CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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  • Spacebattles

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  • Sufficient Velocity.

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I've never read any of her books myself, but I've heard Karen Traviss was very favourable to Mandalorians and their "warrior culture," and bashed the Jedi quite a lot.
I like Canderous Ordo and stabbing neo crusaders in Kotor. Also, their armour looks neat in every time period. I assume Ao3 likes the modern ones because Jango has a bit of a sad backstory, and once someone realised you could point him at the deathwatch and watch the fireworks, everyone started doing it.
Traviss is on the record supporting Order 66.
Does a quick google search, finds this interview

"But then I see Vader as a tragic character who's been betrayed by everyone, and I can't help thinking of the Jedi as self-serving unelected elitist spoon-benders making whoopee on Republic taxpayers' credits. It's an iconoclastic journo world-view. Believe me, Order 66 was long overdue. I have a couple of Jedi that I don't want to shoot on sight, but they're my own creations, so I could make them a little humbler and more aware of the consequences they create for others."

…yeah there's a big difference between "the Jedi Order needed to be reformed" and "the Jedi deserved to be genocided," and her opinions seem a lot closer to the latter.
Don't forget that she wrote a whole book about her protagonists engaging in torture and extrajudicial execution of people suspected of disloyalty or that time one of her protagonists skinned a sapient nonhuman and made a pair of gloves out of them.

Traviss' writing has got a lot of disturbingly pro-fascist attitudes in it. I don't think she thinks that the Empire are the bad guys.
The really hardcore mando-fellators pretty much always seem to pair it with an attitude of "the jedi deserved to be eradicated for being baby-stealing witches," from what I've seen.

On one you've got people who think the clones, the armor or a specific character are cool and badass. Then you've got the people treating Traviss' writing like gospel while ignoring every other canon source.

Those give of some real crypto-anti-semite vibes, or is it just me?
The funniest thing about the Mandos is that they've canonically lost almost every war they've been in. Despite how much they talk themselves up, they almost constantly get bodied.
Halo: Dark Stars + Rejections

The Bizarre Adventures of the O'Connell's (The Mummy x JoJo)

By: Awebjar14

The beginning's of a Bizarre Adventure, as the O'Connell family fight against the supernatural and ancient forces of evil. Will they Stand tall, and face their destiny?
Starting out rehashing the first Mummy movie is not going to win points with me. I know the Mummy, I liked the Mummy. I'd rather go watch that again.

Also, the writing isn't great.

You're not on the list.

Lisa's Island Getaway (Worm/Lost)

By: FIreWalkWithMe

Lisa was just about done with being stranded on some backwater modern Earth where capes were as rare as diamonds. Thankfully, she finally managed to snag a business class plane ticket back to America. From there Earth Bet, here she comes… But, of course, things were rarely that easy were they?
I'm not gonna lie, I went into this looking for something other than a straight Lost crossover. I'm not sure why I did that.

Also, the writing isn't great.

You're not on the list.

Sunset's Fairy Tail (MLP/FT)

By: Emerald Summer

An ambitious unicorn went through a mirror and found herself in a very different world. Though perhaps not so different for those willing to look for the magic of friendship.
For once, I think this premise could've worked had the author just stuck Sunset in Fairy Tail. I would've liked it. But that's not what we get. Another Equestria Girls rehash is not what I'm looking for.

Also, the writing isn't great.

You're not on the list.

Please Let Me Save you

By: cooldownnow

Victoria thought that doing a surprise bullying PSA at Winslow would be a quick one and done, a way to skip class with permission. What she didn't expect was to rescue a girl from a biohazard of a locker. Now she wants to save Taylor from the awful life she's stuck in, but why won't she let Vicky in; and more importantly why is why is everybody in her way while she attempts to get justice,
Okay, this one's let down entirely by bad writing. As a good example:

Well it was mostly a play argument. Amy wasn't really Dean's biggest fan. According to her he was too nice and emotionally adjusted to be a real person. Her main theories were that he's secretly a serial killer and really good at faking emotions or a robot made by Armsmaster and Dragon to see how far they could push their tinkering.

That paragraph is crying out for an extra sentence to go into what Victoria thinks of that feeling. D'you know how distracting this sort of thing is?

You're not on the list.

Completely ordinary life of Taylor Hebert (lovecraft/Eldrich horror)

By: MyriadCosteau

Hello, my name is Taylor Hebert. I am a completely normal Arcadia student, and unlike my former best friend says, I am not hearing voices or in contact with creatures beyond the other side of the infinite planes of eternity just beyond the twilight zone of the endless black holes that pierce our reality.
And once again let down by bad writing. Good lord we had a bad crop today.

