CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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A Young Woman's Lonely Journey through Eternity + No Goddesses Need Apply + Living Loving Maid

A Young Woman's Lonely Journey through Eternity (Youjo Senki x Minecraft)

By: DeMonikr

Dying again, Tanya von Degurechaff has done far too much in her defiance of Being X. For this, and for being such an irritating little hellspawn, Being X casts her out into the void, never to be seen again. He expected her to wallow in the void for Eternity, but it was so long since he had truly visited the worlds within that void that he had forgotten what might be there.

Cast out by Being X, Tanya discovers the worlds that he left behind.
Ah, yes, that good ol' Minecraft Outside Context Problem shit. Inject it into my veins.

For real, though, I'm finding I greatly enjoy Minecraft crossovers that try to ground the game mechanics in a narrative for a crossover, because it's always hilarious how brain-bending it is to someone who's not thinking of everything like a video game. As a seriousface world, Minecraft is fucking weird, man. And now the author throws poor rationalist Tanya into there...

Also, the epigraphs describing future events... more stories need to do this, it's a great way to build up tension and anticipation in the reader.

You're on the list!

No Goddesses Need Apply by LOTLOF

Aqua abandons Kazuma and he is forced to survive on his own. There is no stopping him now.
Normally, I would decry this as a bad bashfic premise. But it's Konosuba. Aqua would've totally done this given the opportunity. Unfortunately, an interesting premise is kind of undercut by two things. For one, I'm not a huge fan of Chris immediately helping him out and giving him a leg up. I want at least some struggle at the start. More importantly, the fic has a terminal case of talking heads syndrome. Way too dialogue-heavy, not enough prose.

You're not on the list.

Living Loving Maid by BogStandardOtaku

After hitting an unexpected doom flag, Katarina is exiled from Sorcier!

Starting her life in a new country proves more difficult than she thought, especially when she can't find work on a farm. However, she finds a glimmer of hope in the form of a job opening as a maid for a wealthy family in her new country... but things aren't quite as they seem.

Katarina faces a challenge she never expected when she discovers that the woman who hired is actually the villainess of a different otome game! Now, Katarina must do her best to help her new employer dodge doom flags of her own, all the while wondering if she may be able to find some way back home....
I liked this fic, once. It was a bit of a slog to get through, the first time I read through it, but it was a tolerable slog as I watch Malicia slowly unthaw in the face of Katarina's relentless optimism, dreading and anticipating the boiling social revolution in her new country and her love interests back home in Sorcier putting the pieces together. As well, I like the expansion of the Fortune Lover world. For all the original stories merits, worldbuilding isn't one of them.

My second readthrough has gone... poorly. I've had a strange reluctance to reread it. I think I've been remembering the slow pace of it, but a jump to chapters that have been released since the first readthrough point to a different cause: for whatever reason, I'm just not invested in the story and characters anymore. A good laugh at Geordo and Mary's constipated faces at the idea of Katarina being some deductive genius aside, I just didn't connect. It doesn't help that that section is multiple chapters of people sitting around the table and talking, the perspective jumping around like a kangaroo on crack.

What I'm saying is, the pacing's not great. You're not on the list.
Weapon of Choice + Avatar Aang: An Annotated Bibliography + Others

By: Iced Fairy

Consuming deities, even dead ones, can occasionally have side effects...
For once, one of Iced Fairy's one-shots actually works as a one-shot. Basic idea: Okuu is gathering faith as a god, and hearing prayers. While setup for some of the later works, it also stands reasonably well on its own.

Also, Rin wanting to be a miko to annoy Reimu is great. You're on the list.

Boom Goes The Dynamite

By: Pokere

In which Team Seven has an unhealthy love for explosives and Kakashi is an enabler.
I could've sworn I'd covered this exact fic...

Guess not. Frankly, this is a very standard dumb crack fic. It's riddled with errors, relies overly on hysterical overreaction, and in general just isn't very funny.

You're not on the list.

Weapon of Choice

By: Ozzallos

An old acquaintance from Ranma's past opens up new doors and a future he never even considered for himself. The first step is said to be the longest stride... And for our martial artist, one straight into the deep end. DC Comics x Ranma xover.
This is notable for being an Ozzallos fic that doesn't lock Ranma into his female form immediately, and in fact Ranma's male form looks to be sticking around for the long term. The other potential pitfall with this kind of fic is weighting one side of the crossover against the other, and while Ranma is depicted as stronger than the DCU's heavyweight martial artists, namely Lady Shiva, but nonetheless it doesn't feel too slanted in Ranma's favor. Certainly the fight in the warehouse depicts Batman as keeping up with Ranma.

