[X] [Epic] Evalon proves to himself to have a creative and inventive mind. (Tech Hero)
[X] [Epic] Evalon proves to be naturally talented with the numbers and records like Evatine. (Gain an Admin Hero)
[X] [Epic] Evalon proves himself to be charming and charismatic like Wonlyn. (Diplo Hero)
- Accelerate our expansion, construct buildings, and potentially law code with Admin hero, potentially synergises with library.
- Institute massive technological advancement with the Tech hero, synergises with library.
[X] [Bonus] Gain Legacy
Ancient Inspirations
[X] [Bonus] Put Codified Law on automatic action track (Will gain +1 Progress each turn with no action cost, but you will still need to stat costs).
[X] [Bonus] Gain two or more Innovations.
- Technology or diplomacy advantages. The "Ancient" is slightly strange, but is potentially linked to our history of higher tech levels.
- Free actions. Probably not worth it, but I consider it better than the values. Synergises with Admin hero.
- Free technologies, hopefully good ones. Synergises with tech hero and library.
[X] [GA] Unlock the Grand Library Megaproject. (-2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture)
[X] [GA] Gain random nautical technology advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic)
[X] [GA] Gain random administration technology advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
- Accelerates technological, social, and cultural advancement. Promotes reading as a social concept, potentially unlocks extended project libraries. Synergises with tech hero.
- Nautical developments will allow us to broaden our sights. We have neutral parties around us of decent power, but no enemies. This is our best chance for exploration, waiting any further would just be waiting until we have no potential threats, which will literally never happen. Synergises with tech hero, free innovations, and potentially with library.
- We have the resources, space, and actions to expand and to build. This will probably benefit either infrastructure or settling. In the case of settling it may give us more free infrastructure when settling. Synergises with Admin hero, potentially with tech hero and library.
[] [GA] Improve relations with all neighbours. (-6 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
Costs us a Golden Age, which is giving us free economy and free Golden Age buffs. I agree that continuing a Golden Age beyond it's natural lifespan is fair, but this action is hardly necessary. We're not in a terrible situation with anyone, the worst we have against us is "wary".
I agree that we can do with improving our diplomacy, but we can do that naturally over time, or through province actions. Costing us our Golden Age bonuses, as well as depriving us of this turn's bonus, just doesn't seem reasonable to me.
EDIT: It could be used to annex the Northern Lowlanders, but again doesn't seem worth expending the golden age for that. I don't think our civ is in a position where it narratively doesn't make sense for a golden age.
Now, going for diplo province actions and/or a diplo hero so that we can annex the northern lowlands, that I can get behind. The Arthdysh are largely lowlanders anyways right?
Added a vote for the diplo hero because it's what will actually allows us to expand the noodley parts of our civ, by integrating the lowlanders.