A Fleet of Fog
With a single twitch of her twin rudders battleship Missouri fell into formation beside her elder sister. The two Iowas made for the Admiral's office at a brisk walk that would've been perilously close to a flat-out sprint for anyone without the shockingly long legs typical of the class.

"The fuck did you do?" snapped Jersey. The black dragon didn't bother even glancing at Mo's direction, and even an angry wave of her hand was unnecessary. The sisters had been blood long enough that such overt depictions of sisterly rage were unnecessary.

"The fuck you mean?" countered Missouri. The two Iowas ducked under a doorframe and picked up the pace a little. The Admiral's message had been sparse on details but heavy on tense urgency.

"I've been on my best fucking behavior," said the older battleship. "Putting out fires set by an over-caffeinated poi. This—" she waved generally at nothing in particular—"is not my fault."

"What if it's Wisky?" opined Mo.

"What if it's Wisky?" cooed back Jersey in a mocking imitation of her sister's rumbling contralto that any third-party observer would have a hard time distinguishing from her own.

"Okay, good point." Mo scratched at her temple. "But it can't be me. All I've done is nap with 'Laska."

"Motherfucker," Jersey spat under her breath. The muscles in her thighs tensed as her whole body coiled for a heartbeat.

"What?" asked Mo.

"If it's not me," said Jersey, "and it's not Wisky, and it's not you… then the Admiral's upset about something other than just an Iowa playing grab-ass. Something real."

"Mother fucker," cursed Mo. "I hope it was you."

"Yeah," Jersey tugged her vest smooth and ducked into the Admiral's office. "Me too, sis."

The room was dimmed to make Admiral Williams' projected Visage at least a little more visible on the makeshift screen. Wisky was already in attendance, and under normal circumstances the glare coming off the half-spheres of brilliant white skin would've earned no end of Ire from both her elder sisters.

But the look on Williams' face made it clear that this was no time for sisterly sniping.

"Sir," Jersey stiffened. Beside her, Mo echoed the motion, as did Wisky.

"Commanders," Williams wore a weary smile. "God, it's good to see the three of you."

"Thank you, sir," said Mo. "It's good to be back."

"And just in time," said Williams. "We've picked up a strike force heading for Sasebo. A number of fast battleships lead by the Tosa princess."

"Oh, Arizona's gonna be pissed," said Mo.

"Unfortunately, that's just the problem." Williams scowled. "The bulk of Richardson's fleet is either too slow to force an engagement, too lightly armored to survive, or on maternity leave. Yamato has the speed and armor, but without a screen—"

"They'd take her apart," Jersey scowled. "Yeah. Anything else?"

Williams shook his head. "Our intel is very sketchy at the moment, but I'm sending a fast taskforce over before this gets any worse. I don't want her fleet turned back, I want it destroyed and her base turned to rubble, understood?"

"Yes sir," said all three Iowas in concert.

"With the battle line's return, we should be able to hold Pearl without much problem. I want you girls out there doing what you do best."

Jersey ran her tongue along the edge of her teeth. Just as she'd suspected, they'd all turned razor sharp. "It'd be a pleasure, sir."

"Excuse me, Lieutenant?" The tall, elegant figure of battleship Hood stopped by Lieutenant Green's desk with a steaming mug of tea in hand. Only today, like the past several weeks, she was anything but elegant.

Her uniform was rumpled and her hair had more split ends than actual hair. Her skin was pale and dark bags hug from her lidded gaze. She still hadn't been sleeping much. The poor girl looked exhausted. More then that, she looked terrified. "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"What? No!" Green almost bolted to his feet. Hood was… Hood was delicate. More delicate than any battleship—save maybe for the Iowas if the stories he'd heard were accurate. But she was still a battleship. The stubborn need to shrug off or ignore her troubles was written into the very steel of her hull. "What can I do for you."

"I was wondering," Hood took a long sip from her mug and trailed off. "She's dead, isn't she?"


Hood opened her mouth, but no sound came out. A moment later she closed it and just nodded.

"Yes, she's dead," said Green. "Yanks found her off Hawaii. Pounced in the night and pounded her to scrap."

"You're certain?" asked Hood. They way she asked it… it almost sounded like she was praying the answer was no. "Certain she's dead?"

"I can pull up the report." Green typed away on his computer. "Give you a printout if you want."

"I'd… I'd like that," said Hood. "I think."

"Um…" Green leaned back in his chair, not sure where to start. "Hood, I'm sorry if this is… they haven't stopped, have they?"

Hood shook her head. "It's every time I close my bloody eyes now." The battleship scowled. "That bloody battleship coming at me through the fog."
Breaking and Entering for fun and profit
"Hey," battleship New Jersey pulled into tight formation with her sisters and lowered her voice until it was just barely audible over the roar of waves crashing across the battleships' collective bows. "So," she coughed and glanced over her shoulder at the snowy-haired large cruiser taking up the flank. "Is it just me or is she like… fucking impossible to read."

"It's not just you," said Wisky. The littlest Iowa shrugged and adjusted the webbing-covered plate carrier tightly wrapped around her class-leading bunkerage. "It's like talking to a doll, she just… doesn't emote."

"I don't think she knows how," said Mo. The tanned warship ran a half-gloved hand through her bundled dreadlocks. "At least not really. She is only three years old."

"Not even," corrected Wisky. "Two years, eight months exactly."

"Fuck you," muttered the elder two Iowas.

"Still," Jersey shrugged. "Mo's got a point. Ship that young… she's got a lot to learn about being a ship, let alone a woman." She bit her lip and planted her hands on her hips. "Kinda… paints her relationship with Cameron in a new light, don't it?"

"Oh please," Mo shook her head. "Those two are the most wholesome couple to ever wholesome."

"We should be as lucky," added Wisky dreamily.

"Guess you got a point," admitted Jersey.

"Mmm…" Mo nodded with a smug smile. "That's assuming she's not doing it on purpose."

"The fuck?" grunted Jersey.

"Alaska," said Mo. "Who knows, maybe she likes having people dismiss her as a harmless derp."

Jersey froze, and a shiver of horror ran down her keel. "Wisky, cover your ears!"

"Too late, I heard everything," teased Wisky, earning herself a slap on the back of the head from both her sisters.

"Anyway," Jersey painfully dragged herself back on topic. "Is it just me, or has she been moping ever since we weighed anchor?"

The three sisters looked at each other for a moment, then back at Alaska.

"Yeah," said Mo.

"At least," said Wisky.

"It's her boyfriend," said Mo. The chocolatest Iowa pulled her mirrored crimson shades off and polished the lenses on the ragged hem of her tank top. "She misses him something fierce. Think knowing she'd see him after the op was the only think keeping her going."

"Fuck." Jersey cursed. "Poor thing."

"Yeah," said Mo.

Unlike her elder sisters, Wisky said nothing. Instead the littlest Iowa pulled back on her turbines just a little and veered off course to link up with Alaska. She steamed through the large cruiser's wake and pulled up off her other side.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Hello." Alaska's tone was musical and sweet, but if there was any emotion in it it was beyond unreadable.

"I know this isn't what you thought was gonna happen."

Alaska shrugged. "It's okay."

"You're not happy, are you?"

Alaska shook her head. "It's what the navy needs."

"But," Wisky repeated, slower this time. "You're not happy."

Alaska held the battleship's gaze for a long time, then finally shook her head. "No."


Alaska nodded wordlessly.

"Look…" Wisky stuffed her hands into the pockets of her shorts. "I've got a lot of people who owe me favors. I could get Cameron on a jet, have him meet us there in Sasebo if he's up for it." She shrugged. "I know it's not the honeymoon you've got planned, but…"

"You'd do that?" asked Alaska, the awe in her voice barely audible. "F-for me?"

"'course I would, kiddo" said Wisky. "It's the least I could do."

For several minutes, Alaska was silent. Then her eyes narrowed and her cheeks squished into a quiet and understated, but nevertheless unmistakable smile. "Thank you. I'd like that."

There was nothing understated about the Iowa's smile. "I'll make the call."

Fleet submarine Albacore was starving. Back during the war, that wouldn't have bothered her. Hunger was a constant companion back then, and she'd learned to accept a constant nagging pang in her middle as a simple fact of life. It was like the salt burning against her skin or the chill of frigid seawater deep below the surface.

Submarine didn't realize they were hungry like fish didn't realize they were wet. That was before she'd returned. Before Admiral Richardson and his lovely daughter had stuffed her full of sandwiches at every opportunity. After filling her stomach for once in her life, it was hard to go back to the life of a prowling hunter.

Albie winced as another pang twisted her stomach into knots. She was ravenously hungry, and her lungs were starting to burn. She twisted her wrist, glaring at the luminous numerals only faintly visible through the murky depths. She'd been holding her breath for going on a day and a half now. It was taking conscious effort to keep her mouth closed against the ocean.

She should have another ten hours at least before she had to surface. But the depth charging she'd narrowly avoided must've literally knocked some wind out of her. Not to mention punching a gash in her side that was still leeching blood and diesel into the ocean. She'd had to shoo away a few curious sharks already, and every stroke she took reminded her of the gash torn into her sinewy muscle.

But she didn't dare surface. Not yet. She was too far afield. The hammering of her own heartbeat in her ears was still mixed with the distant but all-to-close sounds of churning screws and pinging sonar. As badly as she wanted to breath, she wanted to live even more.

She bit down on her cheeks, forcing herself to focus on the pain instead of the fire kindling in her depleted lungs. She swam on, her motors humming with all their might as her batteries rapidly depleted. On and on she swam, until finally she had no choice.

She broke for the surface as quickly as she dared and took a greedy gasp of the chilly early-winter air. It was cold and bitter and tasted like salt and seafowl, but for the hungry submarine it was the sweetest thing she'd ever tasted. It was so good she almost forgot the gnawing hunger in her belly as she filled her lungs with breath after breath.

Her lookouts confirmed she was alone, at least for the time being. She could see shoreline ahead. It was Japan, at least she was fairly sure it was Japan. She couldn't have drifted that far off course, but she didn't have the slightest clue where in Japan she was.

That didn't matter right now. Japan was—as strange as it was to say—friendly territory. That meant a warm bed, a bath, and maybe even something to eat.

Albie swam for the shore. She dismissed her rigging as she flopped onto the beach, her lithe body streaked with blood from the gash on her hip.

"Fuck," she breathed, nervously picking at the punched-in metal around her wound. Depth-charge blows weren't like the brutal gashes surface ships suffered. But they still hurt like hell.

Albie used a bit of driftwood to haul herself to her feet, then gingerly tested her wounded leg. It hurt like hell to stand on, but at least she could stand. A few more steps confirmed she could walk, and a few more after that promised that she could run on it if she had to.

Her immediate damage taken care of, her stomach re-asserted its pressing need for provisions. She bit her lip to muffle a moan of hunger and made her way further inland. There was a house sitting on a bluff. The lights were off, but the place at least looked well maintained.

With one hand pressed against her side, Albie made her way to the door. Picking the lock took all of ten seconds, even with fingers still shaking from cold and blood loss. It only took her a little longer to find the kitchen, and with it the pantry.

Albie wasn't quite sure what she found inside—other than a niggling worry that one item was a cooking utensil and not exactly "food" as such. But that didn't stop her from eating everything her hands could find until her stomach finally stopped complaining.

With her immediate needs taken care of, she took a moment to evaluate the damage she'd suffered. Her hip had stopped bleeding, at least. Now that she was out of the water her compromised pressure hull wasn't nearly so pressing. She just… she needed to sleep. She'd effect proper repairs in the morning, but she was just so tired.

The submarine yawned and padded barefoot through the house. There had to be a bed around here somewhere.
Walk Softly and Lie Flagrantly
Hiro Adachi was running late. The thought jolted him from what had been a very comfortable haze lingering between the depths of sleep and full consciousness. He'd been aware that his alarm was ringing, but his bed was just so warm and comfortable that it hadn't registered until just now. Normally it wasn't that warm, not this late in the year. But something was different. He almost felt like he was being cuddled by a space heater.

But before he could dwell on that thought, the urgent chime of his alarm thrust its way back into his mind. Right, late. Very very late. He threw the covers off and bolted down the stairs. If he got some toast going now, he should have just enough time to catch a quick shower. If he timed it right the toast would just be popping up when he ran down to catch the bus. It'd be tight, but he could do it.

When he reached the kitchen, he discovered a slight problem with his plan. Someone had eaten all the bread. And most of the peanut butter. And what looked like half a carton of eggs. And he did mean half a carton. There were ragged bite marks left on the chewed-up half of cardboard that remained. That was… weird. But he was running too far behind schedule to worry about it right now.

Scrambling frantically, he found an unopened bag of cereal sitting in the chewed-up remnants of the box it came in. He tore open the plastic and dumped a helping into a bowl with just enough milk to let him wolf it down like a starving… well… wolf. He glanced at the clock hanging over the sink. He should have just enough time to shower if he rushed.

Tearing off his shirt as he ran, Hiro bolted back up the stairs. He shouldered through the door, hopping on one leg as he tried to get his pants off. And that's when he realized something odd. The room was filled with steam and the sound of water pattering against hard tile and soft flesh.

"What?" he muttered, tilting his head as his sleep-addled mind slowly caught up to what was going on.

Draped over the towel rack was a dark gray racing swimsuit with lighter colored accent panels and a wicked-looking gash over the hip. Inside the shower cubicle was the swimsuit's likely owner, a girl with spiky blond hair naked as the day she was born.

Her belly had a noticeable bulge to it, she had to be the one who'd gorged herself on seemingly everything in his pantry. But the rest of her… her body was lithe and sinewy, but visibly underfed. Her skin was scarred with salt, and she was so skinny he could see every one of her ribs. When she turned to wash, he saw a horrible looking bruise right over the bone of her hip.

"Hey," she said, pointing tiny, beady eyes at him like she was sizing him up. If she was at all mad that he'd stared at her—out of surprise, not lust, he'd like it known—she wasn't showing it.

"Y-you!" Hiro pointed at her stomach and tried not to think about her very exposed figure. Underfed or not, the girl was as shapely as she was naked, and her subdued bustline was a welcome change of pace from the overwhelming thickness that'd infested the media recently.

"Me!" Echoed the girl. She shut the water off with one hand and slid the glass door open with the other.

"You! You ate all my food!"

The girl bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah," she said without an ounce of shame.

"What are you—" before Hiro could finish his sentence, the girl stepped out of the shower, grabbed his jaw with both hands, and planted the longest, deepest kiss Hiro'd ever experienced squarely on his lips. She pushed him back against the wall, her naked body pressing into him like a vice. He didn't know what to do, he'd never seen a girl naked who wasn't two-dimentional.

"There," she pulled away with a self-satisfied smile. "Nobody will ever believe you." Without another word the girl slipped her swimsuit off the rack and padded out of the bathroom, still sopping wet and naked as the sun.

About an hour later when Hiro's mind finally caught up to what'd happened, he realized that while he still had his pants half-on, his shirt and boxers were missing.


"So," battleship Musashi pulled up alongside her quiet flattopped sister. "You excited to meet her?"

Shinano didn't say a word. Her head slowly swayed with the breeze, and on further inspection Musashi noticed her sister's eyes had the milky unfocused gaze of a carrier managing her planes. She hummed a tune to herself, something Musashi vaguely remembered from that one gay romance movie Jersey made her watch a while ago.

"Shina?" Musashi coughed, hoping to get her sister's attention without breaking her concentration too harshly.

Shinano held up a gloved finger. Musashi folded her arms, waiting as patiently as it was possible for the tanned Yamato to wait until Shinano was finished with whatever carrier-related things she was doing.

"Sorry," said the littlest Yamato, her eyes snapping back to their usual dark hazel. "What?"

Musashi coughed and brought her thoughts back into order. "I was asking if you're excited to meet your sister."

"Oh," said Shinano quietly. She opened her mouth, closed it again, then looked straight ahead.

"Shinano?" Musashi inclined her head.

"I…" Shinano shrugged and hung her head. "I should be…"

"But you're not?"

