Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

Still, we do need to break the blockade asap. Finding Paula is a huge deal, and this is not a good situation.
probably! even if it's more than we can handle at the moment, the situation out of Onnet is probably at least as bad as the situation in it(see turn 4 diplomacy), so we probably need to perform triage somehow to stop things from exploding in the short term, possibly getting people in other areas to fight back?

though not a factor for now, based on the text for the "find ways out of Onnet" research action, seems like we can only really do stuff after the blockade goes away, which would require messing with the OPF? tall order at the moment, though diplo actions like combining forces with the sharks/trying to ruin their reputation, intrigue actions like figuring out their plan/stealing the cruiser, and obviously misc actions that build ourselves up will hopefully be able to tip the odds.
The Police on the other hand.....we get more information on them, and while we don't get exactly what's going on we can infer somewhat with them. However they just got some new shit we don't know about recently, so it could be vital for us to try to see if we can try to sus out what Strong's been up to, of course it won't be easy with that DC 80, even with Porky on the action.
iirc a while ago (turn 3) we found out about them having a "fresh breeze" movement intended to stop crime with multiple stages. my prediction's that future stages would be increasingly inconvenient for us, but if it's an established plan we should be able to figure out what those are? and if that's enough info to enact countermeasures I think we'd be in the clear
Personally, I'm looking at it like this. There's the Outfielders, there's the Sharks, there's the Police, and there's the Aliens. If we spread ourselves too thin, we may not be able to truly complete any objectives with any of them. If we focus too heavily on one faction, we might get blindsided by one of the others. I'd love to go in order, Sharks, then Police, and then Aliens. But that might not be the best way to go about it. For each faction we have.


This is us. Every action focused on getting us more money, better weapons, and improving the clubhouse is what I consider an "Outfielder" focused action. And there are a lot to consider. We could try beefing ourselves up for the inevitable confrontation with the Aliens and Police. We could try getting the radio room to improve our intrigue, or the lab to get started on research. Personally, I'm leaning towards getting weapons and teaching them how to brawl as our Ourfielder actions


The thing is, I'd like to think we can negotiate with them, but Cass isn't very good at that. Porky could sneak in, especially with that +10 from his personal, but I'm not sure what would happen after that. A peace treaty? Can we convince them to join forces with us? Worst comes to worst, perhaps once we have bats and the ability to brawl we can beat up Franky and make the Sharks join us.


I think we have to wear the police down a bit before we can do anything here. The DCs are too high to be reasonable in most cases, though there are a few paths we might be able to take to wear them down. Spying means we may find ways to undermine them, and as we get stronger, we'll get closer to being able to take them down.


Again, there's little we can do directly at the moment. Taking over the hill may help, and so will spying on them. But I worry that the rest of our faction here might just get mind-wiped and sent home.

So my questions for you are, do you think we should gamble on being able to sneak in and see Frankie? If we succeed, we might be able to neutralize the Sharks as a threat in a single move. Although we shouldn't assume they'll join us that easily.

Outside of that I support many of the smaller scale "build up" sort of actions. We need weapons, either from research or by buying baseball bats. We should probably teach the kids how to fight. All the search looks good but I fear the competence of our kids in research. One thing I'm curious about is the martial actions for tagging territory. Is that like, additional options, or additional actions as in we can take 2 Martial Actions now? Because if it's the second, it might be worth doing that immediately.
Which isn't to say it's great, it's still a drug and I'm onboard with not studying it until we have actual facilities and an actual scientist. But assuming that the stuff is so cursed that an amount corresponding to a few milligrams will doom a character is starting to enter the realm of paranoia
Yeah, okay, I'm being paranoid about them, but still.
I don't want to touch 'thing from game about super-psychics who'll soon die from their own power', when we are 'psychic in a world where the BBEG got crumpled by his own psychic power'.

Not got much to contribute to the plan, pretty much all I'd think of has been said, and I ain't played Earthbound so I wouldn't know what's best meta-wise.
Is that like, additional options, or additional actions as in we can take 2 Martial Actions now? Because if it's the second, it might be worth doing that immediately.
Sorry, I should have clarified and said 'additional options' rather then 'actions'. Tagging territory is the first step to doing gang things and taking over certain areas of a city. Like how the Sharks control the Arcade, etc.
@Rise Shine , messing around with PSI drugs is a whole thing, so it's lucky that we probably don't need to worry about it for a decent while
Is that like, additional options, or additional actions as in we can take 2 Martial Actions now? Because if it's the second, it might be worth doing that immediately.
probably not lol, though may be one of many prerequisites
read to me as "you can't extort people for money if they don't fear you, claim territory and be a gang in order to unlock gang stuff
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Outside of that I support many of the smaller scale "build up" sort of actions. We need weapons, either from research or by buying baseball bats. We should probably teach the kids how to fight. All the search looks good but I fear the competence of our kids in research.

We have Buzz Buzz with Learning 10, whom we maybe could sic on research missions (if he can get good Cover Story, probably)? Still better if we could get someone more research-minded with Recruiting (Onnet) or Make Connections at School

I think the research are potentially a big way to make a difference - we already have quite a number of research options, and we would be getting new research options with Read Up on Aliens and I believe by digging under Liar's house in The Hill

So it would be surely nice to set the lab, get someone decent on Research and get it all going. But this would require some additional preparations, likely.


Other direction - we would need to take some make-money actions eventually, maybe after equiping the Outfieldes - we can send them and Cass to comb forest, and Buzz Buzz to seek those "small objects", for example.
There are some nice "purchase" options available, if we had more funds.

But this would be medium-term thing, after martial improvements, some building and recruitment.
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Seeing someone mention funds made me realize a mistake. You have 6 funds this turn. You gained 1 fund at the start of this turn from the passive income from the factory.

hey everyone, if we're at 6 right now and the "equip everyone with baseball bats" stewardship costs 3, that'd put us down to 3 this turn and 4 next turn right? what if we put buzz buzz on his "find loose change" personal this turn in order to hopefully get that to 5 so we could then afford the "invest more in the baseball bat factory" stewardship action?
if things go well it'll improve our cash flow, and could be pretty great for our action economy, both because the boost would be in play earlier, and because we would have less need to take those short-term funds producing actions.

some risk involved, but if it doesn't work out the only loss would be putting off buzz buzz's cover identity personal (which probably isn't the end of the world if he's staying out of the way for the time being anyhow)
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Omake: How The Minch Boys Were Named New
So the quest updating again inspired me to finally write up one of the ideas I had floating around.

The initial idea was 'Why was Porky named that?' and grew from there. Hope I did these characters justice.

Uhh... trigger warning for abusive parents.

How The Minch Boys Were Named​

Several years ago, Onnet Hospital.

Aloysius was in a foul mood. Granted, this was not new. Even before the Invaders blew up his homeworld in a spectacular fireworks display, his disposition was rougher than sandpaper. Life in the City did nothing to improve it. However, today was different. Today Aloysius would be a father.

