CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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Perfect Reset

Perfect Reset by shansome

Midoriya Izuku's quirk: Perfect Recall. The ability to relive any part of his past with all five senses isn't exactly the most powerful of quirks. Despite that, Izuku's going to become a hero. Even if he has to essentially fight quirkless.
But then one long, long, day, he meets her. And everything changes.

Or: If Uraraka had a second quirk, one that lets her rewind the entire world back to a specific point. The only catch? Her own memory gets reset along with everyone else-everyone, that is, but a single boy with a weak quirk.
This fic has several merits that raise it above the usual MHA alt-powers. For one, it does something interesting with Izuku and Bakugo's relationship. While their good relationship in Dekiru: The Fusion Hero still warms the cockles of my heart, it makes sense here for Bakugo to still be antagonistic here as a form of twisted, constipated concern. And he's not nearly as bad as he was in canon, which is the important part. One advantage of the extended pre-UA parts is that Izuku stands up to Bakugo a lot earlier.

It also has one of the more fully-realized alt-Quirks for Izuku. Perfect Recall is a fascinating Quirk, especially with the method Izuku uses to organize all his memories. It does help him in combat, and gives the fic to indulge in a little bit of Genius!Izuku wank with a little more justification - being able to perfectly recall anything in your life will do that.

And Izuku's new power makes a difference. We still have yet to see if it'll prevent Ingenium's crippling, but he allows the USJ to go well after a reset and has Muscular arrested without killing the Water Hose duo. That matters!

The flaws are minor. I think the fic leans a little too hard into the "badass normal" thing, and I don't understand what the cat girl brings, but like I said, minor.

You're on the list.
You're like my free mha crack dealer.

I can't stand losing braincells reading some of those godawful summaries so someone curating stories from that fandom feels great. :p
I've seen a similar concept before in a RWBY crackfic, where Jaune had the ability to reset time (without loosing his memories) while Ruby also got dragged along. It never got to a point where they actually meet though.
Vanishing Act + A Young Girl's Multicolour Umbrella + Accidentally, Tragically, Heroic

Vanishing Act (JoJo/Persona 5)

By: Shocker

Vanishing Act has issues.

Mostly, it's on the technical side of things. Shocker's writing is passive and his tendency to rely on stock phrases wears very thin after over a hundred chapters. Add in how fucking long it is, and finishing this was a start-stop process that took weeks. I don't think it juggles its large cast very well, with Ann and Ryuji IMO kind of falling off the map toward the end. And the fight scenes drag. You can tell he's basing this on a turn-based RPG, the fight scenes have many of the same beats.

At the same time, I always came back to it, wanting to know what happened. Genuinely, I think my unfamiliarity with Persona 5 helped, since this fic is mostly a Persona 5 novelization with Jojo elements added and some changes because of that. So there's a strong mystery element, but unlike some fics I could name that went that route, this one actually executes and steadily reveals more and more. The divergences in Persona 5 canon are also interesting, now that I know more. For example, the Phantom Thieves' expanded roster means they can hit two Palaces at once, and with Akechi fixated on Joker he doesn't realize they're moving on Okumura's Palace until it's too late.

Speaking of new additions, besides Shizuka, who I'll talk about in a bit, I like all the additions and how they fit in, something I'm sure a lot of Persona fics mess up. Shiho's joining is done when they're still going against Kamoshida, and so it allows her to show her true feelings about him and vent them, putting her in a healthier place overall. Hifumi as a natural Stand user just makes far too much sense. Sergio continues the long tradition of Joestar/Zeppeli relations, and also represents the Phantom Thieves having a higher level of outside support.

And then there's Shizuka. Shocker takes a baby with no personality yet and turns her into a rounded character with all sorts of quirks, hangups, backstory, and other bits of characterization. She shows some of the characteristic Jojo creativity, using invisibility in all sorts of creative ways. She's also the center of the meeting between Personas and Stands, which are similar enough for most to take them at face value but just different enough to trip them up. Some of the best fights in the fic are Stand on Persona action where both combatants are trying to feel out what the other can do.

