fuck so not only are we sick, we lose our wife, have our kids killed, lose the fucking war, and pretty much get the russ destroyed with our lords hating our guts.

anything else? and oh have my bitter salt, I hope the dice chokes on it.
We haven't seen the update yet, why these assumptions?

It'd be boring if it was a cakewalk anyway.
fuck so not only are we sick, we lose our wife, have our kids killed, lose the fucking war, and pretty much get the russ destroyed with our lords hating our guts.

anything else? and oh have my bitter salt, I hope the dice chokes on it.
You really are overreacting right now and making assumptions that are pissing me off and throwing off my writing groove. Please calm down and wait for the update before you start to panic.
Now that I think about it, the nat 1 could be us starting to write out the letters and then we get hit by enemy action, taking us by surprise
The Campaign Turn 1 results (Date October 5th)
The Campaign Turn 1 results (Date: Octobor 5th)

You looked at the columns of men that were marching east. Unlike the men under Otto the Great when he marched east to conquer the Rus, they were not the finest men the world had to offer. That was a fact you painfully knew all too well.

Much of your army were recruits, conscripted and not given the thorough training that the core of your army had. In a real fight, they would not fare well. Against a cavalry charge,, they would break and run.

The polish cavalry and infantry were a welcome addition, but they did not have the raw numbers to make up for the lack of experience that the majority of your army had.

But you had to have faith in them. They had faith in you, after all, so you would give them that same faith in return.

After all, faith could move mountains, and create empires.

"Vasily." The same could not be said for your wife. Seeing her in heavy armor, with a sword by her side was usually a comforting sight. You knew she could defend herself. "Are you alright?"

The unfortunate thing was that even faith could not stop the stubborn, pregnant and loyal wife known as Zima Królowa from staying by your side.

"I'm fine." You replied. A lie, but it's one you kept telling yourself to make her happy. Oh, how you wanted to rage at her decision but you could not convince her to stay behind.

Zima either failed to notice or didn't care. "The other commanders want to know where we are going?"

Ah yes, Where to go to face the Mongol's. The frontier was so vast that you didn't even know where you were needed. Or where your enemy was.

Where do you go?:

[]You continue East, going through the Ural Mountains: Hannibal crossed the Alps with his men in Winter, you can as well. Strike the Mongols in the back, and catch them completely by surprise. You hope at least. If this Khan is going to be striking at Fulk's position or is delaying his march west, you might be caught with no way out. (Date of Arrival at the Base of the mountains: October 5)

When you arrived, the battle you had not wanted was already beginning. (Continued in Battle of Yamatau)

Diplomacy: You need to keep in contact with the other armies.

(Choose 2)

[X]Establish communications with Vlad: You need to set up a line of communications with Vlad and his forces. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 75% Reward: You establish contact with Vlad Rolled: 1D100 => 88

You and Prince Vlad Established communications, thankfully without any issue. The same could not be said for Fulk.

Reward: New Action Available.

[X]The Courier company: You are going to need some dedicated riders that can carry messages for you and the rest of the army. Cost 50 Supplies. Chance of success: 40% Reward: You have a dedicated messenger company. All communications rolls get a +10 bonus. Rolled: 1D100 => 39

Your courier company could not be established as you needed every horseman you had for the battle.


Martial: You are an army, banded together by duty, unity, and empire. You are better than many forces in the world. But you can be better. You know it.
(Choose 3)

-[X]Drill the Troops: Your men are raw and inexperienced. You will teach them to be more than what they think themselves as. They are men of the empire… And they are the men of Vasily Aristov. Cost 300 Supplies. Chance of success: 30% Reward: All Recruits are now upgraded to Experienced. Rolled: 1D100 => 90+10=100

Your men had great motivation to train themselves to be better. And you made them better.

Reward: All Troops in your army are ranked Experienced.

-[X]Force Assessment: You need to know how well trained and how experienced Zima's troops are, along with their total numbers. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 90% Reward: You get an accurate number of Zima's troops and their experience. Rolled: 1D100 => 43+10=53

Zima Spared no expense when it came to gathering troops. They were the finest Poland could muster in a short time, easily the best armed, armored and trained from her homeland.


