Was acutally thinking about deployments. With _two_ CVE's (US, not Japanese), and their top speed of about 21 knots, why is Musashi getting them?
Instead of the pair being attached to Mushai, attach them to Sasebo or Yokohama, replacing ethier Akagi or Ryu. You _do_ realize ethier CVE carries more Wild (OR Bearcats, yes, Bearcats and Skyradiers were desgined to fly off the CVE's, as well as Corsairs)cats than Ryu carries Zeros? IIRC, Flatchest carries a max of 34, while the CVE's could max with deck load 32, though usually 28?
Given speeds of all invovled, the pair could _easily_ replace Flight deck chest, on the line ('spc given that the pair start with Wildcats/TBF-Avengers, and can upgrade to Skyraiders and Bearcats...), and Ryujo can etheir pull Escort duty with Musashi, or be assigned to Jersey. Much better allocation of assets. AND allows the convoys to speed along faster, than limited to the 15 or so safe knots of the CVE's.
To be honest, given merchant speed, the CVE's are ideal _covering_ the battleships on coastal duty (which they've done before, more or less), and Ryujo is better off with an escort force.
(Indy (assuming she's in the Gulf still) should get the same treatment. CVE's are just too slow for this war, but covering the older Standards or coastal (or ASW HKG work), is what they're going to be. the CVL's and CV's since they're so few, should be tasked with convoy work, or strike work)