Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
Omake (It's 12 AM give me a break)
(Something quickly done.)

Doctor William Steiner, son of Doctor Ryan Steiner, head of brain-computer research for the FLEET Project, looked upon his father's work with horror. Was this what the man who had once given him tours to see his laboratory, who introduced him to his friends and colleagues, who steadfastly believed in him when no one else did?

Was this really his father?

No. Will decided that it could not be so. His father was a saint, a lifebringer, someone who Will sincerely believed was a good man.

This person who stood in front of him, showing off the hundreds of women suspended in tubes, talking about his grand plan to rebuild America by using an army of artificial men and women, smiled as he finished his speech.

"What do you think?" the elder Steiner asked, raising one greying eyebrow.

"I think you've gone crazy, father. You're crazy. This isn't what you stood for, dad! This--" he gestured to the women, "This isn't you! What happened to your grand plan to save humanity? Is this it? Breeding soldiers from shipgirls? That doesn't make any sense! They're automations! You said it yourself! They can't be used to create new life!"

Will glared at his father. "Why. Why did you do this?"

"Because we could change the world. William," he said, giving him a look one would give to a dim child, "There is nothing the children of the fleet maidens cannot do. They are stronger, faster, more tenacious, more enduring than the best human specimen on the planet. They can shrug off wounds that would kill a human being. They are their future."

He tilted his head. "Didn't you want to change the future once, William? Give hope to thousands? Rebuild the world?" He glared at him. "This is our only chance, William. You cannot hope to unite the people of the wasteland. They are little more than savages," the old man growled. "Savages who have no idea what powers they are toying with. Who are you to think that you could even succeed? Blackwood's been trying for decades. If he can't do it, then how on earth could you?"

William shook his head. "Because he's little more than a thug, father. You call this salvation?" He pointed at Ryan, "This is slavery. No, this is more than just slavery. This is treating humans like livestock." He walked up to him and stared into his eyes. "Do you even hear what you're saying? Using these women as living wombs to make the soldiers of tomorrow? Do you have their consent? Their approval? Do they even know what you're doing to them!?"

"You call yourself a doctor. This--" he looked at the tubes, "This breaks everything you swore by when you took your Hippocratic Oath."

"The ends justify the means," Ryan replied, crossing his arms. "I don't expect you to understand."

"No, I understand perfectly," Will murmured. "You're insane. Does Blackwood know you're doing this?"

"Yes," he smirked. Will was taken aback. What?

"Did you seriously think that all those expeditions into the wasteland was just to bully the savages? Hell no. We were recovering the maidens to deflower them."

He chuckled at his joke, and Will found it harder to resist the urge to smash his face in. "William, everyone in the government knows what we are doing." His eyes hardened. "You cannot hope to stop us. You cannot hope to break us. We will establish a one world order, and the savages and everyone else will be swept aside when we rebuild America."

He extended his hand. "You can either be with us or against us. Your choice."

A single gunshot was his response. "Then I guess I just have to try hard enough to see you all to hell," William spat. He stared at the bleeding form of his father and sighed. Here was this once great man, his father, his only parent. And now he had to shoot him.

Damn it all.

"I'm sorry, dad," he said quietly. He looked upon his dying form. "But you can't expect me to accept this in any way or form."

To his surprise, his father chuckled. "Don't be. I knew."


"Come," he gestured. "I must tell you one important thing." William knelt at his father's side, and the elder Steiner weakly sat up. "In my office, there is a folder. Aside from all the documents about the FLEET Project, there is a letter. It arrived, sealed, in 2005. It was from your grandfather, Richard," he coughed. "It was addressed to you," he explained. "Take it. Open it. Whatever it is, it must be important," he wheezed. "Now leave me. No doubt the guards will be on the lookout once they find my body. Let them find it. Blackwood must not know that I betrayed them."


"Just go," he said. "Please. Time is ticking. Will. Use this information to save humanity."

He was at a loss of words. "Dad..."

"Go. Let me atone for my sins." He let out another wet cough, and blood dripped out of his mouth. "Go," he croaked. "Just go."

William did as he was told. "Dad... I'm sorry," he said one last time, sparing a glance at him.

