What kind of baffles me is that 'forgot to ensure food for her', that implies there was no food in the house. Which is kind of weird unless he spent no time at home. Or ordered takeout, but only enough for him. Both of those have rather concerning implications.
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I'm just going to say that blame does not need to be entirely in one direction or the other.

Danny fucked up with neglect, while Taylor fucked up by being something of a dumbass.
With her knowledge of mineralogy she really should be looking for gems and precious metals. I'm pretty sure she can use them to jump several large steps in setting up her village. The number of people in Bet that would jump at the chance to start over in a new world with primative tech is probably pretty high.
What kind of baffles me is that 'forgot to ensure food for her', that implies there was no food in the house. Which is kind of weird unless he spent no time at home. Or ordered takeout, but only enough for him. Both of those have rather concerning implications.
It also implies that Taylor had Zero money and absolutely no way to contact any responsible adult. If a person of my acquaintance especially a minor were to contact me, that they have no food. I would provide food if I were able.
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What kind of baffles me is that 'forgot to ensure food for her', that implies there was no food in the house. Which is kind of weird unless he spent no time at home. Or ordered takeout, but only enough for him. Both of those have rather concerning implications.
We don't know what was going on but my guess was some kind of situation that had him staying out at the workplace constantly.
It also implies that Taylor had Zero money and absolutely no way to contact any responsible adult. If a person of my acquaintance especially a minor were to contact me, that they have no food. I would provide food if I were able.
Uh. Like who? Canon Taylor has zero adults she'd trust to appeal to except maybe Danny, and he's already failed this trial in setting up the situation...
The survivalist stuff does interest me. Although it's sounding a lot more "starting Minecraft" than the "starting Factorio" all the drones imply. Complete with the dirt hut. Does she even have a change of clothes?!

There's a bit of a weird schizo-tech divide going on. She's got drones with some variant of a ground-penetrating sensor, but she's figuring out if she can even create electricity and has basically no supplies. Oh, and she has transporters that let her access another entire Earth, which is why she needs supplies. Did she screw up her initial planning or something? Why can't Cauldron help her initially, at least more than they have? I feel like they'd have no real reason to honor the contract as long as Emma doesn't find out, especially since whatever remaining human instincts the members of Cauldron have seem to have been aimed at Taylor otherwise...

…Well, there was, but I was a long way away from building a terawatt-class fusion reactor and a planet-wide network of dimensional shroud emitters. I'd be space-capable before I reached that point, considering some of the requirements.
Must... not... drool... over... tech... tree...

This raises further questions over why she has so little help. We're talking Hero-tier here. Sneaking more supplies in or flat calling off the contract seems like a potential possibility to me.

Also, she doesn't know this, but she's making them a viable alternative to Doormaker and potentially all the Movers they need for Endbringer battles. Depending on whether her stuff still needs maintenance, one would think they'd be really grateful... and that's even if it is subject to normal tinkertech issues.
Assuming I didn't send her off the deep end with my villain persona and get her jailed for her actions. In which case she probably wouldn't be regretting the forcing me to be a villain part and be more wishing she'd chosen to go villain herself so she wouldn't have to care about PR or the real heroes looking over her shoulder. Either way was fine.
This seems perhaps too aware of Taylor at the moment. She's weirdly well adjusted and I'm not sure how she'd know this much about not only Ward PR, but how their ROEs are structured. Is this something Cauldron let her look up (maybe they are helping) or did she somehow know this?
"Well, I'm definitely not staying here anymore," I said, focusing on the bear-sized avianoid on a hillside half a mile away.
Do they have dragons?
Can they be tamed?

Forget bees, this could be awesome! :D
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Must... not... drool... over... tech... tree...

This raises further questions over why she has so little help. We're talking Hero-tier here. Sneaking more supplies in or flat calling off the contract seems like a potential possibility to me.
Taylor barely knows anything about her tech tree it seems, nobody else would have the least clue unless PtV is feeling particularly helpful.
So the idea that Taylor could have kept living at home, while going and sourcing food through other-than-legal means didn't occur to you? Well, it didn't occur to Taylor either. Which is how she got caught in the blizzard without shelter.
Presumably sourcing food via extralegal means would've required leaving the house regardless (Earth Bet in 2010 ain't got DoorDash), so if the situation's actually bad enough for her to risk the blizzard for food, I mean... I don't know if I'd call that teenage stupidity. Reckless maybe, but not stupid.

And admittedly yeah, after a parenting failure on that level trying to "well both sides" this feels a little disingenuous.
Presumably sourcing food via extralegal means would've required leaving the house regardless (Earth Bet in 2010 ain't got DoorDash), so if the situation's actually bad enough for her to risk the blizzard for food, I mean... I don't know if I'd call that teenage stupidity. Reckless maybe, but not stupid.

And admittedly yeah, after a parenting failure on that level trying to "well both sides" this feels a little disingenuous.
Leaving the house to go 'shopping' and abandoning the house are very different propositions though. Apparently Taylor decided to go for the latter...
She's dealing with the hurdle of having to work with only what she was able to make during her power testing at Cauldron. Most of her alloted time there went to making the interdimentional transport tech she's using, with what was left going to her tools, armor, and personal gadgets.

