Why would a CV want to romance a BB? They'd have little BBV babies, and BBVs are useless!.

Because BBs give the CVs-

BBs give CVs AA support and a shield to protect the CV from incoming fire.

*shakes fist angrily at the ninja*

More seriously, the reason the Yamaprise ship has gained such traction is because of all the neat contrasts of forbidden love you have there. Most famous IJN ship and the most famous USN ship. Ones a CV and ones a BB.

Also, the fact that Greatest Generation is playing it up and GG is easily the best english Kancolle fic around has given it a nice, big boost.

EDIT2: This works best in the case of Russian shipboys. For reasons.

As a yuri-shipper, I cannot approve. :p
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As a yuri-shipper, I cannot approve. :p
That's fine. You're allowed your own opinion. I just really want to imagine all of their lines using the voice for Kirovs in Red Alert 2. There's some other reasons, but those are for my own amusement really.
Which is why I'm not gonna do it. If I bring in the Big E and Yamato, I'd have to somehow do it better than GG, and that's not gonna happen.
Well, with how Kant-O-Celle Quest has Hornet, then I guess you're stuck with the best sister of the Yorktown-class or their good friends of the Lexington-class.
Decommission thyself then become a family man.
Not sure how to react. I guess I'll just listen to Guile's Theme instead.
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EDIT2: This works best in the case of Russian shipboys. For reasons.
Grreat Rrrrusian Shipboys? Unfortunately, all of our grrreat Rrrussian warsheeeps did not come beck as shipboys, but as those govnoing shipgirls! All they do is act like idiot, with addiction to tea and eachother. Not trraits any Grreat Rrrussian sheep should hev.
Eh, Kirov would warm anything if her reactors are warm, and she has nuclear torpedoes, which would make her a utterly terrifying kanmuso. (also I assume NJ has her tomahawks, shocked she isn't using the box missile launchers and the cannons for more range and firepower (comedy option nuclear tomahawk for anti Abysal fleet operations)
Which is why I'm not gonna do it. If I bring in the Big E and Yamato, I'd have to somehow do it better than GG, and that's not gonna happen.

Well, your probably going to have to drag in Yamato at some point. Although you can probably run her as a secondary character.

Although if I may offer a suggestion: Jersey X Musashi?
NOTE: this is IN NO WAY canon. But it's funny.

"So," Johnston leaned in, the tied-off ends of her neckerchief dragging accros her half-eaten mac and cheese. "We're really getting russkies?"

"Guess so," said Jersey, one arm thrown up on the back of her chair as she slouched low against the worn-down pleather, her thirty-ninth plate of stir fry balanced precariously on her breast.

"We could always use more girls, right?" said White, leaning so far forwards her head was almost on the table in an effort to be seen past the battleship's meal.

"Boys," said Heermann.


"In Russian, ships are boys," explained the destroyer, cutting a neat slice out of her meatloaf and popping the morsel into her mouth.

"Huh," Jersey shrugged, spinning her fork in her noodles until she had a good-size bundle then ceremonially shoving the whole mess into her mouth. "'don't 'spec too muhs."

"What?" said Hoel, her head tilting to the side.

"Coldh wah naveh suuu-" the battleship's voice died in her throat. A mess of half-chewed noodles slowly slipped from her mouth as her jaw went slack. There was a clatter of plastic on tile as her plate simply fell off her breast with a lout smack.

Standing in the entrance hall were two Russian shipboys. Shipmen might have been more accurate. They looked almost Jersey's height, with faces made of iron and beards carved from granite. Both men were dressed in impeccable black dress uniforms, medals glittering on their chests as they surveyed the mess hall.

Without a word, they nodded to one another. One made a direct course to the serving stations, while the other… the other was charging right at Jersey with calm, measured strides.

"Ooooooooooh," cooed Johnston, smirking as she poked Jersey in her ribs.

"Quit it!" hissed the battleship, spewing bits of noodle and fuel oil all over shirt. Grabbing for the napkins, she started frantically dabbing at her shirt, more thankful than ever for how well the dark navy fabric hid stains.

It was too late, Jersey'd barely managed to clear the noodles off her chest when the heavy footfalls of a Kirov class guided-missile battlecruiser echoed off the floor mere feet away.

"You are New Jersey, Da?"

"Uh…" Jersey slowly pivoted in place. The Kirov class was her sworn enemy, the foe she'd been brought of out retirement to smite. But… their strengths all played to their extreme range, coming in so close… he was in her world now, and he had to know it. "Yeah?"

"Soviet Missile Cruiser Yuri Andropov reporting,* said the Russian, his boots tapping together as his hand slowly came up to his brow in a tight salute.

Jersey caught herself staring, watching the light filter though a beard that was somehow tightly-roomed and salty at the same time.

"You will be running trans-arctic strikes with us, da?" said the Russian, the muscles in his sternly-chiseled face moving in perfect communist rhythm.

Jersey nodded.

"Be aware, Russian waters are very cold in winter," he said, his voice a low growling rumble that put even Jersey's to shame. "Perhaps…" he glanced down, a tiny twinkle in his eye, "You can I could… warm them up together?" he asked, one bushy eyebrow creeping up by a fraction.

The mess hall was utterly silent except for the sound of three Fletcher class destroyers with absolutely no sense of self preservation crooning "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" in harmony.

Jersey was going to kill those little murderballs.

