Come for the Raifus, Stay for the Plot: Girls' Frontline - Baking Time

Questions for the ages:

How are we still on Core 3?
because core 3 has a massive skill point wall.

Core 1 is 170m
Core 2 is 190m
Core 3 is 730m
Core 4 is 210m
Core 5 is 150m
Core 6 is 430m
core 7 is 200m
core 8 is 100m

Probably engineered so we can count on maxed infrastructure going forwards.
because core 3 has a massive skill point wall.

Core 1 is 170m
Core 2 is 190m
Core 3 is 730m
Core 4 is 210m
Core 5 is 150m
Core 6 is 430m
core 7 is 200m
core 8 is 100m

Probably engineered so we can count on maxed infrastructure going forwards.

While I appreciate them not wanting to throw us into HOC point rationing again, I wish they had a bit better of a solution because core 3 is rather boring. I think I've found a recipe for flawless (zero damage taken) runs using only three echelons. One day AR/SMG team for the Prowler/Vespid and Prowler/Ripper teams, a night AR/SMG team for the Scout/Jager (+airstrike fairy), same night AR/SMG team with a mortar for the RecCenter waves, and a MG/SG team for the rest. I don't even need to use my other two HOCs. I could probably use the MG/SG team in place of my day AR/SMG team, but I'm not sure if the Vespids and Rippers spawn far enough back for SAT to get her shield up before they start shooting, which would risk her taking damage, which might reduce my score against the boss.
I've been getting zero damage runs by just dumping M4/Star/AN-94/CMS/Ro635 with a shield fairy in, honestly. They don't even take damage just AFKing all 10 waves.

...and I just noticed Ro doesn't even have an exo equipped apparently, so that says even more about how quick they're wiping things out.
It's not even that unprecedented. Eliza's first action involved massacring Lycos co-workers along with attacking forces. While it could have been excused as a confusion of a newborn AI, Eliza makes it clear she finds humanity disgusting, and I believe in one of her pre-Singularity appearances she even alludes to having SF exterminate them if humanity keeps interfering with her goals.

Correction here, the massacre was the task force's dolls going berserk after being infected by Parapluie. Elisa didn't actually have that much to do with the massacre itself.
Fuck. I missed yesterday's theatre.

Not sure I care, mind you. It's not like the new HOC is supposed to be particularly good.
Fuck. I missed yesterday's theatre.

Not sure I care, mind you. It's not like the new HOC is supposed to be particularly good.
Yeah but if you drop a few brackets, you might also miss out on... *checks* a day or so's worth of training data, less enhancement pills than Kalina can RNG you on any given morning, 50 Special Combat Reports you can just buy monthly, AND 50 batteries.

Theater really is entirely for flexing, isn't it.
I'm having trouble with the Minotaur waves. How do I kill them?
Supposedly, Grape+M200 setup, Taunt Fairy, and expert kiting with the HGs to mess with the Minos' routines. I failed at this, barely surviving the first Mino group on Wave 2 or 3 (can't recall) and getting stopped cold by the second group at Wave 9. Dropped back to Core 6 for my two actual runs today, and am planning to do Core 6 for the remaining days Theater is active. I'm not wasting any further time on Core 8.
For them I used a three RF(Grape, M200, and NTW20.) and 2 P(Welrod and Python) comp with taunt, The Taunt would stop the middle one and I'd pull the two pistols back one tile before they'd do their lighting ray attack. BGM and if I can afford it another HOC.
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You know, I've changed my mind. The HOC isn't that great, theater hard, I'm busy, and I've already got all the point prizes. I'm skipping the rest of theater. Too much work, not enough fun, saving my energy for the Division Collab. Now that looks awesome.
Holy fucking shit core 8 is brutal hell. I burnt through all my HOC's on my first run and still barely scraped through. My second run went a little bit better after I changed up my M200/Grape formation, but my anti ninja/striker formation didn't work while M4 and IWS got awfully close to eating some grenades against the dopples, so there's still some tweaking left to go. I lucked out on that second run and didn't get minotaurs, but I think my new M200/Grape formation will be able to handle them so long as I have enough support charges. The old formation was able to beat a minotaur wave during my first run, but M200 took a missile so the probably wouldn't have beaten a second.

Still, this is the first time I've managed to beat Core 8 of any Theater, so that feels good. I got hammered by Core 8 in the first Theater and didn't bother with it during the second run of that Theater. Progress? Progress.
Not sure I care, mind you. It's not like the new HOC is supposed to be particularly good.
There's a reason to get as many QLZ chips as possible, even if you don't plan to use it.

When QLZ chips become available for random drops from the Intel room, more QLZ chips will mean you will max out QLZ earlier, meaning you will then get more data patches for throwing at the actually good HOCs.

Also, higher ranks mean more Special Combat Reports. And I'm really starving for those because I want to get M2 and AT4 up to level 100 so I can iterate them.
There's a reason to get as many QLZ chips as possible, even if you don't plan to use it.

When QLZ chips become available for random drops from the Intel room, more QLZ chips will mean you will max out QLZ earlier, meaning you will then get more data patches for throwing at the actually good HOCs.

Also, higher ranks mean more Special Combat Reports. And I'm really starving for those because I want to get M2 and AT4 up to level 100 so I can iterate them.

