CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


    Votes: 24 66.7%

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • Spacebattles

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  • Sufficient Velocity.

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I very much enjoyed this. There's a standard way to do a crossover of this type and the fic refuses to do that. For one, Inko is from the Old Republic era, not the Prequel Trilogy era. It makes for a very different kind of Jedi, and makes her dark thoughts about the Jedi more tolerable. This is a time when the Jedi would be doing shady shit and there's no Prequel Trilogy baggage along for the ride. And there's no sticking someone in UA who doesn't belong and in fact no focus on events at UA anyway. The focus is more on Inko and Toshinori's relationship with Izuku as a common third viewpoint.

I think there could've stood to be fewer Star Wars aliens hanging around - Hound Dog was just a step too far for me in this regard - but the Star Wars stuff is generally well-integrated.

And man, is the character interaction and worldbuilding good stuff. Good things happen. All Might is healthy again. Inko's lack of understanding of certain parts of human interaction is great. Even the BakuDeku ship is shockingly wholesome. I cannot wait for the press announcement of Toshinori and Inko's wedding, it's going to break the damn internet.

You're on the list!

Ah, that unique sense of agony when you reach the end of a fic far sooner than you though you would, you look for the publish date and last update date to get a feel for when the next chapter might happen, and both dates are within two months of each other. . . a few months shy of four years ago.

What's there is pretty damn solid, though.
A Bunch of Short Fics

Baby Blofis College Fund by zipadeea

Valerie calls her an hour later.

"Sally, what the hell?"

"That bad, huh?"

"Bad? Sally, it's gold. I went from squirming in my seat to crying genuine tears. And that twist, making him a Greek god, it's exactly what we're looking for right now. How soon can you get me the next chapter?"


In which Sally Jackson realizes by the time the new baby is eighteen, a semester of college will cost an arm and a leg. And those Fifty Shades of Grey books sure did make a lot of money.
In which Sally Blofis writes a fictionalized romance novel based on her own torrid romance with Poseidon.

It's shockingly sweet for being about a book consciously imitating Fifty Shades of Gray. That moment at the end, where it goes over Sally and Poseidon's final meeting... mmph. That's some good shit.

You're on the list!

Bioethically Speaking, Mr. Sheevbyhrotsvit, ineedausername1829

I'm reaching out regarding a curious case I encountered in the archives that would have occurred in 0 AFE, roughly speaking. Unfortunately, the dates - along with all other information - are rather scant. All I can find are several references regarding, to my bewilderment, the installation of a life support system that involves a bizarre collection of medical assistance tools.

When a graduate student stumbles across some unusual data in an archive, he's sure it's the key to writing a successful dissertation. Unfortunately for him (and even more unfortunately for the public relations staff of the Grand Imperial Medical Facility), the request sets off an explosive chain reaction that's more than anyone bargained for. Surely a quadruple amputee burn victim isn't really running around in a 200 pound suit amped up on mysterious substances, right?
The answer is yes, my dear doctors, and the aggression is a plus in his role. Ah, the dawning comprehension that Darth Vader is the one in the abomination against medical ethics...

Overall, though, I'm not sure I like this. The email format is a bit hard to follow thanks to using work-coded addresses, it takes forever to put the pieces together, and in the end it's all shut down. It's good! I'm just thinking it's not to taste.

Yeah, you're not on the list.

The Husband of Sha'uri by Jedi Buttercup (jedibuttercup)

Evy could not be certain, but it sounded a great deal like the Ancient Egyptian equivalent of "Oh, no, not again," which struck her as a rather bizarre thing for a newly awakened mummy to say.
Yeah, I'm with Evy: I have no context for what's going on here. I'm sure Stargate fans would get a kick out of this, though.

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We Let These People Run Actual REGIONS?! by Sapphiria

Following his victory at the Manalo Conference and becoming Alola's first ever Champion, Ash enters the Champion's chatroom not knowing what to expect. Maybe they'll be serious, high ranked members of society focusing on politics and papers. Maybe they'll be kind and forward thinking with doing what's best for their regions...

Or maybe they'll be a bunch of memers who act just like his other friends do at 3AM in the morning.

