, it's the main source..." The shield then dissipates by breaking down into its individual hexagonal panels and evaporating like cold steam, then reappears at Murakumo's will.

"Looks like you can control it," Damon observes. "That's cool."

"It's weird..." Murakumo takes down her shield again and ejects the Rubik's Cube to hold it in her hand. "You're telling me this thing contains bauxite...?"

"Give it to me for a sec," Damon orders, and she puts it in his outstretched palm. Damon stares at it intently for a minute in silence, then speaks again.

"...I'm guessing it's some special compound that's made with bauxite," he concludes. "What the other ingredients are, I have no idea. But it would make sense that bauxite is the main compound, since you're getting reads that it's bauxite. Plus, not only that, you mentioned before that you ship girls consume bauxite to resist damage better. Maybe the properties of bauxite carry over somehow for you."

Just what we need, more bullshit superpowers.


"But I don't understand how..."

"Me neither, but I'm down to ask questions later," Damon concludes. "As long as you know what it does, you know how to use it, and you can make sure it's not harmful to you, we'll find the answers along the way, or we'll find them when we have the time."

Murakumo points at the headset on the desk. "Then what about that?"

Damon picks it up. "...a mic, headphones...but no wires. What the hell is this supposed to do...?"

He puts it on and adjusts the mouthpiece properly.

"Dunno what this's all about," he remarks, but Murakumo jumps. "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Er, your voice..." Murakumo points to her human ears. "I just heard you right in my ear."

Damon stares at his ship girl.

"...interesting. Stay here for a second." Damon exits the door and closes the heavy door shut.

"Do you hear me clearly?"

"Yeah. You can hear me, too, right?"

"Yup, loud and clear. This...might be some kinda weird headset where I can communicate with you specifically. I really doubt I can use this to talk to anyone else unless it truly is wireless...I'd have to open it up and check the wires to see how this thing works."

Wait, so did the F.L.E.E.T program team hide the headset and bauxite there, or did Bama have it there all along? Why?! HOW?!

The door opens again, and Damon pokes his head in. "Let's go. We've got what we came for, I guess...unless we're missing something."

Murakumo follows him out of the captain's room and out to the upper decks. "Is there a way for you to manually mute that? I'm hearing you double," Murakumo says. Damon takes off the headset and finds a small mute button with a red mute symbol on the left headphone and presses it.

"Better?" Damon says, the mouthpiece in place, and Murakumo nods. "Great. Let's get outta here now...need to get to Charleston as quickly as we can."

"But who left these for us? Why are these things in the Alabama to begin with?" Murakumo muses.

"Hell if I know..." Damon shrugs. "I know exactly what my objectives are, and finding out who's helping us isn't an obligation right now."

They pass the guards and return to the hotel.






Actually took about as long as MI….dear god.

*Sobs incoherently*

Well, tell us if that was a good format for this, or if it was shit and lead to us rambling about every single thing. I say a little bit of both.



(I then spent the next half hour editing this shit to be presentable)

(Dragged off by Zumwalt to be lewded back to life)

(Oh god he's in the control room)


Yeah that happened. T'was a fun time.
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You're going to see even more poor justifications of in-game resources as you go along. I've a document to post for you but that will be after I do that quick Dark VIP snatch-and-grab mission in XCOM2 that just popped up, because I am posting this from my phone right now.
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Oh great, chapter 6 will going to be so fun to record.

And De3ta, we both did that together, not me first, oh no.

Mama is not the one who did it first.
Hash's Pasta 8
2 and a half hours and an ADVENT Blacksite raid later, it's time to drop some bombshells. Now earlier, I responded to De3ta's reaction to the poor implementation of one of the game's resources, Bauxite, into the fic.

But before that, on the subject of no actual USN shipgirls in the fic, they exist........only all of them are just like Alabama, existing only as sentient routines in the ship itself (Don't ask me how). As of Chapter 296, including Alabama, there are 3 more.

New Jersey, located in Camden, NJ. One of the girls will, later in the story, board her during a mission, and receive very important intel from her. She will also, unknowingly, be the reason why that girl will later go off the deep end and go on a destructive rampage in the South.

Torsk and Taney, located in Baltmore. I won't say more about Baltimore for now

The first of these bombshells is going describe how the other 3 resources were implemented.

The background for the first one is as follows. SPOILERS
It's at least a week or so (I'm not sure) after Damon and Murakumo's visit to the Alabama. Damon's managed to not only acquire the other 5 ship girls that were originally bound for Charleston, he's also managed to rescue one of the FLEET Project's lead scientists from the Atlanta faction of the Southern State Coalition (my term. The in-story term is simply the Coalition). The kicker? The scientist is his godfather, and close friend of his father Deimos. I'll let you get up to that part of the fic first so you can read more background about him and his relationship with the Polchows yourself. With his help, he's managed to hit 3 other bases for their girls, and is now home in Chicago. It is at this time that Sanford, elsewhere in the city at the moment, sends Damon some very important files about the project.

What follows next is another bombshell, in the form of a document, but first, the email that accompanies it.
"Sup kiddo, finally found the files. I've attached the individual reports on the ship girls you have right now, I didn't include any more since my connection right now is complete ass.

"Also, I forgot to mention in the last email before this, but I think there's a dev like me who should be living somewhere in New Chicago, which is where I kinda expect you to be right now. Wherever you are, I hardly doubt you'll pass up an opportunity to obtain possibly another ship girl, so head down there if you're not there already. Ask around for a guy by the name of Araki. You're not supposed to know this, so be extremely fucking careful who you tell this name to, don't just ask around all willy-nilly. He's the descendant of a captain who lead one of the heavy cruisers in the IJN, and because of that reason he was the main dev who was in charge of creating the ship that his grandpop or whoever once captained - which means, if I had to take a guess, that he'd have that particular ship girl with him right now.

"Now just keep in mind that everything I say here could end up being complete bullshit. I don't actually know for sure if Araki's actually living in New Chicago - that's what I remember hearing from asking around about other devs like me who came back to America after we got quarantined in Tokyo after the war when I got back myself. And even if he is living in Chicago, he might actually be living in New Chicago, but I'd expect him to be there if he intends on hiding a ship girl. You wouldn't wanna live with a ship girl for so long in the ghetto districts where the Feds send regular patrols through, right? You'd rather live down here, where the Feds don't wanna bother coming all the way down here to check up on things when they don't need to.

"I figured I'd go ahead and put the general information about the ship girls here. These should apply to all the ship girls, unless their files specifically mention otherwise. Make sure you read this, too, this shit's important."

Fleet Expansion and Enhancement Test
Blacklist: Constitution
In Collaboration with the Navy of the United States


This document is highly classified and intended for the audience of officers in the United States Navy. Do not allow this document to fall in unauthorized hands. Failure to comply will result in a swift and immediate court martial and charges of treason for the exposure of national secrets.

Experimental Weaponized and Enhanced Naval Personnel, or more commonly known as "ship girls", are genetically modified human beings, artificially inseminated and born, with the power to wield firepower equivalent to that wielded by wartime ships of the World War II era. Please note that they are accordingly much stronger than the average human despite some of their appearances. Because of project collaborations, they are modeled and named after ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Please note that the project teams have not been able to recreate all ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy due to the interest of time.

Ship girls are currently divided into the following types*:

Destroyer (DD)
Light Cruiser (CL)
Heavy Cruiser (CA)
Fast Battleship (BB-X)
Battleship (BB)
Battlecruiser (CC)
Light Carrier (CVL)
Carrier (CVN)
Seaplane Tender (AVP)

*Please note that there are several ship girls who are not classified under these types and instead are their own ship types. Please refer to their profiles for further information.

All ship girls require four resources in order to remain in prime warring condition: fuel, ammunition, steel, and bauxite.

Fuel: Ship girls consume conventional gasoline or standard forms of military-grade oil and store them inside fuel cells in their bodies. When they are engaged in a naval battle, ship girls are able to use stores of fuel in their bodies in exchange for temporary boosts to speed and acceleration. General statistics have yielded that they should be able to move at least 25% faster. Acceleration rates have been revealed to vary greatly among differing ship types*.

1 Fuel Can = 8 fluid ounces**.

The following table indicates the recommended amount of fuel ship girls should consume to reach maximum fuel stores, divided by type***:

Destroyer (DD): 3 fuel cans
Light Cruiser (CL): 4 fuel cans
Heavy Cruiser (CA): 7 fuel cans
Fast Battleship (BB-X): 10 fuel cans
Battleship (BB): 15 fuel cans
Battlecruiser (CC): 20 fuel cans
Light Carrier (CVL): 12 fuel cans
Carrier (CVN): 18 fuel cans
Submarine: 4 fuel cans
Seaplane Tender (AVP): 10 fuel cans

*Exact statistics vary from ship girl to ship girl. Please consult their files for exact measurements and changes to speed and acceleration.
**Consumption of resources is nearly identical to normal human consumption of food and will be referred to as such.
***There exist miscellaneous type of ships that are not listed in this table. If you find that you are commanding one such ship girl, please consult her file for her resource needs.

Please note: It is very possible for ship girls to become physically intoxicated and even poisoned by consumption of too much fuel. For this reason, do not allow ship girls to consume more fuel than they need or force them to consume more than they need.

