[X] What questions, comments, or concerns do you have regarding your Projection attempts?
-[X] Ask if it's possible for her to Trace some of Archer's more destructive arrows (AKA Noble Phantasms).
[X] Change perspectives to Archer
When Archer returns, some twenty minutes later exactly as you had predicted, what you have to show to him is... Perhaps not your most promising work. You have three arrows which you would consider to be above a passable level, along with four that aren't quite up to the standards of a reasonable person. Still, you have seven examples to show to Archer, and that seems to be enough for him.
"I'm impressed," he says, examining your best three with a keen eye, as he puts them through a series of small tests of straightness and flexibility, as well as testing the sharpness of the arrowhead. "I'll admit, I had my doubts after seeing how long it took you to get a hang of the fundamentals. But these three are really good."
"However," you don't like the tone that his voice takes as he hands the arrows back to you. "Three out of seven isn't good enough. On the battlefield, your enemies won't give you enough time to crank arrows out at your leisure. Each one has to always be as good as these three, every single time."
"Do it again."
You close your eyes and concentrate, focusing your mind on the image of Madoka that you keep with you always. In the hall of darkened and sorrowful memories that is your inner mind, that image of Madoka, heroic and triumphant, is like a warm light whose radiance washes over you every time you remember it. You channel its warmth into your hand as you chant Archer's mantra, allowing your mana to give shape to the image in your mind.
This time, "Five out of six. That's much better than three out of seven. You're improving. But," you know what Archer is going to say next. "It's still not quite good enough."
"But it is a start." This time, Archer has managed to surprise you. "Five out of six isn't good enough for combat, but it is good enough for target practice. Come on, let's get you onto the range and working on your basic forms. You'll be able to improve your arrows in real-time while you get a feel for what combat archery is like."
"You were a little bit high that time, master. Try aiming lower."
"There we go; that's much better. Now just hold that form and try again."
Archer, now that Homura is progressing in her Magecraft, basic as it is, perhaps you should help identify her Element and Origin? It may or may not prove useful in her future (and current) endeavors in Magecraft, and perhaps Projection if her Element and/or Origin are up to snuff.
As it turns out, your master is a natural at the archery range. With only minimal instruction from you, she assumes the form of a seasoned veteran. Her accuracy isn't perfect, but the fact that she has her forms down and can actually hit a target is well above what you had expected.
Your name is Emiya Shirou, and watching your master on the makeshift archery range takes you back to your days at the archery club. You chuckle to yourself, finally realizing the giant joke that Fate has played on you. "Homurahara... Man, if that wasn't foreshadowing, then I don't know what is."
Your master breaks from her practice and turns to you. "Did you need something, Archer?"
"No," you reply. "Just thinking back to my youth, that's all." Your master shrugs, resuming her practice.
You watch carefully as your master traces her newest arrow. The projectile cracks with arcs of amethyst mana as she draws back the string of her bow, taking aim. Thus far, your master has maintained about an eighty-five percent success rate for Projecting quality arrows, but it seems that this most recent one has drawn the short straw. Almost like watching film in slow motion - or perhaps a memory of your younger days - the intensity of the arcs increases ever so slightly, and before you have a chance to say "Watch out!" the arrow splinters in your master's grasp. For a brief moment, you can see the thin outline of an arrow comprised entirely of mana resting on the bow, but it vanishes the instant your master pulls her hand away.
"Are you alright?" Your master turns back to you as you approach her. Several fingers of her right hand are stuck with shards of fragmented arrow.
"I'm fine," your master replies, picking the shards of wood from her first two fingers as though she's oblivious to the pain. "I can keep going."
"Actually, this seems like a good time to break for lunch. I know you're eager to get as much practice in as possible, but it's important that you keep up your strength. Battles can't be fought on an empty stomach." You think back to your 'employer's words, and hastily add "And, there's something I'd like to get to the bottom of."
Lunch is little more than the lunch Archer had initially prepared for you at the beginning of the day. Which isn't to say that you are complaining; far from it, but you could have gone without eating for one day if it meant getting additional time to practice. The injury to your fingers is little more than a temporary inconvenience, but your servant was insistent.
Your name is Akemi Homura. You have finished your meal, set aside your chopsticks and packed up the empty box, and now it is time to find out what Archer needed to "get to the bottom of". So you ask.
"I'm curious to find out what your Element and your Origin are, and what impact they might have on your Projection magecraft." You stare awkwardly at Archer, having not the faintest idea what he just said. Thankfully, Archer picks up on your confusion, and elaborates without needed to be prompted.
"You see, every person has what's called an 'Element' and an 'Origin'. For those of us who are capable of practicing magecraft, our Element and Origin play a significant part in determining what kind of magecraft we're able to practice. For example, my Element and Origin are both 'Sword'. Having such a limited Element and Origin severely limited my abilities as a mage, which is why I can only do one thing. But, it's also been something of a blessing, because it enables me to do that one thing better than anybody else."
