Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

Turn 5
Turn 5

Oh are going to give birth soon.

You have 9 Free AP

(You have 2 Diplomacy AP)

[]The Discourse of Parties: Political Parties are Fickle…and above all beholden to their own interests. How do they see you? Cost:3 AP. Chance of Success: 70% Success Needed: 3 Reward: How do the Parties see you officially.

[]Inspire the Population: The People need a Flash of Inspiration to work harder. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Inspire the Population

[]What Types of eggs: What is the real state of the planets you control, anyways? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Asset Report.

[]Dealing with Delos:So…they have a new League leader…better deal with this. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Call the leader.

Military: In the Wise Words of General Issac "GIVE WAR A CHANCE!"
(You Have 3 Military AP)

[]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!

[]Read about Military Conquests: What are the Wisdom of the Past? .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read of Military Glory.

[]Equipment and you: Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with.

[] THE BFG: You have the schematics for a Hydra Class GAUSS/PLASMA Hybrid Cannon. Its time to invest some time and money into making a factory and starting production...Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed:??? Reward: Study the BFG, and see if more practical work can be made.

Stewardship: The Economy can't Run itself, well it can…but that's a bad idea to let it.
(You have 1 Economy AP)

[]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.

[]Go Shopping: Shopping!! You hope you have enough to find that thing you are looking for. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go Shopping for what you are looking for.

[]Go Shopping, Spaceport Edition: You've saved up enough money to see if you can buy your own ship. LETS GO! Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go Shopping for what you are looking for.

Intrigue: Ahh the Intelligence Unit…how many Governors did you get rid of and replace this year? Six..those are rookie numbers, but that's good, right?
(You have 3 Intel AP)

[]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government: You know you have a…controversial reputation, and many will look for ways to exploit it. Let's not let them. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Now that you have made progress in statecraft, Try again.

[]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Kill Space Cutlets with friends.

[]Spy on the Military Union Party: You like the army, but you don't TRUST them…this is politics after all. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Military Party.

[]Spy on the Social Stability Federation:They have noble ideals…but who must pay for this, the taxpayers can't afford to keep paying for their programs long term. Quality of life improvement is good, but unsustainable. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Social Services Party.

[]Spy on the Technocrats: You know they are stealing Tech from the Labs for Profit, time to see if it's true.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Technocrats Party.

[] Mad Scientist check: Your recent trip revealed some unsavory characters from all the way back during the Pre-Interregnum. You need to see if you can learn more about about these scientists and their research. Also, make sure that research station has dropped itself into the black hole already. Make sure no one gets any bright ideas about the bioweapons Cost: 1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Learn more about the Station you looted.

[]Hide Production: Try and hide production of your new weapon system. This is extremely valuable, and you need to make sure nobody knows about this ace in the hole until you choose to unveil it. Cost: 1 AP. Chance of Success: 60% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hide the Stuff from the RnD men.

Learning: RnD is a Thing…it exists primarily to find old shit and make it new.
(You have 2 Learning AP)

[]Plan a Tech Expedition: Finally Now that you have a suitable Council, you can now leave one of them in charge to rule while you go off and look for Tech. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Beguin Tech Expedition.

[]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book.

[]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy: "Alright…first rule of Diplomacy…Read the damned Room."Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give Lectures to Students and try not to yell at them.

Piety: Religion is a Terrible institution, but we must suffer it together.
(You have 1 Piety AP)

[]Meet the Imperial Bishop: The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling. Cost:1 AP. Chance of
Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Puppet in the Region.

[]Meet the Inquisitor: Alright… let's meet this madman.And see if he's useful. Or a Problem. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Attack Dogs.

[]Meet the Executive of the Primarch:He looks at you with a close look. "Mutant…Female…Fertile…and willing to listen. Good." Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Looked at by Scientists while meeting the Executive.

[]Go to the Event Horizon Meeting: GAZE INTO THE ABYSS AND SEE ALL THAT CAN BE SEEN! Safe…Enlightenment is a road without safety! NOW If you want to make friends, find some beer and gaze.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Continue Going to the Meetings.

[]Gaze into the Void: Its silly, but after what happened last time you want to know what happens now.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Go see the void's thing, again…it worked out last time.