A Chatfic inspired by the many gems of Anipoke chatfics with spoilers from SM139
Look, this was funny for a couple of chapters, but then the Kahuna chat showed up and I was just like "I don't care about this, scroll". Also, Ash sounds off, and is it too much to ask for a little dignity?

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General Jocasta by BairnSidhe

Picture, if you will, a shiny new High General Obi-Wan who has just been given control of the GAR on the logic he's the only Jedi with war experience. Except he's never actually organized an army before, and he needs help.

Enter Co-High General Jocasta Nu, who runs the GAR like she would the Archive. Everything organized and cataloged, her precious Collection now expanded to include the entire GAR.

And well, she's a librarian....

The Sith never stood a chance.
In which Jocasta Nu organizes the GAR and saves the galaxy.

Let's talk about the central conceit of this fic, which is that Jocasta treats the clones as... well, books in her library. It's something I think will put off people, especially since it's more than a legal fiction (and yet also a legal fiction at the same time). It's explicitly dehumanizing, and called out as such in-universe. It is explicitly in part a coping mechanism by Jocasta to send men off to their deaths in war. At the same time, it's also her way of declaring "You're mine, I will make you safe", and the clones themselves find Being a Person exhausting in large doses anyway.

So I like it. Others may not. YMMV. You're on the list.

A Credit To The Order by ShadowPixelle

The replay of the Chancellor's broadcast echoes out in the Council Chamber. Mace sighs, rubbing his forehead.

"They can't do that." Ki-Adi states, as firmly as he can. "We're beholden to the Republic, not the Senate, they can't make us fight their war for them-"

"They can." Madame Nu, who was invited to this meeting as one of their historical experts, cut in. "It's a majority vote from the Senate, which means they can at least try and make us. We can refuse, but the clone army was apparently ordered for the Jedi, which makes it something of a grey area."


The Order is being drafted into the Republic's war.

This is considered a state of emergency.

The Order is a very old institution.

They have a lot of back up plans for emergencies.
A headcanon piece where the Jedi Order splits from the Republic - a premise I'm increasingly liking as a way to square the circle between "the Jedi didn't deserve this" and "The Republic is a corrupt institution and arguably a failed state" - based on fridge logic of "Hang on, the Senate can't be all their funding".

RIP to Sheev's plans. You're on the list.

I was Going to Take Over the Galaxy, But Then I Got High by boredom

A new drug has popped up on the streets of Coruscant. One that is smuggled and sold in tea bags of all things.

What happens when Commander Thorn accidentally makes a pot of tea with these drugs for Chancellor Palpatine?

Well, the fate of the galaxy might just change for the better
This fic crashes and burns the minute Palpatine says something more complicated than "Tea!" His voicing is way off.

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The Sanctuary that Doubles as a Bookshop by Saturn_Rings_and_Moons

''If you visit Soho, you may come across a shop that looks older than anything else, painted in dark red and pale yellow columns. On top it says ''A. Z. Fell & Co. - Antiquarian and Unsual Books''.

Now, if you're thinking ''Oh, books! I'm gonna buy one!'' you're out of luck. Nobody leaves A. Z. Fell with a book and less money on their wallets. But if you need help with anything else, go in.

Just don't bother the snake. Don't touch it, don't even look at it.''

Noah has a school assignment to do about their favourite place in the city. Each person in class had to pick a place, research it, write about it... all of that. And Noah knew exacly what they wanted to write about.
This fic crashes and burns when it forgets that the main character doesn't know the name Aziraphale and keeps using it in narration.

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A Different Kalos Crisis by CurlyFries17

The Kalos Crisis, but this time Ash is more serious and prepared.

Kalos learn more about Ash Ketchum, Clemont and Serena reflect, and Lysandre is a bloodthirsty villain.

Lance and Cynthia come, Pikachu is OP, Ash is badass and too tired with the bullshit in his life
This fic crashes and burns when it shows Ash coldly ordering Greninja to kill Lysandre. That's not what I want out of my Pokemon fic. That the writing quality isn't great even before this doesn't help.

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Chaotic Conspiracies by Sapphiria

"Arceus can Smite me for all I care" is the name of a relatively normal conspiracy theory server, full of the usual types of citizens you would expect. However, when the Sinnoh Squad plan a world tour, the lives of the server users get entangled with the adventure due to one secretive member who may just happen to be the World Champion.

