Hugs. Also airplane noises.
- Location
- 'Murica
Well, I said I wasn't gonna write anymore. But dangit, an plot bunny wouldn't let me go.
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The quiet, repetitive thunk of an exhausted, constantly-suffering navy NCO banging her head against the pile of leafy lettuce and… well, mostly more lettuce daintily piled up in the center of her tray tore Professor Crowning's attention from the country-fried steak he was working his way though.
"Fuck my life," Gale's moan was almost lost in the salad currently trying to swallow her face whole. Her shoulders slumped against the worn wooden table and even her healthy—if a little bland, especially considering the excellent comfort food the galley produced—meal seemed to wilt in her presence.
Crowning dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, and cocked an eyebrow at the grumbling, ever-suffering sailor.
Gale, who somehow read his expression even with her face buried in salad, simply extended a finger in the direction of the doors and let out a quiet grumbling moan of frustration.
Crowning set his fork down on his plate with a gentle sound of stamped-steel on plastic and turned to follow the sailor's finger. It didn't take him long to spot the source of her apparent discomfort.
USS St. Louis—or 'Lou" as she apparently liked to be called—strolled down the chow line with a carefree smile on her face and a springy sashay in her step. The light cruiser—Crowning was rather proud of himself that he'd finally got the distinctions nailed down—was still in the same outfit she'd been summoned with: Shorts that showed off slender, sinewy legs, a sleeveless shirt that covered a chest not nearly as perfectly sized as Jersey's, with her flaming hair tied back in a ponytail that didn't do a thing to keep her shimmering copper mane from dancing like a bonfire in the wind.
But more to the point, she still had all her guns. Crowning hadn't seen an American warship walk around with all her guns summoned before, at least not this long after summoning, but somehow… the look just suited Lou.
Two long, sleek-looking revolvers that Crowning couldn't identify hung low off her hips, supported by crossed gun-belts decorated with rows of spare bullets. Another pair hung from a heavy leather-and-canvas harness wrapping around her shoulders and back, while yet another gun was strapped sideways in the small of her back, nestled in the curve of her slender waist.
Watching her fill her tray up with one of every item on offer—and offering a bright smile and gangling curtsy to each and every cook filling her plate—Crowning was starting to see just why Gale hated interacting with the shipgirls so much.
Lou was thin—one might even go so far as to call her skinny. Her waist looked tiny enough even in her loose-fitting sailor top, but her broad hips and sinewy muscle kept her from looking even close to malnourished. She looked like a featherweight boxer; small and light, but every inch a fighter. And she was carrying a tray laden down with enough food to feed Crowning three times over.
And now she was sashaying though the mess hall looking for a spot to sit. Crowning hated to admit it, but he had a hard time not noticing the way her hips swooshed back and forth with each hip-swinging step.
It was… it was almost like the way Jersey walked, only not as… fluid. Crowning would never call a girl like Lou ugly, but that didn't change the fact that she wasn't nearly as pretty as Jersey. Her hips weren't as wide as the battleship's, her thighs not nearly so muscular and toned.
When Lou walked, it was a showy, girly bounce of barely-contained energy. But when Jersey walked… Crowning hated to duck back to the ancient cliche, but it truly was poetry in motion. The way her whole body flowed into each step like quicksilver on a mirror. Jersey moved like no woman he'd ever seen, she moved like a symphony of steel and muscle, even when—no, especially when she didn't think anyone was looking. The girl had a grace all her own, a grace that-
"Doc?" Gale flashed Crowning a toothy grin, a loose piece of lettuce stuck to her forehead.
"Hmm?" Crowning pursed his lips.
"You're thinking about Jersey, aren't you?"
The professor offered Gale a timid smile. He'd long since learned never to try and sneak something past the seemingly omniscient NCO. "I miss her," was his only explanation.
Gale opened her mouth to shoot back a teasing retort when a smooth twang cut her off at the turn.
"Pardon me," said Lou, her hair all aglow as she beamed at the two with that luminescent smile of hers, "This seat taken?"
Crowning bit his lip. He couldn't say no to a smile like that, the girl looked so… so happy just to be alive and back in the land of the living. But if Gale didn't want to watch her eat, the professor would find the coldest part of his heart and ask her to eat elsewhere.
At least that was the plan before Gale spoke up. "No, uh… go ahead."
Crowning shot her a questioning look, which Gale replied to by furiously jerking her head at Lou's beaming grin.
