Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

[X]Plan Combat Precognition and War
-[X]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
-[X]Combat Precognition (NOTE Its limited in the scale of seconds to a Minute, no more, no less)

Do I need to clarify the length of the Combat Precognition? If so than I would like to be a minute.
or perhaps some kind of a charm thing. we can change the way people feel and think, though the effects wear off as soon as they are no longer nearby
Charm options are good, the other two are not okay.
While helpful. I suspect there may be unfortunate side affects

[X]Plan Survival
-[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
-[X]Disaster Sense: Some people have a gut instinct. She has something far more than that, which can help warn of problems. Only issue is, it doesn't exactly tell what, and while it helps in not dying, it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and how to mitigate/stop it.

[]Plan Piety Survival
-[]In a Convent: You were originally sent to a convent to stay out of trouble…didn't work out but you learned of the higher spirit nature of man . (Gain Piety Education)
-[]Disaster Sense: Some people have a gut instinct. She has something far more than that, which can help warn of problems. Only issue is, it doesn't exactly tell what, and while it helps in not dying, it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and how to mitigate/stop it.

Honestly, we probably would benefit a lot from disaster sense. Partially because it should help us stay alive, and probably help in noticing trickery, especially on the battlefield where our stats may mean we would have the grounding to possibly piece together what might be going on if it kicks in. While Combat precognition can be worked around, by making plans where by the time the precog notices, it's too late.
Would the disaster sense only work for us?

It says it is for trouble, and it is called disaster sense, not danger to her, so it should work for well, disasters, could we use it to know if a ship is going to be destroyed, or... i don't know, earthquakes?
Would the disaster sense only work for us?

It says it is for trouble, and it is called disaster sense, not danger to her, so it should work for well, disasters, could we use it to know if a ship is going to be destroyed, or... i don't know, earthquakes?
It depends on the Situation really.

While the DIsaster sense can save your life and prepare you.

It won't tell you the TYPE of disaster...normally with a great deal of focus you can figure it out with the help of context clues in your head.
[X]plan better diplo too
-[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)
-[X]charming presence-your presence can effect and change the feelings and thoughts of people around you. your natural presence shifts people emotional state to your needs, making them a bit more pleased with you, or afraid or awed as you need. a concious effort can directly alter their thoughts more precisely and strongly, though it its not mind control

is this okay? it basically means people are more amenable to us emotionaly, and we can shift people's thoughts with a bit more effort, though the shift's magnitude and precision are in question.
What about touch telepathy, rather than scan a planet, you need to be either really close or in contact with them to read their thoughts, like Asari, but less obvious

Also would explain why our piety is so low, we know what the real thoughts of the clergy is
Decided to try and work on some theoretical powers
[]Personal Time: This person has an interesting relation of time, being able to rewind his/her own time to reverse injury, spent equipment, and positioning, as well as being able to get to areas in almost teleports. He/she is also able to change personal time flow to speed up or slow down at will, making him/her somewhat a speedster and allowing more time to think than one may expect, the only issue is, the relation with time can get problematic at times, especially if it starts acting up.

This is a more fleshed out thing, that also focuses on the whole affecting personal time thing. Which also affects equipment and possibly also vehicles.( Fighter-plane with a pilot that has this power would likely be a PAIN to fight). But of course, the side affects could easily be problematic.
Though, it is entirely possible that whoever has that power may be at risk of not finding him-herself unanchored in time, which could be real problematic. But at least it is THEORETICALLY a problem that could be resolved.

[]Super Intuition: For some reason. This person has an uncanny ability to think of actions that create favorable outcomes in spite of not being aware of why exactly it is a good idea. But, it is limited both in that the affect seems minor and may not chose those actions due to overthinking, and the fact that sometimes, the action might be enacted too slow or not at all due to delays.

This is essentially, a 'power' that gives a surprisingly great ability to think of ways to help, but with the problem of both power-induced ideas and others being indistinguishable and the ability doesn't translate to quick action, which may mean by the time the action is started, the window could have already passed.
[]Plan Combat Precognition and War
-[]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
-[]Combat Precognition (NOTE Its limited in the scale of seconds to a Minute, no more, no less)

I find precog easier and more detailed than disaster sense, and i want to double down on Martial.

Also, Military Academy makes being Spec Ops make more sense.

Edit: Made a new Plan that is basically the same, but with more potential.

[X]Plan Commander of Evolution
-[X]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it
-[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))
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[]EU Field: For some reason, this person was born with a sort of field that makes people looking at them underestimate the individual. Notable enough that sometimes even equipment seems to go completely unnoticed, and while people can notice the effect, it isn't easily defeated even when known. It would be perfect for spy work IF the field wasn't so noticeable when one really looks, or risks issues like mistaking the individual as a fraud...
EU or eternal underestimation. Because it isn't exactly a SEP field.

[] Prediction Power: This person doesn't exactly has the ability to see the future per say, but rather gets to ask questions and get a percentage chance back. While it can be useful, the nature of the questions and other factors may drastically impact the numbers and what they mean, and it can't just constantly be used, and tends to not work as absolutes for a reason.

This is kind of inspired by Dinah Alcolt in the web-serial Worm. While very powerful, it is also limited by the needs to ask the right questions, and the fact that well... Sometimes even a 1% chance can be hit.
Speaking about the asari, what about biotics for our mutation like in Mass effect? With all that it entails. Not that we start off with the full biotic roster unlocked. We could make it a first of our kind type of deal. For instance we could be the first biotic or one of the first in the human race and we'd just start off with the very basics and then build towards the more advanced abilities the more we train and experiment with it, and we could mix some disaster sense with the beginning something like spiderman's tingle and minor combat precog where we could see it happen only moments before it does and it'd be a branch out from disaster sense.

I know that sounds really OP, but what if we only started with the very basics with the ability to develop it as we go along? so something like:
Danger sense (personal) -> Disaster sense (local) -> Combat precog (minor) -> Combat precog (a minute)

and the biotic skill tree would work like in the mass effect games.

@Cyberphilosipher is this too OP? to make it a skill-able mutation? and what do I have to cut out of it to make it work?

Either way, I want to keep the eye thing from from character image. It'd be really cool just to have that genetic mutation there as a superficial detail.

The mutation would be something like:

[] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind: There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the bright soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it.
[X] Your Greatest Tool, Your Mind (LVL 1): There's something different about you, you can't quite put your finger on it. Is it the fact that your eyes are different? Your pupils a bright colour instead of the standard black? is it because the blue of your irises seem to contain flecks of light like a swirling galaxy contained within? Is it the soft light blue glow that emits from your eyes? or maybe, just maybe, it's the toys that were floating around your crib when you were a baby as your parents stood in stunned amazement as you clapped and giggled with an indescribable power contained in your mind. All you know, is that there's more to your mutation than you could possibly think. All you have to do, is reach out, and take it. (Basic Biotics (Mass Effect) + Danger sense (personal))

Make it (LVL 1) and we are good.
I just put LVL 1 behind is that what you mean?

I don't really know what education to vote for but diplo I'm leaning towards or learning for the tech edge we could have. Right now:
[X]In Diplomacy and Public Relations:

I am open to persuasion, except for the mutation. I really want that biotic skill tree working.
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