Something to help lighten the mood:

In @Nicholas 's most recent Twitch stream, the discussion mentioned that there was a case back in the 80s where Wisconsin's crew was trying to start her boilers from cold, which was a process that required the use of shore power, and just couldn't seem to figure that out. Eventually, one of the electricians from her older sister (it was either Missouri or Iowa, but I can't remember which) had to go over to Wisconsin and show them how to do it.

So does this mean that Wisky, as a shipgirl, will be even less of a morning person than Jersey, to the point where one of her big sisters will have to go and kick her in the ass to get her out of bed in the morning? :lol

A corpsman has to go in each morning with a defibrillator. "Rise and shine, Whisky....CLEAR!"
I did say I wasn't gonna come out till next year, right?

Well, it's the 1st of January, 2019 here where I live. So this happened:
Battleship New Yearsey here to celebrate stuff and shit.

Happy New Years everyone.
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I did say I wasn't gonna come out till next year, right?

Well, it's the 1st of January, 2019 here where I live. So this happened:

Battleship New Yearsey here to celebrate stuff and shit.

Happy New Years everyone.

Nice pic!
Seventy-five years ago today Iowa and Jersey left Hampton Roads, Virginia and sailed to Panama to be transferred to the Pacific. It seems the two sisters were rarely apart during the war.
The Battleship Iowa museum will be streaming today at 2PM Pacific time. Join us as we talk about the new exciting year!

So I've been here on and off since like, May? Of last year, only got a account today, I like this, it's nice,

Heck of a lot better then some other stuff I've seen...
Well, that doesn't promise to be a horrifyingly bloody and waifu-slaughtering affair at all...
A Certain Armchair Critic

From a writing perspective, the execution was great. (There's a couple rough spots technically, but they're forgivable.)

You see the whole descent into charlie-foxtrot.

Pennsylvania would not, could not, rejoice in her kill.

For the Abyss was not the only side wracked with the sounds of death and agony.

Bam. Nice transition. Not a fan of the fragment (imho drop the "For" and the paragraph break), but combined? These two give everyone an "oh shit". Mind: from everyone's discord reacts, I knew this was going to be bad. Just not this bad.

Her heart turned to ice as Arizona's B turret took a hit as she was bringing her guns up to fire another salvo. It was the kind of shot that any gunner would proudly claim to have made. A miracle of precision that landed an Abyssal shell through window between the turret housing and the cannon itself. A shell that detonated viciously and took the rest of the turret with it in a column of torn steel and fire.

Golden BB reference? *checks WP*

> The last bomb hit at 08:06 in the vicinity of Turret II, likely penetrating the armored deck near the ammunition magazines located in the forward section of the ship.

Probably. I didn't actually check on first read, but I thought this or next chapter would have a Pennsylvania cradling Arizona's body.

An explosion cracked the sea in the vanguard as a missile destroyer's arsenal cooked off.

A cutaway to the "Human" cost (versus Shipgirls, who are also human, but also... idk. I'm not a philosophy expert.)

In any case, this matches up to one of the later losses. It makes sense that Pennsylvania wouldn't know which one, because anger and fog of war.


"T-at o--!"

Regardless of red-hazed anger or Fog of Battle causing this breakdown in communications, the end result is an unreliable view into the battle.

o7 Kawakaze.

Before Pennsylvania could allow a feeling of joy creep into her heart, a wrath-filled order came over the radio from the sternguard. She and Arizona were to push up the line and abandon their immediate foe to the them.

Clues, rather than the entire picture. Slightly better would have been verbalizing it ("Pennsylvania, Arizona, push up. Your foes are dead." etc). I consider this a minor quibble, however.

And they wanted blood.

The still form of a cruiser told her why.

The bloody, bloody cost of war.


All in all, I liked this chapter, despite the deaths. This chapter sent them off heroically.


So I've been here on and off since like, May? Of last year, only got a account today, I like this, it's nice,

Heck of a lot better then some other stuff I've seen...
Yup. If you are interested in other writing by some of the same authors, check out TinyColle, Changing Destiny, and pretty much any KC threads Sky etc post in.
JerJer Binks Episode 3: Revenge of the Night Battle

Battleship Musashi knew Jersey was at the door even before she hammered her fist against the flimsy wood. She could hear the floor creaking and groaning under the massive American's immense weight, and smell Jersey's sweet, but gritty and ever so slightly smoky aroma. Musashi was certain even holding a gun to her head wouldn't get the Iowa to wear perfume, but that didn't matter. She smelled perfectly nice as is.

"Come in," Musashi spun in her chair. Her meaty chocolate thighs were crossed, and she waited just a moment too long to pull her unbuckled miniskirt smooth. Her shirt hung off her shoulders, letting the finest naval rifles the world had ever seen breath free for the first time since she'd visited the States.

She understood why the prudish Americans wanted her to stay clothed while in their country. A glimpse of the unfiltered majesty of her mighty eighteens would torpedo the American birthrate as every man gave up everything to move to Japan and every woman struggled with crippling inadequacy issues, a fate Musashi would never wish on her new ally.

But against Jersey… giving the big Iowa a few inadequacy issues would be fun. If anything else, it might deflate the arrogant American's opinion of herself to something more reasonable.

Jersey didn't so much open the door as shoulder through it. She carried a case of beer under one arm—Musashi didn't recognize the brand, but the packaging looked obscure enough to be better than the usual American piss water. Musashi was certain she had help, the American's taste wasn't that refined.

Under the other she carried a box full of snacks—Doritos, the red color with dust Naka had judged "the STD of food products", and a few bottles of Gatorade. Musashi was pleased her estimation of Jersey's taste had been correct.

"Mushi," Jersey grunted and unceremoniously dumped the collection onto Musashi's heavily-reinforced bed. A king-size mattress—the only size that could fit a battleship as titanitcally massive as the second Yamato—stood on massive steel pilings that could—barely—support her weight.

"Jersey," Musashi smirked and slowly uncrossed her legs. "How long's it been for you?"

"Itsa bein too long." The American rocked on her heels, rolling her massive shoulders to work out the last few knots in those admittedly envious muscles.

"Mmm," Musashi set her features in a coy smirk and slowly stood, her enormous pagodas taking a split-second to catch up with the rest of her imperially perfect figure. She let her fingers trail along the armrest of her chair for a moment before settling her hands on her hips. "Shall we…" she slowly circled the American, letting the shirt she wore like a cape trail along Jersey's bare wrist. "commence a night engagement."

"No," Jersey rolled her terrifyingly icy eyes. "Wesa gonna fuck now, Okieday."