Shinano shook her head. "I mean… it'd be nice I guess, but…"

"But she's our sister!" said Musashi. She would be the first to admit that Yamato was… maybe a little too prim and proper for her own good. But they were sisters. Born from the same plans, knitted from the same steel.

"I guess," said Shinano with a noncommittal shrug.

"You guess?"

Shinano nodded. "She's… she's not really my sister. Not like she's yours. You two are…" she waved at Musashi's world-leading rifles. "And I'm…" she waved to her own flat-decked construction. "I never really knew her, you know."

Musashi shook her head, her snowy tufts shivering in the brisk ocean wind. "She knew you. I think she read every report we ever got on you."

"Until she sortied," said Shinano.

"Well… yeah."

"She died to a carrier you know," said the littlest Yamato.

"A gaijin carrier."

Shinano shrugged. "I just… I don't know. I should be excited to meet her. But I'm just… not."

"Well…" Musashi planted her hands on her hips. "I'm sure she's excited to see you."

"Mmm," Shinano smiled. "You think so?"

"I know so."

Shinano nodded. "Mmm. Okay." She thought for a second and dug around in her pocket. "Do you think she likes ramune?

"If it's coming from you, I don't think she'd like anything more."


Cameron Young was aware that dating a warship had its perks. For one, wherever she went she ate on the navy's dime—when the restaurant owner's weren't comping her food out of gratitude that is. For another, and there was really no good way to say this, she was incredibly hot and would remain so for the foreseeable future. It was the complete package. One giant cherry atop her the adorable Eskimo pie he was privileged to call his girlfriend.

That said, he'd still been surprised when a Navy captain showed up at the California hotel he was staying at, explained that his girlfriend had been deployed to Japan for a while, and offered him a flight to see her.

At the time, he thought he was being offered a seat on a cargo jet, like the bouncy, noisy affair that'd ferried him and 'Laska to California in the first place. Not that he cared, of course. He'd have happily strapped himself under the wing of an F-18 if that's what it took.

That was before he learned that the Navy had Gulfstreams.

His friends hadn't actually been that jealous, but he suspected that was because they'd all run out of jealousy after 'Laska stopped by campus one day to bring him sandwiches and a kiss. He could hardly blame them, of course. Compared to a girl like 'Laska, a ride in a GIV didn't even register.

Still though…


The pilot let him sit up front for a while, and even take the stick for a bit while they were still inside US airspace. After that, he'd sprawled out in the back to get some sleep. He'd never slept in an airplane before, let alone one so nice. It was… interesting. An experience to check off his bucket list, but it was really just something to pass the time until he landed in Japan.

A pair of Japanese jets escorted them into Nagasaki airport, and a quick train ride escorted by a skinny girl munching on a box of goldfish nearly as big as she was brought him to the naval base. The girl produced an ID from somewhere in her tight-fitting swimsuit to get them through the gate, but moments later she vanished like smoke.

Given everyone else's non-reaction, that was to be expected around here. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Battleship Mutsu stood on the end of the pier, fingers knitted under her swollen belly to help support the immense weight of her increasingly precocious twins. John had tried to talk her out of it. He didn't like her spending so much time out on her feet, especially in the cold, especially this close to her due date. If she was just his expecting wife, maybe he'd have a point. A wife and mother should be at home, taking it easy and preparing for the arrival of the newest additions to the family.

But Mutsu wasn't just her Admiral's wife. She was a battleship. One of the big seven, one of the heaviest hitters John had at his disposal, second only to the super-heavy iron of Yamato herself. And for the time being, she was useless in that capacity.

A fleet was bearing down on her position, and she was too pregnant to even keep up with Arizona anymore. She couldn't even keep a steady course in anything more than glassy-smooth seas, and that was assuming she could even get up to flank before the overwhelming urge to eat something hijacked any orders she tried to issue to her body.

For the moment at least, she was useless as a warship. The rest of the fleet was picking up the slack she'd left. The absolute least she could do was offer a friendly face when they steamed back into port.

"They'll be here soon," she cooed, gently rubbing her stomach and trying to sooth her twins' demand that she find the nearest deep-fried toaster establishment and consume something in the four-slotted chrome range. They might have a different mother, but Mary and Mirai were certainly Jane's sisters. "Just a little longer."

"Uh, ma'am?" a voice sounded from somewhere behind her. Rough and distinctly American, but not one she recognized.

"Yes?" Mutsu pivoted on her heel. She certainly didn't recognize owner of the voice. He was young, and he didn't look like a sailor. He did, however, have the look of comfortable bewilderment that anyone who spend time around Kanmusume picked up sooner or later. "You must be Cameron."

He nodded. "Yes ma'am. You're… Mutsu, right?"

Mutsu patted her belly. "What gave it away?"

Cameron laughed a little nervously. "Um… Jintsuu said you'd be here. Do you um… it's not a private thing, is it?"

"What?" Mutsu shrugged. "Oh, no. Not at all. You're welcome to join me."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Mmm," Mutsu smiled. So respectful! Any ship would be lucky to have a boyfriend like that.

"Um, ma'am?" Cameron glanced over, his gaze lingering on the battleship's miniskirt and crop-top just long enough to make his observations known. "It's… you're not chilly?"

Mutsu shook her head. "Scarf," she said, pointing to the cloth knotted around her neck.

"Ah," said Cameron. That didn't seem to phase him in the slightest.

"Ah, Cameron?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

Mutsu cradled her belly with gloved hands. "Are you… this might not be a safe place for you."


"A ship in my condition," said Mutsu. "Tends to give others… ideas."

Cameron just laughed.

Mutsu shrugged. "Your baby shower."

Before either one could say anything more, dots of gray crawled over the horizon. Cameron squinted, but Mutsu's battleship-grade optics resolved the shapes almost immediately. Jersey was leading the formation, and steaming alongside her were…

Mother of fuck, there were three of them now.

"Holy shit, Muu!" Jersey's rough voice echoed over the waves. "You're fuckin' massive!"


"I'm putting on speed," said another Iowa. "Gravity! Too! Strong!"


"No, seriously," said yet another of the twice-dammed American fast battleships. "You realize that when people say 'eating for three' two of those are lil' babies, right? Not full-grown battleships?"

"What I—"

"I don't think she does," said the third Iowa.

"Yeah, there's no way she does," said Jersey.

"Hey!" called the second Iowa. "We can come ashore, right? You won't try and eat us?"

Beside Mutsu, Cameron was trying and failing to stifle his giggles. "Are you quite done?" yelled Mutsu.

"Oh no" said Jersey.

"Not even close," said the second Iowa.

"We've had a week to work on this material," said the third.

"I've got sixty goddamn pages on death-star themed puns alone," said Jersey.

The Japanese battlewagon hung her head. Was this what everyone else felt like?
Omake: Doggos!
Again folks I do apologize for leaving a cliff hanger last part. So I hope ya'll enjoy this omake.

An Officer and his Dogs Part 7a: Night Warfare


The Instant the Abyssal E-Boats had entered gun range of Squadron 3. The sea opened up into a hailstorm of fire. Streams of .50-caliber, 20mm, 37mm and 40mm gun and cannon fire from the guns of Squadron 3 ripped through the nighttime air in attempts to reach out and deal out crippling or mortal blows against their abyssal foes.

Soon after the PT Corgis had opened fired, so did their E-Boat counterparts. Muzzle flashes and tracers of the bright red and sickly bright-green variety scythed through what little cover of darkness the light of the nearly full moon provided. Revealing both shooter and target to one another as they in part attempted to gun down the other.

PT-41 was the very first PT Corgi of Squadron 3 to open fire on the enemy and she already tasted blood in her mouth as a burst of fire from one of the E-boats struck the upper portion of her nose and her rope locker.

For a split second she saw something leap from one of the hateful hounds as it plowed through a small wave while charging right at her. PT-41 barked out a warning to her squadron mates as she turned to port harder than she ever had done before to dodge the torpedo that had been fired at her.

She could feel the vile wake of the weapon as it passed by dangerously close to her hull. However one of the other E-boats saw the turn and directed the fire of some of its machine guns towards her as she was turning to set up a torpedo run.

PT-41 growled with pain and anger as streams of machine gun fire raked across the upper portion of her hull by the charthouse. Opening up tiny holes in her skin wherever the rounds had penetrated the two layers of double diagonal mahogany planking of her hull, she felt part of her awareness end abruptly as the gunfire damaged and shorted out her Radar mast.

Her gunners responded in kind with their own machine guns and while her 20mm 37mm and 40mm gun crews aimed at another E-boat. However the E-boats were tough in their own right. The monster shrugged off or simply didn't notice the streams of machine gun fire that peppered its hull from her and her squadron mates, though it did react to the smaller canons and it was certainly hurt by the 40mm canon fire.

In the chaos the battle had quickly devolved into. Another of the E-boats took aim at PT-41 with its 40mm cannon as it passed 600 yards off to her port side while laying fire from its other weapons into PT's 26 and 27. PT-41 didn't realize she had been targeted by a third of the monsters until she felt the impact of a burst of fire from its cannon rake her side and stern by the waterline.

PT-41 shirked out in pain as one of the explosive shells passed through her hull before burying itself into one of her three Packard engines and exploding. Destroying it and throwing shrapnel that damaged a second engine, as well as starting a fire in her engine compartment. The same burst of fire that had destroyed one of her engines had also ripped off one of her propellers and with it, one of her feet.

Perhaps smelling blood in the water, or just simply noticing a sudden drop in speed of one of the PT boats they were facing. The other E-boats shifted more of their fire to PT-41.

PT-41 shuddered and cried out in pain as numerous holes were punched into her hull above the water line as she came underneath concentrated fire. Her Crew fought back with all their might, knocking out a gun mount on one of the E-boats with 40mm fire from her stern mounted Bofors gun and setting another of the E-boats aflame at the stern with incendiary rounds from her Oerlikon and machine guns.

However the deluge of fire she came under was absolutely punishing. Part of her nose after having taken so many hits to the upper half of it; simply fell down into what was left of her rope locker and forward crew quarters as the deck no long had anything supporting it there. The partial collapse of the deck caused her bow mounted 37mm gun fall down into the forward crew quarters with it.

Having already been damaged by a glancing hit, one of PT-41's aft torpedoes was struck towards its tail by a 40mm round. The ensuring detonation of the round in the fuel flask of the torpedo a split second later not only created a sizable; if briefly-lived fireball that blistered her skin and singed her fur. It also tore open the pressurized air tank inside the torpedo.

The sudden failure of the air tank and subsequent prompt release of pressurized air blew the torpedo body apart in manner not too dissimilar to having a hot run occur with the older torpedoes in their old tube launchers.

However unlike with then, were the older torpedo tubes would have mitigated the damage to an extent, the failure of the torpedo body here tore off the lightweight roll rack that the torpedo had been in. Part of the deck and an 8 foot long horizontal part of her upper hull where the roll rack had been mounted on was also torn off.

Her right side was now partly ripped open and the almost extinguished fire in her engine compartment regained some of its vigor due to the sudden inrush of fresh air. She considered herself lucky that the hit hadn't set off the torpedo's warhead. Instead the warhead was sent tumbling off her side and into the water when the pressurized air tank blew apart.

However before she could really process her own damaged state further, another 40mm round struck her charthouse and blew a ragged chunk out of it. Destroying one of her eyes outright and stripping the area of her face around the destroyed eye it to the bone. It was hard for her to see out of her remaining eye due to the blood that seeped out of small cuts caused by the splinters thrown by the strike.

Most damningly though was that the hit had destroyed almost all semblance of direction she had and damage to the helm also meant a fair amount of her ability to control where she was going was gone as well.

Return fire from PT-41's guns ceased as part of her right flank burned from the renewed fire in her engine compartment. Most of her crew fought with the fire extinguishers she already had and whatever modern ones her crew had been able to 'procure' from parts of the base some months prior.

A decision she was thankful for since now they were being used to keep the fire in her engine compartment from growing any large and reaching any further than it had gone. A couple of her crew though scrambled around her deck and dumped her Torpedoes and unarmed depth charges into the water.

They were more of an explosion and fire liability now instead of an offensive tool to use. PT-41 slowly drifted to a stop as her crew now fully-committed to battling the raging fire that was threatening to engulf her engine room and consume her completely.

Her one intact eye could only watch on helplessly as one of the E-boats launched a torpedo that was carried up by a wave and struck the side of PT-42's bow, passing clean through it without arming and leaving a ragged bloody hole in 42's nose from its passing.

PT-42 retaliated with a near point-blank torpedo drop of her own. One of which struck the E-boat as the two fast attack craft passed each other. PT-41 figured that PT-42's torpedo must have smashed through the bow of the E-boat and buried itself a decent way inside of the ship before it had armed, for few seconds after the E-Boat and PT-42 had passed one another at flank speed the monster exploded from within.

PT-41 felt her vision tunnel, even as her crew bravely continued to fight the fire in her engine compartment. Trying their very best to keep the fire from consuming her fully, like it had in her first life. She didn't want to die like that again, burning was a most terribly painful death.

She was vaguely aware of the worst of the flames beginning to die down in her engine compartment before she passed out.

The other PT Corgis of Squadron 3 became more vicious in their attacks against the surviving E-Boats after they saw PT-41 catch fire and drift to a halt. One of the three surviving monsters was felled by a combined barrage of canon fire from PT's 33, 26, 27 and 29. Another E-boat had managed to heavily chew up PT-26 and PT-28's sterns with its quad mounted 20mm gun as it chased after them.

Completely unaware of the shallow-set depth charges the Corgis had dropped in their wakes until they blew up under it. Being caught between the twin depth charges when they went off broke the monster into several pieces that quickly slipped beneath the waves.

The final E-boat attempted to ram PT 35 amidships but a hard turn to port by PT-35 meant that the E-boat instead clipped and tore off part of her stern while destroying its own bow in the process. PT-35 took the closeness she had to the E-boat to open up with all her still functioning guns at the Abyssal's waterline. Tearing a ragged line into its port side and leaving it to flounder with a noticeable list.

PT-35 then circled around the stricken E-boat and pumped more fire into the side of it that was now exposed by its list while remaining mostly safe from its return fire. This final Abyssal fast attack boat then came under an absolutely withering barrage of fire from almost all of the PT Corgis that could still fight. The twisted vile craft simply came apart under the furious unrelenting barrage of canon and machine gun fire from 10 of the 12 PT Corgis of Squadron 3.

As they saw the last of the Abyssal fast attack boat slip under the waves, they knew they were victorious now that the battle was over.

However the price of their victory was high.


PT-34 moved in a circle about 400 yards across around the rest of the PT Corgis of Squadron 3. She was acting as the unit's eyes as they tended to the wounded as best as their limited amount of Damage control supplies could provide.

She was lucky that she was one of two members of the Squadron to have escaped that confrontation with the E-Boats unscathed. The only other member of her squadron to have escaped unscathed was PT-32. Everyone else had some kind of damage.

Half of her Squadron mates though were far better off than others, having only suffered damage that was anywhere between losing only a single gun mount, to having their radar mast or their charthouse and rope locker moderately shot up. Four of her squadron mates however though had heavy damage; they either had no engines currently working.

Or they had only one propeller working and were more beaten up from the battle with damage mostly above the water line. But those sisters of hers weren't in any immediate danger of sinking.

Trusting her radar set to alert her to anything that could be coming. PT-34 looked out towards the PT Corgi that all the others were gathered around, PT-41 their squadron leader.

She was the most damaged amongst all of them by the time the battle was over. It had been almost 20 minutes now since the battle had ended and they had originally gathered around PT-41 to help her crew run damage control.

PT-34 did her best to suppress a worried whimper as she looked on. Her sister and Squadron leader was in very bad shape when she had originally pulled up next to her. PT-41 had been barely alive as it stood with so much of her body shot up as it was.

She figured the only reason why PT-41 hadn't sunk outright was because the majority of her battle damage was well above the waterline.

PT-34 had sent a good portion of her crew over to her stricken sister, along with all of her damage control supplies and tools. It was all she could do with what she had on hand to help keep her sister alive, her crew helping her sister's crew with plugging holes near 41's waterline with patches and bailing out water.

