Faction Founding: Final Part
You know what methodology you'll use, you know what name you'll be called and what flag will bare. There is much to still decide about your faction...but that must come through your actions, not simply your choices. Yet all groups have a founding basis, a tenet, a personality of sorts to them. Once that is decided, things can truly begin...Starting Org. Trait:
Organizations, much like characters, can possess traits. Starting out your organization will only have one, but as you develop, grow, and make choices, your faction will gain more. Please vote on what trait you'd like your faction to start with.[] Thuggish: It's not that they're any better trained, simply that they're better motivated. That or they're trying to mimic how you act. Martial Checks involve mobilizing the manpower of your faction in attacks, riots, or similarly offensive actions gain a +10 bonus.
[] Critical Thinkers: Don't focus on always being right, just learn from when you're wrong. Should a research or engineering related Learning Action end in failure, a +10 bonus will be granted to the following re-attempt. This bonus is increased to +20 if it's a SMAAASH Failure.
[] Self-Supplying: They're very self-sufficient, money minded- Okay, no. They're looting. They're very good at looting. Any Funds requirements for actions involving purchases, supplies, materials, or compensated work can be waved at the cost of an equivalent hit to Reputation.
[] Community Minded: You of all people know how someone is viewed effects everything, the others seem to be grasping onto that too. Whenever your faction receives positive Reputation they receive +2 additional rep. Whenever you damage another faction's reputation, or a faction is put into a poor light by your actions, any negative reputation they receive will be increased by +5.
[] Discrete: Can't get blamed for something you're not seen doing, right? The cap for Suspicion is increased by +10, giving greater leeway for reckless action or mistakes.
[] Psychic Gravity: Your faction subconsciously attracts those with PSI abilities, much like a celestial body draws in meteors into its gravity. A small fraction of your faction's starting manpower are very weak non-Hero PSI users. This allows your faction to take certain PSI related actions immediately that would otherwise require time or research. However this might make you more prone to raising suspicion.
New Mechanics!
Suspicion: You are going to be waging a secret war against a genocidal alien plot. It was made abundantly clear to you by Buzz Buzz that should the truth of this become known, the Big 3 will attempt to intervene in such a heavy handed manner that the end result would be more destructive then anything Giygas could dream of. As such you must balance your efforts to stop Giygas with avoiding raising suspicions in the public.
Suspicion has a minimum of 0 and caps at 100.
Suspicion is raised when rumors, reports, or outright evidence of PSI, aliens, or abnormal activities spreads. Openly using PSI powers, sightings of aliens, and other such actions can raise Suspicion.
At every 20 points of Suspicion as 'Suspicious Action' will occur, denoting the notice of one of the Big 3. These still start out small, and escalate.
Should Suspicion reach 100, there may be grave consequences.
However Suspicion decreases at a rate of -1 point per turn and can be further decreased by taking certain actions that intentionally hide the truth, muddy superstitious rumors with mundane explanations, or simply distract the public or discredit the idea anything is wrong.
Suspicion has a minimum of 0 and caps at 100.
Suspicion is raised when rumors, reports, or outright evidence of PSI, aliens, or abnormal activities spreads. Openly using PSI powers, sightings of aliens, and other such actions can raise Suspicion.
At every 20 points of Suspicion as 'Suspicious Action' will occur, denoting the notice of one of the Big 3. These still start out small, and escalate.
Should Suspicion reach 100, there may be grave consequences.
However Suspicion decreases at a rate of -1 point per turn and can be further decreased by taking certain actions that intentionally hide the truth, muddy superstitious rumors with mundane explanations, or simply distract the public or discredit the idea anything is wrong.
Reputation: Reputation is a general measure of how the public does, or will, see your faction. 0 is neutral, -100 is utterly reviled, and +100 is beloved by all. Your faction's reputation can increase, or decrease depending on actions taken or events that occur. How loved or hated your faction is can effect a variety of things.
Individual Faction Reputation: However, general rep doesn't govern all. Individual Factions may have a view of you that is divorced from your general reputation. Possibly liking you more or less based on a variety of factors such as your ideology, superficial appearances, or past deeds with them. Some factions may forever irrationally hate you, while others can potentially be worked into the good graces of, or start off as surprisingly welcoming.
Individual Faction Reputation: However, general rep doesn't govern all. Individual Factions may have a view of you that is divorced from your general reputation. Possibly liking you more or less based on a variety of factors such as your ideology, superficial appearances, or past deeds with them. Some factions may forever irrationally hate you, while others can potentially be worked into the good graces of, or start off as surprisingly welcoming.
The final stretch. I'll give you all till Tuesday, 6 PM EST to talk things out. Then voting begins.
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