* * * * *
Richardson pushed aside the sounds of Parkson being accosted by the rest of his fleet as he waded over to Hiei's prone form. He didn't so much as blink while taking stock of her wounds. He'd seen far, far worse. But comparing thens and nows were a moot point now.
He sat down on one of the stools used by Parkson and her team in the salty water. They were useful little things, particularly for the medical staff.
With a long, exhausted sigh, the Admiral reach out to gently brush some of Hiei's wet hair behind her ear. He might have left his touch linger a little longer than he should have, but he didn't really care. Not when Hiei was right here. A step away from being a wreck. But here nonetheless.
"...Be a bit more gentle, John."
A single powder blue eye slowly opened and cast it's tired gaze upon the Admiral.
Richardson froze as Hiei cracked a small smile.
It was not only her unexpected consciousness that had surprised him, but also the fact she had used his given name. She hadn't done that in a very, very long time. Even when it was just the two of them.
"The one and only." She grinned as best she could without sending any more twinges of pain through her jaw. If it hadn't been for the fact that moving really, really hurt and she was also missing a full half of her regular ability to support herself, she might have tried to sit up. Or at least readjust herself into a more comfortable position. "How's everyone?"
"Everything from scratched paint to broken bones. But everyone came home," Richardson stated in a very matter-of-factly tone of voice. He lowered his hand from Hiei's face even as his other twitched slightly. He couldn't really help it. He wanted to embrace the wounded woman in front of him so badly it almost hurt. But doing so would only exacerbate her injuries.
"Ah... haha... Sorry I got shot up. Pretty bad, isn't it? But not a scratch on my spirit. You'll see." Hiei shuffled a bit before giving up with a mildly irate grumble. With one arm gone and the other effectively incapacitated at the moment, hand gestures were a little bit out of the picture for now. Fiddlesticks. "Okay, no victory sign. But I'll be right as rain no matter how long it takes."
"Yeah. Right as rain." There was an uncharacteristic twinge in his voice.
"John? Hey, come on. Brighten up. We all came home. I bet we gave them a really good black eye too." She frowned as Richardson went silent. "I shaking you out of it right now is kinda difficult, so come on. Buck up."
"I... sorry." Richardson took a deep breath and dunked his head beneath the pool's waves before Hiei could ask him what in blazes he was doing.
With his eyes fixed squarely on the floor, the Admiral took the short time he had to recompose himself. Painful memories had threatened to take him when he had laid eyes upon Hiei's hull. Memories of a time before the second Kongou had been thrust upon him by a desperate command. Memories he had long since chained up after declaring them under control. But memories he refused to cast aside.
Nine years ago he had seen someone else laid out upon the operating table. And that someone hadn't woken up again.
Much like his daughter, he was too attached to the human who made up the other half of the shipgirl equation. Far too attached. Unlike Jane however, it was by his command that they sortied. His command sent them into war to do what they were made to do. What happened on the field was beyond his control. But that did not change the fact these girls marched to his tune. And he loathed the fact he loved them sometimes. If they were just steel then he could distance himself.
If he could be the commander who saw numbers instead of ships and crew, making decisions without placing faces to names and awaiting results. Or barking orders from atop a warship's citadel, knowing full well his own life was in the same boat as his troops.
But he couldn't. Abyssal warfare wouldn't let him and he wasn't uncaring enough to treat these girls as tools.
Maybe that made him a really shitty Admiral? He had no way of knowing. Desperation and ruthlessness were the only reason he had a star to pin on his collar. Sure, he'd been headed to where he was now before the war started. But that was resting on the laurels of peace and warfare that could be understood on mundane terms. It was part of why he piled on the angry showmanship at times when issuing orders. Hide the weakness. Hide the inexperience.
Get. The. Job. Done.
A bit like Arizona if he wanted to really stretch things.
But Hiei had seen through that as if he'd been a green little seaman's recruit, still wearing a uniform smelling of his mother's dryer sheets.
Bubbles slowly floated away as he loosed some of the air in his lungs. His mind was becoming more and more demanding he refill his oxygen supply and stop this needless display of hiding himself. But he needed just another moment. A few more seconds. Just enough to not break down.
Richardson was rather glad on a subconscious level that he was already on his way back up when his head was roughly extricated from below the waterline thanks to a very sudden an unrelenting yank on his shirt. Otherwise he might have a lungful of water to cough up. Never fun. It was probably one of the better advantages of being stuck behind a desk.
"Hey! Snap out of it," Hiei demanded whilst holding Richardson up with her remaining arm, giving him a decent shake despite the roaring anger of her chief engineer and the rather considerable pain shooting through her arm. And a good portion of her hull. She'd dealt with him during some of the worst times of his recent life. She did not want or need him falling back onto those self-destructive tendencies. They'd been through too much together for her to let him fall again. And besides, she wasn't the kind of warship to let someone flounder like that in the first place!
"Wh-!" Richardson tried to formulate a response, but nothing was coming out. And if there had been anything on the way then Hiei's sudden shaking of him rattled it to the point of incoherence.
Hiei narrowed her eyes.
"John Alfred Richardson," she began, her voice taking on that imperious and commanding tone that had become so associated with her history as the Emperor's most beloved ship. "Look at me. I'm hurt. I'm damaged. I overheard enough and I know enough to know that I may never see combat again."
