Can You Feel the Sunshine? (A Sonic the Hedgehog Quest)

The Angst of Upper Class

"Sonia dear, its time for your lessons." A voice called as a pink hedgehog finished dressing herself as she played a piano shaped necklace around her neck.

"Coming mother" She responded gently, coming out the door, dressed in her usual attire.

It wasn't considered 'proper' upper class attire, but in the comforts of her own home, the 15 year old liked to wear it.

Her tutor waiting for her, sitting by the Piano as she cracked her fingers. "We'll be continuing on from where we left off last." Her piano teacher spoke, the girl breathing slightly before gently tapping against the piano keys. A small tune being played neatly and orderly as she kept hitting against them with the grace of a swan.

"Good, now keep going." Her tutor spoke, the hedgehog mobian spreading her hands out as the rhythm slightly increased as she kept playing a consistent beat.

"Now a little faster." She thought she heard her teacher speak, the gentle smile on her face becoming a bit more manic as she increased her tempo.

"A little faster... " She kept hearing, the previous grace she had abandoned as the gentle song she had played was soon becoming a Bohemian Rhapsody of music. Her fingers crashing with the speed of a bullet as still the music sounded just as lovely even if the previous forte was abandoned in favour of playing as wildly as she could.

"Sonia!" A voice called out, the girl either not hearing or pretending not too as she had to keep going.

"SONIA!!!" The yell finally got her to stop, her fingers lumping on the last keys of the board as she halted her actions.

Her tutor looking at her, anger on his face as he sternly stared at the girl who nervously grinned.

"... Oops?" She said, blushing like a tomato.


"Sonia dearie, that's the 4th time this month you have gone off tune." Lady Eda of House Windermere spoke, sitting beside her daughter as the younger girl rubbed her hand into her face. "I know... " She bemoaned, not at all proud of how she kept managing to mess up such a single tune.

"Its just, when I'm playing on the piano, something surges inside me and encourages me too go faster... " She mused, almost like a devil on her shoulder, telling her to keep going and see how strong she could go with the music. "Like another side to me that takes over... " A wilder side that she had to hide from others.

"Perhaps we could try a different instrument?" Her adopted mother suggested, perhaps the violin would do her better tha-

"No!" Sonia cried, shaking her head, before coughing as she composed herself. "Something about the piano, it speaks out to me. I feel a connection too it unlike any other instument out there." Perhaps it was the necklace she had held since being adopted into the Windermere family, or just a particular love of how it worked, but she couldn't quite the piano, it just wouldn't be right.

"Very well" Her mother spoke, standing up as she had business to attend to. "Do be aware, we have a gathering to attend as ordered by the King." She spoke to her daughter, as Sonia frowned.

"I'm going to have to wear a dress and mingle with Princes Sally and Antoine again, aren't I?" She asked, while she didn't hate the two, she wasn't exactly big on them either. Honestly balls as a whole just felt like stuffy gatherings where she was forced to act perfect and not let a piece of emotion show.

"Don't worry, it will only be for a few hours." Her mother reassured her, leaving the girl too get prepared as she groaned, realising she would have to get into that dress she disliked.

She wasn't against dresses in general, but when they were tight enough it felt like they were strangling you, then you earned her ire.

"Could be worse I suppose." She mused, hopefully Bartleby would at least be there, he was one of the few upper class she could get along with.

Getting out the dress, she put her signature necklace away as she prepared.

"Maybe one day I can show off the wild side" She mused, getting ready as 'Sonia of House Windermere' was needed more than Sonia the girl right now.
The Sleeping King
It's quiet as you run, and so you try and speed your way through the zone, but soon enough you're drifting back to previous thoughts. Anger dominates your mind, but there's something else you can't deny. Betrayal slows your steps. It's barely noticeable but to you? It's as clear as a sunny day in Green Hill Zone. You thought there was something you shared with her. A bond of trust shared between heroes. A bond between a knight and her king.

Although you wouldn't trade the Freedom Fighters for anything, you had to admit there was something there that was missing. They weren't your knights. This wasn't your kingdom.

When you met Blaze, you finally felt like something clicked into place. You had someone who could keep up with you. Someone who shared your ideals. After so long alone, it was a welcome sight.
There were supposed to be more by your side. Where were they? Where was your Round Table?

You feel your hands clench by your side, and you speed up. Anything to get these thoughts out of your head. You want to scream until your throat hurts, you want to swing your sword against the training dummy for hours, but most of want to know why she couldn't accept your help. Still, you knew that the two of you were beyond words at this point.

So you would prove to Sir Percival that she could rely on you. You would shatter the view that clouded her judgment, and prove yourself to her. After all, isn't that What a Knight is supposed to do? The duty of a King? a hero is for?

Your neck still stings, and you rub at it slightly. You could dodge hits pretty well, but that didn't mean much when you were caught off guard.
You missed your armor. Still, you think you hear Other-You's voice up ahead. It was about time.