Ammunition: This goes without saying, but all ship girls require ammunition for their ship armaments. Please note that because the ship girls are modeled after World War II-era naval warships, you must order specialized ammunition. Usage of conventional ship munitions by the ship girls is strictly prohibited, and if this is violated, the commanding officer of those ship girls found guilty of this shall be court-martialed.

The following table lists the default equipment that all types of ship girls should be equipped with:

Destroyer (DD): 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount, 61cm Quad Torpedo Mount*
Light Cruiser (CL): 14cm Naval Gun
Heavy Cruiser (CA): 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount, 7.7mm Machine Gun*, Type 0 Recon Seaplane*
Fast Battleship (BB-X): 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 15.2cm Naval Gun, 7.7mm Machine Gun
Battleship (BB): 41cm Twin Gun Mount*, 14cm Naval Gun*, Type 0 Recon Seaplane*
Battlecruiser (CC): 40.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 14cm Naval Gun
Light Carrier (CVL): Type 99 Dive Bomber*, Type 97 Torpedo Bomber*
Carrier (CVN): Type 21 Zero Fighter, Type 99 Dive Bomber, Type 97 Torpedo Bomber
Submarine: 53.3cm Torpedoes
Seaplane Tender (AVP): Type 0 Recon Plane

*These armaments may either be modified or be missing altogether in some ship girls' loadouts.

Please note: Armaments listed may not be in accordance with the armament loadout of some ship girls. Please consult your nearest Project Developer on ammunition needs of those ship girls that may require specific ammunition orders.

Ship girls may also serve as regular soldiers, but upon deployment they are not yet trained in weapons marksmanship. You may choose to give proper firearms training to them if you wish.

The following table lists the optimal weapon types for all types of ship girls:

Destroyer (DD)*: Pistols, Submachine Guns**, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles**
Light Cruiser (CL): Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles**, Heavy Assault Rifles
Heavy Cruiser (CA): Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles**, Light Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers
Fast Battleship (BB-X): Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles**, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers
Battleship (BB): Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Heavy Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns**, Machine Guns**, Heavy Machine Guns**, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers,Mounted Turret Guns
Battlecruiser (CC): Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Heavy Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns**, Machine Guns**, Heavy Machine Guns**, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Mounted Turret Guns
Light Carrier (CVL): Submachine Guns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles**, Light Sniper Rifles**
Carrier (CVN): Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles**, Light Sniper Rifles**, Heavy Sniper Rifles**
Submarine: Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles***
Seaplane Tender (AVP): Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns

*Destroyers are the only ship type to be innately proficient in the art of dual-wielding. Their knowledge of dual-wielding is currently limited to pistols and one-handed SMG's...but this does not mean they cannot learn to dual-wield other kinds of firearms.
**This marks the weapon types each ship type is most proficient with.
***Submarines are most effective if their weapons are silenced.

Steel: Ship girls are constructed using a classified material called Smartsteel, a flexible metal with properties that almost identically match those of human skin and tissue. Because of this property, ship girls use steel in the form of steel patches to heal wounds. Because Smartsteel is strong enough to prevent small arms fire from injuring ship girls fatally, steel should be used to heal wounds taken from heavy arms fire, such as damaged incurred from other warships or artillery. Ship girls use steel patches by absorbing steel directly from the steel layer on the patch when applied to an open wound, and the damaged cells will use the absorbed steel to repair damages and rebuild new cells to repair the wound in question.

Please Note: Ship girls, no matter how heavy the wound, so long as the wound is not a fatal wound that damages their main processing unit located in their heads, will be able to regenerate their bodies from any amount of damage sustained from wounds, given time enough. Steel is simply used to drastically reduce the time that it takes ship girls to heal their own wounds.

To apply a steel patch, simply remove the film on a steel patch and apply it firmly to the area of the wound. Press firmly against any break in skin, and leave applied for at least thirty minutes and no more than eight hours, depending on severity of the wound.

Steel patches are able to be reused until the steel layer is depleted. Please make sure to wash used steel patches thoroughly with clean, cold water and let dry for thirty minutes before reuse. Make sure to wipe any blood that may remain after washing.

Upon request, steel gum is also available for injured ship girls for internal wounds. By chewing steel gum, ship girls digest the steel, and steel particles will be distributed to the areas of the wounds.

Bauxite: Ship girls are able to use bauxite in two forms: they can consume bauxite as an alternate food source if conventional human food is in short supply, should the situation call for it, and if need be live off it, but this is not recommended.

The main use of bauxite for ship girls is to provide resistance scaling to incoming damage when consumed. Like fuel, ship girls are able to stockpile differing maximums of bauxite within their bodies depending on ship type, but unlike fuel, ship girls do not need to worry about overdosing on bauxite. Whenever ship girls receive damage or injuries that cause them to develop open wounds or serious internal wounds, their reserve amounts of bauxite will serve as a kind of painkiller to reduce the amount of pain felt from taking such wounds. In this sense, bauxite can be thought of as a kind of adrenaline.

Please note: BAUXITE IS NOT A REMEDY FOR ANY WOUND, LIGHT OR SERIOUS. Steel is the proper treatment for any injury sustained by the ship girls. Do not confuse the properties of steel and bauxite; they are not the same. Bauxite simply allows ship girls to continue fighting under duress and heavy injuries in order to survive difficult fights.

Ship girls behave in the same mannerisms and tendencies as normal human beings. It must be emphasized that SHIP GIRLS ARE NOT ROBOTS OR MACHINES and should not be treated as such. They will fight like conventional soldiers, and treating them like anything less can potentially prove to be fatal. Remember that ship girls are extremely powerful, and that it is in your best interest as their commanding officer to avoid confrontations with them, regardless of what your first impressions of them may be. This being said, it must also be stated that ship girls will retain their own personalities and priorities. Be advised that the ship girls may not necessarily care that you are their commanding officer and may refuse to follow orders if they feel you are not being reasonable or fair, but you may attempt to force them to obey your commands if you so choose.

Ship girls may possess special qualities or abilities that are unique to the individual. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with whatever unique abilities your ship girls may possess; those abilities may be crucial to the status of a battle or fatal to the well-being of the ship girl.

Ship girls are able to operate their ship armaments both on land and on water. However, ship girls take a severe movement and mobility penalty whilst operating ship armaments on land. There exist exceptions to this parameter, but generally speaking, take caution when ordering ship girls to operate their armaments on land.

Ship girls are generally highly resistant to fluctuating weather conditions, but they will suffer in extreme weather conditions.

All ship girls have internal sensors built into them, but certain types of ship girls and even some individual ship girls come with stronger sensors than others. Be aware of which ship girls have the strongest sensors in your fleet.


By reading this, you agree explicitly to treat the following information as nonexistent. Exposure of the following information will result in an immediate charge of high treason, annulment of rank, dishonorable discharge, and, in worst cases, the death penalty.

All ship girls are compatible with a highly classified energy source, codenamed "Navitasium". This energy source allows ship girls to develop supernatural powers that otherwise are not possible for ship girls to draw upon. Individual compatibility levels are described in further detail in individual ship girl profiles.

Navitasium is supplied in the form of navitasium cubes. Ship girls are able to load such cubes into their abdomens, and once loaded, ship girls will be able to draw upon the power of the cubes to use their respective abilities.

Please Note: The power vested into navitasium cubes operate on what can best be described as a battery charge. Different ship girls drain power from their cubes faster than others, and different powers drain power from the cubes faster than others. Cubes can be recharged, but if you wish to recharge navitasium cubes, they must be shipped to classified locations for recharge. Because of this, be advised that efficient use of navitasium is heavily recommended, but not required.


Please be advised that this document is subject to change and updated information as more data is procured from the performance of the ship girls.

As you can see from this, the ship girls in this universe were designed from the outset to fight both on land and sea.

Now, Waterfall Shield being a BS ability?

Well, would you get a load of this....

Fifth Fubuki-Class Destroyer, Murakumo

Elemental Compatibility: Water/Ice

Waterfall Shield: Also called "Ice Shield". Based on Murakumo's innate elemental compatibility with water/ice. Requires navitasium.

Generates bulletproof sphere of water or ice-based nano-particles. Can be expanded or contracted to accommodate shielding of more personnel.

Warning: Shielding will not guarantee absolute protection from incoming projectiles larger than .75 caliber.
Warning: Shielding will drain charge from navitasium cubes faster upon receiving hits.
Warning: Shielding can sustain incoming damage from calibers larger than .75 caliber three times.
Warning: Shielding can be broken upon receiving too much damage.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.

Ninth Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Amatsukaze

Elemental Compatibility: Fire

Ignition Glove:
Based on Amatsukaze's innate elemental compatibility with fire. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Level 1: Vermillion Flame
Energized by solar-powered cells woven into the threads in the glove. Can also use navitasium as a secondary energy source if solar cells are depleted.
Able to produce flames up to 2000 °C.
Able to manipulate fire creation to a certain extent, mainly along physical connections.
Creates red-orange fire.

Level 2: Infernal Pre-Igniter
Requires navitasium, cannot be energized by solar power.
Able to produce flames up to 3000 °C.
Able to manipulate shape and form with fire creation.
Creates blue fire.

Warning: blue fire can be explosive.

Level 3: Heaven's Curse

Cannot be powered by either navitasium or solar power.
Able to produce flames up to 6000 °C.
Able to manipulate ranged fire creation.
Able to light anything, including water, on fire.
Can be stopped at any time.
Creates white-silver fire.

