CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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A thing that also, AFAIK, didn't happen in any canon? The Sith barely exist as a species in Disney canon and in Legends were a) bred out of existence when they mixed with Dark Siders who split from the nascent Jedi Order and b) the Sith 'Purebloods' who existed at the end of the Great Galatic Wars weren't wiped out by the Jedi, or even the Republic. At least not as yet because the game that details that period of histroy is still updating and still needs both Sith and Jedi to continue existing. I find it unlikely however, that the developers are going to write the ending to be "and then you, player character, comitted genocide".
5,000 years ago would be more than a millennium before SWTOR or KOTOR, so if the Sith still exist as a species in those games then they weren't exterminated 5,000 years ago.

Just looked at the Wookieepedia article in the Sith species and it doesn't say shit about the Jedi Order or the Republic killing them. It does say that by 5000 years ago, almost no full-blooded examples of the Sith species still existed... because of the Dark Jedi/Sith Lords, who had conquered them and engaged in forced interbreeding and eugenics. So Vader is literally trying to blame the Jedi for something that his own side did.

Except we have WOG from George Lucas that the Jedi are supposed to be right in the Prequels.
The problem with citing George Lucas as evidence of anything is that he constantly changes his mind and contradicts himself.

The problem with trying to deduce anything meaningful about the Jedi Order based on the prequels is that they're so badly written that it's impossible to tell whether anything that they imply is intentional or the result of incompetence.

Also Anakin is busy being a case study in unhealthy attachment and literally every concern the Jedi have with it.
There are two things that I ferociously maintain about Anakin:
  1. What Anakin feels for Padme isn't love, it's obsession and possessiveness. He comes off as a creep throughout the entirety of AOTC.
  2. Anakin was already a Dark Jedi long before he got laid. Slaughtering a village of Tuskens would be more than enough to fall to the Dark Side.
Which goes back to what I said above about the writing of the prequels. George Lucas almost certainly didn't intend to imply either of those things, but that's how he wrote it. He wrote Anakin as a creepy stalkerish incel who did mass murder and then expected us to believe that he was still a hero.
I would argue that Lucas' failing with the prequels was a failure of showing the Jedi's actual philosophy. They talk about attachment and so on, but people think that means they're not allowed to have friends or fall in love or anything. Which isn't what Lucas seems to have intended.
Yeah, the problem is that Lucas had to fit proper Jedi philosophy into the same trilogy that also needed to cover the Clone Wars, rise of the Empire, and fall of Anakin.

The canon Jedi barely have a philosophy. They just sort of grumble about how attachment is bad, and you shouldn't feel bad that your mother is still a slave.

This is despite the fact that Obi-Wan, who is seemingly positioned as the "good" mentor figure, clearly shows attachment. To Qui-Gon, to Anakin, and so on. So the whole "no attachments" thing ends up vague and muddled.

(People have headcanoned the "no attachments" thing to be about possessive and controlling love, and while I do like that headcanon, AFAIK it's never actually clarified as a distinction in canon.)
Which goes back to what I said above about the writing of the prequels. George Lucas almost certainly didn't intend to imply either of those things, but that's how he wrote it. He wrote Anakin as a creepy stalkerish incel who did mass murder and then expected us to believe that he was still a hero.
I mean he can both do great heroic things, and also have massive personal issues that fuck up his whole life? Those aren't mutually exclusive.

It's not as if Anakin having massive personal flaws that lead directly into him becoming Darth Vader isn't the point here. His relationship with Padme being very unhealthy is kind of core to the whole arc. I'm pretty sure it was intended.
It's not as if Anakin having massive personal flaws that lead directly into him becoming Darth Vader isn't the point here. His relationship with Padme being very unhealthy is kind of core to the whole arc. I'm pretty sure it was intended.
Except that ROTS didn't use any of that shitty behavior to explain Anakin's fall, and instead went with the premise that Anakin fell to the Dark Side out of love to save his wife from a prophesied death in childbirth (because learning Sith powers to cheat death is apparently a better plan than just taking your wife to an OB-GYN).
Except that ROTS didn't use any of that shitty behavior to explain Anakin's fall, and instead went with the premise that Anakin fell to the Dark Side out of love to save his wife from a prophesied death in childbirth (because learning Sith powers to cheat death is apparently a better plan than just taking your wife to an OB-GYN).
What? It's an entirely consistent throughline that Anakain is unhealthily attached to Padme and makes very poorly thought out, rash, and impulsive decisions when she's in danger. Similarly that he generally fails to adequately manage his emotions, and is willing to cross some pretty major lines when emotionally wrought.

