Am I making a horrible mistake?

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You know, I actually vaguely remembered stumbling upon this story. People seem to find this a good story so I read it. Skimmed a few paragraphs and when Edgelord #Baboon came upon Murakumo was it? Murakumo, it got very uninteresting really faster than Kyubey being shot out of a Junk Jet Towards an Institute Courser.

It could have been Fallout meets Kancolle, but instead we get what could be described as (to me) Mad Max without the things that made Mad Max Good. I think this is the FanFic Version of Sword Art Online. Where if SAO is a Popular but Shitty Anime, Ambiance: The Fleet Symphony in G-Major is a Popular But Shitty FanFiction.

The reason this FanFic is Shitty is because the Protagonist is unlikable isn't he?

And apologies for this ramble, I kinda forgotten ever reading this story.
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The reason this FanFic is Shitty is because the Protagonist is unlikable isn't he?

And apologies for this ramble, I kinda forgotten ever reading this story.

The reason the fanfic is shitty is that the protag is a complete Gary stu, the author does 0 research, and the situations are so contrived that it takes the SoD and throws it out the nearest window.
The reason the fanfic is shitty is that the protag is a complete Gary stu, the author does 0 research, and the situations are so contrived that it takes the SoD and throws it out the nearest window.

Ah Okay... I just found the Story to be an Uninteresting and Unengaging (That even a word?) Waste of my Time.
Edgelord is probably living the dream and taking over the world. In his not Fallout fanfic.

Meanwhile I'm still making the second chapters and an omake of my Fallout Kancolle crossover thread at space battles. It'll take a while since it's event time.
I only found out via PMs with a... familiar face, shall we say, who didn't name names. And I'd rather not go digging. Though...

How were we and SB described? Oh, yes, "The Authors Rejected by Other Sites Site".
I only found out via PMs with a... familiar face, shall we say, who didn't name names. And I'd rather not go digging. Though...

How were we and SB described? Oh, yes, "The Authors Rejected by Other Sites Site".
What site are they even trying to refer to here?

Are they trying to imply that FFN ran off crappy writers to here?

I've never seen that happen, but I have seen the reverse. (Didn't it even happen to this story in particular?)
Considering Fuckyuu tried to post to SB, didn't get the level of fawning adoration he wanted, then promptly left.
Indeed. I smell White Knights trying to defend him. And these people really need to come here and engage us on our own ground.
Can someone link me to Ambiance's SB thread? I want to see... Stuff... and Things...:whistle:

As someone who has been posting on FFN since '09, I know the community. People will like stuff that isn't good and get very fiercely defensive of said stuff. Past the realms of logic and into 'YOU WRONG ME RIGHT' territory even. That the vast majority of stuff on FFN is subject to Sturgeon's Law while the stuff here and on SB avoids that-by-virtue-of-easier-commentary doesn't help.

One can get hundreds of +1 'GOOD STORY PLZ UPDATE' reviews on FFN, but it doesn't mean your stuff is anywhere near as good as getting a handful of well-thought out comments here (or SB. Or TFN. Or any forum, really).

This said, I just need to get around to crossporting Destiny.
*roars in laughter as he thinks of the reactions and follows on his stories*

'Rejected authors' pffffttt, haha. If anyone can get a link on that FFN thread I will gladly take the time to laugh at them
Sheo you magnificent bastard.
The ultimate test of a story is Time.

Five or ten years from now, when those who defend Ambulance graduate from high school or college, look for jobs or find work, and immerse themselves in society and reality, may their hopefully wiser selves look back on Paul's so-called "journey" and ask themselves: "Would I take this journey again? Would I want to put myself in Murakumo (FLEET)'s place and let Damon Polchow stab me in the head and brainwash me into his cranky but utterly obedient slave? What if I was the child in the truck that Damon murdered to supposedly spare it? Is Damon the hero that I want?"

I want these people to look up the origin of the name Damon. It's easy. Google "behind the name - damon".

Behind The Name said:
Derived from Greek δαμαζω (damazo) meaning "to tame". According to Greek legend, Damon and Pythias were friends who lived on Syracuse in the 4th century BC. When Pythias was sentenced to death, he was allowed to temporarily go free on the condition that Damon take his place in prison. Pythias returned just before Damon was to be executed in his place, and the king was so impressed with their loyalty to one another that he pardoned Pythias. As an English given name, it has only been regularly used since the 20th century.

You see, assuming Paul put some thought into naming his protagonist, he probably picked "Damon" based on its direct translation, "to tame", which is what he had supposedly been doing to the FLEET ship-girls.

Knowing Paul, he probably picked it because it sounded like "demon".

(All I got out of his surname Polchow is a place in Germany. No idea why he picked that.)

But he missed the true and best potential of the name he gave to his edgy protagonist.

The legendary Damon loved his friend Pythias so much that he was willing to take his friend's place in prison and death.

That is heroism. The original Damon did not need to walk the wastelands murdering anyone who stood in his way to be called a hero.

He offered up his most important and irreplaceable possession: His life. And he did it for his friend.

No one else needed to die to make him a hero. But he was willing to die for his friend. And that made him a hero.

George R. R. Martin may have said that:

"There are no life, the monsters win."

but during an interview on Fantasy Hotlist, he also said:

My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and women who tried to make the world a better place than when they found it, whether in small ways or great ones. Some succeeded, some failed, most had mixed results... but it is the effort that's heroic, as I see it. Win or lose, I admire those who fight the good fight.