8000 Heavy Cavalry (Veterans)
4000 Light Cavalry (Veterans)
10000 Light infantry (Experienced)
5000 Heavy Infantry (Experienced)
2000 Archers (Experienced)

-[X]Inspect the Troops: You are going to inspect your men, make sure they are in top form. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 70% Reward: Your troops are inspected. May or may not gain respect with officers. You will also learn the Morale Situation of your men. Rolled:1D100 => 73+10=83

Your troops were very happy to finally out killing the Mongols and like the fact that you are leading them.

Reward: Morale Status Learned: Excellent (85/100).

Stewardship: An army marches on its stomach. That sounds like an excellent way to start a journal of your campaign.
(Choose 2)

-[X]Gather More Supplies: You need to forage for more supplies. Hopefully, your men can find some. Cost 50 Supplies. Chance of success: 70/40/20/5% Reward: Your men gather more supplies for this season. Rolled: 1D100 => 75

Your supply gathering was thankfully successful, the only bit of good news that you had when you reached the Urals.

Reward: +600 supplies.

-[X]Supply check: You will personally make sure the supplies are getting evenly distributed. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 70% Reward: The Troops like you more for getting down and dirty with the menial tasks (Morale improvement). Supply consumption is lowered for this season. Rolled: 1D100 => 50

You took charge of the supplies, which caused some grumbling at first, but once you were done, your men wanted you to be the supply master, you did your job so well.

Reward: +5 to Morale.

Intrigue: All warfare is based on deception, and you need to deceive this enemy if you are going to win this war.
(Choose 2)

-[X]Coded messages: You need to make sure the Mongols do not read your information, so you will put it in code. Hopefully, it works. Cost 50 Supplies. Chance of success: 65% Reward: You get coded messages. The Mongols will not be able to crack it without an allied officer. Rolled: 1D100 => 6

There was no time to create a code for coded messages when there was a battle to be fought and a General to save.


-[X]Espionage (Locating The Enemy): You need to find the enemy before they find you. Cost 100 Supplies. Chance of success: ???% Reward: You find that bastard's army. Rolled: 1D100 => 17

You did not need to send spies, for the Mongols had already put Fulks position under siege.

Learning: Campaigns are great places to study… when you aren't doing a thousand different things.
(Choose 2)

[X]Oh Shit: You needed to go to the latrine… OH, MY GOD! They're washing right next to where they shit! Cost 10 Supplies. Chance of success: 80% Reward: You no longer feel the need to boil your water whenever you look at your latrine situation. Rolled: 1D100 => 25

You disciplined the idiots who decided to put their washing and cooking stations next to the latrines. And separated the washing and cooking stations to the other side of the camp, far away from the latrines.


[X]Practice Maneuvers: You need your men to start training in how they march against the Mongols. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 70% Reward: You can use formations in battle preparations, and in the battle itself. Your enemy will not be able to ambush you. Rolled: 1D100 => 39

You managed to practice maneuvers in the middle of the night while marching. It was brilliant to see the featureless shapes of your men take position. If they could do it in the dark, they could do it in the day.

Reward: Formations in battle unlocked, Ambush negated for this season.

Personal: There are few things that can make you angry. But Zima is doing everything she can to push you to the limit.
(Choose 2)

-[X]Write to your sons: You want to make sure your sons are doing well, even if it is only writing to them. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: ??% Reward: You write to your sons. Rolled: :1D100 => 1

You wanted to write them so badly, but the letters were destroyed when those bastards raided your camp.


-[X]Read Messages from home: Many of your soldiers are illiterate but still receive messages from their homes. You will read some of the men to boost morale. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 100% Reward: Morale improves. Rolled: 1D100 => 66

The raid came quickly, and no one died, but it shook many of the men's confidence. The letters you read from their homes after it was over alleviated that worry, and gave them a new drive to fight.

