Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

Any other questions?
What are the typical sizes of fleets? Are they something like hundreds of ship, thousands? more?

How likely are we going to see a situation where someone can solo armies?

Do ground battles act more like a champion vs champion type of deal with armies acting like glorified cheer squads or do armies have a role besides garrisoning a planet/moon/station/etc?
@Cyberphilosipher perhaps you would consider making all or most mutations a skillable trait like the biotics? it makes them more interesting, makes sense and is interesting narratively and also makes mutations feel more like an integral and evolving part of the character IMO, instead of a superficial "oh and she can also teleport". plus it allows for more powerful abilities, nerfed by only reaching full capacity after lots of training.

for example, the charm thing I proposed might start as only the subconcious ability to make nearby people more positively inclined to you. later, it can develop into stronger and more precise nudges, altering of people minds and thoughts, and with lots of training perhaps even control minds and alter memories. all of those abilities as well might grow and become stronger too. like you see in most rpgs
What are the typical sizes of fleets? Are they something like hundreds of ship, thousands? more?
Most Fleets are normally a Dozen or so ships and stations.

Larger nations have a Hundred Ships.

Really powerful ones have thousands.

We are somewhere between the bottom two.

How likely are we going to see a situation where someone can solo armies?
Not as likely as you think, those sorts of Individuals are rare enough as is.

but they exist. Realistically prepare to fight a real war.

Do ground battles act more like a champion vs champion type of deal with armies acting like glorified cheer squads or do armies have a role besides garrisoning a planet/moon/station/etc?
No...We actually have to fight a war against other people and their armies.

Champion V Champion Wars are rare, because who puts the fate of their planet into DEATH MATCHES!

No ones that good.

@Cyberphilosipher perhaps you would consider making all or most mutations a skillable trait like the biotics? it makes them more interesting, makes sense and is interesting narratively and also makes mutations feel more like an integral and evolving part of the character IMO, instead of a superficial "oh and she can also teleport". plus it allows for more powerful abilities, nerfed by only reaching full capacity after lots of training.
That was Kinda the Plan all along man, I'm not stopping you from doing it.
How will romance be handled in this quest?

I am not the sort that can handle Romance very well.

But you can figure out our Protags real sexuality via a happy amount of Poor decisions.

Also most forms of Sexuality aren't...hostile (Or repressed by society) in this day in age.

As long as it produces a Politically viable Heir, and Technology can help with that.
Last edited:
Theoretical Doctrines
Fortress Doctrine​
If the enemy doesn't get a heart attack trying to plan around the defenses then there aren't enough. This is built entirely on the idea of being far too much trouble to deal with, focusing on defense to the exclusion of all else. Which, of course has the problem of being ill equipped on the assault.
Siege Doctrine​
Nearly everything important, besides asteroid mining is on planet, and the occasional station. So these forces specialize in taking and holding those areas, favoring ships and equipment optimized for such operations, which tends to lead to them being at a bit of a disadvantage if caught out in the open.

Raid Doctrine​
Sometimes, the best answer is to avoid pitched battles unless you stack the deck in your favor as much as possible. Something this doctrine specializes in, favoring high alpha strike power, stealth, and speed to harry armies while minimizing retribution. Though these focuses naturally means if their forces find themselves unable to disengage, they will be in big trouble

Decisive Battle Doctrine​
Sometimes the best way to win is to slam into the enemy force to break them with sheer power. While not really built with much besides guns and armor, they are usually built to just pummel the enemy to oblivion without need for fancy strategies or tactics. Which, also generally leads to relatively more expensive ships that handle best in a slugging match, even though facing other fleets like a siege one in their element are not advised

Swiss Army Knife Doctrine​
While this doesn't have any specialty or focus, that is a strength as much as a weakness. Helping give many options to commanders, and tools that are useful in many ways, even though they usually aren't quite as capable in any one specialty as other doctrines can be. Pretty much the Jack of all trades master of none, thanks to the lack of focus, which also allows to better fight enemies by avoiding the type of engagements they are strongest in.

Fighter Command Doctrine​
This doctrine is built on heavy use of fighter-craft in the battlefield. Generally lacking in heavy-hitting anchors besides specifically-built Carrier-craft. Which is generally there more to service their attendant fighter-craft on the field. The biggest problem of the doctrine though is also it's strength, the fact the whole doctrine is built around their fighter wings, which give a quite capable force, which is lacking in areas where higher tonnage vessels fair better in.

A/N: Well, no really sure at all how applicable any of these little things I did is...
...So, I guess a question is how certain powers might be improved. Like, say if combat precog can have the time length grow, or if the disaster sense could be honed to help get what the danger is? Or at least better react to the affect kicking in.
Just consolidating my votes:
[X]Diplomacy And Battle
-[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
-[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))

So... Calling the Vote in 12 or so Hours.

Ask your questions, vote and Enjoy.
Do Worldships (that's what I'm going to refer to planet sized ships) start unlocked or are they more late game type stuff?
Edit: Also, how late game are we talking about if we speed run that tech tree?

