I sometimes have trouble forgetting if I'm reading theJMPer's thread or Harry Leferts then something like this happens and I wonder 'Why would Ashigara cheat on Yonahara?' Then I remember that Yonahara died during Blood Week here.

I wonder how BelaBatt Ashigara would react to HatSG Ashigara being the first Shipgirl to get a ring (a promise ring but still a ring!)

Great, now I'm wondering about HatSG Nagato coming to this universe and realizing that her son is a fictional character, her daughter was a hate filled monster that was sunk, and how few Shipgirls there are in the world.

[EDIT] Oh. the wedding snip? I liked how Best Idoru was commenting on it. Very nice indeed. I also support Goto getting the Bouquet and Kongo getting the Garter.
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"Next up is Army Lieutenant Colonel George Strype. And unlike CPO Hunter, he's taken."
10.5 years running! :D
Weird but true: I was an enlisted man, never a LTC. But since leaving active duty with the Army, I kept on doing the same thing as a contractor. I'm in Baghdad right now, attached to the 1st Armor Division J2. (This is deployment #7: 3x Iraq, 2x Afghanistan, 1x Kuwait, and now Iraq again.) And pretty much every contractor here with me is retired or former military, and the active duty folks know it. So they make a minor game of trying to guess what we were. The consensus here was that I was a Lieutenant Colonel. Which is a pretty good chuckle for a former Staff Sergeant. :)
"Well, he's handsome. And there are a lot of jealous eyes aimed at someone who I think is his wife." Naka narrowed her eyes at a member of the attendance. "If her smug look is any clue."
Very. LilithPrime has all the smug.
Her and those minibotes. Or whatever you called the two miniature versions of Arizona and Mutsu who never left Jane's side.
But the Hunter is about to become the Hunted. There is a small irony to it. A submarine had claimed her before she could reach Myoukou, trapped with Takao in besieged Singapore. And now she is about to go after someone who serves aboard one, one that could tear her original hull asunder and sink her escorts in a heartbeat.
So they make a minor game of trying to guess what we were. The consensus here was that I was a Lieutenant Colonel. Which is a pretty good chuckle for a former Staff Sergeant. :)

So, you'd be a Lieutenant Colonel in the Iraqi army? After all, you'd have the same amount of authority that way :V

Also, paging @LilithPrime to confirm piles of smug.
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I'm tempted to show Ari the beauty that is 2Cellos. Ever wonder how'd she react to that?
Question to our esteemed authors: now that her wreckage has been found, it got me thinking about Indianapolis. Will she be making an appearance in this fic? She might be another good friend for Frisco, though she might have some issues like Pennsy. Dunno how she'd deal with meeting Goya, though. Just curious.
Question to our esteemed authors: now that her wreckage has been found, it got me thinking about Indianapolis. Will she be making an appearance in this fic? She might be another good friend for Frisco, though she might have some issues like Pennsy. Dunno how she'd deal with meeting Goya, though. Just curious.

Personally, I'm not going near her for a number of reasons; one of which is backlog (AT LEAST I WRITE FASTER THAN A STANDARD OK?) and the other is that if I wrote her she'd come back Abyssal, no questions asked.

Of course, if I wrote the story there'd be a lot more iconic Abyssals in the fight (Pringles, Alaska, Lexington, Hood, Old Iowa, half of ABDAFLOAT...) but that's just me.