Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
@Sheo Darren

TBH, that's too narmy for me. Bombastic speech aside, I feel that your devotion to your girls is a bit too much.

Ultimately, I am starting to feel that we are getting way too ahead of ourselves in this. While mocking and insulting the idiot's stuff seems great, to me, its like responding to a troll - he feeds of our responses that are filled with hate and distaste, and continues churning out shit to stoke us further.

LR's often punish fics full of wanking idiocy by the stuck-in, masturbating idiots, but I feel that it just bounces off AFS's author. Remember, this is a guy who wholeheartedly insists on writing shit, and has grown stubborn to criticism.

Hence I say, the best way to deal with Ambiance is honestly to ignore it and let it rot. Write better stuff, and consign him to the trashbin of shit fanfics, while glorifying ourselves to the outer-community.

*writes a little more for AC*


It's a hobby. *Noms popcorn*
@Sheo Darren

Sheo, you're a cool guy, but perhaps the speech thing could have gone a bit more to the point and less 'flowery'. I totally get what you're all about but the cringe was too strong. I'm sorry.

Ultimately, I am starting to feel that we are getting way too ahead of ourselves in this

This is a good thought. I like this thought.

Don't you guys think that we're all getting a little bit too invested in the hating thing compared to the first few pages? Maybe we should take a step back and think about this.
Still think Sheo's speech is fine, well meaning, vocal, full of conviction and it fits.

This is a good thought. I like this thought.

Don't you guys think that we're all getting a little bit too invested in the hating thing compared to the first few pages? Maybe we should take a step back and think about this.

Well we hate this thing ever since Murakumo got enslaved and Damon committed infanticide....not to mention all the raping, murdering and looting that's been going on...

In this case i think our hate for this fic is justified, though how we show it may differ from others i.e Whiskey shows tranquil fury, Sheo's berserk button is Ambience etc etc.

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A message from the bird
Special requested thingy today, turns out Eagle wasn't much a fan "Regarding the NEWLY WALL O' TEXT OF AUTHOR'S NOTES THAT TAKES UP ABOUT A QUARTER OF THE BLOODY chapter 251? "

I'm not doing the "Critical Research Failure" section at Ambulance's YMMV page to "help" Hackyuu on editing his earlier chapters (man, I hope you have the original ones from the SB thread he initially put up). About three-quarters - scratch that, 99.99% - of his "justifications" have me going all table-flip-RAEG-WHAT-IS-THIS-SHIT?! mode. Most of the stuff I reference are pretty much Googled, Wiki'd, reading some of the reactions from more knowledgeable people in the LR, as well asking more knowledgeable people as a bit of fact checking. The ballistics computer, from Black Ops 2? THAT'S his basis for how ballistics computers work? REALLY? The gun safety thing is something one should NEVER FORGET, FFS. And pretty much every other stuff, he's just throwing it over his shoulder and back into the trash bin, or he was "unaware at the time". THEN WHY THE BLOODY FUCK DID YOU WRITE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE WITHOUT RESEARCHING IT?! There's just so much MORE I could rant about, but I think that'd be detrimental to my health and pretty much the others have already covered it, or haven't on future chapters.

Polishing a turd, Hackyuu - you can make it shiny, but it's STILL a turd.

Find the Your Millage May Vary page here
We've done a good thing. People are starting to see through the (massive and should have been long noticed) cracks.
Aye, this is what the thread is for, so we continue, keep spreading the truth, by the time we are done, Hackyou won't have a single new reviewer save for his old fan base.

Even now the amount of reviews he has gotten seems to have slowed down a lot.

Edited...dammit hate typing from the phone.
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@Sheo Darren

Sheo, you're a cool guy, but perhaps the speech thing could have gone a bit more to the point and less 'flowery'. I totally get what you're all about but the cringe was too strong. I'm sorry.

This is a good thought. I like this thought.

Don't you guys think that we're all getting a little bit too invested in the hating thing compared to the first few pages? Maybe we should take a step back and think about this.

Do recall it was on your "Recommendation" of this fic (Well, Platoon, but I didn't know there were so many of the fucking spin offs at the time) is what started all this, the more hammy and eccentric we've gotten has only been a counter to how fucking awful this fic is Maybe not by chapter 20, but it's still pretty bad, but later down the line. How is that?

WELL LET'S PICK "Made Ayanami a quad amputee" FOR 1000!
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Do recall it was on your "Recommendation" of this fic (Well, Platoon, but I didn't know there were so many of the fucking spin offs at the time) is what started all this, the more hammy and eccentric we've gotten has only been a counter to how fucking awful this fic is Maybe not by chapter 20, but it's still pretty bad, but later down the line. How is that?

WELL LET'S PICK "Made Ayanami a quad amputee" FOR 1000!
Oh goddammit. More power to you guys, I guess.
As for my hate for the fic. I hate it yet I would go on and off reading it to see what the hell is going on. Sometimes, there some good things, like Fallout like setting, and finally having US Ship girls, which hooked me for a bit but due to long wall reading, skipped a lot, there are what the fuck things like magic, reality, powers, cyborgs, there are *rage* things like Abyssal but good girl Shoukaku slapped, the rape and torturing of shipgirls, and lastly, stupid things, Damon's "Death", Call of Duty ripping off, DOOM, and getting a Fallout 4 song and make the lyrics in the story.

So yeah. Oh and the reviews to see what people say about this fic.
Hammy as it is, it kind of gets to the point. Like someone before said; no one likes their favorite characters suffer without a sense or reason.

But you guys realize that paying heed to the store gives it some sort of publicy, right? Sure, bad publicy and therefore people would avoid reading it, but bad publicy is *still* publicy.

That said, I don't think the author cares about leaving a legacy or having people write their stuff based on his setting. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep going.
Might be true, considering the many references some fics and quests on FF that references SV, but that's more wishful thinking than a certainly.

Actually, someone from did visit this thread, one of Hackyou's White Knights who attempted to troll all of us here as to why Ambience is Kewl and awesome....he got beaten down by logic and banned.

So it's not wishful thinking, but a reality that people from and the internet in general would visit this thread eventually and see the story for what it is.
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Actually, someone from did visit this thread, one of Hackyou's White Knights who attempted to troll all of us here as to why Ambience is Kewl and awesome....he got beaten down by logic and banned.

So it's not wishful thinking, but a reality that people from and the internet in general would visit this thread eventually and see the story for what it is.

Fair enough. Good point there.
Heh...some of his reviewers were also complaining about this thread and why we hate this story and how we should "get a life" and all that crap.

A bit late to respond to this comment, but I want to say this... Most of us do Have a Life, Right guys? Well; I have a Job, I vote, and I pay my Taxes. What about the ones telling us to "Get A Life"? What do they do for a living?

Just getting this out of my Chest.
Eh, if people care abut something people can get hammy about it. Such is life, really.

At any rate, I do write. A lot.