Okay, so you understand the basic concept of what Archer is trying to lay out, but "What kind of element is 'sword'?"
Archer has to suppress a chuckle. "You catch on quick. Usually, a mage's Element is confined to one or more of the five classical elements, like water or wind, but there are rare cases of a mage having an Element that's more... Out there, I guess you would say. It's exceptionally rare, but it does happen. Mine just happens to be one of those rare instances."
"Lucky you," you reply. Archer, mage, and hero; it's no wonder that your servant is one of the exceptional cases. You doubt he would have become a hero otherwise. But there's nothing exceptional about yourself; your exceptional failure notwithstanding. Given your name, you would hazard a guess that fire is your Element. "So, how does one go about determining their Element and Origin?"
"Well, it's been awhile, so forgive me if my memory isn't the greatest. But, if you'll trust me with your Soul Gem, I can do my best to think of what my own teacher would have done."
Somewhat hesitantly, you hand the gem over to Archer. He takes it into his hands gently, staring at the jewel with a look of contemplation on his face. He zones out for a good few seconds, and when he returns, all he can say is "Well, that's certainly... Interesting."
"What is?"
"You are." realizing that his statement requires further elaboration, he adds "It seems that you've got quite the unusual Element as well, master. I don't think I've ever met anyone before who had 'Love' as their Element. What's more, you appear to have a dual Origin."
You'll save your questions about what it means to have 'Love' as an Element for later. Right now, there's another question on your mind. "A dual Origin? What does that mean?"
"Usually, a mage's Element only indicates their general alignment. It's their Origin that informs them of the more precise details of their lives. It comes directly from the source of a mage's existence and is responsible for directing the course that their life will take. But occasionally, there are some that have two Origins."
"But occasionally, there are some that have two Origins."
Your name is Emiya Shirou, and your master is one of the occasion. "So, what are they?" she asks.
A most curious pair of things, the "Limitation and Perseverance" that make up her dual Origin. You can't say that you've ever seen anything quite like it before.
"And, taken all together, what does all of this mean for me? What does it mean to have an Element of Love, and a 'dual Origin' of Limitation and Perseverance? Does this help me at all with what I'm trying to accomplish, or is it a hindrance?"
"There are plenty of ways in which your Element and Origin can and probably will hinder you. For example, having an Origin of Limitation would almost certainly prohibit you from effectively practicing Alteration magecraft. However, for what you're trying to accomplish, I think it should benefit you. Having Perseverance as an Origin should mean that the things you Project should last longer than those of a normal mage." So far, so good; your master seems to appreciate that bit of news.
"Can I assume that you're still thinking about Madoka when you perform a Projection?" Your master nods as you ask your question. "That's good. Thanks to your Element, thinking about or doing things in relation to love can be used to strengthen your magecraft. What's more - and I'm not saying you
should try this - but with the proper tutelage, you could probably make a mean love potion."
However, based on what you've seen previously, there is a problem with your master using thoughts of her loved one to support her magecraft. You remember being her age, and how the mundane objects which you practiced your Reinforcement on would shatter in your hand. It was only thanks to Rin that you were able to figure out what you were doing wrong, and hopefully, with your similar tutelage, you can stop your master from making a similar mistake altogether.
"If possible though, you should try to dial your thoughts of Madoka down to only what you need to perform a Projection. If I'm right, and I'm pretty sure that I am, the reason your previous arrow exploded was because you overclocked on the love thoughts, and reinforced the arrow beyond what the materials could support. It's a rookie mistake, but that's perfectly okay."
You smile, and give your master a pat on the shoulder. "Okay, you've been a great student so far, but we've only got time for one last question, and then we need to get you back to practicing."
You're sure your master still has many questions remaining, and in the spirit of being a good teacher you would rather take the time to answer any questions she might have. But she was the one who insisted on a single-day crunch, and so you're going to do everything in your power to see to it that she succeeds in the time she's given herself. But the question she asks you isn't one you had been expecting. "I've seen use use swords as projectile weapons before. They're vastly more powerful than this basic arrow you have me practicing on. Once I've mastered these, would it be possible for you to teach me how to do what you do, and Project something stronger, like a larger arrow, or one of your swords?"
You shake your head, as images of the hill of endless swords race past your mind's eye. "No," you're forced to reply. "While it would be technically possible, it wouldn't be realistically practical for you to attempt to learn in the time between now and
Walpurgisnacht. As for myself, it's only something that I'm able to do thanks to my shared Element and Origin. For anyone else, the amount of practical experience, mana, and various other factors just wouldn't make it a worthwhile use of time."
Your master nods, understanding even when she may not want to accept your answer, and silently resumes her practice, the only sounds between you being the
*thunk* of her arrows hitting the target, and your occasional guidance of her aim.
[ ] Wat do?