Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

[X] Kyoko

I think everyone has said everything they need to about almost everything. But one thing I'd like to comment on is that the Dreamer thing might turn out to be Very Bad for us if it turns out we're developing a Magicant, tapping into the Dreamlands, or making ourselves an Omori esc Headspace. We're psychic, so things going wrong in our heads can spill over into the real world. But we're coping so... it could be worse?
I think everyone has said everything they need to about almost everything. But one thing I'd like to comment on is that the Dreamer thing might turn out to be Very Bad for us if it turns out we're developing a Magicant, tapping into the Dreamlands, or making ourselves an Omori esc Headspace. We're psychic, so things going wrong in our heads can spill over into the real world. But we're coping so... it could be worse?
I think it's like a lot of coping mechanisms - helpful in doses, harmful in indulgence.

It's given us a window, lets use it to try to make sure we can get our feet underneath us.
[X] Kyoko

I think everyone has said everything they need to about almost everything. But one thing I'd like to comment on is that the Dreamer thing might turn out to be Very Bad for us if it turns out we're developing a Magicant, tapping into the Dreamlands, or making ourselves an Omori esc Headspace. We're psychic, so things going wrong in our heads can spill over into the real world. But we're coping so... it could be worse?
You may have forgotten, but Buzz Buzz said every Psychic has their own Magicant.
plus didn't Psychic powers originate from the dreamlands in the first place? Magicants are plots of land already inside them (though the specific state of our Magicant should be a factor, that's why we're after sanctuaries after all, right?)

the situation still probably sucks, but I assume the impact it may have on our motivation/the chance of all of this causing someone dangerous to poke their heads through is more of an issue at the moment than dream stuff directly impacting the real world (there could still be problems (especially if medusa's screwing around) but Giygas's already poking its phenomenal cosmic power to causing problems on that front, so it's not like it'd be much new? and best case scenario the two sets of nonsense clash with each-other)
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I wonder if it's possible to invite Buzz Buzz into our Magicant, or if psychics can only enter their own Magicant.
[X] Kyoko

For the Dreamer trait: in 8-bit Dystopia the Dreamlands are typically the 'Lovecraftian Nightmare' lands, home of horrible beings such as Kirby and the Wind Fish. And maybe the Pokemon. And maybe Medusa. I have a strong feeling that this trait opens us up more to eldritch influence, esp from the Old God we know has some interest in us, rather than doing any Funny Omori Business. I have a feeling that the more we Dream the more our patron (?) is going to gain influence over us, probably to our detriment. Along with possibly drawing in other horrors from the depths of the Dreamlands into Magicant or our own personal dreams.
How would cheaper health care cause a panic? Only one's to panic would be the hospital.
mostly the source of it, if it's blatantly supernatural that'd freak people out? (we've got that whole suspicion mechanic after all) and doesn't help how it's from a gang of kids (a group you don't typically expect to have great power/access to advanced medical technology
plus could get people asking awkward questions. probably nobody out of eagle quarter yet, but weird rumours would lead to more stress, and factions focusing on it could lead to an undesirable result
I wonder if it's possible to invite Buzz Buzz into our Magicant, or if psychics can only enter their own Magicant.
if there's no hard rule against it that definitely sounds possible (while PSI moves are very specific, there's a whole bunch of different things you can do so i'd expect it to be an option?), though might take more experience/psychic muscle power than we currently have? at the very least we'd first need to figure out how to purposely enter/exit, and then how to invite buzz buzz in without inviting anything else (could be simpler if he knows how to to know how to get in someone's Magicant without permission, but i imagine that's going to be far harder so being able to purposely decide let him in may be needed first? then all that's needed is them finding their way there, but all together it's a lot of steps)

maybe if we get the chance to ask buzz buzz what their magicant's like we'd get more understanding? if they're able to lucid dream it could be valuable info, especially if things are going to be a problem there. that said, while we're getting experience it's important to avoid getting a massive dream addiction, which is probably going to be a pain to avoid :/
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BTW, can someone please explain to me why so many people keep assuming Medusa is going to be our enemy? Do people just like Palutena a lot?
BTW, can someone please explain to me why so many people keep assuming Medusa is going to be our enemy? Do people just like Palutena a lot?
enemy might be a bit of a strong way of putting it, but i'd think it's safe to assume they have designs that we may fit into, and that we probably don't *want* to be in? typical god stuff really. i don't think we need to be super rude to her (and plus it's probs pretty unsafe to insult gods) but if we do nothing chances are we'd get manipulated pretty bad, which would be a pain?

plus there was the phone call with Cass's Mother where she convinced her to go and run off to join/start a cult, so clearly she's involved and may have had some influence on things in the past?

if our family were previously worshipers of her then that's pretty cool, but even if we want to move back into that relationship(maybe, if it's a good call or not depends on info we don't have atm) jumping head-first sounds like a recipe for not being mentally healthy
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I stated before that we're like either the reincarnation of Medusa or another theory I have is like we are sort of like an avatar for her?

