CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

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Belladonna Lilies
Belladonna Lilies by DezoPenguin

In a gaslamp-fantasy Victorian era shaped by the discovery of Dust, two women's lives take on a collision course. Blake Belladonna, searching for her future, and Weiss Schnee, learning the meaning of her past, may find that each other holds the key to finding what truth exists within their web of duty, honor, and pride.
This is some good shit.

To start with, atmosphere. This fic doesn't go in on the facts of the Victorian era with quite the same intensity as, say, The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon. Fundamentally, this fic isn't interested in a broad critique of the era. And that's fine. It just fucking nails the vibes. DezoPenguin sprinkles in just enough period details, and enough description, that it feels like the Victorian era, plus some mad science. As far as I'm concerned, that's the important part.

The plot is very narrowly focused. For the record, I'm going to go into some spoilers for the fic's mid-game here, so if you're someone who cares about that skip to the next paragraph. Anyway, the core goal of everyone in this fic is related to Pandora Development and Doctor Hyde1​, whether to find him and capture him, or in Hyde's case to fend off his pursuers and continue his goal of advancing the biological sciences by perfecting his ability to create Faunus.

Theoretically that means every major part besides Hyde and his ilk should be working together, but they aren't, because the Faunus understandably don't trust the SDC and there are further faultlines within both groups. There are many good reasons Weiss and Blake spend most of the fic having to investigate things by themselves, groping in the dark for answers.

But as with most RWBY fics, we're here for the characters, and Belladonna Lilies fucking delivers. Accounting for the changes in circumstances, Weiss and Blake are characterized pitch-perfectly. They also bounce of each other really well - this is the kind of fic that makes you understand the whole "enemies to lovers" thing Tumblr is so obsessed over, because that's how their relationship progresses. They start as enemies, then rivals, then start helping each other, and verbally sparring, and about two-thirds of the way through they're kissing and in a committed relationship. And it all feels right. One of Dezo's beta readers noted that there's more lesbian subtext here than most dedicated lesbian fiction, something Dezo did not intend. Lol. I know that feeling of two characters developing romantic chemistry on you.

And damn if the OCs aren't well-crafted, too. By necessity most of the cast is OCs, and they range from deeply fleshed-out - Hyde is wonderfully, fervently deranged - to background extras who butt in for a single scene and yet are nonetheless memorable for that fact. Shoutout to the one couple at the masquerade ball who bought Weiss' explanation that there was a spy game being played.

Now, as far as problems go, there's really just one. I mentioned in my last review we'd get another review soon of a story that lacks dialogue tags, and this is the one I was talking about. You have to really pay attention when the story shifts to long dialogue sections to track who's talking, and frankly I lost track multiple times. The rest of the fic is so good I didn't mind overmuch, but it was there.

Also, this was written before Adam Taurus was revealed to be Blake's Psycho Ex-Boyfriend in canon, so something to keep in mind.

Anyway, a great character study and Dustpunk Victorian adventure fic. You're on the list!

  1. Yes, that Hyde. There are multiple whole-plot references to Victorian science fiction literature; the main plot is basically a RWBY-flavored take on The Island of Dr. Moreau, for example.
Belladona Lilies is amazing and I'm so happy to see it make The List. More people should read it; it's one of the best RWBY fics I've ever read. Very early-volume based, which makes, as you note, Adam feel very odd, but outside of that one details, it just really works.
This is some good shit.

To start with, atmosphere. This fic doesn't go in on the facts of the Victorian era with quite the same intensity as, say, The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon. Fundamentally, this fic isn't interested in a broad critique of the era. And that's fine. It just fucking nails the vibes. DezoPenguin sprinkles in just enough period details, and enough description, that it feels like the Victorian era, plus some mad science. As far as I'm concerned, that's the important part.

The plot is very narrowly focused. For the record, I'm going to go into some spoilers for the fic's mid-game here, so if you're someone who cares about that skip to the next paragraph. Anyway, the core goal of everyone in this fic is related to Pandora Development and Doctor Hyde1​, whether to find him and capture him, or in Hyde's case to fend off his pursuers and continue his goal of advancing the biological sciences by perfecting his ability to create Faunus.

