Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

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    Votes: 63 70.0%
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    Votes: 27 30.0%

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Power is Everything
Power is Everything
Urth shifts uncomfortable as he walks back to his personal citadel within the Great Forest, still not yet used to the jiggle of his stolen body's bosom. It has been the better part of weeks since he managed to claim the woman's body and he just to grow accustomed to it.

He doesn't regret getting it by a long shot, but he would have preferred Brys' body to his sister's. Beyond preferring a male body like he is used to, this one is utterly terrible for fighting and the undead being will need to re-think parts of his plan if he is now more limited in what he is physically capable of doing.

Yet while it is a shame that not everything went to plan, Urth knew that was likely going in and he is pleased that he was able to achieve most of his goals. He has decapitated the Arthwydish leadership as the king, his queens, his eldest two children are all dead by his hand. It will certainly take them time to recover from such a blow as they are forced to pick a new leader. Beyond that, they will be having troubles with the disloyal Maradysh as not only are the southerners still dealing with the gift that he set up in their lands before making the journey to Greenbay, but there is also a chance that the personal union will break depending who the new Cadlon is.

It really was a successful master plan by him. After careful years of studying both the northerners and the deities of the Lowlands, he was able to get by their goddesses through Urth doesn't dare dream that he will be able to pull such a stunt next time. He may be safe from Arthryn's wrath when he is outside of her people, but he doubts that she will be fooled so easily next time by time.

Urth isn't so foolish to needlessly challenge Arthryn nor expect her to be easily outmanoeuvred. Unlike the likes of Nalnir and Zaranna, Arthryn is an ancient and powerful force that crushes her foes with ruthlessness in addition to holding the willingly support of her followers. That sort of power is not casually reckoned with and someone who has lived as long as Urth is all too aware of that.

And now that he has harmed her people and bested her by stealing the blessings of her, Urth has no doubts that Arthryn will be seeking to pay him back. She is too limited to directly strike at him and Urth made sure that his theft wouldn't leave any openings for her to use, but she will almost certainly direct her followers to attack him.

When she does, Urth will need to rethink how he will fend them off. He originally planned to lead the defence himself should they break through the outer defences so they wouldn't get too far, but with this unwieldly bosom, that is no longer an option for him. He can still command and wield magic, but when it comes to slaughtering his foes personally, he cannot do that while he has this body.

Glancing down at the bosom in question, Urth notes that several centuries ago, he would have greatly appreciated having a body like this at his disposal. But he has long outgrown petty things such as sex. Such a thing is trivial unless it gets him more power. Power is everything.

And since his plan to retain the divine blessings that this body has worked for the most part, he is happy with this body. While it is no maiden, it is still a matron in its prime and both its divine blessing and divine blood means that not only is it tougher and stronger than the average lowlander body, but it longer lived as well.

If only he had gotten Brys' body so this oversized bosom didn't keep him from fighting. If it wasn't for the mounds of flesh jutting out of his chest that annoying jiggle with every spirit-damn step, Urth would consider his plan to be a total success. As it is, his new bosom keeps getting in the way and will continue to do so.

Matters are made worst by the fact he failed to keep some of the newer effects of the blessing when he severed the ties with Arthryn as while the older ones are part of the body and could be kept bound to it, the more recent ones are tie to the connection to Arthryn.

While he has no regrets about severing any ties to Arthryn and her offspring, Urth does regret that he didn't keep the parts that could have let him deal with this body more easily. He doesn't have the part of blessing at keeps his oversized bosom from bouncing all over the place nor he have the ability to reduce their size to something more manageable. But the power is worth it and power is everything.

At least he doesn't have to worry about it growing old and useless as the same magic that gives the body a facsimile of life also keeps it free from the ravages of time. So long as he doesn't do anything stupid, he can keep this body indefinitely.

Glancing at the mindless corpses on each side of him, a dozen of them on his right and a dozen to his left and all of them under his personal control, Urth decides to think about how this body will change his plans.

Much of his old plan is still viable. He has a body that can breed and he has kept most of the blessing and he has successfully escape Arthryn's wrath for now.

The blessing is the most useful as while he didn't get all of it and he is certain that what he currently has won't get automatically passed on, Urth is confident he can make use of the blessing. He will probably have to repurpose what he does have into a new one of his own devising, but the ancient undead being is confident of his ability to do so. He has grown proficient at re-working the divine magic of the lowlander deities to suit own ends since his death at the ends of Evalyn Boarslayer and he should be able to do the same with the magic of Arthryn and her Daughters.

He'll keep the current blessing as a foundation, throw in some bits of magic he has gotten from the lowlander deities and add in some of his own magic to complete things. From there, he can spread that magic to his offspring though that last part of his plan needs some adjusting.

