Can You Feel the Sunshine? (A Sonic the Hedgehog Quest)

... Wow, none of you read my analysis before making the CP spending plan, huh?

Alright, can't buy techniques, so that puts a damper in my plans... Give me a few minutes and I'll have our build fixed right up!
Okay, so we can't buy techniques or boost anything more than twice...

Getting Brawling to the +2 level for the damage boost threshold as well as the accuracy is essential. Jumping on platforms is our prime way out of the water, so that needs a boost, too... Should I get climbing or acrobatics, next? Acrobatics is mostly used in getting Chaos Emeralds, so it's not as relevant, and we may need that less than climbing...

[x] Plan Being a Better Sonic
-[x] 6 points in Jumping
-[x] 6 points in Brawling
-[x] 10 points in Water Move
-[x] 4 points in Climbing

Maximizing the skills we need to clear stages and bosses, plus Water Move. This should be plenty to get us through the zone.
[x] Plan Being a Better Sonic
-[x] 6 points in Jumping
-[x] 6 points in Brawling
-[x] 10 points in Water Move
-[x] 4 points in Climbing

I don't vote often, but I think this is probably the way forward for now.
[x] Plan Being a Better Sonic
-[x] 6 points in Jumping
-[x] 6 points in Brawling
-[x] 10 points in Water Move
-[x] 4 points in Climbing
[x] Plan Being a Better Sonic
-[x] 6 points in Jumping
-[x] 6 points in Brawling
-[x] 10 points in Water Move
-[x] 4 points in Climbing
[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] No. Go right on to the next day.

[X] Ugh...water. You never thought that it would be your fiercest enemy. On the flipside, however, the place seems short. Try to find a route in which you do not need to go underwater. If you do, however...better make it brief. At least you won't need to collect rings.

[X] " least it seems short?" you try to hype yourself. It...doesn't really work. "Who am I kidding, this is going to suck."
-[X] "Does Eggman has the habit of ruining ruins?" you ask yourself. "Or was this place already this way when he got here?"
-[X] If you get underwater. "Man, I hope this does not ruin my fur."
-[X] "Under the still have to face me!" you sing, destroying a Badnik.
-[X] "Steel yourself!" you pause. "Man, that's a low one..."

[X] Plan Being a Better Sonic
Hey @RomanceNinja would it be good to use the Villains (from that fan made sonic movie where all villains team up to take down sonic) song when Eggman decides to team up with other groups that have grudges against us
Day 31 Labyrinth Zone: Act 1
[X] Plan Being a Better Sonic
-[x] 6 points in Jumping
-[x] 6 points in Brawling
-[x] 10 points in Water Move
-[x] 4 points in Climbing

Jumping has gone up to +3!
Brawling has gone up to +3! You now gain +1 to damage for each d6 you have on an attack.
Water Move has gone up to 4 Yards Per Second!
Climbing has gone up to +2!

[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] No. Go right on to the next day.

[X] Ugh...water. You never thought that it would be your fiercest enemy. On the flipside, however, the place seems short. Try to find a route in which you do not need to go underwater. If you do, however...better make it brief. At least you won't need to collect rings.

[X] " least it seems short?" you try to hype yourself. It...doesn't really work. "Who am I kidding, this is going to suck."
-[X] "Does Eggman has the habit of ruining ruins?" you ask yourself. "Or was this place already this way when he got here?"
-[X] If you get underwater. "Man, I hope this does not ruin my fur."
-[X] "Under the still have to face me!" you sing, destroying a Badnik.
-[X] "Steel yourself!" you pause. "Man, that's a low one..."

Due to resting between Zones, you have regained 50% of your HP

5 HP regained: Sonic now has 9/10HP

Labyrinth Zone: Act 1

Your choices modify the stage…

You roll to see if you find a route that allows you to stay above water, 80+ to succeed #1d100 = 33. You find no such path.

" least it seems short?" you try to hype yourself. It... Doesn't really work. "Who am I kidding, this is going to suck." You look around, trying to see if there's any paths around where you don't need to go underwater, but it seems there isn't. You take a second to breathe... "Man, I hope this does not ruin my fur." Before running right in.

