Going back to Shinano, I'm hoping that she came back as she would have been had she made it to Kure and had completed her fitting out. Otherwise, if she came back as was when the torpedoes sank her, she will have an nearly empty quiver (50 planes only all suicide bombers), bleed out easily (internal bulkheads were not water tight), very little stamina (overheated a bearing on her main prop. shaft), and very poor DC (had civilians aboard to help complete her fitting out). Finally she would deathly afraid of any subs..
@Old Iron have you seen space battleship Yamato 2199? I congratulate you on the reference if so.
Thank ye! :D I wish that show had been longer. So good. There was also some other references in there as well.

As for the floatplane debate... There's eight CANT's as each Guissano could carry two. And while six Zeros is absolute overkill against them, that's still eight extra bogeys to deal with while trying to contend with all the AA. A shitty plane with shitty guns is still something that can get in the way.

It's less 'protect the bombers' and more 'clear the road'.

That's the reasoning I went with when writing at least.
Look at the Korean War. F-51 prop planes were used, but as ground attack and reconnaissance aircraft. Easy prey for enemy MiGs and Anti-aircraft fire.
USAF F-51s and US Navy F4Us got MiG kills in Korea. And note that the heavy interdiction ground-pounding was done with... B-29s. Granted, only under conditions when the MiGs couldn't fly (either due to weather, darkness, or allied air superiority) after some MASSIVE losses on early daylight raids, but still.

The pilots and shipgirls know, in universe, what those planes are. They also know of the leveling effect. It's not something mysterious and unquantified.
It is reasonable to assume that from Zero=Hornet example stated IC before, to say nothing of the numerous off-screen air engagements that have happened in the Abyssal War, that the pilots know an older aircraft is less of a threat.
It is also reasonable that, since these shipgirls are trained enough to recognize different classes of ships from nations that never even sent ships to the Pacific, the Kanmusu task force should know what the enemy floatplanes are capable of.

Therefore, it should be apparent in universe, to all parties that the four floatplanes are not a significant combat factor. I reiterate my origional statement: I understand the focus on taking the Tosa-led task force by surprise and not wanting to be spotted. But four CANT 25 floatplane fighters are not something to be concerned about from a combat standpoint.
This assumes that the reference point is that, for all prop aircraft, Zero == Hornet, and for all jet aircraft, F-22 == P-51D. My guess, though, based on what we've seen in the story so far, is that the reference point varies with the manufacture date of the item being compared. The CANT 25 wasn't exactly a world-beater in 1931, but it wasn't exactly at a horrible handicap compared to other fighters of the period--witness what the US Navy was using at the time, the Boeing F4B, the F11C Goshawk, and the Grumman FF. Thus, it'd be dangerous enough to worry about, if not something to be feared.
I'm going to ignore most of this talk about planes. (Skyraider fairies when?)

I'm going to ignore most of this talk about new Carriers. (Personally, Shinano is an airplane transport stapled to a support carrier stapled to a light carrier, so you're pretty much trolling Goto here.)

Instead, I'm going to bring up the Battle of Kolombangara. This is relevant because this is the battle where St. Louis helped sink Jintsuu in return for torpedo damage. Perhaps we'll see the two interact later?
I'm going to ignore most of this talk about planes. (Skyraider fairies when?)

I'm going to ignore most of this talk about new Carriers. (Personally, Shinano is an airplane transport stapled to a support carrier stapled to a light carrier, so you're pretty much trolling Goto here.)

Instead, I'm going to bring up the Battle of Kolombangara. This is relevant because this is the battle where St. Louis helped sink Jintsuu in return for torpedo damage. Perhaps we'll see the two interact later?
or even funnier/more feels depending on JMP, having Aoba mistake Lou for her sister Helena.
@Old Iron,

Like the story, but I noticed something.

The F-4 Phantom is a two crewman aircraft, a pilot and a radar operator (RO). As far as I can tell you only have the pilots talking. So I'm wondering what the RO's are doing when Akira was making fun of Titus at the beginning? They should have had some comments, especially Titus' RO, who would either defend (yeah, right) or join the ribbing.
Thank ye! :D I wish that show had been longer. So good. There was also some other references in there as well.

As for the floatplane debate... There's eight CANT's as each Guissano could carry two. And while six Zeros is absolute overkill against them, that's still eight extra bogeys to deal with while trying to contend with all the AA. A shitty plane with shitty guns is still something that can get in the way.

It's less 'protect the bombers' and more 'clear the road'.

That's the reasoning I went with when writing at least.
Season 2 comes out next year- lookup Yamato 2202.
@Old Iron,

Like the story, but I noticed something.

The F-4 Phantom is a two crewman aircraft, a pilot and a radar operator (RO). As far as I can tell you only have the pilots talking. So I'm wondering what the RO's are doing when Akira was making fun of Titus at the beginning? They should have had some comments, especially Titus' RO, who would either defend (yeah, right) or join the ribbing.
There aren't any RO's. With radar and electronic warfare being mostly if not completely useless, that back seat is pretty well empty more often than not.

That's the In-Story reason I will attempt to give.

The real reason is that I continue to fail at research and forgot the F-4 was a two seater... :oops:

Glad you're enjoying it though!
Season 2 comes out next year- lookup Yamato 2202.
*ludicrously happy Iron noises*
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There aren't any RO's. With radar and electronic warfare being mostly if not completely useless, that back seat is pretty well empty more often than not.

That's the In-Story reason I will attempt to give.

The real reason is that I continue to fail at research and forgot the F-4 was a two seater... :oops:

Glad you're enjoying it though!

*ludicrously happy Iron noises*
There's a SV thread on it in the anime forum. Check it out!
That last one is just a joking way of talking.

'*insert thing here* a shit' is something people say as a joke.
Catching up now... so we're going to ramp up war efforts to bring back more of the girls? I'm not opposed to some RIP AND TEAR. especially if it's bringing shipgirls back from the ice field.
My fear is that once the shipgirls know the more Abyssals they sink the more reckless some of them will get in an attempt to bring back a family member or a friend. The last thing everyone needs is to lose a girl due to her trying to take out one more Abyssal to bring someone back.
Goto was about to respond when he felt something very heavy slump against his side. He glanced over to see Ooyodo all but clinging for him for support. Her face blanched as white as a sheet, and she stared up at him in horror. "Su-supplies," she stammered.
OK... so I blame this on having watched Girls und Panzer der Film like... 5 times over the Memorial Day weekend... but imagine if Kenritsu Oarai Joshi Gakuen had been summoned.

Yeah... she'd probably have very little in initial loadout... but she'd be able to have tanks... "land" based bombers... possibly some cruise ships... as well as loads of amenities (like a convenience store).
The look? Maybe something along the lines of a Shokaku or Zuikaku, but in recognition of her school nature, probably in either the school uniform or the Sensha-do uniform.
Her attacks? Cute operation names (Operation Sneaky) with crazy tactics (let's wedge something under a BB so it can't move, make it turn its turrets and lock them in place, and then shoot it down the funnel stack).
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My fear is that once the shipgirls know the more Abyssals they sink the more reckless some of them will get in an attempt to bring back a family member or a friend. The last thing everyone needs is to lose a girl due to her trying to take out one more Abyssal to bring someone back.

Wisky: Maybe... I can finally be useful...