I also like how Ranma even gets involved in all this. He sees Bruce on the news and recognizes him from the stint he did with the League of Assassins, a plot point likely inspired by Batman Begins and one that perfectly serves to set off the plot. See, Ranma sets off to find Bruce himself and see what he's up to, and for all the critiques that can be laid at Ozzallos' feet, one of his consistent strengths is that Ranma has agency. His actions tend to drive Ozzallos' plots.

Japanisms aside, it's got all of Ozzallos' strengths with few of the weaknesses. Definitely on the list.

Avatar Aang: An Annotated Bibliography

By: The Big Rocky Eye

How will the historians of the future see Aang and his friends? What books and stories will they write about them? Find out in the driest, most academic fanfic you'll ever read!
For those of you who like fics that are in-universe historical documents, you're in for a treat! This one stands out by being a historiographical piece, meaning it's history about history, dedicated to evaluating works about Aang for historical significance, accuracy, and bias. It's fascinating to see things like future historians considering Wan Shi Tong's library and energybending as mythological.

That said, this did come out before Legend of Korra, so while it does get some things right, and frankly I can completely believe Sokka and Zuko stopped speaking to each other for two years over a math dispute, it really doesn't fit into Legend of Korra canon. Just be aware.

You're on the list!

Shinobi Stronghold

By: psychoman222

After the incident with Mizuki, Naruto is worried he won't be welcome in Konoha anymore. Fortunately for him, he knows a jutsu that just might solve his problem... DISCLAIMER: NO NARUTOS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF THIS FIC... THAT CAN'T BE REPLACED. [This Fic is NOT part of my Shinobiverse.]
It's a Dwarf Fortress crossover. And it does not work. Even making allowances for a crack fic, Naruto making up the Dorf language by complete coincidence strains credulity to the breaking point.

You're not on the list.
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This thread has been a treat. I have so many new tabs to read with so many interesting stories. FINALLY reached the end.

It was especially interesting that one of the first stories in the list is freaking Girl Days. I -remember- Girl Days. I had Kenko's page bookmarked!
For once, one of Iced Fairy's one-shots actually works as a one-shot. Basic idea: Okuu is gathering faith as a god, and hearing prayers. While setup for some of the later works, it also stands reasonably well on its own.

I do wish there was more fics staring Okuu out there, longest one I know of it that FoZ one.
I'm always wanting Weapon of Choice to get updated, it's very enjoyable and solid for what little there is of it.

Oh hey, I just found this. Thanks for the glowing review, very glad you liked it! Some comments:

1. I co-wrote BO with a friend who goes by Gioia-Rodica. She's not on SV, so I don't blame you for overlooking this, but if you could just edit your review to credit her as well we'd both appreciate it.

2. I agree with most of your thoughts about writing fanfic of stuff you don't actually like. Personally though, I'm most motivated to write fanfic of things that I have mixed feelings about and think could be really great with a few changes. JJBA has a lot of stuff in it that annoyed me, but it also has a lot of stuff in it that I really enjoyed and wanted to see explored in more depth, which is why it inspired me to do this. My co-writer's feelings were mostly similar.

3. Regarding the bleak ending and unresolved conflict: we meant to have this done a long time ago, but a combination of covid and family stuff caused our work on part 2 to be massively delayed. However, we ARE still working on book two of The Twilight Man. I hope it'll be finished before too many more goddamned years pass, and that you'll like it as much as the first one.

Thanks again for the signal boost.
For those of you who like fics that are in-universe historical documents, you're in for a treat! This one stands out by being a historiographical piece, meaning it's history about history, dedicated to evaluating works about Aang for historical significance, accuracy, and bias. It's fascinating to see things like future historians considering Wan Shi Tong's library and energybending as mythological.

That said, this did come out before Legend of Korra, so while it does get some things right, and frankly I can completely believe Sokka and Zuko stopped speaking to each other for two years over a math dispute, it really doesn't fit into Legend of Korra canon. Just be aware.

You're on the list!

