I think that prize goes to [PROTOTYPE], given how it's been trying to kill L33t.

That being said, I'm curious how the shards pulled off "creating" Taylor's shard given that she drank a vial. Her circumstances were certainly ripe for a tinker trigger anyways, and the Tinker 3 rating that Cauldron gave her seems off. The most interesting result would be if her multi-bud hijacked the connection to the dead shard, resurrected it, and are in the process of creating a new hub/entity since it isn't tied to [WARRIOR].

Didn't Dr. Mom state that she felt the PRT ratings were flawed when she gave Taylor her rating?

From my understanding it's just threat assessment for how they are to be approached, and see as how Taylor seems to have a long ramp up the rating makes sense to me.
I think that prize goes to [PROTOTYPE], given how it's been trying to kill L33t.

That being said, I'm curious how the shards pulled off "creating" Taylor's shard given that she drank a vial. Her circumstances were certainly ripe for a tinker trigger anyways, and the Tinker 3 rating that Cauldron gave her seems off. The most interesting result would be if her multi-bud hijacked the connection to the dead shard, resurrected it, and are in the process of creating a new hub/entity since it isn't tied to [WARRIOR].
Leet's Shard is a bit too dumb to have grasped the concept. I mean, its response to 'host isn't taking enough risks' was 'ensure he takes even fewer risks and take away his ability to refine his tech'. Which is to say, removing its own purpose.

And Taylor's Cauldron-assigned Tinker 3 rating is supposed to feel off. Part of it is that the system is a flawed threat assessment scheme that even Cauldron thinks is bad, and also how that's her initial rating based solely on what she made at Cauldron. Then there's the giant pile of hints we've been dropping about what her specialty is.

As for how Taylor's Shard is? This story is using the idea that the vials aren't all connecting to individual Shards, but are often mashing together bits of several different ones into a partial budding. [OVERSEER], the QA bud Taylor had picked up, ended up with fragments of four separate Eden Shards being basically thrown at it.
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Taylor has a Shard that, like [FRAGILE ONE], is a conglomeration of buds, centered on one from QA.

As for how Taylor's Shard is? This story is using the idea that the vials aren't all connecting to individual Shards, but are often mashing together bits of several different ones into a partial budding. [OVERSEER], the QA bud Taylor had picked up, ended up with fragments of four separate Eden Shards being basically thrown at it.
Oh my my! While QA might be the Best of Existing Shards, [OS] might be even better if it follows [FRAGILE ONE]'s enthusiasm in halping their host and keeps QA like of Best Host.
Pretty sure Taylor's Tinker Specialty is 'Interdimensional Colonization' and literally anything that can fall under such a massive category. Portals or Teleportation to find new dimensions? Check. Bootstrapping civilization from the ground up to build a colony? Check. Drones to explore the new worlds with? Check. Weapons to ensure the safety of the people in the colony? Probably also gonna be a check. Terraforming and Genetic Engineering to help stabilize or adapt ecosystems for colonization? I'm betting yes. Assuming I'm right on the specialty, at least.

Also willing to bet that [OVERSEER] loves Taylor as much as [FRAGILE ONE] does Victoria, since Taylor is already using it extensively and creatively both in and out of conflict... also, she brought gifts when she 'Triggered', and everyone knows the best way to a child's heart is through their stomach! (Seriously though, [OS] must love Taylor. She literally fed it a bunch of Shard fragments, allowing it to grow massively, the moment it properly connected to her. Best!Host!)

No, unfortunately for QA/Taylor shippers, the Administrator is with Danny. And is probably the first Shard to have learnt 'regret'.

(Never did I think that DATA could be worse than no DATA. Truly, this is the worst Cycle.)
~ Lamentations of an Administrative Queen, Part One​
Pretty sure Taylor's Tinker Specialty is 'Interdimensional Colonization' and literally anything that can fall under such a massive category. Portals or Teleportation to find new dimensions? Check. Bootstrapping civilization from the ground up to build a colony? Check. Drones to explore the new worlds with? Check. Weapons to ensure the safety of the people in the colony? Probably also gonna be a check. Terraforming and Genetic Engineering to help stabilize or adapt ecosystems for colonization? I'm betting yes. Assuming I'm right on the specialty, at least.
This is so, so, close. So close, even, that you brushed up against it in this very post.
Also willing to bet that [OVERSEER] loves Taylor as much as [FRAGILE ONE] does Victoria, since Taylor is already using it extensively and creatively both in and out of conflict... also, she brought gifts when she 'Triggered', and everyone knows the best way to a child's heart is through their stomach! (Seriously though, [OS] must love Taylor. She literally fed it a bunch of Shard fragments, allowing it to grow massively, the moment it properly connected to her. Best!Host!)
[OVERSEER] is, to put it mildly, quite happy with its host. A bit impatient to get to the large-scale projects, but pleased about [BEST HOST] generally. Especially with how she found them a whole new world to work with, posing many challenges while not having to waste resources rebuilding from a war of conquest. Or fighting said war of conquest, especially since there's already so many other Shards getting similar Host Data.
(Never did I think that DATA could be worse than no DATA. Truly, this is the worst Cycle.)
~ Lamentations of an Administrative Queen, Part One
Heh, sounds legit.
As an unrepentant QA/Taylor shipper I say QA teams up with Leet's Shard and they cooperate to get better hosts.
...And now you've given me the mental image of the two Shards bonding over the experience, hooking up, and making baby Shards together. All of which go to Taylor's future kids.
more got over focused on being able to provide for Taylor to the complete neglect of actually caring for her. Which is honestly worse.
It's absolutely worse, while I sympathize, people who have the ability and resources to take care of obligations but refuse/neglect to are some of my least favorite people out there.

