A Look in Silver
[System Start]
You awake to the world, for a moment wondering who you are, until the programming settled in.
"Hm. No issue in the booting," said Robotnik -your creator -looking at the screen. "So far, systems doing better than average. Not bad for a rush job."
He typed a few things in the computer.
"Alright Silver, operational test. Go as fast in the mill."
You look below. Yes, there it was said mill, slowly beginning to move. While you keep it up just fine at first, the pace of the machine soon required the use of rockets to keep the pace. Disappointing. However, Robotnik just nodded, pulling some hair from his long moustache.
"Hm, nothing far from expected."
There was no one in the lab other than the machine and the doctor. He had this habit of speaking to himself, or maybe speaking to the machine. That was an habit that you noticed from the other times.
"Well then, not my finest job, but you shall do," grumbled the doctor. "Stupid Scratcher and Grounder, can't even do simple tasks. I should just send those two to Scrapnik Island..."
(If a robot could shiver, then Silver would: his registers noticed that Scrapnik was where doctor send any robot that he deemed a failure.
But he was not a failure. Not by far.)
He clapped his hands.
"Well then," he typed a bit more, stopping the mill. "You should be enough to deal with that pest. You know your directives, correct?"
Silver nodded. He could see it.
1 - Locate and bring back any Chaos Emerald he found
2 - Hunt and capture/eliminate the Blue Blur (as Robotnik had dubbed their enemy)
3 - Neutralize any rebel elements
Robotnik inputed some data in the system.
"The last known location of the Blue Blur is Marble Zone. According to Grounder, he got badly wounded in their last battle, and it's likely he has a companion with him. He should not be too far off: I will deploy you there, and you will do your thing."
The machine know as Silver bowed. It should be an easy task, with all said and done.
He was an Robotnik creation, after all.
The Blue Blur could be fast, but he was certainly not careful. You manage to find it's first hideout with enough ease, following the blood of the wounds that he and his partner suffered. It was dry, but still visible enough for your systems to catch it.
He had a good start over you, but it was no issue: you were nearly restless, only having to stop from time to time to find the trail, erased at some points. However, you soon find them, leaving one of the many buildings of the zone.
You could have catched them while sleeping, but you wanted to ask some questions first: around the time that the Blue Blur started causing troubles, Doctor had detected odd signs of energy, that he considered that it could be from the Emeralds he looked for. Thus, he would try to take his friend as hostage, then try to interrogate him. It would be a bit tough without the voice module, but that was fine. He would make himself be understood.
Going a bit ahead of the duo of adventurers, you hide in the shadows, patiently waiting for the prey. Once they got there, you would-
There! The two passed through the zone remarkably quick, but now it was your time. You advance, intending to get the jump on them...
However, they seem to sense you, somehow. The inferior one manages to dodge the attack, while his companion takes your rocket boost, managing to somewhat mitigate the damage. You boost over away of your opponents, hearing the yellow one commenting about your status as a copy. Then the original shouts:
"I ain't silver!
Pointless. Silver, blue, black. You were superior to your meat counterpart in every way, and you would make it know.
"Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That's just rude!"
You dismiss that claim. Right? The only one with right was his master, the great Doctor-!
You feel something hitting you. When you look, it's the meat counterpart. He took your moment of distraction, and tried to go for a damaging move. However, for all his speed, he had no muscle.
The meat counterpart recognizes this, retreating. You try to get him with your superior speed-
"And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
He...got around you. Simple as that. Unacceptable. The robots had given a wrongful report to Doctor. You would make them pay once you returned.
You have other idea.
You jump towards the partner of his. She shouts at your InferIor, who notices the danger. She tries to punch you, but you alter your speed to weave through it, then boost head-on in her stomach. The hedgehog goes talk with her, and they seem to have an idea: try to hit you hard using the InferIor as bait.
You would laugh at that if it weren't for your lack of voice. She wasn't strong enough to do that. You cockily boost at them.
You got surprised by the strength of the attack, crushing the circuits in your chest. You ignore the warning messages to avoid the strike from the iNFeRior, managing to strike his stomach. He breathes hard, with the Cat putting herself in front of him. She thinks that she can stop you? You boost, intending in destroying that futile effort.
You were too cocky.
The next strike hits you in the head. Your lock-on systems got destroyed by that attack. You miss the next attack, trying to make distance for the next blow. You would destroy that girl, you would, you would-
You can feel it. The uppercut that hits you straight into the chin. Your systems were heavily damaged by the attack.
You feel the body forcibly shutting down.
'No...I am the best. The best. Thebestbestbestbestbest-"
You barely can move. You are surprised you can even move. You think they would destroy you.
HIm. It WAs hIM.
You are sure. He spared Scratcher. The blUR is soft. He pitied you, and let you go.
To let him be, having to return to Doctor with nothing but wounds, like a child in a playground, was nothing short of worse than death.