"Come on, hurry up," he muttered as he paced up and down the hall. "I could've been out on the town with the boys or watching the F-Zero semi-finals at home. But noooooo, Lardna's water just had to break."

Social pressure causes people to be impulsive. Talks of 'the next generation' were not unique to the Eagle Quarter, but its American roots certainly amplified such sentiments. Seems not even the notoriously independent Minches were immune.

The father-to-be soon took a seat in the sterile hallway. 'The brat better be worth it. I did not risk my wife just to bring a fat, screaming lump of flesh into the world. I should've made the time to check the laws. We might be eligible for a tax break.'

A sigh left his lips. "At least I won't have to hear her screaming. Woman was putting banshees to shame." He rubbed his aching head, thankful for the reprieve for his eardrums.

Fifteen long, blessedly quiet hours later.

The doors swung open. "Congratulations Mr. Minch, it's a boy! And don't worry, your wife is-" the doctor cut off his words. Blinked. Rubbed his eyes. Blinked again.

On the far wall was a row of chairs alongside a basket of magazines. Aloysius Minch was not seated, not conventionally. Instead, he was stretched across three chairs, an old furniture magazine on his face. Loudly snoring.

"Mr. Minch."


"Mr. Minch!"



"Huh… Wuz dat?" slowly, oh so slowly, Mr. Minch sat up.

"Your doctor." the flat reply came. "As I was saying, congratulations, it's a-"

"Out of the way!" he bolted past, surprisingly quick for a man of his girth, knocking the doctor flat as he did.

The birthing room was tranquil, surprising given its occupants. On the bed, a mother held her son. She wore a hospital gown in place of her gaudy dresses, looking somewhat easy on the eyes; Lardna Minch was one of those rare people who looked better without makeup, though this spoke more of how much she overdid it than any kind of natural beauty.

"Whew. Glad to see you're all right darling."

"Hrmf. Why wouldn't I? After all, I married you."

"Ha! That's what I love to see."

The parents shared a chuckle before Lardna lowered her voice.

"Now, comes the hard part."

"Harder than giving birth?"

"Oh, can it. I'm being serious. What shall we name him?"

Naming a child can be quite a challenge for any parent. Hundreds upon hundreds of options need to be considered. Should we name them after a relative or a fictional character? What about a virtue? Or some famous historical figure? Is this name too simple or fancy? Usually, after much consideration, parents-to-be would narrow it down to two choices, one for a boy and one for a girl. Thus, no matter their gender, the baby would have a suitable name.

The Minches suffered from the opposite: they gave it no thought till the baby was do.

Aloysius gave his son a hard look. He was a hefty one. Got his mother's hair. He also had a stupid face. But the boy's fatness stirred something in his mind. Synonyms for fat raced through his head. One of these was shared with his favorite cartoon character while growing up. What was it again?



"His name is Goldie."

"No, that's a girl's name. How about Fatty?"

"Nope. Goldie."

"Still dumb. Fat Al?"

"Goldie." Lardna's mind seemed set.

"No! Hefty? Girther? Chunky?"

"No, his name is Goldie."

"NO!" the baby started to cry, "What was it? Oh, Porky! We'll name him Porky!" his face beamed with pride.





"BECAUSE- wait, that's actually a good name."

Aloysius was about to continue the screaming match when his mind caught up.

"Well, I'm glad you could see reason-"


"Excuse me what?"

"We'll name him Picky."

Aloysius sighed for his heart was free from care. He decided to save his throat the trouble.

"Okay darling, how about we split the difference? We name this one Porky and our next child will be Picky."

Lardna looked opposed, but after a moment of thought, said "Only if we wait a few years for the second."

"HA! Don't have to tell me twice."

"Then it's a deal. Porky it is."

'Finally.' The Minch parents were untensed and smiled at one another.

Till they noticed that Porky was still crying.
So my questions for you are, do you think we should gamble on being able to sneak in and see Frankie? If we succeed, we might be able to neutralize the Sharks as a threat in a single move. Although we shouldn't assume they'll join us that easily.
I think we should probably try and build up a bit more of a power base, get some actual leverage.
I think we should probably try and build up a bit more of a power base, get some actual leverage.
one advantage to delaying yeah, though i think the issue is that we want their respect, but not to be considered a rival?
do remember that we could have done this action fine before the faction was formed so we don't need to be "this tall to ride" or anything, it's just that now the context of the actionhas changed, and instead of just giving them the info it'd wind up into full negotiations?

anyhow, right now franky could try and use their increased leverage to screw with us, but tbh i wouldn't worry about that too much, since we don't actually want tons from them? for me only real priority's bringing him up to speed and giving them a chance to oppose Giygas factions and thus buy us time (which should be a freebie if we can get a chat and show him the starman, i guess with the possibility of them stealing it if they really want to screw with us? but that'd be a jerk move so hopefully he isn't going to be that dumb), and any other stuff like cooperating against threats or finding ways to stay out of each-others hair would be a nice bonus
as we are, in any deals like that we'd probably get the short end of the stick, but so long as that doesn't alienate all our faction members that should be cool? for instance, even if we end up being forced to stay out of the good territory there's plenty of martial actions we want to do unrelated to that, and we can always renegotiate it later? so we probably won't really lose out.

as they are the sharks *probably* aren't going to beat the OPF/slugs, so at the moment since they're the underdogs in onnet(after us at least) i think it's safe for them to win more, because it'd make the real enemies lose. and since the other enemies have way more resources, we don't need to worry about the sharks achieving total dominance anytime soon? if that ever happens we should also have more resources and be able to influence them or something
Yay it's back! I missed this.

Some thoughts on our potential actions.

Tagging Territory: We probably will need to do this at some point if we want to push back on the sharks at all, but I think it's a little lower priority.

Expand Treehouse: The place is barely big enough for the people we have, and more than one person here has pointed out how important recruiting is going to be. I would argue that we have to either do this or claim the hill this turn. Where else are we gonna put all those people, our house?

Build a lab: Useless to us until we have a Learning hero. Pass.

Build a workshop: Probably nice to have in the future, but we have more immediate problems. Pass for now.

Build a war room: Not sure what we would use this for? We can speechify anywhere we can gather together enough of our crew. Unless it's a prereq for getting our own Doofquest style Council? In which case we need heroes first.

Build a radio room: This sounds handy. Maybe not 'this turn' handy, but definitely handy enough to complain about how we've postponed it for ten turns to prioritize other things. You need at least one thing like that for every quest, right?

Teach Members how to brawl: This is absolutely necessary if we intend to combat literally anyone. If we don't do the treehouse or the hill, we better at least be doing this. Besides, how are we ever going to be ready for Master Hand to abduct us for his Interdimensional Brawl Tournament if we don't know how to brawl?

Claim the hill: This would be my preferred choice for Martial this turn. As long as our crack squad of commandos gang of kids with sticks can handle the %$&#ING BIRDS, we can do practically anything we want out here. We want a Xcom style underground base, complete with tons of cool facilities and relatively difficult for anyone to attack? We can do that! Eventually. Need the hill first. And maybe an excavator.

