CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


    Votes: 24 66.7%

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • Spacebattles

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  • Sufficient Velocity.

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Oh, yeah, Been There, Blown That Up. I tried reading it a long while ago. I remember being bored by most of it because it was plain unfunny, but when the author decided to have one of the jokes be "Aunt May mistakes Tony for a pedo when he messes up while trying to recruit Peter," I immediately soured and dropped the fic then and there. I haven't read anything else by the author since.
... Apparently I either forgot that or blocked it out last time I went through DTESH. Given it's rather egregious for Literally The Devil to get that I can see why, though being dull is probably the greater crime.
(Though admittedly I've never actually liked an instance of that kind of OP Protagonist Isekai fic, most writers aren't good enough to work around the problems that OP protags bring. The closest I like isn't technically an Isekai and fundamentally isn't actually about being able to stomp the setting.)
Well, if you'll allow me to poke a bit of fun.

achsktually Satanael is not Lucifer, P5 is drawing from Gnosticism and Satanael is a figure who opposes the Demiurge. In a sense, he is a good guy because he opposes the guy who is creating a giant lotus eater machine to exploit us forever.

or so are the cliffnotes I understand. I trust no youtuber to get me ininitiated on the mysteries of gnosticism and I'm unsure what's good literature for the topic.

It's a very SMT Strange Journey approach, given the Demiurge was a super boss.

Also AFO tanks multiple Sinful shells.
My Next Life as a Supervillain: All Routes Lead to Doctor Doom!

My Next Life as a Supervillain: All Routes Lead to Doctor Doom! (Hamefura/MCU)

By: Lori

Katarina von Doom, an imperious Latverian genius at State University, is one day caught in an explosion and regains memories of her past life as a ditzy Japanese schoolgirl with a love of American movies. It is then that she realizes she has been reborn into the Marvel Cinematic Universe: a perilous world of superheroes and supervillains! Realizing her destiny as the supervillain Doctor Doom, Katarina begins taking countermeasures. This, however, ends up having unexpected consequences on her relations with the other characters of the Marvel world.
Why is this so fucking good.

Well, for starters, Katarina. All Hamefura fans are here for Katarina anyway, and this is both a novel take on her and a good one. The core of her personality is still everyone's favorite hyperactive monkey girl. Just as all-loving, kind, gluttonous, and cheerfully oblivious as ever. But unlike Hamefura canon, rather than completely displacing Katarina von Doom, it's more like the monkey girl's knowledge and personality was overlaid over the core that is Katarina von Doom. Periodically, when the circumstances call for it, the monkey girl falls away, and Katarina von Doom steps into the spotlight. And it is a highlight of the story whenever it happens. The contrast is delightful.

That's not to say the monkey girl personality isn't good on its own merits. It's hilarious to hear the usually all-loving Katarina cursing out Justin Hammer's spaghetti code, or steamrolling the Zefiro Resistance with pure cheer and kindness. God, Katarina's so confusing for the MCU bigwigs, especially in SHIELD and Latveria. I love it. The way she infiltrates the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York... *chef's kiss*

And that's as good a segue as any to go into Latveria. Where the first half of the story, as published, is just lighthearted superhero stuff, the second half does the thing all fics about Doom are obligated to cover: her return to Latveria to overthrow the stale, oppressive monarchy running the place. And while there's plenty of fun ham and cheese, it's also a very frank look at what personally killing thousands of people does to any person who's not a complete psychopath.

In general, there's a much-appreciated thread of reality running through the Latveria sections of the story. Killing people sucks. Regime changes and civil wars suck, and doing them right is hard. And then there's running a country.

That being said, while other Hamefura characters appear as Latverians, they don't have much connection to their Hamefura selves, so don't expect anything on that front.

Still, good shit, binged it hard. You're on the list!
Yeah, Dr. Doom probably had an easier time killing all those Fools Opposing The Will Of Doom than Bakarina. I'm not sold on all the hamefura characters appearing, that mostly seemed to add unnecessary cast bloat. Maybe two or three, sure, gotta have some Latverians when the plot is taking out the previous latverian government, but a lot of them seemed to just be there without doing anything. Other than that, it's pretty good.
Do you have to know anything about the manga/anime to enjoy it? I ask because you're not the first person I follow to talk about this fic but I know little about that entire medium let alone genre.
As someone who has just read the entire fic based on this recommendation (and thanks for that @CV12Hornet, it's your fault that I'm still awake at 2:30AM :p ) and knows absolutely nothing about Hamefura, I'd say that you can absolutely enjoy it very much without the crossover knowledge. At least I did.