Supply roll: 1D100 => 4 (A Very Bad Outcome)

Their raid was quick and silent. No one died or was wounded, but your supplies were practically destroyed. You only had one choice, and that was to make a run for Fulks mountain fortress.

Reward: -2500 Supplies

Disaster Roll:1D100 => 91

(Continued in Battle of Yamatau)

Enemy Action: 1D100 => 83

They were laying siege to General Fulk. Thankfully you had arrived just in time to relive them. (Continued in Battle of Yamatau)

AN: If you win this battle, you can salvage your shitty situation.

Supply situation For Turn 2
Current supply count: 990 supplies

Supply gain:
400 Supplies from foraging
50: Supplies gained from organizer trait

Supply consumption:
Supply consumption:
600 supply consumption by infantry
400 supply consumption by horses.

Edit: Forgot to do another math problem.

Edit: 2: This is also what we have if we get repelled from Fulks Base if we lose the battle. So do or die people.
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For your safety and comfort, please remain calm with your reactions unposted until the QM turns on the New Chapter sign. This will indicate that we have recieved judgement at the story and that it is safe for you to panic about.

On behalf of Blood of the Frontier Questline and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on forum again in the near future. Have a nice day/evening/night/stay!
For your safety and comfort, please remain calm with your reactions unposted until the QM turns on the New Chapter sign. This will indicate that we have recieved judgement at the story and that it is safe for you to panic about.

On behalf of Blood of the Frontier Questline and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on forum again in the near future. Have a nice day/evening/night/stay!
Thank you for the PSA.

Also, you can now panic now guys, I'm just going to sit back and watch the chaos unfold:). If you have any questions as to why I torture you, its because I care about making a quest as interesting as possible. Also, you did decide to start a campaign and the dice were not in your favor.

EdiT: Ninja'd a dude.
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Wew, my Inquest passenger announcement was ninja'd by the post.

Honestly its a lot better than i feared. So now we wait outside without supplies and an effective raidin party harrasing us.
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I guess I....kinda called it here?
The supply raid was already going to happen because of that low supply roll, I just decided to borrow a little bit from what was said, and make it my own.

Edit: It also saved me time, so now I can focus on the battle.
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Battle of Yamatau: Battle Preparations (Prepare Commanders)
Battle of Yamatau: Battle Preparations (Prepare Commanders)

You grimaced at the report. Fulk was under siege. You were going to need to fight your way to them and put an end to that siege before you could resupply.

"Dammit. Do you know how many Mongols are there?" You asked the messenger.

"Over two hundred thousand sir." The messenger replied almost immediately. "They came fast and hard and trapped us in our fortress. I barely got through their lines to deliver this message to you."

They brought an entire horde?! Was that Great Khan insane? He was risking everything on… You gritted your teeth, as everything fell into place. Appear weak when you are strong, and appear strong when you are weak. That was what the art of war said.

"What is it, Vasily?" Ash asked.

All warfare is based on deception... Alexanders disloyal spies... They must have survived and turned cloak. "We've been fed false intelligence." You stated. "Naranbaatar has more men then we realized. There isn't just one large horde, there are several."

"So you're saying they outnumber more than they already are?" Zima asked.

"Yes." You stated.

"How are you certain that theory of yours is correct?" Jory asked.

"The spies we sent after the Mongols to keep an eye on Stefan and make sure he was safe, were men that Alexander did not like or were disloyal to him. The ones who were loyal sent information back to me, while the rest were executed. The information was not anything I didn't already know…" You paused and gave a soft chuckle. "I thought they were just confirming what we already knew. I guess I was wrong."

"They turned cloak?" Jory asked. "To the Mongols?"

"It's better than having Alexander killing them now is it?" You replied. "Alexander you bastard."

"How come you did not think of that earlier?" Ash asked.

Zima was pregnant, your letters to your sons were destroyed before you could deliver them to them, the supplies being destroyed… They were the easy things to blame for your shortsightedness. But that was not the right answer, no matter how it played out in your head. "I grew careless. I trusted our intelligence and the man it came from when I should have verified it before we marched out of Novgorod."