You feel the wind against your body, and you speed into the fray. It's time to prove yourself. After all, you were
King Arthur The Knight of The Wind The Hero of the Islands Sonic The Hedgehog. And while you may not be the strongest, you are the fastest.

Have an omake I decided to write in the spur of the moment. Hopefully, it turned out alright. I haven't used text colors, but hopefully, I got the right representation here. Was debating using strike-through, but I thought it looked better with it. If people think it looks better without it, I'll change it. Finished Sonic and The Black Knight finally, and I'm finding myself wanting more storybook games now. Maybe I'll try and find a copy of The Secret Rings later. In any case, hope you all enjoy this omake.
30th of August #3 Rusty Ruin Zone: Act 3 #3 Vs Blaze Vs Team Anti-Sonic Vs Egg Statue #3
[x] Alright, so the real threat here is Patch, but Buns can harm you if you leave her unchecked - but why not use that against them? Force him to stay on the gun's line of fire, so that a shot for you will also go through him. Then move fast and hit an attack strong enough to push Patch against Buns, then pick on them while they are down. Also try lift some dust, see If that helps hide you from shots from Buns and Eggman.

[x] "Well, the animals from my home certainly did better to teach me manners than daddy dearest did for the edgelord over there, no offense to the guy," you sneer. "Like, your boss sucks! I wish I had a camera right now, that fall was beautiful! Oi, Egghead, if you have a camera, send me the pictures later!"
-[x] "Why follow a guy like him anyways? His sense of fashion is so awful that he's probably a wanted criminal on" ten different islands! Like...only the sunglasses look good, but the rest can probably make a blind mole rat weep."
-[x] "And don't point that stick on me, your mom didn't teach that it's rude to do that when talking?"
-[x] After finishing the fight, chuck weapons away "Hope you like scavenger hunting!"

Blaze runs 7/10 yards away from Alicia and Boomer to move toward Eggman and Anti-Sonic, judging that as a suitable distance that as Alicia and Boomer would not be able to attack her with their weapons, and the Egg Statue's hands won't be able to reach her nor would Anti-Sonic be able to easily take a pot-shot at her.

Blaze uses Move and Attack, throwing a Fire Fling at the Egg Statue with -4 to hit, needing an 11 or under to hit #3d6 = (1+1+6) 8. Hit!

Blaze: 6/10FP.

Egg Statue is unable to dodge!

Egg Statue burns for #1d3 = 2 Rounds.

Egg Statue takes #1d3 = 3 Burning Damage.

Egg Statue: 22/25HP.

You decide to deceive Patch by using Acting as to get into positions where if Buns gun hits you it would also hit him, but due to you not having the skill it defaults IQ -5, meaning you must roll a 5 or below #3d6 = (6+2+5) 13. Failure by 8!

Patch uses Detect Lies against you, he also gains +4 to this as you have the Easy to Read Disadvantage, meaning he must roll a 17 or lower #3d6 = (6+6+1) 13. Success by 4!

You Spin Attack both Patch and Buns, hoping to hit both #3d6 = (3+4+5) 12. Hit!

Patch dives his way out of your spinning path #3d6 = (3+1+2) 6. Dodges!

Buns tries the same maneuverer as Patch, but her body can't keep up like his can #3d6 = (6+5+5) 16. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Buns #1d6+2 = (3 + 2) 5 Damage. Due to Flames of Passion you got a +2 to this attack, as will any subsequent attacks in this Adventure.

Buns rolls HT for a Major Wound due to taking more than half her health's worth in damage!

Buns rolls HT to not get stunned #3d6 = (6+6+1) 13. Stunned!

Buns Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Buns: 2/9HP.

"Well, the animals from my home certainly did better at teach me manners than daddy dearest did for the wanna-be cool guy over there, no offense to the guy," you sneer. "Like, your boss sucks! I wish I had a camera right now, that fall was beautiful! Oi, Egghead, if you have a camera, send me the pictures later!"

Insult them more and more, enough so that Patch can't know what you're currently planning. Just gotta distract him with your words so that he doesn't get a hint that you're positioning yourself so that any hit by Buns bullets would also hit him too...

Patch looks at your face and eyes, and your strange movements. Looking at where you're looking. "...Aré you an idiot?"

Damn! He saw right through you!

"Grah!" The sudden sound of Eggman shouting causes you to shift your eyes to him, surprised to see the casing he's in on fire! You shift your eyes more downwards to see Blaze running towards Eggman and Anti-You, leaving the two she was fighting in the dust. "A mutant?! Only more complicated pests to take care of!"

You shake your head. No need to getting distracted now, you can't keep going with obtuse ways to fight when the simple matter would be to hurt these two. You kick against the ground, turning into a ball as you run at the two and try to slam into them. Unfortunately your strike on Patch misses, but Buns on the other hand gets your shoes on her face as your quills tear up her shoulders, causing her to yelp at the pain.

Patch swings his cutlass towards you #3d6 = (2+6+4) 12. Hit!

You duck underneath his swing #3d6 = (2+1+4) 7. Dodge!