He let out a sigh and left one of the last researchers of the FLEET Project to die in a pool of his own blood. The door clicked shut behind him, and he pocketed his pistol. Time to save humanity.
Attention Senior Admirals and forum users, i have received grave news from A:AFS, apparently the hiatus was due to Hieda deciding whether or not to continue the story.

Long story short, in an A/N in chapter 251, he has decided to continue the story and finish it at chapter 500, you may view said A/N at your....displeasure.
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Well, at least the story can wind down. Thank fuck. At his usual update rate, that should be some time next year.
Attention Senior Admirals and forum users, i have received grave news from A:AFS, apparently the hiatus was due to Hieda deciding whether or not to continue the story.

Long story short, in an A/N in chapter 251, he has decided to continue the story and finish it at chapter 500, you may view said A/N at your....displeasure.

Hahahhahahah fuck me it's 5 AM let's read this shit
The author also states that he intends to spite us because we want the story to be done and dusted, so the show must go on he to why I write this tidbit?...well its insurance just in case you guys don't want to read the A/N.
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So the suffering continues.

The Sins never die.
Can't wash this blood off our hands
Let the world fear us all
It's just means to an end
Our salvation lies in the Father's sins.
Beyond the truth, (Let me suffer now)
In my heart I just know that there's no way to light up the dark in his eyes.
So he does it out of spite now. I'd almost pity the guy. Except he brainwashes people and uses rape to generate cheap drama.
Heh...some of his reviewers were also complaining about this thread and why we hate this story and how we should "get a life" and all that crap.
AN to Chapter 251


I could have very well ended the story right here at chapter 250. The thought definitely crossed my mind during this brief break I took: Damon's dead (for the fourth time), meaning the story itself should be dead too. There are other stories of mine that desperately need tending to.


And then I remembered someone telling me that Fanfiction only lets your story have a maximum of 500 chapters. Since I'm halfway there, I may as well see what's at the end. Because it's only normal to write another 250 chapters. What do you mean, people don't write 5-million word stories?

This story was bullshit not even a million words in, why the hell would they.

Not to mention there's an entire forum of people out there somewhere in Internetland who want nothing less than me dead in a fire and this story deleted from the ends of the earth. So just to spite those particular individuals, the show must go on.

Now now, it's a tire fire, accuracy is important!

Whiskey: Actually I think it's a little ironic that more people on SV probably know of him from his lets reads. The random average Kancolle reader I run into on SV would either have read Belated Battleships, Indestructible Spirit, Changing Destiny or The Greatest Generation. I think that might actually be worse - outside of we merry few, he's unknown to the forum.

But I wasn't just being a lazy potato these past few chapterless days: I've been busy doing some maintenance on my story and is auxiliaries to get everything completely up to date with the entire story as a whole. Here is a list of the following tasks that have been updated about the story:

-Ch. 250 has been slightly updated, added a few more lines of dialogue for Damon and Blackwood.

-Ch. 169 Stat Sheet has been updated to now include all stats for ship girls introduced into the story so far, including the British/German fleets

-A:AFS TvTropes character page is being updated regularly to include all ship girls introduced so far

-Critical Research Failure issues listed on A:AFS TvTropes YMMV page addressed and/or corrected

Oh? Well Wel Well, let''s see what this is about.

Below are the reasonings behind the changes made because of the CRF points stated above:

A nuclear war between Iran and the United States that triggers the rest of the world into a nuclear World War III

This is the basic, underlying premise of the entire story, and one that many detractors have a huge problem with before they get anywhere deep into the story. I've stated it before and I'll state it however many times I need to, this story was written on a mere whim, with no real deep thought put into the plot at the time of its genesis. Curse my ignorance of modern nuclear geopolitics all you want, but at the end of the day, this is just another stupid fanfiction, not the next hot topic of debate in today's international politics. Therefore, I will not be changing the premises simply because it's far too late for that. It's flawed, yes, but at this point changing the entire story just to fix this is unreasonable, even by my standards.

"I Know it's stupid but i'm going to keep doing it anyway" is not a valid excuse.

Travel times mentioned in the story are unrealistic, given the in-universe nature of the nuclear apocalypse and the resulting decay of modern highway infrastructure, vehicular debris, and frequency of radiation pockets.