"That wasn't your fault Vasily." Zima stated.

"Yes, it was." You growled. But that did not matter now. You needed to move and save Fulk before the old bastard died and the Mongols got you next.

"Gather the army and prepare them for battle, I need to assign commanders to their flanks." You ordered.

There was silence among your men before you grew tired of waiting."NOW!" You shouted. Lives were at stake and more than just Fulks men.

You need to draw up battle lines, but first, you need to set up commanders for your Flanks to establish a clear chain of command.

Choose One for Each Flank:

Who will take the Center:

Who will take the Right Flank:

Who will take the Left Flank:

AN: Enjoy and please vote in Plan Format.

Edit: Please consult the Generals of Rus informational, for what you kind of general you want on your flanks.
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A question.
Supply check option says:
-[X]Supply check: You will personally make sure the supplies are getting evenly distributed. Cost 0 Supplies. Chance of success: 70% Reward: The Troops like you more for getting down and dirty with the menial tasks (Morale improvement). Supply consumption is lowered for this season. Rolled: 1D100 => 50
But it wasn't actually lowered.
Did we roll to low to receive it or was it a mistake from the beginning?
Did we roll to low to receive it or was it a mistake from the beginning?
There was not a mistake, you lost a lot of supplies because of the bad supply roll you had this turn.

Edit: scratch I made a derp and did some bad math...

Edit2: fixes that.
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[X]Plan Fuck Them Up!
-[X]Center: Alfonso
-[X]Left Flank: Nicholas
-[X]Right Flank: Ionnos

They need to either hit us fast, or pin both us and Fulk down. Ergo, we must attack. Send in the artillery to smash their commanders, while everyone else hammers them in the confusion. Leave no survivors!
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Are our current troop numbers and composition the ones listed in the first posts of the thread, or where can I find it? Just to make sure.

I'd like to leverage Zima's fantastic complement of forces, especially her cavalry. Unfortunately she's the only one with a cavalry specialty... hm.
...So... this should be interesting

[X] Plan And Let Slip the Dogs
-[X] Center: Ionnos
-[X] RIght: Zima
-[X] Left: Basilius

It might be a bit foolish, but hear me out. We draw the Mongols into attacking our heavily archer-and-cannon-based center (which might even be able to destroy their chain of command early on). Then, we strike hard with our flanks. I've stuck Basilius on our left to give us the flexibility that we're going to need in order to deal with the Mongol horde, and Zima on our right to deliver a stinging blow with the heavy cavalry. Our main goal here should be to never allow the Mongols to dictate the terms on which we'll be fighting. Once they do that, then we'll be screwed, since they can just run circles around our infantry. We're also going to want to get to Fulk's forces ASAP. If they manage to sally forth while the Mongols are distracted with our forces, then we might just be able to catch the horse-fuckers in a pincer maneuver, which is the last thing that they want.
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[X] Plan And Let Slip the Dogs
-[X] Center: Ionnos
-[X] RIght: Zima
-[X] Left: Basilius

Lay out a centre that they can't outrange and pick off in attrition and force them to try and break what looks like a vulnerable centre, when they do, break them instead with the flanks and then have Fulk sally out and surround them from the rear. Completely encircled. If it works we'd slaughter 200,000 'invincible' Mongols with only a little more than their number.

All we need to do is hope our centre holds against the charge.
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All we need to do is hope our centre holds against the charge.

If we're allowed to pick sub-commanders as well, then I'd suggest also sticking Ashford in the center, since his infantry square ability is ideal for countering cavalry charges. Hell, even Wilhelm would be an decent defender. We'd also want to stick at least one defensive sub-commander with Basilius to help deal with the morale malus from Trickster (probably Ashford), while Zima's flank should be kitted out for smashing Mongol heads (which makes either Nicholas or Alfonso the ideal candidate for a sub-commander).

Also, I can't seem to locate Jory's stats anywhere. Is that intentional, or...
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