Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

You've got information gathering, stealth, support and weak if passable close to mid-range attacks. You could set your puppets up in squads along each role. Info gathering looks for targets before they find you and keeps over watch during battle, perhaps using your communication system to co-ordinate overall. Stealth group hides and works with the support group on ambushes prior to and mid battle.

Support focuses on casting things like the Hidden Mist technique and general battlefield control like creating a pit of extra crumbly dirt for an enemy to get stuck in or raising barriers, they also aid groups in engaging and disengaging from battle by setting traps. Direct combatants are made up of your puppets with higher durability and offensive weaponry, tying up an opponent's attention to let the others have a chance to make the kill.
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So, quick question, if killing Dan was the goal, why didn't you stab him in the throat when he collapsed to his knees, forced back into his physical form, and asked you a question?

That seems like a better answer than anything you could say to him, and definitely better than just walking away and leaving him at your back...
Then he was all like "What are you" and I couldn't come up with anything cool to say. So I just walked away and set off an explosion in the backdrop to set the stage.
I like "I am the Singularity." if you want to be inscrutable. Still a bit pompous though. A far better option is:

"I am Legion."

It's a badass boast, doesn't sound conceited, and it's also technically accurate so no-one can call you on it. Best wait till people already know your capabilities though.
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So, quick question, if killing Dan was the goal, why didn't you stab him in the throat when he collapsed to his knees, forced back into his physical form, and asked you a question?

That seems like a better answer than anything you could say to him, and definitely better than just walking away and leaving him at your back...

The author stated that he wanted to see if he could make Dan the fourth Hokage or something and derail canon because fuck Naruto.
Why don't you keep an eye on Jiraiya for when he runs into the Ame Orphans? Getting Nagato's Rinnegan will seriously fuck up Madara's plan.
What I would like to see is the protagonist capturing Dan and experimenting on him. I believe that the opportunity to study the skills and abilities of one of the few other Ninja's with a demonstrated ability to reliably manipulate souls would be very educational. I also think that this could lead to an interesting conflict with Sannin.
I like "I am the Singularity." if you want to be inscrutable. Still a bit pompous though. A far better option is:

"I am Legion."

It's a badass boast, doesn't sound conceited, and it's also technically accurate so no-one can call you on it. Best wait till people already know your capabilities though. Imagine a hundred puppets saying it at the same time.
Double post alert.
"Yo! Hanzo! Who's Awesome? You're Awesome!"

As for combined attacks, the obvious ones are throwing knives or using bows something to shoot him while sending in melee at the same time. Elemental combinations - Fire and Wind, Lighting and Water, Shit ton of Genjutsu... All of that combined...
The Kazekage is upset that someone who has been a ninja for less than a year cannot kill an elite jounin? I am not even talking genin for less than a year. Ninja. Period.
The Kazekage is upset that someone who has been a ninja for less than a year cannot kill an elite jounin? I am not even talking genin for less than a year. Ninja. Period.

I think its more that the Kazekage had high hopes, and Shuzaku had delivered every time prior to this instance.

I mean think about it, he does some insane jutsu that turns him into a hivemind immortal puppet.
He finds and infiltrates an enemy camp, abducts over 40 enemy ninja with out any friendly casualties, and as a result drives off the enemy force.
He infiltrates both enemy camps, disrupts their operations, eliminates three powerful mist-nin, abducts an unknown number of enemy nin, develops an anti soul device that bypasses most invincibility jutsus, and, via crushing their moral, effectively defeated an enemy camp by himself again.

That is a pretty nice track record.

The Kazekage clearly expected more given Shuzaku's past performance, and was likely blinded by the aforesaid past performance to Shuzaku's relative greenness.
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What I note is that Sasori is still around.... wasn't his killing the Third kazekage and going missing-nin one of the triggers of the 3rd war? Or am I getting my timeline confused?

Oh wait, we're still in the 2nd War aren't we?
What I note is that Sasori is still around.... wasn't his killing the Third kazekage and going missing-nin one of the triggers of the 3rd war? Or am I getting my timeline confused?

Oh wait, we're still in the 2nd War aren't we?

We're still in the second war. Sasori killing the Third did indeed help kick off the third.