CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

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This is an Estee fic, you know what to expect. Some mental instability, an everyday annoyance, and the two combining to take things way out of proportion. I do like the callbacks to a few other Estee fics.

And that punchline at the end. You see it coming a mile away and it's not any less funny when it arrives.

You're on the list!
Out of curiosity, if you are still reading pony fics, have you looked at Starscribe's stories? They tend to be pretty good. One of my favorites is Frames of War, which is one of the only MLP/Warframe crossovers I've seen.
Returning Home + The Investigation
Returning Home

By: Rarstarr

When two members of the Ramna cast go missing a large hunt is called, but they return on their own after three months. But many things have changed for them.
... I feel like this fic is missing something.

Maybe that's because the fic is still in the setup phase, without any spectacular blowups. Maybe it's that things settle a little too easily in the same old rut, and at the same time go positively fix-fic with how fast the standard problems are solved.

Yeah. Yeah, that's it. The entire fic as written is there to clear the board and move on to the meat of the story the author wants to actually write. But we don't actually get that, so all we have is a vague feeling of dissatisfaction.

Still, I didn't hate it. You're on the list.

The Investigation

By: 11JJ11

Adrien and Marinette have started dating, and as happy as she is for them, Alya is suspicious of the sudden changes in her friends. How come Marinette has stopped stuttering, and since when was Adrien such a flirt? She's going to get to the bottom of this. [Alya's POV on post-reveal Adrienette.]
I do so like Alya losing her mind over a post-reveal Adrien and Marinette. I've reviewed a few examples over on AO3. And, like, this isn't a standout example of that subgenre, but it hits all the right notes, and doesn't go too hard on the salt-induced bashing. It does have one of the better "Alya calls out Lila" scenes I've seen so far. Toss on a decent Akuma fight, and I certainly don't regret reading this.

You're on the list!
Assorted Fics 4



Mark Watney will need to buy a lot of people beers.

A collection of in-world oneshots cataloging the world's reactions. From the news to social media and from regular people to NASA rover techs.

1: Fox vs. an 80 year old Bill Nye
2: John and Hank Green, Crash Course Mars
3: A NASA rover tech at Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station
4: The WatneyWatch app and how to tell your child their hero is going to die in an invisible dust storm on Mars
5: Tattoos, music, and what is likely to amount to the largest simultaneous worldwide traffic jam
6. 78 hours of vlogs are released, the Ares 3 crew returns home, and Mark goes on The Tonight Show
Look, this is a great fic. A real humanity coming together kind of deal to support Mark Watney. But let's be real, we're here for the first chapter, where an 80-year-old Bill Nye has to be restrained from throttling a Fox News anchor.

We feel you, Bill. We really do.

You're on the list!

the great fandom schism (between an actual pro hero and a 10 year-old)


Izuku got into his dream school! Awesome! But now he is going to die of mortification because all anyone can talk about is the great fandom history event of RPF fanfic writers smallmight643 and nightmightorbs.

At least he'll never meet nightmightorbs in person! (False.)
I've seen a few fics use the idea of Midoriya being an All Might RPF writer. I don't think they're nearly as funny as this fic, which is greatly enhanced by the author making his own memes. I was fucking howling throughout, with the Sports Festival chapter in particular getting a loud "Oh no!" followed by demented cackling from me.

Oh, I needed that. You're on the list!



Hi all! To cope with the incipient end of life as we know it and the sudden invalidation of everything I ever learned in history class, I'm making a bingo sheet! I'm still a few spaces short though; can anyone whose sky is slightly less on fire than mine stick their head out a window to see if you can spot anything interesting for me? Thanks!

#sinnohspacetimecrisis #copingmechanisms #thisisfine
While Cynthia and Dawn's "barren fields of fucks" energy is great, I just don't have enough context to enjoy this.

You're not on the list.

You Know Them?


Alix came to a clear conclusion- Lila Rossi wasn't someone to trust and Marinette had a point. But after pointing out some rather obvious things, the class fully believes her and Lila needs to be stopped.

But what's wrong with a little prank? Besides, how many famous people does Rossi actually know?
I'll always appreciate a fic that has the class get a clue about Lila on their own, and I'm curious to see where this was going. But my god, the technical errors. The wrong words and misspellings and tense mixups. It's too much!

Gah. You're not on the list.

Pants on Fire


Ladybug AU/ After Lila decides that Adrien's implied threat has no teeth and decides not to walk back on her claims about Marinette, Marinette stays expelled. But she has absolutely no intention to let things stay that way.