Granted, those are just theories I have
We got really lucky with these results. Good to see that the info gathering actions paid off in about the ways we hoped.

Undercutting the explosive situation seems like it comes in 3 flavors:
-Reduce legitimacy of police action. Protesting makes them look like the bad guys if they crack down on us. Picking up trash undercuts the narrative of no-good teenage hoodlums ruining the city they need for their totally-not-slavery scheme.
-Stop Sharks from giving an excuse for a crack down. Either by distracting them or by talking to them directly.
-Reduce the general atmosphere of discomfort and pain through healing and reducing animal attacks.

With that in mind, our plans for next turn should probably be some combination of the following, barring other news and new actions:

Martial: Challenge Sharks to Baseball / Supress Agressive Animals
Diplomacy: Pick up Trash / Protest / Talk to the Sharks
Stewardship: Interact with Factory / Make Money / Psychic Healing (Reduced suspicion generation with Kyoko)
Intrigue: Sneak into the Arcade / Sneakily go after the controlled people and see what we can do about them.
Learning: Look into Animals / Research Armor / Research Pharmaceuticals

Buzz Buzz: Learn new Psy ability -> Try for something that compensates for being squishy. Maybe Shield, maybe a passive durability boost, maybe healing so he can heal damage taken.
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BTW, can someone please explain to me why so many people keep assuming Medusa is going to be our enemy? Do people just like Palutena a lot?
[] A stone tablet depicting a snake-haired figure
We picked this as what was found in the tunnels under Lier's house. All the way back in turn 1 I think. The other options were like, "a dark place of worship" and the normal Mani-Mani statue, so it's safe to assume whatever it is has some pull here. Normally Lier would find the Mani-Mani and Giygas would use it to worm his way into people's minds and turn them against the Chosen 4. So it doesn't seem too far-fetched that Medusa could be doing the same thing...

It's something to watch out for.
Is there someone here who could maybe drop some kid icarus lore so we could maybe get a better idea of what Medusa's deal is? Because the only thing I know is that she's the bad guy. What are her personality and motives, how does she go about pursuing those motives, is there a plausible reason we wouldn't be opposed to her, etc.
Part of why I feel like Medusa is our ally is that our most dear possession is made in the shape of one of her minions. Furthermore, the setting's most famous god is Kirby, so the gods wanting to be our friends is on theme. Sure, what Medusa thinks is best for us will be based in her inhuman perspective, but that just means we should get in contact with her.
Is there someone here who could maybe drop some kid icarus lore so we could maybe get a better idea of what Medusa's deal is? Because the only thing I know is that she's the bad guy. What are her personality and motives, how does she go about pursuing those motives, is there a plausible reason we wouldn't be opposed to her, etc.
In her original appearance in Kid Icarus, she was co-ruling Angel Land with Palutena, but grew bitter towards humanity who prayed to the gods when things were going poorly, but paid them no heed when things were going well. Feeling used and manipulated, Medusa started sending plagues and destroying crops to avenge herself on humanity. Palutena cursed Medusa to take on her traditional Gorgon form, and threw her into the Underworld as punishment. Medusa swore revenge.

After attaining the allegiance of the Underworld monsters, Medusa attacked Angel Land and managed to imprison Palutena, curse the Centurions to turn to stone, and fill it with her Underworld army. This is when the events of Kid Icarus takes place, as Pit needs to steal back the Sacred Treasures and use them to defeat Medusa.

So like... she doesn't have any real beef against us in particular, bu her distaste for humanity will probably set her against us naturally. I'm not sure what we could do to improve her disposition either, unless she gives us a Quest or something.
So like... she doesn't have any real beef against us in particular, bu her distaste for humanity will probably set her against us naturally. I'm not sure what we could do to improve her disposition either, unless she gives us a Quest or something.
I mean... it's pretty heavily implied she helped our mom, so she clearly likes at least some of humanity here.