There's a very consistent line there. There isn't some kind of jump onto it being about love - it's always been about him being emotional and unhealthily attached and making bad decisions because of it.
I remember enjoying Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo, but thinking it definitely suffered from trying too hard to lick Vader's boots and make super ultra awesome.
Still, got good moments that I enjoyed.
Also, let's not forget that Anakin spent copious amounts of time around Palpatine who played Anakin like a fiddle and probably was grooming him for some time.
Blasting Off to New Frontiers + An Old Ghost's Wisdom + History's Strongest NEET! New

Blasting Off to New Frontiers (Pokemon x Palworld)

By: Generatedname

A crossover between Pokemon and Palworld, where the Team Rocket trio get sent off to a strange set of islands...
A fic like this was inevitable, and to be honest I'm surprised there aren't more crossovers between the two. Palworld is, after all, a parody of Pokemon equal parts affectionate and deconstructive.

And it's the differences between the two that make this fic work. Team Rocket is an excellent choice for this kind of crossover. They standard trio are, despite their villain status, capable Pokemon trainers who treat their Pokemon well, which swiftly endear them to the Pals, who are more used to Standard Player Behavior in Palworld: i.e. shameless, ruthless exploitation. Seriously, go watch LPs of the game, the depths players will descend to in abusing their pals is comical. Anyway, being villains also means that they're more used to the kind of shit people get up to in Palworld - I suspect if it was Ash in this situation the moralizing would've been unbearable.

So yeah. Just what little we get of Team Rocket playing the Palworld loop is quite solid. But what happens next is what really has me shivering in anticipation. I so want this to come back.

You're on the list!

An Old Ghosts Wisdom (Kantai Collection)

It all started the day Intrepid asked Enterprise a question. "Can you please look after my sisters for me? They're going to be stationed here and I'd be a lot more comfortable if they had you looking out for them"
I've mentioned before that a problem Kancolle fics often have is being too broad in their scope and lacking an endgame to reach toward, which means they tend to meander in the minutiae of fighting a war. An Old Ghost's Wisdom solves that by being an intensely personal story. Our main character is Enterprise, after all - and her main opponent's are Abyssalized versions of her sister, Hornet, and her mother figure, Saratoga.

Not surprisingly, Enterprise is low-key Not Okay throughout the fic. It's honestly fairly common Enterprise stuff all around: a loner still dealing with a lot of demons, suddenly having three newbies thrust upon her and depending on her guidance. Her arc so far has been her realizing she can't just half-ass her mentorship like she's been doing, not in this scenario.

And our newbie trio of Iwo Jima, Reprisal, and Tarawa are well-done as well. They're distinct in voicing and behavior - not easy to do, that, especially when you have to make up personalities whole-cloth without even a fig leaf of ship history to work off of - and accordingly have different things that need working on. They're fun.

You're on the list.

History's Strongest NEET! (Konosuba/Kenichi)

One was destined to be a NEET sent to another world for wacky adventures with a useless goddess. The other was destined to become the mightiest disciple. But due to a truck related mix up, Kazuma will no longer go to another world, but must instead embrace a new dream:

Becoming the world's greatest H Doujinshi Author.

Wait, hold on, what?
The key appeal of this fic is Kazuma in Kenichi's spot. He's a completely different character, and contrasts in many respects to the chivalrous, straight-laced Kenichi. He's an open pervert, which immediately gets him into Ma Kensei's good graces. He has his canon guile and luck, which drives conflict by letting him screw Ragnarok out of a bunch of money. And it highlights a neglected part of his character: he's a sucker for positive reinforcement after years of negative. That's what allows him to power through all the brutal training, and even in these early goings it's made a clear impact on his self-confidence.

And the other Konosuba stuff on this side of the crossover is neat, too. Aqua showing up to investigate all the times Kazuma dies in training and gets revived by Ryozanpaku, only to basically take a vacation, up to and including offering illustration work to Kazuma's webnovels, is an excellent connection to the Konosuba side of things. And Niijima being recontextualized as a nascent Earthside demon king makes way too much sense.

Sadly, I can't say the same for the "Kenichi in Konosuba" part. And I think the authors agree, because that subplot basically vanishes a couple chapters in. I don't miss it.