Oh, and also: Persona 3 and 4 characters make significant appearances, without an accusations flung their way (as I've seen a few times).

In summary: rough but compelling. You're on the list.

A Young Girl's Multicolour Umbrella (Youjo Senki / Resident Evil)

By: freestyle wyvern

Behold the power of an in media res beginning! I don't know how Tanya goes from getting trafficked by some rich asshole with a taste for blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids to a major figure in Umbrella fighting her way out of Raccoon City alongside Jill Valentine, but I'm eager to find out!

You're on the list!

Accidentally, Tragically, Heroic by whatagoodegg

Curious about the next generation of heroes, Shigaraki goes to stake out the UA entrance exam... And accidentally ends up passing? And getting accepted?? Wait, but he doesn't actually have to attend the school, right...? The school full of heroes, just waiting to sniff out the fact that he's a villain? The school he's about to attack??? Oh, there's no way this is going to end well…

Or: one of those accidental vigilante Midoriya fics, except it's Shigaraki and heroism
Okay, this fic can go get fucked.

I was mostly on board with this fic until Chapter 9. Sure, there some things niggling at the back of my head, like aging down Shigaraki, but it was an interesting premise that was mostly being executed well. I could see, slowly, Shigaraki bonding with 1-A and coming to realize being good feels good, a route I wish more stories would take with their redemption arcs. It was great with Thunderbolts, it can be great elsewhere.

And then Chapter 9 hits. It comes after the end of the Sports Festival arc, where Shigaraki refuses to get onto the podium to accept the first-place medal. And how does the fic handle this?

By throwing Midnight under the bus by having her hit him with Somnambulist and fucking chain him to the podium!

What the actual fuck! Like, thematically I get what the author is going for here in terms of trauma triggers and revealing things to the rest of the cast, but Jesus Christ this isn't just character assassination. This is assassinating a character, then exhuming the body, putting it on trial to slander it further, and then executing the body a second time just to be fucking sure! And I don't want to hear anything about the other characters' reactions or comparisons to Bakugo. Bakugo was spitting furious and tried to explode Todoroki outside the bounds of the match. Hate that scene all you want, but it's a million times more justifiable than this!

Argh. Just... fucking... that's a dealbreaker, as you can surely guess. Get out of my fucking sight.
Red October + An Then There Were None

Red October (Kancolle and From the Depths crossover)

By: @Qihao56

A construct pulled from the depths of the Abyss, called on to end the endless war. However, she wasn't the same as the abyssals, nor the kanmusu. Not despair, nor hope.

She simply is.
I wanted to like this fic, I really did. But two things proved to be deal-breakers for me. First, the protagonist-focused sections suffer from the protagonist not being super interesting. In part due to lack of knowledge and context to what the hell's going on around her. Not only does it hurt understanding of events, but because while a clueless character learning how things work is compelling, the learning is the important part and there's not enough of it. Second, and more important, is that the chapter that switches to Belfast and Perseus meeting our submarine protagonist just falls flat. Something about their dialogue just doesn't click, and worse, Belfast opening fire on her over a sunk cargo ship feels not like an organic conflict but the cruiser having a Conflict Ball welded to her rigging.

I'm afraid you don't make the cut.

And Then There Were None (Touhou)

By: RecurringExtra

A strange machine is spotted flying in the skies above Gensokyo, clearly from the Outside World. The Tengu decide to take matters into their own hands and acquire it for themselves, Yukari wants to figure out how it got here in the first place, and several very confused soldiers find themselves lost in a foreign world far from home.
This should be a more interesting outside-insert than the usual fare, given that a bunch of WW2 airmen would be poor targets for the Gary Stu bullshit that infests too many Touhou fics. But honestly, this is just boring. Five chapters and 40,000 words in and I have no idea where the story is supposed to be going. They're still stuck on getting all the airmen freed. And I find myself just not caring about the stuff in between.

You're off the list.
Okay, the FtD crossover has me a bit curious, if only in a "how does that even work?" sort of way.

