I did recognize Emma's plans during her chapter but all I could think at the time was just how delusional she has to be to think something like that could possibly work. I mean the only reason she was able to do anything to Taylor in the first place is that literally everybody in the school able to stop her didn't care enough to try. As I see it unless somehow just everybody in the Protectorate is utterly blind to her actions they will slap her down hard.

Which in my opinion would actually be really amusing way for her to be flagged as a villain. Having her getting put under house arrest after trying to use lethal force on Taylor they find out how she's been treating the other wards which leads to Piggot and the Youth Guard trying to talk to her only for Emma to go full villain monologue on them.
I also assumed she was just doing social jockeying, getting everyone caught up to her point of view of Taylor, laying the groundwork for her Queen Bee position. Even then, that'd be really difficult since the personalities in the Wards don't really lend them to be sycophants. She would have to actually work to make friends, even if one-sided, or it'll go nowhere. The Wards, and Protectorate at a remove, has a very different social field than a run-down, gang infested highschool with authority figures who at best are overwhelmed, at worst don't give a shit.

If she was going for a war-lord position, it would have to be a long term thing and I doubt she could actually have the social manipulation capabilities to do that on the Heroes side. Perhaps she sounds out the members to see who she can convert to her side then defects to at least be a rogue vigilante or 'well-meaning' ends-justify-the-means villain. She could get Shadow Stalker easy. Vista might be possible. If her family life is bad enough and she feels she's being held back too much she might tap out of the Wards, go rogue. The others? Eh...

Canon Taylor managed it because of the lengths she was willing to go, she was a villain, had a team, had a reputation, and Levithan wrecked the city. Taylor put a lot of effort into protecting and providing for the people in her part of the city, she was tough but cared. Even then she got material support from Coil and the PRT was cut off at the knees locally.

Unless this Emma has a Machiavellian bent that she has never really been able to flex, since everything she had been trying before was too easy to actually make her work up a metaphorical sweat, she doesn't seem to actually succeed. She's not a master or thinker. More than likely she'll try, fail, and have an amusing social pratfall.
Neolithic Interlude PHO
Porting PHO formatting is a real pain...


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♦ Topic: Oddly Polite New Villain
In: Boards ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jan 8th 2011:
There's been some rumors floating around for the past couple days about a new villain here in Brockton Bay and I can now confirm them. On Wednesday, Bay Goods was robbed by an unknown cape whose descriptions I've seen matches the cape calling herself Hausos who just raided the local Ace Hardware. Yes, I'm posting this from my phone while on scene.

As the thread title says, it was probably the politest robbery I've been in here, with the cape, pretty sure it's a she, just telling us to go about our business and that she'd really rather not hurt anyone before grabbing a cart and acting like she was just another customer.. Not being an idiot, I went back to my own quest for household repair supplies.

I can confirm that she's a Tinker too, as I came across her collecting power tools at one point. Didn't even get threatened for going near her, which was honestly a little surreal. Nice though.

Hopefully she manages to stay that way and not get sucked into one of the gangs or killed.

(Showing page 1 of 5)

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Ohh a new tinker is in town. I wonder what their speciality is, hey #bagrat do you know what else they grabbed? anyway onto the robbery itself, well it's good to read that no one was harmed another villain in town is concerning and a tinker at that.

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Are we sure she isn't already in a gang? Maybe she's Squealer and Skidmark's daughter, and being polite is teenage rebellion since obviously swearing, doing drugs, and reckless driving wouldn't count.

►Ossa-Regis (Has Milk)
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
I'm betting my playstation that this new tinker chick somehow stays solo.
If not... Well I can always buy a new PS3.

►Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
A polite villain? In Brockton Bay of all places? What next, Kaiser annoucing he's gay?

►SeemsPhishyToMe (Verified Not A Fish)
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Wow, even for non-cape robbers that's polite. I've worked retail before, being able to just call up and report stolen merchandise rather than that the entire front of the store needs to be replaced must be a nice change of pace! Loss Prevention probably wouldn't even mind considering the other option.

►Trufla (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Huh. Sounds like a newbie Tinker caught up in a creative urge. Things like actually paying for goods sort of get sidelined if they've been too long without workbench time. I have to wonder what sort of specialty they have if materials from a hardware store are all they are looking for. Here in Greenland, a store like that would have basically home repair goods for plumbing, electrical, and basic construction projects, with a bit of camping gear and a few home appliances.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


♦ Topic: New Ward Zenith
In: Boards ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Verified PRT Agent)
Posted On Jan 10th 2011:
The PRT ENE would like to announce our latest Wards member, Zenith.

