sorry for being silly with plans, may be a bit awkward but already had everything written so would feel weird to not bring it up?
fingers crossed rumors will work to discover the bodysnatchers, or at least get us suspicious enough to be careful and not accidentally reveal info to them
getting funds is a gamble, but at the very least the action's specifically designed for it going by the effect description, and besides the action for getting a cover story could also fail (so in the event it fails taking it wouldn't have been a waste, just unproductive)
sorry for being silly with plans, may be a bit awkward but already had everything written so would feel weird to not bring it up?
fingers crossed rumors will work to discover the bodysnatchers, or at least get us suspicious enough to be careful and not accidentally reveal info to them
getting funds is a gamble, but at the very least the action's specifically designed for it going by the effect description, and besides the action for getting a cover story could also fail (so in the event it fails taking it wouldn't have been a waste, just unproductive)
Not sure what you mean with being silly with plans. From context of the prior conversation, do you mean the finding small objects action? Or posting a plan that was not very different? I mean, I adopted the searching for objects from your idea after you brought up it would allow for buying more shares and I agreed it was a good idea, so it's not surprising that making my plan more like yours resulted in similar plans, and there's nothing wrong with fine grained plan options.
(Side note: Even if we don't get more income from more shares, we can probably leverage it some way later on. Maybe taking over the factory as a business front, or signing an advertising contract for our as of yet non-existent baseball team that makes those shares more profitable.)
Not sure what you mean with being silly with plans. From context of the prior conversation, do you mean the finding small objects action? Or posting a plan that was not very different? I mean, I adopted the searching for objects from your idea after you brought up it would allow for buying more shares, so it's not surprising that making my plan more like yours resulted in similar plans, and there's nothing wrong with fine grained plan options.
(Side note: Even if we don't get more income from more shares, we can probably leverage it some way later on.)
seconding the plan, basically? i may have been arguing too hard over some things, so the fact that ended up being redundant makes it a bit awkward is all. happy if the ideas helped, though
from what i can read of it, low DC passes in extra investment will give influence but no extra income and higher ones will give extra income, yeah.
but even if it doesn't boost income, mechanically it'd mean we'd own more of the company regardless (even if these are small chunks) which i can think of some uses for.
like maybe it means future actions/events are more likely to increase the funds it gives (as in, it might not give more income immediately, but if once the lockdown/financial struggle period ends it starts doing better then our cut might end up boosted enough to be 2 income?, or if we do something that causes it to get extra sales it would benefit us more), and even if not it'd definitely make some actions more worthwhile/easy, such as if we wanted to do that diplomacy action or something? (though admittedly i'm not too interested in it)
that said, it may be a pain to hit those DCs (i doubt we'd want to put porky on there when intrigue's important) so i guess lets hope buying more bats decreases it to something where we have better odds (and that we can do it in the first place)
haven't heard it brought up myself at least
i'd assume this is a case of different forms of media working differently and stuff being restricted for gameplay balance. like in earthbound PSI Rockin being more available isn't an issue, but here it would mess stuff up balance-wise so needs to be?
In general PSI abilities in general will work and be interpreted differently from the games.
However PSI Plushie is the equivalent or stand-in for PK Rockin'. In Earthbound the name of that attack can be changed before the story begins depending on what you put down as your 'favorite thing'. Thus there's not necessarily any wholly concrete canon name to the ability. It's a power that's meant to reflect something meaningful about the one who wields it.
It was established in a prior post that PSI users can be split up into Offensive, Supportive, and Specialists. However each PSI user also has a unique mind and different capacities to learn PSI abilities.
However every PSI user has the potential or capacity to learn unique techniques, reflecting their own unique nature as an individual.
PSI Plushie is CD's unique technique and it's intended as a strong ability with inherent drawbacks to it's usage.
[X] Step up to Bat
-[X] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
-[X]Listen for Rumors (Porky)
-[X] Check Local Disturbances (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Try to Foster Loyalty --[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy. --[X]Pick a Coping Mechanism: Just Sleep in
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Find Small Objects
-[X] Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
[X] plan: Focusing Faction and Nearby Threats
-[X] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk -[X] Look into the O.P.F's Plans (Porky):
-[X] Check Local Disturbances (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Try to Foster Loyalty --[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy. --[X] Pick a Coping Mechanism: Sleep in --[X] Find Small Objects --[X] Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
[X] Step up to Shack
-[X] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
-[X]Monitorthe Entertainers Shack(Porky)
-[X] Check Local Disturbances (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Try to Foster Loyalty --[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy. --[X]Pick a Coping Mechanism: Just Sleep in
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[X] Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
[X] Plan: First step -[X] Claim Territory by Force
--[X] The Hill
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
-[X]Listen for Rumors (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens (Buzz Buzz) -[X]C.D --[X] Hang Out with a Hero
---[X] Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy.
--[X] Pick a Fight in Town
--[X] Find a Way To Cope ---[X] Just Sleep In -[X] Buzz Buzz
--[X] Invent Cover Story -[X] Porky
--[X] Try to get a...mole?
[X] Step up to Bat (Gamblecore edition)
-[X] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
-[X]Listen for Rumors (Porky)
-[X] Check Local Disturbances (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Try to Foster Loyalty --[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy.