For those who aren't aware, From the Depths is a vehicle building game where you build boats and submarines and planes and tanks and spaceships (but mostly boats and planes and subs, the spaceships and tanks are more of a side show) and then go fight. It is hellaciously complex with a STEEP learning curve, but you can build basically anything you can imagine.

...and that's kind of the end of it. There's no story, the lore is a handful of paragraphs about the different AI factions and their designs... It's not really a story so much as it is a setting. There aren't any characters, there's no plot... How do you make a crossover with that?
Okay, the FtD crossover has me a bit curious, if only in a "how does that even work?" sort of way.

For those who aren't aware, From the Depths is a vehicle building game where you build boats and submarines and planes and tanks and spaceships (but mostly boats and planes and subs, the spaceships and tanks are more of a side show) and then go fight. It is hellaciously complex with a STEEP learning curve, but you can build basically anything you can imagine.

...and that's kind of the end of it. There's no story, the lore is a handful of paragraphs about the different AI factions and their designs... It's not really a story so much as it is a setting. There aren't any characters, there's no plot... How do you make a crossover with that?
You just give a character the ability to rebuild their own hull like in the game. That's how Eotyrannus did it, anyway (I actually liked that one, but it is probably dead for now): Sea Shells [Kancolle/From The Depths SI]

Also, I would recommend the game to everyone with too much free time on their hands and a burning desire to build oversized battleships with 80" guns. They probably won't sink after you've spent a few hundred hours learning how to design them from first principles (or a few dozen if you copy real hull shapes) :D
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As JOJOBRN said you can build so pretty crazy ships with railgun, plasma, missiles, cram cannons even flame throwers in a recent update. There is a campaign mode with small lore bits everywhere. It's a good game but for writing fanfic's about it there is not a lot to go from.
Nothing is Sacred + The New Regulars

The New Regulars by MisterDrBob

In which Cafe Leblanc sees a series of odd visitors, leaving Sojiro to wonder what the hell Ren has been up to. (Posted from my account on
In case you couldn't guess, this is just a fic of Smash characters visiting Leblanc. As is often the case for fics like these, it starts off reasonably interesting but swiftly becomes boring as the repetitive setpieces grate.

You're not on the list.

Nothing is Sacred (Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest)

By: Arkanian

Challenged to a friendly duel at an archaeological dig, you spark a reaction in an ancient power: the Sacred Beasts. With their strength greatly weakened by their slumber, you are tasked with a quest: to ensure your chosen Beast's rise to power, so that your wish may be granted.

A Yu-Gi-Oh quest, beginning pre-Duelist Kingdom.
This is some good shit.

Narrative-heavy quests live and die on their main character. If the voters can't vibe with the MC, the quest is dead. And Stella Atlas is fascinating, because Arkanian is very heavy on show-don't-tell with Stella. So we see plenty of surface traits - she's combative and snarky as a coping mechanism; she's cynical about people and tries to be a loner; and she wants power. She also, for mysterious reasons, has a crippled soul that can't replenish its power and suppressed emotions as a result - and also just doesn't know how to deal with having normal human emotions, so she keeps mystically suppressing them even when she has the power to feel them.

But that's just the surface layer, what Stella presents and tells herself. She gets more multifaceted when you peel back those surface layers. We see hints of past trauma that left her emotionally and spiritually crippled. She's possibly suicidal and definitelly way too cavalier with her own safety. Reading between the lines, her desire for power is there so she'll never get hurt again. And while she usually pushes people away, the few people she does let worm into her heart? She is Straw Hat levels of ride or die for them.

Or, as one questgoer recently put it:

Stella- The world is a cruel place, connections are temporary and feeble, only by power and never relenting can you achieve any level of happiness. *She says this while brushing Sarina's hair and raising hell and jumping headfirst into deeper hell to save Abidos who by her own explanations would be a future rival*

The worldbuilding is equally stellar1​. Arkanian's Spirit World is rich, diverse, and deeply political. Clearly a lot of thought and care was put into incorporating multiple archetypes and their lore, particularly GX and later archetypes that would rationally have significant influence. It also makes Yu-Gi-Oh! Earth a richer and more spiritually diverse place - the original was kinda laser-focused on Egyptian spiritual shenanigans. Also, Izanagi is a dick and no one should feel sorry for Stella feeding him to Hamon.