A video of her introduction can be found [here], but for those of you who can't watch it right now, she's a Blaster-Shaker who produces white-gold energy projectiles around herself and can generate a bright illuminating field up to a block away. Her costume is a simple blue dress overlaid with golden armor plate on the hands, feet, and torso, with a visored tiara bearing her sundisk logo.

Normally these are more complete, but our usual PR poster's not available and my packet here isn't very complete. So seriously, check the actual intro video.

(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Sure the dress is simple but at least her costume has some armor? Not that it is necessarily actually functional rather than just ornamental. I know Wards aren't supposed to get in fights, but having so little armor always worried me, the local gangs aren't exactly paragons of reasoning. If they're going to do patrols why not give them useful gear rather than comic book uniforms?

Not sure about the tiara though. I always thought Glory Girl's was silly, Zenith's has not changed my mind.

►The European Lurker
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Do I have my thoughts about this new Ward? I sure do.
First of all, dress with a tiara sounds a bit Glory Girl. Granted, the armour not so much. Golden armour plate though? That's ... I suppose we should be glad she actually got armour - looking at whichever idiot designed Vista's costume here - (not really though, so the PR Team can stop looking for a Stranger having infiltrated which ever building the designer is in, I'm not in the USA anyhow) but golden armour is still a tad pretentious.

About the energy projectiles, we haven't seen them in action, so I can't say much about those. But a bright illuminating field up to a block away? That's one way to let everyone and their pet goldfish find out you are near.

Still glad there is an entire ocean in between myself and BB

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
I didn't know people in Europe actually knew me. Anyhow, Crystal (Laserdream) had the same thought concerning the dress and tiara combo. While you might have a point about golden armor. In her case, it's the color of her power itself, so she gets a pass.

Why are you reading about Brockton Bay anyhow?
Edit: did you just type PR Team?

►The European Lurker
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Schadenfreude mostly, however bad my home gets with the Three Blasphemies, and worse: Gesellschaft. I can read about Brockton Bay and know that some places have it way worse than we do. Not that Brockton Bay is worse than the CUI or what's left of Africa. But you have internet access.

I suppose I must agree about the armour colour being somewhat understandable, if you know her power uses those colours.
Edit: why yes, I did. Having PRT stand for Public Relations Team would be much more accurate

►Trufla (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
I can already see the mememakers grabbing clips of the Beatles tune for this one.

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Her smile... There's something about it I can't quite place, but I don't like it.

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Seriously guys? This again? The plating on my costume isn't repainted athletic pads, it's cemented carbon weave. Bulletproof, knife-proof, impact resistance, fire resistant... Clock's got the same stuff in his suit too, just in slim-form panels, as does Triumph. Aegis's got some sort of tinkered up kevlar and is a Brute. Honestly, Zenith could use more armor.

Seriously, you'd be seeing far more dead Wards if we were running around in spandex and plastic. And that's for cities far safer the the Bay. Would I like to have more armor? Yes. My skirt's not much protection after all, but we don't have the Tinkers to give everyone power armor or semi-powered harnesses.

End of Page. 1


♦ Topic: Empire Activity at 3rd and Bay Road
In: Boards ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Jan 10th 2011:
Rune and Krieg just flew past my window, heading down towards Bay Road. I'm not sure what's going on, but given that Krieg's involved, the Empire thinks it's important and requiring a lighter tough than Hookwolf.

Edit: Make that North Ave, as I'm hearing someone shouting about Nazis and Argentina. Might be a Merchant?
Edit2: Now there's fire and not like somethign out of a Molotov either. Way too bright.

(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
I'd been wondering who might be the cause of this disturbance, but this comment cinches it for me. It's probably that new tinker villaness who popped up a few days ago. Tinkers are prime recruitment for the gangs and a white girl with a beef with the government would be a good recruit for them. With Krieg and Rune being a good recruitment team to send on part of the nazis. As by force or by choice, the pair would do well to grab a baby tinker teen.

Clearly sounds like they're not going to be succeeding in a willing recruitment. You don't yell something like that at nazis you intend to join. So hopefully the forced recruitment fails. The Empire hasn't had a tinker for a good while from my memory of their too large and semi-regularly rotating roster, and even an enslaved one in their ranks would be bad for the city.