CAUTION: Heaven's Curse is subject to and fueled by emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Heaven's Curse will destroy the Ignition Glove if used for too long.

Atalantian Reactor Mark I: independent ability, requires fuel.

On water:
Grants +100% acceleration and +500% max speed for short distances.
Grants +100% top cruising speed and +100% fuel efficiency for long distances.

On land:
Grants +250% acceleration and +250% speed.

Warning: When used on land, Atalantian Reactor consumes double the amount of fuel.

CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor is located in Amatsukaze's chest. If the chest area is damaged, the Atalantian Reactor will be disabled.
CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor cannot repair itself. Once damaged, Amatsukaze must be brought to dock for surgery repair.

Second Nagato-Class Battleship, Mutsu

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Type B-1 Submarine, I-19, "Iku"

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Cloak: independent ability unique to all submarines. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Renders user invisible for varying amounts of time. Time is determined by amount of charge on the Cloaking threads woven into submarine swimsuits.

Full Charge allows upwards of 24 hours of uninterrupted Cloaking.
Full Recharge requires approximately 12 hours.

Warning: Do not Cloak and Decloak repeatedly, doing so will put unnecessary strain on the Cloaking threads and can possibly destroy them.

IMPORTANT: Cloaking specifically prevents submarines from being detected on radar or sonar while underwater.

Cloaking threads draw energy in different forms:
-On land, suit is solar-powered
-In freshwater, suit absorbs water
-In ocean water, suit draws salt from ocean water

When Cloaked, user cannot Decloak for five minutes.
After Decloaking, user cannot Cloak for five minutes.

CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from strong sensor devices or machines, E.G. thermal imaging, infra-red, UV-imaging.
CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from radar or scanner sweeps if the user is not underwater.
CAUTION: Cloaking is susceptible to electromagnetic pulses and will be disabled temporarily for varying amounts of time depending on the degree of exposure.

Note: To know if Cloaking is available, look into the user's eyes. If the Cloaking gear is faced inward, Cloaking is available. If the Cloaking gear is faced outward, Cloaking is on cooldown or does not have enough charge.

Sniper: vision range increased by a factor of 20.

Shimakaze-Class Super Destroyer, Shimakaze

Elemental Compatibility: None

Atalantian Reactor Mark II: independent ability unique to Shimakaze. Requires fuel.

On water:
Grants +500% acceleration and +1000% max speed for short distances.
Grants +300% top cruising speed and +300% fuel efficiency for long distances.

On land:
Grants +500% acceleration and +500% speed.

Warning: When used on land, Atalantian Reactor consumes double the amount of fuel.

CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor is divided into four sections located in Shimakaze's legs and behind Shimakaze's lungs. If Shimakaze's legs or back are damaged, the Atalantian Reactor will be disabled.
CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor cannot repair itself. Once damaged, Shimakaze must be brought to dock for surgery repair.

First Kaga-Class Aircraft Carrier, Kaga

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Second Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Shigure

Elemental Compatibility: None

Guilt Protocol: independent ability unique to Shigure. Requires no energy source.

"Survival mechanism": little is currently known about this ability.

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
Based on theoretical information drawn from hypothesized scenarios, user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression

Fourth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Yuudachi

Elemental Compatibility: None

Nightmare Protocol: independent ability unique to Ayanami and Yuudachi. Requires no energy source.

"Aggression mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression
CAUTION: Ability is not a physical device
, it is a line of code
CAUTION: User is very dangerous and prone to friendly fire

First Shoukaku-Class Aircraft Carrier, Shoukaku

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Sixth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Samidare

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Water Will: based on Samidare's innate compatibility with water. Requires navitasium.

Grants user telekinetic control over water.
Water use restricted to defense maneuvers only.
Water shielding has a 50% higher chance to negate rounds larger than 35cm.

Warning: controlling salt water drains more charge than controlling freshwater.
Warning: Shielding will not guarantee absolute protection from incoming projectiles.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Ability cannot generate water and can only be used near major bodies of water.

Tenth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Suzukaze

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Water Cascade: based on Suzukaze's innate compatibility with water. Requires navitasium.

Grants user telekinetic control over water.
Water use restricted to offensive maneuvers only.

Warning: controlling salt water drains more charge than controlling freshwater.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Ability cannot generate water and can only be used near major bodies of water.

Third Kongou-Class Fast Battleship, Haruna

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

First Amagi-Class Resurrected Battlecruiser, Amagi

Elemental Compatibility: None

Type 1/Mark III Yamato Energy Cannon: Ability available only to battleships and battlecruisers. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to fire a concentrated burst of particle energy based on classified military advancements in particle-energy weaponry. Currently, this technology is not possible without the presence of navitasium.

Cannon must be fired from both 40.6cm barrels.
Cannon must be charged for 60 seconds before deployment.
Cannon can be held for a maximum of 10 seconds before it must be discharged.
+50% maximum range of 40.6cm cannons.
Exact damage profile of the Yamato Cannon is unknown.
Cannon inflicts massive splash damage - extent of splash damage is unknown.

Note: Due to the high consumption rate of navitasium, the Yamato Cannon must be limited to two shots per week*.
Note: All Japanese battleships and battlecruisers are retrofitted with equipment and the physical capacity to wield any iteration of the Yamato Cannon. While the Yamato Cannon is not an nation-exclusive ability, foreign capital ships must undergo retrofitting surgery to be able to wield the Yamato Cannon.

Warning: Energy accumulation of the Yamato Cannon can disrupt systems in other ship girls who do not carry electromagnetic pulse protection. Keep clear of Amagi or any battleship/battlecruiser charging the Yamato Cannon.

CAUTION: If the Yamato Cannon is retained within the cannon barrels for longer than 10 seconds, the Yamato Cannon WILL DETONATE, dealing heavy, if not fatal damage to the user. If a mis-activated Yamato burst must be safely discharged, it must be fired straight up out of planetary atmosphere levels.
CAUTION: Ensure that no friendly forces are in the area of the target of the cannon. Splash damage analysis is currently too limited to ensure the safety of friendly forces.
*CAUTION: Yamato Cannon must not be used more times than is stated. This is due to the fact that the ability must use the same amount of energy every time it is used, and if there is not enough navitasium to power it, the ability will directly break down and consume body cells to make up for whatever energy is left to complete it. A single Yamato Cannon prock will effectively kill a ship girl if there is no navitasium to draw upon.

Additional Notes:

The Yamato Cannon was intended to be an exclusive weapon system for the Yamato-Class battleships, but it was decided to be a universal armament in the form of a navitasium-powered ability for all Japanese capital ships.

Current variants of the Yamato Cannon include the Type 1/Mark I, the Type 1/Mark II, and the prototype Type 0, but only the Type 1/Mark III is suited for battle conditions. Improvements to the Yamato Cannon design are currently in progress.

You think that was it? Well, an international op later, we get an expansion to that document. I will only include new sections

Second Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Shiranui (不知火)

Elemental Compatibility: None

Vengeance Protocol:
independent ability unique to Shiranui. Requires no energy source.

"Revenge mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

Note: protocol only executed when execution conditions are satisfied

Conditions for Protocol Execution:
-ship sister has taken severe damage
-user has taken severe damage
-close comrade has taken severe damage

Note: User is prone to interpret "damage" in whichever way best fits the situation

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Currently unknown if protocol can circumvent known execution requirements.

Tenth Ayanami-Class Destroyer, Ushio (

Elemental Capability: None

independent ability unique to Ushio.


Technical Information:


Second Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Hibiki ()

Elemental Capability: Fire

independent ability unique to Hibiki. Requires no energy source.

"Last resort mechanism/revenge mechanism"

Hibiki's personality codex is rewritten by her emotional parameters once anger conditions are satisfied.
Alter persona is known as "Hinotori/Fuchisou" (火の鳥/不死鳥)

Grants user the ability to generate fire rounds using current ammunition stock
Grants user control over fire (extent and limits of power unknown)
Exact data on performance increase unknown

CAUTION: ability cannot be directly manipulated.
CAUTION: personality overwrite results in memory loss. Hibiki will not remember what Hinotori/Fuchisou has done.
CAUTION: ability subject to emotional parameters.

Third Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Ikazuchi ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Fourth Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Inazuma ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Rocket-Trigger Lightning: independent ability unique to Inazuma. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to switch standard 12.7cm rounds with pure lightning rounds.
Lightning rounds mimic properties of natural lightning.
Grants user the ability to manipulate lightning properties.

Note: Requires Kai upgrade.
Note: user can process navitasium to use lighting energy without ship armaments

CAUTION: Lightning rounds will severely increase durability loss on armaments

Type KD-6 Submarine, I-168, (いむや)

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Cloak: independent ability unique to all submarines. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Renders user invisible for varying amounts of time. Time is determined by amount of charge on the Cloaking threads woven into submarine swimsuits.

Full Charge allows upwards of 24 hours of uninterrupted Cloaking.
Full Recharge requires approximately 12 hours.

Warning: Do not Cloak and Decloak repeatedly, doing so will put unnecessary strain on the Cloaking threads and can possibly destroy them.

IMPORTANT: Cloaking specifically prevents submarines from being detected on radar or sonar while underwater.