Every 20 yards is a Air Bubble.

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = (2+1+2) 5. Holding breath is up by 50%!

Heavy Exertion underwater is HT seconds = 10*1.5 (Breath Control) = 15 seconds.

15 seconds left.

Sonic runs 4/50 yards.

14 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 97. Boxes!

2 Ring Boxes - They each hold 10 rings to collect when hitting them.

You have obtained 20 rings. Sonic now has 20 rings.

Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 activates!

Sonic runs 12/50 yards.

13 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 12. Enemies!

1 Unidasu.

4 Spike Balls remain on the Unidasu.

You hold your action to wait and see what they do. They currently blocks your way completely.

Unidasu flings a spike ball #3d6 = (6+4+2) 12. Fails to hit!

3 Spike Balls remain on the Unidasu. -2 to dodge!

You do not use your action for this turn, waiting for the Unidasu to lose more spike balls.

You hold your action.

Unidasu flings a spike ball #3d6 = (1+3+2) 6. Hit!

You try to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (1+5+5) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for you #1d6 = 6*0.5 (Small Piercing) = 3 Damage.

Sonic: 6/10HP.

You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 10 rings!

2 Spike Balls remain on the Unidasu. -4 to dodge!

You Spin Jump at the Unidasu #3d6 = (6+1+3) 10. Hit!

Unidasu tries to hide behind it's spike balls #3d6 = (5+1+5) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Unidasu #1d6-1 = (1-1) 0*1.5 = 0 Damage.

11 seconds left.

You Spin Jump at the Unidasu #3d6 = (2+3+6) 11. Hit!

Unidasu tries to hide behind it's spike balls #3d6 = (4+4+4) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Unidasu #1d6-1 = (3-1) 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.

Unidasu: -1/2HP. Unidasu explodes!

Okay now just what the heck is this... Well, Eggman calls them Badniks so you might as well call them that. But seriously, it's just a red ball with four other spike balls going around it, how the heck is this an animal!?

"Under---!?" You momentarily stop as your throat starts taking in water, immediately you realise your mistake. Of course you can't breathe underwater, what were you thinking!?

You kick yourself for that as the Floating Ball throws one of it's spike balls at you. You jump over it as you analyse your enemy. It currently blocks your way forward, right in front of a small gap. Surrounding it is it's spike balls which they can throw at you, but if you hit this thing wrong you risk yourself being punctured by those things. For now you'll wait until another one of those is thrown so that you have a better opening to hit at.

Another one is thrown at your direction, but you find yourself unable to dodge this one in time as it punctures through your arm.

In retaliation, you finally take charge as you Spin Jump at the robot, choosing to do that instead of a Spin Attack due to the latter not being able to reach them as they float in the water. But they don't flinch as they take the brunt of the attack, sparks flying as you try to cut into them. You fall to the ground failing to damage them.

But you take no time to worry, as you jump at them again, this time making it through their defences and cutting the Badnik in half to reveal a fish on the inside, which turns to look away and swim away. Well, at least you now know what Eggman is using as a base for these things.

Sonic runs 16/50 yards.

10 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 13. Enemies!

2 Burrobots.

Roll Perception to see Burrobot 1 #3d6 = (3+3+5) 11. Fails to see!

Roll Perception to see Burrobot 2 #3d6 = (3+5+2) 10. Sees!

You go for a Spin Attack at the Burrobot 2 #3d6 = (3+2+1) 6. Hit!

Burrobot 2 tries to drill away from you #3d6 = (2+6+3) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Burrobot 2 #1d6-1 = (6-1) 5*1.5 = 7 Damage.

Burrobot 2: -5/2HP. Burrobot 2 explodes.

Burrobot 1 drills out from under you #3d6 = (2+2+5) 9. Hit!

Roll for damage for you #1d4 = 2*1.5 (Piercing+) = 3 Damage.

Sonic: 3/10HP.

You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 0 rings!

Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

9 seconds left.

You Spin Jump at Burrobot 1 #3d6 = (5+3+1) 9. Hit!

Burrobot 1 tries to drill away from you #3d6 = (6+5+1) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Burrobot 1 #1d6-1 = (3-1) 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.

Burrobot 2: -1/2HP. Burrobot 2 explodes.

Dang, more robots right after that one? Seems to be just one though as you see something with a drill for a face try to prepare to surprise you. Ha! As if that'd work! Steel yourself!

...okay, maybe that's a low one. You're kinda glad you can't talk right now or else that'd be far more embarrassing. You Spin Attack at the bot as they try to drill back underground, too bad for them that your one fast Hedgehog! You cut them in twain, an explosion felt right behind you. Didn't even need to break a sweat for that! But as you go to run further...


You feel a drill go right through your leg as it grinds against it. "Argh!" You shout in pain, water building up in your throat, you run forward to get away from it.

Damn, you missed one! Drats, now you can't run properly anymore! This bot is going to pay for this!

You Spin Attack at the Badnik, taking it out in a fury.

Sonic runs 18/50 yards.

8 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 54. Obstacle!

The platform you are on starts rising to a ceiling of spikes, you try to get away with -2 Acrobatics #3d6 = (1+6+2) 9. Success!

As you step forward, the platform you find yourself on starts to go up. Surprised, you look up to see the ceiling being full of spikes! Oh no no no no!

You fling yourself off the platform just in time before the platform connects with the spikes. You fall down, deeper into the depths of the water. Does Eggman has the habit of ruining ruins? Or was this place already this way when he got here? You've gotta imagine the traps were done by Eggman and his Badniks themselves, or at least you'd think so. But did they also sink this place to the ground like how the other place was filled with lava by them? Just how much damage have they done to the entire island already?

Sonic runs 20/50 yards.

You come across an Air Bubble and take a breath!

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = (6+1+1) 8. Holding breath is up by 50%!

15 seconds left.

Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 Activates!

There! An air bubble! You run as fast as you can toward it, taking a huge gulp of air as the bubble comes out of the ground! You don't exactly know how this works, but you'll take it!

Sonic runs 24/50 yards.

14 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 86. Rings!

You have obtained 15 rings! Sonic now has 15 rings!

You run 28/50 yards.

13 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 8. Enemies!

1 Jaws.

You Spin Jump at the Jaws #3d6 = (5+4+3) 12. Hit!

Jaws tries to swim away #3d6 = (6+2+3) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Jaws #1d6-1 = (2-1) 1*1.5 = 1 Damage.

Jaws: 1/2HP.

Jaws chomps at you #3d6 = (3+2+1) 6. Hit!

You try to jump out of the way of their teeth #3d6 = (2+6+4) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for 1d3 = 1*1.5 (Cutting) = 1 Damage.

Sonic: 2/10HP.

You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 5 rings!

12 seconds left.

You Spin Jump at the Jaws #3d6 = (4+5+5) 14. Fails to hit!

Jaws chomps at you #3d6 = (3+4+6) 13. Fails to hit!

11 seconds left.

You Spin Jump at the Jaws #3d6 = (3+2+3) 8. Hit!

Jaws tries to swim away #3d6 = (5+1+6) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Jaws #1d6-1 = (2-1) 1*1.5 = 1 Damage.

Jaws: 0/2HP. Jaws explodes.

A fish with sharp looking teeth boosts at you! As you hit it with a quickly timed Spin Jump, damaging it slightly, you are chopped by it's teeth at your side! Though it seems to barely graze you instead of puncturing right through luckily enough.

You both stare each other down, each going for an attack. But you both miss each other.

You can't waste time like this! Each second counts when you're under here!

With a final Spin Jump you hit it's back, causing it to crash into the ground as it explodes.

Sonic runs 30/50 yards.

10 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 75. Rings!

You have obtained 15 rings! Sonic now has 20 rings!

Sonic runs 34/50 yards.

9 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 4. Enemies!