►Brocktonite03 (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
THat new Ward's here, I can see that light aura she has coming from North Ave. And it sounds like whoever the Nazis were after is now shouting at her too. Can't make out what;'s being said though, and I sure ain't opening a window to get a better hear.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
If Brined's right, that could be a problem. Zenith's got the same attitude towards villains as Brandish. Gonna message Clock just to be safe though, especially if the fire's from another new parahuman we've been watching for.

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Too late #Vista. Your girl just smacked Hausos with a blast strong enough to throw her back several feet. And I think they know each other, or at least Hausos thinks so going by what she starting shouting when the Wards showed.

On the other hand, from where I am at least Hausos looks like she might be high on something, so who knows.

I also have confirmation of a second cape with her, a brunette who doesn't look to be wearing a mask.
Edit: And the Nazis are legging it, Krieg carrying Rune. Not sure what it was that Hausos threw at her, but it seems to have incapacitated her pretty well.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
Thanks #AllSeeingEye. I'll get this called in and the higher ups can get this sorted, preferably without an escalating rivalry.

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:
One more update, #Vista, Hausos and her Blaster friend just left. Gallant and Zenith aren't following, and seem to be arguing, even if I can't hear them.

So overall, the outcome of this is: E88 tried and failed to get their mitts on the newest local Tinker, Zenith is trigger-happy and Hausos hates her as much as she does the Nazis, and has possibly recruited an unknown. Looks like things are going to be interesting around here for a while...

End of Page. 1


Missy dropped her Wards phone and flopped back on her bed with a low groan. Interesting was an understatement. With the Empire intent on getting the new Tinker, said Tinker's apparent dislike of the newest Ward, Zenith herself, and latest round of mutually aggravating stupidity, the Bay was a powder keg with a lit fuse. If Hausōs established her own faction or Coil got involved? Things could go to hell very quickly.

Picking up her phone again, the thirteen year-old dialed a carefully memorized number. "Mike-Sierra Niner Bravo Seven Four Echo Eight Three. I've got some information on an incident..."
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It's nice to see Missy getting her due, she's the most experienced ward by far and too many people tend to forget that. Hopefully she can work to help keep things safer for Taylor, even if she doesn't realize she's screwing with the whole Nemesis project at the same time. Hopefully Emma gets her ass chewed out as well for the aggressive take, especially after Taylor already was turning down the Nazi's so it would make Emma look even worse for attacking her.
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It's nice to see Missy getting her due, she's the most experienced ward by far and too many people tend to forget that. Hopefully she can work to help keep things safer for Taylor, even if she doesn't realize she's screwing with the whole Nemesis project at the same time. Hopefully Emma gets her ass chewed out as well for the aggressive take, especially after Taylor already was turning down the Nazi's so it would make Emma look even worse for attacking her.
i know right? missy/vista she's the 'oldest' ward in terms of actually being in the ENE wards yet she was always treated like she was a little kid that knew nothing about being a ward/hero not to mention she's the 2nd strongest shaker on the US's East coast with only labyrinth having a higher shaker rating and i think the strongest parahuman among the ENE wards/protectorate, but as you said the fics that actually pays her due for being the most experienced ward are far fewer then you would think i mean the only one that even comes to mind of of the top of my head without thinking about it is the MLP/Worm fic ladybird that has taylor as a MLP alicorn and teamed up with vista for abit when she joins the wards, heck most fics i've read that had missy/vita have any screen time have had her being stand-offish/trying to act like an adult and failing or has missy/vista 'drinking' Sophia's 'cool-aid'
It seems like someone has seen the use that Missy could be a great source of information and I am also curious where this will lead.
Yes, Miss Militia is rather smug about having given her access to the Protectorate's secure contact line.
It's nice to see Missy getting her due, she's the most experienced ward by far and too many people tend to forget that. Hopefully she can work to help keep things safer for Taylor, even if she doesn't realize she's screwing with the whole Nemesis project at the same time. Hopefully Emma gets her ass chewed out as well for the aggressive take, especially after Taylor already was turning down the Nazi's so it would make Emma look even worse for attacking her.
Yeah, we rather like her too, to the point that she's a major player in one of our, as yet unposted, fics. And she will have a notable role to play here too.

