(Hell yes!)Alaska: LARGE cruiser goddamnit.
That said, I agree with you. She'd be a fun boat to write, and I'm outlining a quest featuring here. (Any interest in questing as the US's lastbattleLARGE cruiser?)
I'd be up to participate in it.That said, I agree with you. She'd be a fun boat to write, and I'm outlining a quest featuring here. (Any interest in questing as the US's lastbattleLARGE cruiser?)
*winces*I need to do more writing now that I'm (currently) unemployed again.
You're looking at a Taffy-3 Quest fan, and have been wanting to see a quest from the perspective of a large surface vessel as a result of that quest's mechanics. Make that three.(Any interest in questing as the US's lastbattleLARGE cruiser?)
Ahh, the perils of cosplay. Still, that was quite cute. And Ari's reactions were great. Poor Mutsu though. Can't win 'em all. XDArizona stood in place as she watched Jane talking with a vendor while also making sure to scan her surroundings. Part of the battleship was amused though as Mutsu and Hiei had kept giving her uneasy looks whenever one of the more skimpy cosplayers walked by. If anything, Arizona only rolled her eyes.
She did live through the Flappers after all. Her issue was mainly wearing certain things when it was not appropriate such as on duty. Or when at a gathering with the Admiral. Of course, she was shaken out of her thoughts by a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a teen there. "Yes?"
The next words out of the teen's mouth though caused Arizona to blush and nearly sputter as she pointed at Jane. "Is that your daughter?" Misunderstanding Arizona's expression, she held up her hands. "Hey, no offence really. You look great for your age and being a mother. And your daughter is just so kawaii in her costume..."
Still a bit off kilter, Arizona gaped like a fish for a moment. "I... That..."
However, the teenaged girl frowned a bit as she looked Arizona over. "Um, just a bit of advice and all. But while having the same costume as your daughter is heartwarming and all, you really should put as much effort as she did. I mean, she looks like Arizona from what I've seen on the net... You, on the other hand... Not so much."
Choking a bit, Arizona raised a finger. "B-b-but..."
All the teen did was pat her on the shoulder. "Great try though. Maybe you should chose someone else next time though."
With those parting words, the teen left and was soon lost in the crowd of con-goers. Finally, Arizona managed to say a response. "But I'm the real Arizona..."
It was then that a disturbed Mutsu walked up and leaned into Arizona. "Please... Hold me."
Being as she was still offkilter from what happened, Arizona only blinked. "I... What?"
A shudder ran through Mutsu as she clung to her friend. "Two over weighty guys... In beards... Dressed like me and my onii-sama... And doing what they thought were sexy poses."
Not even a moment later, Arizona scowled, but still hugged her. "Thank you for telling me that..."
Of course, that was when Jane returned and began to drag the two off. "Come on! Jintsuu and Hiei found the photographer I wanted to see! He's got a green screen that we can use so that it can look like I'm standing on water!" Her mouth then scrunched up some. "Hey, since he's doing pictures with shipgirls, can you have your rigging out? Because that would make it so cool and..."
As Jane continued to babble, both Arizona and Mutsu had confused expressions on their faces. Which of course soon melted into fond looks before they shared a smile.
I'm all for it!Alaska: LARGE cruiser goddamnit.
That said, I agree with you. She'd be a fun boat to write, and I'm outlining a quest featuring here. (Any interest in questing as the US's lastbattleLARGE cruiser?)
Ouch. My condolences. Hopefully something will come along soon for ye.(Hell yes!)
I need to do more writing now that I'm (currently) unemployed again.
Well, this at least is pretty easy to refute. Jane is what, nine? So unless the Abyssal War has been going on at least that long then Langley both being manifest and in a position to have a child is unlikely. Impossible, no, since there could be weird early summoning/appearance shenanigans going on, but that's a major stretch.I... Uh... I have no way to refute that logic without calling in WOG. The hell?
Alaska: LARGE cruiser goddamnit.
That said, I agree with you. She'd be a fun boat to write, and I'm outlining a quest featuring here. (Any interest in questing as the US's lastbattleLARGE cruiser?)
It would have to do with whether there is any connection to the various ghost ships, both spiritual and physical, that have been reported throughout history. I can name off the top of my head, at least two. The Schooner Jenny and the Baychemio. The Jenny was a British schooner with the last entry in the log being:You know, coming back to this you aren't really doing anything to convince anyone that USS Langley isn't Jane's mom. It would depend on how long the whole Abyssal thing has been going or odd circumstances, but...
