To be fair, Kitty Hawk has been little more than a parts boat for a long time. I'm pretty sure either Nimitz or Eisenhower got her rudder when whichever carrier it was fucked up their rudders so bad they had to take Kittys. And since Constellation was still there at the time, the reason given for taking Kitty Hawk's was that hers weren't as bad off as Connie's.
To get a team, city had to make a large finical commitment and spend the money it had set aside for Saving Sara for rebuilding a stadium, or something like that.
Actually, it was worse then that. See, various people raised a whole lot of money to save Minitoga from the scrapyard. They did, in fact, have enough to do so and presented it to the city... with the politicians promptly using it to build a stadium because who would come to see a ship instead of football!
Actually, it was worse then that. See, various people raised a whole lot of money to save Minitoga from the scrapyard. They did, in fact, have enough to do so and presented it to the city... with the politicians promptly using it to build a stadium because who would come to see a ship instead of football!
*looks at the Jaguar's records*
Who'd want to go see the Jags play.
*looks at the Jaguar's records*
Who'd want to go see the Jags play.

Well Georgia/Florida tends to be a good game, but yes, the Jags are terrible.

What burns me about that is if the money was donated to save Minitoga, it's to be used to do the stated purpose. Not build a flinking stadium! And I'm saying this as a Georgia fan.
Many and varied are the ways of corruption in Florida.

It really comes down to the fact that Spain was laughing in their sleeves when we got our hands on it. For the longest time the only use the state had was to grow oranges, then we discovered that we could warehouse retired people there.

The closest modern example I can think of in comparison was Italy taking Libya from the Ottoman Empire in 1912. The Ottomans were shocked that Italy wanted to fight a war for it. If a piece of desert isn't being fought over by the other colonial powers, you might want to wonder why.

Libya: Africa's Florida. Sounds about right to me. :whistle:

How does this tie into WWII you ask? Research into the North African campaign shows that both sides had to deal with flat featureless terrain, oppressive heat, bugs that got into everywhere and everything, and strange and nearly incomprehensible native populations that did something for a living. (But hell if anyone knew what it was).

Although it could be argued that Libya then was nicer than Florida, at least it cools off at night in Libya.
The difference between summer and winter in Florida is that in winter it cools off at night here.

But yes. Politicians in Florida are assholes, though when it comes to sports, I wish I could say they were worse than the rest of the country. But that's a fairly off-topic rant.
Don't think she would do that, since Leferts got her two adopted children she can Nagamom over.
And a whole host of extended family now that several members of Hoppo's fleet appear to have survived and have come looking for 'Mom'. :)
Some very sad news: USS Kitty Hawk is to be scrapped.
Very sad news indeed. And there's yet another reason for me to boycott the NFL, if the money to save her was used to build a stadium. Now the only one left is JFK.