Soon enough, Lila will wish that she had taken Adrien's easy way out.
On balance, while I didn't mind reading it, this doesn't really do anything new or interesting with the Standard Lila Salt Fic formula, up to and including the big speech at the end. Pass.

You're not on the list.
Look, this is a great fic. A real humanity coming together kind of deal to support Mark Watney. But let's be real, we're here for the first chapter, where an 80-year-old Bill Nye has to be restrained from throttling a Fox News anchor.

We feel you, Bill. We really do.

You're on the list!

I've seen a few fics use the idea of Midoriya being an All Might RPF writer. I don't think they're nearly as funny as this fic, which is greatly enhanced by the author making his own memes. I was fucking howling throughout, with the Sports Festival chapter in particular getting a loud "Oh no!" followed by demented cackling from me.

Oh, I needed that. You're on the list!

While Cynthia and Dawn's "barren fields of fucks" energy is great, I just don't have enough context to enjoy this.

You're not on the list.

I'll always appreciate a fic that has the class get a clue about Lila on their own, and I'm curious to see where this was going. But my god, the technical errors. The wrong words and misspellings and tense mixups. It's too much!

Gah. You're not on the list.

On balance, while I didn't mind reading it, this doesn't really do anything new or interesting with the Standard Lila Salt Fic formula, up to and including the big speech at the end. Pass.

You're not on the list.
Your first link does not go to the story you have in
While Cynthia and Dawn's "barren fields of fucks" energy is great, I just don't have enough context to enjoy this.

You're not on the list.
Fair, though as someone who DOES have the needed context, it is quite hilarious. But you do need that background knowledge from Legends: Arceus to really enjoy it all.
The same goes for me. I read it during my Martian Fanfiction reading spree after I finally managed to watch the entire movie. Though it wasn't my favorite Maritan fanfiction it still managed to be an interesting story overall.
I'd be curious to know which one was your favorite. I haven't read much Martian fic, but the book and movie are both great.
I'd be curious to know which one was your favorite. I haven't read much Martian fic, but the book and movie are both great.
Hmmm... There are a couple of fics that have Watney not alone in being left behind either an OC Seventh Member of the Ares III crew or one of the canon crew members. Mostly either Commander Lewis or Beth Johanssen. Then there is the fic which follows everything from the point of view of Mindy Park as she follows Mark's journey across Mars. However, now I cannot find it for there are more than a few different stories with a similar premise, but this one actually had Mindy talking to Mark somehow and I believe she is also sent along with Ares IV or something like that.
Describing The Series Via References + Verloren + For Honour and Glory

Describing The Series Via References [RWBY]

By: Masterweaver

Team RWBY is handed a list of memes about, well, team RWBY, and told to read them. They are suitably baffled by the whole thing.
This is some good shit.

Reaction fics are a genre of fanfic I generally despise. There are a number of reasons for this. The biggest one is that reaction fics have a bad habit of locking their characters in some closed-off space and not letting them interact with the actual plot. Then there's the fact that reaction fics, ironically, tend to be too focused on the reactions. This is a related problem: sticking everyone in a closed space tends to force them to stick it out, rather than allowing characters to, say, storm out in a huff. Pauses to let the characters process, talk, and decompress are crucial. As an example, both these problems sunk my reading of MHA reaction fic Future Briefing Island, plus the bewildering mistake that was making Midnight Momo's mother.

Describing The Series Via References does none of that shit. Team RWBY are in Beacon, having to juggle reading the memes with their schoolwork and missions, and they get very concerned very fast about plot details the memes are revealing. This allows the fic to hit on the key draw of RWBY fics: having the characters bounce off each other. The early reveal that Blake is a Faunus does a lot to soften the later revelations of her White Fang affiliation, for example. And the reactions to some of the memes get visceral, Ruby outright throwing up at the "Bad Yang Losing an Arm jokes." meme1​.

And yes, the make plans to try to change things, which leads into my next point: the fact that Team RWBY are reacting to the memes instead of, say, the actual footage is inspired. It encourages more time spent not reacting, because they have zero context for any of the memes and have to piece together what the hell the memes are referring to. They come to some wild-ass conclusions, one of my favorite being mistaking the #relightthetorch meme for being about Beacon falling instead of Roman Torchwick dying.

All this to say that I am fucking feral for more chapters, because the fic is two chapters into a ten-chapter run of no meme-reading. Why? Because the Vytal Festival is happening and things are coming to a head. All the butterflies Masterweaver has been cultivating are leaving their cocoons and flapping. Given we've already had Neo gassing Team RWBY in their room, I cannot fucking wait for what happens next.