Eh, Kirov would warm anything if her reactors are warm, and she has nuclear torpedoes, which would make her a utterly terrifying kanmuso. (also I assume NJ has her tomahawks, shocked she isn't using the box missile launchers and the cannons for more range and firepower (comedy option nuclear tomahawk for anti Abysal fleet operations)

Nope, she's in her WWII spec.
Well, your probably going to have to drag in Yamato at some point. Although you can probably run her as a secondary character.

Although if I may offer a suggestion: Jersey X Musashi?
Oh, there's some IJN girls I'm going to bring into the story soon enough. I just wanted to pace myself so you're not having to deal with establishing all the US characters and all the IJN girls.
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WW2 spec? Man she will need a massive overhaul to install a satellite datalink, and if they gave her box launchers and drones.. (Iraq 1 NJ was best girl)
NOTE: this is IN NO WAY canon. But it's funny.

"So," Johnston leaned in, the tied-off ends of her neckerchief dragging accros her half-eaten mac and cheese. "We're really getting russkies?"

"Guess so," said Jersey, one arm thrown up on the back of her chair as she slouched low against the worn-down pleather, her thirty-ninth plate of stir fry balanced precariously on her breast.

"We could always use more girls, right?" said White, leaning so far forwards her head was almost on the table in an effort to be seen past the battleship's meal.

"Boys," said Heermann.


"In Russian, ships are boys," explained the destroyer, cutting a neat slice out of her meatloaf and popping the morsel into her mouth.

"Huh," Jersey shrugged, spinning her fork in her noodles until she had a good-size bundle then ceremonially shoving the whole mess into her mouth. "'don't 'spec too muhs."

"What?" said Hoel, her head tilting to the side.

"Coldh wah naveh suuu-" the battleship's voice died in her throat. A mess of half-chewed noodles slowly slipped from her mouth as her jaw went slack. There was a clatter of plastic on tile as her plate simply fell off her breast with a lout smack.

Standing in the entrance hall were two Russian shipboys. Shipmen might have been more accurate. They looked almost Jersey's height, with faces made of iron and beards carved from granite. Both men were dressed in impeccable black dress uniforms, medals glittering on their chests as they surveyed the mess hall.

Without a word, they nodded to one another. One made a direct course to the serving stations, while the other… the other was charging right at Jersey with calm, measured strides.

"Ooooooooooh," cooed Johnston, smirking as she poked Jersey in her ribs.

"Quit it!" hissed the battleship, spewing bits of noodle and fuel oil all over shirt. Grabbing for the napkins, she started frantically dabbing at her shirt, more thankful than ever for how well the dark navy fabric hid stains.

It was too late, Jersey'd barely managed to clear the noodles off her chest when the heavy footfalls of a Kirov class guided-missile battlecruiser echoed off the floor mere feet away.

"You are New Jersey, Da?"

"Uh…" Jersey slowly pivoted in place. The Kirov class was her sworn enemy, the foe she'd been brought of out retirement to smite. But… their strengths all played to their extreme range, coming in so close… he was in her world now, and he had to know it. "Yeah?"

"Soviet Missile Cruiser Yuri Andropov reporting,* said the Russian, his boots tapping together as his hand slowly came up to his brow in a tight salute.

Jersey caught herself staring, watching the light filter though a beard that was somehow tightly-roomed and salty at the same time.

"You will be running trans-arctic strikes with us, da?" said the Russian, the muscles in his sternly-chiseled face moving in perfect communist rhythm.

Jersey nodded.

"Be aware, Russian waters are very cold in winter," he said, his voice a low growling rumble that put even Jersey's to shame. "Perhaps…" he glanced down, a tiny twinkle in his eye, "You can I could… warm them up together?" he asked, one bushy eyebrow creeping up by a fraction.

The mess hall was utterly silent except for the sound of three Fletcher class destroyers with absolutely no sense of self preservation crooning "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" in harmony.

Jersey was going to kill those little murderballs.

Nope, she's in her WWII spec.

Oh, there's some IJN girls I'm going to bring into the story soon enough. I just wanted to pace myself so you're not having to deal with establishing all the US characters and all the IJN girls.
I approve of this heartily.
All this talk of shipping reminds me that I need to figure out where to go in that regard in my fic...

Oh, and non-canon or not that was hilarious.
Musashi. (Fun fact, I've always been treating Jersey like she's older than the Hungry Wolf of Christmas Cakes)
Funny note: I actually imagine Missouri as the most laid back of the Iowa-sisters in terms of the Yamato-class vs Iowa-class rivalry. Because... well, she's a Missourian. It's Iowa whose the most aggressive about it, with New Jersey falling in between. So a relationship between Jersey and Musashi is going to come off as filled with UST.
Funny note: I actually imagine Missouri as the most laid back of the Iowa-sisters in terms of the Yamato-class vs Iowa-class rivalry. Because... well, she's a Missourian. It's Iowa whose the most aggressive about it, with New Jersey falling in between. So a relationship between Jersey and Musashi is going to come off as filled with UST.
Well, let me put it this way: you want the Missourian to be relaxed and laid back on an issue. Don't forget that only man to have ordered the deployment of nuclear weapons on other people in the history of humanity was from Missouri.
Well, let me put it this way: you want the Missourian to be relaxed and laid back on an issue. Don't forget that only man to have ordered the deployment of nuclear weapons on other people in the history of humanity was from Missouri.

No, I think of her to be the one who is relatively the most relaxed and laid back on this particular issue. ;)

Not to mention the warning about to beware the nice ones and all that.