Apparently some characters are basically from Hamefura, so you'd probably get insight/"I understood that reference"-enjoyment from knowing the other source material. But to me they are basically OCs and work pretty well. Given that I'm also not super deep into F4/Dr. Doom lore, I couldn't tell you which characters came from /were inspired by Hamefura, which are canon F4/Marvel Comics characters, and which, if any, are completely OC. It all just works very well together.

As someone who has just read the entire fic based on this recommendation (and thanks for that @CV12Hornet, it's your fault that I'm still awake at 2:30AM :p ) and knows absolutely nothing about Hamefura, I'd say that you can absolutely enjoy it very much without the crossover knowledge. At least I did.
Thank you both very much, I'm off on holiday in a few days and I've been meaning to add some fics to my reading list alongside the books I'm bringing along.
Pit Stop + Power Rangers: Going Medieval + Baton Pass

Pit Stop


The Courier just wants a break from babysitting four teenaged girls who clearly do not belong in the Wasteland.

As a serious story this premise has potential. To drop Team RWBY in a true postapocalyptic wasteland would test their skills, courage, and morals. Who can they help? Who do they have to kill? What would they think of the bombs and their effects? And they'd be hilarious Outside Context Problems along the way.

That is not what we get. Instead, we get a zany shenanigans comedy that focuses on the Courier getting mentally destroyed by the girls' antics. Ugh. That is just... awful. That chapter one alarming amount of focus on the girls peeing in the open just... look, I can't help but conclude the author's badly-disguised fetish has leaked in.

I'm so fucking disappointed. You're not on the list.

Power Rangers: Going Medieval (Worm/Power Rangers)

By: Guardsman_Sparky

Somehow, I missed this in my first pass of SV. I wasn't missing much. It doesn't do anything interesting with the crossover, and there's too much negative space in the narrative. I got bored fast.

You're off the list.

Baton Pass


Shouta didn't hesitate to open the interrogation room door; hesitating wouldn't change the person inside, after all. And how Shouta wished he didn't know the person inside, that it was just a stranger—someone from general studies, perhaps, or a management course student. Not one of his. Not 1-A.

But reality held steady. Shouta pulled out the chair across from the suspect and sat down, placing the heavy file on the table between them. Nedzu was watching now; he had to hold steady if he wanted any choice of getting out of here with his job intact. Not like he deserved it anyway, since he didn't even notice the villain in his class.

Realizing that didn't make seeing Izuku Midoriya's determined stare from the other side of the table any easier.
Lord save me from uninspired canon rehashes...

I'm really coming to truly detest Persona 5 crossovers that have no better ideas than to rehash the core plot of Persona 5. For God's sake, do something different. Also, I don't think a Fusion crossover is a good idea here.

But what really gets my goat is the stupidly contrived way Izuku comes in contact with the Phantom Thieves. Seriously, author, you couldn't come up with a better way than Izuku running across half a fucking prefecture?! Do you know what a prefecture is, you hack?!

You're not on the list.
But what really gets my goat is the stupidly contrived way Izuku comes in contact with the Phantom Thieves. Seriously, author, you couldn't come up with a better way than Izuku running across half a fucking prefecture?! Do you know what a prefecture is, you hack?!

a quick Wiki walk and the smallest prefecture in Japan is Kagawa at about 1850 Sq km.

Turn that into a regular shape and at the shortest it's only an eighteen kilometer run so clearly izuku is just getting in his cardio. 😜

Sarcasm aside it's definitely a research failure in the part of the author .
Maybe Izuku just knows the speedrun tech and leapt backwards up some stairs to fling himself where he needed to go
a quick Wiki walk and the smallest prefecture in Japan is Kagawa at about 1850 Sq km.

Turn that into a regular shape and at the shortest it's only an eighteen kilometer run so clearly izuku is just getting in his cardio. 😜

Sarcasm aside it's definitely a research failure in the part of the author .
I mean, Tokyo is 90km(56mi) east to west and 25km(16mi) north to south. So, if he ran halfway through the Tokyo prefecture, then that could mean a 12.5km/8mi run. Which is definitely doable.

But, yeah, that definitely sounds like a research failure. If I had to guess, then they've read/remembered that the Greater Tokyo Area is made up of seven prefectures and thought that that meant that "prefecture" meant district/quarter/neighbor etc.