I think the oddest part for me though is that this isn't entirely accurate? Like, for today and maybe for a week or so she's stuck with what she made with Cauldron assets, but a key part of this premise is that she isn't actually starting from scratch on a new Earth, and will be and has to make regular trips back to Bet. The difference between "I can't do anything requiring electricity until I get my water wheel working to produce it" and "Also, I could buy or steal a desal generator to tide me over until then." She already made her first notoriety event by stealing food and basic survival supplies from what looked like a grocery supermarket, so hitting a sporting goods or military surplus store seems like a logical follow-up. Copper wire is a pain to make from scratch when you've got to make the tools to make the machines to make the copper, but is also available in bulk at most hardware stores.

It's a very strange mental disconnect I'm having. I can completely see the want to build up from nothing but the starting supplies in the style of so many survival games we've all enjoyed, but doing so while seemingly ignoring the easy access to modern tools and conveniences and supplies if just to skip the annoying setup steps feels insane when it's not a game but an actual matter of survival. For someone who apparently nearly died of starvation and then nearly died of exposure trying to do something about the first, risking death by exposure and foods of questionable edibility when you're not only being paid to commit certain types of crimes but also contractually obligated to seems a bit strange when said crime involves theft of things that would solve both the food and supply issues of starting a settlement in a new land.
Copper wire is a pain to make from scratch when you've got to make the tools to make the machines to make the copper, but is also available in bulk at most hardware stores.
Not to mention that she still has to insulate the wires afterwards.

I assume Taylor has 3 reasons for her behaviour, which limits the supply of Earth Beth materials.

Even with online shopping, her budget is limited. Her plan seems to be to steal not money but only goods. Which has the advantage of how the heroes will treat her.

When she goes out to steal something, she is limited to how much she can carry (with the help of her drones). Things like a diesel generator sound great but have the disadvantage that she has to carry both the generator and the fuel for it. And she's a 15-year-old malnourished girl.

And lastly, she has to rely on her signal beacons. Which are her secret trump card, which means no one is allowed to watch her use them. Furthermore, they are Tinkertech and need regular maintenance, which consumes daylight.

So, in summary, it is understandable that she wants to achieve as much as possible through self-sufficiency. Not to mention that if she is cut off from Earth Bet due to an emergency, she would be screwed if she relied on it too much.
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I'm just waiting until there's a food surplus and we get a villainous pop-up soup kitchen that they'll try to shut down.

The rant (and the soup) will be delicious.
Time Line Error Fix
Okay, I'd been drawing up a timeline to show how things got to where they are, including that Taylor had abandoned the house prior to the blizzard, when I realized I made a fairly large error. I had Cauldron first contact Taylor in mid-December, only about a week before she ran away from home. This is far too little time for everything, so it's being changed to from December 12th to November 12th so as to allow time for Cauldron's pre-vial tests, the results of which, like in Nemesis, could have influenced whether or not the contract went though if Tay wasn't desperate.
The survivalist stuff does interest me. Although it's sounding a lot more "starting Minecraft" than the "starting Factorio" all the drones imply. Complete with the dirt hut. Does she even have a change of clothes?!
Well, I did call them scanner drones when they introduced, not construction drones. And Taylor does, in fact, have a change of clothes. Winter clothes that'd been used as a second layer while she was on the streets.
There's a bit of a weird schizo-tech divide going on. She's got drones with some variant of a ground-penetrating sensor, but she's figuring out if she can even create electricity and has basically no supplies. Oh, and she has transporters that let her access another entire Earth, which is why she needs supplies. Did she screw up her initial planning or something? Why can't Cauldron help her initially, at least more than they have? I feel like they'd have no real reason to honor the contract as long as Emma doesn't find out, especially since whatever remaining human instincts the members of Cauldron have seem to have been aimed at Taylor otherwise...
Less schizo-tech and more resource limitations. As noted in the opening chapter, Cauldron's power testing had supplied her with enough of the materials she needed to build a handful of really advanced devices like her drones and recall anchor system, but what was left afterwards wasn't suitable for more than basic tools with the workshop available.

As for why Cauldron isn't helping her more, it's because they're already doing quite a bit. They aren't giving Taylor a free ride, but advice and paying her for building them a back-up for Doormaker go a long ways. Additionally, letting her build herself up, based on the profile they have of her, would help her feel accomplished. DM's manipulating her, and she's noticed.
Must... not... drool... over... tech... tree...

This raises further questions over why she has so little help. We're talking Hero-tier here. Sneaking more supplies in or flat calling off the contract seems like a potential possibility to me.