"Thank ya!" Lou set her tray down with a heavy thump and offered the two a curtsy. Or at least the closest to a curtsy she could manage in shorts while strapped with gun after gun. "Admiral told me you two helped figure out how to bring me back, yeah?"
"It was mostly-" Crowning and Gale launched into explanations over one another, only to shrug and sheepishly retreat back to their own chairs.
"It was a joint effort?" offered Gale with a shrug.
"Let's go with that," said Crowning. "Arthur Crowning," he offered her a hand which she shook so vigorously it banged against the table a few times.
"Yeoman Second Class Sarah Gale." Gale offered her hand, which received another equally enthusiastic shake.
"Oh…" Lou let out a proper southern sigh and leaned back in her chair. "It's so very nice to be back in the states again."
Crowning shot her a confused look, "Back in the states?"
Lou nodded, and popped a tater tot in her mouth. "After the war-" she squealed with pleasure as she bit into the potato-based nugget. "Mmm, these are delicious."
"We try our best," said Gale. Crowning thought the sailor did an admirable job a hiding her envy that 'doing our best' mostly meant cranking out the most artery-hardening dishes imaginable to keep the shipgirls happy.
"Well, I thank you from the bottom of my…" Lou bit the corner of her lip, her cheeks puffing out as she stuck the tip of her tongue out in thought. "Should I say heart? Or boilers, maybe?"
Crowning shrugged, "I've been studying you girls for more than a year. Even I'm not sure half the time."
"Well regardless," Lou popped another tot into her mouth with another purr of delight, "Thank you so much for your effort, Yeoman!"
Gale blushed, "We do what we can, ma'am."
"Aw, don't call me ma'am!" Lou flipped a lock of flaming copper hair out of her eyes and smiled at Gale with that irresistible million-candlepower grin of hers. "How old do you think I am, anyway?"
"Well…" Gale shrugged, "You're a treaty cruiser, gotta be at least in your seventies, right?"
Lou froze, her smile fading into an even more adorable pout. Her brows knit together and the leather of her harness creaked as she crossed her arms with a huff. "Don't have to tell everyone."
Gale rolled her eyes and stuffed a mouthful of lettuce into her mouth.
"So," said Crowning, eager to get the conversation back onto some sort of rails. "You said you were happy to be back in the states?"
"Oh, yes," Lou's pout vanished in an instant, and the old smiling cruiser was back. "After the war, the Navy sold me to the Brazilians." She shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, they're nice people. But… it's not.. not home, you know?"
Crowning nodded and took a sip from his drink.
"Anyways," Lou took a huge bite of a loaded baked potato—one of massive ones Kidd's DesRon had helped prepare—and dabbed a few spots of sour cream off the corners of her mouth. "I hear Frisco's back. That true?"
Gale nodded.
Lou sighed. She actually sighed, like girl in a bad fifties movie fawning over her high school crush. Her cheeks glowed even redder then her flaming hair and she settled her head against her hand, "She's so pretty, isn't she?"
Gale's fork clattered the the floor. "What?" she said with the level of utter flatness in her tone that only a Navy NCO could manage.
"Frisco!" said Lou. "I know she's real sensitive about being Nisei and all, but-" the light carrier let out another of those happy sighs, "She's just so pretty, you know?"
"Uh…" Gale glanced from Lou to Crowning and back. "You know her?"
Lou nodded. "I was tied off next to her during Pearl," she stopped, "Well, not right next to her, but I could see her." Her smile faded until it suddenly seemed forced. "I, uh…" she scratched at her chin, "You should've seen her Poor girl was in port for a defouling, her hair—hell, her whole outfit—was a mess. She kept fretting every time she thought someone was looking at her."
The cruiser stared at something a few miles behind the table for a moment, her eyes glazing over before she shrugged back her demons. "Yeah…" she sniffed, her gaze drifting back up to Gale and Crowning, "And now she's back. And I'm never gonna let her forget how silly she looked."
"You sure that's wise?" asked Crowning, "She's pretty crafty."
"Well I'm craftier!" Lou banged her fist on the table with a wild-eyed grin. "More crafty? Craftier?"
Crowning nodded.
"Okay, Craftier. I'm craftier than her!" Lou sat back in her chair with a happy grin, "You know, I got underway on the seventh. Went out hunting for the Jap flatops." She sighed and patted the butt of one of her guns, "Might've caught 'em too if I didn't have to put my guns back together." She shrugged, "Well… maybe."