As for Emma? You'll see, though it may be a while. Going to try and advance Against the Deep now that this arc is over.
First, just one word tells us nothing on where it is. Two, PHO posts. Do you really expect them to have solid spelling?
Aw, Potatothecat didn't make it. Sadge.
Perils of putting it into a normal post with other stuff and not in a PM/Convo.
i know right? missy/vista she's the 'oldest' ward in terms of actually being in the ENE wards yet she was always treated like she was a little kid that knew nothing about being a ward/hero not to mention she's the 2nd strongest shaker on the US's East coast with only labyrinth having a higher shaker rating and i think the strongest parahuman among the ENE wards/protectorate, but as you said the fics that actually pays her due for being the most experienced ward are far fewer then you would think i mean the only one that even comes to mind of of the top of my head without thinking about it is the MLP/Worm fic ladybird that has taylor as a MLP alicorn and teamed up with vista for abit when she joins the wards, heck most fics i've read that had missy/vita have any screen time have had her being stand-offish/trying to act like an adult and failing or has missy/vista 'drinking' Sophia's 'cool-aid'
Yeah, our version of Missy is an older-than-her-years veteran of thirty months of caping in BB, who not only got a big scar from an off-the-books encounter with Hookwolf, but paid him back for it. She's not quite worked out the full potential of her power, but she's every bit as smart as Taylor is and is actually at Arcadia. And she sees clean through Emma's facade, which is why Emma only knows her as 'Vista'.
It's nice to see Missy getting her due, she's the most experienced ward by far and too many people tend to forget that.

missy/vista she's the 'oldest' ward in terms of actually being in the ENE wards
Aegis and Gallant both have more seniority than Vista. The interlude where Missy thinks about how she's got the most experience is in relation to Clock after Leviathan whittled down the Wards roster.
However, I am almost positive that Vista has been a cape longer than anyone else in the BB Wards at the time of canon.

Aegis is almost 18 at the time of canon. By WOG, he was 15 when he triggered, so that puts it in 2008ish. Vista triggered 2009.

Gallant is a bit more nebulous, but he was already a cape when Glory Girl triggered in 2009, so he either became a cape around the same time or before Vista did. While we don't know exactly when Glory Girl triggered, it was probably during a major end of season game, which would put her trigger most likely February-March 2009 (when playoffs and championships typical happen), which means Gallant either became a cape very early 2009, or 2008.

So Aegis definitely has been a cape longer than Vista, and Gallant most likely has been a cape longer.
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By age, you are correct. However, I am almost positive that Vista has been a cape longer than anyone else in the BB Wards at the time of canon.
IIRC the point in the story when Vista being the most experienced is stated outright is after Leviathan, so Aegis or Gallant could theoretically have more experience but not any of the others. If I'm remembering right, of course.
Weirdly, all of the start-of-2011 BB Wards triggered (or got vials) in 2009. Missy is odd in that she almost immediately became a Ward. We have no concrete information about the others, just the assumption that they'd dither and stall on joining like Taylor did. Battery had the directive to join the Wards, but Dean's family is rich enough to avoid owing favors like she did.

Honestly my headcanon is that they bought him a Thinker power to intentionally pull a Sarah/Lisa and abuse it, but wound up disappointed that it was basically just something they were going to train Dean to recognize without powers anyway. (Cauldron can get as specific as power type, but not exact expressions) They then would have let him join the Wards after a while, probably at Vicky's insistence if he wouldn't join New Wave.

TL;DR: Go with whatever you want for Vista and the early Wards. The canon doesn't exist to actually contradict it.
Neet, I'm glad that my suggestion for how the robberies were reported made it in.
I had intended to post more into the pseudo rp but I've been quite unwell for the past couple days, and being awake, much less coherent has been a challenge, so, sorry. I had implied a promise to
Yeah, this is Emma all right.
i'm salivating at the thought of this getting back to her now that it became clear she'd a shoot first ask questions never kind of gal^^

the Missy bit was NICE! i always love it when authors use her like the old cape she is.
Yeah, we rather like her too, to the point that she's a major player in one of our, as yet unposted, fics. And she will have a notable role to play here too.
Sound interesting!

Anyway I'm curious if Vista and the other Wards would get into a public fight to stop Emma from landing the killing blow on Taylor maybe amidst a gang war, at some point Emma will go too far and take her chances if her failures increase.
It would be nice to see the Wards resign in a public protest, but that would be quite extreme considering how reasonable the adults are about Taylor's actions, guess we'll see how Danny important is and what Emma told him.
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Sandy River DL said:
In a way that implies she did something wrong?