As you do so, Patch from behind goes for a swing at you. Able to see this, you duck just in time to not get slashed by his blade. "Why follow a guy like him anyways? His sense of fashion is so awful that he's probably a wanted criminal on ten different islands! Like... Only the sunglasses look good, but the rest can probably make a blind mole rat weep." You say all of this casually as the tired Patch huffs at not being able to hit you whilst Buns is on the ground struggling to get up as fast she can.

Alicia is no longer stunned!

Alicia runs 2.625/10 yards towards the Eggman and Anti-Sonic battle to get closer to Blaze, but is unable to do anything else on their turn.

Boomer runs 5/10 yards towards the Eggman and Anti-Sonic battle to get closer to Blaze, but is unable to do anything else on their turn.

Buns is stunned and thus unable to do anything on their turn.

"D-Darn. You pack a real wallop." Buns shakily speaks as she tries to reach for her gun, looking at you from up to down. "But no fashion sense it seems."

Due to it being Eggman's turn now, the fire continues to burn it's last flames for #1d3 = 1 Burning Damage.

Egg Statue: 21/25HP.

Eggman judges this as the perfect time to go for a slam onto Anti-Sonic with his Egg Statue's hand #3d6 = (5+6+3) 14. Fails to hit! Hand is now blocking the shooter from hitting him.

Eggman mentally notes down on what he should do next time before looking at the trio of Blaze, Alicia and Boomer running towards him...

1 for Alicia, 2 for Boomer, 3 for Blaze.

First shot #1d3 = 1. Alicia!

The first shot goes towards Alicia, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (4+5+4) 13. Fails to hit!

Second shot #1d3 = 2. Boomer!

The second shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (2+4+4) 10. Fails to hit!

Third shot #1d3 = 2. Boomer!

The third shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (1+6+3) 10. Fails to hit!

Fourth shot #1d3 = 1. Alicia!

The fourth shot goes towards Alicia, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (5+3+4) 12. Fails to hit!

Fifth shot #1d3 = 2. Boomer!

The fifth shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (6+2+5) 13. Fails to hit!

You momentarily see five of those energy pellets fly on by across the field, it seems Egghead missed all his shots.

Anti-Sonic uses +1 Jumping to make it onto the Egg Statue's hand #3d6 = (1+3+3) 7. Success!

Anti-Sonic this time makes for a sure attack against the Egg Statue, hitting Eggman's casing 3d6 = (4+1+5) 10. Hit!

Egg Statue is unable to dodge!

Roll for damage for Egg Statue #1d6 = 6*1.5 = 9 Damage.

Egg Statue: 12/25HP.

And then, the sound of a crash of metal and cracks of enforced glass. The walls rumbling as it takes in an attack that shakes it.

"You blasted Hedgehog!"

"That's really unbecoming of you Doc. Thinking you can afford to shoot at my lackies when I'm right in front of you." His voice conceited as he mocks Eggman.

Blaze runs 13/10 yards, moving past Anti-Sonic and Eggman's battle and slightly to the left side of the battlefield, just enough that Eggman can't hit her with his Egg Statue's arms, along with Boomer and Alicia being unable to reach her. She is now 9 yards away from your fight.

Blaze running past Anti-Sonic, decides to swipe a Fire Fling at him with a Move and Attack with -4 to hit #3d6 = (4+3+2) 9. Hit!

Blaze: 5/10FP.

You make a pure Dexterity roll to kick up enough dust in the middle of battling to blind the particular area you're in #3d6 = (5+6+3) 14. Failure!

You Spin Attack against Patch and Buns, embarrassingly kicking up more dust with this than you tried earlier #3d6 = (4+6+3) 13. Hit!

Patch tries to make a perfect jump over you #3d6 = (5+3+3) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Patch #1d6+2 = (3+2) 5*1.5 = 7 Damage.

Patch rolls HT for a Major Wound due to taking more than half his health's worth in damage!

Patch rolls HT to not get stunned #3d6 = (5+2+5) 12. Stunned!

Patch's Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Patch: 3/10HP.

Buns tries to run away from you, not wanting to get cut up again #3d6 = (6+3+3) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Buns #1d6+2 = (1+2) 3*1.5 = 4 Damage.

Buns: -2/9HP.

Buns will have HT rolls to stay conscious which will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!

HT roll for Buns to not fall unconscious, must hit a 9 or below #3d6 = (4+2+4) 10. Falls unconscious!

You kick at the dirt beneath you, it uh, does not do much.

Ignoring that little bit on you trying to create some cover over here so that Egghead can't shoot at you lot so easily...

You charge into a Spin Attack, preparing to mow down your two foes. "Hey hey, don't point that stick on me, did your mother not teach that it's rude to do that when talking?" You borrow a line you've heard somewhere once, those lesson with Oryx have been doing you well with this stuff.

You laugh a bit as you see Patch try to jump over you, you get him across the chest for that. As for Buns.

