Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

[X] You refuse, while you aren't going to remarry soon, you expect you will and that's a headache you don't want.

I'm holding out for Hiroko.
Too many waifu will ruin your laifu. And while I understand the necessity of remarrying and producing extra heirs, Hisao doesn't seem the type for concubines.
To some extent that's largely because I have too many characters as it is, and I'm not running this quest on QQ.

Now let's get a tally.

Edit: That's pretty close
Adhoc vote count started by gman391 on Apr 24, 2019 at 7:01 PM, finished with 24 posts and 16 votes.
Year 13: Headstrong Children and Council Meetings
13th Year of the reign of Toturi IV, Month of the Dragon, 9th Day (Early Spring)

A distant part of you regrets not taking Hana with you. In the end a year had passed and while you were not ready to take a woman to bed, you also could use someone to talk to.
Or in the current moment, someone to listen to you rant and rave.

However, no, you had refused, so now here you were making plans to throw a lot of Seppun around the training dojo later. Your hands kept oh so perfectly still as you listen.

"Kakita-san, what do you mean my daughter is in the Kawa Mori and not coming out?"

Noritoshi has the grace to look a little uncomfortable, although he quickly pushes it aside.

"After making an exceptional piece, your daughter requested that she be allowed to see the artistic traditions of her mother's clan. While the Shiba Artisan tradition is small, it is a worthy tradition in it's own right, and a change of perspectives was judged to be a good idea. Furthermore with the recent exploration of Naishou Province, Doji Aoshi-san believed that it would give her a chance to make a truly unique work. So they went to see the Master Artisan of the Shiba in Naishou, Shiba Daimaken, and learned much from him over the winter." Nortioshi says.

"However, on excursion into Kawa forest to gather wood to carve into netsuke as presents for you and her sister. Toturi Minoru seems to have just kept going instead of returning, there she met a Kenku by the name of Kozume. Said Kenku has said that she is training Minoru for now and that your daughter will be returned when ready." He finishes.

"And I assume you tried to kill the Kenku?" you ask.

"...we did, the result was that twenty samurai nearly died, and Doji Aoshi apparently disappeared as well. We have a report from the heimin that he made a bargain with the Kenku for the lives of his comrades of some sort. Regardless, the Jade legion is making it's way there, but Naisho province is frankly in the middle of nowhere" Noritoshi continues.

Akane pipes in.
"However, given that Satoshi, Minoru-chan's best friend is also missing, I think we can assume that the Crane cannot be held responsible."

"They lost my daughter!"

"With respect Mikado, your daughter followed after her father and did what she thought was right." Akane responds crisply.

Unspoken is 'without regards for fallout' which is...not criticism she can voice but it is one that strikes false, if too close to being true for you to ignore it. A breath, then two before you respond.

"What do you mean?"

"Itsume-shiryo, your sensei saved your daughter" Akane says.

"Yes I know." You say annoyed.

"From what you have said, it seems likely that he gave her some task, some test to help her, and this is the result." Akane says adjusting her fan ever so slightly.

"She's just a child" you say.

It's Shem-Zhe who answers.

"My Emperor, she is 12 summers as it is, not so long from her gempukku. Every parent only sees their child as a child, but they unfortunately tend to grow up."

Would you at 12 summers have sneaked away from your sensei to fulfill some request of someone who had saved you?

Dammit, Minoru did take after you didn't she?

"Very well, but let it be known the Crane that I am...displeased that this happened, very displeased." you say.

"Daidoji Kikaze has assured me that he'll have a request for seppukku from the Masters of the Academy on your desk in a week, if you want them too anyways, on a more long tem note, they are currently planning to deploy the entire Kakita Army to the region to get her back unless you decide to tell them not to." Noritoshi says.

Dammit, the Phoenix definitely wouldn't want another army on their lands, and if you looked at it from another perspective they were too blame too, but...

Promise me

Kaname's words come through your mind. Your daughter was in a strange forest with an even stranger Kenku and one hoped her sensei and friend. You wanted to do everything to stop everything to go make sure she was safe, you couldn't bare to lose your daughter, not after after Kaname.

Which of course led the question of what to do about the Crane. Abstractly, you understood Akane's point that really Minoru had made a choice, and taken advantage of her Sensei's trust to go do something for your sensei, and a small part of you was proud of her taking her word seriously.