Challenge the sharks: Yeah no, not yet. We might need to eventually, but first we need to do something about our troops preparedness. We'll get our asses handed to us now.

Riot: Oh dear god no. Same problems as the sharks, but worse. Especially since it sounds like they just Ebayed themselves some laser weapons or something. Anyone puts this in a plan, I don't care if it has everything else I want, I'm voting against it.

Recruiting: I would argue this is the most important item on our entire list right now. We are a gang of 20 to 30 angsty teenagers. You can fit our entire group into one room. (Well, barely. Not sure how the floor of the treehouse didn't cave in.) We are up against a well entrenched street gang, a professional police force, and an entire alien army, as well as whatever other nonsense 8BD decides to throw at us. We could be fighting literal ninjas before the end of this. Or robot masters. Or Sephiroth. You wanna fight Sephiroth with what we got now? I digress. My point is, every other option on our list gets easier with numbers and Hero units. So we should do this first.

Pick up trash: While I don't want to do this this turn, and I definitely see CD's point that our crew will view it as a waste of time, we did specifically take a trait that boosts our reputation, and this would take advantage of that.

Make connections at school: Meh, recruiting would get us much the same, and more besides.

Protest: Probably better than trying to fight the cops, and would also make good use of our trait. Might have some benefits. Maybe next turn?

Talk to the sharks: Again, probably better than fighting them, and might defuse them as a threat to us for good if we're lucky. I'm actually somewhat suspicious that Franky already knows what's up, or at least has more of a clue than most, so we might have a ready made ally there, if only we can convince him to keep his goons from stealing our lunch money.

Baseball factory deal: Not this turn, but maybe later, when we have our ducks in a better row.

Confront the police: I don't like this idea. That's a really high DC, and we don't know if Strong is part of the Giygas Fan Club or not. Even if we somehow succeeded, we could be tipping our hand to our enemies big time. Right now we're mostly off the cops radar and I think we should stay that way for now.

Pay the hint man: Expensive, given our current lack of funds, but could really pay off as we really do need more info about just about everything. Maybe in a turn or two.

Buy Baseball bats in bulk: This is my favorite for the Stewardship actions. We need weapons, that's all there is to it, and until we can get guns or Master Swords or whatever, this is probably the best we can muster.

Start a public fund: Nah, I'm sure we can find a better use for our paperwork than this. How often are we gonna just find a 'get out of small town dictatorship free' card? Literally, we could legit use this to get ourselves out of jail, and we might need to if some of our rolls go belly up.

Run a lemonade stand: Okay, I know we are in fact a group of children, but still. There are better uses of our time. Like starting an actual business.

Pawn crap from the woods: Bored? Don't have anything better to do with your Stewardship action this turn? Come roll on the random encounter table! Could be useless garbage, could be your own personal mechsuit, could get half your crew killed by mutant wombats, it could be anything! Fun for the whole family!

Invest more into the factory: Might be worth it, might not. Something to try when we have more money.

Psychic healing for money: This would be my second favorite, although that's mostly for lack of better options. Too much risk of exposure, would prefer to buy bats. But at least it would make some decent money.

Ok, this is over a thousand words now, and no one is likely to read it. Maybe I should divide the rest into a second post.
one advantage to delaying yeah, though i think the issue is that we want their respect, but not to be considered a rival?
do remember that we could have done this action fine before the faction was formed so we don't need to be "this tall to ride" or anything, it's just that now the context of the actionhas changed, and instead of just giving them the info it'd wind up into full negotiations?

anyhow, right now franky could try and use their increased leverage to screw with us, but tbh i wouldn't worry about that too much, since we don't actually want tons from them? for me only real priority's bringing him up to speed and giving them a chance to oppose Giygas factions and thus buy us time (which should be a freebie if we can get a chat and show him the starman, i guess with the possibility of them stealing it if they really want to screw with us? but that'd be a jerk move so hopefully he isn't going to be that dumb), and any other stuff like cooperating against threats or finding ways to stay out of each-others hair would be a nice bonus
as we are, in any deals like that we'd probably get the short end of the stick, but so long as that doesn't alienate all our faction members that should be cool? for instance, even if we end up being forced to stay out of the good territory there's plenty of martial actions we want to do unrelated to that, and we can always renegotiate it later? so we probably won't really lose out.

as they are the sharks *probably* aren't going to beat the OPF/slugs, so at the moment since they're the underdogs in onnet(after us at least) i think it's safe for them to win more, because it'd make the real enemies lose. and since the other enemies have way more resources, we don't need to worry about the sharks achieving total dominance anytime soon? if that ever happens we should also have more resources and be able to influence them or something
Bluntly? I think you're being overly optimistic. I don't trust Franky further then I can throw him at the moment, and we're still a weak faction of mostly random kids. We're a criminal now, and that means it's ALL about respect. We can't afford to enter a negotiation until we have something that even slightly resembles an advantage.
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Expand Treehouse: The place is barely big enough for the people we have, and more than one person here has pointed out how important recruiting is going to be. I would argue that we have to either do this or claim the hill this turn. Where else are we gonna put all those people, our house?
i don't see it as super important for that reason at least, since not everyone needs to fit in the treehouse? they still have their own homes tbh

regarding the hill, personally i don't trust the kids as they are to beat the birds without mechanically mesurable morale damage, so want to get training first , though getting the hill as territory could be handy. do think it might be more efficient than expanding the treehouse if we can use it as a base though, since there's more space overall? and the tunnels

also, want to note that recruiting at school could be handy for learning-focused people. probably less of a priority than regular recruiting, but if we want people for lab stuff this is the only place to look at the moment
Bluntly? I think you're being overly optimistic. I don't trust Franky further then I can throw him at the moment, and we're still a weak faction of mostly random kids. We're a criminal now, and that means it's ALL about respect. We can't afford to enter a negotiation until we have something that even slightly resembles an advantage.
yeah there's probably a catch, what i was really getting at is that we don't need a great deal to achive our aims, but a bad deal could probably cause us a lot of hassle
i don't see it as super important for that reason at least, since not everyone needs to fit in the treehouse? they still have their own homes tbh
Oh yeah, agreed on that, I just figured if we don't do the hill, then we're going to need to expand the treehouse. Can't just have our super secret meetings at someone's house after all.
also, want to note that recruiting at school could be handy for learning-focused people. probably less of a priority than regular recruiting, but if we want people for lab stuff this is the only place to look at the moment
The way this particular action was worded, it sounds a lot less 'recruit specifically at school' and a lot more 'make friends with people at school so your group can ask them for favors'. But idk, that's just my read.
The way this particular action was worded, it sounds a lot less 'recruit specifically at school' and a lot more 'make friends with people at school so your group can ask them for favors'. But idk, that's just my read.
you might be more correct here, but main thing of value we can get from school is probably that sort of support, right? perhaps followed by some form of legitimacy, maybe? there's probably some misc opportunities too, but that's what stood out as most obvious to me
you might be more correct here, but main thing of value we can get from school is probably that sort of support, right? perhaps followed by some form of legitimacy, maybe? there's probably some misc opportunities too, but that's what stood out as most obvious to me
You could be right I suppose. Might be something to look into when we don't have bigger things to do.