Though to be honest, the organization of Tokyo can be a bit confusing. You have the GTA that's made up of 7 prefectures, one of which is Tokyo Metropolis. Which is then divided into 23 special wards*, that formerly formed the City of Tokyo and are basically cities, 26 cities, five towns, and eight villages. So I can see, how the author could mix something up.

*the most well known, to me at least, being Nerima and Minato, thanks to Ranma and Sailor Moon.
*the most well known, to me at least, being Nerima and Minato, thanks to Ranma and Sailor Moon.
I'd say also Shibuya and Shinjuku, which show up practically everywhere (SMT games, Persona, The World Ends With You, Digimon stuff...)

The former is The One With The Scramble Crossing, the latter is The One With The Big Two Towered Government Building.
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The Saga of Tanya the Alchemist
The Saga of Tanya the Alchemist

By: Fizzy 13

Being X has a drink with the Truth and decides that a certain heathen salaryman is best reincarnated as an orphaned little girl... in the State of Amestris. Will Tanya Degurechaff succeed in her plan to live a comfortable life as a rear-echelon State Alchemist? Or will Being X's machinations bring her to the front lines and force her to pray?
I've always wondered why I haven't liked this more than I should. It's a great idea - Amestris fits well as an Imperial Germany analogue in a world where plenty of people wish to tear a strip off of them. And the State Alchemist position is exactly the sort of trap Tanya would fall into - great benefits, but in wartime you are expected to fight.

And best of all: Edward Elric doesn't show up to get butchered. Halle-fucking-lujah.

At this point, I think my dislike of the fic comes down to two things. First, Being X, as usual, is the worst part of the fic. His moralizing and logical fallacies make me dread him showing up. His role in the story is primarily to be a walking diabolus ex machina. And his scene at the start with Truth is incredibly cringe, like most other scenes of its ilk. Second, and more importantly, the tenses are all over the damn place. It makes it a pain to go through it.

Also, Tanya's usual assumptions are even more tiresome than usual. I have no patience for Tanya thinking of Alphonse as a pedophile.

You're not on the list.
No Atelier Tanya here. Even if the latest game sets a stage that could prove quite interesting. I wonder what she would think of the final destination of alchemy. And how she would react. And how she would even get there given she's got the wrong mindset for it.
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I have no knowledge of this Tanya, nor I've even started to read FMA fics to even get a glimpse at the fandom culture, but. Like.

I can see the logic chain/series of misunderstandings/uninformed assumptions necessary to reach that conclusion. Said circumstances would be contrived as hell and serve no purpose, adding nothing to the story that couldn't be done in a smarter way, but I can see how it could happen.

I can see the logic chain/series of misunderstandings/uninformed assumptions necessary to reach that conclusion. Said circumstances would be contrived as hell and serve no purpose, adding nothing to the story that couldn't be done in a smarter way, but I can see how it could happen.
I was among the first readers of that particular fic before it stopped updating 2 years ago.

In chapter 3 Tanya takes the train to Central with the intent to become a State Alchemist. While on the train a mystery stranger who turns out to be Alphonse approaches her after seeing her read a alchemy book.

She's somewhat concerned why he approached her for conversation. Thinking he might be a pedo was one of her thoughts. He mentions he's an alchemist himself who happens to be learning alkehestry and offers to let her stay with him and his alkehestry mentor.

Tanya weighs the pros and cons, still also considering the possibility he's a pedo. He shows off his alkehestry which exites her and agrees to accept his offer.

They arrive at his place and meets May a.ka. Xiao Mei, Alphonse's mentor who she notes looks like a teen compared to Alphonse which just reinforces her initial thoughts of him being possibly a pedo especially when Mei at least in Tanya's view acts like a somewhat possessive girlfriend to Al.
So I've read through this all over the last few weeks and I've had some notes, but most of the notes are on posts that are, uh, old, so I ain't bothering. But this is a pretty recent one so I'm going to say it.

This fic has no business being as good as it is.

Seto Kaiba

There's a lot more I could go into, but I'll cut it here. This is so goddamn good and I wish it wasn't dead. You're on the list!
So, this fic. I read it about a year ago and I agree, it's amazing, it has no right being as good as it is, it's great - but every single time, every single time I think about it, one very specific moment from the fic jumps out and makes me want to pull teeth, because it's so... dumb, like I shouldn't be concerned about this, but I'm reading a fic from someone who's made a ton of Yugioh fics and should know this and gaaaaaaaaaaaah-
Deep in his mind, a dragon roared at the same time he breathed out a fourth time, whispering two, soft words in Japanese.