I'll be honest - I didn't really put too much thought into how long it would take for the characters in the story to get from Point A to Point B. The only times when I really seriously put in some thought into this was whenever the characters would be flying from one location to the other, so I would take into consideration the speeds of whatever vehicle they were flying on and a VERY rough estimate of the distances they were flying to calculate their ETA's. And I'm not a hardcore mathematician, so calculating the ETA's down to the millisecond isn't something I'm particularly keen on, unfortunately. I was even considering at one point just not even bothering with all the ETA calculations and just write in very vague phrases of time progression like "after a while" or "later that evening", but that's boring narration, and I feel like the readers deserve at least some kind of detail. If the ETA's don't add up to be exactlywhat they ought to be, given varying circumstances, then there's nothing I can or will do about this, because frankly I don't want to be spending entire afternoons doing the math for these kinds of things, not to mention there are so many times when the fleet/characters are on the move that going back and fixing them all in the first place would take me a long time. Plus, I detest math, so that doesn't help.

You stupid bitch, I could figure this shit out with google maps and like two minutes, half of that loading the goddamn pages.

Really the only way you'll get me to change these things is if someone goes back and finds every single instance of a travel ETA I've put into the story and calculates every single one of them correctly or within reasonable parameters given the story's setting and in-universe circumstances. But none of you will do that, so I don't have to worry about this. But in the off chance that someone is insane and courteous enough to do this, then I will gladly go back and put in correct ETA's.

That's not the issue you incompetent fucktard.

In Chapter 1, Damon can't shoot his MK-14 left-handed unless the rifle itself is modified for left-hand casing ejection.

This is a bit ambiguous on the part of my writing, so I apologize for this...two years late, it seems. The narration depicts Damon wielding his MK-14 with his left arm, but I only intended for that particular scene in the chapter to depict him simply holding his rifle in his left hand, not shooting it left-handed (for the record, I'd always imagined Damon to be right-handed). My knowledge of firearms is nowhere near as good as it should be to be writing a story like this, but I at least know the MK-14 has a default right-hand casing ejection port.

So you've always been, and admit to still being, utterly incompetent and unskilled at writing what you intend to.

Damon tells Murakumo that he's "immune" to radiation. In addition, radiation should normally take thousands of years to clean up, so decontaminating two continents' worth of it should be impossible, or at least highly improbable.

I will wholeheartedly admit I was totally unaware that "radiation immunity" is not a thing, and that instead the correct phrase is "radiation resistance". Very recently, after noticing this point, I've switched my narration to say "resistant to radiation" henceforth. Excuse my lack of proper medical knowledge and lingo.

I also was not aware that radiation can't simply be "cleaned up" or decontaminated easily.

To many of you, this may seem like the most obvious fact about radiation in the world, but I'll freely profess I was oblivious to this. However, just like the above point about the premise of the story, a possible nuclear war instigated by the United States and Iran, however flawed this is, it's not like I can do anything about it now, 250 chapters in. So again, you'll have to forgive me for this, but this, too, I cannot and will not change.

At this point this could, and might, descend into me figuring out all the ways I can call you stupid.

In Chapter 2, it's mentioned that Damon's mother passed radiation on to him while he was still developing as a fetus, which should usually result in either an abortion or cancer for the fetus.

Again, another one of my unfamiliarities with the true nature of radiation - you can see a pattern here, can't you. This has been corrected, the mention of Losira passing radiation off to Damon when he was a fetus has been removed.

Except this was mentioned in chapter 3. You could at least put the correct chapter number to help me find it if you're going to point this out, right?

Even when he fixes shit he still has to blow off the other person somehow.

In Chapter 4, Damon states that about 90% of basic firearms training is bullshit.

This I will gladly change, since I've taken basic firearms training courses in high school and understand the importance of proper firearms handling. I guess at the time of writing the chapter, I thought it would be in-character for Damon to say something like this, but now, this looks dumb even to me. This has been fixed.

But it is in-character for Damon to be this arrogant and stupid.

Also in Chapter 4, Damon talks of a Russian pilot who defected to the United States during the post-war purges and had brought his Mi-24 with him, and how it was very useful in transporting heavy cargo, specifically vehicles and debris.

