Fun PHO interlude, but …

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And we have a winner! Your prize, comrade: 🍪

*Nom nom nom*

Actually starting out on a blank canvas virgin Earth with that sort of power must be making her shard dance in glee. It's the closest thing they can get to actually starting with two rocks and a stick they can. That it let's Taylor speed up the development to build the civilization within a lifetime makes it great too.

Edit: fixed typos
Sphere was a natural Trigger and is still currently Mannequin. Taylor's empowered by a QA bud that thinks the Cauldron vial she took was yummy.

So Taylor has QA micromanagement capabilities attached to Eden's version of the Helm Core, and is currently playing Civilization with no opponents and a perfect starting location.

I guess Taylor's power testing and questions afterward led to Contessa adding "Path to a Backup Plan" to her list. Probably the most sensible thing she's done.
I'm somewhat sympathetic to Legion

The thing y'all need to remember about parahumans is they're all fundamentally disturbed people. Even if Danny didn't get a power that screws with his perceptions or emotions, he still broke even worse than he did in canon. This isn't just a man with a stable job, this is a man with severe and largely untreatable mental illness.

Really it's more the PRTs fault for keeping up the masquerade that "heroes" are paragons of humanity and trying to keep trigger events and trauma secret. It's like with New Wave - 2nd gen capes triggering easier is a myth, they just neglected and abused their children into having trigger events.

Parahumans make bad parents, especially single parents.
If he triggered because he was failing to provide due to the DWU being worse off than canon, that may have developed into a fixation with his screwed up interpretation of being a provider as explained by Sandy. Trigger trauma plus shard mental influences, if any, could make it even worse. That may even fit into his power: not enough hours in the day or hands to do it leads to a power making more of him to get things done and a drive to work constantly.

edit: left a word out
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YuffieK said:
What the Hell caused Danny's Trigger though? It had to be worse than Annette's death, so possibly the neglect came beforehand?

Danny, overworked and barely cognizant, finally comes home from the Docks Christmas Eve to an empty house with no food and no Taylor and THEN Triggers. Taylor becomes a runaway/missing persons case without anyone from the PRT immediately realizing just how badly Danny dropped the ball.
According to the chapter, though, Danny joined the Protectorate much earlier than that, unless I'm getting the timeline very wrong?

The relevant bit:
Sandy River DL said:
Leaning against the wall opposite the door was the lanky armor-plated form of Legion, who'd joined up around the same time the PRT'd press-ganged Sophia.

ShiftingSandLand said:
I'm uncertain if i'm mixing things up here, but didn't Taylor suffer through a freezing cold (I think a blizzard) without heat? That reeks of either repairs being necessary (which Taylor might have had no way to get into contact) or the power bill didn't get paid.
IIRC, that was after she ran away.

Ah, from Neolithic I:
Sandy River DL said:
A tropical hideout was a tropical hideout, regardless of what I'm doing there, and far superior to the blizzard ravaged streets I'd been rescued from yesterday.

Sandy River DL said:
That was the result of a bad decision on Taylor's part. Namely, abandoning the house instead of returning after finding more food.
Ah, thanks for the confirmation.

Of course, if she hadn't Cauldron would need to pull her out of the jail cell she landed in for stabbing Danny thirty-seven times with a kitchen knife...
...Oooookay, wow, that is significantly worse than I'd previosly thought the situation was, and that was still pretty bad. Yeah, good thing she got out when she did.

Sandy River DL said:
Legion's been with the Protectorate since August 2010, about five months before the story starts.
Ah, and for that confirmation as well; thanks!
And for the other information in that post!

While Taylor's not going to learn about Danny being a cape for another few months, shit's gonna hit the fan for him a fair bit sooner.
Makes sense. After all, Taylor is presumably not at all interested in trying to track Danny down, while Danny and his coworkers are quite interested in finding out what happened to her. And they don't even need to get to the point of "She's that new homeless villain" for it to start looking like Danny badly messed up.

outwrangle said:
Parahumans make bad parents, especially single parents.
The thing is, though, this is surely a potential issues the Protectorate itself is aware of, behind the public PR. And even if one models them as completely self-interested and callous, given how much of a vulnerability a family could be (including to said PR), it seems unlikely they didn't try to offer help here. Since help didn't come, that suggests to me that Danny actively turned it away.