Theoretically that means every major part besides Hyde and his ilk should be working together, but they aren't, because the Faunus understandably don't trust the SDC and there are further faultlines within both groups. There are many good reasons Weiss and Blake spend most of the fic having to investigate things by themselves, groping in the dark for answers.

But as with most RWBY fics, we're here for the characters, and Belladonna Lilies fucking delivers. Accounting for the changes in circumstances, Weiss and Blake are characterized pitch-perfectly. They also bounce of each other really well - this is the kind of fic that makes you understand the whole "enemies to lovers" thing Tumblr is so obsessed over, because that's how their relationship progresses. They start as enemies, then rivals, then start helping each other, and verbally sparring, and about two-thirds of the way through they're kissing and in a committed relationship. And it all feels right. One of Dezo's beta readers noted that there's more lesbian subtext here than most dedicated lesbian fiction, something Dezo did not intend. Lol. I know that feeling of two characters developing romantic chemistry on you.

And damn if the OCs aren't well-crafted, too. By necessity most of the cast is OCs, and they range from deeply fleshed-out - Hyde is wonderfully, fervently deranged - to background extras who butt in for a single scene and yet are nonetheless memorable for that fact. Shoutout to the one couple at the masquerade ball who bought Weiss' explanation that there was a spy game being played.

Now, as far as problems go, there's really just one. I mentioned in my last review we'd get another review soon of a story that lacks dialogue tags, and this is the one I was talking about. You have to really pay attention when the story shifts to long dialogue sections to track who's talking, and frankly I lost track multiple times. The rest of the fic is so good I didn't mind overmuch, but it was there.

Also, this was written before Adam Taurus was revealed to be Blake's Psycho Ex-Boyfriend in canon, so something to keep in mind.

Anyway, a great character study and Dustpunk Victorian adventure fic. You're on the list!

  1. Yes, that Hyde. There are multiple whole-plot references to Victorian science fiction literature; the main plot is basically a RWBY-flavored take on The Island of Dr. Moreau, for example.
I love Belladonna Lilies. It's a fanfic so AU that the writer could file the serial numbers off an publish it as an original novel and so good that I wish they would. The dialogue also really captures the feel of Victorian literature, and it send me off on a tear of re-reading old Sherlock Holmes stuff. My only complaint is that it's only on and not on AO3!
Such a shame that @DezoPenguin doesn't come on SV any longer.

Though I'm not sure I'd be willing to re-read it. I remember very very much liking their Nanoha stuff when I first read it way too long ago, and being a bit disappointed when I more recently reread it. I guess nothing can hold up to nostalgia.
I remember very very much liking their Nanoha stuff when I first read it way too long ago, and being a bit disappointed when I more recently reread it.
Yeah, I'm fairly sure that I read some of their other stuff back in the day, including the Nanoha fics, but I remember almost none of it. The gaslamp fantasy AU stories (Belladonna Lilies, and to a lesser extent, Burning Gold) are the standouts, at least for me.
morosexual. + Sky Pirates of Equestria: Phoenix Flight + Carnage Necropolis

morosexual. by Kodeake

Rainbow Dash has important news to share with her friends; she's pregnant. Obviously, this comes as a surprise to everypony, especially Twilight, given that the two are currently dating.

In other news, Twilight finds out she might be a morosexual.
Okay, this is hilarious. Is Rainbow Dash actually this dumb in the show? No. Do I care? Also no. I was laughing too hard.

You're on the list!

Sky Pirates of Equestria: Phoenix Flight - Aquaman

Most pirates that stalk the Seven Streams prefer to live only in the shadows, skulking through the skies as daylight dies and striking with brutal efficiency at any helpless merchant vessel in range.

Most pirates that the Royal Equestrian Aeronautical Navy hounds after are ragged, ruthless cutthroats who'd just as soon sell their grandmothers for a chestful of bits and a bottle of rum.

Most pirates that you hear about in stories would flee in terror at the sight of the RES Corona, the -world-famous warship helmed by the most dangerous and determined sky captain ever to fly under the Equestrian flag.