Oh and that World Champion may just also own one of the most popular trolling accounts on all of Chatter.

The Poké Wide Web was not ready for the bullshit that is Ash Ketchum
Not terrible, but also not interesting enough for me to stick it out straight to Ash accidentally revealing his trolling to the server.

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Trainer Profiles, an interesting way to find out about your kid, because sometimes it's easier to research than to ask. by namera_moogs

Professor Kukui thought Ash was an open book. Truth is, he was. That is if half the pages were burnt and the others covered with blotches of black ink. Realising he didn't know much about the kid under his care, he did what he does best and researched about him instead of just asking. Adulting is difficult sometimes.
Pro tip of the day: get a beta! Someone who can proofread for you, because this is a fucking mess of bad word choices! Arrrrrrgh.

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The Chosen One by CGJ

"Arceus above, that's Tapu Koko!" exclaims Cynthia. Several pairs of eyes turn curiously to her. "Who?"

"Tapu Koko! The island guardian of one of the Alolan islands. It's an electric type legendary. They're known to be very reclusive, and yet the Tapu is battling Ash in a stadium full of people!"

The strongest trainers in the world learn a little (a lot) more than they bargained for about their youngest member.
Pro tip of the day: separate all dialogue lines into new paragraphs, for the love of God.

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Worst Legendary Encounters by Shadaki

After the events of M17, when the Kalosians ask why Ash and Pikachu aren't concerned about the latter's health, the reply is simple: they've been through worse. What follows is Ash, Pikachu, and later Team Rocket, trying to figure out where Allearth Forest ranks. But the Kantonians know the events intimately enough that they don't have to mention many details, leaving the Kalosians lost as they try to listen in.
This devolves swiftly into a scriptfic. I don't think I need to explain further.

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this crooked posture by grainjew

Tim was turning away from Pikachu — his partner, and the way Pikachu had smiled at him when he said that almost made a grin split his face in response — to ask Mewtwo to fix all the unnaturallities that Howard Clifford had used it to create, that made Tim's stomach clench and twist in instinctive panic, when a blur of motion barreled into Mewtwo, all yellows and blues and reds resolving into a boy.
He was ten, if Tim had to guess, younger than Tim'd been when his mom died, and he had a pikachu on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around Mewtwo with a ferocity that was a little bit terrifying.

Or: Ash and co arrive five minutes late with starbucks to the Detective Pikachu plot, which is basically just in time to give Mewtwo a hug
This should be a good premise. I loved it when Boldores and Boomsticks referenced the events in Ryme City. But the fic doesn't do anything with the idea. Tim spends most of the time just standing there doing nothing, the Pokemon names are left uncapitalized, which I hate, and Ash doesn't feel like Ash, even accounting for him being twenty years older.

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(mis)communications by circhester (orphan_account)

Lysandre narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me you misunderstand what I am saying."

"Of course I understand!" Ash said. "I was ten the first time I was killed because humans messed with pokémon they had no right to mess with! For six years I've been dealing with people like that!"

Alain choked. There was so much wrong with that statement that he didn't even know where to start deciphering it.
Too short to do anything with the idea, besides Alain angst and that's very old hat at this point.

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Breaking News On Channel NinebyMashpotatoeQueen

"Thanks, Grant. As you can see, our annual Spring festival is in full swing out here in Pamaring city, and- Oh!"

A pikachu appears on the camera, leaping onto the news anchor's shoulder with an ease that suggests long practice. It's covered in mud and grime, tail thrashing and electricity sparking angrily at its cheeks. For such a small and adorable pokemon, something in the way it glares at the camera sings with intelligence and determination.

A hat- too big and clearly made for humans- sits on its head.
This is not the premise I was expecting. I was expecting something like Ash and Pikachu constantly photobombing news feeds. Instead I just get Pikachu frantically trying to get attention to his missing trainer, an idea that the fic doesn't go into enough detail to execute on.

You're not on the list.[/QUOTE]
There is one fic series I was surprised weren't on your list. The Martian (and it's prequel that was written simultaneously Changeling Space Program) are basically the mix of hard science and magic that you've said previously you like.
That's on my to-read list.

That might be a record of non recs for this thread.

I get the impression that you wouldn't be a fan of Traveler?
I don't know what that is.
That's on my to-read list.