Anyway, more of my hot takes on our actions!

Listen for rumors: Decent low investment action, but similarly low return most likely unless we hit good on the dice. Something to do when there's nothing else to do.

Monitor the entertainers shack: This one has my vote. We need to know what the aliens are doing, even if all we find out is they aren't expanding yet. Giant Step could be where all those abducted people ended up, and if that's something the aliens are going to be doing regularly, then we need to know.

Sneak into the arcade: High risk, moderate reward. While we could definitely use the info, the odds are higher that it'll piss off the sharks, and get whoever we send in there beaten bloody. It might end up kicking off a gang war we aren't prepared for yet, and will certainly make future diplomacy harder. We should leave this for when we have a way of better guaranteeing success, or can better weather the consequences.

Steal a police cruiser: Lol no. While I'm sure CD's inner rebel loves the idea, I would want something a little better than being able to sell the parts before I risk grand theft auto charges.

Look into OPF's plans: Something we need to do eventually I think, as they are our primary obstacle to our longer term goals, but way too risky right now. Same problems as the arcade, really.

Read up on aliens: While this is some decent low hanging fruit, I'm a little doubtful that we'll get much of use out of it. If the majority of the planet don't think there are aliens here - and one of the Big 3 has a vested interest in keeping everyone thinking that way - then i doubt there are too many non-crackpot books on the subject. Still, maybe we'll find something on the original Invaders, at least then we'd get something for it.

Research: These all look like decent options, might be better to wait until we have that workshop. Or at least a space where we can practice blowing things up or mixing questionable chemicals without the police immediately being called.

Check local disturbances: CD probably should have thought of this earlier, it would be very nice to know for example that cars might start chasing their owners around or that gas pumps might start ominously counting down to your doom. It would also be good to know what people did about those things when they happened, and how well they worked.

Categorize crazed wildlife: This one has my vote, though I could be swayed from it. Not only would it be useful information for its own sake, but the way the action is described makes it sound like we might actually write something of a small book about it, which we could then share with the rest of the town. That would help boost our fledgling group's reputation (which again, we took a trait for!) and might even help shake CD's reputation as a dumb thug, which I think would do a lot more for her depression than any of the options presented.

Read up on different areas: Something to look into later, when our business here is done. Got enough on our plate as is.

So to summarize this and my last post, I would support a plan of Take the Hill, Recruiting, Buy Baseball bats, Monitor Entertainer's Shack, and Categorize Wildlife. I might do another post on the personal actions if anyone is interested, otherwise you are all free of my walls of text.
Look into OPF's plans: Something we need to do eventually I think, as they are our primary obstacle to our longer term goals, but way too risky right now. Same problems as the arcade, really.
risk's legit, though probably safer in ways than the sharks. i guess the real issue's ending up on their radar but that's bound to happen eventually, and even if it happens it probably wouldn't lead to massed mobilisation/a massive grudge like it could the sharks, since even if they're fanatics they have jobs/procedure to follow. well, it could be pretty nasty if people get arrested and whatnot, but i guess that's a threat regardless. could even argue it's safer now since they don't have reason to be suspicious of non-shark kids yet?
Categorize crazed wildlife:
good point here, i guess the provocation's also done by Giygas so might give us some info on their methodology in the same way investigating posessed junk could? and it could synergise somewhat with taking the hill (which we know has a bunch of wildlife on it that we could benefit from knowing how to deal with/could learn from whilst we're fighting). I've previously been against it but doing wildlife research might give enough of a leg up to tip the scales on it working out?
i still don't think the territory's immediately relevant, but it should be handy long-term and means we don't need to build up the treehouse so fair enough.

i do wonder though if we necessarily *want* the reputation of distributing that info. with some people it could possibly harm our street cred and with others that might make us look like a psychopath who kills wild animals for fun? preconceptions suck. may have better odds if we phrase it more as a public service announcement or something?
I might do another post on the personal actions if anyone is interested
would be happy to see what you think though there's not really too many personals so probably much to talk about, we can already take 4/5 of the current options unless we're doubling down/personal attention-ing it (seems unwise at this point, we've just unlocked them) and only have 2 heroes.
[] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk: Getting a shit-ton of baseball bats from the factory will make the factory a lot keener to you. It'll also ensure every member you have, and every member for quite a while, has a proper swinger to wreck people with. And these will be weapons one could easily argue as being sports equipment. This will improve the Outfielders combat abilities in so far as they'll have actual weapons. Just don't expect it to be cheap.
Notably, the text suggests this will also decrease the DC of making a deal with the Baseball Bat Factory, which is good, because it's a DC 75.
So my questions for you are, do you think we should gamble on being able to sneak in and see Frankie? If we succeed, we might be able to neutralize the Sharks as a threat in a single move. Although we shouldn't assume they'll join us that easily.

On one hand, yes!! this is the best turn for doing it. I'm down to do it even if we dont resolve the sharks / recruit Franky immediately. It's the advancement of things that I care about. I also am a bit concerned with how things might go if we don't.
On the other hand, no!! We have a much more assuredly safe route we could be taking with the shack, and if we fail it might get nasty (especially because we could fail without a crit fail occuring, resulting in... well just a failure rather than a Porky Reroll, and that'll probably tank what positive rep we have with the sharks)

Outside of that I support many of the smaller scale "build up" sort of actions. We need weapons, either from research or by buying baseball bats. We should probably teach the kids how to fight. All the search looks good but I fear the competence of our kids in research.

Same same, which is why I thought we could reorient the research.

So it would be surely nice to set the lab, get someone decent on Research and get it all going. But this would require some additional preparations, likely.


some risk involved, but if it doesn't work out the only loss would be putting off buzz buzz's cover identity personal (which probably isn't the end of the world if he's staying out of the way for the time being anyhow)
Annnd that's what got me down to do Find Cash Muny

So the actions I'm eyeing are as follows:

[] Teach Members How to Brawl: Almost none of the Outfielders have been in a proper brawl in their life and they're carrying around sticks and filed down butter knives for weapons. Taking them aside and showing them the ropes might give them a fighting chance to, well, actually fight.
DC 40/80 (Reward: First step into whipping the current Outfielders into a proper gang)

SO. This is a 60% chance of success (basic) without CD's +16 bonus. That +16 makes it a 3/4 chance essentially to succeed on a baseline level.
I think this is just overall the worthwhile choice in the long-run, and has synergy with the other actions. Building the treehouse would be nice, but... that juicy "get higher than a 65 and succeed the second tier" makes it about a 1/3 to completely wrap up this action.