The rest of you was torn between worry and absolute rage over he just leaving like that.
But, did that mean that the Crane should be punished?

On the one hand yes, they failed to keep her in check, on the other, she was near an adult in many ways, and they had been watching to keep her safe from an attack, not her running away like some pillow book.

[] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)
[] Let the Academy Masters die and the Army march. (-5 Crane)

A soft cough and everyone turns to look at the newest member of the council, Yasuki Chitose blushes a little.

"Ano, if we're all here, maybe we should do the Spring council?" She asks.

You're about to object before thinking about it for a little longer.
"...Alright, it might get my mind off of things." you finally say. "Akane go"

Akane raises an eyebrow at the familiarity but otherwise continues.

"Politically, I would have said prior to this announcement that things are somewhat in flux, and it's a good time to get the Clans to be more unified in preparation for the challenges that are predicted to occur by the Mikado. However, that has changed, while the Emperor has made his feelings on the matter clear, the Crane stand to lose quite a bit of clout. It seems like that all of their neighbors save the Phoenix are poised to take advantage, given that in time they will be the Emperor's in laws, it would be prudent I think to prevent this."

Noritoshi doesn't frown, he was willing to look vulnerable in reporting to you, but to anyone else? No, he would never let that much emotion through, but you can feel his pride, sense and duty warring inside as he idly twirls a small reed brush in his fingers, far too fast for him to be calm.

"As much as I would caution that Kitsuki-san speaks good sense. My own duties require me to recommend that we survey and rebuild Otosan Uchi this year, whatever the Mikado ends up wishing to do with it, we have to do something before all the Clans begin petitioning for the right to 'steward it' practically speaking who ever holds the Old Capital will have significant amounts of clout." Noritoshi says.

"I'll keep it in mind, Hida-san, you've been unusually quiet this meeting, what about you?"

Ginchiyo gives a low growl, not at you but at the world it seems like.
"As I have stated several times, the Legions are not yet full strength for the coming wars we will face. I again petition the august son of Heaven to rebuild his Legions. There is nothing more to be said on the matter."

You narrow your eyes.

"It's been years, even without my full support of the matter, I was under the impression that my Uncle had left you an army well on it's way to recovery, what happened?"

The burly woman folds her arms.
"During the reign of the Hantei, the Imperial Legion hypothetically could muster 100,000 trained troops, with a further 100,000 in times of great need. This would turn out to be mostly, a lie. The Clan Wars saw that number reduced significantly, the subsequent wars reduced it further, and the dead weight of the Legions was burned out in conflict, and it was decided that better to have the best quality army, than rely on conscripts sent to die. Otomo Kaneka-sensei left behind a lean efficient army of 30,000 samurai that could serve as a front line fighters, with a further 20,000 for logistics and transport. It is a blade that can cut any foe, and I would lead it against any army in the Empire and I would win."

A deep breath.

"The Scorpion can explain further, but given that I am looking at a threat both north, south and west. I need another army, preferably two, before I could say we had enough to meet all comers." Ginchiyo finishes.

"What of the Lion and Unicorn?" Akane asks.

"The Lion and Unicorn could serve, but I do not wish to rely on them, not when they have their own anger still simmering under the surface." Ginchiyo answers.

"You do not trust my clan?" Shem Zhe asks in a low tone.

"I do not trust any Clan." Ginchiyo says.

"Save your own" Noritoshi mutters.

"Enough, your point is made Hida-san, but the Empire has many needs. Yasuki-san you are the newcomer to this sort of thing, what do you have for me."

Chitose nods and takes a breath.
"After consulting with the Emperor, I have drawn up plans to begin a grand survey and refurbishment of the north, it will set us back somewhat, but it should return the Northern provinces to the same economic productivity that they had prior to the Clan Wars in a period of no less than ten years, provided that there is no further disruptions...but it will be difficult, mountains are hard to work with."

You aren't entirely sure if she took a breath that entire time, you think so, she must have right? Maybe that's what she took that breath at first, so she should could just get it out.

Shem-Zhe glares at Ginchiyo, and hasn't really stopped as he stops himself from reaching for a scroll case.

You might have to fire Ginchiyo, she was setting up defensive measures for the inevitably for Yodatai invasion, she was also pissing people off a lot.