(Bold and colored fonts mine.)

Tell me when Paul can crank out something like that on the fly. Then he can be considered to be a good writer.

For my part, I consider myself a successful writer, an Author. I may have started as a crappy writer -we all do-, but I improved and adapted and grew.

I started writing at in 2003. My first story was a Magic Knight Rayearth AU slice of life. It was silly and childish, but I loved it all the same.

It is 2016. Thirteen years later, I am still writing. I am more prolific than ever; I daresay I exceeded my high point as a Gunslinger Girl writer, creator of the popular Life Goes On, or my more recent dabbles in the Madoka franchise, where The Many Lives of Mami Tomoe won me limited immortality through a mention in the Crossover section of the Fan Fic Recs page of Madoka's TV Tropes article.

Five years, ten years, twelve thousand years may pass. But I will never be ashamed of my KanColle stories. I will always love them.

I poured my love and my heart and my hopes and my dreams into Eternity and Tsun Silent, Tsun Deep and New Ironsides and Sister Iku and all of the short stories I've made. Even the parodies that I cranked out for this thread have my love.

I can show them to the ones I love and rest assured that I will not hurt them. My two youngest brothers know of strangers, girls, who love Life Goes On and wish it would continue, many years after I abandoned that tale due to depression and exhaustion.

Will Paul show Ambiance to his future wife and children, saying "I wrote this story where my protagonist enslaved sentient robot girls and murdered babies! Doesn't that make me look cool?"

Will his readers share Ambiance with their girlfriends and boyfriends and nephews and nieces and strangers, saying "This is the story that made me happy? Won't you read it and be happy alongside me?"

Ask his defenders those piercing questions. And though they try to muster up their reserves of denial and reinforce their minds with propaganda, their heart of hearts know the answer.

The human heart tells tales without need for words.
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It's here. He gave up after deafening silence.

I think part of the problem was that this was in june, so IIRC everyone's attention would have been on GG, which would have been on either Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 at the time.

My word. I just skimmed that, and it's... Basically him in a room talking to himself, with an audience of no-one. The one bit of posts that wasn't him was two people wandering in to offer criticism, and so far as I can tell nothing changed. It's almost a story-only thread, only it was never intended to be one. That's... remarkable.
My word. I just skimmed that, and it's... Basically him in a room talking to himself, with an audience of no-one. The one bit of posts that wasn't him was two people wandering in to offer criticism, and so far as I can tell nothing changed. It's almost a story-only thread, only it was never intended to be one. That's... remarkable.
Well I think he was basically crossposting what he'd already written on FFN to SB.

Also it amuses me that at 9 chapters (counting three interludes) and 90k words, GG has more follows than Ambience at 200+chapters and 2.4 million words lol. :p I'm quite amused at that, for all that I have a certain love-hate relationship with GG.

Baka GG. I'm not rewriting you because I like you, baka. I'm not keeping you alive because I love you. Baka. I hate you.

...tsundere whiskey is a terrifying thing.
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Well I think he was basically crossposting what he'd already written on FFN to SB.

Also it amuses me that at 9 chapters (counting three interludes) and 90k words, GG has more follows than Ambience at 200+chapters and 2.4 million words lol. :p I'm quite amused at that, for all that I have a certain love-hate relationship with GG.

Baka GG. I'm not rewriting you because I like you, baka. I'm not keeping you alive because I love you. Baka. I hate you.

...tsundere whiskey is a terrifying thing.

Just crossposting or no it's still breathtaking, going through a full page of these massive posts and slowly having that feeling of "it's just him. It's all just him" dawn on you. Sort of in the same way looking on the aftermath of the Tunguska event would be breathtaking, I imagine.
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Sigh, White

I'll be the first to admit, in, i follow a substantial amount of stories that have serious entertainment value i.e "it makes me laugh or smile ALOT" despite not being good as Sheo's Tsun Silent Tsun Deep or Skywalker's sstory about Saratoga or the Committees GG. In fact most of these stories only have moderately good writing at best, but i don't mind, simply because it makes me laugh or smile. Of course, my love for fics like this doubles if it's well written, especially Sheo's SoL and fluff filled fics, i have lost count of how many times his works have brightened up my day (don't get me wrong, i still enjoy "serious" works like GG, though when the chips are down, i enjoy reading fics that bring a smile to my face.)

Which brings me back to the White Knights, all of us here, have criticised the author and Ambience because an author is not above criticism, in fact he should strive to accept reasonable criticism and become better.

These Knights on the other hand........NONE of us here have even insulted or taunted them, none of us, to me, i believe that we have no right to judge others based on what fics they read, and none of us did that.....but now these guys come out to defend their "wonderful" story and claim that SB and SV are, to all intents and purposes, places where rejects go......why so serious mates??.....does it hurt your feelings that we are right and you are wrong??......better yet, just look at Sheo Darren's post and try to answer all these questions.

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You Know, It baffles me... Why is this Fic Even Popular?

And Regarding the White Knights: I believe they felt they were insulted when we talk shit about their Favorite Fic. That's what I felt when the Folks over at SB talk shit about Manifest Destiny. And do you know what I do? I just show the comments to the author for his thoughts and his explanations.
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