Urth had originally planned to have a male body so he could impregnate some captive women from the lowlands. Instead it looks like he will be the one who has to carry the children in his womb. While the pregnancy will leave him incapacitated to a degree, this new stupid bosom of his will already being doing that so that is no great loss. No, what annoys him is that rather than have several breedable women to use right from the start, he only has one. Depending on whether or not he has male or female offspring, that number will increase in time.

Urth hopes that his first child will be a boy as while he will take a generation to grow up, he will be able to start impregnating slave-women like Urth hoped to do himself.

Regardless of any inefficiencies in his plan, it will still work out even if takes longer. Time isn't anything he needs to be too concerned about for he has plenty of it. It may take him longer to breed a loyal cult to worship it him, but he can do it.

Power is Everything.


I haven't proofread it so there may be spelling and grammar mistakes.
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That might be pushing the line of SV acceptability, maybe? Not sure, only ever heard of trouble, never actually seen someone get a moderators attention.

Also, maybe we should support subordinate and train warriors this turn and then go full hog next turn.

We're going with a sec attack as a gut reaction and that'll probably be completely ineffective.

Remember, just because the factions knee jerk reaction is instant pursuit, doesn't mean it's actually a good idea.
That might be pushing the line of SV acceptability, maybe? Not sure, only ever heard of trouble, never actually seen someone get a moderators attention.

I don't believe so. The bad guy is planning to breed a brainwashed cult and it is meant to be creepy, evil and disgusted because he is an evil villain doing amoral things.

If it is the implied rape, so long as the subject is treated tastefully and not glorified it is allowed. It was allowed in PoC when some young Yeomen 'rescued' some young women from Trelli slavers and took them as their 'wives'. It was allowed in this quest when Curan kidnapped and enslaved Wyrn (Ymarn's eldest daughter) and raped her to get some children from her (Wuran's mother). I'm also pretty sure that Tales of History also treated the subject tastefully.

So yes, I suppose the subject is pushing the line of SV acceptability, but as long as the subject is treated tastefully it is allowed. In this case, it is the blatantly obvious bad guy who is suppose to be evil, creepy and disgusting planning to breed a brainwashed cult that is loyal to him using some slaves. It is evil and clearly not something to be emulated nor to treated as anything other than vile and evil. Even then, it isn't being shown on-screen and is only being vaguely implied by the bad guy.

Furthermore, it is in a greater context of showing Urth's character and plans. He is so immoral and power-obsessed that he is willingly to commit vile and evil deeds to get more power and it shows his plan to obtain godhood via breeding a loyal cult to worship him.

I have also kept minors out of it and have explicitly mentioned that Urth will wait until his offspring up are grown up and adults before using them in his plans.

Edit: To clarify, this is a realistic civ quest. I won't show blatantly evil stuff that is sensitive such as rape and torture on-screen (not just because of SV's rules), I will occasionally imply it where necessary. A lot of human history isn't nice, I am not going to shy away from things happening such as rape, breeding camps, slavery and torture.

Some civs will do those like civs did in RL and those things will be treated as bad and wrong, but they will still happen even if it just off-screen.

Edit 2: And if the mods do get upset about the side-story, I will just remove the offending bits or delete it entirely.
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So we gonna burn the forest to the ground and then put them all to the sword, no following our enemies M'kay?
*sigh* Since some people seem to still not get it, I'll just quote veekie here.
Literally impossible. Forests don't burn like that even if you used massive amounts of kerosene to help it along. Forest fires have a lot of trouble spreading unless there is a large amount of dry tinder to be utilized. You need at least one of the following to get a wildfire going at all. You need two or three to get further than a localized fire:
-Extended drought sufficient to lower groundwater levels. Note that in a primordial forest, the ground contains large amounts of water within the leaf litter and the clay, which is kept from evaporation due to the shade the trees provide.

-Large amounts of free tinder. This does not naturally happen, small fires would break out and burn through the dry leaves and twigs before dying down with negligible damage to the trees and bushes, or animals will procure and eat or otherwise use up the tinder.

-Significant numbers of trees dying off at once. Under the right circumstances the wood can become dry and powdery, or dry and oily, both of which are significant flame accelerants.

Green wood burns like shit, produces lots of choking smoke which would smother fires, and generally is not inclined to turn into a firestorm.
@Oshha what are the thoughts of forest spirits about all of this. From what i understand Urth becoming a god means that they lose followers?
If only he had gotten Brys' body so this oversized bosom didn't keep him from fighting. If it wasn't for the mounds of flesh jutting out of his chest that annoying jiggle with every spirit-damn step, Urth would consider his plan to be a total success. As it is, his new bosom keeps getting in the way and will continue to do so.