"White Lighting."
This line.

This line right here fucking breaks me, and has been doing so for years, because I love the fic, but I cannot think about it without thinking about this fucking line. Seto Kaiba, ordering Blue Eyes to attack, in Japanese, uses "White Lightning."

Which... is the English name of the attack. He wouldn't be saying that in Japanese. No version of Seto Kaiba has ever said that in Japanese.

because that's not its japanese attack name, and most of its japanese attack name is ALSO ENGLISH

Because its name in Japanese is Horobi no Burst Stream. It's Burst Stream of Destruction. It's not White Lightning.

I know this is an incredibly stupid thing to get upset about but you do not understand this has gnawed at me since I fucking read the line, it guts me deeply to see this.
Identity Search + Others
Reason for Absence

By: firefly

She was already hopelessly late for her court appointment; the last thing she needed was to run down a member of one of the city's most dangerous crime syndicates. Ino. Hidan. Crack AU.
This fic is more than a little half-baked, mostly by being super vague about what it is Akatsuki actually do in this modern AU. It's not exactly super funny. But the fic does at least do a good job capturing Ino's emotions and her banter with Hidan is amusing, especially when she's trying to teach him her leet driving skills. So on balance I think I like this.

You're on the list.

In Vino Veritas?

By: MZephyr

RanmaxAkane. You know all of those stories where Ranma and Akane get drunk, wake up the next morning in bed together, and realize what they did the previous night ...?
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Ranma, Akane - Chapters: 2 - Words: 23,238 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 340 - Follows: 88 - Updated: Oct 4, 2009 - Published: Sep 21, 2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5393139
Deals directly with sex, so no link.

This is essentially about a one-night stand and pregnancy scare prompting Ranma and Akane to just cut the damn knot of the whole Nerima mess. It's honestly fun seeing the duo lead Nerima around by the nose, entirely unintentionally in the case of the Amazons. Shampoo sees Ranma buying a pregnancy test and jumps to conclusions, and then Cologne spectacularly misinterprets Ranma's words when she confronts him about it, so they think that Ranma's the one pregnant, he's gay, and that he just never told them. They clear out immediately. Outstanding.

See if you can guess the big twist at the end, by the way.

You're on the list!

A Game is Fine Too

By: gsteemso

Ranma wakes up in a very, very unexpected position. How the heck did WINNING a fight lead to THIS? Ryoga can't believe it either.
Also deals directly with sex, so no link.

I wasn't sure where this was going heading into chapter 2, but I was mostly on board with things thanks to the incident prompting Ranma to actually talk to someone about his feelings on the whole matter. Unfortunately, chapter 2 goes right into sexual assault on Ryoga's part and I am not down for that.

You're not on the list.

Identity Search

By: Shareon

When Tendo Nabiki chances across a sophisticated redhead working in a hostess club, she becomes determined to discover the secret behind this seemingly familiar girl. But will she succeed when all of her assumptions and expectations insist that it can't possibly be Ranma? A "Ranma 1/2" fanfiction.
This one is fascinating. The author does an excellent job writing the mystery - right up until the end of the scene where Nabiki checks Ranma's closet you find yourself wondering what's actually going on. This time around the lack of female!Ranma in the narrative was leading me to believe that this might have been another case of his male and female halves being split off from each other.

The result is mostly a character study of Ranma and Nabiki. I can't go into too much detail on Ranma's half of the exploration - spoilers~! - but I can talk about Nabiki, and she reminds me of me in this fic. By which I mean she's terminally curious but also kinda lazy. She just covers it up with greed instead. She's clearly perfectly happy to let things go on and not lift a finger until the redhead in the hostess club grabs her attention.

Good stuff, you're on the list.

The Disorderly Princess and the Fiery Steed

By: gsteemso

Hinata is too shy for her own good. Ranma is too brash for his. They live in different universes and will never meet. How the heck did they come to be helping one another?
This could have been an interesting story of the two moving closer, personality-wise, to a better center position between their starting personalities, but it's ruined by imbalance. By which I mean the needle points entirely up for Ranma and almost entirely down for Hinata. The contrast of Ranma dodging every single one of his pre-canon problems while Hinata is getting kicked out of her family for things not her fault just stuck in my craw.

You're not on the list.