This story is not about most pirates.

God, the first chapter is just such a great sky pirate romp. Twilight's verbal sparring with Salt was pitch perfect, and the scheme brilliant. So are Pinkie's threats - you can really tell she was waiting to use those. But the second chapter completely recontextualizes things - I'm not going to spoil the twist, but it's a fascinating one and Sunset Shimmer's presence raises all sorts of questions about the timing of this all.

Like I said, I wish there was more. You're on the list!

Carnage Necropolis by Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus

Ash, Misty, and Brock enter an ominous city where something presumably murdered the locals. Much to the kids' horrific discovery, the residents and Pokemon aren't quite as "dead" as authorities claimed. A Pokemon spin-off of Resident Evil. Complete.
Yeah, I think Resident Evil and Pokemon are just a mismatch.

Not, mind you, in a tonal way. I've seen and liked worse crossovers in that regard. Plus this was the part of the anime that was more gritty and real. I dunno, maybe I'm too used to the interventionist Legendaries in other stories, but reading this I couldn't help but think "Wait, shouldn't someone have taken care of this?" Resident Evil works because it's set in a Reality Unless Otherwise Noted setting. In a more fantastical world like Pokemon, the fridge logic sets in and reduces the enjoyment.

And then the author has Brock get bitten by one of the zombies. I know how Resident Evil zombies work, he's fucked, and that's just not a plot direction I care to see.

You're not on the list.
Resident Evil in Pokemon would basically have to be the result of a legendary acting up. A Darkrai could maybe do it?
A Darkrai would more make it all just a dream, their domain is more nightmares than biological abominations or zombies.
(But yeah, some group with Mons powerful enough to blast through should've dealt with things, be it Legendaries or the Elite Four, even ignoring my personal preferences for less grimness in fan Pokémon stuff.)
Darkrai has no particular zombie or death related abilities.

Death is more Yveltal's domain- and that's still more of the causing death variety than shambling corpses.

You could probably also pull something with ultra beasts, I suppose- or maybe a collective of ghost types?
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Weird stuff happens all the time in the Pokemon anime in isolated towns that get no overall reaction from anything all the time. Giant tentacool invasions, Ash and friends supposedly dying on the SS Anne complete with a eulogy by a Officer Jenny, and his mom is never given a reaction to this and it's never shown Ash letting her know he's still alive, an entire town being ruled by a gang war by two gyms, and this is all off the top of my head.

A zombie apocalypse not getting attention is really just par the course for the animeverse.

But from where the T-Virus came from here I read the fic years ago and from my memories it all got started because a young Giovanni wanted to bring his dead Charmander back to life as a child. Decades of being a crimeboss later and a series of unethical genetic experiments to make Mewtwo and you've got a zombie apocalypse.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since the town was Team Rocket's secret testing grounds the police were in Giovanni's pocket as well. They even meet a Officer Jenny who was being bribed by Giovanni.
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Talk About a Role Reversal + Take No Prismers + Why PRincess Twilight Doesn't Need Royal Guards
Talk About a Role Reversal by nardcopter

RWBY! Or is it? Many of your favorite and main characters have been swapped! Who's who now? Yang as the little sister? Ruby as the older sister? The Immovable champion? An energetic ninja and his lethargic viking friend? Who knows! So many of the characters are different! Follow this new take on the series and get ready to talk about a role reversal!
Roleswap AUs, IMO, tend to work best when they keep the number of roles swapped to a minimum. After all, the more roles you swap, the more work you have to put in to consider what that will do to the plot and characters, and thus the more likely the author is to just get lazy about things and swap roles one for one without considering how the canon personality and backstory would affect things. Or, as it happens, what the swapped roles do to the characters' appeal.

Now, this fic isn't quite as nuts about it as another I've seen, which did everybody, up to and including Salem and Ozma, but you can still see the issues. Weiss is basically shoved offscreen, I'm not buying the likes of Qrow and Blake being shoved into villain roles, and the worst part is, they made Roman Torchwick mute. C'mon, man, his smart mouth is most of his appeal, and you're taking that away? Come on.