[]Annoy the Communists: Wow…you guys are still trying to organize things…it's been a long time just stay local and wait and hope. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Just watch them…its funny.

[]Read about Another Religion: Must be something worth your time in these pamphlets? Better be better alternatives.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What else is there?

Personal Actions: Ahh Free Time…what to do with it?
(You have 2 Personal AP)

[]Oversee Action: Yeah you're going to need to Oversee matters personally. Cost: 1 AP Chance of Sucess: 100%
-[]Line Tail Actions you want to Oversee.

[]Talk to one of your Councilors: You want to get to know one of your people Better. Cost: 1 AP, Chance of Sucess: 100% Reward: You chat with one of your employees.

[]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.

[]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.

[] Prepare for childbirth: You are going to be a mess, better to keep yourself from dying painfully, Mutant Child births are...difficult. Reward: +30 to survival Rolls

[]GIVE BIRTH: Oh is going to be hard! Reward: Have birth and suffer that Joy.

AN: Once again this took far too long...
Preliminary plan.

Diplomacy: (You have 2 Diplomacy AP)
[]What Types of eggs:
-We need basic book keeping.
[]The Discourse of Parties:
-Being aware of our own standing is important.

Military: (You Have 3 Military AP)
[]Training Never ends!:
[]Read about Military Conquests:
[]Equipment and you:
-I'd rather not deal with the gun until we do the prep work for it.

Stewardship: (You have 1 Economy AP)
[]Renew Trade Compacts:
-We don't have the free resources to burn on the others.

Intrigue: (You have 3 Intel AP)
[]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government:
[] Mad Scientist check:
[]Hide Production:
-I'd push the other spying and mad check until an agency is up.

Learning: (You have 2 Learning AP)
[]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.
[]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy:
-I'd rather not go on another trip so soon after the last, particularly after we've just given birth.

Piety: (You have 1 Piety AP)
[]Meet the Imperial Bishop:
Hoping this leads to the second AP.

Personal Actions: (You have 2 Personal AP)
[] Prepare for childbirth:
[] GIVE BIRTH: Oh is going to be hard! Reward: Have birth and suffer that Joy.
Lets face it, we're not going to risk it.
[X] Plan: Covering Our Bases
-[X]The Discourse of Parties
2 Diplomacy AP, 1 Free AP
-[X]What Types of eggs
2 Free AP
-[X]Dealing with Delos
2 Free AP
-[X]Training Never ends!
1 Military AP, 1 Free AP
-[X]Read about Military Conquests
1 Military AP
-[X]Equipment and you
1 Military AP
-[X]Renew Trade Compacts
1 Economy AP
-[X]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government
1 Intel AP
-[X] Mad Scientist check
1 Intel AP, 1 Free AP
-[X]Hide Production
1 Intel AP
-[X]Read an E-Book
1 Learning AP
-[X]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy
1 Learning AP
-[X]Meet the Imperial Bishop
1 Piety AP, 1 Free AP
-[X] Prepare for childbirth
1 Personal AP
1 Personal AP, 1 Free AP
[X] Plan Welcome to your Birthday Party!
-[X]Inspire the Population:
--[X] 2 Diplomacy AP
--[X]What Types of eggs
--[X] 2 Free AP
--[X]3 Military AP
-[X]Go Shopping
--[X]1 Economy AP
--[X]Find a birthday present for you newborn
-[X]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government:
--[X] 3 Intel AP
-[X]Hunt for Terrorists
--[X] 2 Free AP
-[X] Mad Scientist check
--[X] 2 Free AP
-[X]Read an E-Book
--[X] 2 Learning AP
-[X]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy
--[X]1 Free AP
-[X]Meet the Imperial Bishop
--[X] 1 Piety AP
-[X] Prepare for childbirth: You are going to be a mess, better to keep yourself from dying painfully, Mutant Child births are...difficult. Reward: +30 to survival Rolls
--[X] 1 Personal AP
--[X] 1 Free AP
-[X]GIVE BIRTH: Oh is going to be hard! Reward: Have birth and suffer that Joy.
--[X] 1 Personal AP
--[X] 1 Free AP
Turn 5 Results
Turn 5 Results

[X]The Discourse of Parties: Political Parties are Fickle…and above all beholden to their own interests. How do they see you? Cost:3 AP. Chance of Success: 70% Success Needed: 3 Reward: How do the Parties see you officially.
2 Diplomacy AP, 1 Free AP
Roll 1: D100 => 84 Roll 2: D100 => 85 Roll 3: D100 => 47+30 (Previous Successes from the last time you did this)=77

"Lady Ellera... please stop trying to get in the way of our political wheeling and dealing?" The Party boss said.