--[X] Pick a Coping Mechanism: Gambling
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Find Small Objects
-[X] Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
[X] Plan: Training Montage and Cover Story
-[X] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[X] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[X] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
-[X]Listen for Rumors (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Try to Foster Loyalty --[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky --[X] Spend time with Kart and Floppy. --[X]Pick a Coping Mechanism: Just Sleep in
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[X] Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
gah, I knew I should've been watching this thread like a hawk today. that window was slim enough that I didnt get to vote =w=;;
would've really appreciated us using Porky's +10 otherwise, but hey, maybe we'll crit I guess? amazed that nobody chose the arcade, but at least someone was interested in using that bonus with the OPF, alas.
Your voice carried through the woods the same way the crack of sticks and fists against skin had moments before.
A young boy lay on his back in front of you.
Sweating, panting, and more than a little bruised up, the boy made no effort to move as he struggled to catch his breath.
All around you, in a circle along the edge of the crude fighting ring outlined by branches, nearly every other member of the Outfielders lay splayed out on the ground.
One by one after their bout with you they had waddled off the ring and crashed into their own personal little craters in the ground.
Soft groans still rang out, with few having the energy to even look on at the fight going on.
"Get on your feet, if you were fighting anyone else they'd be kicking you in the ribs or stomping on your balls by now."
You kicked at the dirt next to the boy, but all he did was roll onto his side with a weak grunt.
"Is this really a good way to learn how to fight?"
Off to the side a girl spoke out.
"Shouldn't we be taking things more slowly?" They half-mumbled, pressing an ice pack to their face as they leaned against a fallen tree.
"You taught us the basics of how to throw punches and swing things, and then made us fight you. And we've kept having to fight you for like, a week straight so far."
A few of the exhausted members of the Outfielders rolled over, gazing on with equally weary and questioning looks.
"I heard that improper training can injure people and this doesn't feel like ideal training circumstances. I thought we'd be doing pushups and weights, not punching each other in the gut."
The girl shook her head.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing? You're not exactly a professional…"
Slowly turning to face the questions, you simply stared back for a few moment.
"So you want ideal training conditions when we're not going to have ideal fighting conditions?"
You looked around, your own question giving the doubtful around you pause.
"Yeah, I'm not a professional. But none of us are professionals, and none of us are going to be professionals for a long ass time. But we don't need to be professionals to win, and we sure as hell don't need to be in order to make a difference."
There was none of the normal tension that you felt when dealing with social situations. None of the exhaustion that punctuated so many of the things you did.
It didn't feel like you were talking out your ass for once.
This was something you knew.
"I didn't bring you all out here to teach you how to march in a straight line or run into machine gun fire because some asshole with a big hat told you to. I brought you out here to teach you not to puss out when things get bad."
An edge crept into your voice as you spoke.
"A fight isn't decided by who dies first, it's decided by who gives up first! Death just comes afterwards in the more serious fights."
Starting to shout, you watched as those still lying on the ground were all but forced to look at you.
"We can focus on getting stronger and honing techniques down the road. But none of that will matter if you all don't learn one thing, and learn it soon."
Narrowing your eyes you made a point to stop and pause, meeting the eyes of each kid watching.
"When a fight breaks out, you all need to be able to act. It's easy to say you will, and think you can, but it's another when it actually happens. That's why I'm doing this!"
You raised your hand and clenched it, knuckles going white.
"When the adrenaline starts pumping, the pain starts coming, and some prick throws a punch to your face, you don't flinch. You go for their face in return! You all need to learn to believe you can win a fight, even when you're not sure how. Learning anything before that besides the bitch basics isn't going to do a damn thing."
The girl who had voiced their concerns said nothing. Instead many of the tired, laid out teens and kids stirred. Looking on with a renewed sense of involvement, or at least understanding.
"Alright. So who's nex-"
Your words disappeared as the air was knocked from your lungs by a clumsy punch.
As you doubled over, the boy who had laid out before you was standing fists raised.
Everyone, including the boy who threw the punch, seemed equally shocked by what had happened.
But you? You were smiling, albeit between gasps of air.
After all you weren't teaching them to fight fair, you were teaching them to believe they could win a fight.
And the Outfielders?
They were learning.
"Good *gasp* punch *gasp* kid-" You sucked in air, forcing yourself to stand.
"Now try that again!"
Your efforts to train the Outfielders on how to fight went surprisingly well. Bit by bit your own experience with fist fights and street brawls helped blood away the timid nature of many of your members.
While they still lacked real experience and were about as far from a 'professional' fighting force as you could get, they had made remarkable improvement. How they were now, you couldn't imagine they were far from how the Sharks probably were...
The training of the Outfielders has improved significantly!
[Training Level: No Training → Hooligans → Ruffians --> Inexperienced DelinquentsThey think they know how to throw a punch, but more importantly they're eager and willing to do so.]
Recruiting (Onnet)
DC: 20/60/90
1d100=31+7 = 38
Tier 1 Success! Recruiting was slow and as indirect as it could get.
It's not like people were coming to you and it certainly wasn't like you could go up to other kids and go "Hey, want to fight aliens and do CRIME?"
Instead it happened in a slow trickle over the course of a month.
Mostly from connections that the Outfielder members already had. A friend here, a study buddy there, even a sibling or two who seemed willing to hear out someone already in the group.