You're on the fucking list!

Verloren (Worm/Frieren)

By: Mjaller

When Frieren and co. accidentally find something completely new, of course she must investigate. She probably wasn't expecting to be shunted through dimensions, however. Now she's got to find a way back from a completely unfamiliar world, but as usual, she's not exactly in a hurry…
While still in the early stages, what's written is encouraging. The rough nature of the first chapter clears up over the next two, the purple prose lessens while still retaining that Frieren tone, and I'll applaud the author for dropping Frieren in Ecuador rather than Brockton. I'm interested to see where this goes.

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For Honour and Glory (Glory Girl from Worm ends up in Westeros)

Basically Glory Girl, a character from the webnovel Worm, ends up in Westeros just as the events of Book 1 happen. A classic Isekai, in that she has no idea how she got there or how to return.

For people who haven't read Worm: Glory Girl is basically superman light. She can fly and has a forcefield surrounding her body that makes her invincible and incredibly strong. However, if she takes any serious kind of hit the forcefield vanishes for a second or two and she's vulnerable. A big part of her battle strategy is smoke and mirrors to seem truly invincible.

She also has a mind altering aura that makes people either adore her, or absolutely fear her. She can scale it down to nothing, or up all the way to utterly terrifying/amazing.
Like Verloren, this is still in the early stages. Also like Verloren, this gets points from me for doing something new and interesting. And that thing is the common throughline that by Westerosi standards Victoria is shockingly lacking in manners and decorum. You can already see it slowly souring Renly's opinion of her, and it's the reason Cersei dismisses her. Be interested to see if that trend continues.

You're on the list.

  1. I personally wouldn't have gone with that strong a reaction, but it's whatever.
Reaction fics are a genre of fanfic I generally despise. There are a number of reasons for this. The biggest one is that reaction fics have a bad habit of locking their characters in some closed-off space and not letting them interact with the actual plot. Then there's the fact that reaction fics, ironically, tend to be too focused on the reactions.
This makes me think of the Spacebattles Fic "Fate/Oracle" by Turniphater. Which did something interesting by making the mechanism for the reaction be an in-universe phenomenon with history that inherently disrupts the events of FSN.
I'd be curious to know which one was your favorite. I haven't read much Martian fic, but the book and movie are both great.

There's barely any Martian fic at all, tbh, but of it?

I Win, Mars picks up right after the movie's recovery of Watney ends, and deals with the trip back to landing on Earth, and the inevitable psychological issues of someone who has been alone for months and at least partially convinced they will die about thirty times. It is by no means light reading, but it pays off, and it's a complete story.
The biggest one is that reaction fics have a bad habit of locking their characters in some closed-off space and not letting them interact with the actual plot.
This, I think, goes back to the genesis of the format in the '90s, as Mystery Science Theater 3000 fanfic called "MSTings." The premise of MST3K as a TV show is that a guy and two robots are trapped in space and forced to watch bad movies, which they then make jokes about. The premise of a MSTing was that the guy and two robots trapped in space are forced to read bad fanfic, which they then make jokes about. The commentators can't interact with the story, because it's already written. They're not characters from that story's setting, so they don't have any personal investment in it, besides the pain that its badness is inflicting on them. They're just detached observers cracking jokes. But then people took the format of MSTing and made "sporkings" and other similar kinds of reaction fic using other characters besides the MST3K crew, including characters from the universe of the story being mocked, and it didn't necessarily translate, because they don't have a reason to be trapped in a room and forced to consume media, or the detachment to just crack jokes about it.
This, I think, goes back to the genesis of the format in the '90s, as Mystery Science Theater 3000 fanfic called "MSTings." The premise of MST3K as a TV show is that a guy and two robots are trapped in space and forced to watch bad movies, which they then make jokes about. The premise of a MSTing was that the guy and two robots trapped in space are forced to read bad fanfic, which they then make jokes about. The commentators can't interact with the story, because it's already written. They're not characters from that story's setting, so they don't have any personal investment in it, besides the pain that its badness is inflicting on them. They're just detached observers cracking jokes. But then people took the format of MSTing and made "sporkings" and other similar kinds of reaction fic using other characters besides the MST3K crew, including characters from the universe of the story being mocked, and it didn't necessarily translate, because they don't have a reason to be trapped in a room and forced to consume media, or the detachment to just crack jokes about it.
And then there were the Protector of the Plot Continuum, who had their OCs literally go in to the bad fics, murder any bad OCs, and neuralyze the canon characters MIB style to return the story to the canon plot.
And then there were the Protector of the Plot Continuum, who had their OCs literally go in to the bad fics, murder any bad OCs, and neuralyze the canon characters MIB style to return the story to the canon plot.
I've only vaguely heard of it, but I suppose that probably precipitated a shift in the genre from commentary to being more directly involved.
In Which A Batch of Fics Fails