1 Burrobot and 1 Jaws.

You roll Perception to see the Burrobot #3d6 = (3+6+1) 10. Sees!

You Spin Attack through the Burrobot #3d6 = (5+2+5) 12. Hit!

The Burrobot tries to drill away from you #3d6 = (1+1+6) 8. Dodges!

The Burrobot drills right at you #3d6 = (4+1+5) 10. Hit!

You try to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (2+4+1) 7. Dodges!

The Jaws chomps at you #3d6 = (6+2+4) 12. Fails to hit!

8 seconds left.

You Spin Attack at the Burrobot #3d6 = (6+4+2) 12. Hit!

The Burrobot tries to drill away from you #3d6 = (4+3+6) 13. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Burrobot #1d6-1 = (5-1) 4*1.5 = 6 Damage.

Burrobot: -4/2HP. Burrobot explodes.

Jaws chomps at you #3d6 = (1+1+2) 4. Critical hit!

Critical Hit Table #3d6 = (3+3+3) 9. 9, 10, 11 – Normal damage only.

No dodging due to being hit by a critical hit.

Roll for damage for you #1d3 = 3*1.5 (Cutting) = 4 Damage.

Sonic: -2/10HP.

HT rolls to stay conscious will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!

You roll an HT roll to not fall unconscious #3d6 = (1+1+1) 3. Stays conscious!

You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 10 rings!

7 seconds left.

You roll an HT roll to not fall unconscious #3d6 = (1+4+5) 10. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at the Jaws #3d6 = (2+2+3) 7. Hit!

Jaws tries to swim away #3d6 = (6+4+5) 15. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Jaws #1d6-1 = (3-1) 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.

Jaws: -1/2HP. Jaws explodes.

You look forward to see another one of those Drill-Bots trying to stay hidden underground. Oh heck no you ain't letting another one of these get a cheap shot at you! To your left you also see one of those Fish-Bots too, but you pay it no mind, the Drill one needs to be destroyed immediately. You rev yourself up as you Spin Attack right at the Badnik, but it hides underground just as you Spin Attack overhead, missing them entirely.

They both go in for their own attacks at you, both missing as you spin away from the two of them.

Another Spin Attack at the Drill-Bot should do the trick! You roll towards them as you cut them right open, sparks flying as the water quakes slightly from the explosion that then happens. Good, now just the Fish to destroy-

"!?" Your back feels intense pain as it suddenly gets bit out of nowhere, the Fish-Bot managing to bite down on you with an intense speed. You can't help by take in water as the world before you starts to blacken. Damn it, you can't fall unconscious here! You'll drown if you do!

If only you could swim, you could've just gone above all of these ruins and reached to a new zone!

Blood flows from your wound you just gained, mixing in with the water that surrounds you. As you struggle to stay conscious you take your chance to strike back at the Fish-Bot, cutting into it with your quills.

Sonic runs 36/50 yards.

6 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 33. Obstacle!

You roll an HT roll to not fall unconscious #3d6 = (4+5+3) 12. Stays conscious!

A spear flies at you from a wall, roll Acrobatics at -1 to dodge it #3d6 = (3+1+5) 9. Success!

"!" A sudden spear flies at you from a wall! You flip over it to dodge the trap.

You feel you lose yourself with each step. You could fall unconscious at any second. And doing so would mean certain death.

Sonic runs 40/50 yards.

You roll an HT roll to not fall unconscious #3d6 = (3+3+2) 8. Stays conscious!

You come across an Air Bubble and take a breath!

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = 6 +4 +4 14. Does not gain the 50% increase to holding breath!

10 seconds left.

Finally, within your sight is another one of those air bubbles, you take a large gulp as one form from the cracks of the ground. But as you do so you don't manage to do it correctly, some water being taken slightly as causing you to somewhat choke. You can't risk the chance of waiting for more water to come out of the crack, you need to go now, despite the far less amount of seconds you'll be able to last under here.

Sonic runs 44/50 yards.

9 seconds left.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (1+5+5) 11. Stays conscious!

Random Encounter #1d100 = 94. Boxes!