"That why you carry them with you?" asked Crowning.
Lou nodded, "You never know when something might need to get shot."
"Well," somehow, the leafy sprig of lettuce hanging out of Gale's mouth as she chewed only added to her dry sarcasm, "Brazil didn't take the America out of you."
Lou beamed happily and popped another tater tot into her grinning mouth.
Akagi let out a long, happy, but above all exhausted sigh as she shuffled though the flimsy sliding door to her tiny little room. Kaga wasn't home—she usually wasn't. The only reason the two carriers shared a room is because neither of them could stomach taking an entire bedroom to themselves only to leave it empty half the time.
But the absence of her sister—by fact, if not by design—didn't do much to temper the carrier's happy mood. With so little coastline to defend, Akagi rarely ever saw her CarDiv 1 sister. She'd learned to treasure the odd moments when they were both off duty as delicious deserts, not a staple food to build her life around.
It didn't matter anyway. As Akagi flopped onto the heavy blankets resting on the bed she shared with Kaga, she noticed they were still warm from Kaga's superheated body temperature. Akagi smiled and burrowed deeper into the residual warmth still clinging to the heavy quilts. Kaga might have a heart ice, but she was still soooo warmmmm.
It would've taken every last shred of self control Akagi had not to sigh with pleasure at the warmth of her beloved sister curling around her like a gentle hug. But Akagi wasn't feeling very stoic, so she didn't even try to stop her sighs.
But as much as she would have loved to curl up into a tight little ball and fall asleep under the heavy blankets, Akagi was still a fighting carrier. That meant she had certain responsibilities to take care of. Responsibilities like unpacking her stuff in some kind of order that wasn't just 'dumped on the floor' so she didn't upset her beloved half-sister.
Akagi allowed herself one more minute to curl up under the blankets before pulling herself free and shuffling over to her seabags. She was halfway though folding up the swimsuit Ryuujou had suggested to her—Akagi still had to thank her properly for that. The little light carrier really had an eye for color—when yet another responsibility made itself apparent.
She had to find out what that noise was. It almost sounded like a Zero roaring up and down the halls, accompanied by heavy foot falls and childish giggling. Akagi was equal parts confused and amused as she opened the door.
At which point the confusion jumped though the roof. As, somehow, did the amusement.
A carrier she didn't recognize—a carrier who utterly towered over her, stood frozen between steps in the hall.
Her long, heavily muscled arms were held wide like the wings of a plane, her fingertips so far apart they almost kissed the walls. Her lips were pucked, like she'd been making engine noises with her lips, and her face—her incredibly youthful face. Akagi was pretty sure Ryuujou looked older—was rapidly blushing out of the visible spectrum.
On the mystery carrier's shoulders was a much tinier carrier Akagi couldn't help but recognize. Little White plains beamed from cheek to chubby cheek. She too held her arms out like the wings of a—much smaller—airplane, while her legs were crossed over the mystery carrier's heavily armored chest to keep herself in place.
"Um," the mystery carrier somehow blushed even redder. "Hi… Akagi-sama."
"Hello!" White waved so fast her arm turned into a blur.
Akagi smiled and offered a lazy wave in return. "Hello, White. Carrier-san."
"Shinano," said the mystery carrier. Her hands were still frozen in the air as she gave Akagi a stare that wouldn't be out of place on a doe crossing the road. Something that made Akagi giggle, given how the mystery carrier—how Shinano—looked like she could effortlessly break her in half if she wanted to.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Akagi. "What're you two doing?"
"Uh," Shinano slowly let her hands fall to her side, "Flight training?"
Akagi raised an eyebrow.
"I- I didn't come back with any planes," admitted Shinano with a sheepish shuffle of her massively armored boots.
"So I'm her planes!" said White with a giggle. The tiny CVE slipped off Shinano's shoulders and shimmied down the massive girl like she was little more than a timid jungle gym. "Also, Akagi?"
"Ye-oof!" Akagi grunted as White slammed into her stomach at flank. Her chubby little arms wrapped around Akagi's waist and squeezed her tight.
"Thank you for watching over Jersey," said White. Her face was barely visible past the bulging lacquered plating of Akagi's breastplate, but the Japanese carrier could still feel the little CVE's thankfulness radiate though the air.
"You're very welcome, White." Akagi couldn't resist ruffling the little girl's hair.