You're not on the list.

Halo: Dark Stars (Halo/Kantai collection AU+fusion fic)

By: AshMaelstrom

25 years after the Great War, something is stirring. Those who fight in the shadows of forgotten battles and tragedies must keep alert, because the enemy isn't always what they think…
Fanfiction as a medium is one that rewards instant gratification. The entire point of fanfiction is that you get an audience already invested and familiar with the basics of the setting and characters without having to spend the first quarter or third of the book establishing those things. The result is that most fanfic leap straight into their branching point from canon, and that's fine. But despite many complaints from me about fics that take too long to get to the point, there's room for fics to slowboat introducing their premise, too.

In this case, it helps that the most recent author's note promises that the botegirl stuff is finally coming, but what we have is still pretty solid. The fic introduces the planet this is on, a cast of solid characters from three different factions, and is dropping hints about the botegirl stuff that's going on. I'm 95% sure it's Abyssal in nature at this point.

Can't wait to see what happens. You're on the list.
The funniest thing about the Mandos is that they've canonically lost almost every war they've been in. Despite how much they talk themselves up, they almost constantly get bodied.
Honestly, true of the historical Spartans as well. For all their self-aggrandizing as the ultimate warriors, their track record for winning actual battles was pretty mid. They were much better at abusing the shit out of each other and their slaves then at winning fights against peer adversaries.
The funniest thing about the Mandos is that they've canonically lost almost every war they've been in. Despite how much they talk themselves up, they almost constantly get bodied.
It's almost like the guy with the sword/gun is actually the least important and most replaceable part of the military machine while the logistics do the real work. Weird.
It's almost like the guy with the sword/gun is actually the least important and most replaceable part of the military machine while the logistics do the real work. Weird.
The most important part is the civilian leadership who negotiates alliances and treaties. War most often only happens in the first place when they fail or do their job badly, and they're the ones who decide if you join war to protect innocents alongside stalwart allies or as cannon fodder to protect Lord Cackles von Eatsbabies

As I understand it mandos have a bit of a habit ending up on the latter side of things due in no small part to their putting military above civilian leadership
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The really hardcore mando-fellators pretty much always seem to pair it with an attitude of "the jedi deserved to be eradicated for being baby-stealing witches," from what I've seen.

On one you've got people who think the clones, the armor or a specific character are cool and badass. Then you've got the people treating Traviss' writing like gospel while ignoring every other canon source.

Those give of some real crypto-anti-semite vibes, or is it just me?

That's general fandom stuff, for AO3 it's a little bit from the other end. The Mandalorians look cool, give off badass vibes, can theoretically contest Force-users in combat, and while they're frequently a bunch of murderous thugs with delusions of adequacy, they don't engage in visible forms of bigotry so the type of people that mainline the fanfiction world find them easy to whitewash. Murder and conquest are forgivable, racism and sexism are not. So its very easy to make a super special, totally-not-wish-fulfillment non-Force user that can rock the setting.

Like Sabine Wren.
The funniest thing about the Mandos is that they've canonically lost almost every war they've been in. Despite how much they talk themselves up, they almost constantly get bodied.
I mean, yes, they're Star Wars' equivalent to the Spartans, that comes with the territory.
So are these still things from a favorites/watch list? Are they recommendations/whatever CV12 finds?

...can I put in a rec? 👉👈

Largely the OP's old favs from multiple sites and reexamining them from a new perspective. Few replies I've seen mention a personal recommendation. The stuff he has kept are genuinely good from I have seen but not all I've actually read myself. Feel free to go through the whole thread and see what you might like.
Largely the OP's old favs from multiple sites and reexamining them from a new perspective. Few replies I've seen mention a personal recommendation. The stuff he has kept are genuinely good from I have seen but not all I've actually read myself. Feel free to go through the whole thread and see what you might like.
Oh I've been following the whole time; I was just under the impression we had actually caught up to the present day at some point, so I wasn't sure what these fics were.
You and What Army + A Widow's Walk

You and What Army by The Feels Whale (miscellea)

"M-mommy, do you think I can still be a hero even if…" Izuku choked on the end of his question.

"Izuku, can I tell you a secret?"

That distracted him. As distraught as he was, he was still only four. His internal world was still so malleable. He was the same age she'd been when the temple recruiters found her all those years ago. It was the perfect age, really.