Cloaking threads draw energy in different forms:
-On land, suit is solar-powered
-In freshwater, suit absorbs water
-In ocean water, suit draws salt from ocean water

When Cloaked, user cannot Decloak for five minutes.
After Decloaking, user cannot Cloak for five minutes.

CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from strong sensor devices or machines, E.G. thermal imaging, infra-red, UV-imaging.
CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from radar or scanner sweeps if the user is not underwater.
CAUTION: Cloaking is susceptible to electromagnetic pulses and will be disabled temporarily for varying amounts of time depending on the degree of exposure.

Note: To know if Cloaking is available, look into the user's eyes. If the Cloaking gear is faced inward, Cloaking is available. If the Cloaking gear is faced outward, Cloaking is on cooldown or does not have enough charge.

First Tenryuu-Class Light Cruiser, Tenryuu (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Celestial Dragon:
independent ability unique to Tenryuu. Requires no energy source.

Grants user the ability to force opponents to desist

Note: ability takes the form of user's left eye

CAUTION: looking directly at the Celestial Dragon may cause adverse and unintended effects

Second Tenryuu-Class Light Cruiser, Tatsuta (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Demonic Halo:
independent ability unique to Tatsuta. Requires no energy source, but may utilize navitasium.

"Eradication mechanism"

Unknown. Appears to be similar to the Nightmare Protocol and and the Vengeance Protocol.

CAUTION: ability is known to process navitasium but results are unknown

First Furutaka-Class Heavy Cruiser, Furutaka (

Elemental Compatibility: None

independent ability. Requires no energy source.

Grants user the ability to physically illuminate an area with a searchlight.

Note: ability is manifested in the form of user's left eye. Ability can be turned on and shut off at will, so preventative eyewear is not required

CAUTION: while ability does not require a separate energy source, it can cause user's eye to burn out and render the eye blind temporarily

Fourth Myoukou-Class Heavy Cruiser, Ashigara (足柄)

Elemental Compatibility: None

Hungry Wolf Protocol: independent ability unique to Ashigara. Requires no energy source.

"Battle sustainability mechanism/last resort mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression
CAUTION: Ability is not a physical device, it is a line of code
CAUTION: User is very dangerous and prone to friendly fire

First Kongou-Class Fast Battleship, Kongou (金剛)

Elemental Compatibility: Fire

Burning Love: independent ability unique to Kongou. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Allows user to create a vortex of fire by spiking temperature of air molecules in close proximity. Used as defensive maneuver or a close range combat tactic.

Warning: User may subject commanding officer to this ability. Treat user with caution. Constitution is not responsible for any friendly fire inflicted by this ability.

Type 1/Mark III Yamato Energy Cannon: Ability available only to battleships and battlecruisers. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to fire a concentrated burst of particle energy based on classified military advancements in particle-energy weaponry. Currently, this technology is not possible without the presence of navitasium.

Cannon must be fired from both 35.6cm barrels.
Cannon must be charged for 60 seconds before deployment.
Cannon can be held for a maximum of 10 seconds before it must be discharged.
+50% maximum range of 35.6cm cannons.
Exact damage profile of the Yamato Cannon is unknown.
Cannon inflicts massive splash damage - extent of splash damage is unknown.

Note: Due to the high consumption rate of navitasium, the Yamato Cannon must be limited to two shots per week*.
Note: All Japanese battleships and battlecruisers are retrofitted with equipment and the physical capacity to wield any iteration of the Yamato Cannon. While the Yamato Cannon is not a nation-exclusive ability, foreign capital ships must undergo retrofitting surgery to be able to wield the Yamato Cannon.

Warning: Energy accumulation of the Yamato Cannon can disrupt systems in other ship girls who do not carry electromagnetic pulse protection. Keep clear of Kongou or any battleship/battlecruiser charging the Yamato Cannon.

CAUTION: If the Yamato Cannon is retained within the cannon barrels for longer than 10 seconds, the Yamato Cannon WILL DETONATE, dealing heavy, if not fatal damage to the user. If a mis-activated Yamato Cannon must be safely discharged, it must be fired straight up out of planetary atmosphere levels.
CAUTION: Ensure that no friendly forces are in the area of the target of the cannon. Splash damage analysis is currently too limited to ensure the safety of friendly forces.
*CAUTION: Yamato Cannon must not be used more times than is stated. This is due to the fact that the ability must use the same amount of energy every time it is used, and if there is not enough navitasium to power it, the ability will directly break down and consume body cells to make up for whatever energy is left to complete it. A single Yamato Cannon prock will effectively kill a ship girl if there is no navitasium to draw upon.

Additional Notes:

The Yamato Cannon was intended to be an exclusive weapon system for the Yamato-Class battleships, but it was decided to be a universal armament in the form of a navitasium-powered ability for all Japanese capital ships.

Current variants of the Yamato Cannon include the Type 1/Mark I, the Type 1/Mark II, and the prototype Type 0, but only the Type 1/Mark III is suited for battle conditions. Improvements to the Yamato Cannon Design are currently in progress.

Indestructible: independent passive ability unique to Kongou.


Technical information:


Jeez Louise. I've got one more for you.......some gratuitous gun porn. Note that some girls from the above expansion are missing as the section is from a chapter before some of those new girls were added.

Damon and Sanford take stock of the weapons that are messily piled up in the Merlin's cargo bay. Damon's MK-14 Rogue Chassis designated marksman rifle, Damon's Glock 37, two AK-47's, the AR-15, the LSAT, two AA-12's, the DSR-50, the Desert Tactical HTI, one FS-2000, one AUG-A1, one Carbon-15, one Bushmaster ACR, one Tavor-21, one Remington 870, two H&K-417 DMR's, three Magpul FMG-9's, three MP5SD-6's, the four new AK-M's, the two new M4-A3's, the two new M4-A4's, a P-99, and fifteen USP .45 handguns. Because ammunition would presumably be taken care of, Damon instead assigns weapons to each of the ship girls, so his list ends up looking like...

Murakumo: AK-47
Amatsukaze: AK-47
Mutsu: LSAT
Iku: MP5SD-6 / USP 45
Shimakaze: AA-12 / USP 45
Kaga: Desert Tactical HTI / USP 45
Shigure: TAR-21
Yuudachi: R-870
Shoukaku: McMillan TAC-50 / USP 45
Samidare: AR-15 / USP 45
Suzukaze: AA-12 / USP 45
Haruna: M417 DMR / USP 45
Amagi: M417 DMR / USP 45
Furutaka: AK-M
Kitakami: M4-A3
Fusou: M4-A4
Tenryuu: AK-M / USP 45
Tatsuta: AK-M / USP 45
Zuikaku: DSR-50 / USP 45
Ashigara: M4-A4
I-168: MP5SD-6 / USP 45
Kagerou: FS-2000
Shiranui: Bushmaster ACR
Ise: AK-M
Sazanami: M4-A3
Ushio: Carbon 15
Akatsuki: Magpul FMG-9
Hibiki: Magpul FMG-9 / USP 45
Inazuma: MP5SD-6
Ikazuchi: Magpul FMG-9 / USP 45

And now.......I shall go off and count Zeta's. You can skip the emails, but the documents are something you'll want to look at, if only to see how badly implemented the other 3 resources were, and to see just how BS abilities are.
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I won't even comment about how much of the ressource stuff doesn't make sense. He could've just said "it's magic" and be done with it.

If the girls were designed to fight on land and sea, then why is Murakumo so shit at it and even gets surprised by normal gun shots? And why does it seem that Damon is stronger than her? She's supposed to have all the strength of a DD concentrated in her tiny body. Why make ship girl robots, if you can just enhance normal people in a way taht makes them even stronger?
2 and a half hours and an ADVENT Blacksite raid later, it's time to drop some bombshells. Now earlier, I responded to De3ta's reaction to the poor implementation of one of the game's resources, Bauxite, into the fic.

But before that, on the subject of no actual USN shipgirls in the fic, they exist........only all of them are just like Alabama, existing only as sentient routines in the ship itself (Don't ask me how). As of Chapter 296, including Alabama, there are 3 more.

New Jersey, located in Camden, NJ. One of the girls will, later in the story, board her during a mission, and receive very important intel from her. She will also, unknowingly, be the reason why that girl will later go off the deep end and go on a destructive rampage in the South.

Torsk and Taney, located in Baltmore. I won't say more about Baltimore for now

The first of these bombshells is going describe how the other 3 resources were implemented.

The background for the first one is as follows. SPOILERS
It's at least a week or so (I'm not sure) after Damon and Murakumo's visit to the Alabama. Damon's managed to not only acquire the other 5 ship girls that were originally bound for Charleston, he's also managed to rescue one of the FLEET Project's lead scientists from the Atlanta faction of the Southern State Coalition (my term. The in-story term is simply the Coalition). The kicker? The scientist is his godfather, and close friend of his father Deimos. I'll let you get up to that part of the fic first so you can read more background about him and his relationship with the Polchows yourself. With his help, he's managed to hit 3 other bases for their girls, and is now home in Chicago. It is at this time that Sanford, elsewhere in the city at the moment, sends Damon some very important files about the project.

What follows next is another bombshell, in the form of a document, but first, the email that accompanies it.
"Sup kiddo, finally found the files. I've attached the individual reports on the ship girls you have right now, I didn't include any more since my connection right now is complete ass.