All in all, you couldn't have recruited more then ten people to the group. Which didn't feel like a lot, but given how small the group was starting out it was a good effort.
Available Manpower partially increased!
However, it would be much harder to draw in anymore recruits without some kind of incentive or access to some place besides Onnet.
Most kids in town were split between the ones simply trying to keep their heads down, the troublemakers who almost all naturally migrated to the Sharks, and the outcasts.
And the pool of outcasts you could bring into your fold was steadily shrinking as they joined your ranks.
That wasn't the only hurtle.
There was a decided lack of capable people in Onnet. At least ones who were willing to even entertain the idea of joining up with you.
Kyoko had made it clear she was willing to join your ranks a while back. However you'd feel guilty, and concerned, if you couldn't find at least one other option.
For a while it looked like you had no real candidates. However, you hadn't considered looking at people you already knew. And remembered someone you had, technically, met very close to when everything started.
Now it was only a matter of choosing who you wanted... RECRUITMENT OPTIONS
Name:Kyōko Stats
Martial: 15
Diplomacy: 7
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 9
Learning: 9
Opinion: +15
River City Girl: You can take the girl out of River City, but not the River City out of the girl. During Combat Encounters Kyoko will always have access to one of following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Find Weapon [0 AP]: A stick, a bat, a chain, a rock, a brick. It'll fall apart after the fight, maybe even during the fight, but you can always find something. And disposable weapons have their place...
Throw Something [0 AP]: A rock, a trash can, a bicycle, maybe even an enemy!
Pat Down Bodies [0 AP]: Money has a habit of disappearing as soon as it hits the ground in River City, so making a habit of looting is natural. In combat using this action on a defeated has a chance to give a temporary item, a small amount of Funds, or information.
Bird of a Feather: Kyoko has really hit it off with you. People tend to focus on two delinquents rather then what the delinquents are doing. Kyoko's resting Opinion with CD will always be +10 unless betrayed. When assigned to an action with CD that would otherwise generate Suspicion due to PSI usage, etc, roll a 1d100. If the result is 1 to 5, no suspicion is generated. Otherwise the amount of Suspicion generated is merely lowered.
Homesick:The current state of River City is upsetting to Ryoko, even if they don't show it or make it clear. As the situation deteriorates, so too will Ryoko's mood and ability to focus...
A peppy yet rough and tumble girl from River City. They moved to Onnet recently due to the troubles going on in their old home town. Having helped you in a scrape, they seem friendly and reliable. They seem to have moved to Onnet just prior to the lockdown and only really became known after finishing up with the hassles of moving so abruptly. Seems the River City residents knew things were getting bad long before the news got out...
Name: Bauler "Mr. B" Doubleday, The Mr. Baseball Cap Kid Stats
Martial: 4
Diplomacy: 4
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 4
Opinion: +0
Timid: Mr. B's timid, awkward nature means he lacks assertiveness and confidence in the face of force or coercion. He suffers disadvantage any rolls made in combat to resist hostile actions that inflict status effects.
Adventurous Spirit: Mr. B wants adventure and may even attract it without knowing. The fact he met you should be proof of that. Whenever Mr. B is assigned to an action that would take him somewhere unexpected, unusual, or far off he will received an additional random Personal action. These can be positive, or dangerous, but will always be opportunities of some kind.
Potential:Anytime Mr. B would receive a stat increase, that stat is increased by an additional +1. After hitting a certain threshold for capability, this trait will be replaced with one of the players own choosing.
Personal Gear:
Mr. Baseball Cap: Mr. Baseball is a brand of sports gear in the Eagle Quarter. However this particular cap was given to Bauler by a famous player at a ballpark. As such he considers it his lucky charm. The first time in combat the wearer of this cap would suffer as critical hit by an enemy, that attack is turned into a normal attack. However afterwards the kept must be mended.
Description: Mr. B is a member of the treehouse boys, the 'founders' of the treehouse. One you bribed/threatened into showing you the place. They are something of a pushover, timid, and occasionally prone to saying inane things. However they seem to harbor a desire to do greater things. Their current abilities are rather lackluster, but they seem to have the capacity for great improvement.
-Choose One To Recruit-
[] Kyoko:"Hmm? What are you up to CD? Do you need my help? There's always been plenty of gangs where I'm from, so I shouldn't be surprised you'd start your own. I suppppose I could come along for the ride, if you're running things then I'm sure it'll be fun!"
[] Mr. Baseball Cap Kid:"You've wanted this Mr. Baseball Cap for a while, right? Why don't you take it? It's perfect for someone brave like you. Huh you don't want it? You want me? Well I've always wanted to go on an adventure. I'd like to come with you, but…I don't know if I'm strong enough..."
Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk
DC: Autopass
At the Onnet Baseball factory, a man sat at desk and wrung his hands.
His tie felt like a noose and the normally well fitting suit he wore to work made him feel like he was swimming in his own sweat.
The ceiling fan spun dully overhead, masking the sheer silence of the office room.
Normally he would have loved getting paid to do nothing, but every day of inactivity made him wonder how much longer he'd be getting paid at all.
The ring of the phone nearly caused him to choke.
"Boss, listen if it's about my employment-!"
"Oh! I'm sorry ma'am I thought you were someone else. Yes, this is the factory-"
His hand was so sweaty he nearly dropped the receiver.