And let's talk about the plot. While running parallel with late Season 0 Yu-Gi-Oh! and Duelist Kingdom, the quest largely operates sideways to that, with Stella getting few interactions with canon characters until she gatecrashes the Duelist Kingdom tournament. Instead, the plot is focused on the Sacred Beasts, the Monarchs, and the latter's attempts to awaken the former to meet some sort of unforeseen catastrophe in the near future, implied by events later in the quest to be the Meklord invasion from 5Ds. This plus Stella's own personality pushes many duels into the story.

On that front, the quest is well-suited for deckbuilding and duel-planning nerds. New cards are scarce, and Stella's chosen Ritual strategy is resource-intensive. Add in the fact that the quest is on hard mode compared to most Yu-Gi-Oh! quests, and care is very much needed. I can see now where a lot of my ideas for Electric Kuriboh, a fic I'm betaing and will review down the line, come from. Stella has a style, is what I'm getting at. And the addition of later cards not involved in anime archetypes or post-GX summoning mechanics allows for a richer cardpool. It's a good system, admittedly borrowed.

But yeah, it's on the list and I hope Arkanian updates it at some point.

  1. Ayyyyyyyyyyy.
Ah man why'd you have to remind me of Nothing is Sacred and how great it is? I still miss it, even the doomsaying that pops up once a page over how screwed we are because she chose a ritual deck.
Ah man why'd you have to remind me of Nothing is Sacred and how great it is? I still miss it, even the doomsaying that pops up once a page over how screwed we are because she chose a ritual deck.
If the quest is using GX era, rituals aren't all that great, if it's using more modern rituals...

Modern rituals are meta, ritual decks have defined the meta (dryton, Voiceless, Cyber Angels, Impcantation, Nekroz, Gishki)
If the quest is using GX era, rituals aren't all that great, if it's using more modern rituals...

Modern rituals are meta, ritual decks have defined the meta (dryton, Voiceless, Cyber Angels, Impcantation, Nekroz, Gishki)

Nothing is Sacred is in the OG DM era and we're currently at Duelist Kingdom and due to plot reasons is using the Battle City format instead of the original Calvin ball 'rules'.

Thanks to Spirit World connections we do have future cards like Transonic Bird, Safira, and Ritual Raven but DP is always tight. It says something that Magician of Black Chaos is still one of our aces and that freaking Chakra was considered viable.
But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci + The Collected Notes of Victoria Rand, Abyssal Princess

But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci by Acylion

Jack Napier, a.k.a. the Joker. After years of madness, he's finally sane. But there's something wrong. Something's not right. According to his psychiatrist, there's no Bat. Nobody in Gotham City has heard of a superhero named Batman. The Justice League doesn't have a guy who dresses like a bat.

And that's wrong. That can't be. Because if there's one thing that Jack knows, it's that there can't be a Joker without a Batman.
A sane Joker is a terrifying thing.

That's the core premise of the fic: everything is wrong, and the most wrong thing is that the Joker is sane and out to right the ship. He is the central character and main draw. His sense of humor is intact and while not hilarious consistently amusing. He knows so damn much, and not just as one of two people to remember the original DC timeline. He pulls shit Lex, in his infinite arrogance, would never even consider. And he's just a walking pile of Unknown Unknown's anyway, for Lex.

How could Lex have anticipated Jack Napier still retaining a fifth-dimensional structure to his soul after the whole Emperor Joker thing? How could he have anticipated Jack Napier gaining a White Lantern ring? Of convincing the Eradicator to join his side in a cloned Kryptonian body and empowered Shazam-style by Krypton's deities?

Seriously. Everything about the Eradicator is awesome as hell.