You lost count of time. You were just boosting without regard by the land. The blood was fresh. You wouldn't let him get away with that. YoU woUldn`T.
They are distracted. Close to one of Doctor's capsules. They turn to see you. But it's already too late.
You smash your would-be destroyer. The cat can't avoid the attack, and the bash makes her fall unconscious.
You turn to the FaKEr, claw clicking. (
No, you were the fake, right? Not him?)
"Hey Faker!" shouts the fAKer. "First, props for getting back so fast!" he talks, nervously. "Really, that's only part of me that Eggman got right! So, how about we solve this in the old way, huh?" He stare at you intensely. "Yeah, you know what I'm thinking! It's because I know you are thinking the same as me!
Strange, isn't it?!"
He makes a 'bring it on' gesture, daring the machine to go for it. "Last hog standing is the winner!"
One final blow. All decided here. You notice that the dirty hog had some plan in his mind. But he was readable as a data profile. You would turn his sorry excuse of a plan against him.
You boost towards him with all his might. He tries to jumps over you. "There's the one thing you can't copy! Take this, you-"
turn at last second, going straight for the faKER.
You two go through the capsule. AnNNKJNJ- Animals escape from it, but YOU pay nOOOOOOOOOO mind. You were getting out of time.
5 minutes. Enough TIiiiiime to get through the fAKEr. You rush at the weakened hedgehog, bleeding like a pig.
You reactivate inside that place.
"How's about we settle this, Faker!"
Where was it? You were unsure.
All you know is that the enemy you put down was now back on foot.
"Quick! To the Goal!"
You notice mysterious balls where the word was written. Before you could further analyze it, the faAAAker and his friend split. You tried to capitalize and boost on the blue hedgehog, but the cat hit you. The rocket stabilizes you, and you continue your offensive.
"Smell ya later, faker!"
You barely escapes the trap. The cat goes for a dual chop that busts your sensors even further, but you manage to grab in the leg of the FAKer, who tries to quickly shake you off. However, your grip was literally iron-clad. He was forced to leave the Goal trap, and fall in the pathway for...somewhere. The cat hits you, and in return you keep the assault in the Faker.
You feel it before seeing it. The energy.
The Chaos Emerald.
It was blue, protected by a weak barrier. Your barely functional database compares the data: yes, it's the same that appeared when the Blur started causing trouble.
This is a place to find Emeralds.
You avoid the attack of the cat, while the hedgehog breaks the shield.
It's there. One simple move. And he would have something for doctor. His directives -
1 - Locate and bring back any Chaos Emerald he found Kill the Faker
2 - Hunt and capture/eliminate the Blue Blur Faker
3 - Neutralize any rebel elements Get the Chaos Emeralds
The Emerald could wait.
You burst through the FAAAAAKKKKEEEER, and wound him further. He flies down, then he throws the cat at you!
With her surprising strength, she manages to imoblize you ever so temporarily. You can't defend against the attacks, but you managed to clack his claws on the leg, holding by dear life.
Then, he grabs the Emerald, and the world SPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIII
You return to where you were. You stumble into the ground.
N000000. No. He couldn't allow that. He was so close. The Fak4r was bleeding, the partner was d0wn for count. He was close. So damn close.
"Sorry Faker, but I ain't staying here with you!"
You manage to lift up, and boost at him, but he av01ds the a11ack.
So be it! Better to go victorious than to return back without his prey!
You try to f0llow the faker. HE's fast. Fastfastfast. Damn Scratcher and Grounder! Damn DOctor. DAMNITALL!
You couldn't match him. Even carrying his partner, hHEEEEEwas too fast.
You finally give in.
And then the Silver Hedgehog thought no more.
Robotnik stared at the final of the memory of his prized machine. Then, he stared at him.
"Perhaps I underestimated you..." he stares at the screen. "And him."
The Blur...he thought it was a mere rebel fighter, not something like that. It was a wonder that Grounder even managed to scratch him. Maybe he wouldn't send them to Scrapnik Island...He was in a more forgiving mood today.
"Remove Scratcher, Grounder and Breezie from the list of dejects. Add Coconuts," declared Robotnik.
"Damn ape..."
He focus back at the machine.
"You managed to rewrote my directives," said Robotnik. "I should destroy you. A disobedient robot is a dangerous robot."
He then laughed. Laughed like a child that won a new toy in Christmas.
"But I won't do that."
He retrieved the black box from the mangled body of Silver. Robotnik would need to reprogram a bit his priorities so as to never let him pull that trick again. But he would say he got a victory on that day. Sure, the Blur returned with a vengeance against that useless Coconut, but Silver was more than a match to him. And, while they only found the body of his metallic copy recently, he now had the clue he needed to obtain the Chaos Emeralds.
"Do not worry, Mecha," he cooed, passing the hand on black box. "We will get many more victories..."
The evil laugh of Robotnik echoed in the fortress that night.