Making this decision easier are the persistent tense mixups, usually when it comes to contractions, and also, to all authors out there: stop describing characters' figures like you're about to write porn. I'm begging you.

You're not on the list.

Take No Prismers by Tangerine Blast

After the Storm King's army was disbanded Tempest decides to stay in Ponyville for a few weeks to prove she can be a valued citizen of Equestria.

She expects to be bored. She expects civilian life to be hard to adjust to.

She doesn't expect Rainbow Dash to approach her, asking for combat training. And she certainly doesn't expect to start to like the cocky Pegasus.

But opening your heart to friendship means opening it to some other things as well.
This is some good shit.

For one, Rainbow Dash is characterized pitch-perfectly. She has the ego, the skills, the sudden, surprising social insight. She has a maturity that early-season Rainbow Dash lacks and it's shown in subtle ways, rarely just told. She's also constantly surprising Tempest Shadow with what she can do, which leads to the next crucial point: the story is from Tempest Shadow's perspective and she really, truly does not get Equestria in general and Ponyville in particular. There's a lot of dramatic irony going on here, is what I'm saying.

But yeah, this is a really fun read. You're on the list!

Why Princess Twilight Doesn't Need Royal Guards by ThePinkedWonder

Believing it to be an easy job, two thieves broke into Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. With no Royal Guards protecting the castle and Twilight herself gone, her valuable possessions were as good as theirs.

Or so they thought.
This is a decently amusing fic that elevates itself by giving the crooks a little character. Not much, just enough for flavor.

You're on the list!
A Ralts in Moonlight + Switchblade + Discontinued
A Ralts in Moonlight by Usagi-Hasano

RanmaPokemon: Jusenkyo's sense of humor can be odd at times, and this odd humor, as par for the course, chooses Ranma. Now, changed and far from the place he knew, Ranma must learn about his new abilities and adapt.
Something about this fic didn't grab me. Some of it is the overly dense nature of the formatting - split up your paragraphs a bit! Some of it is just that even for this type of fic the setup smacks of contrivance and the logic doesn't really hold together. It also takes away a lot of what makes Ranma Ranma.

I guess what I'm saying is it piled on too many annoyances for the interesting premise to carry me, and I dropped it in the first chapter. You're not on the list.



"I'm only two minutes late!" Izuku protested. Had he missed the start of an important test? None of the national, standardized tests were supposed to happen this month and even being two minutes late to one of those wouldn't elicit this sort of reaction. They were discussing their career interest forms today, but that was it. Nothing time-critical was supposed to be happening.

"Midoriya, you were reported missing a week ago. No one has seen you for eight days. The police have been combing the city for you."

"I'm sorry. What?"

Midoriya Izuku went missing for a week and turned up in a back alleyway with skills he's never even heard of and no memory of how he came by them. He resigns himself to never learning the truth of what happened to him, but he shouldn't waste this chance should he? He could become a hero with reflexes like these.
Switchblade suffers many of the same issues as the prior fic, though it does start off stronger. There's plot contrivances - Izuku not telling the police about his lucid dreams at least holds together logically, but something about the execution smacks of plot contrivance. The problem of too-dense paragraphing continues.

But really, I just have this sense of... unease reading this. There's something missing, and I'm not sure what. All I know is that this hasn't been a fun read.

You're not on the list.

Discontinued by Estee

Finding one's ideal assemblage of beauty products is somewhat more complicated than discovering the perfect mate: after all, when it comes to love, a mare has but to locate one pony. It's taken years for Rarity to learn what works best for her: in some cases, the only things which work at all. Which means that having a crucial shampoo (her only shampoo!) taken out of the mix may create something of a minor issue.
Well, it's surely nothing which a proper lady can't deal with in dignity and grace. Also explosions.

She's still a Bearer. There's always explosions.
This is an Estee fic, you know what to expect. Some mental instability, an everyday annoyance, and the two combining to take things way out of proportion. I do like the callbacks to a few other Estee fics.

And that punchline at the end. You see it coming a mile away and it's not any less funny when it arrives.

