They. Haven't. Even. Met.

Never too early to start! :V

What is this Yamaprise fic of which you speak?

Romance/action/slice-of-life fic I pitched to Icywinter and he agreed to write. The very succinct summary is that it is sort of a semi-inversion of Greatest Generation: Yamato comes to America (well, Hawaii, which is technically part of America) as part of what is essentially a basing agreement and meets a Enterprise who is faltering under the stress of (literally) living up to her reputation. Yamaprise ensues.

Working on it in-between schoolwork.

Ah... it is that time of the semester isn't it? I should be writing some of my papers too but... well... Fallout.
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This has likely been asked but do you have an image of some sort for what Jersey looks like?
I... sort of do, but it's a crappy photo of an even crappier sketch I did on a whim. I've been meaning to give her some proper art.
Ok I love this story, but can anyone point me towards some info I can read to better understand the Kancolle world and the pairings and such?
Mind, that's who Kongou was expecting (classy New Jersey who doesn't believe in the concept of underwear, unlike Iowa who'a good girl next door 1950s waifu tier), but not quite what she got. :p
Ok I love this story, but can anyone point me towards some info I can read to better understand the Kancolle world and the pairings and such?
Kancolle wiki's always a good start! Among the characters I've introduced though, the only canon pairing is Kongou's infamous one-sided attraction to her admiral.
Missouri said:
HA! HA ha! HA HA HA! HA! Jersey? In that? HA!
Mind, that's who Kongou was expecting (classy New Jersey who doesn't believe in the concept of underwear, unlike Iowa who'a good girl next door 1950s waifu tier), but not quite what she got. :p
Oh hell no. Jersey is, as someone once put, "our foul-mouthed tribute to the 80's."
Part 25: Queen of the Sea.
Part 25
Jersey scowled to herself. In the eighteen hours since the IJ—sorry, SDF— girls had driven off the last stragglers of the Abyssal bomber horde, her little convoy had fallen into a rhythm. Tenryuu and her girls would pull air defence for a few hours, then rotate with the taffies and Fubuki… Over and over and over again at a plodding eighteen knots.

The battleship glanced over shoulder. She could go faster. Her destroyers could go faster. Hell, even the cargo freighters could go faster. But not little White.

Jersey cringed at the way White's legs quivered as she sailed though a wave, the way her jaw was set as she pushed all the steam she could generate though her engines.

"You okay, kiddo?" called the battleship.

White panted, gulping down air as she forced enough oxygen though her lungs to speak. "M-mmhm," she said, waving Jersey off as best she could.

Jersey wanted to argue. To point out that no, White was not okay. She was going to wreck her machinery. But she couldn't. Not with the fate of Japan riding on this convoy. It drove her up the fucking wall… And that wasn't the only thing eating away at her.

She'd tried to ignore it, but it kept gnawing at her. A tingling in her gut harsh enough that it couldn't be brushed off. Jersey scowled deeper, pushing her turbines just a little harder to pull out ahead of the convoy.

"Hey," she said, offering a lame wave as she pulled up abreast of Kongou.

Kongou smiled, the little tuft of hair standing bolt upright on her head waving in the breeze. "Is your girl going to be okay?" she asked, her accent lightly seasoned with distinguished British diction.

"Who, White?" Jersey sighed, idly picking at the scar forming over her missing eye. "She's… a tough girl."

Kongou smiled, dipping her head in tacit acknowledgement. Of course she knew White was a tough girl, she was there.

"She'll make it to Hokkaido," said Jersey, hoping that if she stated it emphatically enough reality would bend to her wishes. "I know she will. I might have to tow her ass the rest of the way, but…" Jersey trailed off.

For a few minutes, the two fast battleships steamed together in silence. Jersey stared off at the horizon, while Kongou… Kongou seemed entranced by finding interesting shapes in the clouds above.

"I'll talk to Johnston," said Jersey. She bit her lip, her mirrored shades barely meeting Koungou's warm gaze. "She flagged you, and she knows damn well she did it."

Kongou didn't say a word, but her eyes were warm, her half-smile anything but angry as she let Jersey air her feelings out.

"But also… that was a pretty shitty thing of me to do," Jersey glanced away, pulling off her shades so she could talk to the battle ship eye-to-eye. "You fought with honor and respect, you- you of all people deserve more than that."

Kongou… actually giggled. Her hand flew to her mouth, keeping the tiny chortles more or less bottled up. "Jersey, I don't blame your girls," Kongou smiled, her hair waving lazily in the breeze, "And I don't blame you either, Dess. You obviously love them very much."

Jersey scowled. "Still a shitty thing to do…"

"Life is full of shitty things," said Kongou, "but they pale in the power of Burning Love." The battleship smiled, flashing one of those stupid one-eye-open finger signs Naka was so fond of.

Jersey stared, "The hell?"

"I said Burning Love!" repeated Kongou, grinning even larger as she pumped her fist, her huge billowing sleeve flapping around in the breeze. The battleship stared off into the horizon, holding her pose just long enough for Jersey to crack a smile.