Still, I like this. You're on the list!
The key appeal of this fic is Kazuma in Kenichi's spot.
HSK is one of my favorite manga of all time and I weep there is no sequel for it. I don't quite think Kazuma is well suited for the kind of insane bullshit Kenichi had to put with. Specially The Elder's training.

Specially The Elder's training, Kenichi died thrice during the run of the manga. No, not "almost died" as in "Judo master had to tell the laws of reality to fuck off so he could resurrect the disciple". Kenichi is as earnest as he is kind hearted. Kazuma is more of a ruffian with a heart of gold, he overlaps heavily with the Karate Master.

I guess I'll give it a look? I think it would have been more interesting to have Kenichi and Kazuma banter or have Eris or Aqua react to essentially seeing the same dead kid, thrice.

No, seriously, when Appai (Muay Thai Master) tried his hand at training he had no idea how to hold back and punted Kenichi so hard he induced a cardiac arrest from the punch.

Then he died once again during the rescue Miu arc.

Man, that Kenichi made it to the end is amazing.
Might be for the best? HSDK was fantastic for the first half/first two thirds of its run, but it got significantly weaker toward the end.

Agreed. I enjoyed Kenichi quite a bit, but at one point... I dunno, there was meandering, the fanservice (already very high and appreciated) went through the roof, and... in the end it got cancelled so the final chapters were all very rushed.
Agreed. I enjoyed Kenichi quite a bit, but at one point... I dunno, there was meandering, the fanservice (already very high and appreciated) went through the roof, and... in the end it got cancelled so the final chapters were all very rushed.
Which is a shame, because when it was good, it was easily my favorite fighting shonen. The sheer amount of research that went into real-world martial arts...
Might be for the best? HSDK was fantastic for the first half/first two thirds of its run, but it got significantly weaker toward the end.
Agreed. I enjoyed Kenichi quite a bit, but at one point... I dunno, there was meandering, the fanservice (already very high and appreciated) went through the roof, and... in the end it got cancelled so the final chapters were all very rushed.

I mean, the manga ended on the mother of all teasers, Kenichi does becomes a Martial Arts Master and seems to marry Miu.

I don't think it became weaker by the end, it did escalate the fan service, but that's likely editorial mandate because at that time fan service meant more sales and was in the same time as Naruto and Mahou Sensei Negima.
Set Me Free + Others New

Greyscale Memoir (Kancolle)

In 2007, the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense conducted a routine investigation, looking into a report by the Navy that one of their ships was haunted. The truth was...unexpected. After 20 years, they thought they'd learned the system, that they'd understood the rules at play. Come 2027, they're proven violently wrong. As the very fabric of reality upends itself and the boundary between worlds unravels, an old patriotic spirit finds herself reliving all too familiar memories while San Fransisco burns around her.
It's always a bad sign when an author goes full "the way canon does the metaphysics is bad, I'mma do it better!". Even in something with metaphysics as loose as Kancolle.

Surprisingly, that wasn't what got the fic the boot. The second chapter goes full talking heads, with little indication of what's happening around them, what they're doing, and what's happening in general. Blargh.

Get out of my sight.

Sanity is Over Re-ted

River Marks is a complicated eleven-year-old girl who has never had a loving family, or so the Marks think when they adopted her. River, on the other hand, doesn't know why she is being called by anything other than what she is, a Re-class Aviation Battleship. She never would have imagined that she would be hiding amongst humanity, but then again, she never imagined she would be nearly killed by her Princess either.

Feeling guilty for an Abyssal attack was new, though. She didn't know why she felt that way, but this human thing called "School" should help with that, right? River has always had difficulties connecting to others, but being surrounded by eleven-year-old humans in a building for five days a week is a steep challenge, even for her. It's no wonder that after months of trying to fit in, something starts to crack.
Abyssals trying to fit into human society is an underrated story premise for Kancolle fic. I promise, All Wo-rk and No Play is going to make an appearance here. Sometime. Eventually.

Anyway, unfortunately the technical skills aren't up to par here.

You're not on the list.

Touhous in SPACE!

By: TakerFoxx

What happens when the writer of Touhou's most well-known dark fic tries his hand at silliness and crack? Something like this. Not to be taken seriously. By anyone.
It says not to take this seriously, but even by crackfic standards this is full Looney Tunes and not in, like, a funny way.

You're not on the list.