I was interested in this fic until Chapter 17, Four Variations, which contains a long paragraph discussing the musical structure of the piece in question. I am no longer interested, I am rabid. I want to hear this piece, I want to write it. Fuck but I wish I had score paper in the house, I'd be taking that godawful bit of song Iroh has in canon and spinning it out into a full marching song.
For those of you who like fics that are in-universe historical documents, you're in for a treat! This one stands out by being a historiographical piece, meaning it's history about history, dedicated to evaluating works about Aang for historical significance, accuracy, and bias. It's fascinating to see things like future historians considering Wan Shi Tong's library and energybending as mythological.

That said, this did come out before Legend of Korra, so while it does get some things right, and frankly I can completely believe Sokka and Zuko stopped speaking to each other for two years over a math dispute, it really doesn't fit into Legend of Korra canon. Just be aware.

You're on the list!
I've read Avatar Aang: An Annotated Bibliography before, and it's a lot of fun. Sokka and Zuko beefing over which of them invented calculus is a reference to actual historical beef between Isaac Newton and Leibniz over the same thing.
Evangelion: The Hangover + extras
Tricky Magic

By: Remasa

The first time Marinette uses her telekinetic powers is an accident. The second time is intentional. Adrien accidentally witnesses Marinette's magical abilities and confronts her about them. She denies it. He's determined to figure it out. What he doesn't know is that Marinette really enjoys trolling him.
Aw, yeah, Marinette fucking with her friends! Always love a good example of that. And this one's a good one.

You're on the list.

Akane The Master Poisoner

By: OverMaster

Akane will learn how to cook even if it kills her. Rated M only because of some strong language.
Absolutely hilarious. The ending hits you like Truck-kun taking you to isekai land.

You're on the list.

Culinary Trials

By: Archaon

One-shot. After another hazardous lunch, Ranma says something more stupid than usual and Akane takes it as a challenge. Her goal: To survive her own food for five days. The rest of Nerima really suffers.
This is funny in a different way compared to the previous fic. It has some positively Esteean turns of description, which I greatly enjoy. Sadly, it's also much more roughly written. If this was much longer I'd punt it.

But since it is the length it is, it goes on the list!

Ran and Haibara's Dangerous Shopping Date

By: Muphrid

Growing suspicious of Conan, Ran decides to take Haibara out to ask some questions about Conan's behavior and intelligence, but their shopping date turns tense when Haibara sees Gin's car idling nearby.

Deduction by Fusae

By: Ichthyophobia

Suzuki Sonoko is a detective, sometimes, and Ai-chan doesn't quite act her age. (Written for the "Suspicions" contest at the Poirot Cafe forums. No pairings.)
I mean, these are basically the same fic with different lead actors. They're Ai Haibara character studies with near-identical plot beats and Ran and Sonoko, respectively, trying to figure her out. They're good character pieces, anyway. So Ai is a fashionista, huh?

You're both on the list!

Shape & Collide

By: siqwithaQ

The Mugiwara crew docks at an island in the New World, where Luffy bumps into... Ace, Sabo, and Luffy? One Luffy learns how life could have been if he had set out to sea with his brothers, and another learns how it could have turned out if he hadn't.
Serious Luffy is a terrifying entity best used in small doses to indicate that shit has really hit the fan. The amount of serious Luffy we get in this fic really rams home how off-kilter the situation has made him. Normally, Luffy wouldn't bluntly state that alt-Usopp is probably dead. It really indicates how off-balance seeing his dead brothers has left him1​. I like the hints at the shit that went down in Alabasta, and Ace and Sabo being constantly weirded out whenever canon Luffy takes charge.

Some big blowup is coming, and if the fic weren't dead I'd be looking forward to it.

You're on the list!

Journeys Back are Always Longer

By: attackfishscales

Zuko woke up on a Tuesday morning in his own bed in his father's house, and remembered. And then he had to get up and go to school, because nobody else knew he had fought a war, ruled a country, grown old, and died. Almost nobody else.
I don't really see what the point of this is. It's too short to really do anything with the premise, and the premise needs some damn legwork put into it, because it's distinctly unappealing on first glance. Just, something about tossing away all the Avatar-world stuff for regular society just doesn't do it for me.

You're not on the list.