2 Ring Boxes - They each hold 10 rings to collect when hitting them.

You have obtained 20 rings! Sonic now has 30 rings!

Sonic runs 48/50 yards.

8 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 28. Enemies!

2 Jaws.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (6+2+3) 11. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at Jaws 1 #3d6 = (6+6+3) 15. Fails to hit!

Jaws 1 chomps at you #3d6 = (2+6+3) 11. Fails to hit!

Jaws 2 chomps at you #3d6 = (2+4+2) 8. Fails to hit!

7 seconds left.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (2+5+2) 9. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at Jaws 1 #3d6 = (3+6+2) 11. Hit!

Jaws 1 tries to swim away #3d6 = (4+4+2) 10. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Jaws 1 #1d6-1 = (4-1) 3*1.5 = 4 Damage.

Jaws 1: -2/2HP. Jaws 1 explodes.

Jaws 2 chomps at you #3d6 = (4+4+3) 11. Fails to hit!

6 seconds left.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (1+4+4) 9. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at Jaws 2 #3d6 = (5+3+5) 13. Hit!

Jaws 2 tries to swim away #3d6 = 1 +1 +3 5. Dodges!

5 seconds left.

Jaws 2 chomps at you #3d6 = (6+5+1) 12. Fails to hit!

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (3+2+6) 11. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at Jaws 2 #3d6 = (3+4+3) 10. Hit!

Jaws 2 tries to swim away #3d6 = 1 +1 +3 5. Dodges!

Jaws 2 chomps at you #3d6 = 6 +6 +1 13. Fails to hit!

4 seconds left.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (1+1+4) 6. Stays conscious!

You Spin Jump at Jaws 2 #3d6 = (3+2+1) 6. Hit!

Jaws 2 tries to swim away #3d6 = (1+3+5) 9. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Jaws 2 #1d6-1 = (3-1) 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.

Jaws 2: -1/2HP. Jaws 2 explodes.

Another two of those Fish-Bots. Behind them you can see it, a cave pocket of air that'd let you rest, along with the capsule right near it underwater. You need to crush it to let the creatures of this Zone out.

You're close to the end, very close.

You steel yourself as you go for a jump at one of them. They go for their own bites at the same time as well. But all three of you manage to miss. Another second wasted.

Needing to end this quickly, you jump at the one you tried to hit earlier, this time connecting with a fish from within being let out. Good! Just one more left and you can finish this! A bite comes but you run away from the creature in time, no connection is made to your body from their teeth. If there's one thing you need, it's definitely not more injuries!

A strike is made by you, but they boost away in time for you to not cut them open. You back up in surprise as they go for an immediately bite at you after their dodge.

You'll get it this time! But again another second is wasted as they boost out of the way again.

Huh, you just noticed, you've been using seconds to count this entire time. You guess Honey was right about getting having to get used to these sorts of things?

But nevermind that for the moment, you need to get this Fish-Bot to go! You spin away from one last attack of theirs as you roll in for a final strike at the Bot, cutting them away in a slice!

Sonic runs 50/50 yards.

You roll an HT roll to stay conscious #3d6 = (5+2+1) 8. Stays conscious!

You look towards the capsule, and with what seconds you have you spin right into it. You quills going through as fish upon fish swim out of the destroyed capsule. You turn to immediately go above water. As your head feels the air above in this sort of cave structure, you take a breath! You did it!

You... Did... It...

The world blackens around you, edging in with each breath you take. Until, finally, you fall unconscious.

You have made it to a safe place with air!

You fall unconscious after having made it to a safe place!

Rings gotten throughout the stage #1d50+30 = (10+30) 40 rings!

Labyrinth Zone: Act 1 cleared!

You have obtained 40 rings!


Labyrinth Zone: Act 2 (Length: 50 Yards)

[ ] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[ ] No. Go right on to the next day.
-[ ] Yes. I'll take (x) amount of days to heal.
Due to being between Acts, you heal 25% health here per day!

[ ] Write-in. How do you wanna go about this?