"Also, I forgot to mention in the last email before this, but I think there's a dev like me who should be living somewhere in New Chicago, which is where I kinda expect you to be right now. Wherever you are, I hardly doubt you'll pass up an opportunity to obtain possibly another ship girl, so head down there if you're not there already. Ask around for a guy by the name of Araki. You're not supposed to know this, so be extremely fucking careful who you tell this name to, don't just ask around all willy-nilly. He's the descendant of a captain who lead one of the heavy cruisers in the IJN, and because of that reason he was the main dev who was in charge of creating the ship that his grandpop or whoever once captained - which means, if I had to take a guess, that he'd have that particular ship girl with him right now.

"Now just keep in mind that everything I say here could end up being complete bullshit. I don't actually know for sure if Araki's actually living in New Chicago - that's what I remember hearing from asking around about other devs like me who came back to America after we got quarantined in Tokyo after the war when I got back myself. And even if he is living in Chicago, he might actually be living in New Chicago, but I'd expect him to be there if he intends on hiding a ship girl. You wouldn't wanna live with a ship girl for so long in the ghetto districts where the Feds send regular patrols through, right? You'd rather live down here, where the Feds don't wanna bother coming all the way down here to check up on things when they don't need to.

"I figured I'd go ahead and put the general information about the ship girls here. These should apply to all the ship girls, unless their files specifically mention otherwise. Make sure you read this, too, this shit's important."

Fleet Expansion and Enhancement Test
Blacklist: Constitution
In Collaboration with the Navy of the United States


This document is highly classified and intended for the audience of officers in the United States Navy. Do not allow this document to fall in unauthorized hands. Failure to comply will result in a swift and immediate court martial and charges of treason for the exposure of national secrets.

Experimental Weaponized and Enhanced Naval Personnel, or more commonly known as "ship girls", are genetically modified human beings, artificially inseminated and born, with the power to wield firepower equivalent to that wielded by wartime ships of the World War II era. Please note that they are accordingly much stronger than the average human despite some of their appearances. Because of project collaborations, they are modeled and named after ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Please note that the project teams have not been able to recreate all ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy due to the interest of time.

Ship girls are currently divided into the following types*:

Destroyer (DD)
Light Cruiser (CL)
Heavy Cruiser (CA)
Fast Battleship (BB-X)
Battleship (BB)
Battlecruiser (CC)
Light Carrier (CVL)
Carrier (CVN)
Seaplane Tender (AVP)

*Please note that there are several ship girls who are not classified under these types and instead are their own ship types. Please refer to their profiles for further information.

All ship girls require four resources in order to remain in prime warring condition: fuel, ammunition, steel, and bauxite.

Fuel: Ship girls consume conventional gasoline or standard forms of military-grade oil and store them inside fuel cells in their bodies. When they are engaged in a naval battle, ship girls are able to use stores of fuel in their bodies in exchange for temporary boosts to speed and acceleration. General statistics have yielded that they should be able to move at least 25% faster. Acceleration rates have been revealed to vary greatly among differing ship types*.

1 Fuel Can = 8 fluid ounces**.

The following table indicates the recommended amount of fuel ship girls should consume to reach maximum fuel stores, divided by type***:

Destroyer (DD): 3 fuel cans
Light Cruiser (CL): 4 fuel cans
Heavy Cruiser (CA): 7 fuel cans
Fast Battleship (BB-X): 10 fuel cans
Battleship (BB): 15 fuel cans
Battlecruiser (CC): 20 fuel cans
Light Carrier (CVL): 12 fuel cans
Carrier (CVN): 18 fuel cans
Submarine: 4 fuel cans
Seaplane Tender (AVP): 10 fuel cans

*Exact statistics vary from ship girl to ship girl. Please consult their files for exact measurements and changes to speed and acceleration.
**Consumption of resources is nearly identical to normal human consumption of food and will be referred to as such.
***There exist miscellaneous type of ships that are not listed in this table. If you find that you are commanding one such ship girl, please consult her file for her resource needs.

Please note: It is very possible for ship girls to become physically intoxicated and even poisoned by consumption of too much fuel. For this reason, do not allow ship girls to consume more fuel than they need or force them to consume more than they need.

Ammunition: This goes without saying, but all ship girls require ammunition for their ship armaments. Please note that because the ship girls are modeled after World War II-era naval warships, you must order specialized ammunition. Usage of conventional ship munitions by the ship girls is strictly prohibited, and if this is violated, the commanding officer of those ship girls found guilty of this shall be court-martialed.

The following table lists the default equipment that all types of ship girls should be equipped with:

Destroyer (DD): 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount, 61cm Quad Torpedo Mount*
Light Cruiser (CL): 14cm Naval Gun
Heavy Cruiser (CA): 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount, 7.7mm Machine Gun*, Type 0 Recon Seaplane*
Fast Battleship (BB-X): 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 15.2cm Naval Gun, 7.7mm Machine Gun
Battleship (BB): 41cm Twin Gun Mount*, 14cm Naval Gun*, Type 0 Recon Seaplane*
Battlecruiser (CC): 40.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 14cm Naval Gun
Light Carrier (CVL): Type 99 Dive Bomber*, Type 97 Torpedo Bomber*
Carrier (CVN): Type 21 Zero Fighter, Type 99 Dive Bomber, Type 97 Torpedo Bomber
Submarine: 53.3cm Torpedoes
Seaplane Tender (AVP): Type 0 Recon Plane

*These armaments may either be modified or be missing altogether in some ship girls' loadouts.

Please note: Armaments listed may not be in accordance with the armament loadout of some ship girls. Please consult your nearest Project Developer on ammunition needs of those ship girls that may require specific ammunition orders.

Ship girls may also serve as regular soldiers, but upon deployment they are not yet trained in weapons marksmanship. You may choose to give proper firearms training to them if you wish.

The following table lists the optimal weapon types for all types of ship girls:

Destroyer (DD)*: Pistols, Submachine Guns**, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles**
Light Cruiser (CL): Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles**, Heavy Assault Rifles
Heavy Cruiser (CA): Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles**, Light Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers
Fast Battleship (BB-X): Shotguns, Carbines, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles**, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers
Battleship (BB): Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Heavy Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns**, Machine Guns**, Heavy Machine Guns**, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers,Mounted Turret Guns
Battlecruiser (CC): Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Heavy Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns**, Machine Guns**, Heavy Machine Guns**, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Mounted Turret Guns
Light Carrier (CVL): Submachine Guns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles**, Light Sniper Rifles**
Carrier (CVN): Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles**, Light Sniper Rifles**, Heavy Sniper Rifles**
Submarine: Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles***
Seaplane Tender (AVP): Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Carbines, Light Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Rifles, Light Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns

*Destroyers are the only ship type to be innately proficient in the art of dual-wielding. Their knowledge of dual-wielding is currently limited to pistols and one-handed SMG's...but this does not mean they cannot learn to dual-wield other kinds of firearms.
**This marks the weapon types each ship type is most proficient with.
***Submarines are most effective if their weapons are silenced.

Steel: Ship girls are constructed using a classified material called Smartsteel, a flexible metal with properties that almost identically match those of human skin and tissue. Because of this property, ship girls use steel in the form of steel patches to heal wounds. Because Smartsteel is strong enough to prevent small arms fire from injuring ship girls fatally, steel should be used to heal wounds taken from heavy arms fire, such as damaged incurred from other warships or artillery. Ship girls use steel patches by absorbing steel directly from the steel layer on the patch when applied to an open wound, and the damaged cells will use the absorbed steel to repair damages and rebuild new cells to repair the wound in question.

Please Note: Ship girls, no matter how heavy the wound, so long as the wound is not a fatal wound that damages their main processing unit located in their heads, will be able to regenerate their bodies from any amount of damage sustained from wounds, given time enough. Steel is simply used to drastically reduce the time that it takes ship girls to heal their own wounds.

To apply a steel patch, simply remove the film on a steel patch and apply it firmly to the area of the wound. Press firmly against any break in skin, and leave applied for at least thirty minutes and no more than eight hours, depending on severity of the wound.

Steel patches are able to be reused until the steel layer is depleted. Please make sure to wash used steel patches thoroughly with clean, cold water and let dry for thirty minutes before reuse. Make sure to wipe any blood that may remain after washing.

Upon request, steel gum is also available for injured ship girls for internal wounds. By chewing steel gum, ship girls digest the steel, and steel particles will be distributed to the areas of the wounds.

Bauxite: Ship girls are able to use bauxite in two forms: they can consume bauxite as an alternate food source if conventional human food is in short supply, should the situation call for it, and if need be live off it, but this is not recommended.

The main use of bauxite for ship girls is to provide resistance scaling to incoming damage when consumed. Like fuel, ship girls are able to stockpile differing maximums of bauxite within their bodies depending on ship type, but unlike fuel, ship girls do not need to worry about overdosing on bauxite. Whenever ship girls receive damage or injuries that cause them to develop open wounds or serious internal wounds, their reserve amounts of bauxite will serve as a kind of painkiller to reduce the amount of pain felt from taking such wounds. In this sense, bauxite can be thought of as a kind of adrenaline.