...Hm. I suppose it could be a Cauldron plot, precog leading them to turn official help away from Danny before they even knew why, but apart from something like that...

Sandy River DL said:
Ah, thanks.

Set-piece basically means she views Emily as part of the background rather than a distinct person.
Ahh, thanks.

And speaking of developments, what do people think of what Emma's up to?
Hm. I think, IIRC, it was basically the sort of thing I expected? Some variety in detail and neither in them or in whole badly done, but not striking me as all that remarkable, either, at least in comparison to the thing with Danny.

I think the information on how the Heroes handle stealing-to-survive villains was more remarkable (It makes sense, but it's not something I'd thought of ahead of time, nor do I think I'd have been much surprised if they hadn't had a light-touch policy there. I mean, I think the light-touch policy is a better idea than its absence here, but the Heroes in Wormfic are not noted for always only having good ideas. :D), though, you know, still kind of paling next to the Danny thing, sorry.

Oh, though, looking back, I did think of a comment on one thing regarding Emma: when she's deciding to follow Legion or not, she compares her power and his with an eye towards whether she could beat him in a fight or not. The fact that Legion's been an officially-sanction Hero for months now, and that this is taking place inside the PRT headquarters, wasn't mentioned at all in her consideration. That seems to me like it says something about how much she trusts the people she's in theory on the same side as, and might say something about her views of what it is to be a hero in general.

That means we also did a good job of making him human, and not one of Wildbow's Randian caricatures.
Oh, yeah, he's not cacklingly evil or anything, and I think the reason he did what he did, as I understand it, is understandable. It is still the case, though, that he messed up so badly that Taylor's only alive right now because of the particular form someone else's active attempt to abuse her took.

Well, as the saying goes, 'it's always darkest before the Dawn'.
I mean, yeah. Taylor's life on Bet pre-powers may have been worse, but Skitter didn't get a whole other planet to herself pretty much right away. :D

Sandy River DL said:
A bit impatient to get to the large-scale projects, but pleased about [BEST HOST] generally.
And since [OVERSEER] is not as dumb as Leet's shard, presumably it will respond to that by helping her get to the large-scale projects.
So Taylor has QA micromanagement capabilities attached to Eden's version of the Helm Core, and is currently playing Civilization with no opponents and a perfect starting location.

I guess Taylor's power testing and questions afterward led to Contessa adding "Path to a Backup Plan" to her list. Probably the most sensible thing she's done.
No idea what a Helm Core is, but Cauldron hasn't realized that they've produced a Tinker that makes Hero and Sphere look like children playing with Legos. The recall anchors are useful to them, which is why DM made arraignments with Tay to make more for their use, but she's empowered by a 'mid-tier' Tinker vial, so she can't have that much of interest available to her...
...Oooookay, wow, that is significantly worse than I'd previosly thought the situation was, and that was still pretty bad. Yeah, good thing she got out when she did.
Absent for almost four weeks, including missing Christmas, and then shows up overnight asking what happened to all the food? In a way that implies she did something wrong? Yeah, Taylor would not take that well, especially with all her other stressors.
The thing is, though, this is surely a potential issues the Protectorate itself is aware of, behind the public PR. And even if one models them as completely self-interested and callous, given how much of a vulnerability a family could be (including to said PR), it seems unlikely they didn't try to offer help here. Since help didn't come, that suggests to me that Danny actively turned it away.

...Hm. I suppose it could be a Cauldron plot, precog leading them to turn official help away from Danny before they even knew why, but apart from something like that...
More along the lines of handling Danny like they handle Dauntless, expecting him to be an adult who can handle his family life on his own without hand-holding. So they believed him when he told them that he could be on-call for a few weeks without issue. And Cauldron cleaning up after Emma for blackmail purposes incidentally got rid of a few critical indicators of Danny being neglectful.
Hm. I think, IIRC, it was basically the sort of thing I expected? Some variety in detail and neither in them or in whole badly done, but not striking me as all that remarkable, either, at least in comparison to the thing with Danny.
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.

She's a little shit, yeah, but I couldn't take her megalomania seriously considering there is a Gallant on the team who would pick up the sheer transactionalism of her trying to 'steal' him from Glory Girl, and if she's not competent enough to know when stealing a boyfriend is doomed to fail, all I imagine her moonlighting as a warlord would end with is a Tinker tranq in her butt in the middle of an evil monologue.
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.