Evangelion: The Hangover

By: Panther2G

Summer, 2021. Shinji wakes up in bed in Las Vegas. Lying next to him is Asuka... And Rei. And Kaworu. And they've all got matching rings. They're all naked. There's a polar bear in the bathtub. Everyone has a hangover and no memories of last night. Including the bear. Life just got stranger.
As you might guess, this is too spicy for me to link.

Written by our very own Strypgia, you can definitely tell it was written by the same guy who wrote Advice and Trust. It's got that same balance of heartwarming and humor, this time slanted toward humor. And you know me, I'm here for the humor. The MVP in this one is Rei. While much more true to her original NGE self, that's exactly why she's hilarious: her deadpan Comically Serious routine is perfect.

This is making me want to reread Advice and Trust, and that's the highest compliment I can pay it. You're on the list!

  1. I was going to say this was before Luffy learned Sabo was alive, but it's been so long since Dressrossa I genuinely don't remember if Luffy learned that in canon.
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The Serpent's Vow + Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts + Been There, Blown That Up

Been There, Blown That Up


After Loki's defeat and his fall from the portal, Tony starts preaching about a murderous purple titan out to get them in the depths of space.

Wait. What?

On the other side of the universe, Nebula loses her cool approximately two seconds after laying eyes on Thanos and finds herself on a wild chase through the galaxy. Now, where exactly was that pathetic piece of rock Terra again?
At this point, I'm not sure what I expected out of this fic when I started it. I mean, I expected comedy. Just look at that summary. And I knew it was going to be a time-travel fic. So why do I feel like this has betrayed my expectations somehow?

Well, I'd say both halves of the story have their own, specific problems. The Tony side of it is noteworthy for being Stark-wanking fixfic garbage. Okay, that's a bit strong, but I'm not a fan of it basically consisting of Tony Stark swanning around solving problems while the rest of the cast mostly sit around and watch. The Nebula half is worse - she's just so bad at this, and it swiftly stops being funny and just winds up tedious.

Fuck this shit, I'm going to go read something else. You're not on the list.

Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts?


"Foolish mortals!" Yaldabaoth's shadow fell over them like a death shroud, "The sin of rebelling against a god is severe. As punishment, I banish you to other worlds unknown!"

The whole world shifted as the black wind swirled around them, twisting and contorting to create broken fractals in the flow of time and space. Yaldabaoth pulled his hand across the air over them, a movement as if ripping apart the weave of fate itself.

Joker gasped as bizarre doors flickered into existence.

One, a monolithic set of stone doors engraved with an alien image, cracked open to reveal a terrifying eye swimming in a void. The next, a glowing white shoji door exuding a strange energy that prickled at their very souls. The third, a circular ornate gate set in the floor, the bulging eyes at the top drank in the scenery as its gaping mouth pooled with vile black sludge. The final was nothing more than a fluctuating cloud of black and purple mist.
This fic was very strongly recommended to me as one of the better Persona 5 crossovers.

I'm not seeing it.

To be clear, it's not bad. I like Joker as an Outside Context Problem people struggle to grasp, his loneliness at the loss of his friends is palpable and a good emotional conflict, and he's a pointed stab at some of the problems inherent to the hero society of My Hero Academia without going overboard into bashing, as some fics do. And good god, you have no idea how much I appreciate a crossover fic that doesn't stick the new characters into UA.

At the same time, by Chapter 33 I was just completely done with it. On the technical side of things its of rather rough construction, with awkward sentencing. The pacing isn't great, being too slow and too lacking in things actually happening. To be honest I don't know how the fic was supposed to generate enough material for another 67 chapters. The critiques of hero society lose a lot of their sting when the clearest example of its problems was made up for this fic, and in general I feel that sometimes events don't happen for character-compliant reasons, but for plot.

I dunno. At some point I just stopped being interested in the fic. You're not on the list.

The Serpent's Vow

By: Rahar Moonfire

5000 years ago, High Priest Seto helped drive the false gods from Earth, at the price of the young Pharaoh's life. Honoring his cousin's last request, Seto lived on alone. Now SG-1, Jacob, and Selmak attempt to raid the cult compound run by the Goa'uld Seth. They didn't count on finding another Goa'uld with no connection to the Tok'ra but no love for the System Lords.
This fic has no business being as good as it is.