"Horiuchi-san?" you ask.

"I wish I could give good news, but the heathen Zanj have made significant inroads to the Jeweled city, gaining a lot of popularity amongst our own traders and the Pelymrians, I must again stress that we should put everything we have in rooting them out." Shem-Zhe answers.

Ayumi shakes her head.
"While I too wish to burn the apostates branch and root, it seems that the Ivindi would really rather we not. While the Jade is flowing, it's at a trickle apparently being held back based on our good behavior. How much they care what we do to our own people is unclear, but they will have issues with us killing their priests. Hence while we can solve this immediate problem, the greater problem of the priests is going to be something more difficult to solve."

You bite back a curse. For once in your life could you not have people trying to make things difficult?

"Fine and other reports?"

"The Yodotai have another civil war this time, and I'm honestly not sure who is winning, but it is clear that once it's over, they will attack us. Whoever wins can no longer afford to put off a conquest." Ayumi says.

"What do you mean?" Akane asks.

"The Civil war is about who gets to lead the assault on the Jeweled City" Ayumi answers. "With respect I have begun to work on ensuring the Pact stays strong, with the Emperor's blessing?"

"Given" you say simply.

"Ano, we can't exactly kill all the merchants either my Emperor" Chitose says quietly.

"Shem-Zhe would we need to kill all the merchants?" you ask.

The Unicorn shugenja shrugs a little.
"No, but we would need to kill a few of the more prominent converts if they don't recant, and if they preach within the Empire proper, then the Law is clear."

"So what's the plan to stop the infestation?" You ask.

Shem-Zhe lays a hand on the table.
"At present I am working with the Brotherhood to create a strong counter preaching effort, however, the Jade Legion is naturally not terribly overly flowing with people who are gifted at such work, really most of the Empire isn't. Shintao is the obvious truth...however we are going to find those who can preach, teach them to be better at it, and send them to the city. This will be more effective however, if the people know it's at your decree. The Brotherhood is too decentralized to just be forced into things without effort from the Throne."

The council looks at you, it was time to make a decision...

[] Work to mitigate the harm of the Crane foolishness ensuring a strong clan for your future inlaws. (+15 Crane, -5 Crab, Lion, Phoenix) TN20
[] Survey and Rebuild Otosan Uchi in preparation for deciding what to do with it
(+1 all Clans) TN15

[] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20
[] Grand Survey and Development of the North (+5 Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn, -5 Crane, Crab, Scorpion) TN20
[] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)
[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25

Punishing the Crane gets us nothing.

Reinforcing the crane doesn't get us enough. Sending armies after the Kenku is a terrible idea.
Grand Survey and Development of the North is not a particularly efficient economy action, especially if an enemy army comes trampling through there, which is at least plausible.
Survey and rebuild Otosan Uchi is nice, but can be handled without us.
Building a new imperial legion is worthwhile, admittedly. Perhaps later?

The Zanj, though... they are a *problem*. They are going to continue to be a problem. We cannot afford to let them have the only warriors on this field of battle.
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20

If a war is inevitable after the civil war then I'd rather another army to meet them.
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)
[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20

War is coming and we're going to need all the Armies we can make.
Wow so if we wanted it this could be a +20 Approval turn? @gman391 is the counter missionaries correct? No one disapproves or more likely would like to see us spending effort elsewhere.

Also news a 10:00, give us more actions you sadist, theres always too much to do :mad::mad::mad:

[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20

Only mechanical negative is that it drops Lion down to thirty but thats neutral not enemy so its easily dealable.
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25

I know it is a different quest and setting but when I think about counter conversion efforts regarding religion, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ymaryn solution of having "give em the chair! Give em the chair!" be a particularly convincing argument.

Honestly though having some religious outreach practice under Rokugan's belt is good in case there is any assimilation attempts on conquered territory.
Wow so if we wanted it this could be a +20 Approval turn? @gman391 is the counter missionaries correct? No one disapproves or more likely would like to see us spending effort elsewhere.