[ ] Write-in. Any quips and thoughts for the Zone ahead?
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Okay, being in water really slowed us down, much like when we travelled with Honey, this means more encounters. Definitely a huge difference from the previous areas.

Overall Sonic does best when he can blitz an area, and reduce the amount of encounters he has to suffer through. This section proves it.

Overall, I'm wary of waiting too long, because I feel that may have cost us the previous emerald. So maybe rest to get to half health then go?
[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] Yes, I'll take two days to heal.

[X] Sometimes, you hate when you are right, because that stinked hard. Alright, try again to find a route that is not underwater. If not, either suck up...or try to find something that allowed you to cross without touching the water. You saw that wood usually floated in the water: maybe try to find something that can do the same? Long shot, but who knows.

[X] "Well...can't say that I am enjoying this. Damn, what is with me and ruins? I can't even quip!"
-[X] If you find something adequate to float or a outside of the water route: "Well, well, if isn't my lucky day!"
-[X] "Maybe I should try to learn how to swim when I go back home? Because this sucks!"
-[X] "Go to the deep where you belong!"
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[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] Yes, I'll take two days to heal.

[X] Sometimes, you hate when you are right, because that stinked hard. Alright, try again to find a route that is not underwater. If not, either suck up...or try to find something that allowed you to cross without touching the water. You saw that wood usually floated in the water: maybe try to find something that can do the same? Long shot, but who knows.

[X] "Well...can't say that I am enjoying this. Damn, what is with me and ruins? I can't even quip!"
-[X] If you find something adequate to float or a outside of the water route: "Well, well, if isn't my lucky day!"
-[X] "Maybe I should try to learn how to swim when I go back home? Because this sucks!"
-[X] "Go to the deep where you belong!"
[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] Yes, I'll take two days to heal.

[X] Sometimes, you hate when you are right, because that stinked hard. Alright, try again to find a route that is not underwater. If not, either suck up...or try to find something that allowed you to cross without touching the water. You saw that wood usually floated in the water: maybe try to find something that can do the same? Long shot, but who knows.

[X] "Well...can't say that I am enjoying this. Damn, what is with me and ruins? I can't even quip!"
-[X] If you find something adequate to float or a outside of the water route: "Well, well, if isn't my lucky day!"
-[X] "Maybe I should try to learn how to swim when I go back home? Because this sucks!"
-[X] "Go to the deep where you belong!"
Day 34 #1 Labyrinth Zone: Act 2
[X] Perhaps you want to take some time off to heal?
-[X] Yes, I'll take two days to heal.

[X] Sometimes, you hate when you are right, because that stinked hard. Alright, try again to find a route that is not underwater. If not, either suck up...or try to find something that allowed you to cross without touching the water. You saw that wood usually floated in the water: maybe try to find something that can do the same? Long shot, but who knows.

[X] "Well...can't say that I am enjoying this. Damn, what is with me and ruins? I can't even quip!"
-[X] If you find something adequate to float or a outside of the water route: "Well, well, if isn't my lucky day!"
-[X] "Maybe I should try to learn how to swim when I go back home? Because this sucks!"
-[X] "Go to the deep where you belong!"

Due to 3 days of resting between Acts, you have regained 75% of your HP

7 HP regained: Sonic now has 5/10HP

Labyrinth Zone: Act 2

Your choices modify the stage…

Days of waiting to heal yourself up.

Well, what can you say other than the fact that you were bored out of your mind?

Though, you didn't exactly wait to heal yourself to full, after all who knows what the Egghead could be planning to do? That and the fact that you were to anxious to sit around any longer, you couldn't exactly get a good stretch an exercise whilst being stuck in some small cave air pocket.

You roll to see if you find a route that allows you to stay above water, 80+ to succeed #1d100 = 12. You find no such path.

You roll to see if you can find any wood that could float you up to the surface, 60+ to succeed #1d100 = 59. You find no wood.