"Crap-" Though she tries to turn back and run from you, you hit her on her backside as she faceplants straight into the dirt, unconscious. You're a little proud of yourself here, pretty sure that you're the first one to knock someone down fully here.

Patch is stunned and thus does nothing on his turn!

Patch shouts at you, his body twitching as he struggles to stand up. "You think you can get away wiv zis!?"

Putting yourself into a thinking pose of scratching your chin here, you think that out and then come to a conclusion. "Hmm... Yeah. The both of you aren't much at all really. Just a couple of losers."

"Hey watch where you throw that thing Woman!" Another thing is happening at the other side of the field, as Blaze seemingly threw some fire at him as she past him by.

Blaze doesn't let that comment go unanswered. "If can't keep up with interferences, then I suggest you already just give up and surrender yourself scum."

Alicia runs 5.25/10 yards towards the Eggman and Anti-Sonic battle to get closer to Blaze, but is unable to do anything else on their turn.

Boomer runs 10/10 yards towards the Eggman and Anti-Sonic battle to get closer to Blaze, having arrived to Anti-Sonic and Eggman's battle. But is unable to do much else on his turn.

"Sonic!" Your ears perk up, then deflate as you recognize it as the big purple-furred guy's voice, instantly realizing they definitely aren't talking about you. In fact, it seems he's managed to get next to the Other-You whilst the other lady is lagging behind due to their injuries. "We can't keep up with the Princess, and we have nothing long-ranged to get her with, what do we do?"

The other you's voice rises in pitch as he looks like he's about to throw a fit in anger. "Oh and all those telling me you're the smartest guy around, only to come to me for help now? Well then you idiot, how about you-"

Eggman decides to shoot first instead, targeting Anti-Sonic and Boomer right in front of him.

1 for Anti-Sonic, 2 for Boomer.

First shot #1d2 = 1. Anti-Sonic!

The first shot goes towards Anti-Sonic, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (5+3+3) 11. Fails to hit!

Second shot #1d2 = 1. Anti-Sonic!

The second shot goes towards Anti-Sonic, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (5+5+1) 11. Fails to hit!

Third shot #1d2 = 1. Anti-Sonic!

The third shot goes towards Anti-Sonic, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (1+1+3) 5. Hit!

Anti-Sonic tries to roll out of the energy pellets way #3d6 = (5+6+4) 15. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Anti-Sonic #1d5 = 5 Damage.

Anti-Sonic's Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Anti-Sonic: 2/11HP.

Fourth shot #1d2 = 2. Boomer!

The fourth shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (2+1+3) 6. Hit!

Boomer tries to move his big body to not get hit by the energy pellet #3d6 = (5+5+4) 14. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Boomer #1d5 = 2 Damage.

Fifth shot #1d2 = 2. Boomer!

The fifth shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (1+3+1) 5. Hit!

Boomer tries to move his big body to not get hit by the energy pellet #3d6 = (6+3+6) 15. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Boomer #1d5 = 2 Damage.

Boomer's Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Boomer: 4/13HP.

Eggman takes his second action to land a giant hand slam at both.

The Egg Statue's right hand is slammed down upon Anti-Sonic and Boomer #3d6 = (1+5+1) 7. Hit!

Anti-Sonic tries to slip past the Egg Statue's hand #3d6 = (4+6+3) 13. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Anti-Sonic #2d6 = (2+5) 7 Crushing Damage!

Anti-Sonic rolls HT to not get stunned, needing a 12 or under to succeed #3d6 = (5+1+4) 10. Does not get stunned!

Anti-Sonic: -5/11HP.

Anti-Sonic will have HT rolls to stay conscious which will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!

HT roll for Anti-Sonic to not fall unconscious, must hit a 12 or below #3d6 = (6+3+4) 13. Falls unconscious!

Due to falling unconscious in the middle of a battle, a Green Sol Emerald falls out of Anti-Sonic's inventory for everyone to see!

Boomer goes for a leap to get the heck outta dodge from the Egg Statue's hand, but is slowed down from his Halved Dodge #3d6 = (1+6+2) 9. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Boomer #2d6 = (2+1) 3 Crushing Damage.

Boomer: 1/13HP.

The next few moments happen fast as Eggman immediately shoots first instead of throwing his machine's arm down. Five shots. Two misses. One of them hitting the Faker as it explodes into his face, blinding him. And the last two exploding against Boomer's hip and chest, causing him to stagger back in shock.

Just as quickly as that came, Eggman slams his machine's right hand on the two of them, giving them absolutely no time to recover as a crunching sound is made! Dust flies, and one it settled...

Lay Anti-You beaten on the floor, and Boomer weakly trying to push off the ground to get back up.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Right in front of you huh? Should've worried about yourself more you pest-" And then, shock takes hold as he stops.

In fact, shock takes hold of every single person here, as an otherworldly shine of green pops out of Sol-Sonic. A Green Sol Emerald.

Blaze run 3 yards back to Anti-Sonic as she snatches the Green Sol Emerald, throwing it into her inventory.