I was always aware of the Mi-24's attack helicopter nature, but I guess I should have researched its cargo towing capacity first before saying something like this. This has been fixed.

In Chapter 5, the U.S.S. Alabama is mentioned to still be operational, which in reality she cannot be due to her conversion into a museum ship.

It appears that my knowledge on museum ships is also sorely lacking. One of these days I may take the time to visit one just to see what one's like. This has been fixed.


In Chapter 6, Murakumo doesn't immediately recognize the audio dots and dashes as Morse when she ought to recognize it immediately, given her historical warship nature.

I was thinking about just leaving this as it was, because I could have said that Murakumo's long nineteen-year-dormancy may have rendered her unable to recall certain things about herself as a ship girl, similar to how a computer that hasn't been turned on for a long time takes some time longer to boot up. But I eventually decided against it, since it doesn't seem likely that the technology behind constructing a ship girl would really let this happen. This has been fixed.

On the account of bauxite only being used by destroyers during their constructions, I personally don't care for that. Clearly I have taken huge liberties with the concept of ship girls in my story, so ingame properties of resources like bauxite do not concern me in the slightest. Besides, if this point is going to be made, then you have to take into consideration the role of steel in the story as well: ship girls can slap steel patches over a wound and bam, it's healed (after like twenty of them)! Wow, so magical! So nitpicking the role of resources in the story is a little silly to me, which may infuriate the game's purists, but hey, this is just a stupid fanfiction at the end of the day. After all, you can't expect someone like me who's never even touched the game its to really follow its mechanics faithfully at all. On top of which, the role of bauxite in this story, its function of boosting a ship girl's resistance to incoming damage, is mere story trivia, and it's not like it has played some kind of huge role in the story thus far, and I personally don't see it doing so in the future.

It's not a magic element you can just have do this shit though, it's fucking Aluminum.

In Chapter 7, the programmers who built the ship girls to end conflicts as swiftly and quickly as possible are failures because that's not how the World War II warships were designed to do, and neither were the naval battles in which they participated simple hour-long ventures.

I'm not even sure if the person writing this took the time to think this through himself/herself. Yes, I understand that naval battles in the past took days or perhaps even months to conclude, and yes, I get that ending battles as fast as possible wasn't what warships were meant to do back in those days. But obviously this story isn't taking place in the 1940's, when naval military technology and contemporary naval strategy certainly enforced this school of thought. While the equipment that ship girls use in this story are certainly more or less replicas of the same weapons they used in the second World War, that obviously doesn't mean the tactics or the nature of war have carried over since then. This was deliberating writing on my part, and I'll say it again - the developers of the F.L.E.E.T. Project intended for the ship girls to end potential conflicts as swiftly and efficiently as possible. There are several reasons for why I did this:

1. Modern naval military technology (and just military technology in general nowadays) is, from what I can tell, designed to give their users the clear advantage in a battle or conflict, and if I am at all wrong about this, please enlighten me on this. A modern missile-guided destroyer is equipped with missiles (no shit) designed to knock out targets with one shot, rather than repeated shots from a 12.7cm turret (although they still do carry mounted guns just in case). Therefore, I don't see why it would be so unfathomably unreasonable for the developers to follow this particular military mindset and design ship girls this way. This, and you seem to be forgetting that the ship girls in this story, officially, were constructed to be auxiliary assets for the United States Navy (and who knows, perhaps auxiliary soldiers for the Army too, given how well they fight as infantry in the story), so in my head, at least, their ability to start and end conflicts as quickly and cleanly as possible makes perfect sense to me.

2. Even if you choose not to accept the aforementioned reason(s), the technology used to build ship girls is clearly not feasible IRL anyway and is basically a huge deus ex machina to establish ship girls as a prominent presence in the story. Protocols, cellular boosting, wetware technology in the form of Smartsteel (and have you even read Chapter 214? I'd hate to see how you'd react...oh wait, you probably haven't even gotten near it)...the point is, the technology that makes things like this even possible in the first place, for ship girls to possess them inherently, is a kind of technology that can very much so shorten the duration of a naval battle, or just about any battle, for that matter. Ship girls don't have clunky Morse code communication or detection abilities limited by the technology of the second World War, they have quite unrealistic abilities to make and end war. Shigure's Guilt Protocol? Kongou's Yamato Cannon? Javelin's Clarent? All of the naval battles that I have depicted in the story itself have also only lasted a maximum of a handful of hours so far due to things like these. I understand that even today's technology isn't perfect enough to keep battles within a few hours, but clearly this story is not using real life as some sort of basis for proper wartime tactics and strategy. If you think that this story was intended to be written as a guide for modern 21st century warfighting for ship girls, I must confront you by saying that you are sorely wrong, and that while I try my best to base the story on realism, clearly this requires a degree of suspension of disbelief on the reader's part, which perhaps you are unable to exhibit. No wonder so many of this story's readers act the way they do towards it.