The man winced, knowing the sale would slip through his hands like sand due to the lockdown.
"Yes, we have those for sale. However we're not able to deliver outside of Onnet at this time..."
He blinked.
"Oh, the deliver is for here in Onnet? Well uh, how many would you like to purchase? Normally this is done through store fronts but-"
The man laughed to himself, wiping the sweat off his brow.
"...I'm sorry, I must have misheard you."
". . . . . . ."
He nearly dropped the phone.
"Oh...oh! Yes! That's...right away! Naturally for buying in bulk it will cost less, and we're having a sort right now due to the circumstances. I'll just need your contact information and we can get payment and delivery out of the way."
"We already have it on file? Let me see." Setting down the wired receiver he pushed his swivel chair backwards, rolling across the floor to the filing cabinets.
Rooting through the files he eventually came to what he was looking for. The information inside seemed a little vague in places but it matched what he was told.
Swooping back over to his desk and he snatching up the phone.
"I'm reading it over now and- Oh. You're a shareholder in our factory! Well thank you again for your continued patronage! Yes, we can deliver to the specified location. We should have these to you in a few days at most."
"Yes, yes of course! Please don't hesitate to call again. We're anticipating doing business with you, we'll keep this in mind for the future."
The line went dead and the man felt his body turn into jelly.
Head plopping against his desk, all the tension left his muscles as relief washed over him.
"Maybe I'll get to keep my job at this rate!"
[-3 Funds, Resource Gained: Baseball Bat Stockpile]
Listen for Rumors (Porky)
DC: 30/40/50/90
1d100= 65+3+24+2+ 10 = 104
It was supposed to be simple.
Porky was good at picking up on gossip and hearsay, and with people to actually help him he knew it would be a breeze. He was already primed to sit back and pig out on a pizza while total strangers did all the work for him.
Telling the 'Outlanders', or whatever they were supposed to be called, to go search the town, Porky made his way to the line of Mach Pizza.
The white and red interior soothed his nerves as he envisioned biting into a thick slice of meat lovers-
"I'm here to pick up the order of uh...50 cheese pizzas? Are they done yet?"
Porky's blissful visions ground to a halt.
He leaned to the side to see past the man in front of him, staring at the front of the line where several teens in mohawks stood.
The cashier eyed the teens before gesturing to the freakishly tall stacks of pizza in the back, a visible tension and suspicion in their gaze.
Porky shared his surprised look when the teens pulled out the money needed to pay, albeit in quarter rolls.
Watching each boy take a hefty stack of pizzas, Porky eyed each of them as they walked out the door.
Without thinking he followed.
Not out of any duty, or because of the expectation of what he was supposed to do.
Instead it was simply what the pizzas implied to him.
Porky knew food, or at least he liked to think he did. Everyone liked pizza, and anyone who didn't needed to pretend they did if they didn't want to become a social pariah. The kind of pizzas that were ordered all had a purpose and a meaning to them.
Which was why the teens order was so confusing.
Typically when older kids were having a party, they ordered pepperoni. It was a staple and if anyone didn't like it they could always pick it off or go hungry. Plain cheese pizzas were usually what little kids got for parties because they didn't have the pallet for the lovely red disks yet.
...But there was another reason to order a lot of cheese pizzas.
It was the cheapest.
If you wanted a lot of food and were willing to put the order in ahead of time, a stack of pizzas could last you a while. Leftover pizza was a delicacy and the grease might as well have been a preservative. And if you had the means of refrigerating them, reheating them made them almost as good a new.
Porky knew just from the way the boys carried the pizzas that they weren't having any sort of party.
He slinked behind them, keeping close enough that he could hear them complain about what they carried.
When they came to a crosswalk, Porky heard one of them growl.
"Man, is this going to be enough?"
"Totally! It won't be long before things hit the skids and we go to the mats bro!"
The teen in front of them groaned.
"Mattresses. The term is go to the mattresses."
Porky could practically hear the shrug from the teens.
"Whatever, man. All I know is that things will be over just as quickly as they start! Even if it doesn't start soon, that just means we get to prepare even more!"
"Yeah, once those coppers make a move we'll make them regret it. And after that we'll be on top in no time with what Frankie has ready."
Sticking his head out from around the corner Porky watched the teens finally cross the road, seeing them head in the direction of the arcade. Even across the street, unable to see over the high fence walling in the vacant lot behind the arcade, Porky could feel a palpable activity in the air. Like watching a disturbed beehive behind to hum in anger.
Porky shook his head and headed in a completely different direction.
He would tell CD what he saw and heard, but he wasn't going to stick his neck into danger.
Instead Porky took a long walk around the edge of town, avoiding the arcade entirely before reaching the Skip Breakfast Bakery. He could already smell the fresh bread as he walked inside, licking his lips at the thought of all the sandwiches he could get. A dozen or so would tide him over. As soon as he tasted the crisp bread and satisfying filling, he'd forget all about the implications of what he just-
"Are you sure things are going to work out? What about the public backlash?"
Inside Porky found himself standing in line behind two cops. Their stiff blue uniforms and heavy black belts giving off an aura of threatening authority. Despite this they didn't seem to notice Porky, no one ever really did, and talked as if he wasn't there at all.
"You worry too much. Besides they'll thank us once we get to work. Everyone knows that once those brats grow up they'll be shilling power pellets and shooting up convivence stores."