Blaze blitz straight for it, her claws outstretched to grab it the first chance she could get. And just as quickly as it was out, it's now within her.

"What the..." Eggman stares at where the Sol Emerald was, as you're absolutely sure a thousand different things are going through his mind. And then, he grins. "Hm, perhaps I've miscalculated on not having a proper introductory talk with you... Blaze was it?"

She hits him with a glare. "And you're the tyrant causing trouble for this world."

"I'd prefer the term Emperor, but I'm saving that title for after I've managed to conquer Mobius. You've got save the sweetest things for last... Wouldn't you agree?"

"As if, despot." Her glare turns furious for even the sheer fact he proposed that.

Eggman holds his face, laughing behind his hand. "Hoohehe, you don't seem much like the kind I can communicate with, far too much pride like that other Princess. I suppose you know what the natural order of this would be?" His fingers tap at the surface of his controls, eager to face his opponent.

And, in a rare sight, Blaze looks to be eager too. Flames stretching out across her entire body, a strange air taking hold as a heat is given off by all angers. All pinpointed at a sense of emotion directed right towards Eggman, readily to face each other as true foes that are as diametrically opposed as they can be. Her face hidden from you as she looks straight at Eggman.

But, the first to break this tension is not the two of them, but rather... The large purple-furred Moebian in the middle of all this.

"Don't dare think you can take the Sol Emerald like that you-!"

As Blaze goes to grab the Green Sol Emerald, she rolls Intimidation at Boomer but due to not having the skill she goes for one of the defaults of Acting -3, with her own Acting at +2 she must roll a 9 or lower #3d6 = (1+1+1) 3. Critical Success!

Blaze's head barely shifts from where it was to look at him, but it's enough for you to see what she looks like. Her eyes focused and squinted, her mouth an odd grin that doesn't match the rest of her face, an aura of pure malice that etches from her entire surface. All that was focused on Eggman now turned towards Boomer, and behold those determined eyes... Holds a spirit that's truly tired and wants all of this done and over with.

"Make your choice already." The options leaving or staying, the consequences for the latter being obvious.

Boomer rolls against his Willpower, needing a 13 or under to succeed #3d6 = (4+4+6) 14. Failure by 1!

Due to Blaze hitting a Critical Success on her intimidation, Boomer rolls on the Fright Check Table #3d6 = (4+6+5) 15. Lose 1d FP, and take 1d seconds of stunning as per 10. 10 – Stunned for 1d seconds. Every second after that, roll vs. modified Will, as above, to snap out of it.

Boomer loses #1d6 = 4FP.

Boomer: 6/10FP.

Boomer is stunned for #1d6 = 6 Rounds.

Boomer does nothing.

In fact, he just stands there, barely managing to breathe in her presence.

You Jump Dash through the air, hurtling towards Patch with speed #3d6 = (5+4+5) 14. Hit!

Patch is unable to dodge as he is stunned! You bounce into the air!

Roll for damage for Patch #1d6+2 = (6+2) 8*1.5 = 12 Damage.

Due to already being stunned, Patch cannot get further stunned even though that attack dealt more than half his HP at once.

Patch: -9/10HP.

Patch will have HT rolls to stay conscious which will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!

HT roll for Patch to not fall unconscious, must hit a 10 or below #3d6 = (1+6+1) 8. Does not fall unconscious!

Tch, you need to take advantage of this situation. You see Patch also transfixed on what is happening over there, and take this as your chance to jump into the air and dash towards him with speed! Hitting and sending him flying a bit as he crashes into the ground with an even more heavier sounding crash than when Anti-You hit Eggman earlier!

"Oh no. Oh no no no." Oh damn it, you look through the dust, hoping you didn't hit him that hard, you didn't even know you could make that big of a strike! What the heck?!

But then you breathe a heavy sigh of relief as you see the through the dust you created, a way better attempt of creating a dust cloud than when you tried earlier, to see Patch twitching as he can barely stand. Many cuts across his body as he looks at you with fear.

Patch is no longer stunned as it is his turn!

Patch looks around. Looks at the situation. And decides to book it, as he decides to run 2.75 yards away from the situation without picking up Buns.

HT roll for Patch to not fall unconscious as he begins to run away and the fact that it is his turn now, must hit a 10 or below #3d6 = (5+6+2) 13. Falls unconscious!

And then he starts to book it.

Taking about...

A generous 5 steps before faceplanting onto the dirt, unconscious.

"...Job done I guess?" You shrug at that, both a little happy but also confused on how you managed to pull all that strength from.

Alicia runs 7.875/10 yards towards the unconscious Anti-Sonic and the stunned Boomer to drag them out of Eggman's attacks.

Boomer is stunned for the first of 6 rounds!

"Don't just stand there, make a decision!" You hear Blaze shouting, Boomer still standing there in complete fright.

Eggman decides to shoot wildly across the entire battlefield, even at those unconscious.

1 for Sonic, 2 for Blaze, 3 for Anti-Sonic, 4 for Patch, 5 for Buns, 6 for Alicia, 7 for Boomer.