In any case, this will not be changed.

I'm sorry my eyes have glazed of from the bullshit he's spewing, I'm calling in some backup.

Okay so first off


2. Even if you choose not to accept the aforementioned reason(s), the technology used to build ship girls is clearly not feasible IRL anyway and is basically a huge deus ex machina to establish ship girls as a prominent presence in the story. Protocols, cellular boosting, wetware technology in the form of Smartsteel (and have you even read Chapter 214? I'd hate to see how you'd react...oh wait, you probably haven't even gotten near it)...the point is, the technology that makes things like this even possible in the first place,"

Hhahahahahaha go to hell.

" . If you think that this story was intended to be written as a guide for modern 21st century warfighting for ship girls, I must confront you by saying that you are sorely wrong, and that while I try my best to base the story on realism, clearly this requires a degree of suspension of disbelief on the reader's part, which perhaps you are unable to exhibit. No wonder so many of this story's readers act the way they do towards it."

*Is actually pulling out hairs in disbelief*

I think he just took a shot at his own readers, holy shit.

Well bullshit jargon aside, he's saying "Oh this is future tech and it doesn't need to make sense to real world standards".

While he tries to make other things realistic, and to real world standards. You don't write well enough to get away with that, and it makes things even more jarring and nonsensical.

Whiskey: a modicum of realism could have been achieved by, oh, I dunno, doing the research. :V Alternatively he could just have gone full Call of Duty and said, "Well, yeah, realism has taken a road trip here because this is basically running on the same mindset as Call of Duty." And that would be a bit more legit, IMO.

Google motherfucker, he needs it.

Whiskey: We all need Google in our lives, @De3ta. Have you accepted Google as your search engine and research saviour?

It's either that or Bing. *Pukes in mouth*

Allow me to take a quote from my friend Sheo darren, and his live reaction to that last bit of bollocks.

Sheo Darren-Today at 5:51 AM
Did... Did he just take a shot at his own readers?!

Did that motherfucker just diss the intelligence of his own readers?!

Die in a fire, Paul. You did this to your readers. You do not get to blame them for your incompetence.

Yeah, let's move on before I have a-fucking-nother migraine

Also in Chapter 7, there are numerous inconsistencies regarding earthquakes in the Montgomery area.

These have been fixed.

Also in Chapter 7, there is some confusion regarding "audio frequencies".

I was not aware of the technical definition of "audio frequencies" and have therefore changed the phrase to "audio disturbances" for the sake of clarity. I certainly didn't mean to cause some confusion from this.

Now I don't 100% recall what the fuck he did, all I do is "Track the frequency of the audio frequencies" or some other shit.



Also in Chapter 7, Murakumo and Damon head from the Hyundai Manufacturing Plant to Montgomery Regional Airport in half an hour when in reality it should take them at least two hours on foot.

Unless they're running. The wording is very vague, I admit, I should have written Damon's line as "We're running" instead of just "we're on foot". Damon is a mutated human, and

Murakumo is a ship girl, so they don't have a problem with running at race pace with full equipment on, averaging a little over four minutes per mile. If either Damon or Murakumo didn't have superhuman strength/endurance, obviously I wouldn't have made this mistake - just for future reference, I do actually track the characters' paths throughout the story using Google Maps, I have a good idea of what the distances are that they cover, even if my ETA calculation isn't all that great. I have made the appropriate adjustments to the dialogue regarding this.


*Falls out of chair*

Whiskey: Fuck no, you can't really keep up a running pace that long. Unless you're an Adeptus Astartes, one of the God-Emperor's Angels of Death.