By the time the damage control supplies she had sent over were used up. The rest of the Squadron had gathered around them and began helping one another manage their damage. PT-34 had to pull her crew away as PT-42 took charge of the Squadron.

PT-42 had ordered her to circle the squadron as they helped the more wounded members and especially PT-41 treat the worst of their battle damage.

PT-34 was pulled away from her thoughts when she heard PT-42 bark while using her megaphone. It may have been loud but no enemies that would have been able to hear it were around, otherwise she would have detected them on her radar by now.

The tension and fear that had been gripping her heart lessened a small bit when PT-42 reported that their squadron leader wasn't in imminent danger of sinking anymore. She had briefly woken up and started talking to them, though PT-42 reported that PT-41's voice was barely audible.

PT-41 may have been barely talking but she was awake and talking. And that was what mattered to PT-34, her sister and squadron leader was still alive despite how shot up she was. Despite the fire that had ravaged a good part of her engine compartment and starboard side, PT-41 still lived.

A minute Later PT-34 heard PT-42's barks echo out across the water once more as she informed her of further developments. PT-41 had given 42 the order to break radio silence and call for help as well as warn New Orleans about a possible incoming abyssal attack.

Before she had passed out again, PT-42 said that PT-41's reasoning was that during their confrontation with the E-Boats, other Abyssal ships like Destroyers and Cruisers could have slipped past them at the edges of their radar's detection range.

PT-34 couldn't argue with that reasoning. After all, to her it would make tactical sense to intercept a patrol along their path with a small group of fast attack craft. So that a force further up on that patrol's route could slip past unnoticed while the patrol was tied up with the Fast Attack Boats.

At least, that's what Lieutenant Corgi had taught them long ago when they had answered the call of their beloved nation. She hung her head low and forced herself to look outwards; she needed to be vigilant for the sake of her more wounded sisters.

She may have had faith in her radar to cut through the night but it didn't hurt to use the mark 1 eyeball as well.

PT-42 at first attempted to Contact Atago and her two Destroyers to request back up. However she discovered that Atago and her two destroyers were about four hours out from her squadron's current location, even if they went to flank speed. Thinking for a minute to compose a message, PT-42 contacted New Orleans.

She was calling home, however she knew better than to continuously transmit. Least they make their location easily known to any other hostiles that could have picked up the signal. So she planned to wait four minutes between each repeat of her message, she would had preferred to wait longer between repeats but this was a situation where time was of the essence.


Back in New Orleans PT-106 awoke to the sound of the radio in the main room receiving an incoming transmission. She was sleepy and confused at hearing the incoming transmission. Under their normal operating procedures. No contact was to be made with the main base by night patrols unless...they had made contact...with the enemy...

All the fur on PT-106's body stood up at once as she was jolted completely awake within a second by the realization. She jumped up from her comfy dog bed and sprinted across the main room of the barracks building at flank speed. She didn't care that some of her sisters were awoken by her passage, a situation had occurred and the Lieutenant needed to be woken up ASAP!

The nails of her paws left deep scratches on the wood floor as she came to a skidding but abrupt halt in front of the door to the Lieutenant's quarters. Standing up on her hind legs PT-106 scratched at the Lieutenant's door frantically, her nails pulling down wood shavings with each scratch she made.

A moment later one of her crew retrieved the on-board megaphone and she started frantically barking with all the volume she could muster from her little lungs. This naturally woke up everyone up in the PT Boat Barracks within a few moments. The volume at which she barked at would also have been able to be heard a fair distance from the PT Boat Barracks.

The seconds felt like hours as they slipped by. PT-106 stopped barking and got down back down on all four legs before she backed up from the door. Which now had a rather appreciable portion of it scratched thin by her frantic efforts to wake the Lieutenant up. PT-106 was about to charge into the door and break it down all together when she heard and saw the handle turn.

A moment later the door opened and revealed a rather groggy-looking Lieutenant Corgi and a very worried looking PT-247. She barked frantically at him, telling him that something had happened to make one of the night squadrons break radio silence.


William Corgi felt the tiredness and grogginess from barely having more than an hour of sleep flee him like animals before a forest fire as the meaning of PT-106's frantic barks finally registered in his mind. In a span of several seconds he went from standing at the door of his quarters to the radio set that was in the main room of the barracks. Just as Clayton and the other members of his staff emerged from their quarters to see what the commotion was.

The Lieutenant felt his stomach drop and a brief wave of vertigo washed over him as he heard PT-42 pained barks play out over the radio's speaker. He understood perfectly from her pained barks what it was she was reporting and it wasn't good news, not at all.

Knight 3 had made contact with and sunk four Abyssal E-boats. However their victory had exacted a heavy price. While two dogs were uninjured, five dogs were light-to-moderately wounded, four dogs were heavily wounded dogs, and finally one dog, the squadron leader was critically wounded. The news felt like a vice was slowly squeezing his heart as a hot knife was simultaneously being pushed through it.

Though what had made William's blood run well and truly cold however was when PT-42 suggested that this could be the opening move to an Abyssal assault on New Orleans. He waited for PT-42 to finish her message before he pushed and held down the transmit button on the Microphone. He heard the footsteps of his Staff coming up behind him as he took a breath to steady himself.

"Knight 3, Knight 3. This is Dog-Actual, Message received. I repeat message received. Make break for Kennel House under best possible speed. Friendly forces will be vectored from Kennel House to cover you …" There was a moment of dead air as he struggled to keep his voice calm and even.

"Hang on girls, Hang on. Help is on the way, Dog-Actual out." William's voice cracked ever so slightly before he released the transmit button and then turned to face his staff.

"What's going on William?" Gunnery Sergeant Clayton asked with a look of grim expectation on his face. William knew that Clayton had a solid idea on what was going on, but his XO had asked the question because the rest of his staff might not fully realize what was going on yet.

"Night Squadron 3 came under attack by Abyssal Fast attack boats a few minutes after midnight. Squadron 3 won the engagement but they're in a badly damaged state with four dogs heavily damaged and PT-41 critically damaged. PT-42 also reported that there is a strong possibility that this is the opening stage of an all-out assault on New Orleans. Ladies and Gentlemen, We need to act accordingly." William spoke with an even voice that had hints of anger rising up in it.

He didn't give anyone a chance to react to that information before he pointed to Ensign Crawford. He had orders to give, he had people to prepare and he had dogs to prepare. He couldn't waste time with unnecessary talk; they needed to prepare within whatever window of time they still had left. "Ensign Crawford!" he barked out with all the authority he had "Notify Admiral Raleigh of the situation if he doesn't know about it already. Go!"

His eyes shifted their intense focus to Ensign Jones even as Crawford sprinted out the door of the PT Boat Barracks still clad in shorts and a white T-shirt. "Ensign Jones, head towards the Ship Girl Dorms and run interception. If they ain't awake now. They sure as Hell will be very soon and they'll want answers. Tell them the situation if they don't already know it by the time you get to them. Go!" William commanded before he saw the Ensign sprint out of the building.

He couldn't blame her for being on the verge of panic. Not even a full two weeks out of the academy and she was being exposed to what potentially could become a very ugly fight. He suppressed a shudder as he remembered what the reports from Hawaii had recounted what an Abyssal invasion looked like.

William couldn't dwell on how well his two Ensigns were taking the situation at hand though. He still had too many orders to give, and too many things to prepare. "Ellen, Banks, Sandbar!" Barked William as he turned to face them "Gather medical supplies and two Ambulance Humvees from the base Motor pool. Prepare to receive wounded. Go!"

The three Marines saluted before departing. They ran but it wasn't the mad sprint like how the Ensigns had done when they had departed.

He faced the last four people other than himself in the room; his eyes individually met the eyes of three of them before he spoke. "Clayton, Lake, Sanderson. You three are with me. We've got dogs to prepare for sortie." His attention then turned to the PT Corgis of the Day Patrol who were more than wide awake now. He could see from the way they shook ever so slightly that they ready to leap into action.

"Squadron 5 and Squadron 7, prepare for immediate sortie. Squadron 5, you're to plug the hole in Squadron 3's patrol route. Report anything and everything you pick up on radar that isn't carrying an FFI device. Squadron 7, you are to escort the ship girls that will be vectored to cover Squadron 3's retreat. God knows there are gonna be mines out there. You're to keep those girls from hitting any of those things and act as their eyes with your radar sets. Am I understood?" William said with an icy cold voice.

The PT Corgis of Squadron 7 gave him a series of small barks in the affirmative.

William then turned his attention to the remaining dogs of the day patrol squadrons. "All other dogs are to be ready for sortie at a moment's notice." He said to the rest of the PT Corgis, who gave him a single resounding bark to confirm having understood their orders.

His eyes snapped over to Desmond with machine-like precision. "Desmond, set out however much food Squadrons 5 and 7 will need as of five minutes ago. Go! Go! Go!" He said with a raised but level voice to get everyone moving. He, his XO and the two other Navy Personnel that he had command over, bolted out the door of the Barracks building along with the PT Corgis of Squadrons 5 and 7. Their destination was the equipment building.

To William's surprise, it had taken just all of six minutes for Squadron 5 and 7 to be fitted out for sortie. Despite squadron 7 stocking up on extra damage control supplies and tools that were normally kept in the equipment building.

The Dogs of both squadrons then doubled back to building to eat. With Squadron 7 eating more than what was strictly necessary, no doubt to stock up on extra fuel to give to their stricken friends.

After that, the dogs sortied. There was none of the normal routine he had for sortieing PT Corgis this time around however, no seeing them off at the docks, no parting words or banter. The Corgis of Squadrons 5 and 7 had to get out there and get out there fast.

And so all he did was open the Barracks door for them after they had finished eating and nodded to them once. He watched as they sprinted out the door, raced down to and then across the floating docks at flank speed before allowing their built up momentum carry them off the edge and into the water.

The sound of 72 Packard 4M-2500 engines revving up to their maximum RPM almost at once as the dogs touched down on the water, created a wall of sound that roared out across the surface of Lake Pontchartrain and shattered the calm of the night. Before swiftly becoming a little more than a low rumble as the PT Corgis dashed away from the naval base on a heading out to the open waters of the Gulf.

Only squadron 7 briefly lingered as they got in touch with the ship girls they would be escorting through any potential minefields they could encounter. Then they sprinted off to meet their charges at some rendezvous point.

William could faintly hear the barks of Squadron 7 speaking with one another, as well as the ship girls they'd be escorting. Over the radio in the main room of the barracks as he helped Desmond and Clayton feed the other PT Corgi squadrons as they returned from the Equipment building with their rigging on.

William could not find it in himself to relax a single iota. He and his staff still had things to do and preparations to make for whatever may come next, but at the very least they could check preparing the PT Corgis off of that long list.

After the last of the remaining Daytime PT Corgi Squadrons had been fitted out in their rigging and fed. They had left the Barracks building to go to their standby positions at the floating docks and along the lake shore, patiently waiting for the command to sortie to be given to them from either himself or Admiral Raleigh.

After ordering Sanderson to go help Ellen, Banks and Sandbar with preparations to receive the wounded that would eventually arrive while Desmond manned the radio. William headed towards his Quarters to retrieve a very important set of items. As he left the main room, he saw Clayton and Lake as they went up to the second floor of the Barracks to retrieve armaments and other needed equipment.

If it did turn out that this was the worst possible scenario that was currently unfolding before them then they'd be ready for the fight. If it turned out that this wasn't the worst case scenario unfolding before them, then the weapons and equipment the two pulled out would be returned to storage.

However until it was known for certain what the situation was, he had been clear to his subordinates to be prepared for the worst. Which was something he was about to go do as well.

As William entered his quarters, he went straight to his closet to retrieve the one box whose contents he rarely removed outside of the necessary maintenance needed to keep it in serviceable condition. As he placed the Box labeled 'For if the worse was to come' on his dresser and opened it up. He fought with and subdued the feelings of fear and dread that were creeping up within him.

After he took a moment to draw in a deep breath before slowly letting it out to regain his focus, He reached into the medium-sized cardboard box and pulled out a custom-order Pelican Hard case that was nearly the same size as the cardboard box it had been in.

William opened the hard case and removed the gun it held inside. A Desert Eagle chambered in .50 Action Express. It was a gift he had received from his father at age 15 when he started hunting wild hogs with his old man. It was a very good backup weapon to have when being unexpectedly confronted by a charging six-hundred pound wild pig. A brief feeling of nostalgia along with a few happy hunting memories washed over William as he ran a thumb across the flat black colored body of the pistol and its integral muzzle break.

However that feeling and the happy memories that had come with it vanished as he remembered what was going on currently. The ghost of a smile William had on his face faded to a subtle frown as he pulled out the pistol's belt holster, four magazine pouches and five magazines. Before finally removing the two 20-round boxes of 350 grain Full Metal Jacketed Flat Nose ammunition that he kept inside the hard case, some might have thought using that particular ammunition was overkill.

But for him, the sidearm and its ammunition was an assurance. An Assurance that if he found himself facing the things Abyssals had as ground troops. That his first shot on them would be enough to put it down for good. However though, there was another purpose for him having gone through the trouble of filling out all the paperwork needed for him to be allowed to have the venerable hand cannon of a pistol on base.

Should things turn out such that he would have to carry out the 9th and final standing order he had for the unit. Whether if it was on himself or one of his subordinates, should they end up in position to be unable to carry it out themselves. He wanted to be certain without a doubt that no matter what, he'd be able to do the job with one trigger pull.

Unable to completely dispel those dark thoughts from his mind despite his best efforts. William opened the ammo boxes up and loaded seven rounds into each of the five magazines with machine-like efficiency before placing four of the mags into their magazine pouches.

After that he fastened the tactical holster and magazine pouches to the right-hand side of his belt. William picked up the semi-automatic pistol and loaded the fifth and final magazine into. Once he heard and felt that the magazine was firmly in its well. He pulled the slide back to chamber a round before he clicked the safety on and holstered the weapon.

When William stepped back out from his quarters and walked into the main room. He saw Clayton and Lake were busy inspecting a half dozen M4A1's at the main table. The BAR the PT Corgis had found and given to Clayton laid on a chair next to the XO.

The Lieutenant looked over to the other side of the room and saw that Desmond was on the radio with a Sergeant Stacker. Stanley was assisting the army Sergeant with coordinating the PT Corgis stationed in Port Fourchon.

William tried to find something to do but beyond bringing out plate carrier vests and helmets from one of the first floor storage rooms for Clayton's marines to put on. There was nothing else for him to do but sit, wait and pray.

There were quite a few things William knew he could pray for, that this wasn't the start of an all-out abyssal invasion of New Orleans. That Squadron 7 would successfully screen Nachi and her group against any possible mines and enemy vessels that may between them and Squadron 3. He could pray that the badly wounded PT Corgis would make it home alive, especially PT-41.

William Wallace Corgi knew he could pray for all of that and far more. So he silently did just that as he sat down on one of the stools by the Radio set. Waiting for whatever it was that may come next.

For better or for worse he would be prepared for whatever may come next.

For his own sake and for the sake of those he led, he had to be.

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Omake: Hunt for Graf Spee
Hunt for the Abyssal Graf Spee
Part 7

Dear Kaidan,

Was it only a week ago that I wrote my last letter to you? It feels much longer. While I can't necessarily tell you all of the details, this past week has been eventful. There was a mission with a surprisingly anti-climactic fight, Achilles and I visited the local aquarium, and there was a large kerfuffle involving Intrepid. These are all sort of intertwined, and are all pretty much my fault.

Soon after I sent off my last letter to you, Leander, Achilles, and I were all summoned to sortie as a continuation of our current mission. The objective had been sighted, and we were sent to intercept. We didn't end up engaging the objective, just a pair of destroyers. I don't know how much you heard from Leander about this, but Achilles took a nasty hit, and I escorted her back to Norfolk while Leander stayed with the convoy back to the Home Isles.

Immediately prior to engaging the Abyssals, Intrepid called me. It was a semi-regular thing where she would call once a day. Has something to do with her fear of being left alone, I think. Despite my better judgement, I answered the call, but had to hang up soon after, when we made contact with the Abyssals. As I heard second hand from Dreadnought, hanging up early because of hostile contact frightened her.

