[X] Finish eating with everyone. Make sure they exchanged contact info in case Kyoko wants to join in on another outing.
-[X] If it is just about dusk, ask if anyone wants to make it a sleepover.
-[X] If there is still time in the day, wait until everyone says their goodbyes before contacting Mami telepathically about spending some time coordinating their fighting styles if she's up for it.
Dinner has grown cold by the time everyone has finished chatting, yet the six of you still finish all you were given. Satisfied, you set your emptied bowl down among the others. Archer comes to collect the dirty dishes a few moments later, looking to Sayaka and Kyouko as he says "There's some leftovers in the fridge if either of you want it." The two eagerly nod their heads as Archer leaves with the dirty dishes.
"Man, I'm stuffed!" Sayaka exclaims, almost causing Hitomi to fall from her seat as her stretching encroaches upon Hitomi's personal space.
"You said it blueberry." Kyouko licks her lips clean of any last specs of food, returning to her reclined position. "I tell ya spooky, that man can
cook. You really lucked out with him, ya know?" Awkward stares from Sayaka and Hitomi make their way to Kyouko, and Madoka holds you just a little bit tighter. Kyouko, sensing their change in demeanor towards her, responds with "What?"
Knowing what happened to her family, you aren't going to try attempting to one-up her, and so you say nothing. Madoka, Sayaka, and Hitomi follow your lead, leaving Kyouko to shrug their stares off. "Fine, whatever, see if I ever try ta compliment you again."
The six of you lounge in silence in the comfort of your living room for what feels like an eternity, but a quick check of the time reveals that only fifteen minutes have gone by since Archer came around to collect the dishes. You even note that you can no longer hear the sound of running water coming from the kitchen, or the soft scraping of his slippers against the floor. In silence, you ponder Kyouko's words.
Are you truly lucky to have met Archer in this timeline?
True, he has been uniquely helpful in combating the many new challenges that have emerged in this timeline, but all of those seem to be tied to his appearance here, and you wonder whether any of them would have happened without him. He can cook, and clean, and it is reassuring to once again have a constant father-figure present in your life, but were those things truly things that you needed? You aren't sure. But as you look around the room, seeing yourself surrounded by people you never would have imagined would want to spend their time with you, you are sure of one thing; this, all of this, was all because he urged you to be proactive in establishing alliances on that first night together.
Madoka's giggling snaps you out of your contemplating, and you turn to see her and Kyouko playing with Amy. That stubborn, stupid cat; if only the first Madoka hadn't thrown away her soul to save it, she would not now be trapped by the unyielding chains of fate that now bind her. And yet, if she had done nothing to help another in need, would she still be the Madoka you know?
Would she still be the Madoka you love?
Kyouko is holding Amy up in the air, making a game of mimicking her facial expressions; but Madoka, upon seeing that you have returned to the land of the living, returns to your side. "She's so pretty, Homura-chan," she says, cuddling up close to you. "I wish I could have a kitty too, but papa's allergic."
You smile as you say "You're welcome to come play with her any time you want."
"Be careful Madoka, that's not the only reason Homura wants to invite you over," Sayaka says with a naughty face. Making kissy faces, the bluenette tries to say more, only for Hitomi to silence her. Thank you, Hitomi.
Hitomi checks the time on her phone, and stands, practically dragging Sayaka up with her. "Akemi-san, you and Archer-san have been wonderful hosts, as always, but it's getting late, and I'm afraid I must be going." With a passing glance in Sayaka's direction, she adds "And you should be going as well, Sayaka-san. We have school tomorrow."
Madoka, though still embarrassed by Sayaka's words, says "What if we all had a sleepover? Would that be alright, Homura-chan? Then they wouldn't have to go."
"A sleepover would be fine," you say, though Hitomi still shakes her head.
"As much as I wouldn't mind staying, I'm almost certain that my parents would say no. Tomorrow is a school day, and I've neglected to bring either a change of uniform or my school materials with me."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure my mom would say the same thing," says Sayaka.
"And with my apartment being so much closer to the school than your own, as much as I would love to stay I simply wouldn't be able to," Tomoe-san adds.
Having been turned down by Hitomi, Sayaka, and Tomoe-san, Madoka then turns her attentions to Kyouko, who hasn't yet said anything. But when Madoka's adorable rose-coloured eyes turn themselves towards Kyouko, she responds "Actually... I was gonna walk home with Mami." Tomoe-san turns to Kyouko, with a mixture of shock and elation brightening her face. "What? Yer place is on my way. It's just less of a hassle than if I tried ta avoid ya."
Recognizing the potential emotional landmine that Kyouko has just stepped into, you interject, saying "In any case, if we are all to part ways now, perhaps those of us who haven't done so already would like to exchange contact information?" When Tomoe-san and Kyouko look your way, both of them confused, you add "That way, it will be easier to coordinate should we decide to get together again next Sunday."
Four pairs of heads bob, and Madoka, Sayaka, and Hitomi exchange numbers with Tomoe-san. Sayaka hesitates, before eventually deciding against asking to exchange numbers with Kyouko, leaving you and Madoka as the only ones to do so. Shortly after, the others file out one by one, leaving only you and Madoka behind. Sayaka and Kyouko took their share of the leftovers with them, leaving none behind, but that's fine with you. It was edible, and far above the food at the school's cafeteria, but of the meals Archer has cooked for you it ranks on the lower end of the scale.
You feel Madoka's hand brush against yours, and her fingers entwine with your own as the two of you sit together in your living room. "Today was a lot of fun, Homura-chan," she says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you were able to come with us."
You smile, and reciprocate Madoka's gesture as you say "So am I, Madoka."