The slimmer of the two officers growled.
"Broken windows theory is right I guess. And with the money the department will get sending them away it'll be easy to turn this town into something proper."
The acidic smell of coffee being poured behind the counter punctuated the shake of the other officer's head.
"But that doesn't mean it will go over without a fuss. The public isn't exactly rational, we'll need a justification."
Porky watched as the men collected large boxes of donuts, heading for the door without so much as realizing he was behind them.
"Don't worry, those idiots will give us a justification. We just have to wait. Until then its like Captain Strong says, boil the frog..."
When the officers left the bakery suddenly felt cold and unnaturally empty. All Porky could do was stand, the words he heard pressing down on him like a vice.
"Hey, kid."
Eventually Porky looked up to see the cashier leaning over the counter, glaring at him.
"You going to buy something or what?"
Porky stared at the floor, before looking back at the cashier.
"Uh, do you have a bathroom I can use?"
The man rolled his eyes.
Porky was done.
It was getting late, he was hungry and worse he had somehow lost his appetite.
Walking down the street he made a beeline for the convivence store. Refusing to go home without SOMETHING. Even if it was just a candy bar or a frozen dinner.
Stumbling his way inside he slid by the checkout, looking for the spots beneath where the candy was kept...
Only to find nothing.
"Sorry kid, all out." The cashier said, eyes barely open.
"What!? Who bought all the candy?" Porky fumed, mouth agape.
"Dunno man. Lots of people seem to have a sweet tooth these days. Even gone so far as just buying straight up sugar cubes."
The cashier laughed and Porky grit his stained teeth. Shuffling towards the freezer section he grabbed a stack of TV dinners and didn't bother suppressing a groan as he found himself standing behind someone in line again.
Thankfully they didn't talk. As soon as they were asked to pay they simply craned their head, fumbled in their pockets before plopping down bills and shambling out the door.
Porky exited the convenience store holding a plastic bag of meals, stepping out into the cool night air awash in the hazy fluorescents from the store.
Just as he turned to leave however he stared down the shadowy and caught sight of something.
There, near the end of the street, barely visible under the dying street lamps, was a sight that made him drop his bag.
Porky considered himself a connoisseur of junkfood. Even the lowest quality trash held some appeal to him.
No matter how foul, or nonsensical, or abhorrent it might have seemed to others, Porky was probably willing to try it at least once.
But even he didn't just get raw sugar out of the bag.
At the end of the street however a man did just that. Pouring sugar down his own throat as if drinking milk out of a carton.
For a minute Porky watched as the man emptied the bag into his mouth and tossed it away, like he did with potato chips.
He began to shamble down the street and Porky followed.
His heart raced, his fat hands were so slick with sweat he could have slid on them like greased skates, and every part of his better judgement screamed at him to just leave.
But Porky couldn't.
There was simply something so raw, so intensely wrong with what he had seen that Porky could not bring himself to cower away. Because no matter how much he was scared, Porky knew he'd be even more frightened if he had to go home without knowing exactly what he had seen.
Moving down a few streets felt like an eternity. Porky slowly found himself closing the distance, ducking behind bushes and trash cans as the man repeatedly looked over their shoulder.
When Porky found himself just a few dozen feet away, he felt his whole body lock up.
The man was standing in an alley, poking around the edge like Porky had so many times before.
He fumbled with something as he stared down the street, intently watching something.
Porky strained to follow his gaze, but all he could see was a police officer standing at the corner. Barely illuminated by the orange street light from above as the man watched the silent arcade across the street.
The boy struggled to figure out what the man wanted until he saw it.
The shine.
Ripping the packaging off a cheap kitchen knife, the man brandished it before hiding it behind his back.
Dominos fell in Porky's head as it all made sense to him.
The man's back was to Porky as he shambled out of the alley, totally oblivious of his existence as he attempted to make a beeline for the cop.
Seeing the knife hidden behind the man's back Porky looked around.
He didn't know what to do. Run, scream, cower, hide, his body simply refused to listen to him.
Time seemed to slow.
Every step the shambling man took felt it took an eternity.
The street seemed to grow darker, the cop seemed to shrink totally unaware of what was coming, and the windows watched like glistening eyes-
Like a wrench jammed into gears spun out of control, every other thought stopped for Porky.
Without hesitating or thinking another thought, he did what had come naturally to him since he was five.
The rock Porky through shattered the window of a nearby house.
In an instant, like some karmic alarm come to life, the house lit up and a furious voice screamed out.
At the end of the street the cop turned on his heel at the noise and the shambling man stopped.
Porky, hidden in shadows turned and booked it.
But not before the shambling man turned and started to run away.
And when he did Porky caught sight of one last thing.
Porky fought every impulse in his body to scream as he ran to CD's house.
He knew he needed to tell someone, anyone, what he had seen.
- The Outfielders have learned that the Sharks are gearing up for hostilities with the police and seem to have ambitions to greatly expand their control over the town.
- The Outfielders have learned that the Police intend on taking drastic actions and are looking for any provocation from the undesirable elements in town to use as justification for extreme measures. - The Aliens attempted to kill a police officer near shark territory in the dead of night.ENEMY ACTION INTERUPTED DUE TO SMASH SUCCESS!