Assuming you used miles when measuring ships, are we using imperial for measurements?

And are the nations we were given to start off from top dogs or galactic superpowers, something like how the US and Russia were World Powers during the Cold War era, or are they mid tier level contenders like continental powers such as Britain in Europe during the Cold War Era, or maybe just regional powers like Poland and Czech in the Cold War era?
Do Worldships (that's what I'm going to refer to planet sized ships) start unlocked or are they more late game type stuff?
Those are Late Game stuff.
Assuming you used miles when measuring ships, are we using imperial for measurements?
Yes we are using Imperial Measurements.
And are the nations we were given to start off from top dogs or galactic superpowers, something like how the US and Russia were World Powers during the Cold War era, or are they mid tier level contenders like continental powers such as Britain in Europe during the Cold War Era, or maybe just regional powers like Poland and Czech in the Cold War era?
These are the Top Dogs in the Galexy, though they are only Mid Tier Continental Powers at best, the Interregnum was that devastating to the Galaxy..
Adhoc vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Mar 10, 2022 at 9:53 AM, finished with 90 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]plan better diplo too
    -[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
    -[X]charming presence-your presence can effect and change the feelings and thoughts of people around you. your natural presence shifts people emotional state to your needs, making them a bit more pleased with you, or afraid or awed as you need. a concious effort can directly alter their thoughts more precisely and strongly, though it its not mind control
    [X]Diplomacy And Battle
    -[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
    -[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))
    [X]Plan Combat Precognition and War
    -[X]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
    -[X]Combat Precognition (NOTE Its limited in the scale of seconds to a Minute, no more, no less)
    [X]Plan Survival
    -[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
    -[X]Disaster Sense: Some people have a gut instinct. She has something far more than that, which can help warn of problems. Only issue is, it doesn't exactly tell what, and while it helps in not dying, it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and how to mitigate/stop it.
    [X]Plan Commander of Evolution
    -[X]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
    -[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))
Character Creation Part 3: Religion and Madness
Character Creation Part 3: Religion and Madness

(Ellera POV)

"I know I know my Mutation is very impressive…though it's nowhere near the level of my Father or Mother, they were extremely powerful." You said calmly.

"It's not only impressive, it's dangerous." The Doctor said. "Have you ever used it for any form of Potential?"

"Not really." You said.

"I'd consider myself surprised, but knowing you…you'd rather chase skirts and leather pants than practice." He said.

"It's not my fault." You said. "I get busy very easily."

"With your Education?" He said.

"Yes." You said.

[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)

Education Quality: D100 => 91 #Education Quality

"And you are impressive in your Due Diligence." He said.

Gain Trait:
Master Diplomat: You are a Master of the Political and Diplomatic Field of Study. (+8 Diplomacy, +6 Intrigue, +4 Stewardship)

-[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils are a bright color instead of the standard black? Is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))

Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. All you know is the Power you can touch. (+6 Personal Combat, +4 Mortal, +2 Learning. Danger Sense allows for a +10 to detection of Danger, and Combat Rolls gain a +15.)


"Now…all we need is your Religion?" He said.

"You're a Doctor not a Priest!" You said.

"Yes but given the Insanity of the Major religious Sects…and all the Other Madness…I have to know…to help you navigate the shit flinging?" He said.

"Can't I be an atheist?" You said.

"No…Even if you float your religious responsibilities, it keeps the special interest groups happy." He said.


What is your Religion:

[]The Followers of the Event Horizon: Formed during the Early Interregnum, the Followers claimed their prophet survived a Fall into a Black Hole, and consequently achieved some form of enlightenment. Of course these people worship Black Holes and like to throw their enemies into them as a form of execution…NEAT!


Psionic Powerpuff: Being Inducted into the Followers means the eventual training and opening of the Third Eye of Man. And they are Uniquely Qualified in Training such people after indoctornating you into the wider situation.

Black Hole SUNS: Do you like screwing over fleets of enemies into Black Holes, do you like knowing where they are and how best to use them in war and commerce without paying for the charts.


Past the Event Horizon: They…have a Bad Reputation….throwing people they don't like into Black Holes is bad for the rep. Also, they also tried to Overthrow most of the Fraye Sector's planetary Governments in a coup. They never paid the Fines for that either.

Insanity is the Key: How to get more Powerful in the Followers. GO INSANE LOOKING AT A BLACK HOLE! It's Safe they Promise (No it's Not).

[]The Binary Cult: The Worshipers of the Machine God Deus and firm believers of the Cyborg Revolution and the MASSIVE Potential that the technology can bring to the Galaxy. Also they believe that only they have the Right to own all the Technology in the Galaxy. And Bring about the Wider Singularity and join their god. Sounds like a One-Sided deal…but it's cool so keep it up.


Tech Expeditions and YOU: While everyone goes on Tech Expeditions, they have made it a very prepared and reasonable endeavor, you won't die easily under their care…and if you do… it's your own fault.