First shot #1d7 = 2. Blaze!

The first shot goes towards Blaze, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (2+1+5) 8. Hit!

Blaze goes for a flip over the energy pellet #3d6 = (2+2+2) 6. Dodges!

Second shot #1d7 = 7. Boomer!

The second shot goes towards Boomer, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (5+1+1) 7. Hit!

Boomer is unable to dodge to due being stunned.

Roll for damage for Boomer #1d5 = 2 Damage.

Boomer: -1/13HP.

Boomer will have HT rolls to stay conscious which will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!

HT roll for Boomer to not fall unconscious, must hit a 10 or below #3d6 = (4+6+5) 15. Falls unconscious!

Third shot #1d7 = 1. Sonic!

The third shot goes towards Sonic, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (2+5+4) 11. Fails to hit!

Fourth shot #1d7 = 3. Anti-Sonic!

The fourth shot goes towards Anti-Sonic, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (4+1+1) 6. Hit!

Anti-Sonic is unable to dodge due to being unconscious.

Roll for damage for Anti-Sonic #1d5 = 5 Damage.

Anti-Sonic: -10/11HP.

Fifth shot #1d7 = 2. Blaze!

The fifth shot goes towards Blaze, needs an 8 or below to hit #3d6 = (5+4+5) 14. Fails to hit!

As that happens, Eggman starts talking again. "Ohohoho! Everyone here! Take this!" As then five of his energy pellets start blasting wildly across the battlefield.

You take a surprised jump over one that comes right at you, seeing Blaze flip over one too, and two others managing to hit the shocked Boomer and the unconscious Faker still on the ground.

Boomer takes that hit to the side of his head, as his body falls immediately to the ground as he blacks out. He done for the count here. In fact, that means 4/5 of them are now no longer up, except for that lady with the whip still struggling to make it towards Anti-Sonic and Boomer. In fact, speaking of her.

"Damn it! Idiots, the whole lot of you!" Whatever her personality may be, it seems she's determined to get to them and get them all out of dodge. Unlike that Patch fella who tried to run leaving the Bunny Moebian behind. But whether her intensions are for the sake of her comrades or something else... Who knows.

Eggman with his second action goes to slam the Egg Statue's left hand down at Blaze, Anti-Sonic and Boomer, needing a 10 or under to hit #3d6 = (3+4+2) 9. Hit!

Blaze looks at Anti-Sonic, who's body looks like it can't take any more hits, thus her Selfless Disadvantage activates with her needing to make a self-control roll of 12 or under #3d6 = (4+3+6) 13. Failure by 1!

Blaze rolls with pure Dexterity to throw Anti-Sonic out of the way from the Egg Statue's descending hand #3d6 = (3+3+1) 7. Success!

Roll for damage for Blaze #2d6 = (1+1) 2 Crushing Damage.

Armour of Steel reduces that damage by -1! Blaze takes 1 Crushing Damage!

Blaze: 6/13HP.

Boomer is unable to dodge due to being unconscious.

Roll for damage for Boomer #2d6 = (2+4) 6 Crushing Damage.

Boomer: -7/13HP.

As soon as Eggman is done shooting, his lifts his machine's left arm up, and begins to force it down to where Blaze, Sol-You and Boomer are! Blaze's eyes dart at the two unconscious next to her. Boomer with his big body would most likely be able to take on most of the hit, but the Faker...

After that spare shot at him just before, it doesn't look like his body can hold that much without something potentially breaking. And this is a fact that Blaze notices just as quick as you do.

Even if he is an enemy, you wouldn't let someone die in front of you no matter who they are... And, now looking at Blaze, you know she won't either.

After all, that's what made you two bond in the first place, right?

With that noted, she grabs at him, throwing him out of dangers way as the hand slams upon her and Boomer!

Sounds of crushed stone and cracking bones can be heard, as you see Blaze managing to somehow make it mostly unscathed. Struggling her arm against the hand trying to crush down on her, before slipping by with a roll. Her breath heavy as she does so, glaring at the man above her.

"You are a tough nut to crack, Cat Mobian! Unlike that even more foolish version of the one I call a foe." His eyes, for what felt like has been so long, now turn to look at you, a mocking grin on his face.

Tch, damn maniac doctor. Though at this moment, you really should thinking on what to do now. You're sure Blaze will be about to hit him with that Axel move, and then there's Alicia looking like she's about to reach the Anti-You and Boomer, who are both still right in front of Eggman...

You are 10 yards away from the Eggman and Blaze fight currently going on.

[ ] Write-in. What will you do next?

[ ] Write-in. Always more to say.
[X] "Your name is Sals, right? Listen, we are most definitely not friends, but I'd rather your little squad didn't die. So how about a 5 minute truce till Egghead is down and we aren't all ready to die too his soon to be scrap statue?"
-[x] To Blaze "Want some help? Or is your pride gonna save your butt?"