Please note: BAUXITE IS NOT A REMEDY FOR ANY WOUND, LIGHT OR SERIOUS. Steel is the proper treatment for any injury sustained by the ship girls. Do not confuse the properties of steel and bauxite; they are not the same. Bauxite simply allows ship girls to continue fighting under duress and heavy injuries in order to survive difficult fights.

Ship girls behave in the same mannerisms and tendencies as normal human beings. It must be emphasized that SHIP GIRLS ARE NOT ROBOTS OR MACHINES and should not be treated as such. They will fight like conventional soldiers, and treating them like anything less can potentially prove to be fatal. Remember that ship girls are extremely powerful, and that it is in your best interest as their commanding officer to avoid confrontations with them, regardless of what your first impressions of them may be. This being said, it must also be stated that ship girls will retain their own personalities and priorities. Be advised that the ship girls may not necessarily care that you are their commanding officer and may refuse to follow orders if they feel you are not being reasonable or fair, but you may attempt to force them to obey your commands if you so choose.

Ship girls may possess special qualities or abilities that are unique to the individual. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with whatever unique abilities your ship girls may possess; those abilities may be crucial to the status of a battle or fatal to the well-being of the ship girl.

Ship girls are able to operate their ship armaments both on land and on water. However, ship girls take a severe movement and mobility penalty whilst operating ship armaments on land. There exist exceptions to this parameter, but generally speaking, take caution when ordering ship girls to operate their armaments on land.

Ship girls are generally highly resistant to fluctuating weather conditions, but they will suffer in extreme weather conditions.

All ship girls have internal sensors built into them, but certain types of ship girls and even some individual ship girls come with stronger sensors than others. Be aware of which ship girls have the strongest sensors in your fleet.


By reading this, you agree explicitly to treat the following information as nonexistent. Exposure of the following information will result in an immediate charge of high treason, annulment of rank, dishonorable discharge, and, in worst cases, the death penalty.

All ship girls are compatible with a highly classified energy source, codenamed "Navitasium". This energy source allows ship girls to develop supernatural powers that otherwise are not possible for ship girls to draw upon. Individual compatibility levels are described in further detail in individual ship girl profiles.

Navitasium is supplied in the form of navitasium cubes. Ship girls are able to load such cubes into their abdomens, and once loaded, ship girls will be able to draw upon the power of the cubes to use their respective abilities.

Please Note: The power vested into navitasium cubes operate on what can best be described as a battery charge. Different ship girls drain power from their cubes faster than others, and different powers drain power from the cubes faster than others. Cubes can be recharged, but if you wish to recharge navitasium cubes, they must be shipped to classified locations for recharge. Because of this, be advised that efficient use of navitasium is heavily recommended, but not required.


Please be advised that this document is subject to change and updated information as more data is procured from the performance of the ship girls.

As you can see from this, the ship girls in this universe were designed from the outset to fight both on land and sea.

Now, Waterfall Shield being a BS ability?

Well, would you get a load of this....

Fifth Fubuki-Class Destroyer, Murakumo

Elemental Compatibility: Water/Ice

Waterfall Shield: Also called "Ice Shield". Based on Murakumo's innate elemental compatibility with water/ice. Requires navitasium.

Generates bulletproof sphere of water or ice-based nano-particles. Can be expanded or contracted to accommodate shielding of more personnel.

Warning: Shielding will not guarantee absolute protection from incoming projectiles larger than .75 caliber.
Warning: Shielding will drain charge from navitasium cubes faster upon receiving hits.
Warning: Shielding can sustain incoming damage from calibers larger than .75 caliber three times.
Warning: Shielding can be broken upon receiving too much damage.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.

Ninth Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Amatsukaze

Elemental Compatibility: Fire

Ignition Glove:
Based on Amatsukaze's innate elemental compatibility with fire. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Level 1: Vermillion Flame
Energized by solar-powered cells woven into the threads in the glove. Can also use navitasium as a secondary energy source if solar cells are depleted.
Able to produce flames up to 2000 °C.
Able to manipulate fire creation to a certain extent, mainly along physical connections.
Creates red-orange fire.

Level 2: Infernal Pre-Igniter
Requires navitasium, cannot be energized by solar power.
Able to produce flames up to 3000 °C.
Able to manipulate shape and form with fire creation.
Creates blue fire.

Warning: blue fire can be explosive.

Level 3: Heaven's Curse

Cannot be powered by either navitasium or solar power.
Able to produce flames up to 6000 °C.
Able to manipulate ranged fire creation.
Able to light anything, including water, on fire.
Can be stopped at any time.
Creates white-silver fire.

CAUTION: Heaven's Curse is subject to and fueled by emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Heaven's Curse will destroy the Ignition Glove if used for too long.

Atalantian Reactor Mark I: independent ability, requires fuel.

On water:
Grants +100% acceleration and +500% max speed for short distances.
Grants +100% top cruising speed and +100% fuel efficiency for long distances.

On land:
Grants +250% acceleration and +250% speed.

Warning: When used on land, Atalantian Reactor consumes double the amount of fuel.

CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor is located in Amatsukaze's chest. If the chest area is damaged, the Atalantian Reactor will be disabled.
CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor cannot repair itself. Once damaged, Amatsukaze must be brought to dock for surgery repair.

Second Nagato-Class Battleship, Mutsu

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Type B-1 Submarine, I-19, "Iku"

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Cloak: independent ability unique to all submarines. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Renders user invisible for varying amounts of time. Time is determined by amount of charge on the Cloaking threads woven into submarine swimsuits.

Full Charge allows upwards of 24 hours of uninterrupted Cloaking.
Full Recharge requires approximately 12 hours.

Warning: Do not Cloak and Decloak repeatedly, doing so will put unnecessary strain on the Cloaking threads and can possibly destroy them.

IMPORTANT: Cloaking specifically prevents submarines from being detected on radar or sonar while underwater.

Cloaking threads draw energy in different forms:
-On land, suit is solar-powered
-In freshwater, suit absorbs water
-In ocean water, suit draws salt from ocean water

When Cloaked, user cannot Decloak for five minutes.
After Decloaking, user cannot Cloak for five minutes.

CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from strong sensor devices or machines, E.G. thermal imaging, infra-red, UV-imaging.
CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from radar or scanner sweeps if the user is not underwater.
CAUTION: Cloaking is susceptible to electromagnetic pulses and will be disabled temporarily for varying amounts of time depending on the degree of exposure.

Note: To know if Cloaking is available, look into the user's eyes. If the Cloaking gear is faced inward, Cloaking is available. If the Cloaking gear is faced outward, Cloaking is on cooldown or does not have enough charge.

Sniper: vision range increased by a factor of 20.

Shimakaze-Class Super Destroyer, Shimakaze

Elemental Compatibility: None

Atalantian Reactor Mark II: independent ability unique to Shimakaze. Requires fuel.

On water:
Grants +500% acceleration and +1000% max speed for short distances.
Grants +300% top cruising speed and +300% fuel efficiency for long distances.

On land:
Grants +500% acceleration and +500% speed.

Warning: When used on land, Atalantian Reactor consumes double the amount of fuel.

CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor is divided into four sections located in Shimakaze's legs and behind Shimakaze's lungs. If Shimakaze's legs or back are damaged, the Atalantian Reactor will be disabled.
CAUTION: The Atalantian Reactor cannot repair itself. Once damaged, Shimakaze must be brought to dock for surgery repair.

First Kaga-Class Aircraft Carrier, Kaga

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Second Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Shigure

Elemental Compatibility: None

Guilt Protocol: independent ability unique to Shigure. Requires no energy source.

"Survival mechanism": little is currently known about this ability.

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
Based on theoretical information drawn from hypothesized scenarios, user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression

Fourth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Yuudachi

Elemental Compatibility: None

Nightmare Protocol: independent ability unique to Ayanami and Yuudachi. Requires no energy source.

"Aggression mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression
CAUTION: Ability is not a physical device
, it is a line of code
CAUTION: User is very dangerous and prone to friendly fire

First Shoukaku-Class Aircraft Carrier, Shoukaku

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

Sixth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Samidare

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Water Will: based on Samidare's innate compatibility with water. Requires navitasium.

Grants user telekinetic control over water.
Water use restricted to defense maneuvers only.
Water shielding has a 50% higher chance to negate rounds larger than 35cm.

Warning: controlling salt water drains more charge than controlling freshwater.
Warning: Shielding will not guarantee absolute protection from incoming projectiles.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Ability cannot generate water and can only be used near major bodies of water.

Tenth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Suzukaze

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Water Cascade: based on Suzukaze's innate compatibility with water. Requires navitasium.

Grants user telekinetic control over water.
Water use restricted to offensive maneuvers only.

Warning: controlling salt water drains more charge than controlling freshwater.

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Ability cannot generate water and can only be used near major bodies of water.

Third Kongou-Class Fast Battleship, Haruna

Elemental Compatibility: None

- no entry -

First Amagi-Class Resurrected Battlecruiser, Amagi

Elemental Compatibility: None

Type 1/Mark III Yamato Energy Cannon: Ability available only to battleships and battlecruisers. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to fire a concentrated burst of particle energy based on classified military advancements in particle-energy weaponry. Currently, this technology is not possible without the presence of navitasium.

Cannon must be fired from both 40.6cm barrels.
Cannon must be charged for 60 seconds before deployment.
Cannon can be held for a maximum of 10 seconds before it must be discharged.
+50% maximum range of 40.6cm cannons.
Exact damage profile of the Yamato Cannon is unknown.
Cannon inflicts massive splash damage - extent of splash damage is unknown.