Come Alive

By: Golden Arms

After a misspoken word to Gaara has him killing Dosu and Zaku, Kin comes up with a desperate plan to save her own life.
It's a sex comedy. Let's not mince words, this is Kin seducing Gaara to save her life.

It's a good thing this is funny because otherwise the unfortunate implications would be overwhelming.

You're on the list.

Set Me Free

By: uragaaru

A simple question sets off a raucous, pop punk-fueled mall comedy on a quiet Saturday afternoon. Genderbending, ascended extras, queerness, and DEEP CHARACTER REVELATIONS. Okay, fine. People eat food and buy stuff they don't really need. It's set at a mall, not a philosophical roundtable discussing the nature of the self.
Despite the defensive sarcasm of the summary, honestly, I'd say that the previous sentence fits the bill. This is a very character-centric fic. To start with, it takes Ranma's fanon buddies Hiroshi and Daisuke, and Akane's fanon friends Yuka and Sayuri1​, and actually does something with them. They're given personalities, history - Hiroshi and Sayuri are cast as childhood friends, for example - and also throws their gender identities into a blender to see what comes out. Daisuke's the only one to come out of it all actually gender-fluid at all, but the experience clearly sticks with all of them.

This gender exploration theme sticks with our main couple, as well. Akane having to be a guy for a day crystallizes her feelings for Ranma, positive and negative. She realizes she's a lesbian, she realizes she reacts badly to so much of what Ranma does out of jealousy and insecurity over his affections, and finally spits out her attraction to him. Oh, and they have sex swapped from their birth genders. And also Akane finds out about Ryoga being P-chan, much to his pain.

In general, this is a shockingly cohesive and densely-packed story for something under 30,000 words. I haven't even touched on the crazy mall cops! Honestly, this is comes with a strong recommendation for me for anyone interested in Ranma fanfiction.

You're on the list!

  1. I'mma be real with you guys, I have no idea where these characters come from, the "fanon" part being a guess based on the fact that even taking account the anime they don't seem to be actual characters from the original.
I'mma be real with you guys, I have no idea where these characters come from, the "fanon" part being a guess based on the fact that even taking account the anime they don't seem to be actual characters from the original.
Hiroshi and Daisuke are the (apocryphal?) names the two NPC dudes who comment on Ranma's antics at school are given. They're slightly more prominent in the manga.

Yuka and Sayuri are the (apocryphal?) names the NPC girls Akane hangs with on vanishingly rare occasions in the manga are given.
Cheating at Pai Sho + For Want of a Horseshoe New

Cheating at Pai Sho by MuffinLance

"You said you were the Avatar!"
"...I lied?"

Aang doesn't get rescued from Zuko's ship, and no one's seen him go glowy yet... so he starts bluffing. Hard.

Or: The Avatar joins Zuko's quest to find the Avatar. In which Zuko doesn't join the Gaang, the Gaang joins Zuko.
This is a heartwarming and hilarious fic of cultural differences, Zuko being a shockingly competent dork, and the Gaang stubborning their way into Zuko's heart. It's amazing what knowing people who don't have an ounce of deference for him will do to a guy. Shoutout in particular to the time where a drunk Sokka calls out Zhao's creeper behavior, at the same time validating every single bad feeling Zuko has had about the man. You love to see it.

And that ending cliffhanger of Lao Beifong seeing Zuko's haggling1​ for a ship's worth of supplies and wanting to meet him. Without knowing it's Zuko. Oh, the shenanigans. And that's before Toph inevitably joining the group.

You're on the list.

For Want of a Horseshoe by PingZing

Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.

Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.

She begins with Nightmare Moon.
This is a pitch-perfect turn to redemption. Future Twilight just... showing up and knocking Nightmare Moon out of the comfortable routine she'd settled into starts it, forces her to start considering things. And just in time, too, because as always the fridge horror of what eternal night would actually do is in full effect, and Nightmare Moon's solution is making things worse. Cue a rebel attack that gets her to actually see what damage she's doing, and that really gets the redemption train out of the station.

In between, we get an explanation of Rainbow Dash's loyalty to Nightmare Moon, which takes into account Starlight and Twilight's duel in Cloudsdale; a hilarious comparison of Twilight Sparkle to pudding; and an acknowledgement that not everything is forgiven.

It's good stuff. You're on the list.
  1. Which, both hilariously and accurately, the narrative compares to an invasive predator finding itself in a new environment.