Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Let's see.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Feb 28, 2018 at 10:12 AM, finished with 501 posts and 40 votes.
it comes down to which would you rather have win if you can't win, a militia that could cause massive eff ups down the road with the very low possibility of it not backfiring massively, or would you like to become a police officer and later seek enlightnement after Amon and/or harmonic convergance plus we can still come back and make nirvana the goal after this one
Or the militia that looks out for the little guy with us being able to do our own thing after leaving it. Or joining the Republic city police force and be locked into a role since you are having your actions put into the chain of command.
it is just a job and the higher ups do care with the ability to make a LOT of powerful friends, where as the militia has a big chance of causing a massive clusterfuck down the road as we officer people have established is all but inevitable based on very well founde logic
You know, it occurs to me if we do for some reason have the Earth Queen go bananas and try to wipe out our people, we'd basically be going through the standard Doomed Hometown trope, or what Aang had to deal with in the original series.

Except, you know, we'd have a militia to help us defend our friends and family. Plus evacuation plans and a whole desert to hide in.

The desert tribes lived in harmony until one day when the Earth Kingdom attacked.

If we run off to be an officer, who will protect our tribe?
@Timewinders @Dirk93 @Leek01 can I convince you to change your votes to plan Kyoshi? We can pursue enlightenment after we establish a militia.

@Birdsie will you flip a coin since it is a tie? Or will you get a second opinion and have them decide on the longterm ambition.

it is just a job and the higher ups do care with the ability to make a LOT of powerful friends, where as the militia has a big chance of causing a massive clusterfuck down the road as we officer people have established is all but inevitable based on very well founde logic
Are we aiming for police chief? If not then what powerful friends the influence would be limited to Republic City rather than the world.
You have not used logic, you have fear mongered. You assume the earth Queen will care, you assume the world will declare us terrorists, you assume that just because it's not your way it is destined to end in a dumpster fire. Your logic is not only flawed but inconclusive to the larger picture. The QM says they have changed the setting to surprise us. Even the QM wants to vote for the Kyoshi plan due to how backward the metal benders only club is. Don't believe me? Take a look at the Apocrypha and read the message "Let this be a reminder to all police officers out their" We have a chance to make a collective group of people that care for one another and police themselves. No matter what their nationality is we can create a group of people living in harmony. We don't have to do it forever, but it is something to do to protect our people without selling out to a system that relies on people we know are corrupt.
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Can we not come to a compromise? Can we not become a police officer then after years of doing Police/Avatar work; we retire and return to our Homeland to make our militia?
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I am good with that too. I just think that establishing a militia first will be easier than later.
ou just said that establsihing a militia will tie us to that place due to the responsibilities we as its founder would have.
edit well i need to go to class so be back eventually at about half past noon
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ou just said that establsihing a militia will tie us to that place due to the responsibilities we as its founder would have.
After we establish the militia we can leave knowing what we want to do. That could be anything, from enlightenment to joining the police force. I never said anything about us being tied to it forever. We can always leave once it is established that someone is looking out for the little guy.
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a bunch of people said wed be emotionally tied to it and if we drew negative attention or it caused conflict leaving would be irresponsible and not likely
This is what the QM said
This is not a life-long ambition, just one that will span years. That's the measurement you want to use when asking "how much time will we be doing this?" That said, once said militia is established and sufficiently operational, you might as well give leadership to someone else and leave, happy that there is now a group of sand-superheroes looking out for the little guy in the middle of nowhere.

To fulfill the ambition, you just need to make the militia and be a leader of it to make sure it is operational. Nothing about it being permanent or life-long.

We will be proud of it but not attached permanently to it.
We can visit republic city without having to join the police force.

Or you can switch to planning for a journey which lets us go on to try and achieve enlightenment while not tying us to one location. For the people who want republic city, we can always travel there on our journey rather than stick to one place.

Edit: Here is the plan
[] Readying for a Journey
-[] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
-[] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
-[] Mom.
-[] Bending
-[] Meditation

We have established that people don't want to be tied down. That seems universal to all of us. Achieving nirvana can be done by traveling and learning all the different styles. bending is a must train, but the other options are interchangeable. What are some thoughts for this?
This is my favorite, but looking at the tally, well... the militia is my second choice.
We will be proud of it but not attached permanently to it.
And it's also damning your argument as well. We need to be happy and content with how it is. If there's some kind of negative reputation for it or some kind of conflict is brewing because of it, we will not be leaving it behind. This is what we have been arguing about the entire time. Something going catastrophically wrong. And since conflict is needed for a plot...
You know, it occurs to me if we do for some reason have the Earth Queen go bananas and try to wipe out our people, we'd basically be going through the standard Doomed Hometown trope, or what Aang had to deal with in the original series.