Note: Due to the high consumption rate of navitasium, the Yamato Cannon must be limited to two shots per week*.
Note: All Japanese battleships and battlecruisers are retrofitted with equipment and the physical capacity to wield any iteration of the Yamato Cannon. While the Yamato Cannon is not an nation-exclusive ability, foreign capital ships must undergo retrofitting surgery to be able to wield the Yamato Cannon.

Warning: Energy accumulation of the Yamato Cannon can disrupt systems in other ship girls who do not carry electromagnetic pulse protection. Keep clear of Amagi or any battleship/battlecruiser charging the Yamato Cannon.

CAUTION: If the Yamato Cannon is retained within the cannon barrels for longer than 10 seconds, the Yamato Cannon WILL DETONATE, dealing heavy, if not fatal damage to the user. If a mis-activated Yamato burst must be safely discharged, it must be fired straight up out of planetary atmosphere levels.
CAUTION: Ensure that no friendly forces are in the area of the target of the cannon. Splash damage analysis is currently too limited to ensure the safety of friendly forces.
*CAUTION: Yamato Cannon must not be used more times than is stated. This is due to the fact that the ability must use the same amount of energy every time it is used, and if there is not enough navitasium to power it, the ability will directly break down and consume body cells to make up for whatever energy is left to complete it. A single Yamato Cannon prock will effectively kill a ship girl if there is no navitasium to draw upon.

Additional Notes:

The Yamato Cannon was intended to be an exclusive weapon system for the Yamato-Class battleships, but it was decided to be a universal armament in the form of a navitasium-powered ability for all Japanese capital ships.

Current variants of the Yamato Cannon include the Type 1/Mark I, the Type 1/Mark II, and the prototype Type 0, but only the Type 1/Mark III is suited for battle conditions. Improvements to the Yamato Cannon design are currently in progress.

You think that was it? Well, an international op later, we get an expansion to that document. I will only include new sections

Second Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Shiranui (不知火)

Elemental Compatibility: None

Vengeance Protocol:
independent ability unique to Shiranui. Requires no energy source.

"Revenge mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

Note: protocol only executed when execution conditions are satisfied

Conditions for Protocol Execution:
-ship sister has taken severe damage
-user has taken severe damage
-close comrade has taken severe damage

Note: User is prone to interpret "damage" in whichever way best fits the situation

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Currently unknown if protocol can circumvent known execution requirements.

Tenth Ayanami-Class Destroyer, Ushio (

Elemental Capability: None

independent ability unique to Ushio.


Technical Information:


Second Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Hibiki ()

Elemental Capability: Fire

independent ability unique to Hibiki. Requires no energy source.

"Last resort mechanism/revenge mechanism"

Hibiki's personality codex is rewritten by her emotional parameters once anger conditions are satisfied.
Alter persona is known as "Hinotori/Fuchisou" (火の鳥/不死鳥)

Grants user the ability to generate fire rounds using current ammunition stock
Grants user control over fire (extent and limits of power unknown)
Exact data on performance increase unknown

CAUTION: ability cannot be directly manipulated.
CAUTION: personality overwrite results in memory loss. Hibiki will not remember what Hinotori/Fuchisou has done.
CAUTION: ability subject to emotional parameters.

Third Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Ikazuchi ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Fourth Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Inazuma ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Rocket-Trigger Lightning: independent ability unique to Inazuma. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to switch standard 12.7cm rounds with pure lightning rounds.
Lightning rounds mimic properties of natural lightning.
Grants user the ability to manipulate lightning properties.

Note: Requires Kai upgrade.
Note: user can process navitasium to use lighting energy without ship armaments

CAUTION: Lightning rounds will severely increase durability loss on armaments
Second Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Shiranui (不知火)

Elemental Compatibility: None

Vengeance Protocol: independent ability unique to Shiranui. Requires no energy source.

"Revenge mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

Note: protocol only executed when execution conditions are satisfied

Conditions for Protocol Execution:
-ship sister has taken severe damage
-user has taken severe damage
-close comrade has taken severe damage

Note: User is prone to interpret "damage" in whichever way best fits the situation

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Currently unknown if protocol can circumvent known execution requirements.

Tenth Ayanami-Class Destroyer, Ushio ()

Elemental Capability: None

Savior: independent ability unique to Ushio.


Technical Information:


Second Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Hibiki ()

Elemental Capability: Fire

Жар-пти́ца: independent ability unique to Hibiki. Requires no energy source.

"Last resort mechanism/revenge mechanism"

Hibiki's personality codex is rewritten by her emotional parameters once anger conditions are satisfied.
Alter persona is known as "Hinotori/Fuchisou" (火の鳥/不死鳥)

Grants user the ability to generate fire rounds using current ammunition stock
Grants user control over fire (extent and limits of power unknown)
Exact data on performance increase unknown

CAUTION: ability cannot be directly manipulated.
CAUTION: personality overwrite results in memory loss. Hibiki will not remember what Hinotori/Fuchisou has done.
CAUTION: ability subject to emotional parameters.

Third Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Ikazuchi ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike: synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Fourth Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Inazuma ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike: synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Rocket-Trigger Lightning: independent ability unique to Inazuma. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to switch standard 12.7cm rounds with pure lightning rounds.
Lightning rounds mimic properties of natural lightning.
Grants user the ability to manipulate lightning properties.

Note: Requires Kai upgrade.
Note: user can process navitasium to use lighting energy without ship armaments

CAUTION: Lightning rounds will severely increase durability loss on armaments
Second Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Shiranui (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Vengeance Protocol:
independent ability unique to Shiranui. Requires no energy source.

"Revenge mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

Note: protocol only executed when execution conditions are satisfied

Conditions for Protocol Execution:
-ship sister has taken severe damage
-user has taken severe damage
-close comrade has taken severe damage

Note: User is prone to interpret "damage" in whichever way best fits the situation

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Currently unknown if protocol can circumvent known execution requirements.

Tenth Ayanami-Class Destroyer, Ushio (

Elemental Capability: None

independent ability unique to Ushio.


Technical Information:


Second Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Hibiki ()

Elemental Capability: Fire

independent ability unique to Hibiki. Requires no energy source.

"Last resort mechanism/revenge mechanism"

Hibiki's personality codex is rewritten by her emotional parameters once anger conditions are satisfied.
Alter persona is known as "Hinotori/Fuchisou" (火の鳥/不死鳥)

Grants user the ability to generate fire rounds using current ammunition stock
Grants user control over fire (extent and limits of power unknown)
Exact data on performance increase unknown

CAUTION: ability cannot be directly manipulated.
CAUTION: personality overwrite results in memory loss. Hibiki will not remember what Hinotori/Fuchisou has done.
CAUTION: ability subject to emotional parameters.

Third Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Ikazuchi ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Fourth Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Inazuma ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Rocket-Trigger Lightning: independent ability unique to Inazuma. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to switch standard 12.7cm rounds with pure lightning rounds.
Lightning rounds mimic properties of natural lightning.
Grants user the ability to manipulate lightning properties.

Note: Requires Kai upgrade.
Note: user can process navitasium to use lighting energy without ship armaments

CAUTION: Lightning rounds will severely increase durability loss on armaments
Second Kagerou-Class Destroyer, Shiranui (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Vengeance Protocol:
independent ability unique to Shiranui. Requires no energy source.

"Revenge mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

Note: protocol only executed when execution conditions are satisfied

Conditions for Protocol Execution:
-ship sister has taken severe damage
-user has taken severe damage
-close comrade has taken severe damage

Note: User is prone to interpret "damage" in whichever way best fits the situation

CAUTION: Ability subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: Currently unknown if protocol can circumvent known execution requirements.

Tenth Ayanami-Class Destroyer, Ushio (

Elemental Capability: None

independent ability unique to Ushio.


Technical Information:


Second Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Hibiki ()

Elemental Capability: Fire

independent ability unique to Hibiki. Requires no energy source.

"Last resort mechanism/revenge mechanism"

Hibiki's personality codex is rewritten by her emotional parameters once anger conditions are satisfied.
Alter persona is known as "Hinotori/Fuchisou" (火の鳥/不死鳥)

Grants user the ability to generate fire rounds using current ammunition stock
Grants user control over fire (extent and limits of power unknown)
Exact data on performance increase unknown

CAUTION: ability cannot be directly manipulated.
CAUTION: personality overwrite results in memory loss. Hibiki will not remember what Hinotori/Fuchisou has done.
CAUTION: ability subject to emotional parameters.

Third Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Ikazuchi ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Fourth Akatsuki-Class Destroyer, Inazuma ()

Elemental Capability: Lightning

NA-45 Lightning Strike:
synergetic ability unique to Ikazuchi and Inazuma. Requires no energy source.

A two-part coordinated attack that can only be executed by sister destroyers Ikazuchi and Inazuma
Inazuma must fire the first shot at designated target (primer), and Ikazuchi must fire the follow-up shot (detonator)
Detonator round must land within 25 meters of the location of the primer round for explosive effect
Primer round contains same explosive power as a 46cm cannon

Note: Special primer and detonator rounds are created within the corresponding gearboxes through deconstruction of standard 12.7cm rounds and reassembly after rewiring. Primer and detonator rounds each require five standard shells each.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds require sixty seconds of construction time before firing.
Note: Primer and detonator rounds have additional 25% maximum firing range.
Note: It is possible for Inazuma to fire multiple primer rounds first before Ikazuchi fires detonator rounds for a large area effect.