Overall, this action is intended to resolve: "training: none"

Special Note: Kyoko joining would greatly reduce the difficulty of most Martial Actions.
Longterm Note: if we steal a police cruiser.. Porky has a trait dedicated to "treat martial as 12 when operating a combat vehicle or mechanized unit, and whatever martial bonus he'd receive from waht he's operating is doubled". if the police cruisers have a martial bonus associated with them, uh... Riot or Raid City Hall could be greatly made easier through that. I'm making an assumption that the police cruiser would have a bonus, but uh, if it does, that probably means Porky's martial would outweigh the benefit of assigning Kyoko. Couple that with how we might be able to use the mayoral papers... we could engineer a different sort of SMASH >83c
(tho frankly, BB's PSI as Martial probably would greatly outweigh whatever Porky could contribute)

speaking of which let's consider the wildest route we can:
[] Challenge the Sharks: BB Assigned
That's a 16+35+(15% Loyalty Bonus?)=


this would probably raise suspicion in some capacity, soooo... maybe we should save that for all I'm saying is that for Assault Giant's Foot, or Raid City Hall...
That said there's 16+15 from using Kyoko, possibly with a bonus from loyalty similarly, so. +31 isn't bad.
That DC'll probably go down as a result of training + Bats + maybe the research or maybe the intrigue or maybe the Loyalty

[] Recruiting (Onnet): You need people if you want this organization to work. With the OPF and the Sharks around, to say nothing of being limited to JUST Onnet, it won't be easy to pull in people to the cause. Recruiting will allow you to gather more members to your organization and will give you the chance to recruit a Hero unit. You'll probably just get more kids and teens, but that's hardly a bad thing with how useless other people are around here. If you look hard enough you might be able to find some special, heroic people to bring into the fold. You know for a fact Kyoko is around so you're guaranteed to get her, but maybe there are other people?
DC: 20/60/90 (Reward: Increase the Outfielder's manpower and recruit a hero from the local populace).

[Omake: Birds of a Feather has occurred!]

-Once an organization is founded Kyōko is available for recruitment at any time, regardless of the roll made-

We have a guaranteed recruitment option with Kyoko, regardless of the roll.
We could crit fail, and we'd still get kyoko out of picking this.

  • PSI: X
  • Martial: 15
  • Diplomacy: 7
  • Stewardship: 8
  • Intrigue: 9
  • Learning: 9
Opinion: +15

Pros: Martial on-part with Cass, generalist spread of stats, hoooo look at those traits (A few 0 AP actions, and they're pretty good)
Cons: Well, we'd just be doubling up on stats in every department that our lead is good at.. hoo look at that trait (homesick)

There's a caveat I wanna clarify in my QM questions. Which is if "available for recruitment at any time" refers to by way of a recruitment action, and that she is not a free additional choice but among the "pick one" choices? or is she available even if we dont do a recruitment action? I assume if it was that she'd be available even if we didnt pick a recruitment action, she'd have just joined at the start of Turn 6., that's another QM question to ask.

[] Psychic Healing for Money: Same verse, same as the first! Only now with additional help! You're the only one who can do the actual healing, but the others can point people in your direction. It'll probably draw in a lot more attention, for better and for worse. You have a chance to make some proper money, but the spiritual healing bit will get people suspicious when they realize it's not bullshit. (This action will use the PSI Stat).
DC: 40/60/80, +??? Suspicion (Reward: Immediate Funds based on level of success)
Bird of a Feather: Kyoko's really hit it off with you. People tend to focus on two delinquents rather then what the delinquents are doing. Kyoko's resting Opinion with CD will always be +10 unless betrayed. When assigned to an action with CD that would otherwise generate Suspicion due to PSI usage, etc, roll a 1d100. If the result is 1 to 5, no suspicion is generated. Otherwise the amount of Suspicion generated is merely lowered.

I think Psychic Healing for Money should be delayed until we've recruited Kyoko.
Not because Kyoko's got great Stewardship, but because that fucking trait sure will come in handy any time we need to make an action like this.

[] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk: Getting a shit-ton of baseball bats from the factory will make the factory a lot keener to you. It'll also ensure every member you have, and every member for quite a while, has a proper swinger to wreck people with. And these will be weapons one could easily argue as being sports equipment. This will improve the Outfielders combat abilities in so far as they'll have actual weapons. Just don't expect it to be cheap.
[Autopass: -3 Funds] (Reward: Proper weapons for the Outfielders, increasing the effectiveness in mass or gang combat)

[] Sneak Into the Arcade: The Sharks are packed into the arcade lately and they're pretty busy. It won't be easy to slip in, but it's not impossible. They likely won't appreciate you inviting yourself in, but if you can get to Franky you might be able to force a chat. Alternatively you could find out just what the Sharks are getting up to in there.
DC: 65
[Additional checks or options may follow on success] (Reward: Possibility to join or absorb the Shark or strike a deal)

I think if we assign Porky to this... there's a shot right?
3+24+10= a +37

That means we just have to roll over a 28 to succeed.
Currently, this turn, we have a 2/3 chance at succeeding on this roll.
In the event of a crit failure? Porky's on it, so a second shot at a 2/3 roll.
I think we have a solid chance at getting a critical success this turn on this action.

That said... additional checks, but again! We have pretty solid bonuses, and again Porky's assigned to an Intrigue mission.
If there's further DC rolls, and one crit fails? Reroll time baybee!!

I would rather we not double-down due to making sure CD recovers from depression as much as possible.
IF we dont do the arcade.. I'm fine with Monitor the Entertainers Shack. In that case we'd have to roll better than a 13. Entertainer's shack borders on actually being a guaranteed critical success.

one last point...

Shark Fins Circling

The Sharks have been seen all over town lately. Riding about even in areas where they normally don't tread, areas where the OPF are concentrated. While they're still doing their usual antics, they seem fixated on something that's not entirely clear. It could be that they're simply spinning their wheels and poking the bear for fun, but every night the arcade bristles with cheering and rowdy shouts.
They're riling themselves up, and it's only getting more intense.

There's a chance that they're gearing for an at-scale deployment or other sort of action to take on the OPF, and we could get in on it. Maybe. lol.

[] Research: You don't exactly have people in lab coats pouring over computers and playing with test tubes, but never underestimate what a bunch of disgruntled teens with out of date textbooks can do. If school had kids learning how to blow things for homework then everyone would be getting straight A's. Your options are limited until you have a proper place to do research, the right people to do research, and a certain understanding of other research topics.
If we're buying baseball bats simple weapons can be put off, and the risk of simple explosives or simple pharmaceuticals? those could be reat ideas.. but let's be frank, the failure conditions on both of those other two aren't worth failing I expect. (Having a kid get grievously injured and not knowing For Sure if we could undo the damage with what Lifeup α affords us? I dont like that risk when our loyalty is so low. Having an adult let alone law enforcement find out "the kids are making drugs" during a lockdown? nope! nope!! nope!!!)