Yeah, Taylor would not take that well, especially with all her other stressors.
Hm. Yeah, I can see that not escalating to stabbing pretty easily -- but if things went the wrong way, it seems like it wouldn't actually be that far to get to stabbing, either.

More along the lines of handling Danny like they handle Dauntless, expecting him to be an adult who can handle his family life on his own without hand-holding. So they believed him when he told them that he could be on-call for a few weeks without issue.
Makes sense, though that does shift fault more back to him.

And Cauldron cleaning up after Emma for blackmail purposes incidentally got rid of a few critical indicators of Danny being neglectful.
Ah, hm. Interesting; I wonder just how that worked?

Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.
I mean, it might if I had the slightest expectation of her being able to get anywhere near that. As it is, that seems somewhat equivalent to her saying she's going to fly to the moon by flapping her arms really hard -- in other words, if she had the right power, maybe it'd actually work, but in both cases, she doesn't, and it's therefore rather ludicrous and is just something else to file under "Emma has some mental problems that currently make her a danger to herself and others".

Gadflow said:
Probably because it's impossible to take Emma seriously when we all have the meta knowledge of how far Taylor can and will go.
I mean, I don't think that's even needed. Absent Taylor entirely, I don't see Emma as having basically any chance to even partially succeed at that goal.

Mal-3 said:
Well, honestly... her scheme is so tangential to Taylor's current character trajectory that outside the Nemesis contract it's basically irrelevant.
Weeeell, I think it might be relevant if Emma succeeded, because while Taylor's just trying to leave Emma behind with the rest of Earth Bet's problems, I doubt Emma would be so willing to let Taylor "get away" without getting what she "deserves". And warlord!Emma might, in theory, if she got strong enough, be able to find some way to get at Taylor.

Is that going to happen? Hahahahaha no, because Taylor is already pretty capable, is going to be even stronger by the time Emma can start using the contract against her, and is almost certainly going to end up a darling of Cauldron once they realize what she can do, based on what's been revealed in the thread. Emma would have to build up a lot of power to be able to threaten her once the contract's up, whereas I'm currently expecting Emma to be inadvertently vying with Sophia for the title of "least-liked Ward among both her teammates and superiors".

Dakkah said:
Vista coining her as a Brandish Expy, or as a nutter
Yeah, I did wonder earlier if maybe it was just that we've only seen her from Taylor's perspective (and Taylor already knows she's cruel and untrustworthy) or her own (from which the levels of dangerous insanity are pretty obvious), and she's actually really good at hiding it from people she thinks she has to make nice with... but then I remembered that, no, she's already been seen doing things like that. Meaning that either she's indeed nowhere near as putting of a facade as she thinks she is, or she decided that she didn't need one in that meeting, which seems a... questionable start to taking over the Bay.

AramilOniasha said:
If she actually had any chance at it, then it would be. However she isn't the first child with plans for "World Domination" and she has definitely not put in the time or effort needed to even begin doing anything actually necessary for it.
Yeeep. Among Taylor, the people Taylor's gathering, Cauldron, and Danny, Emma, ironically in comparison to how she sees the situation, appears to basically be barely relevant at all at this point.

Now, once she starts being able to issue commands until the contract, that may change, but I expect she'll still be starting from the position of a nuisance rather than a nemesis. Going forward from that, sure, she might become more dangerous... but this Taylor isn't a humor villain with a mostly figured out power of no particularly special interest to Cauldron and rooted, both personally and practically, in the Bay. This Taylor is a just-barely-getting-started Tinker of great potential capability who's establishing a base on another Earth, and she has a lot of ability to escalate.

Sandy River DL said:
Picking up her phone again, the thirteen year-old dialed a carefully memorized number. "Mike-Sierra Niner Bravo Seven Four Echo Eight Three. I've got some information on an incident..."
...Well, if you wanted to avoid introducing any other elements more interesting than Emma, I'm afraid you failed there. :D

After all, that's a rather odd way to greet a casual civilian friend, and if that was relating to her official work, I doubt she'd have had to memorize the number. Sounds like she found a side job with someone she doesn't feel persistently undervalues her...