Really, you're here to see what kind of crazy bullshit Acylion can have Jack pull together from 80 years of comic book history. A lot of fics set out to do this. None have pulled it off as well as this one.

I hope Acylion revisits it sometime, I'm dying to know how it ends. Keep!

The Collected Notes of Victoria Rand, Abyssal Princess (A Kancolle Fic)

By: Colin

She didn't expect to be recruited into a genocidal war against humanity when she died. The Abyssals expect her to fight, to get revenge for how she's been treated.

She's never been much good at acting like others expect her to.
This is a fun one. A bit rough in spots, but fun. Also, I'm 95% sure it's an unmarked SI. MARK YOUR SIs, PEOPLE.

Anyway, chalk this one up to a triumph of being a decent fucking human being. Honestly, while the main plot is nice and full of nice characterizing details, what really interests me is how it goes all-in on Princess creation. Most Kancolle fics would never touch the Triangle Trade being an Abyssal with a ten-foot pole, or an Abyssal based specifically on British colonialism in Africa. But it's fun, seeing these weird-as-hell Abyssals. And you don't feel bad when they get clobbered.

It's also nice for actually attempting to explain how Abyssal logistics work, even if I am sympathetic to those who just handwave it as Spook Magical Abyssal Bullshit.

You're on the list!
I can definitely second But Doctor (in fact I really need to go back and reread it). If their name sounds familiar the author goes by Acyl on SB/SV and they also wrote the excellent False Prophets, which is a Battletech story and not on AO3 for some reason, which is another one I hope they come back to some day.
A sane Joker is a terrifying thing.

That's the core premise of the fic: everything is wrong, and the most wrong thing is that the Joker is sane and out to right the ship. He is the central character and main draw. His sense of humor is intact and while not hilarious consistently amusing. He knows so damn much, and not just as one of two people to remember the original DC timeline. He pulls shit Lex, in his infinite arrogance, would never even consider. And he's just a walking pile of Unknown Unknown's anyway, for Lex.

How could Lex have anticipated Jack Napier still retaining a fifth-dimensional structure to his soul after the whole Emperor Joker thing? How could he have anticipated Jack Napier gaining a White Lantern ring? Of convincing the Eradicator to join his side in a cloned Kryptonian body and empowered Shazam-style by Krypton's deities?

Seriously. Everything about the Eradicator is awesome as hell.

Really, you're here to see what kind of crazy bullshit Acylion can have Jack pull together from 80 years of comic book history. A lot of fics set out to do this. None have pulled it off as well as this one.

I hope Acylion revisits it sometime, I'm dying to know how it ends. Keep!

This is a fun one. A bit rough in spots, but fun. Also, I'm 95% sure it's an unmarked SI. MARK YOUR SIs, PEOPLE.

Anyway, chalk this one up to a triumph of being a decent fucking human being. Honestly, while the main plot is nice and full of nice characterizing details, what really interests me is how it goes all-in on Princess creation. Most Kancolle fics would never touch the Triangle Trade being an Abyssal with a ten-foot pole, or an Abyssal based specifically on British colonialism in Africa. But it's fun, seeing these weird-as-hell Abyssals. And you don't feel bad when they get clobbered.

It's also nice for actually attempting to explain how Abyssal logistics work, even if I am sympathetic to those who just handwave it as Spook Magical Abyssal Bullshit.

You're on the list!
The only KanColle fic I know of that's touched on it is Harry and the Shipgirls, and that's mostly by implication with the readership being pretty certain that a particular Abyssal's true name is/was Middle Passage Princess, although she's never referred to directly by any name.
I hope Acylion revisits it sometime, I'm dying to know how it ends. Keep!
Strongly agree with this. It's such a fantastic fic and makes great use of all the DC nonsense to craft a compelling world.

The trio of Jack, The Eradicator, and Doctor Sivana carry the fic so well. It's not just them though, all the side characters shine.

Frankly, this is something I would love to see as a full official comic book event. Provided the quality of the writing stayed up anyway.
His sense of humor is intact and while not hilarious consistently amusing.
He also gets one of the harshest burns I've ever read in it (spoiler warning):

"Loneliness," Lex said, "plus alienation, plus fear, plus despair… "

Jack blinked. "What's that, your dating app profile?"

