Fair enough. I'm just worried that my inbox will get flooded by angry reviewers pointing out such a rookie "mistake". It's astonishing how many of them think I'm the one writing the story despite having stated multiple times in the uploader notes otherwise. But that is FFN for you.
And that is why I'm letting you post on ff.net!
I have to say, the first section actually made me nauseous. >_<
Yay! I... think.
I kind of feel bad for working my girls so hard on getting development blueprints in WSG now...

At least I have very warm beds and a sauna reserved just for STG11FLT2.
Part 23b: Battle off Alaska continues!
Battle Off Alaska continued!
In an instant, time stopped. Jersey felt her hull glide to a halt atop a wave crest like it was cast in concrete, the glittering water droplets pouring off her bow turning to miniature diamonds frozen in midair.

It felt weird as shit. Some freakish combination of the adrenaline coursing though her veins and the twenty-seven-hundred faeries manning their stations was letting her process at lighting speed. She… she needed to think.

Jersey stormed down a corridor, her corridor, her soggy running shoes slapping against the deck with a frantic rhythm as she broke into a quick jog. This wasn't just a fight, she wasn't wading alone into the devils' jaws. She had destroyers, freighters, and the entire fucking nation of Japan riding on her command.

She launched herself down a ladder, landing with a loud clang against… her own decking. That was gonna stay weird for a while. A Master Chief snapped to attention, giving her a warm nod as she passed him.

Jersey returned it with an almost automatic salute of her own, letting her legs take here deeper into her own hull, almost sprinting towards… towards wherever she needed to be.

She rounded a corner into…her own CIC. She was built as a flagship, after all, she had a Combat Information Center to rival a fleet carrier.

Her faeries snapped too as she ducked though the watertight hatch, each holding a hand to their disproportional faces, huge eyes locked on her.

"H-hey guys," said Jersey, awkwardly returning the salute as she made her way to the plotting table. "Uh… as you were."

The faeries wordlessly resumed their posts. Enlisted ratings in blue coveralls hunkered down behind glowing amber screens while faeries in tan officer's uniforms congregated by the plotting table.

No, not faeries, officers. Jersey recognized them, ever captain, every admiral who'd ever served with her standing ready to guide her. "Thanks… sirs," she said, her hand snapping to her brow in a crisp salute.

A beat, a nod from her captain.

"Alright," Jersey slapped her hand against the plotting table frame, "Let's get to work. This a map of the AO?"

Another nod.

Jersey hunched over the table, briefly admiring the tiny model ships—and abyssal—scattered around the board. Where, exactly, the'd found models of the demonic little PT boats was a question she didn't want to get into. Then she saw it.

"Oh…" She glanced up at the assembled cadre of officers for a brief second, hoping for confirmation that she was simply imagining the pattern she saw.

No such luck.

"Shit," scowled Jersey, her icy gaze focusing down on the tiny models as if her stare could destroy their very real counterparts. Her destroyers were hopelessly out of position. Between the Taffies pulling air-defense and Fubuki charging headlong into the torpedo boats, her entire southern flank was wide open. "No way they can disengage?"

A resigned shake of the head from her Captain. With her girls that fully engaged eventrying to fall back would cut them to shreds.

And then it got worse. One of her faeries wordlessly shuffled though the sea of brass to deposit a handful of model destroyers just off Jersey's southern flank. So close she could almosttaste the concentrated… wrongness from her CIC.

"How the hell did they get so close?" snapped Jersey.

The faerie tech gave her a conciliatory nod. Radar was awful in these seas, and she'd been focusing on the sky anyways.

Jersey slammed her fist against the table. Stupid! She'd let—she glanced at the slowly-growing cluster of models—seven destroyers close to torpedo range clear off her beam. A more perfect shot—at her or the convoy—there never was. If they hadn't dumped their fish already, they would any second now.

Ideally, she'd try and extend away from the destroyers, leveraging the superior range of her 16 inch rifles to keep them at arms-length. But they were already in knife-fighting range. But the only way she could do that was to cut though the convoy, leaving the freighters undefended, and charging headlong into the torpedo boat swarm. And she couldn't stay put, not if she wanted a torpedo to the gut.

That left one option.

"Ah hell," sighed the Battleship, closing her eyes as she took in a deep breath.

When she opened them again, she was back at sea, her bow crashing though a wave as if the entire strategy meeting had happened in an instant. Didn't matter, she knew what she had to do.

Her turbines roared as she shunted all the steam she could generate though them, pushing almost a quarter million horsepower though her shafts. The sea off her stern turned to nothing more that foaming white as the battleship built up speed.

She heeled over into a turn, swinging her bow around to spoil the destroyers firing solution as she charged straight at them.

"Jersey, what the hell?" growled Williams in her ear. "What are you doing?"