Check Local Disturbances (Buzz Buzz)
DC: 40/80
1d100 = 82 + 8+ 10 + 2 = 102
After what Porky had relayed, Buzz Buzz took it upon himself to sweep the town.
It would have been easier if he had some way of working with CDs new friends, but things worked out in his favor.
Going between houses that CD had mentioned to him and checking the edges of the woods, Buzz Buzz learned of the full gravity of the situation.
A number of crazed animals loitered in the woods around town. Birds, dogs, snakes.
They stalked, and growled, but they very deliberately stayed out of the way.
Waiting, watching, and slowly becoming more and more numerous.
Meanwhile in the town itself Buzz Buzz saw evidence of all manner of possessed objects. Or at least the aftermaths of them.
Children crying in their bedrooms, injuries on their faces and their toys smashed to pieces on the floor.
Mothers lying on kitchen floors, fathers laid out in garages, the smoldering remains of power tools and appliances that had a convenient 'accident' at the worst possible time.
A foul emination seemed to blanket the town. Buzz Buzz knew that so many more things could have been animated by Giygas, but there was restraint behind what he saw.
All the 'attacks' could be written off as accidents and the ones that couldn't always happened to the ones no one would believe.
It didn't target anyone 'important', merely the residents of the town. Children, fathers, mothers.
To anyone else it would have seemed like pointless terror.
But Buzz Buzz knew from the first war that there was no such thing as pointless terror.
The town of Onnet was slowly being consumed by negative emotions. The lockdown, the stress of mundane demands, the inhibited freedom, the rising tensions, all of which were being made steadily worse by the animated objects terrorizing people.
Every day the humans in town grew more upset, more consumed by negative feelings, all the while the number of crazed animals grew.
Were it simply that, Buzz Buzz would have been alarmed, but what Porky had revealed made his own relevations far more horrifying.
The reason he hadn't been able to find any trace of the Antoids in town was because they were hiding where Buzz Buzz could never search.
Inside the residents.
There was no way to directly confirm, but Buzz Buzz watched out for the things Porky had relayed to CD.
The odd movements, the odd behaviors, the stranger eating habits.
Dotted throughout the town were people who seemed to shamble through their day. They did what they were supposed to do, they tended to their obligations and wandered through their schedule. With everything going on no one questioned their glassy eyes or lethargic movements. Their monotone voices and shambling gates were lost in the growing malaise that threatened to poison the town.
All the while eating nothing but sweets. Pounding down sugar as if they were feeding something besides their own stomachs.
That alone confirmed Buzz Buzz's worst suspicions.
The Antoids were controlling some of the town's residents, puppeteering them from the inside.
He hoped it was simply through PSI, but he couldn't rule out the possibility of more invasive physical means. At the very least he knew the 'filled' residents weren't dead. At least not yet.
Flying above the town, Buzz Buzz saw a horrid plan unfolding in front of him.
The Sharks and Police were becoming more aggressive. The town's residents were becoming more upset and more hopeless with each passing day. All the while the enemy's position grew stronger. Growing the number of their animal thralls while their 'agents' wandered the town, acting as their hidden eyes and hands.
It was a miracle they had figured things out when they had. The town was reaching a boiling point and it was clear Giygas's forces wanted to tip it over the edge.
Why fight when you can let the humans weaken one another?
Their plans to further sow chaos had been interrupted, but they wouldn't be stopped for long. Now that Buzz Buzz knew what they were trying, the Outfielders would have a chance to interfere.
Buzz Buzz could only hope CD and her friends prevent things from getting any worse.
-Personal Actions-
[CD]Try to Foster Loyalty
1d100 = 20
You made efforts to try and approach the members of the Outfielders on friendlier terms.
They seemed scared of you, or hated you.
It made sense to try and meet them on equal ground. To show them that you were still a person.
...But your efforts didn't have the effect you hoped.
No matter what you said, or offered there was this barrier between you and the ones you spoke to. Even the ones who smiled seemed only tentative in their belief in you.
You continued to try, and try, and try, but it was like grasping at air.
Everyone wanted to deal with the aliens for their friends, for their families, for the sake of getting back to their own lives.
But they weren't doing it for you.
They simply didn't have a reason to.
Eventually you realized that, to some degree, they had a point.
If you wanted their loyalty, you would have to earn it. You'd need to prove that you were someone worthy of being followed, worthy of trust.
...But as you sat and thought you struggled to conceive what you could even begin to do to achieve that.
They weren't eager to walk out on you, at least that was a small comfort.
[CD] Hang Out with a Hero: Porky
1d100 = 78
"Are you okay?"
"NO! Why would I be okay with this? Why would I be okay with ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!?!"
You sat and watched as Porky rolled around on the floor of the treehouse. Shouting and pounding his feet against the floor in a raw, unbridled display of panic.
"When you asked me for help, I admit I was happy someone wanted anything to do with me. But I thought you'd be getting into pranks, or crime, or working for the mayor, or a revenge scheme, but not ALIENS!"
His nasally voice cracked as he continued to flail around, clearly letting out all the pent up fear and shock that had built up in his body since your speech.
"Don't say it!" Porky floundered up from the floor, his rotund body bouncing.
"I don't want an apology, I don't even want sympathy! I just want to know what I'm expected to do!"
Porky looked at you, breathing heavily. Looking like he was ready to fall back over on the floor.