The fic's quality starts and ends with Seto Kaiba. It is astonishing how well Kaiba's personality and backstory fit as a Goa'uld queen who rebelled against the System Lords. The arrogance, the fierce protectiveness, a certain level of covetousness. This change also manages to explain away one of the biggest inconsistencies in Yu-Gi-Oh's story: Kaiba's age. Kaiba's first appearance as Yugi's classmate is incongruous with everything else that's later established about him, from his tutelage under Gozaburo to running Kaibacorp to just his age. By Duelist Kingdom Kaiba looks like an adult compared to the rest of the cast, and I don't just mean Yugi. And lest everyone think it's just quietly-forgotten early installment weirdness, Kaiba references Yugi going to Domino High when Ishizu hands over Obelisk to him.

Making him an immortal snake alien neatly solves most of the problems with that backstory (him going to Domino is just quietly ignored). He was adopted by Gozaburo with his adult body, driven mad by a combination of sarcophagus addiction and withdrawal symptoms thereof, and Yami hitting him with two penalty games broke that madness and let him put his mind back together.

Speaking of changes to Yu-Gi-Oh's story, this is a very different Battle City. For one, it's set in Denver. For another, Marik does not have the Millennium Rod, because Kaiba still has it. Without the Rod, and the necessary changes to Marik's backstory, the Ghouls aren't really involved in the story, and Dark Marik doesn't exist, replaced by another Goa'uld. As of now, what that snake's plans are is unclear, as is why he set up Jonouchi and Yugi to duel anyway.

And yeah, this is very much more of a Stargate story than a Yu-Gi-Oh story. Relatedly, Kaiba is confusing enough to SGC. I cannot wait for them to get irrefutable proof of the gods and shadow magic. It's gonna break their brains.

Going back to Kaiba for a bit, he's that perfect combination of vulnerable and confident. He'll stride into SGC with no problems, but one call from Ishizu leaves him unable to sleep.

There's a lot more I could go into, but I'll cut it here. This is so goddamn good and I wish it wasn't dead. You're on the list!
I read it front to back.

It's bad, and I'm going to be hit with a rule 2 infraction, because goddamn how the fuck this guy failed to write an engaging plot.

Because it's a failure from top to bottom.

Let's start with the good: It has an excellent idea and it borrows the notion of Personas being chatty.

The rest is some pure hot garbage shat out of the author's brain.

Ren trapped in a foreign land, with none of his friends thanks to Yalbadaoth's machinations should be sublime material to explore Ren, will he buckle under the pressure? Or will he Rebel and forge new bonds and take down Yalbadaoth once and for all. It should have been a S+ fanfic, creme of the crop... and it fails so hard it's not funny.

Ren immediately buckles under the pressure, assuming a new identity, a new mask, very hesitant to forge true bonds and the pressure never lets up, from the HSPC putting a kill bounty on his head (not too far fetched considering the HSCP had no less than two assassins under their thumb) Aizawa determined to stop a young vigilante and in the process he fucks up massively and ends somehow erasing or damaging Korhyu (written to be one of Ren's most liked personae and closest friend).

Because the new rules of the BNHA x Persona cross demand that for tension to exist, Aizawa's powers must interact with the Soul of the people. Not entirely far fetched, but too convenient in how it works and how effective it is. It's one thing to stop a persona, another is to actually damage a person's soul. That's some goddamn nonsense. If Aizawa was leaving a trail of broken people behind, it should have been noted before this.

We get of course, glimpses into Ren's jaunts as a vigilante, which are frankly, boring and forgettable. I barely remember a confrontation with Mr.Compress which leads into another problem:

Ren/Akira is the most Important Person in BNHA. The world revolves around him, the world reacts to him, and everybody wants him.

HSPC see him as a dangerous upstart that's rocking the boat and is going to remove their monopoly of heroics (again, an excellent idea in any other fic), but it just makes the HSPC be more cartoon villain than before.

Nedzu is fascinated by the puzzle ren is and is operating under the notion Ren is an escaped experiment of AFO.

AFO wants him... we never understand exactly why he wants ren, outside some connection to Yalbadaoth and wanting more power, going as far as to damage Ren's soul.

This leads into the last theme of the fic: Martyrs and Martyrdom.

I'll be blunt, Dosth Thou Even Steal Hearts has... no place to talk about martyrs or martyrdom, the author plainly does not understands how to write a martyr, or the problems of creating a martyr. It's treated as a super cool thing Ren needed to go through to finally realize his potential.