[X] Grab the Faker and 'Boomer' and get them out of the way, Blaze too if she isn't moving. Then focus on hit and run tactics to do as much damage to Eggy as possible.
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[x] Warn Sal to get her friends from that spot then go and fight Eggman. Don't interfere with Blaze's attacks, but try to finish him here. Make a statement. Try to use those hands to boost yourself to Egghead's level and slam on the machine as hard as you can.

[x] "Sal, right? Get your bubs out of there and don't do anything funny. This is the first and final warning."
-[x] "Hey, hey, Eggman! I thought we had something going on here, and now you try to move onwards without me with the princess over here?! For shame! I thought we had something going here."
-[x] "Come here, Egghead! Your aim is crap!"
-[x] "And this is how we do things in my house!"
A generous 5 steps before faceplanting onto the dirt, unconscious.

Don't you dare wake up and escape before we get that sword you dumb mutt!

[X] tell Blaze to distract Eggman while you quickly rush in and drag the Faker away from Eggman's range, tell Alicia to grab Boomer, if she doesn't or can't grab Boomer and try to drag him to safety together or alone.
-[X] if Alicia doesn't help and attacks, quickly hit her with a spin attack to launch her outside of Eggman's range.
--[X] once they're all safe (or dead) grab the warp ring off the Faker
---[X]rush Eggman with hit and run attacks.

[X] "hey Princess! Either help me save your friends or get out of my way!"
-[X] "Blaze! Keep him distracted!"
--[X] if either of them die "no, no! No!! Damn you Eggman!!"
-[X] "Really Egghead? I'm a bit late because I had to deal with some losers and I find you fighting someone else!? For shame! I thought we had something special!"

Edit: I came up with my own plan
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And now Eggman knows about the Sol Emeralds. Man Anti-Sonic, could you stand to not make things worse for everyone for like, two days?
#3d6 = (1+1+1) 3. Critical Success!
Anywho, very much love that the dice themselves seem to be supporting the narrative of Blaze's Armour of Steel making her fucking terrifying. Three ones on 3d6 for an intimidation check. Had Boomer questioning if she was gonna immolate him for being in her presence.
Roll for damage for Blaze #2d6 = (1+1) 2 Crushing Damage.

Armour of Steel reduces that damage by -1! Blaze takes 1 Crushing Damage!

Blaze: 6/13HP.
Two nat 1s on 2d6 crushing damage towards her, and last update she just tanked an explosion to the face! Dear God, the dice are loving what this kitty cat is cooking!

Anti-Sonic: -10/11HP.
So, uh, hitting the negative equivalent of your HP means you die right? We barely managed to not kill Patch 100% on accident, and Eggman just got very close to killing a Sonic The Hedgehog. (I wonder what happens when Anti-Sonic dies? Sol Factor increase for him?).

But yeah, Eggy is popping off something fierce with this Knight Bot.

Also, can I just say that I love the Spin Attack? That thing hard carries for us. I think that, in combination with upping our dodge maybe, we should see if we can upgrade that thing further whenever we get the opportunity.

[X] "Your name is Sals, right? Listen, we are most definitely not friends, but I'd rather your little squad didn't die. So how about a 5 minute truce till Egghead is down and we aren't all ready to die too his soon to be scrap statue?"
-[x] To Blaze "Want some help? Or is your pride gonna save your butt?"

[X] Grab the Faker and 'Boomer' and get them out of the way, Blaze too if she isn't moving. Then focus on hit and run tactics to do as much damage to Eggy as possible.

So I admittedly am thinking of going with the above plan, but the obvious question here is "Can we carry Boomer?". Character sheet says we can lift 24.2 lbs, and I legit have no idea if that's even enough to carry Anti-Sonic, let alone a guy as big as Boomer. Don't get me wrong, it's in-character for Sonic to help get them out of the way. What with not wanting to see anyone die. But I'm trying to figure out if we have any way to get Boomer out of here that doesn't involve two people dragging him away.

Granted, we might not have a choice. So maybe it would probably be best to specify one person grabs Anti (one more hit = death), and the other two try to drag away Boomer (6HP left from dying if I'm right).

For the dialogue, I think that it works. The previous updates have shown that Sonic has something of a temper at the moment, so the sass at Blaze feels in-character.

Finally, we're probably going to have to evacuate Buns and Patch as well. Buns (secondary priority) can take a shot from Eggman even if he rolls max damage, Patch (primary priority) dies if even a single hit lands.
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[x] Warn Sal to get her friends from that spot then go and fight Eggman. Don't interfere with Blaze's attacks, but try to finish him here. Make a statement. Try to use those hands to boost yourself to Egghead's level and slam on the machine as hard as you can.

[x] "Sal, right? Get your bubs out of there and don't do anything funny. This is the first and final warning."
-[x] "Hey, hey, Eggman! I thought we had something going on here, and now you try to move onwards without me with the princess over here?! For shame! I thought we had something going here."
-[x] "Come here, Egghead! Your aim is crap!"
-[x] "And this is how we do things in my house!"
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So, uh, hitting the negative equivalent of your HP means you die right?
Causes a death check roll which you roll with HT and whatever other Advantages you have. For each negative equivalent up to -x5.