The Admiral remained silent, reproached by Battleship Hiei's severe tone.
"But I am not dead. I can and I will still fight. There are thousands of ways to fight a war that don't involve shooting things." Her voice softened ever so slightly. "And I will still stand beside you. No matter what."
Richardson took a sharp breath before Hiei released him, allowing both to fall back. Him onto his strange underwater chair and her back onto her moorings with a groan and a wince.
"God. Fucking. Dammit, Hiei," growled out the dark haired man after a minute of tense silence. He stood violently and loomed over the damaged Kongou, his eyes alight with raw anger. "The fuck do you think you're doing?!"
"Pulling your head out of your ass, sir." She grinned cheekily despite the pain. Maybe she'd gone a bit too far if the yelling in her broken head was any indication. Well, it was worth it. "I know you better than any ship around, even better than Mutsu, and I know best how to get your spirit burning again. You know I'm not always good with timing it though. Kongou-oneesama's a lot better at it than I am."
"Yeah, but I'm not dealing with the Dessboat. I'm dealing with you. God-damned crazy-ass Emperor Hiei." He palmed his face and slowly dragged his fingers downward in an expression of irritation. His depression was nowhere to be found. The memories were still vivid, but they did not threaten him like they had minutes before. Dammit, she was right. Again. "Fuck."
Hiei's grin broadened. "Welcome back, John."
"I should be saying that to you. And aren't I also supposed to be worrying about you and the fact you're splayed out here like a mummy." He spoke it more like a fact than any sort of question. "You're really good at making this old man feel useless, you know that right?"
"But, you are useless!" Hiei laughed gaily.
"Shut the fuck up."
There was a rustling of the curtains that drew the attention of the Admiral and the battleship.
"My my, You two seem to be having fun," deadpanned Mutsu as she poked her head into the makeshift room. She arced an eyebrow in a suspicious manner, trying to keep the teasing lilt out of her voice. "I was under the impression that a certain someone was too hurt to move around, hm?"
"Oh, everything hurts. A lot," Hiei replied, her smile not fading. "But you know how this guy is. And I'm a battleship! It'll take more than this to keep me down. Ow."
Richardson removed his finger from Hiei's bare side and smirked when she glared at him.
"You two never change." Mutsu rolled her eyes at their antics. Everyone had been worried to death about Hiei and here she was, carrying on like nothing had happened. Well, mostly.
"You know you love us." Hiei stuck her tongue out at the second Nagato-Class. It felt good to be home.
"And it is that love that keeps me from beating you senseless with a pillow," snarked Mutsu without any real bite behind her words. Really, there were times when she wanted to throttle Hiei like a certain American cartoon father. But it was that spirit of hers that helped so many of them keep going. Especially their Admiral. Much as she didn't want to admit it at times.
"And at that, I should probably go. Yamashiro is probably about to lose her mind." Richardson stood and arced his back, popping a few bones back into place. He wasn't even fifty and already he was dreading getting even older. Damn the human body.
"...I think she's up."
"The Lieutenant is awake?"
"Hiei-mama's up!?"
"Let us through!"
And with a grand tumble and a tearing of plastic, the curtains facing away from the rest of the pool came down. Along with it came the majority of the Anti-Princess fleet. A very dazed Parkson found herself at the bottom of the pile, buried by destroyers, cruisers, and one honorary Ensign.
Mutsu stood there, trying to not laugh while still holding the curtain she had pushed aside. It didn't last very long and soon she crumpled to the water with peals of laughter. She'd thought those kind of things only happened in movies or on television!
It was Arizona who strode over the pile, extricating only Jane as she passed by, and approached both Richardson and Hiei. Her steely eyes were oddly soft as she placed the joyful child on her shoulders without a second thought.
"Lieutenant, i-it is good to have you back." The Standard's voice wavered, but maintained the rough character she normally spoke with. She gestured to Jane, who seemed happy to the point where words were beyond her. To be so happy at the return of a loved one... "We were tremendously worried about you. This one more than anyone."
"Ahaha. Sorry. But don't worry, they won't sink this battleship!"
"I should regret letting you all see that movie." While admittedly awesome, that turn with the anchor just made his brain hurt.
Arizona blinked.
"What mov-" She paused suddenly as something caught her eye, drawing an odd amount of attention to herself in the process. Even moreso when she raised a slightly trembling finger in Hiei's direction. Her eye twitched as her expression tightened. "Lieutenant, you're... e-exposed. In front of everyone. In front of the Admiral."
There was a mass swiveling of gazes towards Richardson and Hiei, both of whom looked at each other and blinked.
"Not the first time," admitted Hiei with a bit of a shrug after a few moments.
"Wha-!" Arizona's face went from sporting a slight tinge of red to looking more like a stoplight in seconds. She didn't so much as budge when Jane poked her cheek.
"Besides, he's seen way more that just this."
Richardson massaged his temples as he felt a headache brewing. A very familiar sort of headache. The kind only one ship of his could produce. And he wouldn't trade it for the world.
Mutsu's peals of merry laughter intensified as she rolled into the pool, clutching her abdomen.
* * * * *