Otherwise, yeah either Read Up On Aliens or Research Simple Weapons or Check Local Disturbances. those are my picks.
-[] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk - if BB isn't on Learning maybe BB could be helpful here?
-[] Sneak Into the Arcade (im not opposed to Monitor) - PORKY Assignment
-[] Read Up on Aliens or Research (Simple Weapons, or Write-in) - BB Assignment IF Read Up / Write-in

I assume that since all national rolls use the Leader's stats by default, CD isn't technically able to be assigned to any actions.


for starters: I fundamentally don't think that we should be using "give one of your projects some of your personal attention"
CD's depression needs to be worked on in some capacity, and one personal action probably won't cut it (especially considering every option available to us comes more than likely with a penalty of some form. I worry sleeping in has a hidden one, much like compartmentalizing - but yknow different).
Furthermore, unless we really want CD to double-down on the intrigue or another action, I think we'll probably be fine just assigning CD as normal.

[ ] Try to Foster Loyalty: The current members of the Outfielders are onboard with the idea of stopping the death of everyone they love at the hands of space aliens. However, that doesn't mean they want to give you a hug. Just because they listen to what you have to say, doesn't mean they like it. Trying to ingratiate yourself to the members, or at the very least ensure their opinion of you doesn't endanger the group, will take time.
[ ] Spend time with Kart and Floppy: Just spend some time with your siblings. See how they're doing at school, make them dinner, hang out with them and be present in their lives.
[ ] Pick a Fight in Town: You're in a mood. Going into town and finding someone to throw down with could be a good way to blow off some steam.
[ ] Find a Way To Cope
-[] Just Sleep In: Maybe the solution to all this is that you need to sleep more. Time you could spend doing something else will be spent curling up with your Eggplant plush and sleeping late into the day. If things go well, you'll have larger windows where you feel well enough to be productive. Who knows, maybe you'll even have a nice dream?
-[] Self-Medicate: There's a difference between abusing drugs and simply using medicine to manage a condition. It will likely cost you, and there's no telling of the side effects, but what matters is dealing with this.
Personally? Depending on if she gets prescription drugs or weed, who knows maybe this could work out. All of the options are unpredictable.
It might be best to pick none of them, and just use personal actions otherwise. SPEAKING OF WHICH

I wanna point to this bit.
I dont recall if it's a bonus just from the faction, or a specific hero unit assigned, but I do think this'll be why fostering closeness with the faction is important this turn.
  • Foster Loyalty in my view has synergy with both Teach Members How to Brawl and Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk that would be during this turn. Why? Bases loaded people, the outfielders are going to play a game of baseball! At least, that's what I think I wanna Omake.
    • "meri, why should they play a game of baseball, isn't the world ending" yeah, but baseball is probably the best cover if the group got caught training. Baseball crosstrains a variety of skills, it's in the name, it's good to have a cover overall and "we're just a bunch of baseball enthusiasts" is probably the best one going for us. Same for buying those bats in bulk.
    • okay. in hindsight I skipped over the depression invalidated actions. Play Baseball's one of them. We'll probably have to wait another turn to play baseball with the outfielders, BUT STILL. they could use training as a team for a cover, they dont have to actually play a game.
    • This is, overall, a critical stage for our faction. Everyone's shaken, much of the group probably still wishes they didn't feel obligated to be involved, whether because of matters or CD herself. As the loyalty stat says: "they're more engaged with the cause then they are with you". If we hit any sort of loyalty-based event it could be make or break without preparing in advance like this.
  • Spend time with Kart and Floppy: I think this is worthwhile. The last time that Kart & Floppy had personal time with CD was Turn 3. Recerd Darnel stopped supporting the household during Turn 4 due to going MIA. Every turn is a passage of a month. I think it's probably worthwhile after both so much time passing, and what happened, that CD spend time with her siblings. It might not fix her depression, but it will maintain the household at the very least (plus the results from the last time were pretty good anyway)
  • Pick a Fight in Town: Okay, this one's risky, but like, cmon. I'd rather we not spend funds. If we dont use this option, for me then it's a support convo with BB more than likely, or BB.
Sporty!: There's a lot of things you are, and being active is certainly one of them. Teams and meet-ups suck, but you do enjoy games when you're able to participate. It helps that you win a lot of the time. [The DC for tasks related to competitions and non-combat physical martial activities is lowered by -10]
When it comes time for a baseball game.. I think this would be good.
If we don't end up doing the Arcade, hear me out:

challenge The Sharks to a game of baseball

That'd be a -10, and after this turn we might even have a loyalty bonus at our back (especially if we assign..)
-[]CD: Foster Loyalty
-[]CD: Spend time with Kart and Floppy
-[]CD: Pick a Fight in Town (with Kyoko?)
-[]CD: Find a Way to Cope (Sleep more than likely)

I see a couple different plans involving CD doubling down on recruitment, which.. I kinda get, but we have a guaranteed Hero from that no matter what the roll is, even on a crit fail.
Unless confirmed otherwise, generally 8Bit Dystopia / Ck2 Quests only let you pick (1) hero per recruitment action.

Also uh, the mom went MIA a couple months back and it was only the month immediately prior that CD last spend quality time with them.
She's struggling pretty hard, so I think these could give her purpose and solace.

The Hero Units (BB & Porky)

[ ] Find Small Objects: Being able to get into tight places has benefits when it comes to scrounging around. While the idea of delving into storm drains and floor vents is far from appealing, ensuring C.D has some amount of the local currency would likely assist with their efforts. Plus, who knows, maybe you'll find something interesting. Beyond moth balls and trash that is.

I'm down to use BB's personal action on what was already stated.
BB's the one who'll be useful getting our (hero) units up to PSI speed, but we have a lot of work to probably get done before that's relevant, so his cover story can wait a turn or two.
The only other I'm wanting to explore would be either
- Fly on the Wall: this could be useful even if he can't be assigned to be on the arcade... but maybe PSI Shield should have more work on it before that's done.
- Practice your own PSI: this is probably worthwhile given the risk that exists of BB experiencing a Canon-Typical Event on any turn
- Lick Tree Sap: I'm open to this because BB deserves nice things too lolol

[ ] Try to get a...mole?: Now that you're apart of t h i s, you suppose you should have informants and spies and stuff? You have no idea what you're doing, but the time you spend figuring this out is time you're not thinking about the world shattering revelations you've learned.
this one's probably is among his harder personal tasks. While he's still 'loyal' we could at least try to build an informant network, even if intrigue fails we might just have someone on the inside... somewhere. lol.
buuuut, and I doubt Crosswire will say "Yes that's how this can work", it's technically still an action he's been assigned to, right? the effect didn't specify it had to be national action. There's also the risk that this doesn't help us because Porky doesn't share that he has an informant, and when he leaves he takes the informant with.
- Cope: obvious, might be good?
- Get some GOOD Snacks: it's not LITTLe Scheming, sure, but it probably would be nice for Porky, and maybe he could even share. Doubtful tho.