Cheating Death™


All Aizawa ever wanted in his life was peace and quiet. And cats… and coffee… and his very loud, very bright yellow, adorable husband… well, he couldn't have everything. But what he doesn't get is sleep. Why? Probably because he has to take care of 5 new problem children who just got tossed out of a portal. Not to mention, they all look like they got the shit beat out of them. What's with that?


The Hex Squad/Trauma Children get blasted through the portal at the end of King's Tide and are stuck in the My Hero Universe. They all have to find ways to cope and save their friends and family back on the Boiling Isles, but first- FUN TRAUMATIC HERO STUFF! :D
Can't keep the tenses straight. Garbage.

You're not on the list.

Himiko this, Neito that


Featuring the league's exasperation with the hero student who keeps wandering into their hideout, class 1-B not understanding where Monoma keeps disappearing to, and two siblings who don't give a fuck about anything except the other's opinion.

Or; Himiko is a villain, Neito is a hero. This doesn't matter as much as it probably should.
Can't keep the tenses straight. Trash.

You're not on the list.

The [insert title here] and the Fire Lord


In which the rumour mill is thriving, Zuko is ready to give up, and Toph won't stop laughing.

Also, the citizens of Caldera City might be a bit concerned about how quickly their Fire Lord is apparently going through partners.
One bit of behavior I despise is people just not listening when they tell you to stop. And it's one thing if an antagonist is doing it, that's just the author making me hate them, in which case good job. It's quite another when you erstwhile friends are doing it and the narrative refuses to punish the action.

What I'm saying is, I hate this fic with the passion of a thousand exploding suns. You're not on the list.

Dysfunctional (a.k.a How the Gaang Adopted Zuko two Books Early)


While Aang is talking to Roku at the Fire Temple, Zhao has captured Zuko, Sokka and Katara. Zuko's worried about what his father will do when he finds out Zuko disobeyed him and returned without the Avatar. He's also wondering why the two Water Tribe kids are looking so concerned. It's not like Father has done anything to him he didn't deserve.
Can't keep the tenses straight. Rubbish.

You're not on the list.

The Nine Mindgames of Aizawa Shouta


With the recent attacks on UA students, Nezu has decided to ensure his faculty's situational awareness in a more... creative manner. One person from the hero course staff or students will be chosen as the 'agent'. Their goal-- to avoid detection until they've completed their list of test scenarios. And of course, the winner will get a prize of their choosing, from Nezu himself.

They're professional heroes-- how hard could this be?
The fic lost me around chapter 4. The writing is just not up to the task of delivering on the premise. There are a frightful number of dropped sentences, and the fic meanders into scenes that could be red herrings but at the time just feel violations of Conservation of Detail.

Blagh. You're not on the list.

When Beyond The Portal


The portal closes before Tony can fall back through. As a result Tony is stuck in space. Thank goodness he was wearing his space suit that day. Really though he should get his Arc Reactor fixed before it gives out on him.


Tony is found by the guardians and they have awesome space adventures.
Yeah, this needs a beta. Badly. Close your quotes with punctuation, people, periods may be wrong most of the time but they look better than nothing.

You're not on the list.
There are few things I hate as much as finding a fanfic with what seems like it might be an interesting story, only to see half a dozen grammar and spelling mistakes that could have been avoided by spending five minutes throwing it into grammarly.

Or chatgpt, that probably works even better. But ever since that became a thing, there's the stories where the author starts using chatgpt at some point halfway through, but makes it rewrite the text too and everything is full of purple prose all of a sudden. I even had one where the chapter started with something like "certainly, here's the text with improved grammar and better wording:" because they weren't capable of looking over it again and removing that first sentence before posting it :D
A Shadowsverse Collection
Looking For Trouble

By: Jeremy Harper

Sequel to Shadows Over Nerima. One of Ranma's best friends has come to Japan for a visit. What happens when the protégés of two of the world's greatest super-heroes get together? They go looking for trouble, of course...
Part 2 of the Shadowsverse is mostly its own self-contained story, doing little to advance the plot threads set up in Shadows Over Nerima. That's not to say it's a bad story, mind. Little is not nothing: the story does advance the arcs of Ranma, Akane, and the broader plot of Ra's' machinations. Just not much. The focus is on Nabiki and Roy's developing relationship, and the brief scuffle with Hugo Strange.