"Just keep doing what you've been doing. I'm not asking you to fight." You tried to explain, but Porky groaned.
"It doesn't matter if I fight or not, I'm still in danger. I'm in CONSTANT danger! Even if I ran away I'd still end up getting killed by the aliens!"
The fat boy grabbed his head, sounding stuck between angry shouting and blind panic.
"I'm not cut out for this! I'm not some crummy hero! When that weird noise happened on the hill I ignored it and went back to sleep! I have trouble bending over fully, how am I expected to fight magic space aliens that are mind controlling people to stab cops!?"
You stared at the boy, listening to his questions. Beneath the intense emotion and the layer of petulance, they weren't unreasonable questions.
And yet you struggled to think of a real awnser to them.
"I won't let anything happen to you."
"No, no!" Porky pointed at you. "You don't want anything to happen to me. That's different from being able to stop something from happening."
The fat boy fumed, marching around. Filled with a manic energy that he tried to get rid of. His mind racing as quickly as his heart.
"I can try to stop them, we can all try. I don't have a concrete plan yet, but that doesn't mean we can't get them. Giygas was beaten once before, by kids younger then us."
Porky paused at your words. He stared at you from behind his blonde bangs, searching your face for any hint of a lie.
But he quickly gave up, realizing you were saying the truth.
"That's...a little better, I guess. But...does it really have to be us? Can't we just write a letter to the Big 3 and move out? They're in charge of the planet for cripe's sake! They won't just break it cuz of some aliens, right? I'm sure there's some place in the Outlands, or space, or anywhere not here that would be safer."
You shook your head.
"Porky, people like your dad run the world. If he had to deal with something carefully and thoughtfully when he didn't have to, do you think he'd do it?"
All the color drained from Porky's face.
"...Okay. So letting anyone know will get us all killed. That's great. That's just fantastic...Is there any option that doesn't get me murdered?"
"Keep helping me."
"Alright, is there any option that doesn't get me murdered and where I'm not actively mooning the scary space demons?"
Porky doubled over on the floor, pounding his fat fists against the ground. However the intensity wasn't the same as before. The energy was bleeding out of him. Anger and fear fading to a recognition of the situation.
Rolling onto his back, Porky stared at the ceiling.
"You will be able to think of a plan on how to win, right?"
"Maybe. With your help, and everyone else's."
The fat boy grimaced.
While your words had been few, your presence, your open ears, they seemed to be enough to let Porky calm himself.
He wasn't anymore enthused, but he seemed less wildly panicked.
Slowly, get got off the ground.
"I'm going home."
"Will I see you tommorrow?"
"Yeah, but you owe me. For all of this, maybe even forever!"
"...I'm fine with that."
Porky seemed caught off guard by your words, seeming to deflate a little.
"Why...why me? No one ever asks me for anything."
You took a moment, before looking at Porky.
"I don't really know how to be subtle and I always thought you were really clever when I was little, Porky. If anyone can trick aliens it would be you."
Managing a small, weak smile Porky took one look at you and sighed.
There was a defeated air to him as he left, but not in the usual sense of the word.
It was like the worst part of Porky had just lost to himself.
+Porky's Opinion of CD has been raised!
Spend time with Kart and Floppy.
1d100 = 80
You go home.
Even as numb as you feel you go home and they're waiting for you.
Sitting down at the table you listen to how their day went. You make dinner for them, wash up with them, and end up being the only one who doesn't go to bed at the right time.
It's hard to find the words to say anything meaningful.
Some part of you wants to tell them what happened.
What happened with her.
You fear that the question is on their mind. On the tips of their tongue hidden behind smiles and laughter.
But...slowly that feeling fades.
No. They aren't thinking of that. Not yet at least.
The way Kart and Floppy hug you, eyes bright with thankfulness at having you present, pulls at something inside of you.
A momentary warmth, however chimeric it soon becomes, lets you smile back in a way that doesn't feel like a complete lie.
The things they tell you, the words they say don't stick. It goes by in a blur, but you continue to be there for them. And though you don't feel any better, you know they do.
And that's all that matters.
CD's Relationship with her Siblings has been maintained
CD's Relationship with her Siblings have been improved!
Pick a Coping Mechanism: Just Sleep in
1d100 = 45
It's all too much.
Everything feels so heavy. So overwhelming.
Even your siblings laughter feels like nails on a chalkboard.
The looming weight of what's coming, the eyes of everyone you now lead on you, the absence of someone who should be holding you in their arms and telling you it's alright.
How can you feel nothing, yet still feel so bad?
All you want is an escape.
From the feelings, from the absence of anything good.
Countless ideas come to you.
Banishing the emptiness with a needle or a pill.
Exorcising your stress with the spin of a wheel or the flourish of playing cards.
So many temptations...
But all equally fleeting.
All unappealing and worth far more effort then you can summon.
So you do what comes easiest to you.
You sleep.
You turn off your alarm, you abandon the day and you climb into bed.
Shades drawn you clutch at your eggplant plushie, soft and brittle in your hands, as you sink into your messy yet warm covers.
Exhaustion and stress pulling you into a deep sleep.
But not a dreamless sleep.
A world blooms before you.
A planet of pastels.
Of soft skies and softer people.
Where the chains of responsibility shatter and crumble.
Where the only thing clinging to your back are the softest pajamas you've ever worn.