Yeoman Gale gulped. The young woman—or rather, very old battleship—standing in the middle of the summoning pool was… gorgeous. Tall and shapely, with her russet brown hair that glowed like honey in the summoning chamber hall. Her face looked carved from marble, and somehow the slight asymmetry in her broken nose only made her more beautiful.

Very quietly, very softly, the Yeoman pouted to herself. All the shipgirls were good-looking in some way or another. The taffies were adorable—when they weren't making her tear her hair out—, Naka was girlishly cute, and Jersey had that skater-tomboy vibe going for her.

But Washington… she was downright queenly. Her face, her bearing, her… figure… Gale felt like she had to wear dress white just to see the battleship.

The feeling didn't go away as Washington walked over to the ladder. The taffies had just bounced across the waves like the hyperactive murderballs they were, but Washington moved like a proper lady. Gale even forgot for a second how unnatural walking across water was.

She smiled sweetly as she crested the ladder, offering a polite, demure, but slightly soul-less smile to the countless sailors staring at her. Gale breathed a sigh of relief, at least there was something she wasn't good at.

"So," said Washington, her hands falling to her sides, her fingertips brushing at the fabric of her running shorts. "I take it I'm not the first ship to return, then?"

Williams smirked, "That doesn't make you any less welcome, Washington."

"Wash, please." The battleship responded almost in reflex, her eyes glancing askance as her mind caught up with her mouth.

"Wash, do you know where you are?"

The battleship glanced up, her fingers twitching as she thought. Or consulted her gyrocompass. Or whatever the hell shipgirls did. Gale had long since given up trying to understand it. "Everett, unless I'm very much mistaken," she said.

Williams nodded.

"Though," Washing- 'Wash' glanced at Gale, then the other sailors crowded around her, "Time's passed, yes? I'm certain those uniforms are new."

"You… could say that," said Williams, crossing his arms as he thought. "It's twenty-fifteen."

To her credit, the only note of surprise Wash offered was a simple "Hmm." She glanced up at her Admiral, her steely eyes glittering in the light, "I thought missiles were the way of the future."

"Maybe," admitted Williams, "But right now we could use a gunslinger. And you're one of the best."

Wash… actually blushed. Her ivory cheeks going beet red as she suddenly found her shoes utterly fascinating. "Sir…" she said, her face bouncing between at least eleven different emotions, "Sir… if you need me… let's get to work."
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First Bismarck, then Hood, then Tirpitz, THEN Iowa, then Jersey (of all people!), then Washington!



"Maybe," admitted Williams, "But right now we could use a gunslignger. And you're one of the best."

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JMPer I'm feeling a bit artsy atm so I'm throwing together a picture of White. If you've got any specific details you want me to make sure I include feel free to inbox me otherwise you'll get whatever I've found in the description + artistic license for things I haven't found or feel like tweaking.

For White so far I've got tiny, pigtails, puppy dog eyes, a skirt, a gunbelt and a little wagon with a flight deck. So I'm leaning towards a puppydog look with a little flight deck barge/carriage thing that is a cross between a little red cart and her actual ship form. Her ranged weapon wasn't that I saw specified so I'm leaning towards slingshot cos baby carrier.

I may or may not post it when I'm done but it's fun to draw sometimes.
JMPer I'm feeling a bit artsy atm so I'm throwing together a picture of White. If you've got any specific details you want me to make sure I include feel free to inbox me otherwise you'll get whatever I've found in the description + artistic license for things I haven't found or feel like tweaking.

For White so far I've got tiny, pigtails, puppy dog eyes, a skirt, a gunbelt and a little wagon with a flight deck. So I'm leaning towards a puppydog look with a little flight deck barge/carriage thing that is a cross between a little red cart and her actual ship form. Her ranged weapon wasn't that I saw specified so I'm leaning towards slingshot cos baby carrier.

I may or may not post it when I'm done but it's fun to draw sometimes.
You forgot the colt navy revalor that represents the six shots to the heavy cruiser Chikou, yes I know I spelt that wrong, that her five inch got hit with that sunk her.
You forgot the colt navy revalor that represents the six shots to the heavy cruiser Chikou, yes I know I spelt that wrong, that her five inch got hit with that sunk her.
It was the Choukai, and White's gunfire didn't actually sink her. White just touched off Choukai's Long Lance torpedoes, causing massive damage that knocked out her rudder and engines, forcing her to fall out of formation. Minutes later, a 500 pound bomb from an American Aircraft (I'm not sure of the host carrier), penetrated into her machinery spaces, starting fires and leaving her dead in the water. She was scuttled later that day by torpedoes from the destroyer Fujinami. (Who herself was sunk two days later.)

None of this takes away from White landing six perfect shots at the very limit of her gun's effective range, but it wasn't quite a TKO.
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None of this takes away from White landing six perfect shots at the very theoretical limit of her gun's range, but it wasn't quite a TKO.

I wonder what happened to the crew of the gun that managed that. I can imagine a lot of captains that would kill for a crew that good with naval guns. And, also, whoever trained them.