We already have four battlecruisers to play with. The Kongos.Believe me, having written plans for Guam in my SI based around that distinction...I'm well aware of the fact Alaska isn't a proper BC by any means.
That said, CB-1 seems to be well in hand with the quest idea. So...hmm...Guam or...
...wait a tick. The Brits summoned Victory, so maybe they have actual BCs to play around with.
HMAS Australia or HMS Tiger, Y/N?
Why one thick deck is better than two thin ones
By Daniel (Cen) Mercer
Updated 05 February 1999
Here's the short answer to the multiple thin decks vs. the single thick one.
The issue is local stiffness, in this case the only area that matters is that at the point of impact of the shell (or immediately surrounding it).
Penetration by a shell is very similar to a hardness test. The area hit with the penetrator is small, but there is a given amount of support around it due to whatever is holding it. In the case of armor plate, there is framing behind the plate which supports it and adds stiffness. Since this framing is assumed to be distant relative to the impact zone of the shell it is ignored for immune zone calculations.
Since the framing is ignored, we can cut to the heart of the matter. The only way to locally increase the stiffness of the plate without considering the framing behind it is to thicken it (or add shape to it - but this is not feasible when the plate is rolled and surface hardened ("cemented")).
When a shell strikes armor it must first penetrate the surface, and then deform (or splinter) the rest of the plate out of the way. The stiffness of the plate is critical in determining whether or not the shell will penetrate.
If we were looking at this as a structural analysis, the many thin plates with the spacing would be considerably stiffer in a structural calculation like bending (EXPONENTIALLY stiffer as the thickness of the steel's value to the moment of inertia a given distance perpendicular to the axis of loading of the structure is cubed in standard calculations ("h^3" below), and then the distance between the thinner plates factors in AGAIN (as the distance from the neutral bending axis to the extreme fiber "c") in the calculation for stress) - the formula for moment of inertia (I) of a rectangular section is b*h^3/12 - the formula for stress in bending is M*c/I where: M=the bending moment (length * force) c=distance from the neutral bending axis to the extreme fiber I=the moment of inertia of the section Therefore, the total effect of this distance is multiplied to the 4th power, and the thinner plates happily add up their strength (and then some).
This is all well and good, but we're not talking about structural design, here we are talking about local impacts. What this means now is that the "h^3" in the moment of inertia calculation comes back to haunt us. The many thinner plates are considered SEPARATELY in this calculation. (This one's a bear and I really don't want to write it out here)
Because its effect is EXPONENTIAL in nature, there is not a linear correlation between the LOCAL stiffness of the single thicker plate vs. the many thinner plates. Now the many plates, because they are too distant relative to each other, can't help each other out. The single thicker plate is EXPONENTIALLY stiffer than the many thinner plates because it's "h" value is LOCALLY higher.
The effect of raising "h" to the 3rd power is so pronounced that it even over comes the loss in velocity and tip effectiveness caused by penetrating the individual plates IN SEQUENCE.
Now, I know you must think I'm nuts for calling this the short version, but it is. The long version takes two years of calculus and differential equations, and roughly three years of statics, dynamics, strength of materials, physics and metallurgy.
To provide a rule of thumb: The single thicker plate is more effective at resisting penetration by a shell because it is LOCALLY stiffer than the many thin plates, and penetration by a shell is a LOCAL phenomenon.
Besides that they have no torpedo protection and turn worst then a barge.Interestingly, the Alaska class cruisers have slightly better main guns, slightly less armor, and massively better AA than IJN Kongou, so she could really be classed a straight up battleship with almost no problem.
We already have four battlecruisers to play with. The Kongos.
And before someone say that the spaced armor, just stopped.
I recently found out that two thinner plates, like Kongos eight inch belt follow by an eight in bulkhead scheme, does not equal the same strength as sixteen inches of armor. The reason being is that they are not as hard, even combined, as a thicker plate of the same metal. The harder the metal is the less likely it its to be penetrated.
This can explain it better.
Why one thick deck is better than two thin ones
In case the link doesn't work. The entire page.
Interestingly, the Alaska class cruisers have slightly better main guns, slightly less armor, and massively better AA than IJN Kongou, so she could really be classed a straight up battleship with almost no problem.
Cause let be honest the US, hell the entire continent, really doesn't need ocean trade that badly sure it be painful as hell in the short run, but in the long run?
Yup... We are nice like that.We could theoretically isolate ourselves and let the rest of the world burn, but unfortunately for the shipgirls, we aren't going to sit around on our arses and watch good men and women die.
Or let our allies down.