Rocket-Trigger Lightning: independent ability unique to Inazuma. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to switch standard 12.7cm rounds with pure lightning rounds.
Lightning rounds mimic properties of natural lightning.
Grants user the ability to manipulate lightning properties.

Note: Requires Kai upgrade.
Note: user can process navitasium to use lighting energy without ship armaments

CAUTION: Lightning rounds will severely increase durability loss on armaments

Type KD-6 Submarine, I-168, (いむや)

Elemental Compatibility: Water

Cloak: independent ability unique to all submarines. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Renders user invisible for varying amounts of time. Time is determined by amount of charge on the Cloaking threads woven into submarine swimsuits.

Full Charge allows upwards of 24 hours of uninterrupted Cloaking.
Full Recharge requires approximately 12 hours.

Warning: Do not Cloak and Decloak repeatedly, doing so will put unnecessary strain on the Cloaking threads and can possibly destroy them.

IMPORTANT: Cloaking specifically prevents submarines from being detected on radar or sonar while underwater.

Cloaking threads draw energy in different forms:
-On land, suit is solar-powered
-In freshwater, suit absorbs water
-In ocean water, suit draws salt from ocean water

When Cloaked, user cannot Decloak for five minutes.
After Decloaking, user cannot Cloak for five minutes.

CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from strong sensor devices or machines, E.G. thermal imaging, infra-red, UV-imaging.
CAUTION: Cloaking does not prevent detection from radar or scanner sweeps if the user is not underwater.
CAUTION: Cloaking is susceptible to electromagnetic pulses and will be disabled temporarily for varying amounts of time depending on the degree of exposure.

Note: To know if Cloaking is available, look into the user's eyes. If the Cloaking gear is faced inward, Cloaking is available. If the Cloaking gear is faced outward, Cloaking is on cooldown or does not have enough charge.

First Tenryuu-Class Light Cruiser, Tenryuu (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Celestial Dragon:
independent ability unique to Tenryuu. Requires no energy source.

Grants user the ability to force opponents to desist

Note: ability takes the form of user's left eye

CAUTION: looking directly at the Celestial Dragon may cause adverse and unintended effects

Second Tenryuu-Class Light Cruiser, Tatsuta (

Elemental Compatibility: None

Demonic Halo:
independent ability unique to Tatsuta. Requires no energy source, but may utilize navitasium.

"Eradication mechanism"

Unknown. Appears to be similar to the Nightmare Protocol and and the Vengeance Protocol.

CAUTION: ability is known to process navitasium but results are unknown

First Furutaka-Class Heavy Cruiser, Furutaka (

Elemental Compatibility: None

independent ability. Requires no energy source.

Grants user the ability to physically illuminate an area with a searchlight.

Note: ability is manifested in the form of user's left eye. Ability can be turned on and shut off at will, so preventative eyewear is not required

CAUTION: while ability does not require a separate energy source, it can cause user's eye to burn out and render the eye blind temporarily

Fourth Myoukou-Class Heavy Cruiser, Ashigara (足柄)

Elemental Compatibility: None

Hungry Wolf Protocol: independent ability unique to Ashigara. Requires no energy source.

"Battle sustainability mechanism/last resort mechanism"

Causes user to generate high amounts of the Monoamine Oxidase A enzyme, inducing states of hyper-aggression
Resistance to pain and fatigue drastically increased
Battle performance (accuracy, speed, acceleration, physical strength) drastically increased

CAUTION: Ability heavily subject to emotional parameters.
CAUTION: user is subject to multiple personality disorders and hyper-aggression
CAUTION: Ability is not a physical device, it is a line of code
CAUTION: User is very dangerous and prone to friendly fire

First Kongou-Class Fast Battleship, Kongou (金剛)

Elemental Compatibility: Fire

Burning Love: independent ability unique to Kongou. Operates independently from navitasium sources.

Allows user to create a vortex of fire by spiking temperature of air molecules in close proximity. Used as defensive maneuver or a close range combat tactic.

Warning: User may subject commanding officer to this ability. Treat user with caution. Constitution is not responsible for any friendly fire inflicted by this ability.

Type 1/Mark III Yamato Energy Cannon: Ability available only to battleships and battlecruisers. Requires navitasium.

Grants user the ability to fire a concentrated burst of particle energy based on classified military advancements in particle-energy weaponry. Currently, this technology is not possible without the presence of navitasium.

Cannon must be fired from both 35.6cm barrels.
Cannon must be charged for 60 seconds before deployment.
Cannon can be held for a maximum of 10 seconds before it must be discharged.
+50% maximum range of 35.6cm cannons.
Exact damage profile of the Yamato Cannon is unknown.
Cannon inflicts massive splash damage - extent of splash damage is unknown.

Note: Due to the high consumption rate of navitasium, the Yamato Cannon must be limited to two shots per week*.
Note: All Japanese battleships and battlecruisers are retrofitted with equipment and the physical capacity to wield any iteration of the Yamato Cannon. While the Yamato Cannon is not a nation-exclusive ability, foreign capital ships must undergo retrofitting surgery to be able to wield the Yamato Cannon.

Warning: Energy accumulation of the Yamato Cannon can disrupt systems in other ship girls who do not carry electromagnetic pulse protection. Keep clear of Kongou or any battleship/battlecruiser charging the Yamato Cannon.

CAUTION: If the Yamato Cannon is retained within the cannon barrels for longer than 10 seconds, the Yamato Cannon WILL DETONATE, dealing heavy, if not fatal damage to the user. If a mis-activated Yamato Cannon must be safely discharged, it must be fired straight up out of planetary atmosphere levels.
CAUTION: Ensure that no friendly forces are in the area of the target of the cannon. Splash damage analysis is currently too limited to ensure the safety of friendly forces.
*CAUTION: Yamato Cannon must not be used more times than is stated. This is due to the fact that the ability must use the same amount of energy every time it is used, and if there is not enough navitasium to power it, the ability will directly break down and consume body cells to make up for whatever energy is left to complete it. A single Yamato Cannon prock will effectively kill a ship girl if there is no navitasium to draw upon.

Additional Notes:

The Yamato Cannon was intended to be an exclusive weapon system for the Yamato-Class battleships, but it was decided to be a universal armament in the form of a navitasium-powered ability for all Japanese capital ships.

Current variants of the Yamato Cannon include the Type 1/Mark I, the Type 1/Mark II, and the prototype Type 0, but only the Type 1/Mark III is suited for battle conditions. Improvements to the Yamato Cannon Design are currently in progress.

Indestructible: independent passive ability unique to Kongou.


Technical information:


Jeez Louise. I've got one more for you.......some gratuitous gun porn. Note that some girls from the above expansion are missing as the section is from a chapter before some of those new girls were added.

Damon and Sanford take stock of the weapons that are messily piled up in the Merlin's cargo bay. Damon's MK-14 Rogue Chassis designated marksman rifle, Damon's Glock 37, two AK-47's, the AR-15, the LSAT, two AA-12's, the DSR-50, the Desert Tactical HTI, one FS-2000, one AUG-A1, one Carbon-15, one Bushmaster ACR, one Tavor-21, one Remington 870, two H&K-417 DMR's, three Magpul FMG-9's, three MP5SD-6's, the four new AK-M's, the two new M4-A3's, the two new M4-A4's, a P-99, and fifteen USP .45 handguns. Because ammunition would presumably be taken care of, Damon instead assigns weapons to each of the ship girls, so his list ends up looking like...

Murakumo: AK-47
Amatsukaze: AK-47
Mutsu: LSAT
Iku: MP5SD-6 / USP 45
Shimakaze: AA-12 / USP 45
Kaga: Desert Tactical HTI / USP 45
Shigure: TAR-21
Yuudachi: R-870
Shoukaku: McMillan TAC-50 / USP 45
Samidare: AR-15 / USP 45
Suzukaze: AA-12 / USP 45
Haruna: M417 DMR / USP 45
Amagi: M417 DMR / USP 45
Furutaka: AK-M
Kitakami: M4-A3
Fusou: M4-A4
Tenryuu: AK-M / USP 45
Tatsuta: AK-M / USP 45
Zuikaku: DSR-50 / USP 45
Ashigara: M4-A4
I-168: MP5SD-6 / USP 45
Kagerou: FS-2000
Shiranui: Bushmaster ACR
Ise: AK-M
Sazanami: M4-A3
Ushio: Carbon 15
Akatsuki: Magpul FMG-9
Hibiki: Magpul FMG-9 / USP 45
Inazuma: MP5SD-6
Ikazuchi: Magpul FMG-9 / USP 45

And now.......I shall go off and count Zeta's. You can skip the emails, but the documents are something you'll want to look at, if only to see how badly implemented the other 3 resources were, and to see just how BS abilities are.

*Looks at ship list*

.....oh god Kaga's here.......oh god poi's here......oH GOD.

Sixth Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer, Samidare


(Context: in kancolle you get to pick a starter ship when you first play the game. Samidare was said ship. He is not taking it well)


*Falls to the floor and weeps inconsolably*