"Only thing I can, sir," said Jersey, gritting her teeth as she saw the destroyer column turn on its axis, each destroyer in turn unshadowing its torpedo tubes. A twilight torpedo attack, turning to fire at just over 5 nautical miles… she'd seen this before. Textbook perfect IJN tactics.

Those bastards were flinging long-lances. If just one of those oxygen fueled monsters hit her…

She shook her head, forcing her fear down to the remotest corner of her bridge. "They arenot going to sink this battleship," she growled.

BOOM! Her six forward rifles barked in agreement, whipping the roaring waves into craters as they spoke. High explosive shells raced though the sky. At this range, their trajectory was almost perfectly flat.

All but one missed, frantically evading destroyers were tricky to hit on seas that weren'trolling like Neptune himself wanted Jersey to miss. Five towering splashes of sapphire-dyed water bracketed the destroyers, sending them bobbing like leaves in a gale.

Jersey's last shell was dead-on. Only a freak wave saved the destroyer, dropping it at the very last instant to save its paper-thin hull from a direct hit.

Instead, the shell careened though its superstructure, tearing everything above the weather deck clean off and spitting it out in a mass of twisted, burning metal. With its bridge gone, the brain-dead destroyer listed over, burning its nose in the surf as it coasted to a stop.

One down. Six to go. No time to brag, just act.

Jersey more felt than saw silver streaks of torpedoes racing towards her as they punched though the churning waves. If she hadn't turned into the spread when she did… No. No time. She grimaced as she felt the scream of high-speed screws wash against her hull as torpedoes raced past her on both sides. Six more to go.

Thirty seconds before her sixteens were up again. She shifted focus to her five-inches, splitting her attention between port and starboard as she sailed right into the hornets' nest.

BoomBoomBoomBoom her turrets barked at her command, her faeries hitting the theoretical maximum of 22 rounds per minute. Adrenaline coursed though her veins as red-hot shell cases bounced onto her decks. Freezing rain mixed with salt spray as howling wind drove what felt like entire oceans into her face.

She barely even noticed the destroyers returning fire. High-explosive shells raked her exposed superstructure, tearing at her clothes and singing her hair. White Phosphorus shells exploded against her decks, setting her wood decking alight.

A shell exploded in front of her face, tearing her radar director clean off and gouging a bloody gash across the battleship's brow.

Jersey screamed in fury. Without her radar, she was down to visual-targeting only. Blood trickled into her eyes, mixing with rain in the howling winds as the battleship circled her would-be killers. Her body was aflame, presenting a target they couldn't miss while she struggled to find her mark.

Which didn't matter.

They'd fired their torpedoes, the only weapons that could penetrate her citadel, and missed. They'd blown their one chance to kill her and missed. With her armor and her damage-control faeries… they couldn't kill her, only hurt her.

And Jersey was so fucking mad even the burning phosphorus on her fantail barely registered. Those bitches were going five miles straight down.
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Is it time?

Looks like it's time.

The Black Dragon Takes the Field!

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It's like New Jersey is the spiritual child of Angron, several Hulks and Berserker Herakles, with a pissed Unit 01 thrown in for shit 'n giggles.
Where is the orbital sat datalink, or the MK1 fire control computer, even without radar she should be able to directly engage them using a data link system. (though this not being the 1991 refit, it should be flags, not that I may have done this when some systems went down because of issues). Where are her Orions and helios, even the 1945 refit went to Nam with newer helios, a few helos armed with some torps should sink these destroyers with ease.
.... She is so not fit for combat, she should have at least a Seahawk fairy.. I assume they will refit her with a digital fire control system during her yard period post battle, along with electronic damage control?
.... She is so not fit for combat, she should have at least a Seahawk fairy.. I assume they will refit her with a digital fire control system during her yard period post battle, along with electronic damage control?
She's a shipgirl, you can't just go pulling her (literal) guts out to stuff modern electronics in. And even if you could, there's no reason to. Her gunnery computers are already capable of generating firing solutions more accurate than the guns themselves. (Plus, during their refits in the 80s, there was a worry that the shock from her 16 inch guns would wreck delicate electronics.)

Modern radar,as has been established, is almost less than useless against Abyssals, so she'll stick with her fitted systems. And I'm not even sure what "electronic damage control" is.
They ripped out the adding machine and put in a digital fire control system. Also about the electronics, only the sea sparrow which is a small missile meant for point defense roles was not shock resistant, Tomahawks are more than able to handle the force of the big guns (and to be honest accuracy is a function of the power mixes).

Electronic damage control is replacing the paper based DC with computer based systems, it was a big deal in the 1980s.