Also in Chapter 7, there are some errors regarding .50 caliber ballistics of Damon's DSR-50.

These have been fixed. Regarding the ballistics CPU, I played a lot of Black Ops 2 back in the day, so you can see where that went wrong - I've just removed all the mentions of the ballistics CPU from the story entirely since I feel that if I have no idea how something works, it's best just not mentioning it in the first place. However, the DSR-50 will keep its five round magazine, the main reason being the narration has already described Damon and later Zuikaku using this DSR-50 and has narrated them using five-round mags, so going back and fixing all them and correcting the context around them is just too big a hassle for me to feel its worth. Just assume he's using a modified set of magazines for the rifle.

" I've just removed all the mentions of the ballistics CPU from the story entirely since I feel that if I have no idea how something works, it's best just not mentioning it in the first place"

"if I have no idea how something works, it's best just not mentioning it in the first place"

Nickel:........ What the fu…….he's...he's serious here.



If he wasn't lying to our faces with that (Spoilers: He is) then this fucking fic wouldn't still be around! Jesus christ on a pikestaff!

Also in Chapter 7, there are some ballistics inconsistencies regarding Damon shooting the gun out of the bandit boy's hands.

Fixed - now, the narration describes Damon still shooting the gun away from the boy's hands, but the .45 GAP round shatters upon contact with the rifle and sprays bullet shrapnel onto his arms, and the boy runs away with the appropriate injuries.

Also in Chapter 7, Murakumo is stated to be "profiling" people when normally that can't be done with visuals alone.

I think you're thinking too hard into the technical terms of the word "profiling", and as such, this leads me to believe that this point of concern is just you nitpicking, but for the sake of absolute clarity, I have fixed the wording from "profiling" to "observing" to maintain a more neutral ground.

Whiskey: Hieda no Akyuu, these are the least of your worries. I was once like you. I thought the GG restart only needed some minor touch up here and there… but part of the reason it's on hiatus is because there's just so much that needs rethinking and reworking. And this is a story that we all - even you, oh author of Ambien - can agree is better than Ambien. And there are days when I who was beta on this story and basically inherited this story go "The Greatest Generation is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Greatest Generation will be born. Evolved, but untamed!"

Whiskey quoting Senator Armstrong again *Ding*

Whiskey: In my defense, he's very memetastically quotable. :p

R32: i wake up...t this….i just read the A/N and about to read the chapter itself

Oh hey hash, I've been up all night and was gonna sleep but THIS, so I can relate.

Also in Chapter 7, Damon is stated to be running along a telephone wire when that shouldn't really be possible.

I guess it sounded like a good idea two years ago, but now it doesn't, now that someone's gone and pointed that out. This has been changed to depict Murakumo simply tossing Damon across the street from roof to roof instead.

Whiskey: …that's not actually fixing the problem here. This is like saying to someone: "Oh look there are cracks in your goddamn walls your house is collapsing under its own weight look the wallpaper's torn!" and they go "Thanks! I'll replace the wallpaper that'll cover the cracks." But the house is still cracking!

He'd break his god damn bones!

In Chapter 8, Damon's mention of three days traveling from Houston to Montgomery is questionable; snipers don't use .22 bullets; the highway infrastructure described near the Baptist Medical Center South is incorrect; Damon would have died if he said he was shot in between the lungs with a .45 ACP because that's where the heart is; and that nukes couldn't have destroyed all of the satellites in the atmosphere.

Damon's mention of three days has been changed to be more vague, since there's no suggestion of how long it realistically would have taken him and Murakumo.

The sniper's rifle and ammo have been changed to make more sense to a scoped AR-15 platform rifle using standard STANAG 5.56x45mm. I'm fairly certain STANAG can penetrate normal truck windshields, even though I'm not a ballistics expert.

Highway infrastructure description fixed. For some reason, I vaguely remember making sense, because now that I look at it a second time through Google Maps, it sure as hell doesn't now.

Whiskey: If you are not sure, go and find out jesus christ and you say you want more realism?!

….oh my god…

Highway infrastructure description fixed. For some reason, I vaguely remember making sense, because now that I look at it a second time through Google Maps, it sure as hell doesn't now.