The return to Norfolk was not at all a happy one. Achilles had taken a bad torpedo hit, and I blamed myself for not seeing the torpedo attack ahead of time. Achilles blamed herself just as much, and her failure really stuck with her.

Really, the days after the battle were rough for everyone. Achilles was beating herself up over the battle, I was beating myself up over the battle, and Intrepid was unresponsive to communications. It was actually the text conversation that you and I had which inspired me to try finding my way around the problem. I texted Dreadnought, and used her as an intermediary to talk with Intrepid. She was greatly relieved to hear of my survival, and now that Dreadnought and I have snapped her out of things, she's doing much better.

Dealing with Achilles' problems wasn't nearly as easy, though. A couple of sailors here said she sounded depressed, but didn't have any advice to offer. I tried taking her out to another restaurant for lunch, but that didn't help. It took me a few days to figure out how to help her, but I did find something that helped. Yesterday, I took her out to the local aquarium. You'd never think it, but Achilles really enjoys watching fish.

It felt like a bloody miracle getting her to cheer up again.

Hopefully, things will stay quiet for a few days. Maybe I'll go out shopping and get a pretty dress for that roast dinner you have planned.

HMS Exeter

Exeter reread the letter she had written. It wasn't to the standard she usually wrote. Her wording felt too casual, her explanations both too long and too brief to be of any real use. And yet, the dozen discarded drafts had been more to her usual standards of writing. Why had they felt to wrong, while this one felt like a proper final draft?

In the end, why it felt right didn't matter. The fact of the matter was that it did feel right. That it was going to be the draft that she sent to Kaidan.

With a few deft actions, she folded the paper and slipped it into a pre-addressed envelope. Exeter idly took note of the relative poor quality of her usually crisp creases before she sealed the envelope with wax and a stamp of her ship's badge.

The task of writing a letter done, Exeter sighed and slumped down in her chair. She blew a tangled lock of hair out of her eyes, slightly concerned that it looked to be more split ends than actual hair. A quick use of the glass on the photo of herself and Kaidan as a reflection revealed just how exhausted Exeter looked.

Her hair was a mess in need of proper care from a barber, her face was gaunt from one missed meal too many, and dark bags were visible hanging below her eyes. The heavy cruiser tried to put a smile on her face, but found that it looked forced and fake.

"Bloody hell. Carraway better not have me herding destroyers today. I need food and rest, not more work." Exeter mused to herself, fixing her posture and reaching for a brush.

A few minutes later, Exeter found herself cleaned up and in the mess hall, where a variety of sandwiches were being served for lunch. Naturally, as a shipgirl larger than a destroyer, her plate was stacked with at least one of everything, ranging from a classic ham sandwich to something as crazy as peanut butter banana.

Meals were often an enjoyable thing for Exeter. As a cruiser, she did not need to eat the absurdly large meals that a battleship would need, and it meant that she could take the time to savor the food instead of being forced to cram it all into her mouth as fast as possible. While she definitely wasn't as food obsessed as her older sister, Exeter took the occasional opportunity to sample a wide variety and relish in the different flavors.

Apparently, some sailors on the base didn't know how much the larger shipgirls ate. It was understandable, since Norfolk almost exclusively housed destroyers and smaller, but Exeter did not appreciate the blatant stares and leering. A quick glare from the shipgirl made the sailors avert their gazes, and she went back to her much needed lunch.

"Miss Exeter!"

The heavy cruiser looked up in time to see Buchanan careen into the mess hall's entryway and leave a significant dent where her shoulder impacted. The round faced destroyer escort extricated herself from the door and rushed over to where Exeter had turned back to her sandwiches.

"Miss Exeter, the admiral wants you."

"Tell him I will be there as soon as I finish eating." Exeter said harshly, taking another bite of her current sandwich.

"He wants you now." Buchanan nearly wilted under Exeter's gaze, but stood firm.

"I did not have breakfast this morning. I skipped out on dinner last night. I will see the admiral when I am fed, and not a minute sooner."

"He said it was about the Graf Spee. W-we think we know where she is."

Exeter paused, deliberately chewed twice, and swallowed the remains of her sandwich. The heavy cruiser picked up her tray of sandwiches, and marched out of the mess.

Exeter was the last one to the briefing room. Admiral Carraway and Leander both stood near the presentation screen, conversing quietly, while Achilles was drawing doodles on a notebook.

"When did you get back, Leander?" Exeter asked.

"A couple of hours ago. I had information for the Admiral."

"Right. So, what's the news? Buchanan said we know where the Graf Spee is."

"That would be correct." Carraway began as Exeter and Leander each took a seat. "Last evening, a recon plane from Leander reported sighting an Abyssal tanker."

"A tanker, sir?" Achilles interjected.

"Yes. We suspect that the tanker has been resupplying Abyssal raiders in the area, including the Abyssal Graf Spee. If we sink this tanker, we may buy some breathing room for the Atlantic convoys, and have an opportunity to take out the Graf Spee herself."

"Do we know where the tanker is?" Exeter asked.

"Not currently. Akron is in the area where the tanker was spotted, and is conducting reconnaissance operations. You'll sortie tonight, and we will direct you to your target as soon as Akron locates it. Renown's group has been alerted, and is en route to provide assistance should the Graf Spee be in the area."

"Understood." All three cruisers said in near unison.

"If there aren't any more questions, you're all dismissed."
Iron Tested, Iron Approved
"Yo, sanecone!" Jersey wheeled around on her heel and trotted back to catch up with a girl far too not-annoying to be Naka's sister. "Any news about the princess."

Jintsuu pursed her lips and shook her head. "I'm afraid not. After the last engagement, she's fallen back to bide her time."

"Scared of those monster eighteens, huh?"

Jintsuu nodded.

"Hey," Jersey planted her hands on her hips. "While we're waiting for Intel to pick up the trail, mind if we use your repair baths?"

The light cruiser cocked her head. "I'm… not sure why not. But I understood your crossing was uneventful."

"Well… yeah," admitted the Iowa. "But I've got an idea I wanna try."

Jintsuu shrugged. "You're our guest."


"Um, sir?" a quiet knock and an equally quite voice that sounded eerily like a younger version of Jintsuu disturbed the haze of mind-numbing paperwork that had descended upon Admiral Richardson like a thief in the night. "May I come in?"

"Mmm," Richardson scowled at the meaningless form on his desk. One of the many scraps of paper an Admiral had to deal with, but one that could wait a few hours at least. "Come in."

The door swung open, and in walked a girl who again looked shockingly like Jintsuu. Albeit, a version of Jintsuu that'd ran herself through the xerox at 200 percent scale and dyed her hair the purest white Richardson had ever even conceived. She was a good deal taller than his wife, which combined with her stark white hair was enough to narrow her down to just one ship.

"Alaska, how can I help?"

The large cruiser worried the hem of her parka. "Um… I'm sorry to bother you, but… I have a question and I think you're the only one who can answer it."

"Well," said Richardson. "I'll give it a shot."

"It's…" Alaska sighed. "I know you're not my Admiral, and… and I really do trust Admiral Raleigh. But… but he's not married, and you are."

Richardson exhaled a long breath. So it was one of those conversations. He should have expected it, not only was Alaska's boyfriend staying on the base, the large cruiser steamed right past his very pregnant wife. If she hadn't jumped his bones after that, she was going to soon. "I assume Mutsu got you going?"

Alaska gave him a look that was either bewilderment or just her face's default expression.

"Babies," explained Richardson. "You want kids, right?"

Alaska screwed up her face. "Oh… no."

Richardson had to keep his jaw from clattering onto the floor. "What?"

"I'd be a terrible mother." Alaska hung her head. "I'm… there's no way I could… I'm not mature enough for kids. I'd… I'd break them, I know it."

Richardson blinked, barely able to hear what she was saying and utterly incapable of comprehending it. "I'm… I'm sorry."

Alaska shrugged. "Um… anyway, Cameron likes me a lot, and I like him too. I'd be happy just…" she shook her head. "But he wants to marry me first. And I… I want to be a good wife. I need to be a good wife. He deserves to have a good wife." She looked up at Richardson, tears filling her soft blue eyes. "How do I be a good wife?"

Slowly, deliberately, Richarson shuffled a stack of papers on his desk. He'd been expecting her to ask him about babies—or worse yet, to admit she was already pregnant and ask for babysitting or something. But… marriage advice? It wasn't something he was remotely prepared for. Hell, he'd been married twice and he still wasn't prepared for it.

"Alaska," he said, steepling his fingers and not quite able to meet the girl's glassy eyes. "You… you realize what this means, right?"

The large cruiser nodded. "Sir… you don't know Cameron, but… but he's the nicest, sweetest person you'll ever meet. He's… did you know he enrolled in a three-hundred level history class just to understand me more? On top of all his other…" she sniffed and shook her head.

Slowly, grindingly Richardson leaned forwards like an ancient automaton encrusted with rust and patina to place a hand on Alaska's shoulder. The big warship melted into the admiral's ill-practiced touch and mumbled something he couldn't make out.

"Alaska," said the Admiral. He chose his words carefully, but it was twice the effort slipping them past his lips. "I'm not… the best at this. I only had Langley for…" with a harsh crack his train of thought derailed.

"S-she," Richardson coughed, brutally ordering his spirit to hold together just a little longer. "She was the best part of me. A good wife. Better than—" He bit his lip and pulled his uniform smooth with a muffled cough. "I wasn't the best husband. But… you don't have to be the best. Not at first."

Alaska cocked her head, her cheeks flusher than usual as her she sat quietly across from him.

"Love him," he said at last. "Love him and never stop loving him. Work through the problems. Accept that…" he stopped for a moment. "That there will be problems. You'll make mistakes. He'll make mistakes. But be there for him, for each other. And never ever stop loving each other."

"Like you and Mutsu?"

A dam Richardson didn't know he'd been building cracked. He laughed and a smile creased his weathered face. "Yeah," he said, struggling to laugh and cry at the same time. "I… I do my best. Sometimes it's enough, sometimes… but we work through things. We talk, we work things out together."

"Mmm," Alaska nodded, and Richardson could tell she had a whole division of faeries recording every word he spoke.

"And never go to bed angry."

Alaska nodded again.

"Alaska," said Richardson, grabbing her soft hands in his and looking her square in the eyes. "Never. Ever. Go to bed angry."

Alaska opened her mouth a little, then closed it again. "Yes, sir." She stood and smoothed her coat. "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, Alaska." Richardson hastily rubbed at his eyes.

"Um… sir?"


Alaska blushed. "May I have a hug?"

Richardson stood and looked up at the towering cruiser. "Yes, Alaska," he said. "Yes you may."

"Okay," battleship Missouri rested her hands on her heavily tattooed hips, "Why are we at the docks at four in the morning, and why do you have a camera?" She scowled, her eyes glowing like hot coals in the darkened pool room. "This isn't some wierd fetish thing, is it?"

"Fuck you, sis." Jersey scowled and tried to get the tripod to stay centered. "This is… the fuck are you wearing?"

Mo glanced down at herself. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary with her outfit, at least not for a battleship going to the docks. A white halter-top tied around her massively thick neck and a pair of shorts that only showed a sliver of her bikini's side-ties by her hips. Certainly it was less ostentatious than her big sister's flag-themed outfit that Mo was certain was at least a half-size too small in the chest. "What? A swimsuit?"

"No," Jersey rolled her eyes and jabbed a finger at the necklace draped between the Hawaiian battleship's Mauna Kaes. "That!"

"Oh," Mo shrugged. "Shark tooth necklace." She ran her fingers over the dozen or so wickedly sharp teeth hanging from a thin leather strap.

"My point exactly."

"Fuck you," Mo whacked her sister upside the head, or at least tried to. Jersey blocked it with the blade of her forearm and parried with a halfhearted slap of her own. "It's cool."

"Yeah," Jersey rolled her eyes. "In the eighties. Maybe."

"We're from the eighties, dipshit."

"I am," said Jersey. "Hence my overwhelming coolness."

Mo rolled her eyes.

"You," Jersey poked her sister in the sternum. "Are from the twenty-first century. Get with the fucking times, sis."

"I have," Mo waved her hands over her chiseled and tanned figure. "This is cool now."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you!"


Mo hung her head. "Why are you like this?"

"Because I'm older, wiser, and more mature." Jersey said before sticking out her tongue.

"You are the worst goddamn sister."

"Only 'cause I have to—" Jersey froze as the third of the trio walked into the docks. "Wisky, what the actual fuck?"

"What?" said the littlest Iowa.

"No, I'm with her," said Mo. "The hell are you wearing?"

Wisky glanced down at herself. "My swimsuit?"

"The hell you are!" said Jersey. "That's a fuckin' suspension bridge on your tits."

"Ah," Wiskey smiled. "You see, as the bustiest of the class—"

"Wisky, we all got the upgrade," said Mo.

"—I have needs you don't."

"We. All. Got. The. Upgrade," grumbled Jersey.

"You don't know what it's like to live with bunkers as big as mine."

"Motherfuck!" Jersey snarled. "We all got the goddamn refit!"

Wisky preened with a smug smile.

"I'm going to kill her," muttered Jersey.

"Not if I do it first," mumbled Mo.

"So," asked Wisky. "Why'd you want us down here, sis?"


"And what's with the camera? This isn't for some weird fetish, is it?"

"That's what I said!"

"Will you two shut the fuck up for one goddamn second?"



"Okay," Jersey planted her feet on the tile and her hands on her hips. "You know that… plain of ice bullshit?"

"The locker, yeah." Wisky nodded. "After your report I tried to hang on to as many memories as I could."

"Right, the locker," said Jersey. "Supposedly we've got a special connection, we spent so much time on the doorway and all."

Mo shivered. "Don't remind me."

"Anyway. I had a… no I will not give you credit, fuck off!"

Mo and Wisky glanced at each other.

"Sorry," said Jersey with a blush. "Um… Vicky… I've got an, um… tall ship in my head who only I can see."

"Right," said Mo.

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Wisky.

"Anyway I… we… she thinks that the three of us might have a better chance at pulling some intel out of there if we try together."

"Okay," Mo nodded. "That explains the pool, but why the camera?"

"'cause… to get there we've gotta be in a weird-ass trance state," said Jersey. "That'll play hell with our memories. But if we narrate it and record the whole thing we won't be able to forget."

"Huh," Wisky nodded. "That's good thinking, sis."

"Yeah," Jersey bushed. "It was, um… Victory's idea."

Mo chuckled. "So… into the pool?"

"Yeah," said Jersey. "In… like a circle, with our heads touching."

"Why?" asked Wisky.

"I dunno, can't fucking hurt."

"Fair enough."

"I got candles and shit." Jersey produced a zippo from her bikini and darted around the poolside lighting them. "And some nice music for ambiance and shit."

"Cool." Mo settled herself in the water, floating with her toes against the poolside and her head touching her sister's.

With a quick tap on a laptop the sounds of dreamy electronic music filled the repair dock. Jersey wasted no time hopping into the water and joining her sisters.

Together, the three ships closed their eyes and let their breathing fall into a rhythm.

"Jersey?" asked Wisky.


"Is this Darude Sandstorm?"

"Yes, now shut up."

"The ten hour version."

"Yes! Now shut the fuck up."


"Just… breathe, okay?"


Three three battleships floated motionlessly in the glass-smooth water. Only the rise and fall of their chests disturbed the utter stillness.

"Wait," said Wisky. "I—"

"I see it too," said Mo.

"Remember the camera!" urged Jersey.

"Right right!" said Mo. "Okay, um… we're uh, we're on the ice. Next to a pool or something."

"A pool or a lake or… a body of water," added Wisky.

"What do you think," said Jersey. "Maybe… I dunno, fifty yards long, maybe twice that wide?"

"Yeah, that sounds right," said Mo.

"There's icebergs choking the pool," said Wisky.

"Yeah, yeah." said Jersey. "Um… yeah, lots of ice concentrated in the… motherfuck it's a map."

"A map?" asked Wisky.

"Yeah. Just… north is that way and east is this way."