I don't know what that is.
Traveler is one of the most popular pokemon fanfics out there, taking a tone closer to the manga. Not every pokemon is a happy friendly creature, there are some actually dangerous mons. It's a tad darker than the anime, but not particularly Edgy.

I think, you should give it a read and come up with your own opinion since apparently I am shit at giving summaries.
One linky to Traveler
While a long time fav of mine, it's not for everyone half because it's frankly a massive word-vomit behemoth of a story. The other half is the OC at the start but it isn't terribly long before they get split off.
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Bioethically speaking, Mr Sheev was right up my alley, though admittedly I derive perhaps a bit too much pleasure from being accidentally cc'd or bcc'd to a conversation (usually via a mailing list that includes more people than expected) and just sitting back with some popcorn to read the emails.
Yeah, I'm with Evy: I have no context for what's going on here. I'm sure Stargate fans would get a kick out of this, though.
Some small context: Near the end of its run (so seasons 9-10 and the last couple TV movies) Stargate developed a love for time travel stories featuring alternate takes on the characters and characters taking the long road back to the present. This is a riff on that.
I kinda like the Vader Medical drama but it goes nowhere, so. Yeah. Could be great if expanded but right now its got nothing else.
Some small context: Near the end of its run (so seasons 9-10 and the last couple TV movies) Stargate developed a love for time travel stories featuring alternate takes on the characters and characters taking the long road back to the present. This is a riff on that.
More specifically, the fic says that it's going off of the Season 8 finale, "Moebius", wherein due to time travel shenanigans on top of other time travel shenanigans, an alternate timeline version of Daniel wound up stranded and living out his life in ancient Egypt, with the mcguffin of the episode buried somewhere that it would be found in the present day so that there would be no reason to time travel in the first place.

A crossover between Stargate SG-1 and The Mummy makes a lot of sense, given how they both involve fantastical happenings in ancient Egypt coming back to menace us in the modern age, but the premise of this one would be particularly impenetrable for people who weren't familiar with the source material.
Bioethically speaking, Mr Sheev was right up my alley, though admittedly I derive perhaps a bit too much pleasure from being accidentally cc'd or bcc'd to a conversation (usually via a mailing list that includes more people than expected) and just sitting back with some popcorn to read the emails.

Same here. God knows corporate-style workplaces have far too few opportunities for entertainment, but getting into an email chain and watching some clusterfuck unfold (importantly, a clusterfuck you are neither responsible for causing nor tasked with fixing) is absolutely one of them.
Daniel Jackson is a professional at dying and then coming back to make everything worse better
Oh, good point. It didn't even occur to me that I needed to explain that the reason why the first thing he says when resurrected is "Not again!" is because it's not the first or even the fifth time that he's died and then woken up in sarcophagus.
Seeing as you have an affinity for MHA chatfics, I would very much like to recommend Q.A.B., in which Midoriya's amateur quirk analysis blog goes viral after a tweet from (not-officially)Hawks, and the chaos that ensues, including:
  • Dabi and Hawks being the best Gay Dads ever
  • Vigilantes characters in the spotlight (and on Discord)
  • The tragic love story of a cow and her farmer
  • The League of Villains being the worst vloggers ever
  • 'beep beep, here comes the cab'
The story is both fantastic and frequently hilarious, as Midoriya is (at first) completely oblivious to his sudden onset of fame and influence, as well as all the benefits and downsides it brings with it. Some of those downsides are harrowingly realistic; there's a reason Koichi signs up as Izuku's admin/security expert once the views start rolling in. As funny as this fic is, it does a great job of showcasing how powerful and dangerous having a cult following can be.

But the real reason I'm recommending this is because this fic, in my opinion, sets the gold standard for epistolary fiction on AO3. The formatting has to be seen to believed. I'm genuinely convinced jihnari is some kind of fucking virtual wizard. It's a two-parter, with the second part just ending last month.
Meanings of Master + Making History + Fall of the Citadel

Meanings of Master by ShadowPixell

When becoming a Padawan, access is granted to their new Master's mission files, so that they can learn a bit about the person who'll be teaching them.

For one Anakin Skywalker, it's the best discovery he's ever made.
This is adorable. I'm especially fond of the fourth story, which deals with Anakin first learning to swim, but I also like the dinner and Anakin's innocent awe at the idea of soup. Of having enough water to make a meal out of it. I just love it whenever fic writers use the desert origins of the Skywalker family.