And while I'm not super on board with Soun's xenophobia, at least it gives him something to do. Soun is basically a nonentity in Ranma fanfic - fitting, for a man who by all accounts is a nonentity in the source material, too.

Still, I liked it. You're on the list.

School Daze

By: Jeremy Harper

Sequel to Looking For Trouble - Ranma honestly expected attending Furinkan High with Akane to be dull. He had not expected having to deal with a complication from Kuno's harassment of Akane. Nor did he ever contemplate being confronted by someone from his childhood in Japan, looking for revenge.
School Daze's big draw is that it's actually drawing from the Ranmaverse side of things, rather than being mostly a DC fic with Ranma characters. So far it's not gotten very deep, but from the sound of the summary Ukyo will be making an appearance and in-fic Kodachi is already making a move, though thankfully on Nightwing rather than Ranma.

I'm not sure if this'll ever return but I'd eagerly read if it does. You're on the list!


By: Jeremy Harper

Ladybug and Cat Noir have encountered and defeated many strange and powerful individuals over the course of their young careers - weather manipulators; shape-shifters; armored would-be tyrants; pigeons. Dealing with a non-powered cat burglar shouldn't be any trouble for them - right?
Yes, this is in Shadowsverse continuity, our two French heroes are mentioned during Looking for Trouble. It's also a breath of fresh fucking air: it's a DC crossover that's not some stupid as fuck adoption fic or shipfic, and it's one set early enough to avoid the Lila salt. Both things that, judging from Jeremy Harper's author's note on Chapter 5, are very deliberate.

I also appreciate that while Catwoman runs rings around the two Catman makes the mistake of confronting them directly and gets his ass handed to him. Good balance.

You're on the list.


By: Jeremy Harper

A Shadows-verse story. Set post-Looking For Trouble. Akane Tendo makes her debut in both high and low Gotham society.

Debutante: Low Society

By: Jeremy Harper

Akane makes her debut in Gotham low society as Batman and Nightwing's new partner. A Shadow-verse story, set after School Daze.
I'm bundling these together as Shadowsverse one-shots set after School Daze. Finally, some actual damn plot movement. Finally, some interaction with the wider DCU. And Akane's Robin costume sounds neat.

You're both on the list.
Heated Storm Yields a Wild Horse's Heart
Heated Storm Yields a Wild Horse's Heart

By: rewind gone nuts

Sometimes, the smallest change can have a big impact. In the world we all know, a summer shower saw Ranma the girl and Genma the panda arrive, to the relief of Akane Tendo and the dismay of her elder sibling Nabiki, who was looking forward to a cute boyfriend. But what happens if Ranma arrives as a boy instead, to Nabiki's delight?
For eight chapters, Heated Storm is an interesting take on the impacts of Nabiki being Ranma's fiance instead of Akane. Nabiki is more levelheaded than her younger sister, less prone to jumping to conclusions, and overall brings a welcome level of maturity to the relationship, even if she is still herself. One nice change is Tatewaki Kuno - Nabiki shows off Ranma's curse in front of him early on, which between that and a few victories leads to a major toning down of his obsessive interest in Akane and complete scuppering of his obsessive interest in the Pig-Tailed Girl, something that greatly reduces how insufferable he is. In fact, the initial fight with Ryoga does much to rehabilitate his role, giving him a job as a combat commentator that his flower language fits well. With the fic also short-circuiting the P-chan subplot before it could go anywhere, the fic looks to be setting itself up to doing something different.

The one-two punch of chapters 9 and 10 scupper that idea, unfortunately.

Chapter 9 is just a goddamn slog. The Golden Pair aren't interesting as antagonists, and while the arc is definitely different it's not really different enough to make up for how much of a pain it is to get through.

But Chapter 10 is were I really lost interest. So, y'know how I've said a few times that one of my pet peeves is people who just don't listen? Hi, Shampoo! Yeah, Shampoo is in fine form here, being a nasty combination of murder-happy and way too persistent in going for Ranma's affections. Quite frankly I'd forgotten about her attempt to straight-up murder Nabiki, something which makes her later, tearful speech about the cast not trusting her ring very hollow indeed. Hell, even in this chapter Ranma getting over the murder attempts so fast bugs the hell out of me.

In general, I feel Rewind does not do a good job justifying why anyone involved would put up with this, and the lack of narrative pushback is glaring. At that point, I was done with the fic.

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