Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

Made this Plan, and wanted to post it in another comment beyond having it edited in in my previous comment.

[X]Plan Commander of Evolution
-[X]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
-[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))
[X]Diplomacy And Battle
-[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
-[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))
What is the current political landscape of the Galaxy like?
Well it depends on where you are actually?

Given that the Milky Way is a Spiral Galaxy it really depends on the Arm you are on.

The Highhold Hegemony is actually on the Perseus Arm.

As for the Political Land scape?

The Federov Horde is currently building up its forces in the Outer regions of the Milky Way, having chosen a Khan (Not a Spoiler by the Way)

And the Andromeda Empire is getting out of another small civil war. (Again not a Spoiler)

And the Hegemony is recovering from finally dealing with the last of an Independence Rebellion the PC helped put to the Torch.

And that's the Situation that the Big Three have.
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Well it depends on where you are actually?

Given that the Milky Way is a Spiral Galaxy it really depends on the Arm you are on.

The Highhold Hegemony is actually on the Perseus Arm.

As for the Political Land scape?

The Federov Horde is currently building up its forces in the Core regions of the Milky Way, having chosen a Khan (Not a Spoiler by the Way)

And the Andromeda Empire is getting out of another small civil war. (Again not a Spoiler)

And the Hegemony is recovering from finally dealing with the last of an Independence Rebellion the PC helped put to the Torch.

And that's the Situation that the Big Three have.
Wasn't the Federov Horde in the outer rim?
Alright. What about spaceships? How do spaceships work in terms of drives, defenses, and weapons? Also how large are they?
Most spaceships are sensibly sized at 1.5 to 5 miles long or wide with armor.

THE REALLY GOOD SHIT is anywhere between 5 to 30 miles.

And THE REALLY OP STUFF is 31 miles to the Size of a Small Planet.

And the Game Breaking stuff takes up most of a Solar System.

Drives, Most of the Galexy uses a much poorer quality Jump Drives.

But really good stuff, or older stuff uses I'd believe Hyper Jumps (Witch isn't a Hyperdrive Disney I sware).

Energy Sheilds are hard to make, but they do exist.

Most of the Ships Rely on Armor.

Weapons are mostly massive Plasma or Laser Cannons, though again most of the time they use Railguns and short range Blaster laser cannons.
Most spaceships are sensibly sized at 1.5 to 5 miles long or wide with armor.

THE REALLY GOOD SHIT is anywhere between 5 to 30 miles.

And THE REALLY OP STUFF is 31 miles to the Size of a Small Planet.

And the Game Breaking stuff takes up most of a Solar System.

Drives, Most of the Galexy uses a much poorer quality Jump Drives.

But really good stuff, or older stuff uses I'd believe Hyper Jumps (Witch isn't a Hyperdrive Disney I sware).

Energy Sheilds are hard to make, but they do exist.

Most of the Ships Rely on Armor.

Weapons are mostly massive Plasma or Laser Cannons, though again most of the time they use Railguns and short range Blaster laser cannons.
What is the difference between jump drives and hyper drives? And are Interdictors a thing? And what makes energy shields hard to make?
On the ground how does things usually look like?
Based on superpowers, and the height that skills can push someone considering we had the chance to essentially become an ace combat protagonist. It seems like even with the very large scale, a single person can still manage a huge impact.
What is the difference between jump drives and hyper drives?
Jump Drives have Limited Range and have to periodically reenter real space to cool down or recharge.

Hyperdrives have Infinite Range and don't need to reenter realspace until they get to other destination.

On the ground how does things usually look like?
Depends on the Army Quality and Logistics, it could just be a Tribal raid with fancy guns or a genuine war.

Based on superpowers, and the height that skills can push someone considering we had the chance to essentially become an ace combat protagonist. It seems like even with the very large scale, a single person can still manage a huge impact.
Depending on certain army reforms you can take I can simply say this on a certain branch.

"The Army exists to be the backup for one Person."

Or another branch of Reform

"The Army is not one man its a Million men all punching a god at the same time, it might not seem like much compared to supermen...but a million men punching something together makes a difference."
Are war crimes a thing in this setting? And if so, what are considered war crimes? Is planetary bombardment a war crime for example?
Are war crimes a thing in this setting
...Yes their are War Crimes in the Setting...and the enforcement of War Standards in this modern age is rather New it only came into effect...25 years ago after...

"The Incident."

And if so, what are considered war crimes? Is planetary bombardment a war crime for example?
No Planetary Bombardment is not considered a war crime.

Planetary Bombardment with Astroids and Colonies is considered one, But PB with Munitions is not.
Depending on certain army reforms you can take I can simply say this on a certain branch.

"The Army exists to be the backup for one Person."

Or another branch of Reform

"The Army is not one man its a Million men all punching a god at the same time, it might not seem like much compared to supermen...but a million men punching something together makes a difference."
Well, makes sense. And it sounds like some armies might be extremely different, even in the same tech level. I kind of wonder just how drastically the two doctrines impact the end forces.
what is the level of tech in other fields here? Computers, Ai, Droids, Clones/genes, manufacturing, communication, medicine, etc
Computers: Think 200-300 years ahead of us we lost some Tech along the way in the fall. But Pre Interegnum, you'd see it as Magic.

AI's: They are around, are advanced, and Some of them even have their own Nations.

Droids: See AI's they need bodies too.

Clones: You can be a clone and make one but perfect cloning doesn't exist...not anymore at least.

Comms: FTL comms are rare and run by either Companies, or Churches. States Rarely own the FTL Com network hub in their region.

Medicane: Pre Interegnum...You could be gods and live a long time.'d still live a long time but not as long as you pay.

Let me put it to you this way....some people are still alive from the Pre Interegnum and look only about 40 or 50s (Dispite Pushing about 900s or a thousand). A Few are even older looking in the 60s to 80s (Dispite Pushing over 1000+).

Edit: I'm using CLarke Tech in some places.
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Let me put it to you this way....some people are still alive from the Pre Interegnum and look only about 40 or 50s (Dispite Pushing about 900s or a thousand). A Few are even older looking in the 60s to 80s (Dispite Pushing over 1000+).
...And now, I am suddenly wondering how a fight between a combat precog and a 1000+ year old war vet whom seen pretty much everything would look like.