"You all hate me don't you?" You said.

"No...its just...well..." He said.

"You aren't your grandfather." He said.

"I know that...the Military Party only likes me because I'm one of them."

"And the Social Service Party only want an increase in budget and don't want you doing anything to get in the way." He said.

So that left one thing. "The Technocrats only like me for my money."

"Exactly...they are fearful that you will kill them like you did those Military Industry Executives." He said.

"Thank for being honest with me."

Reward: The Military Party LOVES you, the Social Welfare Party Tolerates you and the Technocrats are WEARY of you.

[X]Dealing with Delos So…they have a new League leader…better deal with this. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Call the leader.
2 Free AP
Roll 1:D100 => 82 Roll 2:D100 => 32

You looked at the Fist Citizen of the Delos League and simply continued to breastfeed your child.

"Are you going to acknowledge me in a more proper way?" He said.

"No...Listen I was supposed to be on Maternity leave and you came here demanding my attention...I'm only acknowledging you here and letting you see me as a diplomatic courtesy." You said.

"Can you put a shirt on please?" He said.

"No.." You said.

(Continued in Delos Dealings)

[X]Training Never ends! You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!
1 Military AP, 1 Free AP
Roll 1:D100 => 64 Roll 2:D100 => 90

You looked at the High Gravity Room and sighed looking at your child... "You see, high gravity is a difficult but the results are worth it."

Your child gave a hand grab to your body in a wobbly manner. "I know...learning how to walk in high gravity is hard...but worth it..."

You felt your body regain its strength over the course of months.

You left the high gravity area with a feeling of your old war body.

Reward: +2 Personal Combat.

[X]Read about Military Conquests What are the Wisdom of the Past? .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read of Military Glory.
1 Military AP
Roll 1:D100 => 10

You spent the better part of your day, reading fairy tales and texts about Childrearing than War.

After all, Raising Children is the most important war there is...

-[X]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government You know you have a…controversial reputation, and many will look for ways to exploit it. Let's not let them. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Now that you have made progress in statecraft, Try again.
1 Intel AP
Roll 1:D100 => 8

You didn't want to deal with this shit....

"I'll deal with it tomorrow."


-[X]Equipment and you Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with.
1 Military AP
Roll 1:D100 => 31

You were tired of Reading...not after that parenting book.

"I'm going to bed."


-[X]Renew Trade Compacts Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.
1 Economy AP
Roll 1:D100 => 48

As always you were preoccupied!

But you got something out of it.

Reward: +1 Free AP.

-[X] Mad Scientist check: Your recent trip revealed some unsavory characters from all the way back during the Pre-Interregnum. You need to see if you can learn more about about these scientists and their research. Also, make sure that research station has dropped itself into the black hole already. Make sure no one gets any bright ideas about the bioweapons
1 Intel AP, 1 Free AP
Roll 1: D100 => 92 Roll 2: D100 => 30

You sighed...Looking at the Spies and the Void Cultist and asking a very difficult question.

"How much did you destroy before leaving?" You said.

"Yes." The Void Person said.

"We destroyed it as trace is left."

" me? Why did this report mention missing escape pods?"

(Continued in Cleanups.)

-[X]Hide Production Try and hide production of your new weapon system. This is extremely valuable, and you need to make sure nobody knows about this ace in the hole until you choose to unveil it
1 Intel AP
Roll 1:D100 => 76

"Hey guys want some extra funding if you work on this...thanks," You said leaving a copy in the hands of the RnD Department.

Reward: your enemies will not even know about this project without considerable effort.

-[X]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book
1 Learning AP
Roll 1: D100 => 100 Crit 1: D100 => 63

"Parenting BEYOND AND YOU!" You said reading the cover.

Your child slept soundly... "Well, lets get reading..." You said.