Also, she doesn't know this, but she's making them a viable alternative to Doormaker and potentially all the Movers they need for Endbringer battles. Depending on whether her stuff still needs maintenance, one would think they'd be really grateful... and that's even if it is subject to normal tinkertech issues.
Taylor barely knows anything about her tech tree it seems, nobody else would have the least clue unless PtV is feeling particularly helpful.
As Aineko surmised, Cauldron doesn't know about that stuff. And Taylor's not exactly keen on changing that. I'm not sure how well it's come across, but she doesn't trust them not to just snatch her and make her their pet tinker like the E88 would. So she's perfectly fine with trading what they already know about for more resources.
This seems perhaps too aware of Taylor at the moment. She's weirdly well adjusted and I'm not sure how she'd know this much about not only Ward PR, but how their ROEs are structured. Is this something Cauldron let her look up (maybe they are helping) or did she somehow know this?
It's a mixture of her knowing Emma, her own cape research (she canonically was a bit of a cape geek), and information gleaned from Cauldron.
Do they have dragons?
Can they be tamed?

Forget bees, this could be awesome!:D
As jaded as Taylor is, she wants to get away from Bet and a fresh start, not become Warlord of the Bay through the power of rampaging megafauna.
I think the oddest part for me though is that this isn't entirely accurate? Like, for today and maybe for a week or so she's stuck with what she made with Cauldron assets, but a key part of this premise is that she isn't actually starting from scratch on a new Earth, and will be and has to make regular trips back to Bet.
Which she's been stated to be planning? Her starting tools are a limiting factor she's well aware of and she explicitly stated that she needs to hit a hardware store to get power generation going so she can start on more advanced stuff. Much of what's going on right now is about securing her foothold and ensuring she can forage to supplement her stolen supplies until she has a stable food supply locally.
Y'know, a Nemesis Taylor that has to go hero where Sophia feeds info to a Villain Emma is something I haven't seen before.
And with the exception of Taylor going hero, it could very well happen in this fic. Well, the refugees she'll be getting would consider a hero, but she's too pissed off at Bet's authorities to be a cape hero.
I'm just waiting until there's a food surplus and we get a villainous pop-up soup kitchen that they'll try to shut down.

The rant (and the soup) will be delicious.
It's certainly something I'll consider! And it would be a good way for her to recruit once the ides of May comes around...
I can see a soup kitchen that the PRT tries to shut down, because it is offering "power-created" food, with "untested side-effects". Then the local homeless population gets even more resistant to local policing, which the PRT sees as a villainous plot.
Taylor really does need a recruit or few, sooner rather than later. All this work-to-be-done would be so much more manageable with extra pairs of hands around, not to mention having someone able to help of she gets hurt.
You know, I have to say how you are portraying Contessa here is different and amusingly refreshing.

Normally it's "Contessa is a big, bad operator who's an important cog in our secret illuminati" or "Contessa the troll". Here's it's "Contessa is the stay cat we adopted and love; even if we're exasperated by dead animals she leaves all over the place"
Er, I'm not sure what you mean? Taylor talks some about food basics and notes that she found a sugar source when looking for something more energy dense that could be used for bread making. It's not like I'm having her list off the specific micronutrients of what she's found...
To be fair I'm enjoying the survivalist deets personally. It really does sell where Taylor's brainspace is rn. She's food and survival focused, no doubt with echoes of her starvation and exposure pushing her mindset into that place of securing her means of living.
You know, I have to say how you are portraying Contessa here is different and amusingly refreshing.

Normally it's "Contessa is a big, bad operator who's an important cog in our secret illuminati" or "Contessa the troll". Here's it's "Contessa is the stay cat we adopted and love; even if we're exasperated by dead animals she leaves all over the place"
All three are probably true, but the third is more tactically appropriate to the situation.

Dr. Mother might be genuinely fond of Taylor (though that hasn't really had obvious development here) but she's also a Cauldron central player who wants to exploit Taylor's abilities. (Unlike Taylor I don't say that judgmentally, any sensible person would want to exploit Taylor's abilities.) And she's not remotely above being manipulative in service to that.
But do you know what's better than a fresh start?

A fresh start with rampaging megafauna!
Not when the rampage is going through your bedroom/larder/workshop/farm!
All three are probably true, but the third is more tactically appropriate to the situation.
Yeah, it's really just a matter of how you present things to someone who doesn't know about Contessa beyond her existing and being a Thinker.
Dr. Mother might be genuinely fond of Taylor (though that hasn't really had obvious development here) but she's also a Cauldron central player who wants to exploit Taylor's abilities. (Unlike Taylor I don't say that judgmentally, any sensible person would want to exploit Taylor's abilities.) And she's not remotely above being manipulative in service to that.
If she does care about Taylor (and I'm not sure either way), it is strictly secondary to her interest in our protagonist as a potential asset for Cauldron.
But that's why you tame them to go rampage on command!
And what do you think they'll be doing while you're trying to tame them? It's not like a game where you can tame an animal with a single action. This Taylor isn't any kind of Master either, so that's off the table.
I'd call that teenage stupidly, but apparently that bad leap of logic isn't actually exclusive to hungry adolescents.
Well, a great example of this is shopping while hungry, you're far more likely to buy extra when you're hungry than if you've eaten recently. This expands as you tend to be more impulsive towards things that fulfill that need. Of course, this applies to more than just food, but making good decisions when you're being distracted by things such as being very hungry is hard.

Here's it's "Contessa is the stay cat we adopted and love; even if we're exasperated by dead animals she leaves all over the place"
It's even better because she literally did that in the story already, with the flying rat thing on the Path To Better Coffee.