Nicke: *rips out eyes and sticks head into bucket of table salt*

Unless the bullet hit Damon below the heart, in between the bottom folds of the lungs. Granted, in order to survive this, his lung should have gotten clipped by the bullet too, otherwise it would have struck either the celiac artery or the hepatic vein, but hey, that's still technically "in between the lungs", so I don't need to change this, since Damon can legitimately say he was shot there and still survive. Hell, it could even be that he got shot in between the lungs above the heart too, but below the heart makes more sense here.

Damon's dialogue has been fixed to be more vague on the whole lack of international communications so that his words don't imply that all of the world's satellites were shot down or destroyed in the nuclear war.


Whiskey: Generally while there's a lot of talk of everyone shooting GPS and sending everyone back to the dark age of navigation, nobody really wants to do that and be an international pariah in the post-apoc rebuilding.

In Chapter 9, "Freeway 231" mentioned in the story is actually US Route 231. In addition, it's improbable that Damon would know if roads "feel" good enough to traverse over.

Freeway 231 has been changed to US Route 231. It's a little hard to know that, going only off what's written on Google Maps, and it's not like I actively go around clicking all the roads to see what their proper names are. Damon's dialogue regarding the highway feel thing has also been fixed - reading over it again, it really does just seem awkward to read, so I got rid of that bit.

Chapter 10: there are a few errors involving Damon's Ural as depicted in the story; "taking a left onto Interstate 75" is technically incorrect; there are a few errors with the interchange junction of I-75 and Route 278; there's no such thing as a "civilian" assault rifle.

The Ural details have been fixed; the Interstate 75 detail has been corrected; the narration has been changed to make more sense; "assault" has been removed from the phrase "civilian assault rifle" (I should have taken a second to think about this).

(I should have taken a second to think about this)

He….He's fucking with us right now, he has to be fucking with us right now. No one can be this fucking stupid.

Nickel: Someone slap me. This can't be real, there's no way he's this fucking dumb.

*Backhands Nickel*

Nickel: thank you.

Whiskey: F-14 Tomcat Lover once wrote in a PM to me "hang on I need to check my notes." On the other hand, it's F-14 Tomcat Lover. :V

Chapter 11:

I went back to Chapter 10 and corrected the ending dialogue to have Damon mention having a few IED's in the bed of his truck. Since I don't want to try to deal with a topic I know very little about, I cut the whole homemade IED thing out and have made appropriate changes throughout Chapter 11. Even though Chapter 11 has a reasonable premise for why there would be fresh chems in the university campus, the issue of a proper stabilizer convinced me to just cut this part out altogether; it's just more convenient and safer to just assume Damon's truck came with a few ready-made IED's.

THAT….fuck it, he has I.E.D's sittig in his truck for no reason.

Whiskey: That actually makes things more dangerous, and raises more questions about where the IEDs came from - if not magic - and well when you have jury-rigged explosives you really do not want them lying around in the back of your truck. This is an attempt to fix things that just the plotholes worse.

R32: Voodoo shark!

Murphy's Law has been changed to Finagle's Law. Though, I grew up knowing this as Murphy's Law, so expect me to write it as "Murphy's Law" again in case I mention it in future chapters because that's what I learned growing up.

Damon is a mutated human; his night vision isn't exactly "normal" if his eyes have it without the assistance of NV goggles or other ocular augmentation. He doesn't get affected as much when lights get shone in his face or if he sees lights while in NV mode. If there's another, more proper term for this, let me know. Infrared, maybe? Eh, it's just easier calling it night vision for the sake of consistency.

You lazy motherfucker, ignoring how stupid that whole bit with the night vision is, you lazy motherfucker. "It's just easier calling it night vision for the sake of consistency," Yes it is. This fic is Consistently illogical and wrong about everything.

Whiskey: Humans seeing in infrared spectrums? Eh, possible, i guess - the Sidewinder snake sees in IR, hence how the AIM-9 Sidewinder got its name. Would have been more plausible to state that his eyes have greater sensitivity in low-light conditions, like dogs, although an obvious caveat is that this means that bright lights would affect his eyes more, requiring him to wear sunglasses. Which makes Damon look cooler so I'm not sure this was a good idea or not, my bad folks. :/

Maybe for a normal person a .45 GAP round isn't meant to be fired with one hand, but Damon isn't a normal person. Even though I understand you truly despise Damon as a character, please try not to forget that Damon is much stronger than your average human, so he can get away with the "knife-and-pistol" stance with a .45 GAP gun. I will keep this noted, however, for future mentions of this stance, in case it's not Damon doing this.