You're on the list!

Making History by Arcawolf

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock had finally managed to shoot down a dragon, only to find he doesn't have the stomach to kill it. So he sets it free and the dragon . . . flies away. That should be the end of it, but dragons have long memories, and fate has a funny way of catching up to you.

An AU in which Toothless never lost his tailfin.
For an AU it really is too damn similar to the movie. Details change, but the overall plot doesn't, nor any of the character arcs within. If you really want more of Toothless being adorable, go ahead and give this a shot. But for me, it doesn't offer enough.

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Fall of the Citadel (reboot, Mass Effect x Kantai Collection crossover)

"Many years have passed since our great victory. But as we rejoice in light of what the future has for us, we also equally weep, shed tears of sorrow, for the dearly departed who have fallen for this victory to be a reality. But what was our suffering to the innocent? What was our morals to the haughty? What was, our efforts, our sacrifices, to the complacent?"
This is a tentative addition. The entire first chapter is a giant battle scene, which certainly does work to put butts in seats, but it comes at a cost: we have no context for why this battle is happening. Also, there's a lot more Halo than Mass Effect DNA in this so far, and the gun porn is a bit much.

But dammitall, I'll put up with quite a bit for a premise like this executed at all decently. You're on the list!
Also, there's a lot more Halo than Mass Effect DNA in this so far, and the gun porn is a bit much.

The author of that story got their start into Kancolle making Halo crossovers for it, and unfortunately, he had a tendency to full-on plagiarize other stories of the same genre, giving them minimal (if any) tweaks before claiming them as his own. For example, any reader familiar with For Earth and Her Colonies will find a number of very familiar passages and plot points in this chapter, at first lifted word-for-word, then minimally tweaked two years later after a reviewer called the author out on his copying.

To be perfectly frank, given how his stories since have shown minimal improvement, there's a part of me that can't help but wonder if the decent execution of these two chapters is due to finding new source material to plagiarize.
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Seeing as you have an affinity for MHA chatfics, I would very much like to recommend Q.A.B., in which Midoriya's amateur quirk analysis blog goes viral after a tweet from (not-officially)Hawks, and the chaos that ensues, including:
It's strongly AU. Himiko Toga is at her best.
Second part kinda ends... inconclusively.
I was up until 5 AM reading it.

EDIT: Can you post this recommendation to The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read. Discussion ?
It's strongly AU. Himiko Toga is at her best.
Second part kinda ends... inconclusively.
I was up until 5 AM reading it.

EDIT: Can you post this recommendation to The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read. Discussion ?
Aye, jihnari had originally planned for the story to be longer, but after four years of work, he decided that keeping it going would take more time and energy than he has, so he chose to end it where it is now.

And yes, it was definitely written before Horikoshi revealed that Touya's hate-boner for Endeavour was exponentially larger than the fandom had anticipated. I'll be sure to post my recommendation in the other discussion.
Usagi Quest + Where No One Goes

Usagi Quest (CK3/Princess Maker) (Sailor Moon)

By: Lunaryon

Welcome to Usagi Quest, an odd blend between CK3 and Princess Maker that has been bouncing around in my brain for a while now.

You are Usagi Tsukino, the girl who will one day rule over the entire solar system from Crystal Tokyo. Sure is a big destiny for such a regular girl.

And to make it worse, Usagi isn't exactly leadership material yet. She's a softhearted crybaby who would rather spend her days playing video games, eat, or sleep instead of handling the responsibilities put in front of her.

You need to help this poor girl learn to maneuver her way through high school, learn how to balance her friendships and her duties...

Oh, and help her fight off the extra-dimensional invasion of the Dark Kingdom, its terrifying Queen Beryl, and the Dark Generals who serve under her.

Thankfully, Usagi isn't alone. Sort of.

Yes, she has a cat named Luna who was there back in the fall of the Moon Kingdom, but there is also You.

Serenity Celene, the Moon Princess, and the little voice in the back of Usagi's head that will be able to push her to overcoming her flaws, and discovering just how amazing of a person she can be.

And perhaps... even more important than helping Usagi discover who she is...

Look at this place. Humanity is trapped, stuck on this singular rock.