Xenophobic Jackass: Not a Cyborg…they hate you, and they consider you a walking sack of Protine and Meat….though they hate everyone thats somewhat Normal.

THE FLESH IS WEAK AND FRAIL MUTANT!: They also are VERY racist to Mutants and consider them abominations in the Eyes of the Machine Gods..

[]The Communists: The Ideals of Karl Marx has reached its inevitable and final form and become the Opiate of the Masses they long derided every other religion of being, with their God being the Very Revolution itself and the Ideals they cherish. So yes, they became a Religion in order to survive the Interregnum…and are more successful because of it. Despite a Facelift and a new lease on life, they are still pricks to just about everyone. But by The Terran LORDS! Their Management and Social Services are second to none…if they have the money to sustain it.


The Cause of Social Services: They know how to make most SOcial Services work to a high degree. Will it be efficient? No. But the fact they offer it for a (Relatively) inexpensive fee makes them a god send in this era of Uncertainty and poor social services..

The Revolution Eternal: There is one thing that they see as imperative, The Eternal Revolution and the Death of the Impure. The Impure Bourgeoisie do not DESERVE LIFE IN OUR UTOPIA!!


The Sins of the Solar Union: The Solar Union was the Last Time Communism had achieved Wide Spanning political entity. To put it simply…it was such a disaster, that the CONSERVATIVE Imperial Theocracy that replaced it was considered an improvement and stopped the famines. No one really knew how it got that bad… and the Communists are really really unhappy when people bring it up saying it wasn't real communism. It was real communism and deep down they know it. They can't blame other people for their own mistakes forever.

An ENEMY ETERNAL: If there is one thing that is an eternal Constant in the Communist Religion, it is its terrible spending habits and its eternal (and most of the time) losing battle with corruption. No one wants their currency to collapse again. Among other Bad Habits they can't shake…like murdering people for having a different opinion and…not taking responsibility for things going wrong.

[]The Order of the Last Primarch: What happens when an A Bunch of Genetic Engineers and Scientists form a Religion around Human Perfection. You get these guys. They search for lost technology and DNA so they can eventually create the Ultimate Human Life form. Even though the Odds of what they want occurring naturally are just very small. They care about their money, the maintenance of tech and their PROJECT NOTES!


Life and Love are Not a Concern: A Member of the Religion? Great! Are challenged with having children because of Orientation, No Problem!! Just Pay Five and donate some DNA and you'll have a sprog in No time!!

The Steps of Evolution, the Steps to Salvation: They may give certain benefits…without your benefits and you will somehow be happy with them. They like creating things and making them better.


Working for the Better Man, Not the Current One: They only care about their Projects and Medical Technology. Not about your petty Concerns and getting them to do anything is like pulling teeth.

Frosty and Frigid: They are also Elitist assholes. But then again they provide a service and are VERY GOOD AT IT!

[]The Greater Imperial Cult: The Third Largest Religion in the Perseus Arm and the one with likely the most staying Power, they believe in the Sanctity and Power of Earth and an Imperial Government. And Since Earth is no longer available…the Imperial Religion is trying in somewhat Vain to…gain control and Power for their chosen man/woman.


FOR THE EMPEROR!! (Whoever figures into the Plan the Best): They have a Plan…A Plan to Unite All of Humanity into a Single Political Entity and Reclaim Earth! If you're Badass enough, have enough Space they Might just make you emperor…even A God Emperor if you are good enough.

THE GREAT CRUSADE OF THE FAITHFUL!!: You can Call a Great Crusade if you've got enough Influence Once in your Lifetime. Twice if you're Pius enough.


The Puppet Masters: Make no mistake they are looking for someone to Rule the Galaxy for them…and have been manipulating things for a long time. People Know it, you know it…and are really tired of it.

The Unwillingness of Faithful: They are not a Uniform Bunch, and have suffered a Schism or Two in the Millennia of existence. One Church may like you…another despises you.

AN:The Religions of the Highhold Hegemony…if you had Chosen other Nations, you would have gotten slightly different ones.
So we got the cult of black hole watchers that trade sanity for psionic power.
The Machine cult with very strong W40K Mechanicus vibes.
Bio-evolution cult seeking to crate 'the next generation' and only cares about that.
And then there is THE CHURCH, whom are trying to secure full power, but is having issue due to just how disunited they really are, and people being tired of them trying to be chess-masters...
I get a feeling either our 1 in piety will be really good, or really bad.
[X]The Communists: The Ideals of Karl Marx has reached its inevitable and final form and become the Opiate of the Masses they long derided every other religion of being, with their God being the Very Revolution itself and the Ideals they cherish. So yes, they became a Religion in order to survive the Interregnum…and are more successful because of it. Despite a Facelift and a new lease on life, they are still pricks to just about everyone. But by The Terran LORDS! Their Management and Social Services are second to none…if they have the money to sustain it.