It's probably way less stressful to grind out bonus xp to have Kalina write those special combat reports than to deal with Core 8. Even Core 6 is quite nasty thanks to the minotaur wave, if I recall correctly.

QLZ getting added to the Intel Room drop table is months in the future, assuming they'll be theater exclusive for about as long as AT4 was. A 20% increase in the rate of collecting data patches for a while several months down the road is hard to care about. The benefit right now is rather low and Core 8 can be quite stressful, so the cost right now is too high for some people (myself included).
Indeed. If I get a Mino group early on and/or more than one of them, I just go "nope." and scrap that attempt as a failure.

I can manage 2 waves of them, but probably couldn't take a 3rd. That's only possible thanks to the M200/Grape formation someone else posted here a while back. Think Mechasaurian might've been the one who posted it. In case anyone's wondering the team is:
M200 Mk23
M91/38 P22
+ Taunt Fairy

I also throw 2B14 at the wave to help take out the back line so M200 doesn't have to spend as many shots on that. If I have enough charges left on BMG and AT4 to cover the remaining waves I'll throw all three of my HOCs at the fight, though I'm not sure how much the two missile teams actually help.
I can manage 2 waves of them, but probably couldn't take a 3rd. That's only possible thanks to the M200/Grape formation someone else posted here a while back. Think Mechasaurian might've been the one who posted it. In case anyone's wondering the team is:
M200 Mk23
M91/38 P22
+ Taunt Fairy

I also throw 2B14 at the wave to help take out the back line so M200 doesn't have to spend as many shots on that. If I have enough charges left on BMG and AT4 to cover the remaining waves I'll throw all three of my HOCs at the fight, though I'm not sure how much the two missile teams actually help.
You shouldn't be taking much damage with that formation and 2B14. Move Mk23 and P22 to the front row at the start to block all three minotaurs. Then, with HS2000 on manual, you can activate the shield when the lightning attack starts. Retreat the front HG's when the shield gets too low, or just put P22 on manual too and tank the whole thing. (Grape should also be on manual, either way, so her shot doesn't end up wasted on a shielded Minotaur.)
You shouldn't be taking much damage with that formation and 2B14. Move Mk23 and P22 to the front row at the start to block all three minotaurs. Then, with HS2000 on manual, you can activate the shield when the lightning attack starts. Retreat the front HG's when the shield gets too low, or just put P22 on manual too and tank the whole thing. (Grape should also be on manual, either way, so her shot doesn't end up wasted on a shielded Minotaur.)

You might mean well, but that first sentence makes you come off as super condescending, to me at least. That soured me on everything you have to say, regardless of whether it's good advice or not. Also I stopped bothering with this Theater yesterday because it's not worth the trouble.
Question, I was thinking on making an account soon, but I read that the sequel will come out soon and it looks like something very different, gameplay wise.

What does that mean exactly for this game?

Is the service going to end soon? Or are they planning on continuing? After all, the sequel is set 8 years later it seems so there's time to get there.
GFL 2 is going to be a pretty different game than this one, it's more of a spin-off that's going to exist while GFL will keep getting updated, we're still getting new events.
Yeah by all accounts, GFL is doing just fine, they're just using some of the money made from it to invest in a Ten Years Later Xcom spinoff sequel of some kind, among other game plans. I wouldn't anticipate a sudden shutdown anytime soon, though there is the possible worry of how Sangvis Capture might be received on the EN server.
Yeah by all accounts, GFL is doing just fine, they're just using some of the money made from it to invest in a Ten Years Later Xcom spinoff sequel of some kind, among other game plans. I wouldn't anticipate a sudden shutdown anytime soon, though there is the possible worry of how Sangvis Capture might be received on the EN server.
From what I understand the other servers have a number of complaints about the system, but Mica's not done much (or anything) about it. Time will tell, I suppose.
From what I understand the other servers have a number of complaints about the system, but Mica's not done much (or anything) about it. Time will tell, I suppose.
Pretty much the only reason I'm worried; as is, GFL is about as close as you can get to a F2P game while still having microtransactions - the biggest moneymaker is by far the cosmetic costumes, and while you can spend cash to get infrastructure upgrades and resources, there's more than enough gems easily available to cover things like echelon count and your armory totals, while buying resources is extremely inefficient unless you have oil baron levels of cash to toss around - logistics can easily bring you up to the softcaps or higher by just not deploying outside of daily missions for a few days. On the other hand, by all accounts the free resources generated for SF Capture are never enough to guarantee even one copy of the leader you want, there's not really a way to bring them up to five stars without capturing multiple copies of a Sangvis leader, and they're on what amounts to a monthly banner rotation. In other words, Sangvis capture is nearly the straight up unit gacha that a lot of players like myself got tired of and quit other games for years ago. It's still not terrible compared to other gacha games by my understanding - certainly nowhere near the garbage factory that is a game like FGO where rate up is a lie, pity rates don't exist, and you can drop 500 dollars on a banner to never get the unit you want, but it's still a step in the wrong direction, so to speak.
I have heard that while the system itself is unchanged, Mica has been giving out a lot more of the consumables you need to use the Capture System. Usually from events, but there's other sources as well. So it's not fixed, but they're slapping band aids all over it.