White giggled and shuffled off to her room, leaving Akagi and Shinano alone in the hallway. Shinano looked like she wanted to say something, but the towering monster of a carrier kept fidgeting and glancing down at her armored toes instead.
Akagi was the one to break the silence, "Shinano, you were a battleship last I recall."
Shinano nodded sheepishly, "I was converted to a carrier to…" she blushed, "To make up for your loss, Akagi-sama."
"Please, Akagi." Akagi placed a hand on the much taller girl's shoulder, a note of surprise flashing across her face at the sheer amount of muscle hiding under Shinano's loose kimono. "And that's nothing to be ashamed of. I was a conversion too."
"Yeah, but," Shinano shrugged, "You're Akagi. Of the Kido Butai. I could never replace that."
"Maybe you can," said Akagi, "You have a very good teacher."
Shinano bushed and mumbled something as she scuffed her boot against the carpet.
"Where are they putting you up?" asked Akagi.
"Oh, with White," said Shinano. "She, um… she offered to share her room. It's really big and…" the towering girl fiddled with the end of her loose half-ponytail, "And I think she just likes having something around to escort."
Akagi laughed, "I think you've chosen a very good roommate."
"Thank you," Shinano bowed from the waist, but because of her towering height she managed to plant her youthful face right into Akagi's bountiful chest. "I, Uh…" she stammered out an apology and sheepishly shuffled back. The poor girl looked like she wanted nothing more than to melt into the wall like a ninja.
"Don't worry," Akagi offered Shinano her very warmest smile. The one she usually held in reserve for well-deserving destroyers. "It's hardly the worst thing a newly returned girl has done. You're still getting used to your new body."
Shinano seemed to accept the explanation. Her blush at least seemed to fade by a fraction.
"I usually get breakfast at six," said Akagi, "I'd be happy to have you join me."
Shinano let out a squeal of unmitigated joy. "Really?"
Akagi nodded. "Of course. Now-" she stifled a yawn. "Good night, Shinano. I'll see you in the morning."
"Good night, Akagi-sa-" Shinano coughed. "Good night Akagi."
Akagi was almost to the door of her room when she heard the other carrier cough.
"Um… Akagi?" Shinano rubbed the armored toe of one boot against the heavy canvas upper of the other, "Can… can I have a hug goodnight?"
Akagi smiled and drew the towering girl into a warm hug. "Of course you may."
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The quiet, repetitive thunk of an exhausted, constantly-suffering navy NCO banging her head against the pile of leafy lettuce and… well, mostly more lettuce daintily piled up in the center of her tray tore Professor Crowning's attention from the country-fried steak he was working his way though.
"Fuck my life," Gale's moan was almost lost in the salad currently trying to swallow her face whole. Her shoulders slumped against the worn wooden table and even her healthy—if a little bland, especially considering the excellent comfort food the galley produced—meal seemed to wilt in her presence.
Crowning dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, and cocked an eyebrow at the grumbling, ever-suffering sailor.
Gale, who somehow read his expression even with her face buried in salad, simply extended a finger in the direction of the doors and let out a quiet grumbling moan of frustration.
Crowning set his fork down on his plate with a gentle sound of stamped-steel on plastic and turned to follow the sailor's finger. It didn't take him long to spot the source of her apparent discomfort.
USS St. Louis—or 'Lou" as she apparently liked to be called—strolled down the chow line with a carefree smile on her face and a springy sashay in her step. The light cruiser—Crowning was rather proud of himself that he'd finally got the distinctions nailed down—was still in the same outfit she'd been summoned with: Shorts that showed off slender, sinewy legs, a sleeveless shirt that covered a chest not nearly as perfectly sized as Jersey's, with her flaming hair tied back in a ponytail that didn't do a thing to keep her shimmering copper mane from dancing like a bonfire in the wind.
But more to the point, she still had all her guns. Crowning hadn't seen an American warship walk around with all her guns summoned before, at least not this long after summoning, but somehow… the look just suited Lou.
Two long, sleek-looking revolvers that Crowning couldn't identify hung low off her hips, supported by crossed gun-belts decorated with rows of spare bullets. Another pair hung from a heavy leather-and-canvas harness wrapping around her shoulders and back, while yet another gun was strapped sideways in the small of her back, nestled in the curve of her slender waist.
Watching her fill her tray up with one of every item on offer—and offering a bright smile and gangling curtsy to each and every cook filling her plate—Crowning was starting to see just why Gale hated interacting with the shipgirls so much.