Someone is waiting for you. You race up to the table, so much shorter then you remember being as you climb into a chair.
Sweet words and sweeter treats are given to you.
A warm hand tussles your hair.
You smile and laugh.
It's not empty.
Just as soon as you climbed up, you jump down. Racing away, the figure waving you off and watching with a smile.
Your toy flops around in your hand as you run through purple grass and race by green water.
Wonder fills your eyes. Your perception isn't clouded, no jade poisons your thoughts.
Everywhere you go you're greeted by fond feelings. You can't stop smiling, can't stop laughing.
Because you know this is somewhere where nothing can hurt you.
This is a place where you can be happy.
This is a place where you can be you.
As you crest the hill you see something in the distance.
A circle of white Greek pillars.
For the first time you pause. You're confused. You-
You wake up.
It's nearly 2 PM.
The day is all but over.
But you don't care.
Because when you wake up, you feel...alive again.
You go about your day, feeling all the things you're supposed to. All the things you want to, good and bad.
And when the numbness comes creeping back...
You simply sleep again.
And again.
And again.
Hours slip through your fingers...but you don't care.
Because every moment you spend asleep is a moment where you're finally happy.
CD's Depression has been alleviated for 3 Turns!
Additional Personal Actions have been unlocked. DREAMER Trait Gained!
Buzz Buzz: Find Small Objects
1d100 = 36
With everything going on, Buzz Buzz found it very difficult to comb over the town like he had wanted to. Looking for bills and lost trinkets was so much harder with the thought of the town dissolving around him. Despite that, he did what he could. Flying, poking, and prodding.
However is heart wasn't fully into it.
He had found some things, but the worth of them seemed paltry in the grand scheme of things.
However Buzz Buzz refused to give up without giving CD something of value.
When he found it in the storm drain, Buzz Buzz knew he had to get it back to CD's house.
It was an awkward and clumbsy journey, but it was one he felt proud of.
However small a return it might have been for his efforts, it was something.
+Item Gained! Xterminator Spray:A potent insecticide no longer produced due to it's toxicity. Could be useful when dealing with pests. [One time +10 Martial bonus against Insect-like enemies. Usable in combat or with applicable checks
Porky: Cope With What You've Gotten Yourself Into
1d100 = 43
Porky wasn't sure what he had been expecting.
…No, actually that was a lie.
He had VERY concrete expectations for what he was expecting.
When CD asked him to help out he had expected shoplifting, gang activity, pranks, maybe some revenge plots, perhaps even trying to work with
ALIENS was not what he was expecting.
The idea of aliens showing up in the podunk city of Onnet would have been funny on the worse days.
He had slept through the commotion on the hilltop for a reason.
Porky knew he could probably talk his way out of being involved. Even if CD wouldn't let him weasel out of things completely, he could always play the little brother card. She had a soft spot for younger siblings, and if he talked enough about Picky she'd probably cave. Let him take a smaller, backseat roll to things that he could eventually shrink to barely being involved at all.
…But if he didn't do anything, things would probably get worse.
If it was just a matter of money, or the town, Porky could bail and sleep soundly.
But how the hell was he supposed to enjoy himself when the threat of e v e r y o n e dying loomed overhead?
And worst of all, it was a SECRET war.
The fact he hadn't heard or even suspected anything made it clear the aliens knew what they were doing on that front.
But CD? CD was about as secretive as a neon sign with a bad attitude.
If he walked away, he really doubted things would just get better on their own.
He would probably die...Picky would probably die.
His parents would probably die too, but Porky figured there had to be one silver lining even in the end of the world.
But knowing he had to do something didn't make it any easier to stick with it. Porky struggled to think of anything besides how he did not want to be involved.
He realized that if he wanted to get things done, he needed to give himself a reason to keep going.
Besides dying and the world possibly ending.
So Porky thought, and he thought, and he thought.
And eventually he found something. Grabbing onto the first thought he believed would keep his feet planted in the face of overwhelming odds.
Cool stuff.
If he stuck with the Outfielders, if he kept helping CD, he'd get repaid somehow. All his efforts would pay off and he'd get the chance to get cool things.
Nice food, nice clothes, and all the cool things he had wanted but always secretly knew he'd never be able to have.
Now that the aliens were invading though? Nothing was off the table.
Thinking about everything he could potentially get helped Porky avoid thinking of how he, and his little brother, would probably end up dead.
Porky has gained a personal ambition!
Personal Ambition: "Cool Stuff" - Porky has many material desires and fanciful ideas. Being able to gain these things or fulfil these desires will motivate him further and ensure his loyalty.
Ah. As much as I want the Potential, fact is that we need more power and we need it now, so Kyoko it is! And that is a nice sinister master plan, except - what happens when all the sugar runs out?
And if the QM is so kind, can I ask if rolling higher on the Dream roll was better or was it rolling lower?
[X] Kyoko
EDIT: Oh wait, one last thing. NICE ROLLS!!!!! YEAAAH! THANK YOU DICE GODS!
Porky did great this turn. If we find some way to reward him we should definitely pick it up.
As for recruitment, well... Mr. B is great and there are very valid reasons to pick them but right now we can't afford to value long-term value over short-term profit.
[X] Kyoko
Right now, what our team needs is a feminine touch. And someone who already knows how to work a baseball bat.