He is fucking with us. God damn you Hackyuu, you are a tumor on the human race.

Whiskey: eh honestly, this isn't really a dealbreaker for me. *shrug*

Not that, this bit:

" Even though I understand you truly despise Damon as a character, please try not to forget that Damon is much stronger than your average human, "

He's trying to be "cute" again, and it's gross.

Whiskey: Feels a little sad, really.

Damon stabs his karambit into someone's skull by jamming the curved tip in first, with a forward thrust, and then flicking his wrist up to jam the blade all the way up through the brain. Very inefficient and most likely not recommended, on top of not being the proper way to use a karambit, I know, but Damon can get away with this, since this kills his target instantly.


Whiskey: Has he never seen Serbuan Maut? Aka Death Raid, aka The Raid: Redemption? Note the youtube links here: Badass of the Week: Iko Uwais You do not use a kerambit to punch into someone's skull, the blade is not designed for it. You use it to slice people and stab it into their throats and rip the throats out.


I don't buy the argument that Murakumo should have immediately recognized what a shotgun was. Yes, they've been around for quite a while, and I do understand that for the most part, the basic, generic profile of a shotgun should be rather recognizable. But Murakumo is a warship, not a dedicated infantryman that she and the rest of the fleet eventually become - she's trained in naval warfare, not in urban/modern land combat, and throughout all this time, she's only ever used assault rifles and submachine guns and pistols. Not even the enemies so far in the story up until this point have been using shotguns, I don't think, though I could be wrong about this. Even if they were used in war before her time, and even if shotguns became standard-issue in the Japanese military, I just don't see Murakumo knowing what one is right away, since it's not like she's got a reason to know much about the IJA, other than how the IJA and the IJN were bitter rivals. It could also be that Murakumo, since she's not familiar with personal firearms, knows that the shotgun looks different from a regular assault rifle and doesn't want to call it something incorrect, so she just vaguely calls it "this thing". Either way, I won't change this.


I like how chapter 11 got an entire section of this all to itself.

R32: shoild have filed for fic equivalent of bankruptcy protection long ago

Chapter 12:

I don't know why you brought up the girl who got hit by the nail bomb - it's already written there that she immediately started pulling out the nails from her arms and face, so I'm confused as to why you made a problem out of something that was already written the way you wanted it, unless I'm looking at the wrong part of the chapter here, but there's only one girl getting hit by a nail bomb in the whole chapter...

Amatsukaze now kicks the pilot of the Little Bird out of the chopper, instead of her sawn-off kicking him out.

Assume that the DSR-50 is just using M-2 rounds (used against personnel and unarmored targets), so Damon's not shooting down the Little Bird, even if he is trying to do exactly that. So I don't see anything I ought to change here.

The dialogue regarding the C-4 has been changed so that they've been acquired from the enemies' supplies instead of just being found randomly outside a building. It probably makes more sense this way instead of seeming like a small deus ex machina.

It's still a small Deus Ex Machina, but this one is not as stupid.

In Chapter 114, Benjamin Korotayev's first name should be written as "Veniamin" or "Venyamin".

Fixed, Hibiki's Fleet Log now displays Korotayev's name in its natural Russian variant.

However, just keep in mind that for actual story purposes, unless the narration explicitly mentions Korotayev being addressed by first name in Russian, he will still be called Benjamin.

Again, special thanks to TvTropes user eagle108 for looking over the story.

This almost looks like a patch update for an online game or something. Anyway, BACK TO KILLING! - er, writing.

-Akyuu no Joshu

Fuck off you utter dickhead.

Well that was the AN to chapter 251, that was disgustingly long and whiny.

It is now 6:37 AM EDT, I am going to go….fuck I dunno, make a baked potato and shit.



Dammit man it's already sunlight! I can't!

Nickel: I have class. Fucking hell i need sleep.

*hugs* God help you.

Nickel: *dies*