That image of all those models, combined with the X-wing mention, is giving me flashbacks to Battlefleet Gothic, and it managed to put me on the trail of...what would happen with a Imperial Navy battleship as a pregnant shipgirl? After all, a single Warhammer 40K battleship would probably outmass the entire U.S. Navy of World War II put together...and maybe the IJN as well. Depends on size, I'd guess. But the sheer resources...and the models...*shudders*
On the subject of Arizona, if Shimakaze starts spreading rumors, Arizona is likely going to be furious about it overall, and the reactions of Nagato and Mutsu would be...interesting, to say the least. If rumors spread sufficiently, Admiral Richardson might have to answer some very awkward questions as Arizona's commanding officer. But if Jersey heard...or Kongou heard, then he might have to deal with them first if the rumors can't be corrected in time. Though, dealing with Arizona herself might be more difficult, because Arizona...if the rumors put it in her head that she was pregnant, and she wasn't corrected in time...14-inch naval rifle wedding? *Bangs head against desk to kill plot bunny* Arizona might very well decide to ensure she wasn't pregnant and unmarried first before realizing that she wasn't actually pregnant if that idea gets into her head, though I would hope that she is sensible enough to avoid that kind of jumping the gun.