I was thinking more like a strike package, give her some glasses with a link to a P-3 for long range targeting and command/control functions, a ruggidized PDA or tablet for digital fleet control roles, but she will need a major yard (so many buckets) for her torn radar.
Maybe for her Kai Ni (or whatever the USN decides to name uprated remodels) but for the foressable future, Jersey's rolling with her WWII fitout.
They ripped out the adding machine and put in a digital fire control system. Also about the electronics, only the sea sparrow which is a small missile meant for point defense roles was not shock resistant, Tomahawks are more than able to handle the force of the big guns (and to be honest accuracy is a function of the power mixes).

Electronic damage control is replacing the paper based DC with computer based systems, it was a big deal in the 1980s.

I was thinking more like a strike package, give her some glasses with a link to a P-3 for long range targeting and command/control functions, a ruggidized PDA or tablet for digital fleet control roles, but she will need a major yard (so many buckets) for her torn radar.

If you aren't familiar with the Kancolle universe, it's important to remember that Jersey is the spirit of a warship, not a literal warship.

She's at least as much magical as she is mechanical. Probably more.
Where is the orbital sat datalink, or the MK1 fire control computer, even without radar she should be able to directly engage them using a data link system. (though this not being the 1991 refit, it should be flags, not that I may have done this when some systems went down because of issues). Where are her Orions and helios, even the 1945 refit went to Nam with newer helios, a few helos armed with some torps should sink these destroyers with ease.
One problem with launch any air craft right now. The storm they are in would shut down a Nimitz's class carrier.

They ripped out the adding machine and put in a digital fire control system. Also about the electronics, only the sea sparrow which is a small missile meant for point defense roles was not shock resistant, Tomahawks are more than able to handle the force of the big guns (and to be honest accuracy is a function of the power mixes).

Electronic damage control is replacing the paper based DC with computer based systems, it was a big deal in the 1980s.

I was thinking more like a strike package, give her some glasses with a link to a P-3 for long range targeting and command/control functions, a ruggidized PDA or tablet for digital fleet control roles, but she will need a major yard (so many buckets) for her torn radar.

She fighting in her World War 2 fit out... Which is basically the same as her modern fit out without her Tomahawks, Harpoons, CWISs and mordern search radars and radio gear. Literally that all they added in the Iowas 1980s refit.

She also has a shit load more guns, like 8 more five inch guns and eighty more 40mm Bofors.

The only thing they charged to the main guns fire control was to add a special radar that tracked the muzzle velocity of the shells, that's it. What they launch with in the forties is what you will find in them now besides that one little part I just mention.
IIRC the Navy actually stated outright that the Mark 1A that they had built in the early 30s was just as, if not more accurate, than the best modern GFCS they could fit in her back in the 80s. So they just left the GFCS in there instead of overhauling it completely. Add some phalanxes, tomahawks, and helicopters and you have her 1980s refit.

Can we go with Refit for the American upgrade system? Like, year of refit + refit designation.


No. 4004 : New Jersey (Refit 1981)
Iowa-class Battleship
Level 95
Rarity 6

HP : 110
AP : 100 (125)
EVS : 39 (81)
AIR : 28
SPD : FAST (32 knts)
FP : 100 (155)
TP : 0
AA : 100 (160)
ASW : 0
LOS : 41 (65)
LCK : 75 (99)

And Jersey + glasses?

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Post PSA is what they do for most ships after they do basic sea trials/mini deployment, so PSA or Evolved if they go with the missile style scheme ( you caught me right after shift ended, story is interesting as a always).

(I am quite familiar, she needs the magic of the yards, those workers are.. not normal and pull off miracles when they get their asses out of their heads. and as a Jersian, she needs the magic of talor ham, some Sand from the Shore,. and silt from the Camden Yards, those are the mystical artifacts of New Jersey that will make her fully capable.)

Also, what you just said isn't 100% accurate, they did overhaul her engine room, enough so that she could not have her old boilers... pop (steam plants do not age well!)
And Jersey + glasses?

She already wears those aviators all the time.
Post PSA is what they do for most ships after they do basic sea trials/mini deployment, so PSA or Evolved if they go with the missile style scheme ( you caught me right after shift ended, story is interesting as a always).
I love the technical debates going on, I always learn something and mine a plot point or two. But I want to be clear about this: Jersey is not getting missiles. If you're hoping for that, this fic might not be for you.
Maybe for her Kai Ni (or whatever the USN decides to name uprated remodels) but for the foressable future, Jersey's rolling with her WWII fitout.
Are you sure, previous discussion on her speed made it clear she was using her Vietnam fit-out?

Specifically, her WW2 fit had so many light machine guns for AA duty that she could only reach ~33 knots.

Other items in the Vietnam fit include replacing the estimating component for shot exit velocity with turret mounted radars linked to the fire control computer, katie shells, and a rearrangement of AA weapons.

Also, I think it was the Vietnam era accuracy which couldn't be beat in the 80s, not what she originally had.