Also news a 10:00, give us more actions you sadist, theres always too much to do :mad::mad::mad:

[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20

Only mechanical negative is that it drops Lion down to thirty but thats neutral not enemy so its easily dealable.
Outside of the questions mentioned, the idea of needing to do counter missionary work is a somewhat forgotten one. While there are false paths (Ie Heresy) in Rokugan, the idea of another religion entirely gaining root is somewhat foreign to most samurai. So no one really dislikes the idea of you getting it out. But only those clans really see the benefit of it.

[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25

I know it is a different quest and setting but when I think about counter conversion efforts regarding religion, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ymaryn solution of having "give em the chair! Give em the chair!" be a particularly convincing argument.

Honestly though having some religious outreach practice under Rokugan's belt is good in case there is any assimilation attempts on conquered territory.

I"m not entirely sure what quest that is, but no giving people the chair won't work. Not that it won't be tried. Ultimately the Zanj religion is somewhat at a right angle to Shintaoism and it will lead to some hard questions for a lot of Samurai. Even with the law reforms, life is still shit for the burakumin and indeed most heimin don't have it a lot better. While naturally conservative in some respects, a religion offering freedom and a promise that next life is in heaven instead of back on ningen-do is pretty sweet. Particularly when Zanj Priests have their own magic and thus proof.
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[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20

Can't do shit if the next war sees us without fight
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25
I"m not entirely sure what quest that is, but no giving people the chair won't work. Not that it won't be tried. Ultimately the Zanj religion is somewhat at a right angle to Shintaoism and it will lead to some hard questions for a lot of Samurai. Even with the law reforms, life is still shit for the burakumin and indeed most heimin don't have it a lot better. While naturally conservative in some respects, a religion offering freedom and a promise that next life is in heaven instead of back on ningen-do is pretty sweet. Particularly when Zanj Priests have their own magic and thus proof.
Ah well to greatly summarize the players were controlling a civ where modern day Turkey is. This position lead to a lot of foreign missionaries crossing into Ymaryn lands trying to convert and argue about the one true religion. The players came to the conclusion if they were going to brawl in the streets about it then they were to be entertaining about it. So religious "debate" became a mix of philosophy and a martial art contest, while also being a spectator sport with betting over the victor and overly enthusiastic crowds. In short bread and circuses funded by their neighbors.

In Rokugan though I'm pretty sure most monks could pull off that form of multi-task, if they don't do that already. MInus the crowds ofc.

As for the effectiveness of the Zanj religion in converting, ouch. RL Christianity basically swallowed Europe under that simple concept that life gets better after you die if you are virtuous instead of just trying again in the next life.
Could we ask the Pelmyrians and the Senpet to assist us in counter-converting? The Zanj and their religion is just as much of a threat to their culture as it is to ours. Not sure what we could counter-offer to the concept of heaven. Wait aren't ancestors out of the chain of reincarnation and having a pretty sweet deal in Yomi?
Ah well to greatly summarize the players were controlling a civ where modern day Turkey is. This position lead to a lot of foreign missionaries crossing into Ymaryn lands trying to convert and argue about the one true religion. The players came to the conclusion if they were going to brawl in the streets about it then they were to be entertaining about it. So religious "debate" became a mix of philosophy and a martial art contest, while also being a spectator sport with betting over the victor and overly enthusiastic crowds. In short bread and circuses funded by their neighbors.

In Rokugan though I'm pretty sure most monks could pull off that form of multi-task, if they don't do that already. MInus the crowds ofc.

As for the effectiveness of the Zanj religion in converting, ouch. RL Christianity basically swallowed Europe under that simple concept that life gets better after you die if you are virtuous instead of just trying again in the next life.
Could we ask the Pelmyrians and the Senpet to assist us in counter-converting? The Zanj and their religion is just as much of a threat to their culture as it is to ours. Not sure what we could counter-offer to the concept of heaven. Wait aren't ancestors out of the chain of reincarnation and having a pretty sweet deal in Yomi?
Well yes many monk orders include physical training as a form of meditation, and most itinerant monk can snap people's spines if the mood ever took them. But despite the bread and circuses, you can't beat people into not believing.