Lou was thin—one might even go so far as to call her skinny. Her waist looked tiny enough even in her loose-fitting sailor top, but her broad hips and sinewy muscle kept her from looking even close to malnourished. She looked like a featherweight boxer; small and light, but every inch a fighter. And she was carrying a tray laden down with enough food to feed Crowning three times over.
And now she was sashaying though the mess hall looking for a spot to sit. Crowning hated to admit it, but he had a hard time not noticing the way her hips swooshed back and forth with each hip-swinging step.
It was… it was almost like the way Jersey walked, only not as… fluid. Crowning would never call a girl like Lou ugly, but that didn't change the fact that she wasn't nearly as pretty as Jersey. Her hips weren't as wide as the battleship's, her thighs not nearly so muscular and toned.
When Lou walked, it was a showy, girly bounce of barely-contained energy. But when Jersey walked… Crowning hated to duck back to the ancient cliche, but it truly was poetry in motion. The way her whole body flowed into each step like quicksilver on a mirror. Jersey moved like no woman he'd ever seen, she moved like a symphony of steel and muscle, even when—no, especially when she didn't think anyone was looking. The girl had a grace all her own, a grace that-
"Doc?" Gale flashed Crowning a toothy grin, a loose piece of lettuce stuck to her forehead.
"Hmm?" Crowning pursed his lips.
"You're thinking about Jersey, aren't you?"
The professor offered Gale a timid smile. He'd long since learned never to try and sneak something past the seemingly omniscient NCO. "I miss her," was his only explanation.
Gale opened her mouth to shoot back a teasing retort when a smooth twang cut her off at the turn.
"Pardon me," said Lou, her hair all aglow as she beamed at the two with that luminescent smile of hers, "This seat taken?"
Crowning bit his lip. He couldn't say no to a smile like that, the girl looked so… so happy just to be alive and back in the land of the living. But if Gale didn't want to watch her eat, the professor would find the coldest part of his heart and ask her to eat elsewhere.
At least that was the plan before Gale spoke up. "No, uh… go ahead."
Crowning shot her a questioning look, which Gale replied to by furiously jerking her head at Lou's beaming grin.
"Thank ya!" Lou set her tray down with a heavy thump and offered the two a curtsy. Or at least the closest to a curtsy she could manage in shorts while strapped with gun after gun. "Admiral told me you two helped figure out how to bring me back, yeah?"
"It was mostly-" Crowning and Gale launched into explanations over one another, only to shrug and sheepishly retreat back to their own chairs.
"It was a joint effort?" offered Gale with a shrug.
"Let's go with that," said Crowning. "Arthur Crowning," he offered her a hand which she shook so vigorously it banged against the table a few times.
"Yeoman Second Class Sarah Gale." Gale offered her hand, which received another equally enthusiastic shake.
"Oh…" Lou let out a proper southern sigh and leaned back in her chair. "It's so very nice to be back in the states again."
Crowning shot her a confused look, "Back in the states?"
Lou nodded, and popped a tater tot in her mouth. "After the war-" she squealed with pleasure as she bit into the potato-based nugget. "Mmm, these are delicious."
"We try our best," said Gale. Crowning thought the sailor did an admirable job a hiding her envy that 'doing our best' mostly meant cranking out the most artery-hardening dishes imaginable to keep the shipgirls happy.
"Well, I thank you from the bottom of my…" Lou bit the corner of her lip, her cheeks puffing out as she stuck the tip of her tongue out in thought. "Should I say heart? Or boilers, maybe?"
Crowning shrugged, "I've been studying you girls for more than a year. Even I'm not sure half the time."
"Well regardless," Lou popped another tot into her mouth with another purr of delight, "Thank you so much for your effort, Yeoman!"
Gale blushed, "We do what we can, ma'am."
"Aw, don't call me ma'am!" Lou flipped a lock of flaming copper hair out of her eyes and smiled at Gale with that irresistible million-candlepower grin of hers. "How old do you think I am, anyway?"
"Well…" Gale shrugged, "You're a treaty cruiser, gotta be at least in your seventies, right?"
Lou froze, her smile fading into an even more adorable pout. Her brows knit together and the leather of her harness creaked as she crossed her arms with a huff. "Don't have to tell everyone."
Gale rolled her eyes and stuffed a mouthful of lettuce into her mouth.
"So," said Crowning, eager to get the conversation back onto some sort of rails. "You said you were happy to be back in the states?"