"Yeah, okay."

"Tell the camera," said Mo.

"Right," said Jersey. "We're standing on a map of the world. Right about… um… right about the Marinara trench—"

"Mariana," said Wisky.


"Marinara is a sauce, it's the Mariana trench."

"Fuck you," said Jersey. "We're looking east over the— over the map. I don't know, do the continents look fucky?"

"Kinda," said Mo.

"Could be the projection," said Wisky. "Or perspective, not used to looking at a map like this."

"Fair point," conceded Jersey. "The… wait, you see that?"

"Yeah," said Wisky. "Looks like… where is that?"

"Eastern Med?"

"Yeah," said Jersey. "Eastern… uh… south-eastern corner of the Med—"

"That's gotta be close enough," added Mo.

"Yeah, um… there's something spilling into the… it's blood."

"Yeah, it's gotta be blood," concurred Wisky.

"There's blood spilling into the sea from… oh fuck it's all over the med."

"China too," said Mo. "Look."

"It's everywhere," said Jersey. "Wait it… oh fuck!"

"For, uh, for a moment there it looked like it stopped," said Mo. "Now it's coming more than ever."

"All over the…" Jersey coughed. "All over the North Atlantic and… and all over the Pacific, I think. Oh fuck that's a lotta blood."

"I think there's more blood than water in that water," said Mo.

"For real," added Wisky.

"Wait!" said Jersey. "Fuck… it stopped."

"It, uh… yeah," said Mo. "Like someone flipped a switch. Water's getting clearer now."

"What the fuck?" weezed Wisky. "What the fuuuuuck?"

"Is that it?" asked Jersey.

"That's gotta be it," said Mo. "I can feel myself slipping back al—"

"Wait!" Jersey barked. "There. Um… uh- uh- there's a like a figure walking towards us."

"Shit shit shit shit," Mo cursed. "I'm loosing it."

"Me too," said Jersey. "Hold on. Um… okay, a figure like a man but he's distorted." Her voice picked up tempo, frantically trying to make the most of what little time she had left. "Like… shit, like something under choppy water."

"Wait wait wait," said Mo. "He's… shit, that was weird. He's a man now."

"Ah, black uniform," said Jersey, rattling off the description as quickly as her lips would allow. "Double-breasted… eagle on the chest. He's— he's—"

"He looks like J.K Simmons," said Wisky.

"Yeah!" said Jersey. "Yeah, yeah he does, um… he's handing me a dagger. It's—" With a gasp her eyes flew open.

"Fuck!" Mo smashed her fist into the water as she too fell out of the trance.

Wisky panted. "What was that?"

"I don't know, sis," said Mo. "I don't—"

"I do," said Jersey. "I know what's going on."
Omake: Hunt for Graf (Spee)
Hunt for the Abyssal Graf Spee
Part 8

"Thank you for the assist, Akron. We'll take things from here." Exeter said, waving to the airborne carrier. Akron had been crucial in locating the Abyssal tanker, even if the squall it was hiding in kept it from her aerial search.

"It was no problem! Get a few good hits in for me!" Akron replied, doing a mid-air twirl. The airship floated up and out of sight, leaving the cruisers to their hunt.

With communications silent for the time being, the only sounds Exeter could hear were the crash of the waves against her hull, the whistle of snow laden wind, and the hum of her engines. She tightened her scarf in an attempt to ward against the biting winds, and led Leander and Achilles into the storm.

Immediately, visibility dropped. Snow whipped by Exeter's face as she searched for any sign of the Abyssal. Her spotlights swept the seas, back and forth, but even their powerful beams could not pierce the rapidly worsening weather.

Soon, Exeter lost sight of even Achilles, who was a mile to starboard. The light cruiser's periodic pulses of radar were the only thing that let Exeter know she was still on course as they searched through the snow.

Minutes turned to hours as the three cruisers searched. The squall had evolved into a full blown blizzard, buffeting Exeter and her companions with heavy winds and dense flurries of snow.

Finally, Exeter saw something through the snow. A figure, dashing towards her. Exeter's spotlights and secondary battery swiveled over, only for the snow to disperse and reveal the illusion.

A chill bit at Exeter's extremities, even through the protective qualities of her scarf, nipping at exposed fingers and ears. She blew warm breath onto her hands in an attempt to keep them warm, but the moisture froze between her mouth and hands.

Another flash of movement in the snow drew Exeter's attention. A figure moving laterally past her. It was almost certainly a destroyer. A spotlight turned, and illuminated more snow. There was no destroyer in sight.

"This snow is messing with me." She said aloud, finally breaking the silence between squadron course changes.

"Exeter?" Leander sounded more concerned than confused.

"I keep seeing things in the snow. A figure moving, just out of sight. I swear it's a destroyer, but when I look closer, all I see is snow."

"That's concerning. Perhaps use your radar if you start seeing things again?" Leander suggested.

"Perhaps." Exeter turned back to her outward search, having shifted to more-or-less face Leander while they talked.

For a while longer, the search continued. Exeter occasionally saw a figure in the snow, but radar revealed nothing. Nothing but snow and sea.

As the blizzard continued to worsen, Exeter felt her heart drop. If the tank still remained within the storm, surely they would have found it by now.

"Leander, Achilles, formation turn to port, on course bearing 250. We're heading back to Norfolk."

"A-are we giving up?" Achilles asked.

"We are. We haven't found anything in this storm, and we've basically been moving in circles for the past four hours. If it is here, I'm sure we'll find it again."

"R-right. Understood."

Exeter pulled into the turn, and saw Leander follow dead astern. She also saw another figure in the snow. Much clearer than in previous times, too. It was a destroyer, probably Tribal-class, made of pure snow. Exeter couldn't make out any details to ascertain the destroyer's identity, just that she was running from something.

Exeter's spotlight swiveled over to the snowy destroyer, and it dispersed as if Exeter's eyes were playing tricks on her. But through the snow, Exeter spied something else.

Black steel reflected the spotlight's prowling beam.

"Contact! Five thousand yards, dead astern!" Exeter shouted, her guns shifting towards the Abyssal. Four and eight inch guns roared in a ripple as Exeter pulled a hard turn to bring her broadside to bear.

Her first salvo went long, sailing over the Abyssal's head, then all went quiet. Snow rushed and obscured her view of the tanker.

"Where'd she go?" Leander asked, guns spinning towards where the Abyssal had been mere moments before.

"Can't see her." Exeter grunted, spinning up her radar. The device was nearly frozen in place from the ice, but began spinning. An outline of the Abyssal appeared over Exeter's vision, along with one of Leander and Achilles.

The heavy cruiser's guns roared again, narrowly missing the suddenly evasive tanker. Wind and waves buffeted Exeter, throwing off her aim as she fired. Leander and Achilles joined in, but had the same abysmal results.

Eventually, Exeter lost track of time to the dull roar of her guns, fruitlessly trying to catch the Abyssal in heavier weather than she had been designed for. Reload, fire, miss, repeat. The fusilade of fire from the three cruisers never managed more than the occasional straddle on the tanker as they fought to close the range against the seas.

Finally, the radar picture over the Abyssal flickered in conjunction with one of Exeter's salvoes. She heard a loud roar as something exploded.

The heavy cruiser raised her arm with a triumphant whoop.

Out of the corner of her eye, Exeter noticed another snowy destroyer. An I-class this time, though clearly not Intrepid. A look of panic and worry was evident on the mystery destroyer's face.

A heavy shell ripped Exeter's extended arm off at the elbow, tearing her X turret away from her hull and dropping it into the frothing sea.

"Where is she!" Exeter roared in pain. "Where is that cowardly bitch?!"

"New contact! Starboard side, maximum radar range!" Achilles called.

"Leander, finish the tanker. Achilles, with me." Exeter's voice had descended from a roar to a cold fury that she didn't recognize.

The heavy cruiser shifted course, barreling straight for the new contact. She knew who she was shooting at as her radar picked up the target. Deutschland-class pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, as corrupted by the Abyss. A silhouette that haunted many of Exeter's dreams appeared in her vision as the radar contact solidified.

Four rifles roared as one as Exeter opened fire.

For every salvo that Exeter fired, the Abyssal matched with one of its own. But while Exeter was being pounded in every direction by the wind and sea, the Abyssal seemed to have no problems.

Exeter furiously closed the range, desperate to land any sort of hit. Her shells landed erratically around the Graf Spee, never close enough to bracket or straddle, while the Abyssal grew more and more accurate as she closed.

"Break off!" Achilles shouted, pulling away and letting loose with her full broadside. Exeter ignored her companion's warning, too focused on closing the range.

The Graf Spee had haunted too many of her dreams. She would not let her target get away.

An eleven-inch shell dove deep into Exeter's bow. It detonated against the barbette of her foremost turret, damaging and disabling the guns.

She did not care. With all her remaining guns, Exeter tried to rain hell upon the Abyssal Graf Spee.

Exeter heard an explosion far astern. She heard Leander's confirmation of a kill on the tanker.

She felt another of the Graf Spee's shells rip into her flank, tearing a massive gash before blowing a hole for water to spill into.

She heard Achilles' desperate cries for her to pull off.

She saw the pleading faces of the two snowy destroyers, silently begging her to stop.

Exeter did not care.

"Get out of my head!" She roared at the source of her nightmares. Her remaining rifles echoed the roar.

A single shell exploded amidships on the Abyssal.

And then a volley ruined her last turret.

Disarmed and heavily wounded, Exeter raised her last weapon. Blackness encroached on her vision as she tried to aim a spread of torpedoes.

The sound of rushing water reached Exeter's ears, and she collapsed.
Omake: Wolf... doggo... same thing, right?
Doggos! Wait...


Bloodshot eyes snapped open amidst the frantic barking and desperate-sounding radio chatter, causing Nachi to groan as she slowly sat herself up. Her radio operator was reporting multiple distress calls from one of the night squadrons, who were reporting heavy damage among their unit.

"Shit," she hissed, before quickly grabbing her normal outfit, not really caring about looking prim and proper.

Her crew were already rushing to battlestations, and even though her rigging wasn't on her, she could still feel the shells being loaded into the breeches, including illumination rounds for her No. 2 gun, and incendiary tracers for her many Type-96 AA guns. While aircraft were unlikely to be an issue, fast moving torpedo boats were, and she knew her main battery guns couldn't traverse fast enough to maintain track on targets like that. The 25mm singles, on the other hand, could, her crew remembering the exploits of Laffey and O'Bannon against poor Hiei during that bloody night engagement near Guadalcanal.

Bursting out the doors, she saw one Ensign Jones on the verge of a panic, eyes wide and hands twitching. "Night Squadron Three made contact with hostile forces, and took heavy damage! Corgi thinks that this is the opener for an Abyssal assault on New Orleans! You need to get your forces out there now!"

"Where are Atago and her group!?"

"Too far out!"

Matilda ran off as Isokaze and Hamakaze ran up to her, uniforms on and trying not to yawn. Nachi glared at them, teeth gritted. "Get yourselves together!" She barked. "We've trained for these kinds of engagements!"

They vaguely nodded, as she led them out of the building. Sirens were already blaring, and the helicopters were already spinning up their blades. A pilot rushed up to her, snapping to salute. "Ma'am, I'd be having my chalks provide support, but they're needed to patrol the coast for Abyssal landing parties!"

"That's fine! We can handle the enemy ships!" Nachi shouted back. "Now go!"

He dashed back off, strapping his helmet on, as Nachi began doing a quick radio check. All sets seemed to be functioning well.

The three made their way to the water, rigging flashing to existence as they felt the oddness of the Mississippi push against them. Crazed yapping followed them, as the daytime PT squadrons lept into the water, hind legs kicking furiously as they assumed a screening formation ahead of them. They yipped and barked excitedly, though Nachi could tell there was a definite worry to the noises. Their comrades were in trouble, after all.

"Once we clear the delta, set course to one-five-five and prepare to engage the enemy!" She ordered. "Isokaze, I need you on anti-submarine duty! Make sure that nothing sneaks up on us! Hamakaze, you're with me on trying to clear out any hostile torpedo boats! Use your AA guns if you have to! Go!"


Her radio crackled to life, on the frequency used to order the PT squadrons around. "Nachi-actual, Nachi-actual, this is Dog-actual, do you copy?"

It was the man who somehow was charged with handling the dogs, one Lt. Corgi. "Nachi copies. Go ahead."

She could hear him trying to remain calm, heavy breaths sounding over the airwaves. "Nachi, the PT squadrons suspect that this is the opening phase of an Abyssal assault against New Orleans. We cannot let that happen. Use all available means to drive them back and save Squadron Three!"



Gathering herself, Nachi answered. "Nachi copies all. Prevent enemy amphibious forces from landing on New Orleans and aid friendly PT squadrons."

"Good hunting, girls! Out!"

"An invasion?" Nachi heard Isokaze ask. "First Hawaii, now this…"

"We'll stop them," Nachi countered. "We have to."

"I do hope we can."

She felt tense, between those fears, and the fact that there was little intel on what those dogs were facing. For all she knew, it was a battleship, not unlike Atomic Battlecruiser Princess or the ones sunk during their retreat from Hawaii.

But above it all, she could hear the war drums beating.

The lights along the Mississippi grew fewer and fewer, before finally darkness settled in. A low sigh escaped Nachi, who, while used to fighting in the dark, knew that it was far more dangerous. She checked over her oxygen torpedoes, making sure they were secure. Illumination rounds were loaded into the 5" DP mounts, and her crew were on high alert, knowing that any missed torpedo boat could sink her.

The silence was practically deafening, as she looked up towards the sky. It was a rather clear night, the moon a crescent, and the stars above bright and endless. Looking back down, she inspected her guns, making sure that they were in good condition. Damage control teams stood by, while gunnery crews had their hands ready to start taking shells off the racks.

"Oh, Ashigara. You would love this," she quietly muttered to herself. Her beloved younger sister greatly enjoyed the fight, happy for every victory earned. However, victory would prove to be a challenge, this time. They were but three ships and a large number of PT boats, against an unknown enemy.

The river twisted and turned, thankfully not too sharply, though they could only accelerate to flank speed once they cleared the delta. Nachi hated it, considering the enemy was out there, and they would likely lose forces with each moment that passed without something being sunk.

As she saw clear ocean ahead, her radar picked up multiple fast-moving contacts, and the dogs were happily yipping away, as they accelerated to flank and began their intercept. "Isokaze! Hamakaze! Prepare for combat! We have inbound torpedo boats, bearing One-Four-Zero!"

Thankfully her other four guns had the high explosive rounds loaded, though something told her Type-3 shells would have been better. Autocannons broke the silence, as yellow and green tracers split the sea, and the three heavier ships joined in, a simple, yet no less lethal, symphony of 25 and 127mm gunfire. Illumination shells arced high into the air, casting their harsh, deathly glow onto the sea below.

"Enemy destroyer!" Hamakaze called. "American four-stacker!"

"I'll handle it!" Nachi replied. "Main battery guns, sequential fire! Engage!"

Her 8" rifles rippled across the sea, shells bracketing the target, as her secondaries joined in, 5" rounds hitting the bridge in a brief flash. Her next salvo hit the magazines, lifting the monster from the water before it crashed down, flames burning brightly as smaller explosions rocked it, no doubt from its AA munitions cooking off. However, a final blast forced the cruiser to shield herself, before realizing that she had nailed one of the bastards that had been causing so much trouble.

A smile spread across her face. Her gunnery crews would have to be rewarded for managing this kind of accuracy.

"Dog-actual, this is Nachi," she radioed in. "Enemy minelayer confirmed sunk! Currently engaged with hostile PT boats!"

"Understood, Nachi! Don't let them tear up the dogs!"

Her 5" mounts went to work, as did her Type-96 AA guns, tracers streaking towards the shadowy forms of the PT boats, desperately trying not to hit the dogs. One down. Two down. A pained yelp as a dog took fire. The violence was a blur, and it was in a moment that the last hostile PT boat exploded and sank, leaving the sea silent once more.

"Who's hit?" Nachi called out. Two or three dogs barked, clearly pained. "Return to base! Now!"