(Continued in Motherhood, the Longest War)

-[X]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy: "Alright…first rule of Diplomacy…Read the damned Room."
1 Learning AP
Roll 1: D100 => 7

Your water broke before the class. "Cancel my lectures...I'm going to be preoccupied." were preoccupied.

-[X]Meet the Imperial Bishop:The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling
1 Piety AP, 1 Free AP
Roll 1: D100 => 11 Roll 2: D100 => 29

You would rather go through childbirth again then talk to them so soon after giving birth.

Failure...but they understand why.

-[X] Prepare for childbirth
1 Personal AP
Rolled: D100 => 69

1 Personal AP, 1 Free AP
Roll 1: D100 => 66+30=96
Roll 2: D100 => 69+30=99

Thank God you prepared…because you feel your child literally Tearing you apart.

Sure that could just be the pain talking but still.


(Continued in…Joy and Pain)

AN: God and the Dice are Punishing you for being successful last turn.

At least she didn't screw up the important parts.
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Joy and Pain
Joy and Pain

(Ellera POV)

You looked at the mirror of the ambulance. "Oh god, it hurts?"

Ambrose was being calm about it...and looking at you. "Alright final note your 370 Pounds and your child is a high-class mutant... the good news is we caught it early and made proper preparations for helping you survive."

"I'm FAT!" You said complaining.

"No...No...your child is actually growing its muscular structure really only should be a healthy 195 pounds." She said.

"What does that even mean?!" You said.

"It means it's growing larger than your body can handle... in fact, we had to calm it down with a Psionic..." She said.

"Am I going to die?" You said.

"Not likely darling...we are ready for it," she said.

Minutes passed as you were dragged into the maturity ward.

"Alright we are start long since her contractions started." Ambrose said.

"Seven minutes..." A Nurse said.

Your form swelled violently as you screamed in pain.

"Damn it calm it down!! The Muscles are growing rapidly! It will tear her apart!" She said.


"Oh fuck...that's not good...good news is no breach birth..." Ambrose said.

"Alright...Start pushing...its going to hurt...NOW DO IT!" She said.

Somehow it was both hard and easy.

Congenital Traits: D100 + 10 => 96
Crit 1: D100 => 16 #Crit

Child is Born Strong

Child is Born Blind in One Eye

Gender: 50 (The Child is a Girl)


Mutation Roll: D1000 => 864+10 (MC Mutant trait) +10 (Mutant Father)+5 Conginital Crit=889

Personal Musculer manipulation


Primarch Chance?: D100 => 97 #Primarch Chance
Crit 1: D100 => 74 #Crit

Chance Unlocked.


Naturally Occuring Primarch: D10000 => 9895+61+74+2=10,032

The child is Born with the Trait

Primarch: You are A Primarch of Humanity…the Highest Echelon of Human Existence possible, born from Human's desire and want to become God of Man. They did not succeed…but they did get close…within your Blood, lies the potential for godhood. You will be faster…stronger and smarter then many of your peers without measure. You will walk tall Among the Stars. (Roll a D30 for Base Stats, +6 all stats, +10 to all national rolls assigned)

Does the Birth KILL You: D100 + 60 => 130 (You are fine..,somehow)

You looked at her hours later after everything seemingly calmed down.

"I'm very surprised you are so calm about this?" Ambrose said handing you some chocolate.

"Why should I be worried I like a challenge?" You said.

"It's not that I'm just assuming you're still hung up about all this?" She said

"It's not that I'm not still struggling with my hang-ups... it's that I've already decided that they shouldn't define my relationship with my daughter. Maybe then...I'll overcome them." You said.

"Well, shit...its already going to be a handful...I wish you good luck on it." She said.

"I don't need it...but thanks." You said.

What is your Childs Name?:

[]Write in.

Organize Her Base Stats:

The Rolls: D30 => 10, D30 => 1, D30 => 27, D30 => 20, D30 => 27, D30 => 26, D30 => 26







Personal Combat:


Enjoy the Suprise...belive me it surprised me as well.
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Name: Eve

Diplomacy: 27

Martial: 27

Stewardship: 1

Intrigue: 20

Learning: 26

Piety: 10

Personal Combat: 26

I'm willing to exchange Piety and Stewardship, or Piety an intrigue, wait that's an actually good idea
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