"Oh, yes," Lou's pout vanished in an instant, and the old smiling cruiser was back. "After the war, the Navy sold me to the Brazilians." She shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, they're nice people. But… it's not.. not home, you know?"
Crowning nodded and took a sip from his drink.
"Anyways," Lou took a huge bite of a loaded baked potato—one of massive ones Kidd's DesRon had helped prepare—and dabbed a few spots of sour cream off the corners of her mouth. "I hear Frisco's back. That true?"
Gale nodded.
Lou sighed. She actually sighed, like girl in a bad fifties movie fawning over her high school crush. Her cheeks glowed even redder then her flaming hair and she settled her head against her hand, "She's so pretty, isn't she?"
Gale's fork clattered the the floor. "What?" she said with the level of utter flatness in her tone that only a Navy NCO could manage.
"Frisco!" said Lou. "I know she's real sensitive about being Nisei and all, but-" the light carrier let out another of those happy sighs, "She's just so pretty, you know?"
"Uh…" Gale glanced from Lou to Crowning and back. "You know her?"
Lou nodded. "I was tied off next to her during Pearl," she stopped, "Well, not right next to her, but I could see her." Her smile faded until it suddenly seemed forced. "I, uh…" she scratched at her chin, "You should've seen her Poor girl was in port for a defouling, her hair—hell, her whole outfit—was a mess. She kept fretting every time she thought someone was looking at her."
The cruiser stared at something a few miles behind the table for a moment, her eyes glazing over before she shrugged back her demons. "Yeah…" she sniffed, her gaze drifting back up to Gale and Crowning, "And now she's back. And I'm never gonna let her forget how silly she looked."
"You sure that's wise?" asked Crowning, "She's pretty crafty."
"Well I'm craftier!" Lou banged her fist on the table with a wild-eyed grin. "More crafty? Craftier?"
Crowning nodded.
"Okay, Craftier. I'm craftier than her!" Lou sat back in her chair with a happy grin, "You know, I got underway on the seventh. Went out hunting for the Jap flatops." She sighed and patted the butt of one of her guns, "Might've caught 'em too if I didn't have to put my guns back together." She shrugged, "Well… maybe."
"That why you carry them with you?" asked Crowning.
Lou nodded, "You never know when something might need to get shot."
"Well," somehow, the leafy sprig of lettuce hanging out of Gale's mouth as she chewed only added to her dry sarcasm, "Brazil didn't take the America out of you."
Lou beamed happily and popped another tater tot into her grinning mouth.
Akagi let out a long, happy, but above all exhausted sigh as she shuffled though the flimsy sliding door to her tiny little room. Kaga wasn't home—she usually wasn't. The only reason the two carriers shared a room is because neither of them could stomach taking an entire bedroom to themselves only to leave it empty half the time.
But the absence of her sister—by fact, if not by design—didn't do much to temper the carrier's happy mood. With so little coastline to defend, Akagi rarely ever saw her CarDiv 1 sister. She'd learned to treasure the odd moments when they were both off duty as delicious deserts, not a staple food to build her life around.
It didn't matter anyway. As Akagi flopped onto the heavy blankets resting on the bed she shared with Kaga, she noticed they were still warm from Kaga's superheated body temperature. Akagi smiled and burrowed deeper into the residual warmth still clinging to the heavy quilts. Kaga might have a heart ice, but she was still soooo warmmmm.
It would've taken every last shred of self control Akagi had not to sigh with pleasure at the warmth of her beloved sister curling around her like a gentle hug. But Akagi wasn't feeling very stoic, so she didn't even try to stop her sighs.
But as much as she would have loved to curl up into a tight little ball and fall asleep under the heavy blankets, Akagi was still a fighting carrier. That meant she had certain responsibilities to take care of. Responsibilities like unpacking her stuff in some kind of order that wasn't just 'dumped on the floor' so she didn't upset her beloved half-sister.
Akagi allowed herself one more minute to curl up under the blankets before pulling herself free and shuffling over to her seabags. She was halfway though folding up the swimsuit Ryuujou had suggested to her—Akagi still had to thank her properly for that. The little light carrier really had an eye for color—when yet another responsibility made itself apparent.
She had to find out what that noise was. It almost sounded like a Zero roaring up and down the halls, accompanied by heavy foot falls and childish giggling. Akagi was equal parts confused and amused as she opened the door.
At which point the confusion jumped though the roof. As, somehow, did the amusement.