Probably because it's impossible to take Emma seriously when we all have the meta knowledge of how far Taylor can and will go.

Sure she's a blaster, but you've got Taylor 'I can create a control group civilization for funsies' on the other side, not even getting into the fact that she's in the classic big fish-little pond to little fish-big pond situation in regards to the Wards.

I wouldn't be surprised if she manages to tick off Sophia somehow by the end of this.
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.

I honestly don't see that from the interlude? I went back and re-read through it, and I still don't see it.

That said, like other folks, I can't take the idea of Emma trying to become any kind of warlord seriously. She's able to control high schoolers, but as the low girl on the totem pole in the wards, she's already rubbing up against the other members in such a way that they're not going to go along with her plans. If she wanted to social fu her way into things, then she should be a whole lot nicer to her new teammates.
She's a little shit, yeah, but I couldn't take her megalomania seriously considering there is a Gallant on the team who would pick up the sheer transactionalism of her trying to 'steal' him from Glory Girl, and if she's not competent enough to know when stealing a boyfriend is doomed to fail, all I imagine her moonlighting as a warlord would end with is a Tinker tranq in her butt in the middle of an evil monologue.
I would not trust the guy who thought a girl resenting him was actually crushing on him to recognize that the megalomaniac is only interested in having a boytoy. She also isn't planning on just going up to him and saying 'date me instead of Vicky', but drawing him into her way of thinking before picking him up after Vicky dumps him.

And her plan isn't 'have a separate villain persona'. She intends to build an actual power base as a Ward.
Wait, Emma is planning to do what!
And here I thought that she was just going for the same setup as she had going for her in Winslow
But then, Haven didn't have any local branches and she wasn't about to abandon her future domain just for a less annoying team. Especially since Haven was far too large for her to turn to her own ends.
There's a few others earlier in the Interlude, but this is the most blatant.
Probably because it's impossible to take Emma seriously when we all have the meta knowledge of how far Taylor can and will go.

Sure she's a blaster, but you've got Taylor 'I can create a control group civilization for funsies' on the other side, not even getting into the fact that she's in the classic big fish-little pond to little fish-big pond situation in regards to the Wards.

I wouldn't be surprised if she manages to tick off Sophia somehow by the end of this.
On the other hand, Taylor's not aiming to destroy Emma. Her endgame is having a more-or-less self sufficient settlement on Tǩóymos and depriving her former friend of any glory from beating her under the contract. Foiling a plot she isn't even aware of isn't on the agenda.

As for Emma and the Wards? This Emma may not be as smart as Taylor, but she's also not the socially skilled dumbass she counterpart in Nemesis is. Will she succeed in turning the Wards? Stick around to find out.
Holy shit that is broken as hell.

Well at least anyone who goofs from here on out can reassure themselves that didn't dun goofed as bad as Emma Barnes.
Broken? Dear sir, I can assure you that it's perfectly balanced and exploit-free. Using Taylor's power requires a fair amount of grinding for resources to fuel bootstrapping loops and she has Yorkshire tea! There's no way this is overpowered and game breaking, TheSpiffingBrit told me so!
No idea what a Helm Core is

It's a BattleTech reference. The Helm Core, named for the planet it was found on, was basically a data store that held a bunch of LosTech that ended up being used to help restore tech (kinda) to a very war torn Inner Sphere, as they'd only witching the last couple decades finished with the Third Succession War. The first two had nukes and bio weapons being thrown around like candy, and the third was basically just a slow boil conflict w/ border wars because they'd massively destroyed the infrastructure and production capabilities of the Inner Sphere.

Oddly Polite New Villain

Well then, I hope they get in a better situation soon, turning to villainy is probably the worst thing you can do I feel.

But I'm also in a better-ish position, so what do I know.

Empire Activity at 3rd and Bay Road

Right, I guess Imma get in my bunker (not that I actually have one but the basement works.) as there's now fire goin' all over the place.

I'll give an update if I can get out unscathed.
I would not trust the guy who thought a girl resenting him was actually crushing on him to recognize that the megalomaniac is only interested in having a boytoy. She also isn't planning on just going up to him and saying 'date me instead of Vicky', but drawing him into her way of thinking before picking him up after Vicky dumps him.