The wounded dogs sailed past her, making their way up the Mississippi behind them, as the remainder regrouped. All were good on ammunition, while a few began working on hostile mines. Thankfully, the sweep didn't take long.

The group continued on their course, cautious for contacts. Nachi silently cursed the lack of Saratoga or Alaska's presence, nor that of the Royal Navy, who were spreading themselves thin in the Atlantic, desperately searching for an Abyssal Graf Spee.

"Atago, do you copy?"

"Nachi? Goodness, I'm glad to hear your voice again! We're about another two or so hours out, but haven't run into anything yet!"

"Keep us posted. My group and I have the daytime PT squadrons with us, and we're moving to assist Squadron Three."

"I copy! Stay safe out there!"

The screams of fighters echoed in the distance, the base's F-15s, most likely. Nachi shook her head. Considered excellent aircraft, only to suffer under the effects of the Abyssals.

The recent engagement had them on edge, though. Anything could be lurking out there, perhaps even beneath the waves. But no undersea contacts were reported, which, while strange, was fortunate.

However, their moment of peace and quiet was broken by the sounds of pained barking, as the PT boats made their way towards their distressed comrades. Hamakaze and Isokaze were quick to turn on their searchlights, revealing blood in the water, and PT boats in bad shape. How any of them remained afloat was beyond her.

Her mouth hung open, as the dogs swam over to their distressed comrades, tending to wounds and trying to rig up towing lines. She knew it was the perfect place for an ambush, though, and waved Isokaze and Hamakaze to turn off their searchlights, hoping that nothing spotted them.

She counted the seconds that passed by, before letting out a low sigh. The enemy was out there, but maybe were slow to come in for the kill. She felt her hair standing on end, though, and that sense that something was definitely nearby. Scanning the horizon, she saw the stars be blotted out by a silhouette, too dark and distant to make out, but it was still clearly the enemy.

"Illumination rounds! Now!"

5" guns barked and sent the shells skyward, before they finally ignited and cast their red glow onto the sea, revealing a cruiser with guns in an eerily similar layout to hers. For a moment, she thought it was Maya, before a flash of light against steel revealed they were 6" triples, not 8" doubles. Brooklyn. Machine gun cruiser.

"Isokaze! Hamakaze! Move! Move!"

The two destroyers immediately began falling back, as Nachi let loose a snap salvo, rounds falling short of target, but it was enough to catch its attention, guns turning towards her. 5" rounds began falling, hitting a turret, but doing little against it. It was a point-blank duel, and she had missed the first shot.


The guns fired, Nachi howling as 6" shells exploded against her hull, sending splinters through her superstructure and knocking out AA guns and searchlights, but she soon had a second salvo ready to go, loaded with the armor-piercing rounds needed to kill the thing. Her crews made the adjustments, and clouds of flame and smoke erupted from her rifles, followed by explosions from the monstrosity, as it, too, returned fire.

Rounds continued to pelt her, blood running down her face as Nachi prepared her torpedo tubes. All she had to do was keep the thing pinned—

A column of fire and water erupted from its bow, a torpedo no doubt having hit it, as fires erupted across the front. An unholy-sounding shriek echoed across the water, as another pair of columns shot up from the other side. The Abyssal was starting to list, 5 and 6" guns firing furiously, trying to score hits on her in the hopes that a magazine would be hit, but to no avail.

Nachi found herself making best possible speed away from the wreck as it slipped beneath the gentle waves, bits of flaming wreckage marking its watery grave. Strange. American ships were bitches to put down.

"That was too easy…"

Her damage control crews worked to seal whatever bulkheads they had to. She had taken a hit or two below the waterline, and could feel the sting of seawater inside of her. Nothing too bad, thankfully, though she would have to reduce her speed.

More shells came down, roaring before sending columns of water skyward. "I've taken shrapnel!" She heard Hamakaze cry out.

"Evade! Evade!" Nachi ordered, as she put her boilers into action. Even with her reduced speed, the seawater still stung, even though it was minor damage. Pushing through, she scanned the horizon for flashes, fire, anything to tell her where the rounds were coming from. Another set came down, a trio of splashes erupting in front of her.

More American cruisers, no doubt.

Her radar fired up, and spotted multiple surface contacts at close range. Dammit, it was an ambush!

The dogs barked excitedly as they rushed forward, clearly sensing the enemy within range. Hopefully they could maintain stealth and close the range. Fire, however, erupted from them as their autocannons blazed at nearby targets, sickly green tracers coming back towards them. "Another wave of torpedo boats!"

Searchlights crawled across the water, as Nachi felt her remaining AA crews spin the guns towards the targets. They were within two klicks, just in range of her 25mm mounts, which promptly opened up on dark forms closing in. More rounds came down in the confusion, bracketing her and sending shrapnel into her AA mounts, silencing the guns. More dogs rushed to her aid, their guns blazing at the incoming boats, sending two down in flames, and forcing the others to turn away. Nachi threw her rudder hard into them, her lookouts calling out inbound torpedoes a few moments later.

500 meters.

450 meters.

400 meters.

Her hull began to ache from the hard maneuver, as the warheads continued to close distance.

150 meters.

100 meters.

Nachi braced, gritting her teeth for the inevitable severing of her bow, before someone began calling an increasing distance.

150 meters.

200 meters.

Clean miss.

Her crew cheered, as Nachi let out a sigh of relief. Her remaining crews drew beads on the hostile PT boats and managed to down one of them, fire erupting from its dark form before exploding, perhaps from its ammunition cooking off.

But more rounds continued to come down, and whoever it was had begun to zero in once more. Water erupted around her, and she could see fire and smoke billowing towards the horizon. A cruiser of some sort, but what kind?

"I need that enemy cruiser lit up, now!"

Hamakaze and Isokaze fired off another burst of illumination rounds, that red glow revealing the shadowy form of the ship, and Nachi was quick to turn her guns to engage, as she began working to identify it.

Three main guns, tripod mast, clipper bow. Her eyes widened, as she heard the Abyssal let out an unholy warcry. That voice… she remembered hearing that voice, wrong as it was. Her thoughts drifted back to her first life, during the campaigns to secure the Southern Resource Area, where she and her sisters did battle with the desperate Western powers, who had underestimated their capabilities and paid the price. It was that American heavy cruiser, their flagship, the one that had given them trouble during that time.

That Galloping Ghost rode once again, and she was unamused to see her home waters host to Japanese ships.
Omake: Wolf... doggo... same thing, right?

Nachi felt her jaw fall to the sea as she gazed upon the illuminated form of the Abyssal heavy cruiser, an old opponent from her previous life. Houston was back, and sought revenge for the savaging of the Asiatic Fleet, all those years ago.

The PT Corgis growled and barked, eager to be let loose. Nachi felt herself throwing her rudder hard starboard, and a moment later, she saw fire and smoke erupt from the form, 8" rounds hurtling towards her. Pain erupted as one ricocheted off her side, while more rounds came down in close proximity, sending shrapnel and shockwaves through her.

"Nachi!" She heard Isokaze cry out.

"I'm still combat-capable! Lay down cover fire while I close in for a torpedo run!"

She turned again, more rounds passing over her, one so close that she felt her hair rustle from the pressure wave. She was fortunate to be no mere human, whose head would have been messily ripped off at best. Her main rangefinders were still operational, and she had plenty of shells in her magazines. It had been too long since she was able to sortie with a full combat load, but she knew not to needlessly waste her munitions. Breeches slammed shut as her guns began traversing towards the Abyssal Houston, her gunnery crews working on a solution as more illumination rounds came down, and the dogs began closing in to light the demon up with their spotlights.

"Main battery, switch to salvo fire! Engage! Engage!"

Nachi felt her whole body shudder as her guns fired off in unison, rounds falling short and ahead. A return salvo erupted from Houston, and seconds later, columns of water erupted short of her. It was clear that the range was closing to a dangerous distance, but she needed to put that thing down.

"Secondary batteries! Clear to fire!"

Her crews followed the order, as she delivered a full broadside against Houston, as it, too, responded with its secondaries. Shells rained down steadily around her, her rival focusing more on rate of fire over accuracy. Her salvo had straddled the target, and her torpedoes were armed and ready to fire. Another salvo went out before she shifted to port, the return fire coming down just behind her. She felt the sting of shrapnel, but her crew reported no damage to her oxygen torpedoes, and so she cut loose, feeling the compressed air forcing the fish out, splashing down cleanly.

It was clear Houston was a good shot, given that no searchlights or illumination rounds came from her, but she knew that could change in a heartbeat. Her secondary batteries fired again, and she could hear the rounds exploding against Houston, shrill cries of pain coming from the darkened form.

They wouldn't be enough, however.

"Nachi!" She heard Hamakaze radio in. "Isokaze and I are engaged with enemy destroyers, two of them!"

Goddammit. Nachi found herself raising her arms in a shielding motion as more rounds from Houston came down. "I'm currently engaged! Use the dogs if you have to!"


It was very much an ambush, though likely a poorly-executed one. Something kept them from properly coordinating, Nachi thought as she fired off a return salvo. Were they ordered not to? If so, why? Their flagship could have easily sunk the three of them in short order, and massacred the dogs, leaving nothing but bloody tatters to wash ashore. Four ships had already been lost over the past two weeks or so. Surely they were learning, right?

The pain of 5" shells slamming into her broke Nachi's train of thought, a loud grunt coming from her before another salvo of 8" rounds came down, one punching straight through her deck. Blood seeped from the wound as she returned fire, before she changed course and closed the range once more. Another 5" round punched clean through her bow, water stinging as it came in with each crest of her hull. She could deal with the hit.

Her rounds had managed to hit Houston, however, setting a fire towards her aft, which meant she hit the cruiser's fuel stores. No longer would she need illumination rounds or lights, as a reply from Houston fell behind her. Nachi let loose from her secondaries, rounds pelting her counterpart's superstructure, hopefully disabling searchlights, while the return salvo from Houston's secondaries hit one of hers, knocking the gun out of commission. Dammit.

But Houston was making the same mistakes, it seemed. She had barely changed course, and her oxygen torpedoes were closing in. As if to answer, a huge column of water shot up from the cruiser's stern, the section having no doubt been blown off. The bitch was dead in the water now, and all that was left to do was pelt her into submission.

"Come on!" She shouted. "If you wanted revenge, come and take it!"

Houston answered with another salvo from her main battery, shells coming down, one going through her upper belt, another just behind her bridge. Pain shot through her as she let loose with another broadside, watching as explosions erupted from the crippled Abyssal. It was perhaps unfortunate that she decided not to carry reloads for her torpedoes, but she still had her other launchers ready, just in case.

She maintained her course, staying roughly parallel to Houston as she let out salvo after salvo of 5 and 8" shells, pounding Houston, which was already starting to lift out of the water. Her guns were no doubt disabled by this point, the list growing to be too much. Nachi began resetting her aim, hoping to find Houston's magazines and finish the duel.

"Nachi!" She heard Atago radio in. "We're almost at your location! I can see fires glowing on the horizon! What's your status?"

"Finishing off a hostile cruiser!" Nachi replied. "I've taken damage, but am still combat-capable!"

"Understood! We'll be right— incoming fire! Tanikaze! Urakaze! Evade!"

More hostile forces. Great.

Her guns fired again, shells punching clean into Houston. Steam and fire erupted as her boilers were hit, drawing an infernal scream from the demon as one of its guns futilely fired back. Shells arced high overhead, causing Nachi to shake her bloodied head.

"You fought well again!" She called out. "But once more, you underestimate us!"

She considered turning around and scuttling the Abyssal with oxygen torpedoes, but decided not to waste them, not when she didn't bring reloads. Her guns aimed and fired, a brilliant explosion erupting from Houston's fore as her magazines exploded, sending fiery shrapnel abroad. Some landed on Nachi, but her crews had taken a page from the PT squadrons and grabbed modern fire extinguishers, containing the blazes before they could threaten her.

They were slacking off on discipline, but she would forgive them this time.

Looking to her side, she saw Hamakaze and Isokaze exchanging fire with Abyssal destroyers, before one broke in two from a torpedo strike, the illumination rounds above displaying the scene for all who wished to see. The other began turning around, no doubt dumping its torpedoes as her two destroyers began evading. Nachi began sailing towards them, as she noted the flashes of gunfire on the horizon. Atago and her group had arrived, and were still engaged.

"Atago, this is Nachi! Status?"

"Currently engaged with an Abyssal cruiser! I've taken hits, and one of my guns suffered a jam!"

"Understood! Light it up, and I'll try and provide support!"

"I copy!"

The red flares lit up a few seconds later, as Nachi felt her guns spin around, and her crews work on finding a solution. Her main rangefinder was somehow undamaged, though she had lost one of her secondary ones, not that she would need them. Looking towards the engagement, she saw another five-gunned cruiser starting to fall back, alongside a four-stacked destroyer. "Atago? Can you have your destroyers engage that minelayer?"

"They're doing their best to sink it, but are under fire from the cruiser!"

Dammit. "Understood! I'll be providing fire support shortly! Stay clear!"

Her crews reported a solution on the hostile CL, and her guns were loaded and ready. "Main battery, salvo fire! Engage!" Her guns roared, before she heard barking. One of the PT boats was coming towards her, for some reason. "Stay clear, dammit!" She shouted, as her crews reported the shells falling slightly behind. Her loaders worked hard to get the shells into the breeches, adrenaline rushing through them, no doubt, just like her. Or at least, something like it.

Another salvo, and reports of a bracket. She had the range, and her crews began making the needed adjustments as more flares lit up the Brooklyn. A third salvo went out, and her observers reported confirmed hits, including at least one disabled gun.

"I think you hurt it!" Reported Atago over the radio. "I'm firing!"

Her observers watched as Atago let out a salvo, shells striking into the Abyssal's stern and disabling another turret. Nachi added another broadside into the mix, as the two began circling around the stricken light cruiser, pounding it into submission as the minelayer it was covering exploded under the fire of Urakaze and Tanikaze. 6" rounds landed near Nachi, but nowhere close enough to threaten her. She replied with more of her heavier rounds, landing more hits on the dark reflection of the American, as Atago cut loose again. Eventually the Abyssal foundered, eliciting cheers from her crew.

"Pan-paka-pan~!" Atago cheered. "Hooray for teamwork!"

"Atago, status?"

"I'm okay-ish. Took a hit to one of my guns, but that can be fixed up. Another to my fuel tanks, but I should be able to make it back to base. A catapult's out, but I didn't need it anyway. Same goes for my cranes…" she groaned, realizing that yes, she had taken hits and they hurt. "How 'bout you?"

"Lost most of my light AA, a hit to the bow, another to the deck below my catapults, another through the bow, a secondary gun lost, and my superstructure has several new holes in it, too." She said. "Let's regroup, shall we?"

Another dog came up, however, letting out rather distressing-sounding barks. It was reporting that one of theirs was in very bad shape and was in need of a tow. Nachi briefly considered leaving the dog to its fate, or even putting it out of its misery, but knew that Lt. Corgi would never forgive her. And even though PT boats were common, even they were irreplaceable.

A low sigh escaped her. "Lead me there."

She couldn't travel too fast, given the flooding she had taken. While not the worst, it still hurt, and it still limited her speed. Atago and the others took up formation, eyes open for Abyssal activity. If there were any left, they likely retreated.

Distressed barking filled the air shortly after, as they saw land and the spotlights of helicopters on the horizon. Their rotorblades faintly echoed in the distance, as Hamakaze radioed in for one. Nachi watched as one broke off its search, spotlight shining brightly across the waves.

The others had their lights on, all pointed towards a single dog. Nachi felt like she was going to hurl. The wounds were very bad, indeed. Sections of its torso were missing, there was blood pooling into the water, and it was clear that unless she did something, the corgi, barely recognizable as a dog to begin with, nevermind a PT boat, was going to slip beneath the waves.

"Nachi?" Isokaze asked. "Do you remember what New Jersey-san did with Heerman?"