A carrier she didn't recognize—a carrier who utterly towered over her, stood frozen between steps in the hall.
Her long, heavily muscled arms were held wide like the wings of a plane, her fingertips so far apart they almost kissed the walls. Her lips were pucked, like she'd been making engine noises with her lips, and her face—her incredibly youthful face. Akagi was pretty sure Ryuujou looked older—was rapidly blushing out of the visible spectrum.
On the mystery carrier's shoulders was a much tinier carrier Akagi couldn't help but recognize. Little White plains beamed from cheek to chubby cheek. She too held her arms out like the wings of a—much smaller—airplane, while her legs were crossed over the mystery carrier's heavily armored chest to keep herself in place.
"Um," the mystery carrier somehow blushed even redder. "Hi… Akagi-sama."
"Hello!" White waved so fast her arm turned into a blur.
Akagi smiled and offered a lazy wave in return. "Hello, White. Carrier-san."
"Shinano," said the mystery carrier. Her hands were still frozen in the air as she gave Akagi a stare that wouldn't be out of place on a doe crossing the road. Something that made Akagi giggle, given how the mystery carrier—how Shinano—looked like she could effortlessly break her in half if she wanted to.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Akagi. "What're you two doing?"
"Uh," Shinano slowly let her hands fall to her side, "Flight training?"
Akagi raised an eyebrow.
"I- I didn't come back with any planes," admitted Shinano with a sheepish shuffle of her massively armored boots.
"So I'm her planes!" said White with a giggle. The tiny CVE slipped off Shinano's shoulders and shimmied down the massive girl like she was little more than a timid jungle gym. "Also, Akagi?"
"Ye-oof!" Akagi grunted as White slammed into her stomach at flank. Her chubby little arms wrapped around Akagi's waist and squeezed her tight.
"Thank you for watching over Jersey," said White. Her face was barely visible past the bulging lacquered plating of Akagi's breastplate, but the Japanese carrier could still feel the little CVE's thankfulness radiate though the air.
"You're very welcome, White." Akagi couldn't resist ruffling the little girl's hair.
White giggled and shuffled off to her room, leaving Akagi and Shinano alone in the hallway. Shinano looked like she wanted to say something, but the towering monster of a carrier kept fidgeting and glancing down at her armored toes instead.
Akagi was the one to break the silence, "Shinano, you were a battleship last I recall."
Shinano nodded sheepishly, "I was converted to a carrier to…" she blushed, "To make up for your loss, Akagi-sama."
"Please, Akagi." Akagi placed a hand on the much taller girl's shoulder, a note of surprise flashing across her face at the sheer amount of muscle hiding under Shinano's loose kimono. "And that's nothing to be ashamed of. I was a conversion too."
"Yeah, but," Shinano shrugged, "You're Akagi. Of the Kido Butai. I could never replace that."
"Maybe you can," said Akagi, "You have a very good teacher."
Shinano bushed and mumbled something as she scuffed her boot against the carpet.
"Where are they putting you up?" asked Akagi.
"Oh, with White," said Shinano. "She, um… she offered to share her room. It's really big and…" the towering girl fiddled with the end of her loose half-ponytail, "And I think she just likes having something around to escort."
Akagi laughed, "I think you've chosen a very good roommate."
"Thank you," Shinano bowed from the waist, but because of her towering height she managed to plant her youthful face right into Akagi's bountiful chest. "I, Uh…" she stammered out an apology and sheepishly shuffled back. The poor girl looked like she wanted nothing more than to melt into the wall like a ninja.
"Don't worry," Akagi offered Shinano her very warmest smile. The one she usually held in reserve for well-deserving destroyers. "It's hardly the worst thing a newly returned girl has done. You're still getting used to your new body."
Shinano seemed to accept the explanation. Her blush at least seemed to fade by a fraction.
"I usually get breakfast at six," said Akagi, "I'd be happy to have you join me."
Shinano let out a squeal of unmitigated joy. "Really?"
Akagi nodded. "Of course. Now-" she stifled a yawn. "Good night, Shinano. I'll see you in the morning."
"Good night, Akagi-sa-" Shinano coughed. "Good night Akagi."
Akagi was almost to the door of her room when she heard the other carrier cough.
"Um… Akagi?" Shinano rubbed the armored toe of one boot against the heavy canvas upper of the other, "Can… can I have a hug goodnight?"
Akagi smiled and drew the towering girl into a warm hug. "Of course you may."
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