-[]BB: Find Small Objects (OR: Fly On Wall, Practice PSI, Lick Tree Sap)
-[]Porky: Try to get a mole

edge case I want to consider:
  • BB works on PRACTICE PSI, so uh, could BB attempt to do that while trying to buff the kids who are training? From a distance, of course.
    • Thus, Assign BB to Martial (Teach Members How to Brawl)
    • this would be BB helping out try to buff the kids from afar while CD handles the teaching

So, I want to ask the QM @Crosswire a question (or three):

Can we do a Write-in Research?

I'd like to propose something that could cover our bases and help give us a fighting chance during future martial actions.
[] Research:
-[] Research Simple Armor: The Outfielders have literally the clothes on their back, and with how any fight could go wouldn't it be better if they had some basic safety gear? All the gear that an umpire wears is meant to be protective whether it's the facemask, chest protector, shin guards, or the other items worn that keep the body covered. (Assuming DC is similar to the others)
(I wanted to do "basic PPE" but idk if CD would even know what that is. That could probably wait until the turn we set up the lab)

Can we write-in usage for the Papers?

Example: Move the OPF's funds for (?) turns to stimulating the local economy / to the school
(note for discussion: I think we should probably use the papers to hinder another faction, namely the OPF. That, or otherwise shift public opinion. The +1 additional funds could be neat, but I think there's some more clever usages of the papers out there for us to consider)
(heck, if we still have the papers when Nook Inc rolls into town, we could boost their move-in)

Kyoko Recruitment

"available at any time", is this when we roll for a recruitment roll, or that she'd just plainly be available and we dont have to go through that?
Would she be an additional to the amount we're allowed to pick, or just included in the "pick one and only one"

A Scheme: Could "Pick a Fight" be directed at someone?

Could this someone be Kyoko? Would this be interpreted as a hostile action or betrayal? Or would the two be able to just agree to it as a spar?

Lastly, Scheme: Can we write-in how to challenge the sharks?

Namely, challenge them to a baseball game 8D
To answer your questions @Meridian
Can we do a Write-in Research?
Players can suggest topics of research. Given how nonexistent the current tech level of the Outfielders is right now, it will take some investment and work to get into anything particularly elaborate. However something like Simple Armor is very much in the realm of what they could focus on. I will add it to the list of research topics next turn.​
Can we write-in usage for the Papers?
To a degree, yes. It is a valuable, but ultimately expendable tool. I neglected giving more options for it this turn purely because I wanted to get this turn out. So I'll allow players to pitch how to potentially use the Papers, within reason. Either as separate actions, or potential augmentations to existing actions.​
For clarification, the recruiting action still needs to be taken in order to get Kyoko. It's simply that, succeed or fail, you're guaranteed to get her due to your prior actions. However you cannot recruit her if you do not take the action to do so.

A Scheme: Could "Pick a Fight" be directed at someone?
Pick a Fight is more CD going around and letting trouble come to her so she can get into a fight and beat someone up who 'deserves it'. It's not really sparring or a directed fight since that would be too much effort in CD's mind at the moment. So it can't be directed at someone specific.

That being said, Kyoko is from River City. People there get into fist fights so much that punching each other in the face might as well be a second language. If CD just attacked or fought Kyoko unprompted and out of the blue, the damage to their opinion of her would be comparatively minimal compared to a 'normal' person.

Lastly, Scheme: Can we write-in how to challenge the sharks?

You know what, yes. I will allow the option to write-in how to potentially challenge the sharks when/if the time comes. I will add that to future options and accept plans involving such a write-in should that option appeal to you all this turn.
Reading the last chapter had me thinking. What if the leader of the aliens saw the future, or just was fearful of how powerful human psychics can be. So they're preemptively trying to kill all humans so that they don't get stronger than them.
would be happy to see what you think though there's not really too many personals so probably much to talk about, we can already take 4/5 of the current options unless we're doubling down/personal attention-ing it (seems unwise at this point, we've just unlocked them) and only have 2 heroes.
Well ok, since you asked, here goes, starting with CD.

Personal Attention: If there's an action on the list that everyone agrees is important enough to need that extra bit of juice, then sure. Otherwise it would be better to just take a whole bunch of personals for now. CD needs the extra me time.

Try to foster loyalty: Should definitely do this soon I think. Right now these people don't have any particular reason to think of us as the leader, other than we're the one who told them about the scary crap. We don't need an internal schism from Johnny the football captain trying to take over or whatever.

Hang out with a hero: Perhaps a good idea. Porky in particular could probably use a reminder that we are his best bet for surviving the stuff he doesn't want to think about. In fact, if we were to combine this with his coping action, we might get a cool scene out of it!

Go shopping: It worked out once before. We didn't get anything big out of it and probably won't this time either, but the little things can add up. For want of a nail, right?

Spend time with Kart and Floppy: Yeah, she should probably do this. They need someone looking after them, don't want them getting the same neurosis we have. And CD needs the normalcy and reminder of what she's fighting for. Honestly this would probably go further on fixing her depression than any of the listed options.

Pick a fight in town: Got mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, violence is never the answer. On the other hand, violence might actually be the answer here. While there could any number of potential downsides to picking a random fight, (including but not limited to injury, arrest, loss of reputation, a new enemy,) the possible upshot is that CD could get all the angry out and be able to think straight for, like, 10 whole minutes, and actually be able to sort herself out.

Find a way to cope: Yes, let us absolutely go to therapy and have a professional help us talk out oh wait we can't do that. Uh, ok let's see what else we got here...

Just sleep in: Probably the least bad option here, but I don't expect to fix much by itself. We would have to either roll really well, (I forget, do we roll on personal actions like this?) combine it with one of the other options, or have some story related thing happen during one of our other actions.


Self medicate: This could very easily go wrong. Overdosing or becoming addicted or just taking the wrong thing. Of course if she somehow miraculously gets it right it could actually go a long way towards fixing the problem, but that's not what I expect to happen.

Compartmentalize: Sweetie, that's called bottling it up, and it's the opposite of what you should be doing. Can we maybe just make a write in action to just talk to Buzz Buzz? He is the closest thing we have to a friend right now.

That's CD done, on to Buzz Buzz.

Invent cover story: This is probably the best choice for this turn. If we want him to be able to openly help the gang out, he needs an explanation of who he is that doesn't get him splattered all over the wall.

Fly on the wall: This might be one of our best ways of getting info on our enemies, and I'm kind of surprised we haven't done this yet. If we don't do the cover story, let's do this.

Practice PSI: Something he should be doing when we get a chance, but not right now.

Find small objects: This is probably another random loot table kind of deal. Something for when we have nothing else we need to do.

Think back on the war: This might get us some minor intel tidbits, but I imagine if he knew anything of major strategic importance he would have already told us. Another thing for when there's nothing else.

Lick tree sap: Lol, sure little buddy. You go enjoy that. If we need him to lay low or recuperate or something, this would be a good one.

Now onto Porky!