(Also, mixed feelings on indeed ending up with mine being verbatim from Void Cowboy -- but I did also laugh at it. :D)

Yes, Miss Militia is rather smug about having given her access to the Protectorate's secure contact line.
Ahh, so not actually another group -- just a way to report things to the Protectorate without it being known they're coming from Little Baby Cape Vista. Instead, presumably, whatever the person making the report sounds like, the person receiving it expects that secure contact line access is only given to people who can be trusted with it and that the report should be taken fully seriously.

And aye, I imagine so, regarding Miss Militia's feelings on her decision there. :D
Mike-Sierra Niner Bravo Seven Four Echo Eight Three. I've got some information on an incident..."

Small detail: the niner is used in radio communication for clarification instead of nine, but it's not the only one that's different (at least for maritime radio communication, I am not 100% certain about other radio communication). You also stress the underlined part when speaking
0 zeero
1 wun
2 too
3 tree
4 fower
5 fife
6 six
7 seven
8 ait
9 niner
1000 tousand
Last edited:
Neet, I'm glad that my suggestion for how the robberies were reported made it in.
I had intended to post more into the pseudo rp but I've been quite unwell for the past couple days, and being awake, much less coherent has been a challenge, so, sorry. I had implied a promise to
We thought it was fine as is, so in it went.
Yeah, this is Emma all right.
i'm salivating at the thought of this getting back to her now that it became clear she'd a shoot first ask questions never kind of gal^^

the Missy bit was NICE! i always love it when authors use her like the old cape she is.
Emma actually has a plausible excuse, as much as you might think otherwise. Namely, Tay was high, acting aggressively, and had her knife drawn. So technically she's a jumpy noob. Not that Missy believes that...
Sound interesting!

Anyway I'm curious if Vista and the other Wards would get into a public fight to stop Emma from landing the killing blow on Taylor maybe amidst a gang war, at some point Emma will go too far and take her chances if her failures increase.
It would be nice to see the Wards resign in a public protest, but that would be quite extreme considering how reasonable the adults are about Taylor's actions, guess we'll see how Danny important is and what Emma told him.
Yeah, there's not going to be stuff like that. Emma's currently testing the waters and adapting from her Winslow paradigm, but she's not going to be like her Nemesis incarnation. At least in-part because this encounter necessarily forces a change in tactics and the starting delay means she has time to cool off.
Yeah, I did wonder earlier if maybe it was just that we've only seen her from Taylor's perspective (and Taylor already knows she's cruel and untrustworthy) or her own (from which the levels of dangerous insanity are pretty obvious), and she's actually really good at hiding it from people she thinks she has to make nice with... but then I remembered that, no, she's already been seen doing things like that. Meaning that either she's indeed nowhere near as putting of a facade as she thinks she is, or she decided that she didn't need one in that meeting, which seems a... questionable start to taking over the Bay.
I think people are letting metaknowledge from Taylor's side and Emma's narration tint things. So far, Emma's only shown herself to be very 'tough on crime' and not caught up on PRT/Protectorate rules, along with being a bit too quick to blast. Which is not atypical, for the latter two points, for a freshly recruited Blaster. And a black-and-white worldview is hardly an indicator of being secretly evil. It's not like she was spouting off the predator-prey nonsense in front of the Wards or being abrasive like Sophia.
...Well, if you wanted to avoid introducing any other elements more interesting than Emma, I'm afraid you failed there. :D

After all, that's a rather odd way to greet a casual civilian friend, and if that was relating to her official work, I doubt she'd have had to memorize the number. Sounds like she found a side job with someone she doesn't feel persistently undervalues her...

(Also, mixed feelings on indeed ending up with mine being verbatim from Void Cowboy -- but I did also laugh at it. :D)
Bit confused as to why Missy calling in after saying that she was going to call Lisa's info in got taken as her being connected to some other faction.

And of course we went with your offered possibility of giving it to Void. You didn't provide any other handle to attribute it to :p
Ahh, so not actually another group -- just a way to report things to the Protectorate without it being known they're coming from Little Baby Cape Vista. Instead, presumably, whatever the person making the report sounds like, the person receiving it expects that secure contact line access is only given to people who can be trusted with it and that the report should be taken fully seriously.

And aye, I imagine so, regarding Miss Militia's feelings on her decision there. :D
Actually, the line operator knows exactly who the report is coming from. That is, after all, the point of authentication codes.