Izuku used his shirt to blow his nose and nodded. He got out of the chair when she beckoned him over and crawled into her lap.

I always thought you'd take after your daddy." Inko pressed a kiss into his soft curls. "I never thought you'd be like me ."

"What?" Izuku squinted at her, disbelieving.

She pushed his hair back from his face. "Mommy doesn't have a quirk either."

"You do so have a quirk! Mommy has Pull."

Inko closed her eyes and looked within herself. Part of her was afraid that she'd let her connection go dormant, but the Force responded to her as eagerly as it ever had; maybe even moreso.

"No, baby." She whispered into Izuku's ear. "That's just what I tell people."

Midorya Inko; Single Mother, Long Suffering Individual, and Renegade Jedi Master.

An alternate take on 'The New Normal.'
I very much enjoyed this. There's a standard way to do a crossover of this type and the fic refuses to do that. For one, Inko is from the Old Republic era, not the Prequel Trilogy era. It makes for a very different kind of Jedi, and makes her dark thoughts about the Jedi more tolerable. This is a time when the Jedi would be doing shady shit and there's no Prequel Trilogy baggage along for the ride. And there's no sticking someone in UA who doesn't belong and in fact no focus on events at UA anyway. The focus is more on Inko and Toshinori's relationship with Izuku as a common third viewpoint.

I think there could've stood to be fewer Star Wars aliens hanging around - Hound Dog was just a step too far for me in this regard - but the Star Wars stuff is generally well-integrated.

And man, is the character interaction and worldbuilding good stuff. Good things happen. All Might is healthy again. Inko's lack of understanding of certain parts of human interaction is great. Even the BakuDeku ship is shockingly wholesome. I cannot wait for the press announcement of Toshinori and Inko's wedding, it's going to break the damn internet.

You're on the list!

A Widow's Walk by pristineungift

It happens in a flash of blue. One moment Natasha is standing amid the wreckage of Manhattan, and the next she… isn't.

In Which the Black Widow makes her mark on Westeros.

The Dragons of Dawn by pristineungift

No matter how many dragons they have under their command, they will never win this war so long as any of the White Walkers live. The humans of Westeros are their own worst enemies, every person who dies rising again as a wight, their numbers shrinking even as the army of the Night King grows. Natasha has the opportunity now to turn the tide, to halt the snow, to bring the dawn. Certainly, she could break the grip of the inhuman creature that holds her, she could take Jaime and escape to fight another day. But when will she get this close again? Especially as it is believed that the one holding a blade of rimefrost to her throat may well be the most important of the Walkers. The keystone of their conquest.

Sequel to A Widow's Walk.
I was not expecting to like this as much as I did.

I came in expecting a short romp from Natasha, as the fic wasn't long enough to sustain a long-term presence from the Black Widow. What I got was a fic that uses that peculiar AO3 style of fast-paced, timeskip-heavy storytelling to zoom through a couple of decades' worth of events.

And y'know what? Despite the breakneck pace that has sunk other fics in the past, I like this. I like Natasha, despite herself, getting attached to the Lannisters. I like the butterfly effects her presence, advise, and information network has on Westeros - for example, without Jaime in the Kingsguard Aerys' mad plan to burn King's Landing goes off without a hitch and catches Tywin, among others, in it.

I shan't spoil too much. If you can stomach the pacing and writing style this is a damn solid read, even if it gets bleak as hell in the second part.

You're on the list!
I'll take a recommendation

I feel like I've mentioned this before, but a search doesnt show anything, so: The Fury of a Shattered Mirror is a *damn* good Disco Elysium / Slay the Princess crossover. I have re-read it many times, and I don't do that often. I'm unsure how necessary it is to be deeply familliar with both source materials, but I dont believe I knew much about either when I started it. It obviously helps, of course, but I still enjoyed it nevertheless.
These are (mostly) new fics at this point. I'll take a recommendation, but reserve the right to dismiss it out of hand without reading.

If that is the case, then I'd like to recommend A Certain Mental Isekai. One of the rare SIs' were the character development and relationships of said Insert is the main focus. Nonetheless, each bit of slice of life is followed by an equal piece of intrigue and action to drive the plot forward. Only a surface familiarity of ToAru is required to enjoy this story.

If you want pure action instead, I'd like to recommend A Certain Darksides Meltdown. This one reqiures a deeper familiarity with the setting, as it uses its tightly packed pace to never let up on the tension from start to finish. It, along with a dozen other stories, were inspired by A Certain Mental Isekai.