Except, you know, we'd have a militia to help us defend our friends and family. Plus evacuation plans and a whole desert to hide in.

The desert tribes lived in harmony until one day when the Earth Kingdom attacked.

If we run off to be an officer, who will protect our tribe?
What, I-

Via your own logic she would only do that if we form the millitia in the first place.

The Earth Queen isn't going to come down on us unless we rock the boat hard enough for her to notice.
We will be proud of it but not attached permanently to it.
That's...actually kind of even worse.

If we leave we retain no control over it, and have just set a ticking timebomb to go off in our home.
Doesn't creating the militia, then going to republic city run the risk of it becoming radical? I mean without us there to enforce what is proper it becomes whoever is leading the group to decide that.
And it's also damning your argument as well. We need to be happy and content with how it is. If there's some kind of negative reputation for it or some kind of conflict is brewing because of it, we will not be leaving it behind. This is what we have been arguing about the entire time. Something going catastrophically wrong. And since conflict is needed for a plot...
I am willing to compromise and join the force later, but right now? We can create something that may help us if trouble is brewing. If the Earthqueen attacks then will defend our people. The other nations do not care. conflict is needed for a plot, yes. But if we can see it coming a mile away it takes away from the suspense. It could happen, but the QM is smart enough to surprise us and exceed our expectations. A time bomb it could be, but it is not confirmed at all. If the Republic city police force does something bad will we be held accountable as well? If they do something bad then we were just a complicit part of it? No, that is lunacy.
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Doesn't creating the militia, then going to republic city run the risk of it becoming radical? I mean without us there to enforce what is proper it becomes whoever is leading the group to decide that.
Think of it as this way to. Becoming a police officer might give us experience on how to lead and organize a group, thus making it so that we'd make a better, more refined militia. Meanwhile, say doing the opposite, would make us used to being in power and not used to being given orders. Both offer their own benefits and backdraws. Though, personally speaking, I'd like to make sure at least there's no Equalist group that we'll get a nasty surprise from.
I am willing to compromise and join the force later, but right now? We can create something that may help us if trouble is brewing. If the Earthqueen attacks then will defend our people. The other nations do not care. conflict is needed for a plot, yes. But if we can see it coming a mile away it takes away from the suspense. It could happen, but the QM is smart enough to surprise us and exceed our expectations. A time bomb it could be, but it is not confirmed at all. If the Republic city police force does something bad will we be held accountable as well? If they do something bad then we were just a part of it? No, that is lunacy.
...you honestly make me wonder sometimes if you even read our arguments. We are saying the MILITIA is what will cause her to attack the tribes. Not a lack of one. If what we are claiming will bring her attention not exist, then there would be no attention than she already pays mind to there. Being part of the police force and them doing something bad will not impact us as emotionally as it would if a group WE created went rouge and against all previously set morals.
How would we even go about starting this militia? I would assume it would start out as just a gang of like minded people, then creating some form organized of structure?
Look, every Avatar has been a prodigy. The Avatar is always, without exception, the strongest bender in the world and hence a prodigy. Korra was bending 3 elements at the age of 5, I think? That easily surpasses us in terms of talent, and she had 12 YEARS in which she couldn't learn airbending at all. We are absolutely going to need a teacher, if only for whatever element we struggle with learning the most
Korra was a prodigy. Aang wasn't. He was good, but no prodigy, and hardly the strongest. He was not a better earthbender than Toph, not by a wide margin. He was not a better Waterbender than Korra. He was not a better firebender than Zuko. Aang kinda sucked at every element besides Air, and I'm fairly certain they considered "master" as "Vaguely competent", since he never did anything that impressive, like all the true masters we see, when he isn't in the Avatar State.

And really, by the sounds of it, we are a more prodigious prodigy than Korra. By the mechanics the QM gave us, genuine Word of God, with a Teacher it will take us 6.5 years to reach Rank 10 in every element, assuming we only do 1 training action per turn. We can accomplish by age 14 what Korra couldn't till she was 18.

Mostly unrelated, @Birdsie Is the ability to fight while swimming through the earth like that one mole-fighter-guy gonna be it's own skill? Or can we automatically learn to fight like that? Because that, combined with Seismic Sense, would be a pretty darn strong combo.