Nachi felt herself grit her teeth, but Isokaze had a point, and her damage wasn't too bad. She bent over, cradling the bloody dog in her arms. It was somehow breathing, in spite of the wounds taken. Her eyes tried so desperately to gaze away as she lifted the boat from the water, cradling its body as warm blood began seeping beneath her gloves.

'Deep breaths.' She thought. 'You've seen worse.'

Slowly putting her boilers into action, she began making her way back to shore.

"Dog-actual," she radioed. "This is Nachi. Hostile forces have been sunk or routed, but I have a severely-damaged PT boat in hand, and am requesting a location to drop it off for repairs. How copy?"

Searchlights shone brightly off her, as the rotors of the Blackhawks grew deafening, and the dog's breathing began to slow.


Author's Note: Once again, my thanks to @Admiral_Corgi for allowing me to guest write. Suffice to say, while this was a fairly major force (4 DDs, 4 Clemson/Wickes-class DDs converted to minelayers, 2 Brooklyn-class CLs, 1 Northampton, and about 20 E-Boats), there's a reason why Abyssal activity in the Gulf of Mexico, normally a quiet front, is starting to pick up.
Omake: Doggos!
Well folks, here's the next part of Doggos. I hope y'all enjoy this. Though don't worry about the series staying dark, it will get a bit more lighthearted. But only after this current arc closes off and the next one starts~

An Office and his Dogs Part 7b: The Toll of War

Ten minutes, it had been ten minutes since the last time Lieutenant William Corgi had spoken with Nachi over the radio. Ten minutes since he had told them good hunting, ten minutes he had been waiting in silence. He couldn't take just sitting there and doing nothing anymore.

So William stood up and went to help Clayton check a few squad automatic weapons and bring out boxes of ammo for them from Storage. After the last of the weapons were checked and loaded, the Gunnery sergeant had left the building to go prepare spots for weapon emplacements.

Ensigns Crawford and Jones had returned to the PT Barracks and he wasted no time with putting them to work. Crawford was doing constant updates on rolling map board. Jones meanwhile was aiding Ellen and Sanderson with the preparations to receive wounded.

For all of her antics, PFC Lisa Ellen was nothing but the utmost professional when it came to what her primary job is in his unit. William had seen her carefully packing one of the large rucksacks with nothing but medical equipment and supplies.

When he had asked her about it, she told him that it was in case the situation became such that if they were forced to evacuate. She'd at least be able to treat any of the wounded dogs that they took with them. He wasn't sure whether to be happy to see her have that kind of foresight or nervous because of the implications of it.

Unable to figure out what exactly to feel regarding that, William went outside to check up on Clayton, who he found had taken the backpack radio out of the equipment building and attached the extended range antenna to it. Currently, he saw that the Gunnery Sergeant was helping Sandbar and Banks with setting up sandbag walls and a Machine gun emplacement.

"You need a hand there Gunny?"
"Yeah Lieutenant, we could use some more bags out here. There should be a crate of empty ones in the first floor supply closet, second shelf on the right."

"Got it, I'll be right back." William said as he turned back and walked back into the PT barracks. William made the split-second decision to go check up with Desmond before he got the sandbags from the supply closet. However just as he walked up to the marine, he heard Nachi's voice crackle over the radio on PT boat Frequency.

"Dog-actual, this is Nachi, Enemy minelayer confirmed sunk! Currently engaged with hostile PT boats!"

He could hear the sounds of a fight going on the background. Angry barks and the wall of noise made when the PT Corgi's opened fired with all available weapons. The Lance Corporal handed him the microphone without being even asked to do so. William wasted no time in keying the mic and giving a response.

"Understood, Nachi! Don't let them tear up the dogs!" He said into the microphone, his free hand balled up into a fist. If any of the dogs in Squadron 5 carrying the barrels of extra fuel were hit… 'No. Don't go there. Don't think that goddammit. Just be glad that one of those bastard minelayers got sent to the bottom.' He internally reprimanded himself for thinking the worst, instead of being relieved that one of the abyssal minelayers was out of the picture now.

The Lieutenant handed the microphone back to Desmond and then marched off to retrieve the empty sandbags. Dark thoughts started to bubble up in his mind. He forcibly pushed those thoughts back down and focused on the tasks that needed to be done. He needed to keep himself busy.

"Yeah, that's what I need to do. Just gotta keep myself busy." William quietly said to himself as he located the small crate of empty sandbags, he also spotted a spare shovel next to it. He took both the crate and a spare shovel before heading back out of the building.

When William returned to Clayton, he got started on helping his XO set up defenses.


William wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand after he placed the last sandbag down for a Mortar emplacement. Despite how fit he was; the pace Clayton's marines went at when digging fox holes was exhausting. Throw in carrying and then setting up the emplacements that went into each fox hole and William felt more than a tad bit sore.

However before he was about to go grab the Mortar and its munitions, William felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked to his side and saw Clayton looking at him with a Stony expression.

"William, Dogs from Squadron 5 is saying that Nachi's Approaching PT-41 now." Spoke the rough-edged voice of Gunnery Sergeant Clayton as he held out the handset of the backpack radio for his CO and Lifelong friend to take.

William took the Handset from Clayton and brought it to his ear with a mechanical motion. He hadn't manned Radio since his last conversation with Nachi a little less than two hours ago. When she had radioed in that one of the minelayers had been sunk and that his PT boats were engaged with Enemy PT boats.

Since then, with Desmond busy communicating with Port Fourchon and the PT Corgis that were sortied out on patrol, other than Squadron 5 who were currently with Nachi's group. William had opted to help his subordinates with preparations to pass the time, at least until word came in that Nachi's group had made contact with Squadron 3. If for nothing else then to steady his nerves, he couldn't just sit around and do nothing but wait.

William wouldn't lie and say he was feeling entirely calm at the moment, he felt like a ball of gasoline soaked nerves. Especially after three members of Squadron 5 had to turn back and return to base due to combat injuries. They were sitting in the repair baths after being treated by Ellen and Sanderson. The Lieutenant steeled himself as he heard the radio crackle to life.

"Dog-actual, This is Nachi. Hostile forces have been sunk or routed, but I have a severely-damaged PT boat in hand, and am requesting a location to drop it off for repairs. How copy?" Came the collected tone of Nachi's voice over the radio.

"Solid Copy Nachi. Proceed to NSA JRB New Orleans at best possible speed. Nachi Be advised. Remaining members of Squadron 5 are carrying extra damage control supplies to assist stabilizing the wounded..." He briefly paused as a small lump formed in his throat before he swallowed it down "until they have returned to base for repairs proper. Dog-Actual out."

Releasing the transmission button and handing the handset back to Clayton. William looked around to his Staff with a stony but determined expression. "Ellen, Banks, Sanderson, Sandbar stow your gear and pack whatever you need. You're taking the Ambulance Humvees to the Naval Air Station. That's where Nachi's taking the wounded."

He watched as the people he called out stopped what they had been doing prior, gave him a quick affirmative before they got ready for departure. Sanderson and Ellen were packing up the medical supplies they had laid out on a folding table for triage. Sandbar and Banks stuck their shovels in the ground and hauled themselves out of the fox hole they were digging.

William looked at his watch to check the time before he looked at his XO. "Clayton, you get the rest of the Day PT Corgis ready for sortie, Night patrols are already heading back to base now. Can you hold the fort down while I get 41 and the others?" He asked his friend. He had lingering uncertainty of heading down with the medical group.

Clayton gave a small smile before he reached out and gave William's shoulder a firm Squeeze. "When have I ever let you down Sir?"

"You never have."

"Then I and everyone else here have things handled." Clayton said before leaning in closer to William with a serious expression on his face "You go ahead and meet them there William. You and I both know those dogs are gonna be scared for their Sister's life. And we both know that between you and me, they always calm down a lot quicker with you. They do consider ya to be a dad to them after all."

After a few moments' thought at the words given to him by his XO, William closed his eyes briefly and nodded. When he opened them again, he made his way to one of the Ambulance Humvees and got into the back. He saw Ellen in the back, checking over her supplies again. It took William a second to realize it, but he noticed that Ellen had grabbed the rucksack she had prepared earlier.

"Sergeant Banks, Get this Humvee moving." William spoke with an intensity he had seldom used since those early days. The appointed OPS officer's response was to floor the gas. William was prepared for it and so he didn't get thrown. Ellen was prepared for it as well, for when he looked over to her to check on her, she was continuing on with rechecking her rucksack like nothing had happened.

There was a brief pause as Banks stopped at the base gate and informed the Guards of the situation and what he was doing. And then they were off again, though not as quickly as before. Until at least Banks got clear of the crowded city streets. Then Banks floored the gas like his life depended on it.

"Does Sergeant Banks always have this much of a lead foot Lieutenant?" Ellen asked her CO as she felt the Humvee continuing to accelerate. Lisa felt a pull act on her as the Sergeant did a turn at speed. She was scared of the Humvee flipping over but she didn't show it since she was far too busy making sure everything she had brought with her wasn't sent flying around in the back. She looked at the Lieutenant and saw that he had a somewhat apologetic expression on his face.

"Yeah, He was Bradley driver in Afghanistan before he made Sergeant. And before that, he was an amateur race driver. Only time I had ever seen him drive normally was when his girlfriend was in the car with him." The Lieutenant said as the acceleration leveled off.

"Banks has a Girlfriend?" Ellen spoke with clear surprise in her voice.

"He had one."

"What happened to her?"

"She didn't like dogs." William said flatly to Ellen as Banks feathered the breaks before making another turn.

"Rachael was a kind of a bitch anyways. I was just too dumb to have really noticed it until I got assigned to this unit. The Dogs made her show her true colors. Honestly, I'm better off without her anyways." Banks shouted over the roar of the Humvee's engine. After a moment of silence, William thought he heard something over the Humvee's Radio.

"Lieutenant that was Clayton on the radio just now, he said that he contacted the personnel of the Air station. So they know we're coming in hot and they've got the road cleared for us. Clayton also spoke to Nachi, told her that we'd meet her at the Port Ship Belle Chase Pier." Banks hollered as the Humvee slowed down a fair bit as the Sergeant made a one more, rather sharp turn.

William nodded and then tried to listen in as he heard the radio in the cab crackled to life. However he was only able to make out half of what was said and even then he wasn't entirely sure if he had heard it correctly. "Sergeant Banks who was that on the radio just now, I couldn't quite make out what they said."

"That was the Naval Air Station commander; he said he's sending some engineers out to the drop off point with a floating dock so you can get the dogs. Okay we're on the last straightaway; we're roughly three minutes out from the drop off point." Banks shouted as he put the pedal to the metal and sent the Humvee roaring down State highway 23.

The remainder of the ride was a short one, and then came the waiting. Unlike before, there was nothing here for William to do but sit and wait. And so, he waited, first in the Humvee, and then out on the floating dock once the engineers had arrived and set it up before departing once more.


William checked his watch, it was almost 0600. Despite the chill of the late December air, he was sweating from the almost maddening anticipation and dread he currently felt. He didn't know exactly how bad PT-41 and the other wounded dogs were and he felt doubt starting to creep up within him. Doubt about whether if they'd be able to save PT-41 or if she'd just pass away before they could get her to the repair docks.

William knew he wasn't alone on the floating dock, Sandbar and Banks were right behind him, ready to help get the wounded out of the water. While Ellen and Sanderson were back at the Humvees, ready to start surgery as soon as the wounded got to them. However, he still felt like he was standing there all by himself. Squeezing his eyes shut for a moment and biting the inside of his left cheek hard enough to draw blood, he managed to dispel the thoughts from his mind.

Not a moment too soon either, for he saw a group of PT Corgis come into view from around the river bend, he recognized that it was Squadron 5, or least part of it. He could see the dogs were scouting ahead, whether if it was from instinct or perhaps they were looking for him specifically. He wasn't sure. When the lead dog of Squadron 5 came close to the floating dock; she looked back behind her and started barking for a few moments before coming right up to the Lieutenant.

William looked down at the PT Corgi and spoke softly. "Hey, can you tell the others that those who've got engine or propeller damage to hop up onto the docks. We've only got two ambulances with us. We'll meet the rest of ya at the repair docks. Okay?" William said to the PT Corgi with some strain in his voice. There was only so much weight those ambulance Humvees could take before something in the suspension broke.

The PT Corgi looked at William and gave him an affirmative bark. William looked up from the PT Corgi as she sped off to tell her sisters and it was then that he saw Nachi come into view from around the river bend. For a brief fleeting moment, he saw the ship instead of the girl. In that moment he saw her damage and while it made him wince. What made him take in a sharp breath was the brief flash of PT-41 he saw as well, resting on Nachi's deck just forward of her main battery. Even from the brief flash he saw, he realized that PT-41 was in bad shape.

Without realizing it right away, William removed his NWU jacket and arranged it to be a makeshift stretcher. He felt a stinging cold in his lower back. It was at that point he fully realized that he had removed his jacket and in the process, accidently lifted the back of his undershirt just enough to expose some of the massive burn scar on the lower third of his back to the chilly December air.

William didn't care about that though. For the moment, he didn't care who even got a fleeting glimpse of the shiny, pitted scar on his back. Where it seemed in places that his skin on that part of his back was translucent or even transparent, showing flesh that had taken on a purple hue from the cold biting air. All he cared about at this moment was doing everything he could to save PT-41. He couldn't allow himself to freeze up; otherwise he was certain PT-41 would die. He had seen enough people die before his eyes to last himself several lifetimes. He wasn't about to let PT-41 die if he had a thing to say about it.

When the Japanese Heavy Cruiser approached the floating dock, William swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and fought back the urge to hurl. He knew PT boats were surprisingly tough, but even he couldn't believe how shot up 41 was. Sections of her nose, torso and even little pieces of the dog's head were just simply gone. He could briefly see through the holes entrails that were a few movements away from spilling out altogether. Yet he could see 41's shallow breaths, his only indication that the dog still lived. A PT Corgi that would still continue to live if he didn't freeze up and did what needed to be done.

When Nachi came to a stop at the floating dock and got ready to hand him PT-41. He reached out and had the heavy cruiser help him wrap the dog in his NWU Jacket before he took PT-41 in his arms. An expression of barely concealed pain played out across his face as he took the nigh-mortally wounded dog into his arms, he thought for just a moment that 41 had died during the handover when he didn't notice a breath from her. Until he felt a small rise come from her chest.

He looked up from PT-41 and into Nachi's eyes as Sandbar and Banks helped the other five badly wounded dogs out of the water. "Thank you Nachi, for bringing them all home… Thank you for bringing my girls home." William whispered to the Heavy cruiser with a mostly thankful tone, though his voice did crack from the flood of emotions that threatening to overwhelm him.

William turned around sharply and began fast walking towards the Humvees. He didn't care whether or not if the Heavy Cruiser or her destroyers saw the twisted gnarled flesh of the scar in the early dawn light. All he cared about was the mangled form of a PT Corgi he was holding in the makeshift stretcher that was his NWU Jacket. As he arrived to the Humvee Ellen was in the back of, William heard and saw the PFC sharply inhale before she sprang into action.

"Ellen, if there's anything I can do to help you…" William trailed off as he got into the back and placed PT-41 on one of the benches that doubled as a compact operating table. It creaked and groaned for a few tense moments but it didn't collapse.

"Yes, put these on and then do as I say, Sir." Ellen said with an even but determined voice as she handed her CO a pair of surgical gloves. As soon as the LT took the gloves from her, she was a blur of motion as she picked various medical supplies and began her work.

"Take this gauze pad here and hold that against that entry wound there." Ellen commanded William, pointing out which entry wound she was speaking about with her pinky finger as she finished setting up most of an IV line. She went to PT-41's intact front leg, took the cordless electric shaver she had brought with her and shaved off a rectangle of fur from around the area of 41's Cephalic vein.

She then took one of the cotton balls she had doused with rubbing Alcohol earlier as she saw the Lieutenant approaching the Humvee. With the soaked cotton balls, Ellen rubbed and wiped off the semi-congealed blood, sweat and other contaminants on 41's skin in that shaved spot. Once that patch of 41's skin was completely clean, she took a catheter and swiftly went through the process of setting it up in the dog and securing it.