And her plan isn't 'have a separate villain persona'. She intends to build an actual power base as a Ward.

There's a few others earlier in the Interlude, but this is the most blatant.

On the other hand, Taylor's not aiming to destroy Emma. Her endgame is having a more-or-less self sufficient settlement on Tǩóymos and depriving her former friend of any glory from beating her under the contract. Foiling a plot she isn't even aware of isn't on the agenda.

As for Emma and the Wards? This Emma may not be as smart as Taylor, but she's also not the socially skilled dumbass she counterpart in Nemesis is. Will she succeed in turning the Wards? Stick around to find out.

...Now all I can think about is Emma taking over the bay, only to be really confused and pissed off when there's no one left in it because they all signed on with Taylor for a permanent tropical vacation
Broken? Dear sir, I can assure you that it's perfectly balanced and exploit-free. Using Taylor's power requires a fair amount of grinding for resources to fuel bootstrapping loops and she has Yorkshire tea! There's no way this is overpowered and game breaking, TheSpiffingBrit told me so!
Is it Factorio time? I think it's Factorio time.

We're off to industrialize the planet, the wonderful planet of notour!Earth!
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.
Well, honestly... her scheme is so tangential to Taylor's current character trajectory that outside the Nemesis contract it's basically irrelevant. Taylor's entire plan is to survive the contract without getting captured, then retire to her tropical hot springs resort / doom factory with a select group of easily-flustered lesbians and tend her garden. Yeah, Emma's planning to take over Brockton Bay and she might even succeed (Press X to doubt.) but that's not Taylor's problem. This particular iteration of Taylor hasn't shown any sort of heroic impulse or sentiment towards her home town that would lead her to care whether or not Emma Barnes rules it. Hell, she might even think that the iron fist of Regina George is what the city deserves!

The Danny thing is more interesting because it explains a) what the hell was going on that brought Taylor into this situation, b) showcases his total and ongoing failure as a parent, and c) actually adds a narrative hook to keep Taylor directly antagonistic with the Protectorate. Emma's a nuisance outside of her Cauldron obligations; Danny is somebody she has every right to hate and is more likely to come after him with intent to maim once she puts it together.
Emma's a nuisance outside of her Cauldron obligations; Danny is somebody she has every right to hate and is more likely to come after him with intent to maim once she puts it together.
Be funny as hell to have a scene where Emma lays into Danny about how Hausōs is her Nemesis and he should quit poaching, followed by an angry phone call to Doctor Mother about the whole thing.

Emily Piggot set down the report of the ... interaction. Witnessed by four PRT uniforms, a PRT detective, and what looked like half of the Wards Support team. Then set down her coffee mug. Pinched the bridge of her nose. Inhaled. Sighed out a long, long, exasperated breath. "Even for a cape, this one sets new standards for being nuttier than squirrel-shit."
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Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.

Its a combination of metaknowledge, how she's portrait (Vista coining her as a Brandish Expy, or as a nutter) and her presumed power.

It feels like background noise, since from what we 'know' Emma has nothing to build on, and even if she somehow ends up succeeding, it still wouldn't actually matter: They both have entirely different goals, win conditions, and scale, without the shenanigans of Canon, the Bay is just a dead end.

Infact their 'domains' reflect their powers: The Bay had already peaked, while Tay has barely begun to tap into hers.
Would've thought that Emma planning to leverage her position in the Wards into becoming warlord of the Bay would be of more interest... Ah well.
If she actually had any chance at it, then it would be. However she isn't the first child with plans for "World Domination" and she has definitely not put in the time or effort needed to even begin doing anything actually necessary for it.
I maybe give her a 1% chance to succed when she manages to turn the current wards into her minions and has the patience to wait till they all graduated to the proctorate.Only to have her torn apart by the villains.5 minutes with TT and she is a sobbing wreck.
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I maybe give her a 1% chance to succed when she manages to turn the current wards into her minions and has the patience to wait till they all graduated to the proctorate.Only to have her torn apart by the villains.5 minutes with TT and she is a sobbing wreck.

Nah, I can see her become Warlord over ALL THAT REMAINS OF BROCKTON BAY (yes, capitalization was needed here). When Levi has passed through and everyone else has left