Once they expanded across the whole of the Solar System.

They can do so again, but it will take wits, it will take effort, and it will take time.

People, you have no idea how much I want to like this quest. While a retelling of Sailor Moon, it's also a magical girl megacrossover that brings in Symphogear, Lyrical Nanoha, seven different Precure series, and Ranma 1/2, among others. There's organization. There's pre-existing magic groups. I so wanted this to finally, finally be me finding a magical girl megacrossover that's not dead or terrible.

So it is with a heavy heart that I must report that I reached exactly none of it before bailing.

Fundamentally, the technical errors just became too much to deal with. We have some of the usual suspects, like a lack of tense consistency, but we also have a brand new one I've never seen: at several points the narrative jumps between second-person and third-person - in the same goddamn update. Like, wow, if Lunaryon was going somewhere with that it failed miserably.

Relatedly, the voicing is subpar. Usagi doesn't feel like Usagi, and that's mostly down to her dialogue. Sometimes it's too formal, to which blame can be laid at a lack of contractions. Other times, she feels too coarse. The other characters come off better, but Usagi... no. And she's the main character, so that's one heck of a dealbreaker.

You're not on the list.

where no one goes by lesbianspikespiegel

Whatever it is, it lands on the outskirts of Caldera, on the other side of the almost-wall that is the volcano's edge. No one saw where it landed, or even in general. No one even knows that it was more of a crash than an actual landing.

No one except Azula, anyway.

In which Azula laments her lack of a goldfish, runs away, learns some practical skills, disappoints her father, finds the Avatar, narrowly misses becoming the first Fire Nation citizen to infiltrate Ba Sing Se, and tames a dragon- though not necessarily in that order.
Mm, that's some good shit.

This is basically just the first How to Train Your Dragon movie, but with Azula. This is not a bad thing. We spend the first few chapters following Azula and her dragon, Brainless, as they get to know each other, and that shows a clear difference: Azula is not Hiccup. Her reasons for keeping the dragon around are more selfish, her mechanical aptitude is not as high, and above all she's a lot less honest with herself about caring for Brainless on her own merits.

Alas, eventually Ozai pushes her to kill Brainless and Azula takes the opportunity to flee. From there, the story focuses on her trying to find Zuko, before putting her with the Gaang at the very end.

What makes this fic work is its dedication to taking down Azula several pegs. First, Brainless is willing and able to physically manhandle her - the pond in the crater Brainless winds up stuck in is a frequent recipient of Azula. Though she doesn't know it, this forces Azula to think of Brainless as an equal and not a resource, which was her friendship problem in canon. During the first third of the story she realizes that her mind and ability to lie, so praised and so well-used in canon, owe a lot to her stacking the deck in her favor as much as possible. Faced with problems with no easy way out, and forced to actually lie about something she cares about, puts her off her game. And that's before she gets out into the Earth Kingdom, is confronted by normal people, and finds herself not only caring about Zuko but surprisingly adrift. Seems Zuko's inability to think things through is somewhat genetic.

So at the very end in the Air Temple, while Azula isn't quite ready to return to the side of angels, its clear some part of her recognizes how lonely she's felt and longs for some companionship other than Brainless. That maybe, doing things the normal way isn't such a bad thing.

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How To Commit Identity Fraud: A Guide For Misplaced Time Travelers by itslilacmoon (watery_melon_baller)

The misadventures of six teenagers running loose in Republic City.

How the Gaang somehow manage to make everyone in Republic City's lives both ten times better, and five times worse.
Look at this shit:
Toph, Zuko, Suki, and Katara were walking through the streets of Republic City, with Sokka leading the way. Katara and Sokka had left their parkas back with Appa, but Zuko was still in his Fire Lord robes, minus the headpiece which he had hidden in his robes.
Awful. Simply awful. Two scenes and I was already rewriting things in my head.

You're not on the list.
Relatedly, the voicing is subpar. Usagi doesn't feel like Usagi, and that's mostly down to her dialogue. Sometimes it's too formal, to which blame can be laid at a lack of contractions. Other times, she feels too coarse. The other characters come off better, but Usagi... no. And she's the main character, so that's one heck of a dealbreaker.

There is an advantage to sticking mostly to minor characters and OCs away from the plot.