As the IV line was connected, Sergeant Banks came up to the Humvee with PT-35 and placed her in the back with William, Ellen and PT-41. "Sir, all remaining mobile dogs are heading back to base, PT's 26, 28 and 42 are riding back to base in Sanderson's Humvee." The appointed operations officer of the unit reported to his CO, who briefly nodded once before the Sergeant closed the doors and went up to get into the driver's seat.

Ellen looked over to PT-35 and quickly assessed where she needed to be wrapped to stem the worst of the bleeding from her partially torn off stern. Ellen then directed William on where to wrap the wounded PT-Corgi with bandages and gauze to slow down her bleeding. Even as she was occupied with trying to cover up or temporarily plug up the worst of the holes in PT-41. Though she did take her time to stitch a few holes closed and pull out a few dozen pieces of shrapnel that were embedded on the surface of 41's skin.

The ride back to base was tense and nearly silent as William and Lisa worked furiously to stabilize their respective dogs. The only sounds were that of the Humvee's engine, and directions from Lisa to William on where to apply a bandage.


As the leading Humvee came to a stop just outside of the repair docks building, the doors to the back of the ambulance flew open before two people came out carrying a PT-Corgi each. Heavily wrapped in bandages and covered in already red tainted gauze was PT-41. Still wrapped in the Lieutenant's NWU jacket and being carried by the man himself while Ellen carried PT-35, whose stern was wrapped up in with bandages that had already turned red from the bleeding she had from her wound there. Ellen briefly paused at the doors and turned to face Sergeant Banks as William marched on ahead.

"Banks go help Sandbar and Sanderson with carrying PT-26, 28 and 42 inside." Ellen barked out as before she went into the building with PT-35 in hand just as the second ambulance Humvee pulled up to the building and parked.

Ellen knew that PT-41 was going to need her attention the most out of all of the heavily wounded Corgis. Still though she wasn't quite prepared to see how much 41 had actually bled, by all conventions, 41 should have bled out long before they got to the docks. But she hadn't, even though the small hallway to leading to the repair pool had a trail of fairly sizable blotches of shimmering reddish blood leading to it, no doubt it was what had seeped through the Lt's NWU's and dripped to the floor.

PT-35 whined quietly, which made Ellen stroke the side of the PT Corgi's face with her free hand. "Shhh I know girl, I know. Don't worry, we'll save your sister, I haven't lost any of y'all yet and I sure as hell ain't gonna start now." Lisa said in a comforting tone even as she hurried down the hall and entered the repair pool room.

William was already in the pool, gently moving PT-41 from the makeshift stretcher that was his NWU jacket onto the submerged adjustable operating table. Ellen didn't even bother to try removing her boots as she waded into the pool and placed PT-35 on top of the water. The Dog whined sharply for a moment before making a relieved sound. "Hang tight 35; I have to get working on 41." Lisa said somewhat apologetically to the dog, who responded with a bark that Lisa understood was a clear command of 'Go help her first' from PT-35.

As Ellen moved over to PT-41 to resume the surgery she had started in the back of the Ambulance. Banks, Sanderson and Sandbar arrived with PT's 26, 28 and 42 in hand respectively. As the three men carried their respective PT Corgi to the repair pool, the doors to the room were almost wrenched free from their hinges from the arrival of the remainder of Squadron 3.

As Sanderson directed Sandbar and Banks with treating the other wounded dogs, William watched as Lisa removed some of the gauze and wrappings from PT-41. Already he could see that the water was beginning to heal the severely wounded PT Corgi. However, he also saw that some of the damage was healing back wrong. He noticed Ellen's wince as she saw the damage slowly healing back the wrong way.

"William we're gonna have to…" Lisa started saying but trailed off, he looked at her with icy cold eyes.

"I know, just tell me what I need to get you and what I have to do." William said to her somewhat tersely before she gave him a slightly timid nod.

"I'm gonna need the portable band saw Lieutenant… I don't think I can save these back two legs." Lisa said hesitantly as she removed the bandages covering the mangled legs. She saw that the stumps were stating to regrow, but the flesh was like twisted and gnarled wood at its ragged ends. She adjusted the table upwards, and carefully shifted PT-41 over to the small vice that was bolted onto the table. As gently as she could, Lisa locked one of PT-41's mangled hind legs in the vice. She was about to look up and ask William to hand her the saw when the man all but placed it in her hands for her.

She wordless took the saw and reeved it up. Before bringing it down on PT-41's leg, she saw from the corner of her eyes William moving to comfort the dog as best as he could. Despite everything, she didn't make a single errant movement as she sawed off the mangled flesh despite the dog's sharp yelp of pain.

Wood shavings interspersed with a small amount of metal flecks flew out as the PFC removed the section of leg that was beyond saving. It only took thirty seconds for the first stump to be cut, and then another forty for her to maneuver the other hind leg into the vice, secure it and then cut off the charred splintered wood. Once the task was done, she released the dog from the vice and took in a breath.

"Hand me the cordless Dremel with a sanding drum… and hold her still Lieutenant." Ellen said with a monotone voice, the tool was handed to her a moment later. She then proceeded to sand the cuts smooth, so that when PT-41's hind legs healed, they would heal correctly. Lisa did this work all while doing her absolute best to not let the pained whimpers and yelps coming from PT-41 affect her. She wouldn't and couldn't allow it to affect her ability to do her job right.

It didn't take her long to finish the work on her hind legs, but now came the hardest part, PT-41's right flank. Ellen winced as she looked at the sheared, splintered and burned wood that dominated part of the dog's right side.

Lisa swallowed a lump and knew what needed to be done, she had to open up that part of 41 and remove the charred bits that were on the inside. As she looked to William's eyes, she saw the immense pain they held in their Hazel-Green stare. However, she saw something else smoldering in those orbs, something determined but dark.

She couldn't discern what exactly the other emotion was, but when his eyes glanced up and met hers, she felt a chill of fear run up her spine. For one brief moment in the room's lighting, the Lieutenant's eyes had appeared to turn a pale yellow color. Ellen blinked and William's eyes were their Hazel-Green color once more.

"Ellen…" William started, his voice tense but precise. "I'll do the Debridement on the outside portion; just do what you need to do for her on the inside." He said in a mechanical like manner before taking a small handful of quick-change Dremel bits that Sandbar had retrieved. He then gave them to Ellen, who wasted no time swapping the sanding drum out for a cutoff wheel before she started to cutaway the tattered ruins of the PT-Boat's rigging around her burned and partly ripped open right flank.

William closed his eyes briefly and gently stroked an undamaged part of 41's face, doing his best to comfort her. He saw Sanderson and Sandbar doing their best to help the other dogs, but they didn't have Ellen's experience with doing surgery on animals. The best they could do was clean wounds, remove anything that was burned and pull bullet fragments and shrapnel from locations they could easily see. Or hand him or Ellen the tools they needed, like how Sandbar returned with a pad of course steel wool and handed it to him.

William took the pad and looked at PT-41 once more. "This is gonna hurt girl, but it's so you can heal properly." He whispered to her softly, like a father speaking to his daughter, before he took the pad in one hand and just as Ellen finished cutting off that tattered remains of 41's rigging vest.

He started scrubbing at the charred skin and flesh that was on the outside of the dog's right flank. William's other hand rubbed an intact part of her head. He felt every shudder and twitch from PT-41 travel up both of his arms as he did his work and it took all he had to keep going; to do what needed to be done. It took him a minute to finish removing the charred flesh, leaving raw bloody wood behind. With warm water, Ellen rinsed the spot thoroughly before she prepared to cut into the area around the hole that led to the fire damage on the inside.

A low ragged pained whine slipped past PT-41's mouth as Ellen took the Dremel and started carefully cutting open her right flank. At least the sections of it that hadn't already been torn open from cannon fire. She had to remove a bit more to get full access to the charred part of 41's engine room. After a minute, she had her opening made and what she saw inside when she shined a waterproof flashlight into the cavity almost made her vomit then and there.

Swallowing down the bile that had lept up her throat, Ellen switched out the cutting disk for a stainless steel brush. She glanced up the Lieutenant, who had busied himself with carefully removing even more bullets and shrapnel fragments from the inside of PT-41's destroyed eye. He noticed her stare, and gave her a small nod.

When Lisa brought the rotating brush into contact with the charred parts of 41's engine room, at first 41 didn't react. However, after a second the pain struck the PT Corgi full force. A shrieking yelp of agony flew out of the dog as the PFC methodically scrapped off the charred sections of her Engine room.

It took Lisa Ellen ten minutes; ten whole minutes to finish the Debridement of PT-41's fire damaged Engine room. Ten minutes where she had to hear the PT-Corgi whine, shriek and whimper with pain as she scoured the charred sections away. Rinse and flush the cavity with fresh water, inspect it, and then go back with the Dremel to scour off any char she had missed in a prior pass.

The PFC had to make six such passes before she was certain she had gotten it all. She then stuffed the slowly bleeding cavity with gauze to keep undamaged sections of 41's organs in place before she tapped an extra-large gauze pad over the hole. There wasn't any other way she could have closed the wound. With that bit of surgery done, she lowered the operating table into the water until PT-41 was partially submerged in the healing waters.

Lieutenant Corgi picked up his ruined NWU jacket that had tossed aside after he had placed PT-41 on the operating table. Folding the jacket up into a makeshift pillow, he carefully lifted 41's head up and placed the garment underneath before gently setting her head back down. The PT Corgi made a sound that sounded like a relived sigh and then passed out as the healing waters began to do their work on her badly battered body.

"William I'll still need to do more surgery on 41 to get everything… but she's no longer at any immediate threat of dying. I have to get to the others…" Ellen said, trailing off slightly. She didn't know how exactly her CO would take her statement. The marine flinched ever so slightly when her CO looked up at her.

"Do what you have to, I'm here to help. Sandbar, Sanderson, thank you both for your help but I think you two need to head back to the Barracks building, unless Ellen still needs your help with treating the wounded." William said in a tired voice. He looked over to Ellen, who shook her head.

"Though I'll still need you here Lieutenant," She briefly looked at the rest of Squadron 3, "Because I'm almost certain these girls aren't gonna sit still and make my job easy unless their dad is here with them." She said in a quiet, faintly upbeat voice. The Lieutenant looked at her with a mixed expression on his face for a few moments before a faint ghost of a smile crossed his face. A bit of life returned to his otherwise dulled eyes.

"Alright Lisa, I'll stay and help ya with them." William said as he looked over the other PT Corgis of squadron 3 and noticed the happy body language they displayed. As Sandbar, Banks and Sanderson left the room; Ellen directed the Lieutenant with what needed to be done on the rest of the wounded dogs.


Twelve hours later, they were done with the last of the surgeries.

All the shrapnel and bullets had been pulled from the PT Corgis of squadron 3; every hole was either closed up or covered up with bandages. William Corgi felt tired. He felt beyond tired no doubt because of how little sleep he had before everything occurred. He was still at the repair docks, cleaning up things after Lisa had departed. He had told her to get something to eat and get much needed rest.

As much as it had pained him to see some of the Dogs lose legs, he knew it had affected Ellen worse, even if she hadn't shown a single sign of it until after she was completely done putting the wounded back together again.

His eyes drifted over to PT-41, still wrapped up and covered in bandages and gauze, but she was half floating on the water's surface. Four additional rounds of surgery were needed to get her to this current state. He knew that she'd heal up, but even with the ease of repairing PT boats, she'd be dock bound for at least a few days, at most an entire week.

All the other wounded members of squadron 3 would come out of the docks before PT-41 did. Though William knew that unless he specifically ordered them to do so; some if not all of the other 11 members of squadron 3 would refuse to leave the repair baths until PT-41 came was done healing and ready to get out. While William wouldn't dare leave PT-41 alone in the repair pools, he knew that he could just let all the members of Squadron 3 stay at the docks.

They didn't have enough surface assets for him to do that and not jeopardize the patrol screen. It was going to be bad enough that he'd have to have a few squadrons pull double shifts. And it'll also be a headache to rotate the squadrons to pull double shifts until enough of Squadron 3 was fully healed so they could resume their night patrols, if a bit in a reduced capacity.

William rubbed his temples as thoughts of all the things he'd need to do in the near future and addition to his lack of sleep brought forth an almost unbearable headache. Tossing away the last of the torn open packages of bandages and gauze, he picked up his soggy, stained NWU jacket. Looking at the garment for a few moments, he knew he would never get the stains out, and even if he could get them out. He still wouldn't wear it ever again; he didn't want the reminder of how close he had come to Losing PT-41.

Besides, the Jacket was from when he had initially returned to active duty after spending a few months at a desk job after recovering from the injuries he had sustained from that fourth bloody day of that awful week. It was at least one and a half sizes too big on him now compared to how he was when he came out of doing a desk job. It also stank of blood and faintly of high octane gasoline, so that was just even more reason to not keep it. Besides, he figured he was well overdue on getting a new set of uniforms. Even if it meant adding just a tiny bit more to the mountain of paperwork he knew he was going to have to do.

Tossing the garment into the garbage can, the Lieutenant started to make his way out of the room. However, he halted in his tracks when a single almost unnoticeable whine echoed out. He turned around and saw PT-41 raising her head as far above the water as she could. The dog's mouth slightly opened up again and another whine escaped the PT Corgi.

His eyes widened as he understood exactly what she was conveying with that whine. She was asking him to not leave her, at least not yet. William stood there for a moment, unsure what course of action to take. However, that indecisiveness lasted only for a brief moment before he walked over to the repair pool before stepping in. There was a stool in the water by the pool's wall, one Ellen had been using when she was busy doing surgery and needed to be seated.

Sitting down on the stool and letting his back be mostly supported by the wall, William was a little more than halfway submerged in his seated position. The location of the stool placed him next to the severely wounded but now slowly recovering PT Corgi. He heard another small whine come from the dog and realized that she wanted to be in his lap, which was submerged but not deeply so. He even saw that she was trying to move herself into his lap!

"41, you know Ellen said you shouldn't be moving around too much. Stay still girl." William softly admonished the PT Corgi. Though his words didn't hold any real bite to them, he still worried about her reopening some of the wounds he and Ellen had worked hard on closing.

Reaching over to her with both hands, William very carefully moved PT-41 into his submerged lap. The PT Corgi almost immediately relaxed against him, her head resting against the arm he held under her head to support it. His free hand gently stroked the undamaged parts of her back and face. The Dog lightly nuzzled her face against the cotton of his undershirt as he spoke almost inaudible words of comfort to the dog.

William was so focused on watching 41's breathing fall back to regular if a bit sedated pattern, that he hadn't noticed the other members of Squadron 3 gathering around him until he felt a snout poke his left side. Blinking twice at the touch, he looked over and saw that it was PT-34 coming up to rest against him. He then looked around and saw that all the members of Squadron 3 were gathering around him and PT-41. Though they did give their severely injured sister the space she needed. They still crowed around the two of them in a group hug. Or at least the closest thing to one that PT Corgis could manage.

The Lieutenant blinked again when he felt the impact and then tug of small anchors on his pant legs. A small gentle smile spread across his face. He felt completely utterly spent, but he felt oddly comfortable. The lure of sleep was simply too great for him to try resisting it anymore. So he slowly closed his eyes. Almost right away he was somewhere between being awake and being asleep.

In his mind he wasn't sitting a little past his belly button in the warm waters of the repair bath, surrounded by 11 PT Corgis with one heavily bandaged one in his lap. Instead in the Lieutenant's mind, he was sitting on a soft sofa in a warm living room.

Surrounded on either side by a total of eleven little girls that looked like identical sisters save for the small differences between them, some of them were lightly bandaged up, others more so and two were completely unblemished. All of them however, were hugging him and the twelfth girl that was resting in his lap. She was heavily bandaged and wrapped in a soft blanket, breathing slowly but steadily. She was held steady in his lap with his left arm while his free hand gently tussled her hair.

"It'll be alright girls." William murmured softly in both his dream and in the real world. "Everything's going to be alright my precious little girls. I'm here for you. Dad's here for you." Lieutenant Corgi murmured quietly as he and the PT Corgis of Squadron 3, drifted off to sleep together.

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