The Senpet have been dealing with Zanj missionaries for years, for them it's a solved problem. (Granted solving involves a whole lot of magic that would mildly horrify Rokugani)

The Pelmyrians are concerned as well, but they're not the focus of the Zanj push and aren't entirely sure if the Zanj are all bad either. (So they aren't firing all cylinders on the apostasy thing because they're much more syncretic in their beliefs than Rokugan)

The problem with Yomi is that it's effectively only for Samurai, and even then only for those who have fulfilled their destiny and or reached enlightenment. Everyone else goes through the Celestial Wheel. It's a hope, but it's not one that they can reach in a single life time, or even a hundred lifetimes, at least not reliably.
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)
[X] Begin concentrated counter missionary effort in the Jeweled City (+5 to Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) TN 25
Adhoc vote count started by Kolekzionera on Apr 26, 2019 at 4:02 AM, finished with 37 posts and 19 votes.
The problem with Yomi is that it's effectively only for Samurai, and even then only for those who have fulfilled their destiny and or reached enlightenment. Everyone else goes through the Celestial Wheel. It's a hope, but it's not one that they can reach in a single life time, or even a hundred lifetimes, at least not reliably.
...so what I'm hearing is that we need to legitimize the Path of Man.
Well yes many monk orders include physical training as a form of meditation, and most itinerant monk can snap people's spines if the mood ever took them. But despite the bread and circuses, you can't beat people into not believing.

The Senpet have been dealing with Zanj missionaries for years, for them it's a solved problem. (Granted solving involves a whole lot of magic that would mildly horrify Rokugani)

The Pelmyrians are concerned as well, but they're not the focus of the Zanj push and aren't entirely sure if the Zanj are all bad either. (So they aren't firing all cylinders on the apostasy thing because they're much more syncretic in their beliefs than Rokugan)

The problem with Yomi is that it's effectively only for Samurai, and even then only for those who have fulfilled their destiny and or reached enlightenment. Everyone else goes through the Celestial Wheel. It's a hope, but it's not one that they can reach in a single life time, or even a hundred lifetimes, at least not reliably.
To be fair, given RL historical missionary efforts of Christians in Buddhist/Taoist/Shinto majority areas, it'd probably be easier to wait for them to make a local faux pas and capitalize on that.

Or cross the local rulers once too many and get stabbyed out.
Part of the issue of the structure is that its very hard to maintain the faith coherently without centers of worship, which makes it a lot more vulnerable to sword based dismantling than the decentralized local equivalents, where the priests and monks don't preach so much as be holy over there so everyone else can focus on the material stuff unless hell's breaking loose or something.
To be fair, given RL historical missionary efforts of Christians in Buddhist/Taoist/Shinto majority areas, it'd probably be easier to wait for them to make a local faux pas and capitalize on that.

Or cross the local rulers once too many and get stabbyed out.
Part of the issue of the structure is that its very hard to maintain the faith coherently without centers of worship, which makes it a lot more vulnerable to sword based dismantling than the decentralized local equivalents, where the priests and monks don't preach so much as be holy over there so everyone else can focus on the material stuff unless hell's breaking loose or something.
While it hasn't come up yet, but the Zanj faith was forged under heavy persecution, so it's not like they don't know how to deal with that, but yes it's going to be interesting, particularly as converted merchants return....the gods are real, but who is stronger is a matter of considerable debate.
[X] Increase the tax on the Crane but, otherwise no punishment, do not allow the army to march (+5 Crane)

[X] Build a new Imperial Legion (+5 Crab, Crane, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Unicorn, Dragon) TN20
While it hasn't come up yet, but the Zanj faith was forged under heavy persecution, so it's not like they don't know how to deal with that, but yes it's going to be interesting, particularly as converted merchants return....the gods are real, but who is stronger is a matter of considerable debate.
Probably. Its got measures to go underground and go native certainly.
Alright so as many of you have probably see with the big alert banner and the subsequent (43 pages as of this post) thread on rule 2 and qm's. Now granted I don't think I'm going to run into this, I mean I'm not perfect, but I do try to follow the rules of the site. That said the Zanj are going to continue to try and convert Rokugani, and it's going to be something that you players will have to deal with. I want to stress however, that I am not, and will not be advocating for something like the Spanish Inquisition or something along those lines. There are solutions to the Zanj problem, but they won't be 'burn the Zanj to the ground' or something like that.

I've been fairly lucky in that the players here have been really good, but with that whole mess over there, I felt it a good idea to be explicit.
Adhoc vote count started by gman391 on Apr 30, 2019 at 2:28 AM, finished with 19 posts and 10 votes.