You're on the list!
This is an Estee fic, you know what to expect. Some mental instability, an everyday annoyance, and the two combining to take things way out of proportion. I do like the callbacks to a few other Estee fics.

And that punchline at the end. You see it coming a mile away and it's not any less funny when it arrives.

You're on the list!

FFXVI has officially ruined the word "Bearer" for me, because I had a double-take at the sight of pastel cartoon ponies. :V
Yeah, I think Resident Evil and Pokemon are just a mismatch.
I could swear I actually read a crossover of that back in, like... the late 90s, early 00s that was surprisingly decent. Pretty sure it was fairly short, set in raccoon city? Probably more or less a crackfic in ye olden style of twenty something years ago?

Quick ff.n check to see if anything rings a bell and I suspect it was actually like a... sidestory or small arc or something for some other, larger, fic, 'cause nothing looks right. Was decades ago, though, so it's entirely possible it's just my memory glitching out (... or it was hosted on mediaminer instead, but a quick check over there and it kinda' looks like it got gutted at some point, so if it was...), or the fic just got lost/deleted at some point.

Still, yeah, it's a mismatch for the canon pokemon series, no doubt there. Mismatch just means there's space in the cracks to fill it with nonsense, though!
I'm fairly sure that is the Raltz-Ranma fic I remember reading once.

It stuck in my mind because Gardevoir seems like a great Ranma-pokemon-form to me, but the story itself was very "this is not what I wanted".
Mostly the "changed and then thrown into another world" doesn't quite fill the niche I'm looking for in a Ranma fic, even if it is sort of the default pokemon transformation plot.
I know it's not the standard human-to-pokemon transformation plot, but 'reckless transhumanist accidentally starts counting as a pokemon' could be very entertaining.
(On a more serious note, Bill's mindswitcher in gen 1 could totally be combined with his 'Email Pokemon to yourself' system and a third plot device - maybe just a space antenna - to give you Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's backstory. I'm still sad that the ~7 different tech revolutions in Gen 1 never really got followed up on.)

More on-topic for this thread, can I get a link to the current winnowed-down favorites list? This review thread is very long.
Best Friends Forever + Silence is Not Consent + Conference Call: Interdimensional Teenage Princess Group Therapy

Best Friends Forever (Worm, Yandere!Emma)

By: Dai

When Taylor shows up at Emma's house after summer camp, Emma gets just a little time to talk to her one on one before Sophia has completely gotten Emma on her side.

Warnings: Major character death, Nazis saying bad words, psychosis, and fluff.
Oh man, there's a palpable tension in the early chapters. Like, you see the healing, Taylor's being her pre-bullying happy, social self. But you know the yandere tag in the title. So you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. The slow reveal of Taylor's bruises is paced exquisitely. And then Sophia threatens Emma in her own bedroom, and you read the breakdown Emma goes through, and you think, "Ah, shit, here it comes."

It still doesn't quite prepare you for what Emma does to Sophia. It's brutal, psychotic, and worst of all, smart. Emma is delightfully unhinged throughout the scene, but I think the most stomach-clenching part is Sophia trying desperately to evade her impending doom - only to feel proud of Emma right there at the end.

You're on the list!

Silence is Not Consent

By: JustAnotherCat

"In the stories, the girl gets saved from the evil villain by the hero, and they lived happily ever after. So why is it a villain had to rescue me from real evil? From my sister?"

Victoria wakes up in the aftermath of the Slaughterhouse Nine to Skitter standing over her, with some choices to make.

C/W: This story heavily features familial rape and the associated recovery. Please read with caution.

Cowritten with Aleph
Yeah... that content warning is not a joke. Because part of the "associated recovery" from that familial rape? Trauma. All the trauma. At it's core, Silence is Not Consent is a story about trauma and trauma responses. And it's really fucking real. I've mentioned repeatedly in the past that I have a pretty decent idea what trauma responses look like these days, and while I've praised some fics in the past for showing such responses, Silence is Not Consent takes the gold fucking star for accuracy.

Add in that this is told, in classic Worm fashion, most in first person from Victoria's POV means that this fic is so damn raw it might as well just be the restaurant walking the damn cow up to your table. There's a reason that, for all that I don't regret reading the fic, I have very little desire to reread it.