Cope: Logically and practically speaking, this is what we should take for him so he can function at full capacity. However if we wanted to have some fun with it, it might actually for a more entertaining story if he spent the entire quest in complete denial of what he's helping deal with. I know his personal actions are much more fun to read for it.

Loaf around: No, you got to do that last month. Get up you slug, and go do something with your life.

Get some good snacks: That's not what I meant and you know it.

Try to get a mole: Could be darn handy, this is probably the second best way to get the info we need, with Buzz Buzz being first. Would we get to choose between the sharks and cops, or is it random? Either way, I'll take it!

Just a little scheming: On the one hand, second Intrigue action. Anyway we can cheat the normal action economy limitations is a win in my book. Plus a part of me just really enjoys spinning the wheel and seeing what happens. On the other hand, that part of my brain is stupid and we shouldn't listen to it. Porky could go and randomly steal a cop car! And then not tell us for like three turns until we have cops beating on our door demanding to know why its suddenly in our backyard and we're just baffled because we somehow didn't notice it until now! That sounds hilarious to read, let's do it! No, shut up stupid brain!

Aaaand that's everything. Hope it's helpful to someone.
Reading the last chapter had me thinking. What if the leader of the aliens saw the future, or just was fearful of how powerful human psychics can be. So they're preemptively trying to kill all humans so that they don't get stronger than them.
do you mean seeing all of the stuff that might go down with protagonists from various games fixing everything and making humanity harder to screw over?
that may be a factor why Giygas is doing it *now* rather than later or having their plans go along even slower, but they have previously stated motivations for wanting to kill humans (hating them in general because of PSI, but regardless of if they're strong or weak (though having PSI makes humans stronger, that's probably incidental? by my read at least, could be a factor)

Well ok, since you asked, here goes, starting with CD.
i still think sleeping will definitely have roughly equal downsides to the other options in the vein of "everything sucks i just want to sleep" and turning into a snail (terrible play, we hate bugs)
it'd be weird to just give us an easy out of the whole depression thing/one option that's blatantly superior, so i'm reading the "find a way to cope" action as "deal with the status effect... at a cost" and that they'll all have downsides we don't want to deal with and should only take if we badly need to get rid of it or something

beating stuff up can carry a risk though...

maybe instead it's possible to double up on hero chats to get all our actions down? as a bonus, that would mean we get to talk to buzz buzz without needing a write-in? so the safest bet would be loyalty, kart/floppy, and chats with porky/buzz buzz.

if doing both is impossible for whatever reason, dropping the action's always a play? or we could go shopping to see what's around without necessarily buying anything (would prefer to save money for nationals, investing in order to get reliable income/setting up facilities isn't cheap)/take a coping action that might backfire, but with the hope that future actions could remedy it and it's just the first step on the road to recovery?

regarding buzz buzz, did you see the chat earlier about the benefits of gathering stuff ? if we're lucky and it gives a fund (may take a decent roll, but i think it's a safe bet that it's in the loot table) we'd have 5 funds the turn after this one to afford the baseball bat factory investment stewardship, which i want to take as early as possible so we have passive income ticking away as soon as possible (plus, having bulk-bought some might improve the effectiveness of it?)

regarding porky,, coping is probs the most helpful of porky's unless we think having him off-guard/stressed will make him more loyal or something weird like that(i could see the logic to making him feel more need to engage with us, but it could also make him do dumb stuff). plus you make a good point on possible benefit to combining it and socials in the same turn
To answer your questions @Meridian

Players can suggest topics of research. Given how nonexistent the current tech level of the Outfielders is right now, it will take some investment and work to get into anything particularly elaborate. However something like Simple Armor is very much in the realm of what they could focus on. I will add it to the list of research topics next turn.

To a degree, yes. It is a valuable, but ultimately expendable tool. I neglected giving more options for it this turn purely because I wanted to get this turn out. So I'll allow players to pitch how to potentially use the Papers, within reason. Either as separate actions, or potential augmentations to existing actions.​

For clarification, the recruiting action still needs to be taken in order to get Kyoko. It's simply that, succeed or fail, you're guaranteed to get her due to your prior actions. However you cannot recruit her if you do not take the action to do so.

Pick a Fight is more CD going around and letting trouble come to her so she can get into a fight and beat someone up who 'deserves it'. It's not really sparring or a directed fight since that would be too much effort in CD's mind at the moment. So it can't be directed at someone specific.


You know what, yes. I will allow the option to write-in how to potentially challenge the sharks when/if the time comes. I will add that to future options and accept plans involving such a write-in should that option appeal to you all this turn.

Alrighty, that rounds it all out nicely. This leaves me with one last question, another technicality:

Can a T6 plan that chooses []Recruit (Onett) have []Hang Out w/ Hero be used with Kyoko?

She is guaranteed to be recruited if the action is chosen, and we are doing plan-based voting, so I'm just saying...
The plan I want to propose is:

Plan "Teamwork preps for the Dreamwork"

-[] Teach Members How to Brawl
-[] Recruiting (Onnet)
-[] Buy Baseball Bats in Bulk - BB Assignment (?)
-[] Monitor the Entertainer's Shack - PORKY Assignment
-[] Read Up on Aliens or Research (Simple Weapons) - BB Assignment (?)
-[] CD: Foster Loyalty
-[] CD: Hang Out with a Hero
--[] Hang Out with Kyoko
-[] CD: Spend time with Kart and Floppy
-[] CD: Find a Way to Cope (Sleep more than likely)
-[]BB: Cover Story (OR: Find Small Objects, Practice PSI, Lick Tree Sap)
-[]Porky: Try to get a mole

Alternative Options
  • If Kyoko is barred from being chosen on the same turn that she's guaranteed to be recruited on, then shrugs, sure, let's pick either BB or Porky, and Whoever we pick should have a synergized personal action.
    • BB gets Cover Story (alternatively: Lick Tree Sap, something that's relaxing for BB while CD finds the trees to sap on)
    • Porky gets Cope
    • also theoretically we could do two Hangouts instead of just the one.
  • I'm also not opposed to Pick A Fight as a backup for Find A Way To Cope
  • I swapped to Entertainer's Shack, but I'm still open to gambling at the arcade nyohohoo
  • I'm still split on what BB should be assigned to.. but I expect Learning is probably still best. I do expect that Read On Aliens is only so useful right now, and can probably wait a turn, maybe?

Fly on the wall: This might be one of our best ways of getting info on our enemies, and I'm kind of surprised we haven't done this yet. If we don't do the cover story, let's do this.
iirc we did do this around Turn 3? I think?
It's where we found out about the bakery that all the cops hangout at (which currently isn't investigatable on intrigue, but was mentioned as a future option)

maybe instead it's possible to double up on hero chats to get all our actions down? as a bonus, that would mean we get to talk to buzz buzz without needing a write-in? so the safest bet would be loyalty, kart/floppy, and chats with porky/buzz buzz.

...I do like this, and it's probably just fine to do that.
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