"Urgh, name a better duo than me and waiting to get healed." Seriously, this pattern is starting to annoy you. "Well... Can't say that I am enjoying this. Damn, what is with me and ruins? I can't even quip here!" Perhaps the greatest loss out of anything is that, what would the world do without it?

You try to look around for a route that doesn't have much water, no luck on that front. Then again maybe you shouldn't have expected much in the first place, you are in some random air pocket down deep underwater after all. What's even worse is that you can't find any wood to possibly float up and back to the surface to let you drift to the next zone. Just your luck 'eh?

Every 20 yards is a Air Bubble.

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = (5+1+3) 9. Holding breath is up by 50%!

15 seconds left.

Sonic runs 4/50 yards.

14 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 53. Obstacle!

The sponge you're on suddenly starts falling, -2 Jumping to make it over a gap before you fall deeper #3d6 = (3+1+4) 8. Success!

Whoa! As soon as you step on some sort of strange block with circle holes in it, it starts to fall to a great depth below! Not wanting to know where it'll take you, you make the wise decision to jump the heck off of it to a safe side that won't drag you somewhere unknown.

Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 activates!

Sonic runs 12/50 yards!

13 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 35. Obstacle!

A spear comes out from under you, avoid it at -1 Acrobatics #3d6 = (3+2+5) 10. Success!

You jolt back as a sudden spear comes out from under you! You slide down narrowly avoiding the thing, making your fur stand on end.

Sheesh, maybe I should try to learn how to swim when I go back home? Because this sucks!

Well, if you can learn that is. Because, for some reason, you sink no matter how you try to flail your arms around.

Sonic runs 20/50 yards.

You come across an Air Bubble and take a breath!

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = (1+5+6) 12. Does not gain the 50% increase to holding breath!

10 seconds left.

Sonic runs 28/50 yards.

9 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 32. Obstacle!

A stone head shoots a red projectile at you, dodge at +0 Acrobatics #3d6 = (2+2+6) 10. Success!

Seeing an air bubble in your path, you take the chance to take a quick gasp. It turns out bad though as you don't exactly make it right, somehow feeling that your worse off after trying to take a breath than you were before doing so.

Oh hey, is that a stone head statue-"!?"

Out of it comes some sort of red projectile as you get near it, you avoid it as you stopped right in time before it could shoot right through you.

Well, at least you now know that Eggman didn't set up all the traps here. Or those statues would've had his face on them, egotistic maniac that he is.

Sonic runs 36/50 yards.

8 seconds left.

Random Encounter #1d100 = 74. Rings!

You have obtained 15 rings! Sonic now has 15 rings!

Sonic runs 40/50 yards.

You come across an Air Bubble and take a breath!

You hold your breath with Breath Control #3d6 = (6+3+6) 15. Does not gain the 50% increase to holding breath!

10 seconds left.

Sonic runs 48/50 yards.

9 seconds left

Random Encounter #1d100 = 70. Rings!

You have obtained 20 rings! Sonic now has 35 rings!

Another botched attempt at breathing along with some nice ring collecting and you're already at the end! No Badniks to fight this time! At last you see the capsule...

A broken capsule...

Rings gotten throughout the stage #1d50+35 = (35+35) 70 rings!

Labyrinth Zone: Act 2 cleared!

You have obtained 70 rings!

Well that just ain't right.

In the distance before you, this pocket of air being larger and longer in length than the one you just spent days in before, you hear a groan. Something akin to one of pain.

Well, you're you right? Can't exactly not check it out whilst being the hero that you are. As you turn a stone corner you see it.

What first comes to your vision is a broken leg, snapped like a twig. Then the grey furry arms that hold onto it to try to lessen the pain. The long ears on their head. The striking clothes they wear, with colours of red, blue, and white. The weapon of choice that they have on the floor which looks like a long metal stick with weights on each side of it. How freakishly tall they are, perhaps not as large as Eggman but tall in their own right. And to be honest...

What the Mobian immediately reminds you of is a rabbit.

The Rabbit Mobian, having taken notice of you, grabs their weapon ready for any altercation. And manages to somehow stand up, struggling heavily to do so on their broken leg.

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