Seriously, I'm surprised Lex didn't start crying from that one.
Re-pulsed By The Abyss + Cognitio Ergo Sum + A Philippine Sea Cruise

Re-pulsed By The Abyss (Kancolle Abyssal Re-class Repulse)

A secret Abyssal ritual to merge the spirit of HMS Repulse with a Re-class Princess doesn't go as planned and accidentally drags in a few extra memories and scrambles all the others.

Repulse has no idea why she's a Sea Naga or an unholy amalgam of Battleship and Carrier... But that nearby island would look fantastic with a Union Jack and claimed in the name of King George and the Empire.

Things go downhill from there for the Abyssals around her.

Boarding Party Princess HMS Repulse reporting for duty!
This fic has more than a few similarities to the Victoria Rand fic. Same Abyssal focus, similar good worldbuilding on Abyssal installations, similar construction shenanigans. Repulse is a treat - she's so British it hurts, and that drives a lot of the humor in the fic. So is all the focus on how... bluff she is. And her cheerful obliviousness to that fact.

I also like that Repulse is the result of a fuckup on the part of the Abyss, with the result that this terrifying Re-class Hime is out for blood against the Abyss. Whoops. And yeah, Repulse scares the living daylights out of everyone who sees her, because, y'know, 150,000-ton Re-class Hime. That's a well we'll be returning to in the future.

And that one chapter with Renown is genuinely heartbreaking. You can hear her hurt confusion at being suddenly shipped off to Halifax. Yeah, that's not going to have consequences down the line...

You're on the list!

Cognitio Ergo Sum by Tylinos

When Makoto decided to download a quirky little visual novel she found online, she was looking forward to a nice night of relaxing to a lighthearted story about romance and literature.

The last thing she expected was that she'd end up falling in love with a sentient character from a horror game.
I clicked on this for the sheer novelty of it. "Persona 5 and Doki Doki Literature Club?" I thought. "I can kinda see how those would go together. Let's read it and see what happens!"

Unfortunately, the execution does not live up to the premise. I don't buy the romance that develops between Makoto and Monika, and quite frankly I would have avoided that development until after Monika could manifest physically via Metaverse shenanigans. For another, I'm not super happy with the fact that this Monika was different from Game Monika from the start. It removes an entire avenue of development and largely sweeps Monika's actions under the rug. On the technical side of things, the dialogue tags are very poorly formatted, leading to confusion about who's speaking.

But ultimately, the fic just takes too long to bring Monika in contact with the Metaverse, and so make her able to interact with things beyond a computer screen, which is the whole reason I'm here.

You're not on the list.

A Philippine Sea Cruise (Kancolle)

By: Moonsword

A problem I've noticed with Kancolle fics that focus on the fight against the Abyssals is that they rarely know how to end them. It results in fics that meander with little forward momentum. And yes, it's something I'm guilty of myself, there's a reason I have a whole bunch of abandoned Kancolle fics on my hard drive.

That said, as this fic proves it's not an insurmountable one. What I think works about it is that it's very constrained - all the action happens around Guam, and the cast is both reasonably sized and doesn't grow very fast. Remember, Kancolle writers are generally here for the characters, and the character interactions are definitely a highlight of the fic. Half of it is on land focused on those interactions, with many novel combinations. This specific mix of destroyers is not one I've ever seen.

And yes, it's got the shipgirls discovering modern tech and social mores. It's low-key but it's there.

You're on the list!
I loved A Philippine Sea Cruise for being a look at how the Abyssal war starts end escalates, but frustratingly it died before it got far in.
But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci reminds me a bit of also very good The Shocker: Legit fanfic (also available on Webnovel), as far as supervillain turned into superhero goes. Though Shocker character is much less known, and does not make into top 10 Spider-Man villains.
What about Polarity? Magical Zombie Apocalypse is here, and Shocker is the one who caused villains to join heroes in zombie fighting.