So what's it about besides that? Well, it's basically Taylor taking Victoria in after... well, all the shit that happened to her in the Slaughterhouse/Echidna arcs. And lest you think the fic is all just bitter, it does feature Victoria healing, somewhat, and more importantly features Victoria working to sand down Taylor's rough edges. And, well, the two coming to care for each other. So, yeah, if you can stomach the bleakness this is highly recommended. It's just... that's one hell of a caveat.

You're on the list.

Conference Call: Interdimensional Teenage Princess Group Therapy

ModSteel: Okay, let's get this plot device up and running!
ModSteel: /InviteFrom Queue

aDallon, tZorah, bBelladonna, ИElodie invited to node (8.3%, 2.5%, 6.9%, 3%)

ModSteel: Welcome to the multiverse! You've been selected by a hand-designed random selection engine to help bring worlds together, culturally and cosmologically.
ModSteel: And who am I you might ask? I'm your stunningly capable chat moderator, ModSteel! Feel free to ask what I can give ya! I'll add services if the core's not overtaxed.
Honestly, I don't have much to say here. It's mostly a chatfic, and one that's still in the setup and introductions phase. I can already see how this might be helpful to Amy - we're already seeing issues popping that'll need to be resolved - but that hasn't much gone anywhere yet.

Really hoping Masterweaver gets back to this soon. You're on the list.
SinC occupies the same sort of spot for me that the Requiem for a Dream film does; It's a great work, up there with the best the fandom has to offer, but I'll probably never read it again.
How (NOT) to Survive Your Pet Death Worlder + My Worm Academia + Run Bitch Run

How (NOT) to Survive Your Pet Death Worlder

katydid, Zyla_SweetBean

Humans are known across the galaxy for being terrifying, relentless, and savage monsters. Naturally the alien warlord All for One must have one as a pet. The unfortunate alien abduction victim Izuku Midoriya is determined to make his captor regret it.
There's a whole long series based on this fic, but the other entries are honestly pretty mid, so I'm going to focus on the first for the review.

One of many fics that a. go space fantasy and b. take multiple cues from the Kevin Jenkins Experience universe, this fic indulges happily in all the tropes established by the aforementioned story. Namely, that humans are by far the most physically capable and versatile species in space due to evolving on a death world. It's a highly indulgent story concept, but what makes it work is the setup of the plot. Namely, that Izuku is kidnapped and held as a pet by this world's version of All for One, who is also a member of one of the few species that can stand up to humans in a fight.

What this means is that rather than indulging in all the wanky stuff normally associated with this genre, much of the focus is placed on Izuku trying to escape, and the highly degrading and traumatizing experience of being a pet. You will, very soon, want to join Izuku in ripping All for One to shreds. Add in a highly solid subplot of Inko going full Mama Bear and terrifying every alien she meets out of their wits, and you've got an actual story core to this.

You're on the list.

My Worm Academia

By: Masterweaver

The man looked over the gathered students as he fiddled with some of the dials. "I think these young folks are going to be wonderful heroes."

"Of course we are!" Bakugo growled. "Ain't nothing that's going to stop us! And I'm gonna be the best of them!"

"Oh, yes, yes, of course! You know, I look at you all, and I think... one day, you're going to save the world."

Professor Haywire flipped a switch, and the machine started to hum ominously.

"It's just not going to be this one."
This one's still in the early stages, but I like where this is going so far. As it stands, the fic is heavily focused on the inhabitants of Brockton Bay dealing with 20 superpowered teenagers and their overworked homeroom teacher being dumped in their lap. I'm looking forward to Class 1-A getting more focus.

You're on the list!

Run Bitch Run



1-A is doing an outdoor exercise.

Half the class starts, and A'zawa needs to catch them. They're on an island. The exercise stops when the last one is caught.

A'zawa thinks that it will not last more than 2 or 3 days.
Well, we'll see about that.
Interesting idea, like the confident Izuku, terrible execution. Tense troubles all over the goddamn place. This is not hard, people.

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