Yep, I'm aware of the lack of potency of battleship AP rounds. They only cause really severe damage when they hit something really important. (That cruiser that got deleted suffered a hit to her boilers.) I'm not sure how well it's coming off, but I'm trying to create the impression that the shells themselves aren't causing too much damage. It's when they punch though the armor and find something sensitive to break that bad things happen. (A shot to the magazine, or boilers, or whatever.)

I will admit though, the majority of my experience comes from playing WoWs. I'll check NavWeaps for range and penetration data, but I'm basing the battles off the feel of what happens in a good game of WoWs.

The WoWS part is pretty blatant because hitting the boilers would've caused the cruiser to lose speed, not blow the ship up like a Ford Pinto in a Hollywood movie. :p If anything the cruiser going up in flames like that would have been the result of a magazine fire as that's where the most explosive cargo tends to be. The boiler explosion would have happened as the ship was sinking and the cold water meets the superheated boilers. Even then it would be relatively tame compared to the one caused by magazine fires.

Oh, I'm not disputing that at all. I apologize if I gave that impression. The worst of the damage the ships of Taffy 3 took was when those BB-grade shells hit hard targets like boilers after all...

Boiler hits leave you dead in the water which is quite distressing for obvious reasons, especially for ships like destroyers. What they don't do is go up in flames like a hit to the magazines would. If they did, there would be way less survivors from Taffy 3.
The WoWS part is pretty blatant because hitting the boilers would've caused the cruiser to lose speed, not blow the ship up like a Ford Pinto in a Hollywood movie.

It's like that in WoWS too (although they refer to boilers as the ships engine). You need a magazine crit to cause instantly kill a ship. Although in WoWS, a ship which loses all of it's HP will violently explode regardless of the cause of sinking...
It's like that in WoWS too (although they refer to boilers as the ships engine). You need a magazine crit to cause instantly kill a ship. Although in WoWS, a ship which loses all of it's HP will violently explode regardless of the cause of sinking...

The boiler rooms are included as part of the citadel hitbox so a good salvo into said hitbox is practically the same as a one hit kill even if it technically took more than one shell.

Which is why I mentioned it's blatantly WoWS. :p
So, I may be doing a thing in the near-future. Figured I could bring it up in here considering Ari-fans.

...I hope that doesn't count as a derail. I don't like annoying authors with derails if I can avoid it.

And in an effort to stay on topic: I'm looking forward to seeing how Musashi comes out of this battle. Her arrogance will probably take a hit, but the question is, how much of a hit? She can weather a lot of punishment and that may, ironically, make her more arrogant. Considering 'HA they couldn't sink I, Musashi!'
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The boiler rooms are included as part of the citadel hitbox so a good salvo into said hitbox is practically the same as a one hit kill even if it technically took more than one shell.

Which is why I mentioned it's blatantly WoWS. :p
Well, I'm trying to get better at writing more realistic battles between cute girls who are also cute battleships. So yeah.
So, I may be doing a thing in the near-future. Figured I could bring it up in here considering Ari-fans.

...I hope that doesn't count as a derail. I don't like annoying authors with derails if I can avoid it.

And in an effort to stay on topic: I'm looking forward to seeing how Musashi comes out of this battle. Her arrogance will probably take a hit, but the question is, how much of a hit? She can weather a lot of punishment and that may, ironically, make her more arrogant. Considering 'HA they couldn't sink I, Musashi!'
How dare... how DARE you try and pimp your own stuff here! How dare you try and derail my own thread for your own selfish ends!

I kid, sounds like fun! Just as long as it doesn't interfere with writing more Changing Destiny and Indestructible Spirit. I like those fics.
It's a really good song and just goes to show how tlented she is. Multiple characters is hard enough. Singing as them? Wow.

And then Nao Toyama did this,

This song from the anime,

a drama CD skit where she was talking to herself in sixteen different voices,

and some other stuff.

Girl's talented.
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Enterprise: So J, I couldn't help but notice that video called you the most decorated ship in the Navy. Something you want to say to me, hun?
Saratoga: I'm going to run down to the hardware store. I'm going to buy you two each a wheelbarrow to help you carry those egos around in.
Alternatively, they meant that Jersey was the most decorated ship in the USN that is still around.

Or it's a simple mistake, that too.
Jersey: Actually, I have more battle stars than E, but only if you count the ones I got after being summoned.
Saratoga: I'm going to run down to the hardware store. I'm going to buy you two each a wheelbarrow to help you carry those egos around in.
Hey, J's a battleship. She's mentally incapable of backing down. (it's why she and Mushi keep bickering.)
On other hand, it took Jersey around half of century worth of additional service just to get close to what E gained in 4 years.
Jersey: Because E is a fucking badass. I mean... I fucking hate Halsey, but he did some damn fine work with her.
Jersey: Because E is a fucking badass. I mean... I fucking hate Halsey, but he did some damn fine work with her.
Hasley did his job well.

What happened with taffy 3?

That was a sucker punch from hell. No one expected that since went against all the Japanese doctrine. And it went against the observed behavior of them at the time.

Before the Taffies saw Yamato mask come into radar range we thought they were heading back to base.

Which why Halsey went for the Carriers. Yamato force was a none threat being out of her gun range. The carriers, which include a certain crane who was the last surviving Pearl attackie (you can't tell me with a straight face that at the time you wasn't hoping to get Zui into gun range to blast her), was the bigger threat.

Then Yamato found the Taffies. Would say ambushed but well...

Remembered reading some where certain Intel groups at the time thought that it was a different force.

So you really can't blame the man for leaving the Taffies. Cause given the same info? Every admiral from Nelson to Nimitz its would make the same decision.

Remove the carriers so we can attack the surface ships with immunity. Bet you anything that what was going through his mind when he made the decision.

Now that infamous hissy fit on the other hand...

I expect even Enterprise would want a few words with Hasley about that.