Perhaps Christian and Catholic readers might take offense, but the fic makes Ren into Jesus Christ. Not even joking, the parallels are numerous as they are uncomfortable:

Ren is "Killed" by an "enemy" who opposes his message. In a sense, this is what one can argue why Jesus was killed: A dangerously popular rebel with a message that did not suit the Roman interests of the time.

Ren is killed specifically by a HSPC assassin with the super power of... I don't remember if it was making people burn alive, or suffer heart attacks, either way, Ren dies in the hospital.

Jesus resurrects at a later date to keep delivering his message, Ren is resurrected some time later, because now the highest -recarm line of spells is true resurrection.

Ren's message is adopted by Heroes and Villains alike, giving birth to a cult of personality of sorts and solidifying it.

Ren also gains access to the World Arcana and a unique variant of Satanael with more "Messianic" traits not unlike Minato's Messiah.

Ren gains disciples along the way in the form of the young students of UA (where he plays the role of a hired barista for a restaurant just a few minutes away from UA), Spinner, Mr. Compress, Aizawa, etc.

The parallelisms continue to pile up and tbh, you need to be a great author to handle religion in your work. It's also not particularly funny because Japan has had a problem with cults in the past and has a troubled story relating to religions.

A story where religious motif play a central theme should be clever and daring with it's themes. Dune (books) took this notion, and only after Herbert had spent years refining his craft and exploring the power of religion on other works (God Maker's is such a powerful book. Paul and his son, Leto II (technically 3rd) are not good people, and they spend much of books II-IV disassembling their respective cults of personality (to some degree of success).

It needs to be provocative enough to make people think, to make people feel, dtesh is boring and at some point I started glazing over chapters. My Law textbooks are less boring than this.

My take: It goes to the garbage bin.
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This fic has no business being as good as it is.
The worst part of this fic is that I want more Yu-Gi-Oh stories somewhat similar to this, but they are very rare and mostly only shipping instead.

Seto Kaiba is definitely my favorite character from the show, because he is basically just this supervillain who winds up on the side of the heroes.
Not "turns to the side of the heroes", winds up there and spends the whole time vaguely offended that the actual big bads keep interrupting his attempts at harsh vengeance upon the heroes.
The worst part of this fic is that I want more Yu-Gi-Oh stories somewhat similar to this, but they are very rare and mostly only shipping instead.

Seto Kaiba is definitely my favorite character from the show, because he is basically just this supervillain who winds up on the side of the heroes.
Not "turns to the side of the heroes", winds up there and spends the whole time vaguely offended that the actual big bads keep interrupting his attempts at harsh vengeance upon the heroes.
Kaiba is dr. doom lite.
The worst part of this fic is that I want more Yu-Gi-Oh stories somewhat similar to this, but they are very rare and mostly only shipping instead.

Seto Kaiba is definitely my favorite character from the show, because he is basically just this supervillain who winds up on the side of the heroes.
Not "turns to the side of the heroes", winds up there and spends the whole time vaguely offended that the actual big bads keep interrupting his attempts at harsh vengeance upon the heroes.
It's even funnier when he starts to grudgingly realize that he can exploit the hell out of the messes the heroes leave in their wake in order to get even richer. By the GX era he's not just a supervillain, he's a supervillain who won, and he has good enough publicity that no one even seems to realize it, much less be thinking about fighting back. The closest he gets to real opposition is other Bond supervillains who are basically just as bad as he is but who lack his charisma and PR department, and he's long since learned how to direct such people into heroes pretty much entirely for his own entertainment.

Kaiba is dr. doom lite.
No, Dr. Doom is Kaiba lite.

Kaiba took over the goddamn world... And everyone CHEERED. Doom wishes he had half of Kaiba's swagger and PR.
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Ren also gains access to the World Arcana and a unique variant of Satanael with more "Messianic" traits not unlike Minato's Messiah.
... Apparently I either forgot that or blocked it out last time I went through DTESH. Given it's rather egregious for Literally The Devil to get that I can see why, though being dull is probably the greater crime.
(Though admittedly I've never actually liked an instance of that kind of OP Protagonist Isekai fic, most writers aren't good enough to work around the problems that OP protags bring. The closest I like isn't technically an Isekai and fundamentally isn't actually about being able to stomp the setting.)