To the later discussion on shard stuff, is there any chance in the future (I'm talking at least a couple of months in the story) we could get an interlude of [OVERSEER]'s perspective and thoughts (to the degree shards are capable of them at least) I'm asking for it be after some time has passed so there's actually content to write. Still, I'm interested in it's take after some of the more basic setup stuff is over with.

As an avid QA/Taylor shipper, I'm a little dismayed QA will not be making an appearance with Taylor, I hold hope for [OVERSEER]'s future.
Leet's Shard is a bit too dumb to have grasped the concept. I mean, its response to 'host isn't taking enough risks' was 'ensure he takes even fewer risks and take away his ability to refine his tech'. Which is to say, removing its own purpose.

Mauling Snarks, Chapter 65

Legion's been with the Protectorate since August 2010, about five months before the story starts.

Okay, wow. Something horrible enough to cause Danny to Trigger happens and TAYLOR is clueless about it? There's some pretty epic failures on both sides going on and at this point I have to assume it's because of Contessa's Perfect Coffee Path.

Just because PtV can't predict Triggers accurately, doesn't mean it can't put the pieces it wants on the board.
taylord shard, im hesitating between calling it interdimensional exploration/colonisation, or the entities emergency survival kit, with a bit of everything to build themselves back up from base resources. either way im getting survival game flashbacks(factorio, minecraft etc.) from her powers progression, which cauldron let her temporarily jumpstart with the recall beacon
I think the fact Danny had a trigger event (assuming he isn't another cauldron cape but that's highly unlikely) does put some things in perspective. It's going to be interesting to see how it unfolds, but I think it's going to be more interesting than just a neglectful workaholic.
Oh no, its worse. Danny never once forgot about Taylor, his entire motivation was ensuring he could provide for her needs and make the city safer for her. The problem lays in that he completely lost sight of actually providing for her. And has utterly failed to realize that. Not even after coming home the day after Christmas to find her gone. And remember, he thinks she left with the food, not ran out.


Less 'dicking around on the Rig' and more got over focused on being able to provide for Taylor to the complete neglect of actually caring for her. Which is honestly worse.

So I just had a thought. There is no way the PRT/Protectorate doesn't know that Danny has a daughter right? They had to have looked into his history and family when he went to sign up. That means at the very least his superiors in the PRT and Protectorate should know about Taylor. And unless he's a Noctis cape that means he's been sleeping on the Rig which should have drawn attention at least from someone like Miss Militia but apparently, nobody thought to ask him why he wasn't spending any time with his daughter.
Yeah, so right now instead of being mad at Danny, I'm mad at his coworkers for failing to get him the help that he clearly needs, or indeed notice that a problem exists. Sure, the capes have the excuse of also being very fucked up people, but the others do not have that.
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Oddly Polite Villain
►SeemsPhishyToMe (Verified Not A Fish)
Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Wow, even for non-cape robbers that's polite. I've worked retail before, being able to just call up and report stolen merchandise rather than that the entire front of the store needs to be replaced must be a nice change of pace! Loss Prevention probably wouldn't even mind considering the other option.

New Ward
Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Sure the dress is simple but at least her costume has some armor? Not that it is necessarily actually functional rather than just ornamental. I know Wards aren't supposed to get in fights, but having so little armor always worried me, the local gangs aren't exactly paragons of reasoning. If they're going to do patrols why not give them useful gear rather than comic book uniforms?

Not sure about the tiara though. I always thought Glory Girl's was silly, Zenith's has not changed my mind.
… is the specialty terraforming
If not someone else will figure it out

I'd guess bootstrapping. Maybe rebuilding/building a civilization from the ground up? Without even seeming to mean to, she's automatically planning to make a village and eventually an actual city filled with people, even though most Taylors are a bit anti-social. Overseer might have originally been meant as something like a leader or cooperation power and it combined with tinkery shards, so it jumped to civilization, which is pretty much the largest cooperative human activity.
Okay, wow. Something horrible enough to cause Danny to Trigger happens and TAYLOR is clueless about it? There's some pretty epic failures on both sides going on and at this point I have to assume it's because of Contessa's Perfect Coffee Path.

Just because PtV can't predict Triggers accurately, doesn't mean it can't put the pieces it wants on the board.
How, exactly, would Taylor have found out? She was busy dealing with the endless shit show that was school at the time, and Danny/parents are pretty good at keeping shit hidden from children, to the point there is a question if she knows he no longer works at his former job.

Like, for context, the first I discovered about my Mom's cancer diagnosis was 2 months before she died.
I'm forgetting some of the buildup/background at the start, but Taylor's shard sounds suspiciously like Alan Gramme/Sphere/Mannequin's shard. At least before he got Simurgh'ed. Is he still around in this fic?
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I'm forgetting some of the buildup/background at the start, but Taylor's shard sounds suspiciously like Alan Gramme/Sphere/Mannequin's shard. Is he still around in this fic?
Sphere was a natural Trigger and is still currently Mannequin. Taylor's empowered by a QA bud that thinks the Cauldron vial she took was yummy.
I'm forgetting some of the buildup/background at the start, but Taylor's shard sounds suspiciously like Alan Gramme/Sphere/Mannequin's shard. At least before he got Simurgh'ed. Is he still around in this fic?
Sphere's shard dealt with self-contained ecosystems, which is great for establishing small colonies in inhospitable environments. His power would be more useful than Taylor's on a Earth that lacked a proper atmosphere or in establishing a quarantine in a viral outbreak, but would be difficult to scale the way Taylor's power will.