So, say for example you have 10HP. And that your HT is at a 10 with no Advantages upping it.

You get a death check at -10/10HP, needing a roll of 10 or under to succeed.

Another one at -20/10HP with -1 HT to make it, needing a roll of 9 or under to succeed.

Another one at -30/10HP with -2 HT to make it, needing a roll of 8 or under to succeed.

Another one at -40/10HP with -3 HT to make it, needing a roll of 7 or under to succeed.

And then lastly -50/10HP causes automatic death, there is no roll for this.
Actually, now that I think about it, I should probably just ask the QM. @RomanceNinja. Does Sonic think he'd be able to carry Boomer? Or does he believe he'd need a second person for that?
Sonic believes he can carry either him or Anti-Sonic. But only one of them at a time.
Causes a death check roll which you roll with HT and whatever other Advantages you have. For each negative equivalent up to -x5.

So, say for example you have 10HP. And that your HT is at a 10 with no Advantages upping it.

You get a death check at -10/10HP, needing a roll of 10 or under to succeed.

Another one at -20/10HP with -1 HT to make it, needing a roll of 9 or under to succeed.

Another one at -30/10HP with -2 HT to make it, needing a roll of 8 or under to succeed.

Another one at -40/10HP with -3 HT to make it, needing a roll of 7 or under to succeed.

And then lastly -50/10HP causes automatic death, there is no roll for this.

Sonic believes he can carry either him or Anti-Sonic. But only one of them at a time.
Got it. Thank you for the information!

[X] Grab the Faker and 'Boomer' and get them out of the way, Blaze too if she isn't moving. Then focus on hit and run tactics to do as much damage to Eggy as possible.
Seems like it's best if we grab Faker and Alicia grabs Boomer. I think it should be ok if we leave Blaze since she is noted as being able to hit Eggman with her Axel Jump Dash. From Sonic's perspective at least.
Unfortunately, we probably won't have the time to get any two people away at the same time on our own. So getting Blaze out of the way isn't in the cards.

Edit: It should be noted that we are 10 yards away and our move is 10.25. It'll take a whole 'nother turn to get Faker out of there, and while there we'll be susceptible to attacks from Eggman's machine. Given that we're playing Sonic, I'm guessing we're going to be doing our best to stop Faker from getting turned into paste. If Eggman makes his hit DC, we're going to probably be taking 2d6 damage in order to save Anti-Sonic.

Just something to keep in mind for any plan making anyone has.
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My plan actually has us doing that while Blaze runs distraction.
[X] tell Blaze to distract Eggman while you quickly rush in and drag the Faker away from Eggman's range, tell Alicia to grab Boomer, if she doesn't or can't grab Boomer and try to drag him to safety together or alone.
-[X] if Alicia doesn't help and attacks, quickly hit her with a spin attack to launch her outside of Eggman's range.
--[X] once they're all safe (or dead) grab the warp ring off the Faker
---[X]rush Eggman with hit and run attacks.

[X] "hey Princess! Either help me save your friends or get out of my way!"
-[X] "Blaze! Keep him distracted!"
--[X] if either of them die "no, no! No!! Damn you Eggman!!"
-[X] "Really Egghead? I'm a bit late because I had to deal with some losers and I find you fighting someone else!? For shame! I thought we had something special!"
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I really hope that the "Antis" have more depth to their characters than just being meaner versions of characters we haven't even met yet.

I also really hope we can meet our world's versions of them soon. Imagine their reactions when we tell them that alternate universes are real and that we kicked the asses of a crew of edgier doppelgängers.

Though, seriously, it feels wrong to have met Archie's "Anti-Freedom Fighters" before meeting any of their nicer counterparts.
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[X] tell Blaze to distract Eggman while you quickly rush in and drag the Faker away from Eggman's range, tell Alicia to grab Boomer, if she doesn't or can't grab Boomer and try to drag him to safety together or alone.
-[X] if Alicia doesn't help and attacks, quickly hit her with a spin attack to launch her outside of Eggman's range.
--[X] once they're all safe (or dead) rush Eggman with hit and run attacks.

[X] "hey Princess! Either help me save your friends or get out of my way!"
-[X] "Blaze! Keep him distracted!"
--[X] if either of them die "no, no! No!! Damn you Eggman!!"
-[X] "Really Egghead? I'm a bit late because I had to deal with some losers and I find you fighting someone else!? For shame! I thought we had something special!"
Wait a minute. Does Anti-Sonic still have his warp ring on him?

If yes, everyone should probably alter their plans to include yoinking the thing off him when they move Anti-Sonic out of danger. The main reason I say probably is because if we do so, we are basically leaving the entire Anti-Gang stranded on Flickie Island. Granted, the past disappearances indicate that people can vanish off the island and to Moebius. But we still would be abandoning them in a foreign world on an island that I'm 90% sure doesn't exist on theirs.

Just something to keep in mind everybody.