In addition, he [Strabo] states that the right breasts of all Amazons are seared when they are infants, so that they can easily use their right arm for every needed purpose, and especially that of throwing the javelin and use the bow.[24]

Amazons - Wikipedia

You're an undead monster. You have a knife and other pointy accessories. You have body parts that annoy you. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to combine those ideas.
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Well, this actually brings an interesting point I've noticed to mind.
Namely, when it comes to magic...While it might be easy to think, what with the big blessing that permeates our culture, that our civilization is big on magic, I'd say it seems to me more like our thing is Divine Magic.
This is important, because Urth kind of sounded like he might have been more of the 'Arcane' school of magic.
Having said that however, Urth might just have eaten the Forest Spirits and is now running off their darker take on the same sort of divine magic we've got...
As for Amazon-answer...
Probably a mix of not knowing anatomy/not wanting to screw up his precious doubly-divine body, lest he be unable to procure another one.
I hope this kills any discussion about isolation. Our lack of info killed us here, no more ignoring the lowlands. Idk about conquering but fucking stop ignoring them jesus.
I hope this kills any discussion about isolation. Our lack of info killed us here, no more ignoring the lowlands. Idk about conquering but fucking stop ignoring them jesus.

What information should we have found?

It's not like there's a secret evil empire or something like that. Urth is 1 person, with 1 secret citadel. Even if we'd explored the lowlands we would have never have heard from him.
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What information should we have found?

It's not like there's a secret evil empire or something like that. Urth is 1 person, with 1 secret citadel. Even if we'd explored the lowlands we would have never have heard from him.
For all we fuckin know there very well could be. Unless you have something IC or from WoG that objectively states there isnt.
Discord discussion has admittedly affected my view. Because IIRC Oshha said if we had scouted the lowlands we wouldve known Urth wasnt gone when I asked him how we couldve prepared/known.

Or at the very least had the CHANCE of finding out. Compared to having no chance like we did here.
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Sounds like Urth got his heroic combat skills debuffed due to the new body.

Sort of. He still have the commander/general part of his Heroic Martial, but his fighting skills are hindered unless he swaps to a new body or alters the current one.
As for Amazon-answer...
Probably a mix of not knowing anatomy/not wanting to screw up his precious doubly-divine body, lest he be unable to procure another one.
More the latter than the former. Urth knows a lot about human bodies, but he is wary of damaging his precious stolen body because if he mucks it up, he isn't going to be able to get any replacement without a lot of difficulty. Furthermore, since the repeated pregnancies are going to leave him incapacitated anyway, he is willingly to keep the chest especially since it may help him raises his kids.

Plus there is the prestige factor. Urth cares about power, but he also likes show off that power so flaunting the body of an Arthwyd crown princess is something he would do.

But in the future, he might decide to make those sort of alterations to his body yet at the same time, he may just switch to another one that suits him better or he might just adjust to the new one. Do remember that he has only had it for a month at most at the time of the side story.

I hope this kills any discussion about isolation. Our lack of info killed us here, no more ignoring the lowlands. Idk about conquering but fucking stop ignoring them jesus.
What information should we have found?

Urth has been active in the lowlands and if you had explored after the right point in time, you would have discovered this.

I got asked this in the discord and answered there, but before anyone gets upset or frustrated about me sharing information like this in the discord and not the thread, I will happy answer questions in the thread if I am asked them here. I am just more willingly to give spoilers and theory-crafting in the discord than I am in the thread as I keep my OOC statements canon in the thread, but not in the discord.
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For all we fuckin know there very well could be. Unless you have something IC or from WoG that objectively states there isnt.
Discord discussion has admittedly affected my view. Because IIRC Oshha said if we had scouted the lowlands we wouldve known Urth wasnt gone when I asked him how we couldve prepared/known.

Or at the very least had the CHANCE of finding out. Compared to having no chance like we did here.
We did know Urth wasn't gone, or at least we were pretty sure of it. It's just that tracking down and killing an immaterial spirit would have been a pointless wild goose chase.

I suppose we could have tried to set the goddesses on him.
For all we fuckin know there very well could be. Unless you have something IC or from WoG that objectively states there isnt.
Discord discussion has admittedly affected my view. Because IIRC Oshha said if we had scouted the lowlands we wouldve known Urth wasnt gone when I asked him how we couldve prepared/known.

Or at the very least had the CHANCE of finding out. Compared to having no chance like we did here.

Oshha said that we would had discovered his activities but he also said that that doesn't mean that things would had been easier for us. It could had made things even worse.
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